Monthly Archives: June 2016

What I’ve Finally Learned From Ramadhān:


Ramadhan of 1437, A.H./2016, C.E. will always be the year I finally came to terms with what this month really stands for. To many Muslims, it’s a way to get closer to the proximity of Allah’s Mercy, for Others it’s a reason to fraternize with fellow Muslims in ways that’s not necessarily available at other times of the year, for some it’s an excuse to attempt to get in shape/lose weight, for some it’s the ideal situation to indulge in some Free-Food at various Mosques. But, for me personally, I’ve forced myself to search more indepthly, just to see what can be found within this month.

What I’ve come to realize is that Ramadhan for so many of us is to attempt to be a “Super-Muslim”…only during the Month of Ramadhan, and/or only during the last 9/10 Days of Ramadhan, in the hopes of catching what’s known as Laylat-al-Qadr/the Night of Decree, in which the reward for it is similar to worshipping Allah for 83 years.(Noble-Qur’an: Chpt.97, V.3) For so many Muslims, we wait for this time of year to pretend to be “Super-Pious”: praying, giving Charity, being nice, etc., more than in other times of the year. However, many of us have this all wrong. My personal-assessment is that Ramadhan serves exclusively as a period of Spiritual-Purging. I liken this month to the etymology of the Arabic-Noun “Fitnah”…the word itself meaning: “Problem”, “Conflict”, “Drama”, “Trial/Tribulation”, etc., comes from Gold/Silver Smithing.(Lisan-ul-`Arab: Lexicon of the Arabic-Language) Because Gold & Silver is from deep beneath the Earth and/or embedded within Mountains: oftentimes these metals themselves are meshed which earthly materials, which diminish their value.

So, then what’s to be done about it? The Gold/Silver must be melted down, and then be forged into a purer substance. But, to do that, these metals need to be placed under extreme temperatures, thousands of degrees, in order to melt them, so that the turbid materials attached to these metals can be sifted away. And, this is exactly what Ramadhan is: sifting through all our turbidity, that we can be forged into purer types of People. We must allow ourselves to be placed into the heat of Hunger, Thirst, denial of our natural inclinations (Sexual-Intercourse, Anger, Revenge, Violence, etc.) & all other things which naturally make us…well, Humans. The entire purpose for us to be Spiritually-Smithed is so that we can truly be worthy of the Favor of Allah, which is His Mercy, Guidance, via us acquiring Piety (holding ourselves accountable to refrain from all that Allah has made temporarily Mahrum/Prohibited, as well as things which Allah has made Mahrum at all times).(Noble-Qur’an: Chpt.2, V.183)

For some/many, you’ve probably already come to this conclusion, without me even having to write this. But, I’ve deemed it necessary, because it’s something that I’ve come to the realization of, and I’m sure that I’m not the only one who hasn’t truly gotten the point of what Ramadhan truly stands for. Ramadhan, by its nature, isn’t for us to get things right all in one month, because that’s not even realistic. Rather, it’s a time to really dig through one’s self, to reflect upon what makes you work vs. what makes you halt…what makes you strong vs. what makes you weak…what makes you resist vs. what makes you sin, etc. I now have a greater understanding of who I am, as a Muslim, as just simply a Human-Being.

Everyday is like a fierce Internal-Fight: a perfect mixture or even an imbalance of spiritual victories & defeats-Resisting what just naturally comes to you, what automatically feels good and feels right, and struggling to rise above all of that to be someone greater, someone higher. It’s about sacrificing what you think & feel is for you, in order to please you, and really trying your best to replace that mindset with doing what’s expected of you from Allah, in order to please Him. Since arriving at this particular epiphany, in my journey as a Muslim, I’ve attained a better sense of how I am to improve and what I allow myself to still fall victim to. I’ve truly honed in on remaining more conscious of what drives me more towards Obedience vs. Disobedience to Allah. This is what I’ve been allowed to learn during Ramadhan, through the Mercy of Allah.

Gareth Bryant

A Necessary Ramadhan Personal-Reflection In Mercy!!!




Here’s a story for the Record-Books:

Ramadhan 1435 AH/2014 CE…I went to Masjid Ar-Rahman, on 29th St bet. 5th Ave & Broadway, in Manhattan, NYC-After making the congregational Maghrib/Sunset Prayer, my shoes go missing. I’m honestly mad as Hell: those Sneakers were brand-new & fresh out the box, I barely had them for a whole week, I got them for free…they were a gift. So, you can understand why I was duly pissed all the way off!!! I felt so violated that someone, a Muslim, would dare to steal something during Ramadhan in the Mosque no less. I was just thinking in my mind what I would do, and how would I hurt this Person who took what was mine, if I woulda caught-up to them. It even got to the point when I was yelling, and causing a scene, concerning what was taken from me. Some other Muslim-Brothers attempted to clam me down, but it just wasn’t working: I came in the Mosque with my Sneakers, and I had wanted to leave with my same Sneakers. But, guess what happens next?

Check-out how merciful Allah, the Creator/Lord of the Universe is:

1. He bestowed mercy upon the one who took my footwear, so I would not have acted out of anger against a fellow Muslim, during Ramadhan of all times.

2. He touched the heart of a Muslim brother who volunteered to give me his own shoes.

3. He touched the heart of another Muslim brother who actually drove me to a sneaker-store & bought me a brand-new pair of Sneakers…cash, which ironically were fresher & cheaper than the sneakers that I had gotten taken from me at this Mosque…the Sneakers which were taken from me were the Nike Andre Agassis, in Dead-stock/Brand-New condition. But, then the brother had bought me a pair of Nike ACGs, also in Dead-Stock/Brand-New condition.

