Tag Archives: Culture

I really hate Relationship Cry-Babies


Courtesy of Mel Robbins

This is precisely how/why People just need to keep Certain-Things to themselves. As we all know: Social-Media is a Haven for Pseudo-Validation: everyone wants to be recognized/accepted by someone via something. Yeah…it’s Human-Nature, I get it. But, at the Same-Time: at which Point do we as People cease pursuing Attention-Addiction?!!! It’s like via the Social-Media Age: we’ve all allowed ourselves to just spill-out so many Unnecessary-Things about our Personal-Selves, our Private-Lives, etc. for nothing else than to portray the Classic/Typical “Damsel-In-Distress/Woe-Is-Me” Mythos/Pseudo-Narrative. I definitely plan on granting Several-Examples of precisely what I mean, as well as my Responses to them.

Now, as per what I’ve aforementioned (regarding the “Relationship Cry-Baby”). Yeah…that’s a Real-Thing. I’ve literally seen it manifest itself, my Entire-Life, both professionally & personally. The Relationship Cry-Baby literally wants to blame/fault anyone, everyone, etc. as per Negativity/Toxicity via their Lives. But, they’re never willing to fess-up to the Role which they played in how/why they self-imposed Negativity/Toxicity upon themselves. As a Chaplain (Counselor/Therapist), I constantly/consistantly come across dealing with Relationship Cry-Babies. These’re Persons whom pontificate/claim that they want/need Relationship-Healing, yet ironically they only desire for the Healing to be 1-Sided. By that, I mean this: they audaciously/arrogantly only want People to correct Others & they themselves to be given “Passes” as per the Goofy-Shit they do.

Certain-People often always are quick to point at Others, pontificating the “Red-Flags” of Others, etc. (meaning, the Negative/Toxic-Characteristics of Other-People). Also, very often there’re Certain-Persons whom pontificate/claim: “I ignored the Red-Flags.” & there’s a Sabab/Reason for this. It’s because we, as Humans, individually…all of us…etc.: we’re literally the Red-Flags ourselves. The Way Allah chose to create al-Insān/Humanity…as Human-Beings: we’re each/all the Mirrors of one another. We all possess equally Positivity & Negativity. The Difference, however, is that we each have al-Mashī’ah/Freewill. We make Choices, Decisions, etc. thus determining whether we go Right or Left…Positive or Negative…Righteous or Wretched…etc.

Any&all Positivity/Negativity which we see, via Other-Humans, are merely Reflections of whatever Positivity/Negativity we possess internally. It’s simply that Judgmentalism is the Order of the Day via Apathy…as I always say: It’s easy to judge People, when our Sins aren’t Public-Knowledge. At This-Point, I’ll explain the Difference between Judgment vs. Judgmentalism…Judgment is comprised of what I’ve coined as the “4-C’s of Judgment”:

a. Critique

b. Criticism

c. Correction

d. Condemnation

If/once anyone imposes the 4-C’s of Judgment upon ourselves, as we would anyone else…this is acceptable. It’s because we then recognize/accept the Reality that we’re just as imperfect as those whom we judge. But, if/once we exclusively impose the 4-C’s of Judgment upon Others & not ourselves…this is a Serious-Problem. It’s because then we actually think/feel that we’re “Perfect”. But, al-Ihsān/Perfection only belongs to Allah…this is how/why one of the Names-Of-Allah is Al-Muhsin/The Perfect. In All-Reality, only Allah is entitled/justified to be Judgmental & that’s how/why one of Their Names is Al-Hakam/The Justifiably-Judgmental.

Sadly though: instead of holding ourselves responsible/accountable, as per the Goofy-Shit we do, we always want to “Shift the Goal-Post”. As per Human-Nature, People never want to be Wrong. And, because of That-Fact we always wish to dodge Responsibility/Accountability. And, ironically, that always makes our Lives worse.

Gareth Bryant 1444, A.H./2023, C.E.

