Monthly Archives: July 2022

Bill Russell: Enough Said


As the Greatest-Winner via Sports-History: Bill Russell did Lots of Firsts. For example, they were the NBA’s 1st Afro-American Superstar…the Jordan before Michael Jordan, the LeBron before Lebron James, the Steph Curry before Steph Curry, the Shaq before Shaquille O’Neal, the Kobe before Kobe Bryant, the Olajuwon before Hakeem Olajuwon, the Kareem before Ferdinand Alcindor/Kareem Abdul-Jabbar…you get the Point. And, their NBA-Career as both Player & Coach spanned 4-Decades, also with Bill Russell being the only Player-Coach via Sports-History & the 1st Afro-American Head-Coach in Sports-History. And, without any Doubt: the NBA, Sports generally, etc. wouldn’t have the Dynamism, Boldness, Charisma, Style, Class, Integrty, Principle which now exists without Bill Russell.

Just to give you a Modest-Sample of the Athletic-Accomplishments of Bill Russell:

Michael Jordan, largely considered the “NBA-GOAT”, made a Crucial-Error in trying to 1-Up Bill Russell & they got humbled really quickly:

In addition to being the GOAT of the NBA, Bill Russell was also one of the Unsung-GOAT’s of the Civil-Rights Era via the United States virtually the Entirety of their Professional-Career in the NBA. They were a Frontliner, with the Likes of: Jim Brown, Cassius Clay/Muhammad Ali, etc. These Great-Men whom dominated their respective Sports-Domains also put their Lives, their Safety, the Safety of their Families, Careers on the Line on a Daily to improve the Human-Condition of Afro-Americans via the Pursuit of Equality, Equity, Justice.

In Bill Russell’s own Words, when often asked by People whether they play Basketball, Russell often responded: “No…that what I do, that’s not who I am. I’m not a Basketball-Player…I’m a Man who plays Basketball.”. All&All…there will never be another Bill Russell…#Period

Gareth Bryant 1444, A.H./2022, C.E.

The Evil of Argumentation amongst Muslims


There’s Muslims whom I know personally who got at Odds with one another, debating heavily regarding the Johnny Depp vs. Amber Heard Defamation-Battle in which Depp was the Winner & Heard was the Loser. It was a Muslim-Man & Muslim-Woman arguing over This-Issue. The Muslim-Woman had foolishly argued that regardless of whether or not Amber Heard had also been abusive via their Relationship with Johnny Depp: via their Vantage-Point Johnny Depp was still Guilty. The Muslim-Man they argued with struck a very Low-Blow, in that they stated to them: “You think everyone’s Guilty, except your own Husband.”.

Now, that Low-Blow Comment could very well imply Lots of Things. It could actually mainly imply that the Husband of this Muslim-Woman is an Abuser also, but that this Muslim-Woman gave their Husband a Pass because they’re married to each other. I’m not going to lie to you: when I was first told this, I laughed my Whole-Ass off & said to myself: “No…my Nigga did not just say this!!!”. But, then, afterwards (after getting my 20-Laughs in) I recognized/accepted the Reality that what this Muslim-Man said to this Muslim-Woman was Dead-Ass Wrong…as Allah states: “And never let your hatred, against any People, prevent you from behaving justly.”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.8)

This is precisely how/why it’s not always the Best-Thing to debate Certain-Things, and/or debate Certain-Things with Certain-Persons. Things can get Ugly & Shit can go Left so easily. It literally occurs all the Time, where Human-Relationships are completely ruined because of: 1-Statement, 1-Joke, 1 Social-Media Post, 1 Post-Thread Comment, 1 Text-Message, 1-Voicenote, etc. We’ve got to do better. Moreover, most importantly: implying and/or accusing anyone of something which can’t be proven (regardless of whether it’s Truth or Falsehood) is al-Buhtān/al-Humazah (Slander) by default. And, as per Islāmic-Teachings: Muhammad (Peace be upon them) taught us that the Definition of a Muslim is to protect Others from the Negativity of our Speech&Actions.
(an-Nawawī, al-Kabā’ir/The Major-Sins, adh-Dhahabī)

Gareth Bryant 1444, A.H./2022, C.E.

