Tag Archives: Human being

Avoiding al-Ghadhab/Anger


This-Article is based upon Previous-Writings I’ve done regarding the Subject-Matter detailing Human-Relationships, Conflict, Violence, etc.:

The Difference between Courage & Stupidity

The “Damsel-In-Distress” Mythos which Muslims adopt via Fake-Wokeness & Feminism

Allah commands Human-Beings to seek Protection with Them, from the Waswās/Deception of ash-Shaytān/Satan, as well as not doing Things which’re self-destructive. Adfitionally, They command us to not allow Malice to negatively inspire us to be tyrannical towards Others.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.2, V.195; Chpt.5, V.8; Chpt.114)

One of the Companions (May Allah be pleased with them) asked Muhammad (Peace be upon them) for Advice. Muhammad ended-up advising the Companion saying: “Don’t get angered.”…this was stated thrice.

ash-Shaytān/Satan is an Expert, as per triggering Negativity into the Minds&Hearts of Men. Being the Case-It’s especially imperative, that we’re constantly/consistently En garde to protect ourselves from being led towards Satanic-Negativity. It requires us to always be self-aware, as per our Thoughts, Emotions, Statements, Actions, Reactions, Impulses, etc.

Refusing to do so can always & very often does lead to (potentially) Irreversible-Consequences as is detailed via the Following-Video:

ash-Shaytān has a Deliberate-Marām/Mission…to lead Humanity astray & to an-Nār/the Fire aling with themselves to dwell therein forever. This is something so Islāmically-Serious, that Allah personally warns Humanity that ash-Shaytān is the Ultimate-Enemy of Mankind. The Fact Allah has mentioned this more than once via The Qur’ān: it must/should alarm Humans to take it as seriously as it truly is.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.2, V.30-36; Chpt.7, V.10-22)

This Next-Video details how Anger almost cost someone their Life (quite literally):

As per being Muslim-1st: I’m never going to co-sign Violence-Against-Women. Yet, at the Same-Time: Women must/should know that there’s Certain-Men whom honestly don’t care whether they’re a Woman or not…they will put Hands&Feet on Women. Now, was it Islāmically-Correct for This-Woman to get hit with a Brick (which is Attempted-Murder by default/definition)…No. However, did This-Woman have a Track-Record for starting Shit with Others…Yes. This is called ash-Shar`iyyah/Retribution…you get it how you live it. Certain-Persons think/feel that it’s “OK” to antagonize Others, unless/until they get they Asses beat.

As per my own Personal-Life…I’ve been in Situations where my Ego was triggered & I did Things predicated upon Anger. I’ve fought People, injured People, etc. And, Yes…via the Moment it felt good that I did so. But, I can truthfully/honestly state that behaving out of Anger is never Islāmically-Justified. I’ve to constantly deal with the Consequences of Those-Actions thereof, because Those-Actions yielded Irreversable-Consequences.

As a Professional, via my Chaplaincy-Work…Same-Scenario. I’ve counseled Countless-Persons who’ve done Negative-Things, exclusively via al-Ghadhab, in spite of Those-Things being easily avoidable. The Fragility of the Human-Ego is a Dangerous-Thing. There’s always a Better-Way to handle any/all Situations. But, as Humans, we have the Propensity to just allow our Egotism to take the Lead co cerning our Decision-Making…that’s never a Good-Idea though. As one of my Mentors Terry Conry often stated: “Your Ego will always defend you, regardless of whether you’re Right or Wrong.”.

Gareth Bryant

I really hate Relationship Cry-Babies


Courtesy of Mel Robbins

This is precisely how/why People just need to keep Certain-Things to themselves. As we all know: Social-Media is a Haven for Pseudo-Validation: everyone wants to be recognized/accepted by someone via something. Yeah…it’s Human-Nature, I get it. But, at the Same-Time: at which Point do we as People cease pursuing Attention-Addiction?!!! It’s like via the Social-Media Age: we’ve all allowed ourselves to just spill-out so many Unnecessary-Things about our Personal-Selves, our Private-Lives, etc. for nothing else than to portray the Classic/Typical “Damsel-In-Distress/Woe-Is-Me” Mythos/Pseudo-Narrative. I definitely plan on granting Several-Examples of precisely what I mean, as well as my Responses to them.

