Monthly Archives: August 2022

Fake-Wokeness covering-up Sexual-Abuse


The Fact that People are defending a Sexual-Predator/Abuser, for no Other-Reason than the “Gender-Preference/Identity” of the Sexual-Predator/Abuser tells you a lot. It shows how much the Homosexual-Agenda actually hates Women, more than anyone else who’s deemed, accused, etc. of manifesting Misogyny. We all know: had the Person accused of raping Scott Smith’s Child wasn’t a Male-Transformer (a Biological-Male imitating a Biological-Female), then this-Scenario definitely would’ve played-out differently.

Gareth Bryant 1444, A.H./2022, C.E.

al-`Asabiyyah/Xenophobia via al-Libās/Fashion


One of the Worst-Things done via Public-Schools is removing School-Uniforms. And, I’ll tell you how/why:

Via the Educational/School-Environment, the Focus is supposed to be Learning & not what On-Brands/Off-Brands one dons. As Humans, we naturally judge Others as per what we see/view superficially. If there’s People whom’re all wearing the Same-Things, then the Concept of Elitism is eradicated via the Educational/School-Environment. For example, via al-Hajj/Pilgrimage: all the Male-Hujjāj/Pilgrims are Islāmically-Mandated to don the Same-Things…2-Sheets to cover the Body & nothing else. The Maslahah/Purpose is to establish: Unity, Uniformity, Equality, Equity, etc. that no one is “Superior” or “Inferior” to each other via that Space/Moment in Time. Sadly, however, School-Enviornments are like Fashion-Shows…allowing their Student-Bodies to wear whatever they want. And, Elitism via Fashionism is literally one of the Main-Manifestations of al-`Asabiyyah (Xenophobia, Bias, Discriminstion, etc.) amongst Persons whom attend Public-Schools. It reminds People that they’re either Affluent or Impoverished. These Fashion-Visuals have Monumental-Effects upon how well/poorly Certain-People scholastically/academically perform via School. This-Issue, alone, negatively inspires Persons to oppress/bully those whom have less than them, Persons to rob/steal from those whom have more than them, etc. The Absence of School-Uniforms sets very Negative-Pfecedents & inhibits Negative Psycho-Social Patterns amongst People’s Social-Development.

Gareth Bryant 1444, A.H./2022, C.E.



Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “If the Son-Of-Adam were granted a Valley-Of-Gold, then they’d immediately yearn for 2-Valleys just like it. And there’s nothing which’ll satiate their Greed, except Dirt in their Mouth. But, Allah justly accepts whomever repents”.
(Tafsīr/Qur’ānic-Commentary of Sūrat-ut-Takāthur/Chapter-Of-Greed…
…Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.102, al-Bukhārī&Muslim)

These-Things aforementioned undoubtedly prove everything which Allah states about Humanity, via at-Tanzīl/Revelation. Imagine being saved from an-Nār/the Fire, admitted to al-Jannah/the Paradise: it’s truly ironic that as Humans that’s still not good enough. Like, even via al-Jannah: the Greatest-Reward is for Allah to reveal Their Face…there’s literally nothing better than the Opportunity to see the Actual/Real-Face of the Creator/Lord of the Universe. However, the Text depicts the Inherent-Ingratitude of Man in a Way which is Eye-Openning. It truly attests to the Depth of understanding Human-Nature/Behavior.

Yet, in spite of That-Fact: the Human-Fitrah/Instinct which Allah chose to create Humanity with…we will always want more. It’s very surreal, at the Moment, that anyone would dare ask Allah for more via inhabiting al-Jannah. But, the Aforementioned-Texts affirm/confirm this. So, I must recognize/accept it as such. It’s really astounding, that anyone could/would dare to complain to Allah that they want more than what Allah has granted via the Ākhirah/Hereafter. But, since at-Tanzīl has affirmed/confirmed that it’ll occur, it is what it is.

Gareth Bryant

The Ironic-Hypocrisy of White-Supremacy


The U.S. Federal-Government issued Secular-Legislation, an Anti-Lynching Act, named after one of the Most-Popular/Infamous Cases of Lynching-Activity via U.S.-History: it directly surrounds the Tragic-Narrative of Emmett Till. Emmett Till was a Chicago-Native (ironically) who’s own Father themselves was executed/murdered via Hanging by U.S.-Military Tribunal, during the World-War II Era, predicated upon Xenophobically-Motivated Rape&Murder-Charges. Likewise, Emmett Till was as well subjected to Allegations of Sexual-Predatism in a Time where even Afro-Americans looking at a Euro-Women and/or for “too long” (commonly dubbed “Reckless-Eyeballing”) meant signing one’s own Death-Warrant.

