Monthly Archives: January 2024

My Top-Favorite Āyāt/Verses from The Qur’ān


I deemed it very important to have a Staple-Group of Āyāt/Verses from The Qur’ān which’re really essential & really easy for me to personally implement. This is how/why I decided to write an Article about My Favorite-Āyāt. These-Āyāt have truly helped me shape/reshape my Entire-Life, via the Most-Positive Ways. It’s been a Way for me to constantly/consistently be & remain connected to The Qur’ān. There’s absolutely 0-Compensation for not being connected to the Book-Of-Allah.

My Favorite-Āyāt in the Following-Order of Personal-Preference:

Chpt.3, V.190
“Verly, for the Intelligent, there’s Signs via the Creation of the Heavens&Earth as well as the Separation of Nite&Day.”

This-Āyah/Verse details the Farīdhah/Necessity to explore & investigate the Wonders of the Makhlūq/Creation of Allah. Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geology, Seismology, Anthropology, Agriculture, Oceanography, Meteorology, etc. are each/all Secular-Sciences which’re rooted in at-Tanzīl/Revelation.

Chpt.5, V.8
“And never let your hatred, against any People, prevent you from behaving justly.”

This-Āyah establishes the Farīdhah to always do Right by People, regardless of what Negative-Thoughts/Feelings one may harbor against them.

Chpt.2, V.195
“And don’t be led to Destruction, via your own Hands.”

This-Āyah mandates to never place one’s Self into the Fray of any Unnecessary-Harm.

Chpt.25, V.43
“Have you seen those whom take their Desires as their God? Are you then their Enabler?”

This-Āyah calls our Character/Behavior into Question, relative to what we tolerate/accept from Others.

Chpt.39, V.53
“Say to My Servants who’ve oppressed themselves: “Don’t flee from the Mercy-Of-Allah. Verily, Allah forgives All-Sins. Verily, They’re the Most-Forgiving The Most-Merciful.’.”

This-Āyah instructs to never think/feel that anything to “too Evil” that Allah can’t forgive. There’s only Shurūt/Conditions to the Rahmah/Mercy of Allah, but there’s 0-Hudūd/Limits to the Rahmah of Allah.

Chpt.5, V.105
“Those whom believe pay attention: Upon you are yourselves.”

This-Āyah mandates that one must take Personal-Responsibility/Accountability over one’s own Wellness.

Chpt.13, V.11
“Verily, Allah doesn’t change what’s within any People unless/until they change what’s within themselves.”

This-Āyah establishes the Fact that Allah will not do anything for us which we’re unwilling to do for ourselves, relative to the Fu’ādah/Capabilities Allah has endowed us with.

Chpt.66, V.6
“Those whom believe pay attention: Save yourselves & your Peoples from Fire.”

This-Āyah confirms the Reality that Muslims have a Farīdhah to call ourselves & our Peoples away from being Misguided&Hellbound via adh-Dhalālah/Misguidance. Honestly, even if we dwell in an Environment with Others whom aren’t like ourselves: if we live amongst them they’re still our People. The Proof of that is the Formation of the Islāmic-Citystate of al-Madīnah: the Pairing al-Muhājirīn/the Migrants & al-Ansār/the Assistants by Muhammad (Peace be upon them), the Partnership between these 2-Factions of Muslim along with Muslims & Non-Muslims together (known as Hilf-ul-Madīnah/the Pact of al-Madīnah), etc.

Chpt.3, V.185
“And the Mundane-Life is only the Enjoyment-Of-Illusion.”

This-Āyah details the Reality-Check, that everything of our Earthly/Worldy-Existence is temporary & fleeting. It’ll never last. In fact, everything via this Temporal-Plane: it’s either going to outlast us, or we’re going to outlast it. Literally, nothing of this will be brought with us, as per our Demise&Departure.

Chpt.28, V.56
“You can’t guide whom you love, but Allah guides whomever They will.”

This-Āyah details that, regardless of whom any Muslim may attempt to call to the Guidance of al-Islām, only Allah truly controls the Sudūr/Minds&Hearts-Of-Men. Allah tells/reminds via at-Tanzīl, that there’re even Relatives of al-Anbiyā’/Prophets whom died upon adh-Dhalālah. Those-Anbiyā’ (Peace be upon them) literally were incapable of saving their own Folks. So, if the Creatures closest to Allah via at-Tā`ah/Obedience couldn’t save their own, then how/why should any other Muslim think/feel they can save their own?!!! an-Najiyyah/Spiritual-Salvation is exclusively within the Hands-Of-Allah.

In spite of the Fact that, as Muslims, we should all have Qur’ānic-Reading as Part of our Daily-Lives: many of us (for Various-Reasons) simply either don’t have the Time or make the Time to read The Qur’ān regularly. However, this mustn’t at all discourage us from at least clinging to Specific-Āyāt which’re near&dear to our Minds&Hearts. Keeping Specific-Āyāt constantly/consistently in our Minds&Hearts will, if Allah wills, encourage us to consolidate an Intimately-Personal Relationship with the Book-Of-Allah. Furyhermore, I deeply encourage any/all Muslims to make their own Personal-List of their Personal-Favorite Āyāt from The Qur’ān.

Gareth Bryant

Distortion-Addiction via Drug-Culture


Muhammad (Peace be upon them) fortold, that there’ll be Muslims amongst their Ummah/Nation whom’ll attempt to pseudo-justify:

a. az-Zinā (THOTery)

b. al-Khamr (Intoxicating-Substances)

c. al-Ma`azif (Wood-Wind&Stringed-Intruments)


There’s been a Disgusting-Trend, which has existed for a Long-Time amongst the Muslims: from al-Hāshishūn (the Pothead-Assassins) to the “Akhi-Stores” selling any/all Types/Kinds of al-Khamr…the Trend of al-Khamriyyah/Substance-Abuse. al-Khamriyyah is detailed directly by Muhammad as “al-Khamr is the Umm/Mother of al-Khabā’ith/Disgusting-Acts.”.