A Fatherly-Burden


Try to imagine, you as a Father/Male-Parent: you raise a Child as your own. You care for them, love them, protect them, etc. But, then you discover that they’re not your Biological-Child & you were essentially deceived into thinking/believing that the Person you established a Father/Parent-Child Bond with was literally predicated upon a Lie. This-Scenario which I’ve detailed is a Reality for Men all across the Planet & it’s been a Reality for a Long-Time via Human-History. According to the AABB: 30% of Men are being expected/held accountable to be responsible for Children they’ve never reproduced. That’s a Serious-Problem. The Question though is how/why is this such a Commonplace-Occurance via our World, particularly/especially via the Modern-World.

As a Chaplain (Counselor/Therapist): I’ve counseled Men who’ve struggled with Paternity-Challenges such as what’s been aforementioned. As a Friend: I’ve personally witnessed Men I know publicly tell their Stories of being led to believe that the Children they raised were theirs, only to find-out Years later that they actually weren’t. There’s Confirmed-Reports of Women getting pregnant & purposely fleeing the Men whom got them pregnant & literally never told them that they’re Fathers. And, then sleep with Other-Men & lie to those Other-Men, having them think/feel that they’re the Fathers of the Children of Other-Men.

These Types/Kinds of Scenarios are truly heartbreaking & incredibly damaging to Individuals, Families, Communities, Societies, etc. However, pitifully, there’s People whom really care not about how this can utterly ruin the Lives of Others. Not everyone can easily walk away and/or recover from this. There’s actually been Cases of Men who’ve been deceived like this & have acquired Depression, contemplated/attempted Suicided, committed Suicide, have committed Murder against the Mothers of the Children whom deceived them, committed Murder against even the Children whom they thought were theirs but were not, etc. That’s really dangerous…it’s a Deadly-Game which Countless-Persons apathetically play without any Consequence.

Gareth Bryant 1444, A.H./2022, C.E.

The Whitewashing of White-Violence


According to Fake-Woker Jackson Katz (a so-called “Gender-Expert”): American-Violence is exclusively because of Masculinity. That’s literally a Fake-Woke Cop-Out. Instead, the Truth of the Matter is that al-`Asabiyyah/Xenophobua via White-Supremacy is the Foundational-Premise of American-Violence. But, of course, since Jackson Katz is a Euro-Male, they won’t admit that since it’d alienate themselves. Rather, they & those like them aim to indict Any/All-Men as if All-Men are “Violent”, “Toxic”, etc. And, quite honestly, that Type/Kind of Kalām/Rhetoric is Complete-Bullshit.

Persons like Jackson Katz are strategically implanted, to further work towards pontificating/promoting a Pro-Feminist Agenda…as I always tell People: You don’t have to be a Woman to be a Feminist.

Gareth Bryant 1444, A.H./2022, C.E.

“Jail/Prison-Love” is an Illusion


I’ve had Several-Convos, with Muslim-Men&Women, Past&Present, etc. regarding the Issue of marrying People whom’re Incarcerated. Keep in Mind: a. I’m not talking about if Persons were married prior to their Spouse got sent to Jail/Prison. b. I’m not talking about anyone marrying anyone whom is now Free. I’m exclusively referring to Persons whom choose to attempt marrying Persons whom’re literally currently/still “Behind-The-Wall”, “In-The-Can”, etc.

This definitely occurs more often as Muslim-Women “marrying” Muslim-Men whom’re Active-Convicts/Inmates, as opposed to Muslim-Men “marrying” Muslim-Women whom’re Active-Convicts/Inmates:

1. It’s Islāmically-Prohibited for any Free-Person to marry anyone who’s a Slave-Person.

2. An Inmate/Convict via Jail/Prison is a Slave by default (13th-Amendment, U.S.-Constitution).

3. What can a Jail/Prison-Nigga realistically provide for any Woman from Behind Bars?!!! #IllWait

4. Who’s going to be the Walī/Islāmic-Guardian of any Woman who’s Behind-The-Wall?!!! #IllWait

5. What’s the Mahr/Bridal-Gift going to be: a Pack of Cigarrettes & Wam-Wams?!!! #IllWait

6. How’s it even possible for any Man who’s “married” to any Woman who’s Locked-Up to protect them?!!! #IllWait

7. How can you possibly know whether or not your “Jail/Prison-Spouse” isn’t someone’s Jail/Prison-Bitch and/or whether or not they play that “Gay-For-The-Stay” Game?!!! #IllWait