Louis Till was accused of Sexual-Abuse&Murder, while on Active-Duyy in Europe via Italy during World-War II. The Details, Trial, etc. surrounding the Case which led to the Court-Marshall & Death-Sentence of Louis Till, till This-Day, appears very much like a Classic/Typical-Syndrome known as the “Forbidden-Fruit” Mythos/Pseudo-Narrative. Basically, it means that Euro-Men can pillage&ravage any Woman from anywhere across the Globe. But, in the Same-Breath, it also means that no Non-Euro Man can have Access to Euro-Women…thus making the Euro-Woman the Subject of Idolization, Personality-Worship, etc. And, this literally explains how/why the Euro-Standard of what “Good-Looks/Beauty” is pontificated/promoted to be (another Mythos/Pseudo-Narrative for the Record) still captures the Soul&Psyche of People, Women particularly/especially, all around the World for Centuries.

The Centerpiece of the Emmett Till Tragedy is the 1-Time Engagement/Encounter between Emmett Till & Carolyn Donham, the Spouse of Roy Bryant (one of the Murderers of Emmett Till). The Base-Accusation against Emmett Till was that they whistled at Carolyn Donham while they went shopping at the Family-Owned Store of Roy Bryant (I’m honestly embarrassed & outraged that myself and this Son-Of-A-Bitch have the Same-Surname). In addition, Emmett Till was accused of outlandishly hurling Sexual-Advances at Carolyn Donham. Clearly, this was the Ideal-Excuse for Roy Bryant & their Maternal-Brother John Millam to take the Life of another Human-Being unjustly. As gruesome&inhumane as the Murder of Emmett Till actually was: the Murderers were of course acquitted of All-Charges…the Typical-Depiction of a “Kangaroo-Jury”. In fact, because of the Secular-Legal Statute of “Double-Jeopardy” Roy Bryant&John Millam were able to openly admit that they murdered Emmett Till & never had to worry about being retried for it.

Not even Carolyn Donham themselves, who’s literally admitted to lying about the Accusations against Emmett Till: no one has ever arrested nor prosecuted them. And, there’s a Simple-Reason for this: as per White-Supremacy via White-America…the “White-Woman” is the “White-Man’s Prize”. To convict any Euro-Woman for their participation in the Framing, Defamation, Murder, etc. of any Non-Euro Man would be tarnishing the Pseudo-Innocence/Purity of the “White-Woman”. This is what it truly boils-down to.

Gareth Bryant 1444, A.H./2022, C.E.

Andrew Tate being cancelled because of Islāmophobia


Emory Andrew Tate, III (commonly known simply as Andrew Tate) is a Former Professional-Fighter/Kick-Boxer, turned High-Profile Lifestyle-Personality/Celebrity. They’ve gained Extra-Popularity, via featuring on Podcasts discussing Human-Relationships between Men&Women, voicing their Views on Sex, Dating, Marriage, Divorce, THOTery, etc.

Andrew Tate has become very popular, as per their Stances on Human-Relationships between Men&Women. However, they’ve seemingly been placed Out-Of-Favor with the Puppet-Masters of Social-Media. Andrew Tate has historically spoken quite favorably towards al-Islām. Clearly, that doesn’t sit well with the Social-Media Higher-Ups. When they stated that al-Islām is the Only/Last True-Religion, the Algorithims went crazy. Obviously, for anyone who’s got a deep-rooted Social-Reach & is Socially-Influential: this is detrimental to Agendas which aim to control the Masses via adh-Dhalālah/Misguidance.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.9, V.32

When I found-out that Andrew Tate was being “Cancelled”, I knew immediately how/why. There’s Some/Many-Persons whom’ll claim that Andrew Tate got “cancelled” because they pontificate/promote Misogyny. Now, ironically, there’s literally Countless-Persons/Platforms which pontificate/promote Misogyny & Those-Persons/Platforms are surprisngly still active via Social-Media. This is literally a Smokescreen. I can humanly guarantee you, that had Andrew Tate never stated what they’ve said concerning the Positivity of al-Islām that they probably would’ve never gotten “cancelled”.

Gareth Bryant 1444, A.H./2022, C.E.

