Tag Archives: Brutalize

Understanding Religio-Sectarianism amongst Muslims


1. `Aqā’id/Religio-Theological Schools

Atharism, Ash`arism, Māturīdism, Mu`tazilism, Qadarism, Jabarism, Murji’ism, etc. Originally, these `Aqā’id were exclusively used to interpret al-`Aqīdah/Islāmic-Theology (which is a Religio-Scholastic Euphemism of/for the 6-Arkān/Pillars of al-Īmān/Faith). However, over Time & via Human-Ego/Desire: These-`Aqā’id are nothing more than Instruments of Religio-Academic/Scholastic Dick-Measuring Contests & Fake-Wokeness via Muslim-Coonery, attempting to determine/decide who’s really Muslim vs. who’s really Non-Muslim. And, this has historically/contemporaneously has led to the spilling of Muslim-Blood/the Loss of Muslim-Life, the Confiscation of Muslim-Possessions, the Humiliation of Fellow-Muslims, etc. via Takfīr/Blasphemy-Culture which has always been Mahrūm/Islāmically-Prohibited. For a Long-Time: Muslims have internally suffered from our own Muslim vs. Muslim Versions of Religio-Inquisitions.

Muhhammad (Peace be upon him) stated the following, regarding at-Takfīr/Blasphemy:

“No Person accuses another of either being a Fāsiq/Sinner or a Kāfir (Disbeliever/Non-Muslim), except that they’re one themselves, if the Other isn’t which they’ve pontificated/claimed.”.

“Whomever attributes/ascribes Kufr (Disbelief) to their Brother is just like their Killer/Murderer.”.
(al-Bukhārī, at-Tirmidhī)

“If a Muslim calls someone a Kāfir (Disbeliever/Non-Muslim): if they are then let it be, otherwise they themselves are a Kāfir.”

2. Madhāhib (Religio-Legal Schools)

Ja`farism, Zaydism, Hanafism, Mālikism, Shāfī`ism, Hanbalism, Ibādhism, Zhāhirism, etc. Originally, These-Madhāhib were exclusively used to simply interpret ash-Sharī`ah/Islāmic-Law. However, over Time via: Human-Ego/Desire, the Pathological-Influence/Dominance of the `Aqā’id, Cultural-Colonization, Arabism, al-Bid`ah/Religio-Innovation, etc. These-Madhāhib have become tainted/corrupted via Various-Ways which’re potentially irreversible.

3. Manāhij (Religio-Political Groups/Ideologies)

Shī`ism, Sūfism, Salafism, Ikhwānism, Tablīghism, Deobandism, Brelwism, Pan-Arabism/Ba`thism, al-Qā`idah, ISIS/ISIL, Boko-Haram, ash-Shabāb, Tālibān, PLO, Hamās, Hizbullah, etc. All of These-Groups have, based on Agenda, Convenience, etc. have used `Aqā’id & Madhāhib to pontificate/promote their Goals which’ve always had (negative, toxic, destructive, etc.) Consequences which’ve been very costly for the Muslim-World: anywhere/everywhere Muslims globally exist.

For more Info. about Religio-Sectarian/Political Groups:


The Average-Muslim doesn’t even know the Basic-Origins of any of these Ahzāb/Religio-Sectarian Groups & doesn’t care either. The Average-Muslim just wants to be a Muslim. I can humanly guarantee you that, historically (relative to the Revelation of The Qur’ān): barely 10% of the Muslim-World has ever pontificated/claimed to be Hizbīs (Religio-Sectarian Ascribers/Adherents). And, this speaks truly to the Words of Muhammad (Peace be upon them) when they told/warned us that amongst the Yahūd/Jews there’ll be 71-Ahzāb, amongst the Nasārā/Christians there’ll be 72-Ahzāb, amongst the Muslims there’ll be 73-Ahzāb & they’ll all be Hell-Bound except al-Jamā`āh/the Collective-Body of the Muslims: the Average-Muslims whom stay out of the Way & avoid this Fitnah/Goofy-Shit known as al-Hizbiyyah.
(at-Tirmidhī, Abū-Dāwud, ibn-Mājah, ibn-Hibbān)