How Certain-People choose to see Others


Allah states: “Oh, Humanity: Verily, We created you from a Male&Female & then made you Diverse-Nations&Tribes, to identify/respect one another. Verily, the Most-Noble amongst you to Allah are the Most-Pious. Verily, Allah is All-Knowing All-Aware.”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.49, V.13)

Throughout the Duration of my Life Countless-Persons: both Muslims & Non-Muslims alike, even those whom I grew-up with/around, have confused me with having Ethno-Cultural Origins external of the United States. When this initially started happening, I simply took it as me being a Person with Many-Faces. However, it seemed a lot deeper than I originally anticipated. I mean…it literally doesn’t occur all the Time. But, even today it still happens to me. There’re very Random-Times People will actually spark Convos with me, exclusively to ask where I’m from…who I’m “mixed with”, etc. This has literally taken place, but my Default-Response to that is always: I’m mixed with my Biological Father&Mother. That usually ends the Convo, because Most-Persons don’t have enough Thick-Skin to handle Sarcasm.

Now, as per Ethno-Cultural Background: being that apparently I can “pass” for being Lots of Various-Peoples…it’s very interesting & insightful to me concerning how/why Certains Peoples think/feel that I may be from their Peoples.

I’ll give Some-Examples:


In 1426, A.H./2005, C.E. I was in KSA/Saudi Arabia for the Annual-Hajj. While there, I was asked by just about everyone the Typical/Classic-Question “Where’re you from?!!!”: I was asked this via Arabic as well as English. As I informed Those-Persons that I’m from the U.S., they immediately followed-up with: “Where’re you really from?!!!”, and/or “Where’re you originally from?!!!”, and/or “Where’s your Family from?!!!”, etc. I found myself being bombarded with those Types/Kinds of Inquiries a lot more often than I would’ve cared for…it became quite annoying honestly though.

Traveling via Europe

This-Experience actually was a lot more simplex, because apparently I’ve such an “American-Accent”, that it was easier for Euros to tell whether or not I was a Local while traveling via Europe. However, even while traveling there: I was often asked where I’m from, in spite of the how should we say “Yankee-Accent”. 9/10 Everyone via Europe assumed that I was just a Typical-African. And, as per my Physical-Features, I can see how/why a Euro would come to that Type/Kind of Conclusion.

Traveling via the United States

Because there’s so many People from so many Parts of the World dwelling in the U.S. (coupled with the Fact that there’s a lot more Genetic-Commonalities amongst All-Humans as opposed to Genetic-Differences), I’d honestly say that I’ve gotten the most “Where’re you from?” Types/Kinds of Inquiries within the U.S. than external of the U.S.

Traveling via Canada

Much like the U.S.: Canada is a very Ethno-Diverse Place. So, you’re very likely to bump into Various-Peoples from Various Walks-Of-Life. I can say for myself: while spending Time in Canada there’s Specific-Places I’ve been to-The Locals would literally stare at me, attempting to assess where I may be from ethnically. They were immediately able to tell that I wasn’t Canadian (because of this so-called “American-Accent”). Yet, they still weren’t capable of detecting who I could possibly be ethnically. Most-Persons whom I engaged & interacted with via Canada never asked me where I’m from via their Speech, rather their Body-Language asked for them…they inquired via their Looks/Stares.

Being outside In-Public

I’ve literally been at Restaurants, Conventions, Sporting-Events, Fashion-Shows, Festivals, etc. & have had People approach me, asking me whether I’m from their People (keep in Mind they’ve literally asked via their Native-Languages which I don’t even speak). This was all because I apparently “Fit-The-Description”, as per what Certain-Persons deem to be Features which exclusively exists amongst their Individual-Demographics.

Being at Work

There’ve been Several-Instances via my Occupation as a Chaplain-I’ve been at Work doing my Patient-Visit Rounds, and came across Muslim-Patients whom’re Non-English Speakers, and (literally) only because I communicated with them via Arabic: they immediately assumed that I was from somewhere via the Middle-East/Arab-World. Even as per Muslim-Patients whom speak English: by virtue of me being a Muslim-Chaplain-It’s very often presumed/assumed where I’m from & very often insenuated that I’m Non-American. This ewually has occured via my Co-Workers.

