Tag Archives: Conflict

My Necessary-Decisions


Allah states:

“Those whom believe pay attention: Upon you are yourselves.”

(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.105)

“There’s no such Thing as an ‘Easy-Decision’, but only Necessary-Decisions.”

Gareth Bryant

What I recognize about Decision-Making…Decisions (any/all Decisions) are hard. Each & every single Decision made has Consequences…potentially Irreversable-Consequences to boot. Decision-Making is equally just as exciting as it is dangerous. There’ve been Countless-Times where I’ve had to Decision-Make, as per what I chose to address, concerning whom I’ve chosen to confront, pertaining to Reactions to what I’ve disclosed, etc.

As it is specifically via the Modern-World: Human-Communication is the most complex/complicated than it’s ever been thus far via Human-History. Everyone expresses/verbalizes their Madhāhib/Opinions about everything, no one wants to be wrong/corrected, we all despise being opposed, none of us truly respect Valid-Ikhtilāf/Difference as much as we pontificate/claim that we do. With this Human-Atmosphere, especially via the Social-Media Age: the Concept Herd-Mentality is at an All-Time High also. There’s Concepts, Views, etc. which Certain Human-Demographics think/feel that everyone else must agree with or else they’re viewed as “The Opps”. So, being someone who’s courageous enough to say: “Fuck dat…Imma say what needs to be said, regardless of whether Others disagree.”…everyone’s not going to be your Fan.

One then must decide whether they’re going to comply with the Public-Tone/Popular-Trends (the “Go-Along to Get-Along Mentality), or to buck the Popular-Narrative & deliberately swim against the Current. Being Unpopular for one’s Views, Stances, etc. is always tumultuous & trying. It’s a True-Fitnah/Test to embrace. Yet, if one wants to be their Authentic-Selves, then they’d better get used to it.

My Entire-Life has literally been This-Way. There’s Countless-Trends (even amongst my own Relatives) which I’ve refused to co-sign or partake in, especially after I became a Muslim. I’ll explain what I mean. Cigarette-Smoking & Alcoholism was something, for a Long-Time, very Popular amongst my Relatives (I personally never had the Desire to indulge in Cigarette-Smoking nor Alcohol-Drinking). And, I remember when I was Younger growing into being Muslim: some of my Relatives would audaciously/arrogantly request that I go buy Cigarettes for them…I would always refuse them. They’d have the Audacity/Arrogance to be angered that I refused them. But, guess what?!!! I still ain’t buy Shit for them…they had to just get it however they got it. Even as per Alcoholism…Same-Thing: Certain-Relatives of mine got “Triggered” because I refused to purchase Alcoholic-Beverages for them.

I’ll give Another-Example. I specifically remember being at an ICNA-Convention Years ago. I was asked by a Fellow-Muslim where to buy Cigarettes. I told them I don’t know where to buy Cigarettes (which realistically wasn’t a Lie because I was in a City/State that I’ve never lived & only visited from Time2Time). But, then, I also told them that even if I did know I still wouldn’t tell them, because Cigarettes are Harām/Islāmically-Prohibited. This Bitch-Ass Nigga really had the Audacity/Arrogance to be “Triggered”, because I wouldn’t co-sign/enable their Harām-Vices. But, as I always tell People: Your Triggers aren’t my Problem.

As per Interactions via Social-Media: it’s a Known-Fact that I’ve authored, written, posted, etc. some of the Most-Controversial Things anyone via my Generation has. I’ve literally lost Countless-Friendships, Countless-Connections, have alienated Countless-Persons, have acquired Countless-Adversaries, etc. All because I refused to be an Imma`ah/Dick-Rider. Because I refused to comply with Herd-Politics, I’ve become as the Ole-Saying goes: “Popular for Unpopular-Reasons”.

There’s always been a Surge of Resiliance within me, to never care that much about the Personal-Opinions of Others about me. And, a Fellow-Muslim did something for me which I’ll always be grateful to Allah for the Person doing this: they introduced me to a Book which had a Profound-Affect upon me in such a Positive-Way. The Name of the Book is called “The Courage To Be Disliked”. This-Book is literally amongst the Most-Important Books every authored via the English-Language. I remember this Fellow-Muslim telling me about the Book. As they’re detailing the Book-Content, in my Mind I’m telling myself: “This-Book is literally my Life!!!”. I was truly awed&amazed, that Allah empowered People to write Books like this & have it connect with who/how I really am, in spite of the Fact that I don’t even personally know the Authors of the Book itself. Learning about that Specific-Book helped to consolidate & validate who I am. It was truly amongst the Best-Moments via my Entire-Life. The Book-Title itself, “The Courage To Be Disliked”, I personally embody as well as use & I’ve always used ironically even before knowing the Existence of the Book.

As per what I’ve mentioned, about my Writings: as anyone whom knows me knows…I’m very calculated, deliberate, motivational, intentional, etc. if/when I write. I purposely/purposefully write to trigger Others, to anger Others, to upset Others, etc. I do so to expose the Persons they truly are, as opposed to the Persons they pretend to be. And it’s because I want to know what Others truly view me as. I despise Fakeness…I’d rather have a Real-Enemy, as opposed to a Fake-Friend. So, if/whenever I write/post, there’s always an Intensity/Nervousness within me…it’s a Spiritual/Psycho-Emotional Warning that says to me introspectively/intrapersonally: “Gareth Bryant…you know that we’re about to start Some-Shit. Now, are you prepared for the Potential-Consequences thereof?!!!”. This literally pops into my Mind/Heart anytime/everytime I know for a Fact I’m going to write/post something controversial.