8. How can you realistically guarantee that your “Jail/Prison-Spouse” isn’t cheating on you with Jail/Prison-Staff of the Opposite-Gender?!!! #IllWait

Being that this applies much more to Muslim-Women, as opposed to Muslim-Men…The Irony is that the Same Muslim-Women whom would marry any Muslim-Man who’s a
Convict/Inmate (literally without their Freedom) are the Same-Individuals who’d turn-down a Man who’s actually about something. And, there’s an Important-Reason for this: those Types/Kinds of Women are addicted to Criminality…they suffer from “Good-Girl likes Bad-Boy” Syndrome. That’s a Real Psycho-Emotional Pathology by the way. They literally idolize the Male-Criminal, and deem any Man whom doesn’t have any Criminal-Record as being a “Square/Lame”.
It’s a Sick-Mindset/Mentality.

Gareth Bryant 1444, A.H./2022, C.E.

Fake-Wokeness via Qur’ānism


It’s truly heartbreaking, if/when Muslim Afro-Americans still adhere to Muslim-Foreigner Concepts as opposed to simply being Muslim-1st. An Example of what I mean is Muslim Afro-Americans adhering to al-Qur’āniyyah/Qur’ānism. For those who’ve never heard of the Concept before: it basically means that a Muslim only relies upon/uses The Qur’ān as per living via al-Hudā/al-Hidāyah (Guidance).

There’s Several-Problems via al-Qur’āniyyah & I’ll explain:

a. Both The Qur’ān & the
Sunnah/Prophetic-Tradition are

b. The Word/Term “Hadīth” means “Documentation/Record”…
…both The Qur’ān & the Sunnah were
documented/recorded via the Lifetime of Muhammad (Peace be upon them).

c. It’s a Religio-Historical Fact, that the Same-Persons whom’re humanly responsible for the Kitābah/Documentation of The Qur’ān are the Same-Persons humanly responsible for the Kitābah of the Sunnah.

The Irony of Qur’ānist-Logic is that we can’t even trust The Qur’ān either. Literally, none of us (relative to the Inception/Invention of Qur’ānism) were there when The Qur’ān was: revealed, written, recorded, documented, reported, etc. So, by default, as per Qur’ānist-Logic: it’s impossible to prove that The Qur’ān is at-Tanzīl/Revelation, the Kalām/Speech of Allah, etc. because the Same-Persons whom documented the Sunnah documented The Qur’ān as well.

Muslim Afro-Americans whom ascribe to Qur’ānism want to seem/appear “Deep”, but sadly are Shallow as Hell. They attempt to deem themselves “Intellectually-Superior” to those whom’re Non-Qur’ānists. But, the Irony is that everything which Qur’ānism stands for openly defies Basic-Intelligence. Qur’ānism is literally a Muslim-Foreigner Concept, imported from the Arab-World Centuries ago. And it proves undoubtedly that Muslim Afro-Americans have only used al-Islām to switch Slave-Masters, as opposed to utilizing al-Islām as the Best-Tool to correct the Human-Condition. You’ll literally hear Persons pontificate/claim that they “don’t follow Arabs”, yet ironically al-Qur’āniyyah/Qur’ānism (the “Qur’ān-Only” Mythos/Pseudo-Narrative) is in fact totally a Muslim-Arab Inception/Invention.

Muhammad (Peace be upon them) said: “Whomever turns away from my Sunnah/Tradition isn’t from me.”…
…”All of my Ummah/Nation will enter Paradise, except those whom refuse.” It was asked: “Whom will refuse?” They replied: “Whomever obeys me enters Paradise, but whomever disobeys me has refused.”.(al-Bukhārī).

az-Zuhrī said: “The People-Of-Knowledge who came before us used to say: ‘Salvation lies in clinging to the Sunnah.’.”.

Malik ibn-Anas said: “The Sunnah is like the Ark-f-Noah. Whomever embarks upon it reaches salvation, but whomever refuses is drowns.”.

For More-Infor. regarding al-Qur’āniyyah/Qur’ānism:

Gareth Bryant 1444, A.H./2022, C.E.