My thoughts on Misogyny (The hatred & disrespect of Women):


Author’s note:
I wrote this poem, to shed some much-needed light on how men (Muslim men particularly) have allowed this disgusting concept, that we know as Misogyny, to dictate how we are to treat the most precious & priceless of all of the creation of Allah: the Human female. Allah has placed inside the mind, heart, soul, and body of the Human female so much blessing and abilities to cultivate the growth & development of all of us, generation after generation, century after century, and millennium after millennium. Yet, unfortunately, we’ve allowed ourselves to view the woman as a worthless sexual-prize, only to satisfy the carnal cravings of men. We need to start having real conversations as to why we’ve allowed the Devil to encourage us to treat women in such a demoralized fashion, and we have to correct this vicious cycle of pathological thinking. It’s no wonder why so many women have converted to Feminism, because they’ve been short-changed and pushed around, by the same men Allah has created to respect, honor, protect, secure, cherish & love. And, it is my sincere hope that this poem can help in some way spark some interesting conversations about this topic, as well as get people uncomfortable enough to want to change the Non-Islamic status-quo of how women are allowed to be viewed and treated in our societies.

P.S. Don’t get pissed-off concerning the title of the poem:


Why are our women “Bitches”?
We degrade at them, beat them & crush them.
We belittle them, and destroy their self-esteem.

Why are our mothers “Bitches”?
We don’t respect, honor, appreciate, or love them.
We make them weep, their tears flow like a stream.

Why are the mothers of our children “Bitches”?
We deny responsibility and neglect the Child-Support.
They’re forced to be both parents, it’s the only resort.

Why are our daughters “Bitches”?
Daddy’s little-girl is helpless and completely alone.
No clue how a man is to treat her, he’s long gone.

Why is a “Woman” a female-dog?
It’s really sad how easy it is to call a woman by other than her real name.
This word “Bitch” hurts so many and saying it so comfortably is a shame.

When did our love for women turn into hate?
We seem to let our bad experiences determine how we treat others.
We have to end this cycle and be examples for our young brothers.

If someone calls a woman we care about a “Bitch”, we all wanna fight.
But, if we say the same thing to woman, it’s just supposed to be alright.

We were all birthed by women, so let’s start honoring females.
When we view women as “Bitches”, we disrespect ourselves.

Gareth Bryant/2009

The Pathetic-Ugliness of Sexual-Snitching


Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Verily, amongst the Most-Evil of the People, to Allah, on the Day-Of-Standing is a Man who was intimate with their Wife and spread their Sexual-Secrets thereafter (i.e. Slut-Shames them).”.

In spite of the Fact that they’re not married to each other: the Rules still apply. What they did was Sucka-Shit.

For those whom’re lost: This-Post is literally about a Muslim-Male, complaining about their Wife (one of their Multiple-Wives) self-pleasuring themselves via Masturbation, Sex-Toys, etc. (via their Absence from their Spouse).

“And never let your hatred, against any People, prevent you from behaving justly.”
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.8)

“Men&Women are Shields for/of one another…”
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.2, V.187)

As per This-Subject, this is very crucial. Detailing Marital-Issues/Problems (particularly/especially via al-Jinsiyyat-ul-Bashriyyah/Human-Sexuality) is very much a Taboo-Topic & full of Countless-Complexities/Complications. However, if/when it comes to airing-out ones own Dirty-Laundry via the Public-Sphere, to perhaps either acquire: Empathy, Sympathy, Attention, etc. is Hella-Problematic & Religio-Spiritually Dangerous.

Doing this, by default, without the Correct-Niyyah/Motive, and/or without Religio-Professional Advisement (Counseling, Therapy, etc.), can easily fall under Several Kabā’ir (Infamnias/Major-Sins):

a. Unjustly disclosing the Affairs of the Bed.

b. Backbitting: detailing Negative-Things about one’s Spouse which is true/honest, yet is exclusively done to make them look Bad.

c. Slander: accusing one’s Spouse of doing Negativity which is either untrue/dishonest or unproven, exclusively to make them look Bad.

