Tag Archives: Bigoted

Understanding Religio-Sectarianism amongst Muslims


1. `Aqā’id/Religio-Theological Schools

Atharism, Ash`arism, Māturīdism, Mu`tazilism, Qadarism, Jabarism, Murji’ism, etc. Originally, these `Aqā’id were exclusively used to interpret al-`Aqīdah/Islāmic-Theology (which is a Religio-Scholastic Euphemism of/for the 6-Arkān/Pillars of al-Īmān/Faith). However, over Time & via Human-Ego/Desire: These-`Aqā’id are nothing more than Instruments of Religio-Academic/Scholastic Dick-Measuring Contests & Fake-Wokeness via Muslim-Coonery, attempting to determine/decide who’s really Muslim vs. who’s really Non-Muslim. And, this has historically/contemporaneously has led to the spilling of Muslim-Blood/the Loss of Muslim-Life, the Confiscation of Muslim-Possessions, the Humiliation of Fellow-Muslims, etc. via Takfīr/Blasphemy-Culture which has always been Mahrūm/Islāmically-Prohibited. For a Long-Time: Muslims have internally suffered from our own Muslim vs. Muslim Versions of Religio-Inquisitions.

Muhhammad (Peace be upon him) stated the following, regarding at-Takfīr/Blasphemy:

“No Person accuses another of either being a Fāsiq/Sinner or a Kāfir (Disbeliever/Non-Muslim), except that they’re one themselves, if the Other isn’t which they’ve pontificated/claimed.”.

“Whomever attributes/ascribes Kufr (Disbelief) to their Brother is just like their Killer/Murderer.”.
(al-Bukhārī, at-Tirmidhī)

“If a Muslim calls someone a Kāfir (Disbeliever/Non-Muslim): if they are then let it be, otherwise they themselves are a Kāfir.”

2. Madhāhib (Religio-Legal Schools)

Ja`farism, Zaydism, Hanafism, Mālikism, Shāfī`ism, Hanbalism, Ibādhism, Zhāhirism, etc. Originally, These-Madhāhib were exclusively used to simply interpret ash-Sharī`ah/Islāmic-Law. However, over Time via: Human-Ego/Desire, the Pathological-Influence/Dominance of the `Aqā’id, Cultural-Colonization, Arabism, al-Bid`ah/Religio-Innovation, etc. These-Madhāhib have become tainted/corrupted via Various-Ways which’re potentially irreversible.

3. Manāhij (Religio-Political Groups/Ideologies)

Shī`ism, Sūfism, Salafism, Ikhwānism, Tablīghism, Deobandism, Brelwism, Pan-Arabism/Ba`thism, al-Qā`idah, ISIS/ISIL, Boko-Haram, ash-Shabāb, Tālibān, PLO, Hamās, Hizbullah, etc. All of These-Groups have, based on Agenda, Convenience, etc. have used `Aqā’id & Madhāhib to pontificate/promote their Goals which’ve always had (negative, toxic, destructive, etc.) Consequences which’ve been very costly for the Muslim-World: anywhere/everywhere Muslims globally exist.

For more Info. about Religio-Sectarian/Political Groups:


The Average-Muslim doesn’t even know the Basic-Origins of any of these Ahzāb/Religio-Sectarian Groups & doesn’t care either. The Average-Muslim just wants to be a Muslim. I can humanly guarantee you that, historically (relative to the Revelation of The Qur’ān): barely 10% of the Muslim-World has ever pontificated/claimed to be Hizbīs (Religio-Sectarian Ascribers/Adherents). And, this speaks truly to the Words of Muhammad (Peace be upon them) when they told/warned us that amongst the Yahūd/Jews there’ll be 71-Ahzāb, amongst the Nasārā/Christians there’ll be 72-Ahzāb, amongst the Muslims there’ll be 73-Ahzāb & they’ll all be Hell-Bound except al-Jamā`āh/the Collective-Body of the Muslims: the Average-Muslims whom stay out of the Way & avoid this Fitnah/Goofy-Shit known as al-Hizbiyyah.
(at-Tirmidhī, Abū-Dāwud, ibn-Mājah, ibn-Hibbān)

We were equally warned via Muhammad, concerning al-Istikbār/Arrogance, thinking/feeling that we alone are the Source of our Najiyyah/Salvation. an-Najiyyah solely belongs to Allah & the Arrogant have 0-Portion of Salvation from Allah. These Ahzāb commonly actually think/feel, as the Sentiment of the Aforementioned-Video, that they alone can achieve al-Jannah/Paradise & anyone whom isn’t amongst them will attain an-Nār/the Fire. This is literally the Mindset/Mentality of al-Kharajiyyah/Religio-Extremism & Muhammad spoke against al-Khawārij, as per their Arrogance, labeling them as “…Kilāb-un-Nār/Dogs of the Fire.”.

So, in Conclusion: just be an Average-Muslim, simply be Part of the Jamā`ah/the Collective.

Gareth Bryant

Race-Relations: Commonalities vs. Differences



There’s beauty within all the creation of Allah, within all Human beings. It’s just that ash-Shaytan/the Devil, along with his countless Shayatin/Minions-of-the-Devil (Noble Qur’an: Chpt.114, V.3-5), whispers into the hearts both of Jinn (Unseen-Creation made from Smokeless-Fire [Noble Qur’an: Chpt.55, V.15]), as well as Men, adding corruption to the pure-nature of the Human being, to hate one another, be at adds with one another, despise one another, based upon this which Allah had chosen for us, via His Qadha’/Divine-Providence, which we never were able to choose for our selves. And this was done exclusively, for His Divine-Purpose, to determine which from among us would be most obedient to Him, the most-grateful to Him, by learning about those whom are different, appreciating variety amongst our Human-Family, benefitting from different cultures, traditions, perspectives, walks-of-life, etc.(Noble Qur’an: Chpt.49, V.13) It was never done as a justification to oppress one another, to make ourselves higher than others, to make others lower than us, in the name of `Assabiyyah/Bias (unwarranted biased towards/against someone, exclusively based upon factors that are not in anyone’s control, like: ethnic-background, nationality, genetic-abnormalities, etc.).(Noble Qur’an: Chpt.10, V.44)