Analyzing/projecting the possible/probable Ripple-Effects of whatever I choose to write/post…the Consequences have been quite serious/dangerous for me personally. I’ve almost gotten into Seriously-Violent Conflicts with Others, over what I’ve written/posted, been banned from speaking at Certain-Events, been denied Employment at Certain-Places, had Marital-Attempts thwarted/ruined. And, the List can go On&On. I’ve literally sacrificed Real-Things, Real-Relationships, Real-Oportunities, etc. because of what I believe in. Yet, if had the Chance to back into the Annals-Of-Time: I would’ve handled Things the Same-Way.

I’d be a Liar/Dishonest-Person, if I were to claim that I was never afraid of the Consequences (as per what I write/post). I’m saying it publicly…Full-Disclosure: Yes, there’s Great-Fear involved in being one’s Authentic-Self & Decision-Making. But, as I always tell People: Courage isn’t the Absence-Of-Fear, it’s the Willingness&Ability to confront Fear. So, my Final-Words regarding this-I fully recognize/accept, that anything I do I must embrace anything/everything which comes with it. I must stand on anything/everything I personally pontificate/promote.

Gareth Bryant

The Haqqover/Super-Hizbī: Debunking the Pseudo-Justifications for Takfīr-Culture


Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Always speak Truth, even if it’s bitter (even if it rubs People the Wrong-Way).”.
(ibn-Hibbān, al-Bayhaqī)

When you try to be Nice People think you’re “Soft”

Yep…I’m choosing Violence On-Purpose. Since the Release of my “Tafwīdh vs. Ta’wīl” Article, detailing the Differences between Theological-Concepts interpreted via al-Athariyyah/Atharism & al-Ash`ariyyah/Ash`arism…there’s been Confirmed-Accusations via Certain Ash`arī-Pretenders who still think/feel that trying to play with me is a “Flex”. What I mean by that is this-These Ash`arī-Pretenders continue to slander me, via accusing me of being “Salafī”, exclusively to attempt dismissing my Religio-Scholarship & to equate me with those whom they don’t even consider Muslims anyway.

at-Tafwīdh/Neutrality vs. at-Ta’wīl/Interpretation concerning the Sifāt/Qualities-Of-Allah

How/why does being labeled as “Salafī” bother me so?!!!

1. Accusing any Muslim of being “Hizbī/Sectarian” is al-Buhtān/al-Humazah (Slander/Defamation), by default/definition…that’s a Kibār (Major-Sin/Infamnia).

2. It takes one to know one…the Same-Mothafuckas accusing me of being a “Hizbī” are in fact Hizbīs themselves.

3. This Specific-Branch of Ash`arī-Pretenders are heavy on Takfīr-Culture & don’t even consider Salafīs as Fellow-Muslims (let alone as Persons-Of-Knowledge).

How to avoid being placed in the “Wahhābī” Box

So, now, I’ve got to turn-up the Heat on them

Originally, I authored my “Tafwīdh vs. Ta’wīl” Article to highlight how Islāmic-Theology is manipulated by Ahzāb (Religio-Sectarian Groups), in order to play Religio-Monopoly for the Following-Asbāb/Reasons:

a. The Mythos/Illusion of having Religio-Piety.

b. The Mythos/Illusion of having Religio-Scholarship.

c. The Lust to acquire/maintain Spiritual/Intellectual-Control over Others.

d. The Thirst to religio/spiritually pimp their Constituents, Followers, “Students”, etc.

So, who’re the Ash`arī-Pretenders?

Amin Muhammad

Faheem Lea

They’ve both a Dark-Reputation of co-signing Unjust-Takfīr/Blasphemy against Fellow-Muslims, simply because they’re Non-Ash`arīs. Faheem Lea a Known-Fanboy/Flunky of Amin Muhammad, an Imām via the United States, who’s notorious for publicly making Unjust-Takfīr against Muslims whom’re Non-Ash`arīs. These two, amongst Others, are Ascribers of a Branch-Group of Ash`arism known as the Ahbāshīs…they’re the Madkhalīs of Ash`arism. The Madkhalīs, of course, posture themselves as the “Special/Elite-Forces” Version of Salafism.


What’s “Takfīr” & what does it mean?!!!

at-Takfīr literally means “Disbelief-Declaration/Accusation”. Basically, the Concept of at-Takfīr is that a Muslim is establishing, or claiming, that a Fellow-Muslim has done an Act-Of-Kufr/Disbelief or has done an Action which immediately makes them a Kāfir (Disbeliever/Non-Muslim).

How/why is “Takfīr” so serious?!!!

at-Takfīr directly indicates that once a Person leaves al-Islām via ar-Riddah/Apostasy, then none of the Religio-Rites of:

a. Sanctity of Muslim-Life

b. Sanctity of Muslim-Possession

c. Sanctity of Muslim-Dignity

are no longer Islāmically-Sacred/Protected to any other Muslim.