Now, as per what I’ve aforementioned (regarding the “Relationship Cry-Baby”). Yeah…that’s a Real-Thing. I’ve literally seen it manifest itself, my Entire-Life, both professionally & personally. The Relationship Cry-Baby literally wants to blame/fault anyone, everyone, etc. as per Negativity/Toxicity via their Lives. But, they’re never willing to fess-up to the Role which they played in how/why they self-imposed Negativity/Toxicity upon themselves. As a Chaplain (Counselor/Therapist), I constantly/consistantly come across dealing with Relationship Cry-Babies. These’re Persons whom pontificate/claim that they want/need Relationship-Healing, yet ironically they only desire for the Healing to be 1-Sided. By that, I mean this: they audaciously/arrogantly only want People to correct Others & they themselves to be given “Passes” as per the Goofy-Shit they do.

Certain-People often always are quick to point at Others, pontificating the “Red-Flags” of Others, etc. (meaning, the Negative/Toxic-Characteristics of Other-People). Also, very often there’re Certain-Persons whom pontificate/claim: “I ignored the Red-Flags.” & there’s a Sabab/Reason for this. It’s because we, as Humans, individually…all of us…etc.: we’re literally the Red-Flags ourselves. The Way Allah chose to create al-Insān/Humanity…as Human-Beings: we’re each/all the Mirrors of one another. We all possess equally Positivity & Negativity. The Difference, however, is that we each have al-Mashī’ah/Freewill. We make Choices, Decisions, etc. thus determining whether we go Right or Left…Positive or Negative…Righteous or Wretched…etc.

Any&all Positivity/Negativity which we see, via Other-Humans, are merely Reflections of whatever Positivity/Negativity we possess internally. It’s simply that Judgmentalism is the Order of the Day via Apathy…as I always say: It’s easy to judge People, when our Sins aren’t Public-Knowledge. At This-Point, I’ll explain the Difference between Judgment vs. Judgmentalism…Judgment is comprised of what I’ve coined as the “4-C’s of Judgment”:

a. Critique

b. Criticism

c. Correction

d. Condemnation

If/once anyone imposes the 4-C’s of Judgment upon ourselves, as we would anyone else…this is acceptable. It’s because we then recognize/accept the Reality that we’re just as imperfect as those whom we judge. But, if/once we exclusively impose the 4-C’s of Judgment upon Others & not ourselves…this is a Serious-Problem. It’s because then we actually think/feel that we’re “Perfect”. But, al-Ihsān/Perfection only belongs to Allah…this is how/why one of the Names-Of-Allah is Al-Muhsin/The Perfect. In All-Reality, only Allah is entitled/justified to be Judgmental & that’s how/why one of Their Names is Al-Hakam/The Justifiably-Judgmental.

Sadly though: instead of holding ourselves responsible/accountable, as per the Goofy-Shit we do, we always want to “Shift the Goal-Post”. As per Human-Nature, People never want to be Wrong. And, because of That-Fact we always wish to dodge Responsibility/Accountability. And, ironically, that always makes our Lives worse.

Gareth Bryant 1444, A.H./2023, C.E.

This talk about who the “Original-Man” was needs to be put to rest!!!


The 1st-Man, the Original-Man, was not a “Black-Man”, nor a “White-Man”, nor a “Yellow-Man”, nor a “Brown-Man”, nor a “Red-Man”, nor any Man, with a color attached to him…the 1st-Man was the Human, free from any (socio-ethnic/socio-racial, socio-cultural, ethno-centric, racial-centric, cultural-centric) constructs, differentiations, distinctions, etc. The 1st-Man, the 1st-Muslim & the 1st-Prophet, was Adam, the Father of us all…#PeaceBeUponHim