(al-Kabā’ir/The Major-Sins, adh-Dhahabī)

“Men are Responsible for Women…”
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.4, V.34)

This-Citation of at-Tanzīl details that (via al-Islām) Men are Mafrūdh/Islāmically-Required to provide Several-Things for Men, specific to This-Āyah/Verse: this is referring to the Wives-Of-Men. The Things which’re required to be provided are the following:

1. Establishing Religio-Spiritual Irshād/Direction.

2. Establishing Holistic-Wilāyah/Protection.

3. Establishing Psycho-Emotional Rifq (Compassion/Comfort).

4. Establishing as-Suhbah/Companionship.

5. Establishing Food, Clothing, Shelter.

6. Establishing Pipe-Game.*

(*Clearly This-Post is centered around Number-6…just as a Dhikr/Reminder)

The Word/Term for “Marriage”: “an-Nikāh”…
…it etymologically (literally) means “Sexual-Intercourse/Fuckin”. So, by default: obviously (for Obvious-Reasons) Sex is the Asl/Rudement-Foundation for any Marital-Relationship, which makes Sense, because it’s a Known-Fact (via Human-Behavior) that al-Jinsiyyah/Sexuality is the Most-Intimate Sifah/Manifestation of Human-Communication. Keep in Mind, also, that Sex is largely Non-Verbal Communication & at least 80% of Human-Communication is Non-Verbal. This is so Islāmically-Factual, that anyone whom is Married & their not being Sexually-Appeased: a. If they’re a Man, they can divorce their Wife because of this. b. If they’re a Woman, they can be granted a Khul`/Divorce-Request.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.4, V.19; al-Bukhari; Muslim; an-Nasā’ī; Mālik; Ahmad; Lisān-ul-`Arab: Lexicon of the Arabic-Language, ibn-Manzhūr)

But, if you’re fearful that you won’t be just: then just wed 1-Wife…”
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.4, V.3)

Let’s keep it 💯: Muslim-Men having Multiple-Wives has become a Fad, Trend, etc. fueled by Machismo/Male-Egotism, Fake-Wokeness via the Mythos/Pseudo-Narrative of “Red-Pillism”, “High-Value”, etc. So, upon that: Muslim-Men sim to literally 1-Up each other, via the Polygyny-Racket…as a Sifah/Manifestation of Religio Dick-Measuring. It’s basically a Way for Many-Muslims to fulfill a Fantasy of being a “Player”, under the False-Pretense of Polygyny. They’re literally trying to do via al-Islām what many of them were really incapable of doing if they were Non-Muslims, which is acquiring Multiple-Pussies. I don’t care whom agrees/disagrees, likes/dislikes, etc. what I’ve stated…how I’ve ststed it…etc. All of those reading This-Article know damn well that I’m being 💯%-Truthful/Honest here…
…”Truth is Truth, regardless of whom/where it comes from.”.(Islāmic-Principle) As Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated:

“Apathy/Arrogance is denying Truth & mocking People.”

And, as Mu`ādh ibn-Jabal (May Allah be pleased with them) once stated:

“Always accept Truth, even if it comes from a Kāfir (Disbeliever/Non-Muslim) or a Fāsiq/Sinful-Muslim.”

(an-Nawawī, Abū-Dāwud)

“Either remain with them or depart from them via Respect/Dignity.”
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.2, V.229&231; Chpt.17, V.23)

Now, as per the Aforementioned-Post: the Issue of Abandonment is very much Islāmically-Valid. Sadly, though: Many-Persons refuse to recognize/accept the Reality that they’re violating the Huqūq/Rights of their Spouses…Men & Women are equally blameworthy/faultworthy of this for the Record. Both Husband & Wife are equally: responsible, accountable, liable, etc. as per making their Marital-Relationship work or to part Ways via at-Talāq/Divorce…like the Ole-Saying: “It takes 2-Hands to clap.”.

“Have you seen those whom take their Desires as their God?!!! Are you then their Enabler?!!!
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.25, V.43)

There’s Several Red-Flags which I personally have detected, via the Aforementioned-Post, regarding the Person complaining about their Spouse getting themselves off without them. It seems, as per the Correspondance, that all the Blame/Fault, Responsibility, Accountability, etc. is exclusively being imposed via a 1-Sided Fashion & that’s azh-Zhulm/Oppression by default. Don’t get me wrong: I’m not at all co-signing what they’ve accused their Spouse of doing. Yet, at the Same-Time, as I always tell People: You either judge everyone or no one…
…you either give everyone or no one a Pass. This-Man absolutely must self-evaluate their own Situation & recognize/accept the Reality that they’ve been exposed for probably one, some, most, or all of the following:

1. Lacking Religio-Spiritual Irshād.

2. Lacking Holistic-Wilāyah.

3. Lacking Psycho-Emotional Rifq.

4. Lacking as-Suhbah.

5. Lacking Food, Clothing, Shelter.

6. Lacking Pipe-Game.

“Pick your Poison.” as the Ole-Saying goes & check/correct one’s Self. Any/All-Men being challenged/tested via this Same-Dilemma must/should introspect whether or not this applies to them personally. For Obvious-Reasons, these aren’t at all Comfortable-Convos for any Man to have with themselves via Intrapersonal-Communication, nor with Others via Interpersonal-Communication. But, this must be unearthed&remedied, for one’s own Individual-Sihah/Wellness. As hurtful & shameful as it may seem/feel: All-Men must have the Basālah/Courage to face this, if it so applies to them. Courage isn’t the Absence-Of-Fear, it’s the Willingness&Ability to confront Fear. Moreover, Lots of Tawādhi`/Humility is required to even aknowledge that this applies to one’s Self & to take Realistic/Pragmatic-Steps towards dealing with their own Respective Marital-Issues, and to accept Help/Support from Others if need be.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.13, V.11; an-Nawawī)

As a Chaplain (Counselor/Therapist), there’s Several-Pieces of Advice for any/all Muslim-Males experiencing such Scenarios as these:

1. Try one’s best to refer one’s Affairs directly to Allah firstly & ask Allah to guide one’s Decision-Making.

2. Don’t be hasty to tell, post, etc. one’s Marital-Issues/Problems via the Public-Sphere (regardless of whether it’s disclosed via the Public-Sphere or via Anonymity). And, that’s because there very well may be People, via an-Nazhr/al-`Ayn (Evil-Eye), whom’re joyful that Certain-Persons have Marital-Issues/Problems.

3. Actually have These-Types/Kinds of Convos with one’s Spouses…”Communication is Key.” as the Ole-Saying goes.

4. Seek Religio-Professional Relationship-Counseling/Therapy if necessary.

5. Don’t maliciously out one’s Spouse via al-`Udwān/Animosity against one’s Marital-Partner, as this can easily be classified as al-Ghībah/Gossip (via al-Buhtān/al-Humazah).

6. Be grateful, to Allah, that Masturbation/Sex-Toying is all that they’ve done/are doing…realistically they could’ve been committing Adultery. And, as I always tell People: Women only cheat on Men they don’t respect…
…any Woman who’s with any Man they respect: they’ll leave them as opposed to cheating on them. By the way: this literally only applies to marriage. Realistically, if you’re unmarried then it really isn’t “Cheating”, because, unless you’re married to someone they don’t owe you anything.
(at-Tabarānī, al-Bayhaqī, ibn-Hajar al-`Asqalānī)

In Conclusion…I hope that Persons like those whom detailed their Relationship-Strife find Some-Type/Kind of Ruqyah/Healing. It’s very evident, that they’re a Miserable-Person & may Allah replace their Hardship with Ease, as well as any/all Others challenged the Same-Way.

Gareth Bryant 1444, A.H./2022, C.E.

Foolish-Nostalgia via Human-Relationships


Objectively, I’ve a Serious-Problem with the Aforementioned…I’ll explain how/why.

Chemistry/Compatibility isn’t “overrated”, it’s essential for any/all Human-Relationships…it’s just not the Most-Important Thing via Sexual-Relationships, Marriage, etc. But, that’ll never erase/replace the Fact that Chemistry/Compatibility matters. More often than not: if/whenever anyine speaks like this, it’s actually the Result of either themselves being Toxic via Human-Relationships, or that they’ve tolerated Toxic-Relationships with People. So, to compensate as per their Relationship-Errors, Many-Persons forfeit Natural/Normal-Dimensions of Chemistry/Compatibility & build-up a Nostalgic-Image of a Life-Partner whom seemingly is without Fault-Or-Flaw, yet that Type/Kind of Mindset/Mentality is itself Highly-Unhealty.

Ironically though, there’s literally Amthāl/Examples, via at-Tanzīl/Revelation, which undoubtedly prove that Chemistry/Compatibilty are profoundly important as per Human-Relationships…for example:

a. The Marriage/Divorce between Zayd ibn-il-Hārithah & Zaynab bint-Jahsh (May Allah be pleased with them both)…their Marriage failed because of Lack-Of-Chemistry, Lack-Of-Compatibility, etc.

b. The Marriage/Divorce between Thābit ibn-Qays ibn-Shammās & Habībah bint-Sahl (May Allah be pleased with them both)…their Marriage failed because of Lack-Of-Chemistry, Lack-Of-Compatibility, etc.