Allah states:

“And never let your hatred, against any People, prevent you from behaving justly.”
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.8)

Muhammad stated the following regarding at-Takfīr:

“No Person accuses another of either being a Fāsiq/Sinner or a Kāfir (Disbeliever/Non-Muslim), except that they’re one themselves, if the Other isn’t which they’ve pontificated/claimed.”.

“Whomever attributes/ascribes Kufr (Disbelief) to their Brother is just like their Killer/Murderer.”.

“If a Muslim calls someone a Kāfir: if they are then let it be, otherwise they themselves are a Kāfir.”

How does this translate to how Muslims view/treat each other?

These Ash`arī-Pretenders, along with Countless-Other Ahzāb whom pontificate Unjust-Takfīr/Takfīr-Culture…they manipulate at-Takfīr as a Tool of al-Qattāl/Violence. Meaning, those whom pontificate/promote Takfīr-Culture aim to establish Pseudo-Justifications to harm Fellow-Muslims without feeling bad about it. Think about it: If someone doesn’t respect a Fellow-Muslim, as their Religio/Spiritual-Equal, then it’s easy to impose Theft…Rape…Murder against them without Consequence. I’ve literally had Confidential-Convos with Certain Ash`arī-Pretenders who’ve admitted that the Takfīr-Culture they impose against Muslim Non-Ash`arīs is Mahrūm/Islāmically-Wrong & via the Same-Breath they’ve also stated that they don’t care tgat what they do is Mahrūm…as I always tell People: Apathy is worse

Examining al-Kharajiyyah/Religio-Extremism via Mafia/Gang-Culture amongst Muslims historically & contemporaneously

The Irony is that Muhammad stated that there’s only 3-Justifications to harm any Fellow-Muslim:

a. Sexual-Offences requiring Death-Penalties

b. Murders

c. Betrayal against the Muslims (which is an Act-Of-Riddah)


How/why have I labeled Certain-Persons “Ash`arī-Pretenders?!!!

These Same Ash`arī-Pretenders, whom lay Claim to the Religio-Legacy of Abil-Hasan al-Ash`arī…their Claims are Fake. I say this, authoritatively, because Unjust/Takfīr/Takfīr-Culture is something which Abul-Hasan al-Ash`arī Deathbed-Tawbah/Repentance for. Albeit contrary to Salafī-Propaganda: Abul-Hasan al-Ash`arī never made “Tawbah” for any of their Religio-Theological Interpretations. Rather, they definitely made Tawbah for pontificating/promoting Takfīr-Culture.

What/where is my Proof Abul-Hasan al-Ash`arī made Deathbed-Tawbah?!!!

Abul-Hasan al-Ash`arī stated on their Deathbed via Baghdād:

“Take witness, that verily I no longer make Takfīr/Blasphemy against any amongst the People-Of-Qiblah/Direction. All of them worship the Same-God, but they only differ regarding Theological-Interpretations.”


Now, being that Abul-Hasan is recorded yo have made This-Statement that this would solve the Problem. But, Oh…No: not according to these Ahbāshī-Niggas. In fact, ironically, one of the Persons whom recored the Statement of Abil-Hasan al-Ash`arī was an Ash`arī themselves: al-Bayhaqī. And, yet, there’s still Persons (the Ash`arī-Pretenders) who’ve still & still reject the Sihhah/Authenticity of the Recorded-Statement of Abil-Hasan al-Ash`arī (as per their Deathbed-Tawbah).

I’m More-Ash`arī than any of these Ash`arī-Pretenders

I say this, authoratatively, because in spite of me being a Default-Atharī theologically-I completely agree with the Deathbed-Tawbah of Abil-Hasan al-Ash`arī, in that the Muslims are never to entertain Unjust-Takfīr against each other. And, if any Muslim thinks/feel that Takfīr-Culture is OK:

a. They’re directly defying/opposing at-Tanzīl/Revelation.

b. They’re clearly being Openly-Disobedient to Allah & Their Messenger.

c. They’re a Sucka…Takfīr-Culture is Sucka-Shit & just like the Ole-Saying goes, “If you co-sign Sucka-Shit you’re a Sucka too.”.

d. They’re amongst al-Khawārij/Religio-Extremists…al-Kharajiyyah/Religio-Extremism is particularly/most popularly manifested via Unjust-Takfīr/Takfīr-Culture.

Muhammad said about al-Khawārij that they’re “Kilāb-un-Nār/Dogs of the Fire”.

Gareth Bryant

Sectarian Patriot-Games amongst Muslims of the Western-World


During the Covid-Era: Gareth Bryant & Yusuf Rios had a very Fruitful-Convo, concerning how destructive these Agenda-Based “`Aqīdah/Creed-Wars” are between Fellow-Muslims. We both jointly shared & still share the Same-Conclusion. Our Joint-Comprehension, relative to the Subject-Matter, is that nothing positive could ever evolve from Fellow-Muslims bickering over whether or not the Sifāt (Characteristics/Qualities) of Allah are Literal vs. Allegorical. Historically, as well as contemporaneously, we’ve only observed/witnessed Religio-Stagnation, Bastardized-Spirituality, Religio-Pimping/Exploitation, Religio-Gangsterism, etc. as a Result of these infantile/immature “`Aqīdah-Wars”. I mean, it’s gotten to the Point where Certain-Muslims will simply slander Fellow-Muslims & accuse them of pontificating/claiming Things about Allah that literally no Muslim actually claims. Many/Most of those are Things which one can’t even be a Muslim if they claim them anyway.