The Conclusion which is most accurate/honest is that Most-Humans are simply more proficient at bonding with those whom’re like them. Because of that it actually makes Sense, to presume/assume those whom’re of Other Ethno-Cultures to be the same as us. It’s totally sensible/logical, to want Other-People to be a Part of our Peoples. It’s easy to think/feel that Certain-Features which Particular-Peoples have are exclusive to our own Peoples. There’s actually no “Right vs. Wrong”, regarding this: it’s really quite natural/normal for the Average-Human to rationalize like that. However, as the Ole-Saying goes: “You can’t judge a Book by its Cover.”. As Humans, we all are Individual-Books albeit there’s Lots of us whom possess similar and/or nearly Identical-Covers.

Gareth Bryant

`Asabiyyah/Xenophobia vs. al-`Urf/Culture According to Ben Shapiro


Ben Shapiro, Socio-Political Pundit, a Euro-Version of Candace Owens, known for their Controversial-Views on everything just about…they were speaking at a Panel and were questioned regarding the Income&Wealth-Gap between the Average Euro-American & Average Afro-American. Ben Shapiro of course deflected the Actual-Issue & pontificated/claimed that it’s 0 to do with al-`Asabiyyah & everything to do with al-`Urf/Culture. The Video speaks for itself:

It’s a Combo of al-`Asabiyyah/Xenophobia & Culture

Ben Shapirio was clearly triggered, resulting from their Weak-Ego via the Video, when Persons laughed as they stated that it’s not about Racism but about Culture. So, they began to conduct a Stat-Rant, to acquire Leverage over their Fellow-Panalists. Now, as per the Stats they’ve mentioned…I honestly can’t argue Those-Stats. Yet, at the Same-Time: none of the Stats which were mentioned via Ben Shapiro exists within a Vacuum. It’s 💯% predicated upon Several-Things which’re Culminations of Events via American/U.S.-History & Global-History. I’ll detail some of Those-Things.

Since Ben Shapiro brought-up “Black-On-Black Crime”:

1. 81% of Crimes commited against Euro-Americans are done by Euro-Americans. And 89% of Crimes against Afro-Americans are done by Afro-Americans. So, realistically, it’s not that much of a Significant-Difference.

2. At least 90% of Mass-Shooters via the U.S. are Non-Muslim/Euro Males.

3. The Average Sex-Offender, the Average Registered Sex-Offender, etc. via the U.S. are always Non-Muslim/Euro Males.

Since Ben Shapiro brought-up Single-Motherhood amongst Afro-Americans:

Afro-American Men are 80% more probable of being in the Lives of their Children, as opposed to any other U.S.-Demographic. The Mythos/Pseudo-Narrative of the “Absentee Black-Father” was initially incepted/invented in 1959, C.E. Its Purpose was to deliberately/strategically tarnish/destroy the Image of the Afro-American Father & attack Afro-American Fatherhood/Male-Parenthood. This-Fact is directly detailed quite accurately/honestly via the Film “Claudine”. That-Movie directly/overtly details how Governmental-Agencies were granted the Greenlight to seperate Afro-American Men from their Families via the Welfare-System.

For Ben Shapiro to pontificate/claim that Income&Wealth-Inequality/Inequity between Euro-Americans & Afro-Americans has 0 to do with `al-`Asabiyyah…it’s a Complete-Deflection of the Following-Things:

1. 13th-Amendment of the U.S.-Constitution

2. Black-Codes

3. Vagrancy-Laws

4. Jim-Crow System

5. The Disallowance of Afro-Americans to benefit from Land-Grab Opportunities Post Civil-War, like the Homestead-Act for example.

6. The Governmental-Allowance for Xenophobic-Attacks against “Black Wall-Streets” like: Tulsa, Rosewood, etc.

7. The Iran-Contra Affair & the Cocaine-Age which was the Progenitor of the Crack-Era & caused Gang-Violence via the U.S. to astronomically spike from the 1980’s-2000’s, C.E.

8. The Anti-Crime Bill passed via the U.S.-Congress in the 1990’s, C.E. which specifically targeted imposing Hasher/Higher-Sentences for selling Crack-Cocaine as opposed to selling Pure-Cocaine.

Persons like Ben Shapiro, much like their Biaded-Peers, are exclusively & pathologically 1-Sided&Subjective, oftentimes when they utter anything. The Aforementioned-Video proves this mightily. Of course, there’s going to be Persons whom agree with Persons like Ben Shapiro regardless, because Humans are Dick-Riders via Human-Nature. Most-People will agree with Certain-Persons only for the Sake of Agreeability. This is precisely how/why Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Don’t be an Imma`ah/Dick-Rider.”.