Fake-Wokeness via the “High-Value” Fallacy


Via the Modern-Era, there’s Lots of Concepts which’re used to make People think/feel they’re better/superior to Others & equally are used to degrade Others. One Particular-Concept is what’s known as the “High-Value Man/Woman”. This-Concept was forged out of Desperation, by Persons addicted to Attention/Validation. It’s done so that the Pontificates/Promoters of the “High-Value” Kalām/Rhetoric can use yet Another-Manifestation of FakeWokeness, to acquire Relevance in the World. This “High-Value” Talk simply gets on my Damn-Nerves. It’s all just another Illusionary-Gimmick via Human-Relationships, between Man&Woman. There’s literally Certain-People whom only want to talk about is who’s a “High-Value Man/Woman” and/or what constitutes being a “High-Value Man/Woman”. These Types/Kinds of Convos, concerning “High-Value Men/Women”: whom they are and/or whom they aren’t…it’s really sickening. Those whom entertain this are Weirdos/Empty-People. They’re only interested in judging People, to think/feel better about themselves via downing Others…as Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Apathy/Arrogance is denying Truth & mocking People.”.

In fact, even if/when we observe the Natural-Environment/Animal-Kingdom: Alpha/Apex-Creatures are very keen to be undetectable/unnoticeable. They don’t want their Prey to indentify them. Alpha/Apex-Creatures function almost exclusively via: Secrecy, Stealth, Camoflauge, etc. This is just as much of a Reality via our Human-World, as it is via the Animal-Kingdom. But, here’s the Irony: People whom’re actually “High-Value” don’t even enter/ain Convos concerning who’s “High-Value” and/or who’s “Low-Value”. The Reason they don’t is because, by default, it’s beneath them to have those Types/Kinds of Convos & it actually devalues Real High-Value Persons. It’s just like the “Alpha/Apex-Person” Concept: Real-Alpha/Apex People don’t waste their Time/Energy in gossiping about who’s an “Alpha/Apex” vs. “Non-Alpha/Apex”…Real-Alpha/Apex People only make Time to commit themselves to Real-Alpha/Apex Shit that they’ve got goin-on.



If you’re interested in the Qur’ān-Science Resources, feel free to email me, so I can forward the Info to you via Email, Google-Docs, etc.:

Coonery = Stupidity


Saudia Shuler (Owner of Country Cooking Restaurant and Catering in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) was the Subject of Bias. They witness an Animal drinking from Cups which’re meant for Human-Use only at a Restaurant they went to. They reported this to the Staff working at the Establishment…they were kicked-out of That-Establishment. Now, what in the Jim-Crow is going-on here?!!! Make that Goofy-Shit make Sense.

While reading This-Story, it reminds me of how Coonish Afro-Peoples still are. It’s very much indicative of how Afro-Peoples still love&desire to remain under the Wing of White-Supremacy. Clearly, it’s been detailed that This-Restaurant values the Existence of an Animal over the Existence of a Fellow-Human, whom ironically doesn’t carry the “Complexion for the Protection” as they say. They made it Crystal-Clear that “Man’s Best-Friend” is superior to “Niggers”. But, of course, as so/too many Afro-Peoples do: the Subject of this Erroneous-Disrespect: they decided to still patronize This-Establishment, by their Statement “I am bringing my own Cups from now on.”. Classic-Coonery for the Record.

This isn’t at all a New-Thing. Via the United States alone, Afro-Americans have been the Historical-Subject of Ethnocentric/Xenophobic-Bias via Commerce. And, yet they still yearn for Acceptance from those whom will never accept them. By the way: Muslims equally (and in Some-Cases more) suffer from this Pathology as well. They actually think/feel that if they continue to spend Monies with those whom disrespect them that it’ll actually change their Minds/Hearts…#FunFact: they’ll never respect or love you but only your Monies which you stupidly spend with them.

Here’s a Better-Idea: instead of “bringing one’s own Cups”, how about never supporting That-Business ever again. Afro-Americans are literally the Only-People via Human-History whom go out of their Way to still support Establishments which disrespect them. There’s no Way in Hell that I (personally) am ever returning to any Restaurant which tolerates/accepts Animals eating/drinking out of the Same-Utensils which’re exclusively intended for Human-Usage. By the way: the Establishment in question is Devon Seafood And Grill in Rittenhouse Square, Philly, PA.

Also, I’d actually never support Saudia Shuler’s Establishment either. Because, if anyone’s willing to tolerate/accept Disrespect from any Establishment while they own their own Establishment: that says a lot about them as well. Why would I want to spend Monies with anyone whom tolerates/accepts being disrespected?!!!

Gareth Bryant 1443, A.H./2022, C.E.