Understanding Religio-Sectarianism amongst Muslims

The Dangers&Idiocy of Hizbī/Sectarian-Conflicts

How to avoid being placed in the “Wahhābī” Box

There’s a Deliberate-Sabab/Reason for that & it’s literally rooted in al-Kharajiyyah/Religio-Extremism via Takfīr-Culture. Most-Muslims whom shamelessly ascribe to Hizbī-Gang Culture targetting Fellow-Muslims: it’s done exclusively so they can have Pseudo-Justifications to violate the Lives, Properties, Reputations of Fellow-Muslims without feeling bad about it, nor feeling the Religio-Necessity to make at-Tawbah/Repentance as per their Religio-Transgressions against Fellow-Muslims.

Examining al-Kharajiyyah/Religio-Extremism via Mafia/Gang-Culture amongst Muslims historically & contemporaneously

These Religio-Theological Triffles are nothing less than Religio-Sectarian Proxy-Wars, with the Sole-Purpose of having/keeping Muslims whom’re Native/Indigenous to the Western-World upon al-Iftirāq/Dissent, and to disrupt any/all Strides towards al-Ijtimā` (Unity) amongst themselves & al-Barā’ (Autonomy/Freedom) from Muslim-Foreigner Influence. Ironically, as well as pitifully: Muslims (almost exclusively those of Revert-Backgrounds, Afro/Latino-Backgrounds, etc.) keep falling for Wave-After-Wave of Muslim-Foreigner Influence.

The Anatomy of Muslim Afro-American Iftirāq/Division

From Sūfism, to Ikhwānism, to Tablīghism, to Shī`ism, to Salafism, to Ash`ārism, etc. & any/all Other-Ahzāb (Religio-Sectarian Groups): these Entities have literally done nothing for Muslim-Indigenous Persons, except give them the A`dhār/Excuses to remain NWA (Niggas With `Aqīdah/Theology). Instead of using al-Islām as the Ultimate-Tool to correct the Human-Condition, they only use al-Islām as an Excuse to switch Slave-Masters. The Worst-Part is that we love&live for this Type/Kind of Sucka-Shit. Because we suffer & refuse to acquire Spiritual/Psycho-Emotional Ruqyah/Healing from our Socio-Political/Cultural-Historical Fitn (Traumas) anyway…because we’d rather be each other’s Opps as opposed to each other’s Brethren…etc.: of course it’s Super-Easy to be Ego/Desire-Driven to manipulate al-Hizbiyyah/Religio-Sectarianism in order to wipe one another off the Map.

The Mentality of the True-Muslim towards a Fellow-Muslim

What Muslim-Indigenous Persons have done (literally for Decades) is literally replaced Criminal-Syndicates like Crime-Families, Cartels, Street-Gangs, etc. with Ahzāb. Ash`arīs are like Crips & Ahbāshīs are like Hoovers. Salafīs are like Bloods & Madkhalīs are like Pirus. Shī`īs are like Gangster-Disciples. Sūfīs are like MS13 & Ikhwānīs are like La Cosa Nostra. Tablīghīs & Deobandīs are like Woos & Chos. Qur’ānīs are like Latin-Kings. I can literally do this All-Day. Muslim-Indigenous Persons via the Western-World/Hemisphere have infused a Combo of Criminal/Gang-Culture & Fake-Wokeness into their Practice of al-Islām. This isn’t my “Opinion”, rather proven Religio-Historical Fact. We’ve all observed/witnessed the Goofy-Shit, if not in fact lived it. I can truthfully say about myself, when I used to be Hizbī/Religio-Sectarian: when I was Salafī (from 2000-2007, C.E.) that was the closest I ever got to being a Gang-Member.

Ghībah/Gossip-Gangs & Hizbī/Sectarian-Wars

Our People literally built Muslim-America (I’m not talking about those Goofy-Ass NOIers either…I’m talking about Real-Muslims whom were Afro/Latino-Peoples), but yet we still allow ourselves to be treated as the Religio-Slaves of Other-Muslims whom migrate to the Western-World. It’s truly saddening that we (as Muslim-Indigenous Persons) still think/feel we must Dick-Ride Muslim-Foreigners, Muslim-Foreigner Influence, etc. in order to actually be religio-validated.

The Anatomy of the Reality that is the Muslim-Caste System


All of these Dynamics are Sifāt/Manifestations of al-Hizbiyyah via al-Kharajiyyah. Any/all of These-Ahzāb are from amongst al-Khawārij/Religio-Extremists. And, one of the Descriptions which Muhammad (Peace be upon him) prophetically imposed upon al-Khawārij are “Kilāb-un-Nār/Dogs of the Fire”.

Gareth Bryant 1445, A.H./2023, C.E.