Gareth Bryant

al-`Asabiyyah/Xenophobia via al-Libās/Fashion


One of the Worst-Things done via Public-Schools is removing School-Uniforms. And, I’ll tell you how/why:

Via the Educational/School-Environment, the Focus is supposed to be Learning & not what On-Brands/Off-Brands one dons. As Humans, we naturally judge Others as per what we see/view superficially. If there’s People whom’re all wearing the Same-Things, then the Concept of Elitism is eradicated via the Educational/School-Environment. For example, via al-Hajj/Pilgrimage: all the Male-Hujjāj/Pilgrims are Islāmically-Mandated to don the Same-Things…2-Sheets to cover the Body & nothing else. The Maslahah/Purpose is to establish: Unity, Uniformity, Equality, Equity, etc. that no one is “Superior” or “Inferior” to each other via that Space/Moment in Time. Sadly, however, School-Enviornments are like Fashion-Shows…allowing their Student-Bodies to wear whatever they want. And, Elitism via Fashionism is literally one of the Main-Manifestations of al-`Asabiyyah (Xenophobia, Bias, Discriminstion, etc.) amongst Persons whom attend Public-Schools. It reminds People that they’re either Affluent or Impoverished. These Fashion-Visuals have Monumental-Effects upon how well/poorly Certain-People scholastically/academically perform via School. This-Issue, alone, negatively inspires Persons to oppress/bully those whom have less than them, Persons to rob/steal from those whom have more than them, etc. The Absence of School-Uniforms sets very Negative-Pfecedents & inhibits Negative Psycho-Social Patterns amongst People’s Social-Development.

Gareth Bryant 1444, A.H./2022, C.E.

Sexualization via Animation


Sexualization via Animation isn’t something which is Brand-New. It’s something literally almost as old as Modern-Animation itself. Sexualization literally exists everywhere in the Anime-World, via every Anime-Genre. And, ironically, it’s the Easiest-Way to convey Sexualized-Themes to Youngsters, Children, etc. because Most-Persons view Animation as Innocent-Entertainment. But, sadly, it’s anything but “innocent”. While Certain-People simply view it as Harmless-Leisure, in All-Reality it’s somethibg which desensitizes the Moral-Nerves of Individuals as well as Human-Societies.

Sexualization via Animation has been a Reality since at least the 1930’s. I mean, Bugs Bunny (one of the Most-Influential Animation-Characters ever) was the 1st Anime-Homo/Transformer via Animation-History. Bugs Bunny was the 1st Cartoon-Character to go “Drag”. Bugs Bunny also has had Romantic/Sexual-Scenes, with almost every Male-Member via the Looney Toons Universe. Even RuPaul Andre Charles, commonly known as “RuPaul” (the World’s Most-Popular “Drag-Queen”), personally stated that Bugs Bunny (via the Waswās/Indoctrination of ash-Shaytān/Satan of course) inspired them to go “Drag”. The Fact that someone like RuPaul can say that: it shows very much how influential Indoctrination via Animation truly is.


Animation, historically, has been an Elitist-Tool to pontificate, proliferate, etc. Agendas…Sexualization most definitely being one of Many-Agendas. And, Anime-Culture has a Worldwide-Presence which absolutely can’t be denied. And, Anime-Culture is connected to Many-Avenues of az-Zinā/THOTery, namely the Porn-Industry. Japanese-Animation is a Classic-Example&Proof of This-Fact. There’s a Branch of Japanese-Animation known as “Hentai”, which literally means “az-Zinā” in Japanese. Hentai-Animation is very overtly&covertly influential in Mainstream-Animation Culture ever since the Edo-Period of Japanese-History. In fact, some of the most Classic-Productions of Japanese-Anime (Dragon-Ball Z, Sailor Moon, Ninja Scroll, etc.): they all have very Direct-Depictions of Hypersexuality within them.