We were equally warned via Muhammad, concerning al-Istikbār/Arrogance, thinking/feeling that we alone are the Source of our Najiyyah/Salvation. an-Najiyyah solely belongs to Allah & the Arrogant have 0-Portion of Salvation from Allah. These Ahzāb commonly actually think/feel, as the Sentiment of the Aforementioned-Video, that they alone can achieve al-Jannah/Paradise & anyone whom isn’t amongst them will attain an-Nār/the Fire. This is literally the Mindset/Mentality of al-Kharajiyyah/Religio-Extremism & Muhammad spoke against al-Khawārij, as per their Arrogance, labeling them as “…Kilāb-un-Nār/Dogs of the Fire.”.

So, in Conclusion: just be an Average-Muslim, simply be Part of the Jamā`ah/the Collective.

Gareth Bryant

It seems like Decency is gone completely from the World:


Castro Kidnappers pic

Allah says, “Oppression is worse than Killing/Murder.”.(Noble Qur’an: Chpt.2, V.191)

Muhammad (Peace be upon him) quotes Allah, as He says, “Oh, My Property (Creation, Servants, etc.)!!! Verily, I have made oppression prohibited, (even) upon Myself, as well as between you. So, do not oppress one another.”.(an-Nawawi)

I was reading, in the paper, about these 3 young Women whom were abducted in 2002 to know. I was so very disgusted as to how: one, just the mere fact that it took place; two, that it took place, in spite of neighbors addressing their concerns to local Ohio authorities, about people nude, and held by dog-leashes, etc. All of these heinous, inhumane, acts of torture, humiliation, things in which no Human being should ever have to endure, for any reason, at all, were common-place, during their duration of captivity, for a decade.

It’s very ironic, how the U.S. government was around the World, chasing a global, phantom-enemy, whom were actually produced by our very own government, deceiving people, concerning the fallacy “Weapons Of Mass-Destruction”, when the true enemy, with the true weapons of destruction were right within the confines of our American borders, secretly wrecking havoc upon innocent, in Middle-America. The true enemies to our American way of life are perverts, like the Castro Brothers: Ariel, Onil, and Pedro, and their weapons of destruction are their sick, twisted pathologies to dehumanizes their fellow man.

For 10-years, these 3 Men (if you can even call them “Men” in the 1st-place) caused the suffering of not only these 3 Women, but, the anguish of their respective families, communities, not knowing whether these individuals were alive or dead, for all of that time. And, it wasn’t until a daring escape, by one of these Women, to someone’s home, in that neighborhood, where they were imprisoned, that alerted local Law-Enforcement, which compelled all to take their plight seriously.

Although, these Women were forced to succumb to unimaginable wretched acts, by their captors, even to the extent of one of them becoming pregnant & giving birth, as a direct-result of the sexual-abuse enacted upon them, while held hostage, against their will,  they still, in spite of all of this, displayed courage, and the will to make it out of this condition, which, by the mercy of Allah, they have.

The Castro Brothers have been arrested (even though only Ariel has thus far been officially charged with any counts of Abduction, Rape, etc.), detained and, their fate, according to the Ohio state legal-system, is not at all certain. But, whatever their fate is, they will not be able to escape judgement from Allah, the Creator/Lord of the Universe, and although the other 2 Castro Brothers: Onil & Pedro, haven’t been, officially, charged with any Abduction, Torture, or Rape charges, it’s pretty ridiculously-obvious that they must’ve had some, or a major, part to play in the abductions, rapes, torturing of these Women, at one point, or another, during the 10-year reign of terror inflicted upon them. And, for that Allah will, also, in turn, not only question Ariel Castro for his crimes against these Women, but, also, question his 2-brothers, for whatever contributions to this malicious brutality they made to it.

All in all, the most important thing is that all of the 3-abductees, along with the daughter of one of the victims, are alive, and have been able to escape the clutches of these 3-monsters. I’m personally, happy that they were able, by Allah’s permission to survive their ordeal, and it is my sincere hope that Allah guide them, to arrive at a much brighter place, than they were for the past decade, into a better, more fruitful life, able to place this dark chapter in their lives way behind them.

Gareth Bryant/2013