The “Bigger-Person” Mythos


Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Always speak Truth, even if it’s bitter (even if it rubs People the Wrong-Way).”.
(ibn-Hibbān, al-Bayhaqī)

This has literally occured to me Multiple-Times: Persons “threatening” me, but not having any Gas in their Tanks to go the Distance…simply trying to be a “Bully” via “Tough-Talk”. And, much like Most-Bullies: all it takes is 1-Person to really stand-up to them, in order to stop them rite in their Tracks.

Why my Love for Fashion matters


Reckless in Ramadhān


I’ve always hated Bullies…mainly because every Bully is a Zhālim/Tyrant by default/definition & partly because I’ve had to actually fight Bullies all my Life. So, I’ve got Lots of Personal-Experience dealing with Bullying. I’ve even very often defended Others from Bullies.

Most-Bullies behave just like ash-Shaytān/Satan via al-Istikbār (Apathy/Arrogance): they think/feel so lowly about themselves that they attempt compensating Low Self-Esteem via debasing Others. By and large…every Bully has Compromised Self-Esteem. They either faced Some-Type/Kind of Fitnah/Trauma, never had the Love of their Father/Mother, never had a lot in Life, were subjected to azh-Zhulm/Oppression, etc. There’s Countless-Plausibilities. But, none of which are Huqūq/Justifications to be Zhullām/Tyrants. Rather, those are in fact the Asbāb/Reasons how&why Bullying is a Human-Reality.

Now, for the Individual being bullied, oppressed, etc.: it always seems like they get coerced, lured, pressured, etc. to as is said “Take the High-Road”. Of course, this being a Euphemism for “Let the Sucka-Shit slide.”. And, there’s many A`dhār/Excuses as per how/why anyone would want azh-Zhulm or a Zhālim to get a “Pass”…as Allah states: “Have you seen those whom take their Desires as their God? are you then their Enabler?”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.25, V.43)

Another Desperate-Tactic which Bullies use is Intimidation. They absolutely love to posture their Physical-Stature, their so-called “Past-Lives”…”Street-Shit Reputations”…”Criminal-Records”…etc. Number-1: None of Those-Things are “Flexes”. Number-2: 9/10 even as per Those-Scenarios…they preyed upon Weak-Persons which is Cowardice by default/definition. Number-3: Most “Tough-Guys” aren’t really that “Tough”. It’s simply that they got Caught-Up via “Tough-Guy Situations” & were compelled to perform accordingly relative to Circumstances. Number-4: It’s easy to be a “Tough-Nigga”, when you’re not alone. For example: Most Gang-Members are only “Tough” if/when they’ve got Fellow Gang-Members as Back-Up & by themselves they’re 💯%-Pussy.

But, here’s the Irony though: those whom defend themselves against Bullying are more often than not marginalized & ridiculed for lashing-out against their Oppressors. It’s occured to me plenty of Times. I specifically remember getting into Fist-Fights via School & being utterly threatened with Suspension, Expulsion, etc. & all because I made the Principled-Choice to fight-back. Also, equally as disturbing, there’s those whom attempt to get you to adopt the “Turn the Other-Cheek” Mythos/Pseudo-Narrative. So, lemme get this Straight: I’m posed 2 let a Mothafucka do me howevea but I cant relaliate?!!! Nah…U can suck a Dick!!!

I’ve literally been approached by Certain-Individuals & they’ve audaciously attempted to “shame” me, for standing-Up for myself against Bullying. They’ve actually attempted to use my Chaplaincy-Profession as a Pseudo-Justification to attempt convincing me to take the “High-Ground” with Persons whom actually deserved to get stabbed and/or shot for fuckin wit me.

I don’t submit to Unrealistic-Expectations

People actually think/feel that because whatever “Position” they perceive I have…they posture that they can impose upon me the “Gag-Order” to not respond, not resist, not defend, etc. against Opposition directed towards me. There’ve been even Persons who’ve dare to “expect” me to extend “Peace” towards those who’ve attacked me, defamed me, etc. It’s been absolutely grueling to deal with Persons whom attempt to give Oppressors a “Pass”, in the Anticipation that I’ll go soft on those who’ve oppressed via their Cowardice. Certain-People have audaciously attempted to give These-Oppressors so many A`dhār.

I conclude with this: I’ll never back-down from Oppressors…I’ll never tolerate/accept anyone oppressing me as though it’s “OK”. If you attack me with your Venom…I bite back.

Gareth Bryant

Misogyny via at-Tahrīf/Distortion


Allah states:

“And empower one another via Positivity&Morality. But, don’t embolden one another via Sin&Enmity.”…”Have you seen those whom take their Desires as their God? Are you then their Enabler”.

Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated:

“Always speak Truth, even if it’s bitter (even if it rubs People the Wrong-Way).”

(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.2; Chpt.25, V.43;
ibn-Hibbān; al-Bayhaqī)

Someone whom I know, whom I frequently engage with regarding Religio-Subjects/Topics decided to foward me a Quoted-Statement of one of the Top-3 Students of Ahmad ibn-Taymiyyah. The Statement is attributed to ibn-il-Qayyim al-Jawziyyah. Here’s the Following-Statement:

The Person whom sent me this & myself actually went Back&Forth, at length, regarding This-Statement…”Let’s get into it.” as they say.