It’s very clear, that al-Waswās/Indoctrination via ash-Shaytān/Satan is everpresent. ash-Shaytān has a Particular-Way of deceiving Humanity via Sexualization, which is how/why Allah commands us to:

a. Regard ash-Shaytān as an Open-Adversary & to not follow in their Footsteps.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.2, V.168; Chpt.2, V.208)

b. Seek Refuge with Allah against ash-Shaytān & those amongst the Jinn/Fire-Beings, Humans, etc. whom attempt to misguide Humanity.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt., V.114)

Gareth Bryant 1443, A.H./2022, C.E.

Self-Hate: Muslim-Edition


Self-Hate, Racism ‘In Style’

I distinctively remember a Fellow-Muslim whom audaciously pontificated/claimed that Persons whom’re the Same-Ethnicity as they “don’t deserve al-Islām”. This was most definitely one of the most disgusting, hurtful, apathetic Things which I’ve ever heard of via my Entire-Life. The Incredible-Irony is this Same-Person had once left al-Islām & Allah had empowered Other-Muslims to call them back to al-Islām. Now, what if those Same-Muslims pontificated/claimed “That-Person never deserved al-Islām anyway…Fuck-Em.”?!!! It’s truly disgusting, the Self-Hate which Certain-Muslims/Certain Muslim-Demographics (Muslim-Reverts, Muslims external of Muslim-Countries, etc.) have against their own People. (Another-Irony) Allah overtly/directly states: “Save yourselves & your People from Fire.”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.66, V.6)

By default/definition, we as Muslims-We’re Islāmically-Mandated to respect our own People, to want what’s best for them. And, without any Doubt: there’s absolutely nothing better than al-Hudā/al-Hidāyah (Guidance) via al-Islām. One of the Key-Things which actually gives Certain-Muslims Leverage over Other-Muslims is the Fact that they respect their own, regardless of whether they’re Muslims or Non-Muslims. Respecting one’s own People is essentiall crucial to effectively convey/communicate al-Islām to them. For example, anytime that Allah has ever sent any amongst the Anbiyā’/Prophetic-Individuals (Peace be upon them altogether): the Vast-Majority of them were sent to their own People firstly, even exclusively.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.10, V.48; at-Tabarī; as-Suyūtī; ibn-Kathīr)

So, if/whenever I hear Fellow-Muslims spew This-Type/Kind of Rhetoric it’s really abysmal. How can any Muslim be comfortable being exposed to Guidance & having the Potential to be/remain Guided, while their own Non-Muslim Ethno-Counterparts are/remain Misguided?!!! How/why is that OK with us?!!! Are we really that apathetic against our own?!!! This Anti-Self/Self-Hatred, which Certain-Muslims pose against our own People: it’s unprincipled & self-destructive…as Allah states: “And never let your hatred, against any People, prevent you from behaving justly.”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.8)

Gareth Bryant 1443, A.H./2022, C.E.

Understanding Religio-Sectarianism amongst Muslims


1. `Aqā’id/Religio-Theological Schools

Atharism, Ash`arism, Māturīdism, Mu`tazilism, Qadarism, Jabarism, Murji’ism, etc. Originally, these `Aqā’id were exclusively used to interpret al-`Aqīdah/Islāmic-Theology (which is a Religio-Scholastic Euphemism of/for the 6-Arkān/Pillars of al-Īmān/Faith). However, over Time & via Human-Ego/Desire: These-`Aqā’id are nothing more than Instruments of Religio-Academic/Scholastic Dick-Measuring Contests & Fake-Wokeness via Muslim-Coonery, attempting to determine/decide who’s really Muslim vs. who’s really Non-Muslim. And, this has historically/contemporaneously has led to the spilling of Muslim-Blood/the Loss of Muslim-Life, the Confiscation of Muslim-Possessions, the Humiliation of Fellow-Muslims, etc. via Takfīr/Blasphemy-Culture which has always been Mahrūm/Islāmically-Prohibited. For a Long-Time: Muslims have internally suffered from our own Muslim vs. Muslim Versions of Religio-Inquisitions.

Muhhammad (Peace be upon him) stated the following, regarding at-Takfīr/Blasphemy:

“No Person accuses another of either being a Fāsiq/Sinner or a Kāfir (Disbeliever/Non-Muslim), except that they’re one themselves, if the Other isn’t which they’ve pontificated/claimed.”.