(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.33, V.37; at-Tabarī; as-Suyūtī; at-Tirmidhī; ibn-Mājah)

Zaynab no longer wanted to remain married to Zayd, because of their Status as an Ex-Slave (which according to the Arab-World View was literally worse than being Non-Arab & worse than being a Slave), in spite of the Fact that:

a. Zayd was one of the Best-Companions, as per Character/Behavior.

b. Zayd was a Member of Ahl-il-Bayt, via being the Adopted-Son of Muhammad ibn-`Abdillah (Peace be upon them).

Habībah no longer wanted to remain married to Thābit, because they were forced to be Husband&Wife while they were both Slaves prior to becoming Muslims, being emancipated, etc. and because Thābit was a Bad-Looking Person, in spite of the Fact that Habībah self-admitted that the Character/Behavior of Thābit was Top-Shelf.

Keep in Mind…these were the
Sahābah/Companions (May Allah be pleased with them altogether) & even they were on This-Kind/Type of Time, via Superficiality/Shallowness. So, this actually tells us a lot. It teaches us that the Sahābah were just as superficial as any Other-People amongst them and/or after them. It teaches us that there’s actually Certain Islāmic-Allowances for Superficiality, Shallowness, etc. It details Real-Life Scenarios, of Real-People, having Real-Experiences with each other. One of the Premier-Problems amongst us, as Muslims, is the Pseudo-Piety Mythos. To pontificate/claim that Good-Character/Behavior is what matters exclusively: Yeah…all of that sounds Noble, Good, etc. But, that’s not Reality. We, as Muslims, are Islāmically-Mandated to view Real-Life in Real-Ways: Human-Relationships are literally no Exception.

Gareth Bryant 1444, A.H./2022, C.E.

Islāmophobia via Muslim-On-Muslim `Asabiyyah/Xenophobia


Allah states: “And never let your hatred, against any People, prevent you from behaving justly.”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.8)

Muhammad (Peace be upon them) warned us that there’s 4-Manifestations of al-Jāhiliyyah/Ignorance which their Ummah/Nation will never abandon. Literally 2/4-Manifestations ditectly deal with al-`Asabiyyah/Xenophobia.

Apathy is worse than Ignorance. For anyone (especially any Muslim) to dare challenge, question, deny, etc. the Islāmic-History/Legacy of Afro-Peoples via the Western-Hemisphere: it’s truly a Blatant-Display/Manifestation of al-`Asabiyyah via Anti-Blackness.

And, of course, this is a Direct-Result of Certain-Muslims from Other-Regions of the Muslim-World really thinking/feeling that they’re “superior” to Muslim&Non-Muslim Afro-Peoples. By the way: don’t ever think/feel that only Muslim-Arabs, Muslim-Desis, etc. hold This-Video against Afro-Peoples: Muslim-Africans equally hold This-View against Afro-Americans.

This is neither the 1st-Time, nor will it be the Last-Time, that the Contributions of Muslim Afro-Peoples are erased, watered-down, dismissed, deflected, denied, mocked, etc. As Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Apathy/Arrogance is denying Truth & disrespecting People.”. If/when one pontificates/claims anything against anyone not predicated upon Truth/Honesty, then by default they manifest all of which Muhammad had stated via That-Hadīth/Narration. Moreover, it constitutes the Definition of al-Buhtān/al-Humazah (Slander)…a Kibār (Infamnia/Major-Sin).
(an-Nawawī; al-Kabā’ir/The Major-Sins, adh-Dhahabī)

The Irony is that Muslim Afro-Americans still dick-ride Muslim-Foreigner Influence, in spite of Blatant-`Asabiyyah…as Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Don’t be an Imma`ah/Dick-Rider.”. al-Imma`tiyyah (Dick-Rider/Groupie Culture) has historically been used to manipulate Muslim Afro-Americans, duping them into thinking/feeling that they’re not Islāmically-Correct unless/until they make themselves the Religio-Cultural Vassals of Muslim-Foreigners.

There’s an Important-Reason for this habitually-recurring. It’s exclusively because of:

a. The Reality of the Muslim Caste-System which Muslims (relative to the Revelation of The Qur’ān) have adopted over the past 14-Centuries, C.E. which ironically is a Religio-Social Bid`ah/Innovation. This influences every Facet/Dimension of Muslim Life (all across the Muslim-World) from how/why we dress in Middle-Eastern Clothing to how/why we chose to unintelligently/foolishly change our Names once we revert to al-Islām.

b. Muslim Afro-Americans still only use al-Islām as an `Udhr/Excuse to switch Slave-Masters, as opposed to utilizing al-Islām as the Ultimate-Tool to correct the Human-Condition.

Gareth Bryant 1444, A.H./2022, C.E.