I began the Convo with This-Person via the Following-Reply:

This-Statement is very dangerous, if misunderstood/misinterpreted. Principally: Men & Women aren’t viewed differently via ash-Sharī`ah, when it comes to Most-Sins…az-Zinā/THOTery is of course an Example of that. (Also) if a Woman being an Adultress were worse than a Man being an Adulterer, then how/why does the Hadd/Islāmic-Punishment of Adultery equally apply to both Men & Women?!!! Only Muslim-Men whom want Zinā/THOTery-Passes will cling to Āthār/Statements such as these, which ironically are simply Madhāhib/Religio-Opinions & not Nuzūl/Revelatory-Texts.

The Other-Person was very Short-Worded via their Exchanges with me.

Sadly, it was Crystal-Clear, the Person I conversed with was set in their Ways regarding the Mindset towards the Subject-Matter. Keep in Mind: this is the Same-Mothafucka whom audaciously/arrogantly pontificated&claimed that if Married-Men get Blowjobs from Women they’re not married to then it’s not Adultery. Yes…this is the Goofy-Shit I must deal with, confront, etc. on a Daily-Basis.

And, it then became pointless to discuss Things any further. My Entire-Point was & still is that if/whenever Persons take Statements of Religio-Academic/Historical Individuals, there’s got to be Comprehension at play regarding what’s cited/quoted from them. As Latter-Peoples, we don’t have the Islāmic-Justification to just run with the Statements of Former-Peoples just to pontificate/promote Biases which we may harbor via our Minds/Hearts. And, as per the Convo I shared: it’s very obvious to me-The Person I conversed with had a Bias-Based Agenda.

What I mean by Bias-Based Agenda:

I actually know Countless Muslim-Men whom literally make it their Business to cheat on their Wives via Impunity. They really think/feel that they’re Entitled to be Adulterers, yet in the Same-Breath dare to judge any Woman for being an Adultress. THOTery isn’t Gendercentric…any Man or any Woman can be a THOT. So, let’s not ever perceive that the Rules-Of-Morality only apply to Women. No, they equally apply to both Men & Women alike. I’ve constantly/consistently confronted Countless-Scenarios of Muslim-Men I personally know: they’ll attempt to excuse Other Muslim-Men for being Adulterous. Yet, ironically, they’ll jump out the Window to condemn any Muslim-Woman who’s done precisely what the Muslim-Men they try to defend has done. It’s both hypocritical & disgusting…I truly despise it. I operate via a Personal-Principle: You either judge everyone or no one…you either give everyone or no one a Pass.

One of the Key-Things which Islāmophobes use against Muslims, to paint False-Imagery, is pontificating/claiming that al-Islām is Pro-Misogyny. And, the Subject of This-Article is most definitely amongst the Numerous-Tools which Islāmophobes use. But, there’s most definitely a Practical-Way to combat this. There needs to be More Muslim-Men whom possess the Basālah/Courage to address Issues such as this. We, as Muslim-Men, must never give each other “Passes” to be Immoral/Amoral & then audaciously/arrogantly chastise Muslim-Women whom aren’t Morally-Correct. at-Taqwā/Morality is a Farīdhah/Islāmic-Requirement (upon every Muslim) regardless of al-Jins/Gender. at-Taqwā has never been Gendercentric, not even prior to the Revelation of The Qur’ān & it never will be Gendercentric.

We, as Muslim-Men, must/need to stop buying into & promoting the “Boys will be Boys.” Mythos/Pseudo-Narrative. We must/need to cultivate Muslim-Men positively, as per possessing Personal-Responsibility & manifesting Personal-Accountability, referring to them living their Best-Lies. We must/need to enforce the Reality that being a Womanizer isn’t a “Flex”.

Gareth Bryant 1444, A.H./2023, C.E.

Ghībah/Gossip-Gangs & Hizbī/Sectarian-Wars


Sadly, Today’s-Muslim is too comfortable with indulging in Ghībah/Gossip-Culture. More-Commonly, this is known as “Cancel-Culture”. There’s Certain-Persons whom’re always in the Mix, when it comes to knowing the Affairs of Others. Equally, there’s just as many Certain-Persons whom find knowing the Flaws/Sins of Others as al-Matā`/Entertainment. Sexual-Scandals (arguably more than any other Ithm/Sin) is at the Top of the Bucket-Lists of Most Nosey-Ass People. But, for People to be that concerned with “Who’s Fuckin Who”…that’s a Theological-Issue/Problem. Allah forewarns us of the Islāmic-Prohibitions of: Presumption, Assumption, Espionage, Backbiting, Slander, etc.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.49, V.12)


As per the Ghībah-Gangs:



As per the Hizbī-Wars:


Gareth Bryant

The Difference between Courage & Stupidity


“And don’t be led to Destruction, via your own Hands.”…”And never let your hatred, against any People, prevent you from behaving justly.”
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.2, V.195; Chpt.5, V.8)


Muhammad (Peace be upon them) gave us the Definition of Apathy/Arrogance: “Denying Truth & disrespecting People.”.