“Whomever attributes/ascribes Kufr (Disbelief) to their Brother is just like their Killer/Murderer.”.
(al-Bukhārī, at-Tirmidhī)

“If a Muslim calls someone a Kāfir (Disbeliever/Non-Muslim): if they are then let it be, otherwise they themselves are a Kāfir.”

2. Madhāhib (Religio-Legal Schools)

Ja`farism, Zaydism, Hanafism, Mālikism, Shāfī`ism, Hanbalism, Ibādhism, Zhāhirism, etc. Originally, These-Madhāhib were exclusively used to simply interpret ash-Sharī`ah/Islāmic-Law. However, over Time via: Human-Ego/Desire, the Pathological-Influence/Dominance of the `Aqā’id, Cultural-Colonization, Arabism, al-Bid`ah/Religio-Innovation, etc. These-Madhāhib have become tainted/corrupted via Various-Ways which’re potentially irreversible.

3. Manāhij (Religio-Political Groups/Ideologies)

Shī`ism, Sūfism, Salafism, Ikhwānism, Tablīghism, Deobandism, Brelwism, Pan-Arabism/Ba`thism, al-Qā`idah, ISIS/ISIL, Boko-Haram, ash-Shabāb, Tālibān, PLO, Hamās, Hizbullah, etc. All of These-Groups have, based on Agenda, Convenience, etc. have used `Aqā’id & Madhāhib to pontificate/promote their Goals which’ve always had (negative, toxic, destructive, etc.) Consequences which’ve been very costly for the Muslim-World: anywhere/everywhere Muslims globally exist.

For more Info. about Religio-Sectarian/Political Groups:


The Average-Muslim doesn’t even know the Basic-Origins of any of these Ahzāb/Religio-Sectarian Groups & doesn’t care either. The Average-Muslim just wants to be a Muslim. I can humanly guarantee you that, historically (relative to the Revelation of The Qur’ān): barely 10% of the Muslim-World has ever pontificated/claimed to be Hizbīs (Religio-Sectarian Ascribers/Adherents). And, this speaks truly to the Words of Muhammad (Peace be upon them) when they told/warned us that amongst the Yahūd/Jews there’ll be 71-Ahzāb, amongst the Nasārā/Christians there’ll be 72-Ahzāb, amongst the Muslims there’ll be 73-Ahzāb & they’ll all be Hell-Bound except al-Jamā`āh/the Collective-Body of the Muslims: the Average-Muslims whom stay out of the Way & avoid this Fitnah/Goofy-Shit known as al-Hizbiyyah.
(at-Tirmidhī, Abū-Dāwud, ibn-Mājah, ibn-Hibbān)

We were equally warned via Muhammad, concerning al-Istikbār/Arrogance, thinking/feeling that we alone are the Source of our Najiyyah/Salvation. an-Najiyyah solely belongs to Allah & the Arrogant have 0-Portion of Salvation from Allah. These Ahzāb commonly actually think/feel, as the Sentiment of the Aforementioned-Video, that they alone can achieve al-Jannah/Paradise & anyone whom isn’t amongst them will attain an-Nār/the Fire. This is literally the Mindset/Mentality of al-Kharajiyyah/Religio-Extremism & Muhammad spoke against al-Khawārij, as per their Arrogance, labeling them as “…Kilāb-un-Nār/Dogs of the Fire.”.

So, in Conclusion: just be an Average-Muslim, simply be Part of the Jamā`ah/the Collective.

Gareth Bryant

Roe vs. Wade: the Person behind the Case & the Irreversable-Damage they caused



Norma Leah Nelson AKA “Jane Roe” (playing off of “Jane Doe”), the Political-Centerpiece behind Roe vs. Wade, which federally legalized Abortion in the United States via the US Supreme-Court: she admitted that she lied about being Raped by a Group of Afro-Americans. This Untruth/Slander predicated upon al-`Asabiyyah/Xenophobia, though unsuccessful, was still enough Ammunition used to propel the Pro-Choice Movement, backed by Feminism. Also, Roe vs. Wade literally made it Federally-Legal in the US to weaponize Abortion, as a Tool for/of Population-Control via Eugenics.