The Pathetic-Irony is that there’s been Ahzāb/Religio-Sects (Salafism particularly but not exclusively) which’ve made it their Objectives to Religio-Shame Fellow-Muslims unlike them…yet at the Same-Time: the Religio-Patrons/Funders of these Same-Ahzāb are more Religio/Morally-Currupt than any Common-Muslim they condemn. Make that Goofy-Shit make Sense.

But, of course, they’d never tolerate/accept anyone criticizing their Religio-Sectarian Patrons…they’re upon the “Don’t bite the Hand that feeds you.” Minhāj/Ideology. It’s a Known-Fact, that Many-Hizbīs/Sectarians are literally Paid-Promoters of the Ahzāb they rep. And, them being Paid-Propagandists keeps them turning Blind-Eyes to the Jahālah/Sucka-Shit which they know is Dead-Ass-Wrong…just as Allah states: “Have you seen those whom take their Desires as their God? Are you then their Enabler?”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.25, V.43)

When I first went to KSA/Saudi Arabia: I literally smelled Weed being smoked out there. People accused me of lying, fabricating, etc. Literally, Decades later when I went back to KSA: I saw Digital-Billboards informing People about Subtance-Abuse & Rehab-Options (directly outside of Masjid-il-Harām/the Sacred-Mosque via Makkah). Who’s the “Liar/Fabricator” now?!!!

Gareth Bryant

Life has hardened my Heart immensely


The “Bigger-Person” Mythos

I’m Hard-Hearted, not Cold-Hearted. At the Same-Time: I’ve realized that the Warmness of a Heart gets extinguished via the Malice of Others. And, that’s precisely how/why I personally treat Certain-Persons Certain-Ways unapologetically. I specifically remember, when I was Young: not really my Father but my Mother…they’d always complain about me being Unyielding. I never cared…I viewed People how I viewed them & no one could ever make me do otherwise. My Mother used to literally attempt “shaming” me, for not “Playing-Nice” with those whom treated me, attempted to treat me, etc. like Shit.

From a Young-Age, I discovered/learned swiftly to grow hard & remain hard against any whom attempted or actually did mistreat me via any Way. I made Promises to myself to never be like those whom forgive everyone & just let “Bygones be Bygones”…Nah: Fuck dat. I’m a Resentful-Mothafucka…I hold Grudges.

I learned the Value of being a Grudger, from a Young-Age, as I observed through Life witnessing Others constantly/consistently getting Screwed-Over by Others. And, then those Same-Persons (like my own Mother for example) had the Audacity to expect me to tolerate/accept the Same Sucka-Shit which they allowed Others to impose upon them…da Fuck Outta Here. Nope…never happening.

(Literally) the Things I’ve been told, coupled with what I’ve personally witnessed: there’s no Mothafuckin-Way I’d ever let anyone get away with what those I know allowed Others to get away with. I either would’ve killed or maimed them, or I would’ve permanently cut them off/out of my Life. There’s a Difference between being Forgiving & being a Sucka. I’d rather be Unforgiving as opposed to being anyone’s Doormat.

I’ll give an Example: I remember one of my Mother’s-Brothers were Ill & they asked me to visit them. So, attempting to be a Filial-Child (as is a Farīdhah/Islāmic-Requirement by default/definition), I go visit them via the Hospital. This-Mothafucka began talk Real-Hot…I waa infuriated…I really don’t even remember what they said. But, the Way I was triggered…that I do remember. I literally wanted to veat the Shit out of them. But, I then thought about Lots of Things: Number-1…I’m a Muslim. Number-2…this is my Mother’s-Relative. Number-3…this is my Relative. Number-4…this is a Sick-Person. Number-5…this is a Ole-Nigga. Islāmically, I would’ve had 0-Wins if I would’ve done what I thought/felt to do via that Moment-In-Time…as Allah states: “And never let your hatred, against any People, prevent you from behaving justly.”.(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.8)

I still didn’t Fuck wit dem though for the Rest of their Life. I even told my Mother to not ever ask me to do anything for them ever again. And, I know that my Mother was upset behind that. But…so what?!!! It’s just Certain-Shit that’s never going to be OK with me.

I’ll give Another-Example: there were Several-Muslims who’ve done really Foul-Shit to me, like threatening & slandering me. And, there’s been Fellow-Muslims attempting to convince me to make Amends with those whom did me Wrong…No. Fuck dem Niggas. I’m under 0 Islāmic-Obligation to forgive anyone whom oppressed me. And I know for a Fact that they view me differently (via a Negative-Way), because, I refuse to let Those-Issues go. I don’t care…I’m not lettin Shit go.

There’s in fact 3-Types of Persons whom I never reconcile with nor forgive:

1. Those whom threaten me.

2. Those whom slander me.

3. Those whom swindle me.

Anyone whom talks that Fake Tough-Shit to me…I’m cutting them off permanently. Anyone whom fabricates Things about me…I’m cutting them off permanently. Anyone whom cheats me, attempts to cheat me, etc. out of Money…I’m cutting them off permanently.

All my Life, I’ve had to contest Sucka-Shit via Hardheartedness. And, honestly, it’s actually cost me Lots of Human-Relationships. It’s a Worthy-Sacrifice, to be guarded via Hard-Heartedness.

Gareth Bryant