Reading This-Story brought me to a very Sad-Space. The Person killed set the Tone, started something they couldn’t finish. Their Actions via their own Arrogance&Stupidity cost them their own Life, the Life of their Unborn-Child, etc. And, now their Relatives, Loved-Ones, etc. must grieve the Loss of 2-Lives for the Rest of their Lives. How/why…because they thought it was a Good-Idea to disrespect someone via spitting at/on them…simply trying to prove an Arrogant/Unintelligent-Point. It was literally all for nothing. There’re literally 0-Winners via This-Scenario. Humility truly goes a Long-Way. Everyone isn’t going to tolerate/accept one’s Disrespect.

Spittng at/on anyone has always been Universally-Recognized/Accepted as being an Act-Of-Dehumanization. No one dwelling on Planet-Earth is unaware of this. Literally…we all know that. So, one must absolutely question the Morality/Logic of spitting at/on any Fellow-Human. Then, honestly, what does anyone actually expect one to react if/when they’re spat at/on?!!!

Muhammad (Peace be upon them) was asked, by one of their Companions (May Allah be pleased with them) to advise them…Muhammad repeatedly commanded them “Don’t get angry/don’t be angered.”.


As per being Muslim-1st: I’m never going to co-sign Violence-Against-Women. Yet, at the Same-Time: Women must/should know that there’s Certain-Men whom honestly don’t care whether they’re a Woman or not…they will put Hands&Feet on Women. Now, was it Islāmically-Correct for This-Woman to get hit with a Brick (which is Attempted-Murder by default/definition)…No. However, did This-Woman have a Track-Record for starting Shit with Others…Yes. This is called ash-Shar`iyyah/Retribution…you get it how you live it. Certain-Persons think/feel that it’s “OK” to antagonize Others, unless/until they get they Asses beat.

It’s a Human-Behavioral/Behavioral-Scientific Fact, that al-Ghadhab/Anger causes People to be Intellectually-Compromised. Whenever we’re Angry we stop thinking…Rationale completely goes out of the Window. Sadly, there’s Countless-Scenarios of Humans killing one another via al-Ghadhab: from Qābīl/Cain killing Hābīl/Abel until the Present-Day. In fact Muhammad foretold that al-Qatl/Killing will remain a Staple amongst their Ummah/Nation.

This must/should stand firm, as an `Ibrah/Lesson for all of us. It’s directly/overtly indicative of how/why at-Tawādhi`/Humility is such an Important-Characteristic/Quality to possess. More often than not, we as Humans act/react exclusively via Superiority-Complex…Pseudo-Superiority. And, the Irony is that Allah always has a Just-Way to test any of us, if/when we choose/decide to behave This-Way…for example:

We all think/feel that we’re “Tough”, unless/until Allah tests us with those whom’re tougher than we are.

We all think/feel that we’re “Smart/Intelligent”, “Knowledgeable”, etc. unless/until Allah tests us with those whom’re smarter/more-knowledgeable than we are.

We all think/feel that we can “fight”, unless/until Allah tests us with those whom’re “Better-Fighters” than we are.

We all think/feel that we’re “Strong”, “Powerful”, etc. unless/until Allah tests us with those whom’re stronger/more-powerful than we are.

My conclusion is this: at-Tawādhi` is Life, because it literally saves Lives.

Gareth Bryant

The Dangers&Idiocy of Hizbī/Sectarian-Conflicts


Allah commands the Muslims to strive towards al-Ijtimā`/Unity & prohibits us from entertaining al-Iftirāq/Division. Also, They remind us of the Favor of al-Ijtimā` being one of the Things which’ll keep us safe from an-Nār/the Fire.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.3, V.103; Chpt.6, V.153)

Muhammad (Peace be upon them) warned us sternly, regarding the Dangers of al-Iftirāq. They told us via them drawing a Straight-Line in the Sand, calling it the Straight-Way (al-Islām). Then, they drew Branch-Lines from that Straight-Line & detailed that a Shaytān/Satanist is upon each of those Branch-Lines, calling People to adh-Dhalālah/Misguidance.
(Ahmad, Shākir)

Allah states: “And don’t be led to Destruction, via your own Hands.”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.2, V.195)

Now, ironically, as per a Human-Behavioral Context: as a Chaplain I’ve personally witnessed Certain-Muslims literally drive themselves towards at-Tajnīn (Jinn-Influence/Possession) & towards Mental-Illness resulting from them self-indulging into these Religio-Sectarian Conflicts. With them being so preoccupied with who’s upon this-or-that: not only has it driven them further astray, but for Many-Persons they’ve literally lost their Fuckin-Minds over This-Shit. I literally know People whom’re Psycho-Emotional Shells of their Former-Selves, only because they’ve allowed themselves to self-destruct. Their Self-Destruction was directly predicated upon being preoccupied with these Non-Beneficial Religio-Sectarian Dick-Measuring Contests, vying for Pseudo-Superiority. What they pontificate/claim, whom/what they call to, etc. has driven many over the Edge & destroyed their Psycho-Emotional Wellness.

In conclusion, I’ll mention a Quote from Abil-Hasan al-Ash`arī, regarding their Deathbed-Testimony:

In spite of the Religio-Theological Stances of Abil-Hasan al-Ash`arī, against their Religio-Theological Adversaries: even they allowed themselves to see that the Unity of the Muslims trumps whatever Religio-Interpretations People pontificate/promote. Ironically, those whom dick-ride This-Person & claim to adhere to their Theological-Principles refuse to abide by their Deathbed-Testimony. And, sadly, even Certain-Muslims whom’re Non-Ash`arīs commit themselves to the same Takfīr/Blasphemy-Culture which Abul-Hasan al-Ash`arī wanted to eradicate.