Abortion-Stats in the US Post Roe vs. Wade

Persons who’ve been aborted since Roe vs. Wade was made Federally-Legal via the US Supreme-Court. This Stat accounts for the Equivalent to nearly 1/3 of the current US-Population:


This Stat shows the Increase/Decrease of Abortions within the United States, from 1973-2014, C.E.:


2014, C.E. was the 1st-Year, since 1973, C.E., when Abortion-Rates within the United States didn’t reach 1Million annually.

The Stats speak for themselves. Now, let’s take a Look at which US-Demographics are targetted mostly via Abortion.

Abortion in the US via Ethno-Demographics

This Stat details Specific-Percentages of Abortion-Rates amongst Afro-Americans, in comparison/contrast with other Ethno-Demographics:


Ironically: much like Prison-Population Rates amongst Afro-Americans, likewise, Abortion-Rates also turn spiked & have remained nearly at the Same-Rates since the 1970’s, C.E.:


So, in Conclusion: this is the Damage which Roe vs. Wade has done. Y’all better wake-up.

Gareth Bryant

1441, A.H./2019, C.E.

The Anatomy of Abuse/Oppression



This Article is deemed to expose the Reality of the Non-Islāmic Nature of Abuse, via any & all Manifestations/Forms. The Focus of this Article, however, is actually Domestic-Abuse & how/why Muslims particularly, whom still either pretend that it doesn’t exists amongst us, or whom still attempt to justify it.

1. What is Abuse?


A Corrupt-Practice/Custom; Improper/Excessive-Treatment; Language that condemns or vilifies (usually/almost always unjustly), intemperately and angrily; Physical-Maltreatment; a Deceitful-Act.(Merriam-Webster)

Abuse is akin to the Word azh-Zhulm/Oppression.

2. What is Oppression?


Unjust/Cruel-Exercise of Authority/Power; a Sense of being weighed-down in: Spirit, Mind/Heart, Body, etc.(Merriam-Webster)


Darkness, Ignorance, Arrogance: violating the Boundaries/Rights which Allah has set forth to be respected/observed.(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.18, V.1-6/V.32-42; an-Nawawī; Lisān-ul-`Arab: Lexicon of the Arabic-Language)

3. Who’s an Abuser/Abused?

An Abuser can be anyone, with the Capability/Potential to commit Abuse. An Abused-Person can be anyone, who doesn’t possess the Capacity/Potential, Willingness, etc. to resist Abuse.


4. How/why does Abuse begin?

There’s no Direct/Explicit-Answer: what’s True/Honest is that Abuse, almost always, never has 1-Cause only but Several/Many-Causes.

5. What are the Types of Abuse?

Holistically, any/all Manifestations of Abuse fall under the Following-Categories*:

a. Spiritual-Abuse

b. Psycho-Emotional Abuse

c. Primal-Abuse

(*The Violation of Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs…See: Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs)


  1. Revelatory-Texts which’re misunderstood/misinterpreted, manipulated, etc. to attempt to justify Abuse (Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.4, V.34):


  1. Revelatory-Texts which affirm/confirm the Islāmic-Prohibition of Abuse:




Now, in spite of the Fact that these Texts clearly indicate the Prohibitory-Nature of Abuse, it still occurs amongst us. The Question is how/why. 

There’s Several-Reasons as per how/why this is the Case:

a. Denial of the Reality that one is an Abuser.

b. Refusal to recognize/accept that Abuse affects the Abuse just as much as the Abused.

c. Deflection of the Pain endured by the Abuse via Abuse.

c. Blame of Abuse upon the Abused, instead of upon the Abuser.

Moment of Abuse-Truth:

1. When’s the Last-Time you were confronted with someone whom you know facing Domestic-Abuse?

2. When’s the Last-Time, if ever, that Domestic-Abuse affected you personally?

3. When’s the Last-Time that you actually helped any Person dealing with Domestic-Abuse?

4. When’s the Last-Time that you gave someone a Pass for committing Domestic-Abuse, because you’re Friends with that Person or were too afraid to confront them about it?

5. When’s the Last-Time which you’ve actually, honestly, even care about the Issue of Domestic-Abuse?

Gareth Bryant

1441, A.H./2019, C.E.