For More-Info. regarding the Toxicity&Stupidity of al-Hizbiyyah/Sectarianism:






Gareth Bryant

Understanding Religio-Sectarianism amongst Muslims


1. `Aqā’id/Religio-Theological Schools

Atharism, Ash`arism, Māturīdism, Mu`tazilism, Qadarism, Jabarism, Murji’ism, etc. Originally, these `Aqā’id were exclusively used to interpret al-`Aqīdah/Islāmic-Theology (which is a Religio-Scholastic Euphemism of/for the 6-Arkān/Pillars of al-Īmān/Faith). However, over Time & via Human-Ego/Desire: These-`Aqā’id are nothing more than Instruments of Religio-Academic/Scholastic Dick-Measuring Contests & Fake-Wokeness via Muslim-Coonery, attempting to determine/decide who’s really Muslim vs. who’s really Non-Muslim. And, this has historically/contemporaneously has led to the spilling of Muslim-Blood/the Loss of Muslim-Life, the Confiscation of Muslim-Possessions, the Humiliation of Fellow-Muslims, etc. via Takfīr/Blasphemy-Culture which has always been Mahrūm/Islāmically-Prohibited. For a Long-Time: Muslims have internally suffered from our own Muslim vs. Muslim Versions of Religio-Inquisitions.

Muhhammad (Peace be upon him) stated the following, regarding at-Takfīr/Blasphemy:

“No Person accuses another of either being a Fāsiq/Sinner or a Kāfir (Disbeliever/Non-Muslim), except that they’re one themselves, if the Other isn’t which they’ve pontificated/claimed.”.

“Whomever attributes/ascribes Kufr (Disbelief) to their Brother is just like their Killer/Murderer.”.
(al-Bukhārī, at-Tirmidhī)

“If a Muslim calls someone a Kāfir (Disbeliever/Non-Muslim): if they are then let it be, otherwise they themselves are a Kāfir.”

2. Madhāhib (Religio-Legal Schools)

Ja`farism, Zaydism, Hanafism, Mālikism, Shāfī`ism, Hanbalism, Ibādhism, Zhāhirism, etc. Originally, These-Madhāhib were exclusively used to simply interpret ash-Sharī`ah/Islāmic-Law. However, over Time via: Human-Ego/Desire, the Pathological-Influence/Dominance of the `Aqā’id, Cultural-Colonization, Arabism, al-Bid`ah/Religio-Innovation, etc. These-Madhāhib have become tainted/corrupted via Various-Ways which’re potentially irreversible.

3. Manāhij (Religio-Political Groups/Ideologies)

Shī`ism, Sūfism, Salafism, Ikhwānism, Tablīghism, Deobandism, Brelwism, Pan-Arabism/Ba`thism, al-Qā`idah, ISIS/ISIL, Boko-Haram, ash-Shabāb, Tālibān, PLO, Hamās, Hizbullah, etc. All of These-Groups have, based on Agenda, Convenience, etc. have used `Aqā’id & Madhāhib to pontificate/promote their Goals which’ve always had (negative, toxic, destructive, etc.) Consequences which’ve been very costly for the Muslim-World: anywhere/everywhere Muslims globally exist.

For more Info. about Religio-Sectarian/Political Groups:


The Average-Muslim doesn’t even know the Basic-Origins of any of these Ahzāb/Religio-Sectarian Groups & doesn’t care either. The Average-Muslim just wants to be a Muslim. I can humanly guarantee you that, historically (relative to the Revelation of The Qur’ān): barely 10% of the Muslim-World has ever pontificated/claimed to be Hizbīs (Religio-Sectarian Ascribers/Adherents). And, this speaks truly to the Words of Muhammad (Peace be upon them) when they told/warned us that amongst the Yahūd/Jews there’ll be 71-Ahzāb, amongst the Nasārā/Christians there’ll be 72-Ahzāb, amongst the Muslims there’ll be 73-Ahzāb & they’ll all be Hell-Bound except al-Jamā`āh/the Collective-Body of the Muslims: the Average-Muslims whom stay out of the Way & avoid this Fitnah/Goofy-Shit known as al-Hizbiyyah.
(at-Tirmidhī, Abū-Dāwud, ibn-Mājah, ibn-Hibbān)

We were equally warned via Muhammad, concerning al-Istikbār/Arrogance, thinking/feeling that we alone are the Source of our Najiyyah/Salvation. an-Najiyyah solely belongs to Allah & the Arrogant have 0-Portion of Salvation from Allah. These Ahzāb commonly actually think/feel, as the Sentiment of the Aforementioned-Video, that they alone can achieve al-Jannah/Paradise & anyone whom isn’t amongst them will attain an-Nār/the Fire. This is literally the Mindset/Mentality of al-Kharajiyyah/Religio-Extremism & Muhammad spoke against al-Khawārij, as per their Arrogance, labeling them as “…Kilāb-un-Nār/Dogs of the Fire.”.

So, in Conclusion: just be an Average-Muslim, simply be Part of the Jamā`ah/the Collective.

Gareth Bryant