4. Most importantly: the person who took my Sneakers actually did me a favor, because along with my shoes being taken, then perhaps a portion of my Sins have also been taken from me, which will make it easier to meet Allah on the Day-of-Standing, because the less Sins that a person has on their back, the better for them, when it comes to being judged by Allah on the Day of Days…So, I still considered myself a Winner.

Gareth Bryant/2016

Britain’s Break From The EU:



Much to many People’s surprise, including Former Prime Minister, David Cameron, who resigned as a result of a referendum in the United Kingdom to retire from the European Union-This decision has caused a domino-effect/tidal-wave like phenomenal financial & political scare all across Europe, as well as the rest of the World. What’s even more surprising is the fact that the People of Great Britain have been vocal about both still wanting to stay in the EU as well as agreeing to leave the EU. Though the vote itself was relatively very close, much like the NBA-Finals score in which the Cleveland Cavaliers were able to upset the former defending-champions the Golden State Warriors: it’s plain to see that Cameron himself wasn’t in favor of the split between Britain & the EU, and for this reason, he’s decided to bow-out of his position as the UK’s PM. This as well has absolutely tantamount effects within Great Britain itself, because the helm of the government needs to be replaced quick-fast and a hurry.

What’s most crucial, I think, pertaining to this is how the EU will be weakened economically, as well as politically. This news about the UK dumping the EU like a frustrated Boyfriend dumping his Prom-Date who’s had a crush on him since Freshman-Year, has placed the World-Market at a stand-still: no one really knows how long-lasting this event will have a foothold on the World-Economy. This is especially important for the United States, who’s largest trading-partner just ironically happens to be (yeah…you’ve guessed it Folks) none other than the EU. The economic aftermath of such a move on part of the UK will be talked about definitely for the rest of 2016, and may even be the top discussion for years to come. This kind of reminds of when studying about how England separated itself from the Catholic-Church, to form the Anglican Church of England, during the reign of Henry VIII. This was primarily done to ensure religio-spiritual, religio-political autonomy, as opposed to being subservient to the edicts & dictates of the Papacy. This seemingly is History repeating itself, particularly because most of those who were actually in favor of staying with the EU were People from Scotland & Northern Ireland, whom ironically are also historically very Catholic, while most English People are predominantly Protestant.

One of the other major issues at play, aside from all the financial ramifications is how Europe will share the responsibilities of hosting Refugees from various war-torn parts of the World, especially from their former colonial-possessions. But, also it seems as though the UK wants no part in accepting more Refugee type Immigrants coming to their shores, which has been a hot-button issue for a long time, as is still a hot-button issues for Americans here in the US.( We’ll just have to wait and see how World will respond, if they can respond to this recent break of Britain from the EU.

Gareth Bryant/2016

The Orlando Club-Shooting:



There’s  two very important things that I’d like to speak about, regarding these Shootings in Orlando, Florida.

 this time, I think that it’s appropriate for me to speak about the Orlando, Florida Mass-Shooting. It was wrong…period. There’s absolutely no authentic Islamic-Texts which justify what happened; no true Person-Of-Knowledge would support what happened. Muslims who truly believe in Allah & the Last-Day don’t support what happened…it’s an atrocity & a straight-up violation of what Allah predicates as the Sacredness of Life.(Noble-Qur’an: Chat.5, V.32) Furthermore, Allah commands us that even if we despise actions that People do, there’s never any Islamic-Justification to oppress them.(Noble-Qur’an: Chat.5, V.8)

Now, unfortunately, this did happen: unfortunately lives have been lost in a way that is completely unacceptable Islamically…unfortunately People who didn’t wrong their Murderer have had their lives cut-short…unfortunately Families all across the United States & the World have been force-feed yet another reason to fear/hate Muslims.

My message, to all those who’ve been negatively-affected by this tragedy-
I’m here to tell you, I am sorry to all the Loved-Ones of the Victims. I know how it feels to have relatives who’ve been killed via violence…it’s an ugly experience knowing that someone you know has had their lives unjustly taken away. And, that’s an experience which I never want to relive and never want anyone to suffer the agony associated with it.

My message to the Muslims-
This is a tragedy, so treat it like one. Just like what happens in Muslim-Countries, when our Brothers & Sisters are murdered, likewise when our Brothers & Sisters in Humanity are murdered it’s just as horrific and tragic. There is no honor in these types of actions. There’s no reward from Allah in these actions…this is not Jihad, this is Cowardice & Malice…this is Oppression.

Allah told Muhammad (Peace be upon him) “Verily, I’ve made Oppression prohibited upon Myself, as well as between you. So, do not oppress one another.”.(an-Nawawi)

This isn’t the post of an Apologist, because those who know me know I’m far from an Apologist. However, this is the post of a Muslim, a Human-Being, who does not support Oppression, regardless to who commits it.

Not to attempt to draw necessary-attention from the Mass-Shooting in Orlando, Florida. But, there was another Shooting in Orlando, right before this one: a Young-Artist was murdered on-stage, as she performed. Now, I’m wondering why this Shooting is seemingly getting less attention. I think that I know why: because that shooting of this Young-Artist isn’t Politically-Orgasmic…it’s just not enough to stir the Political-Correctness & National-Outrage pot. People get murdered in Clubs, Bars, Lounges, Arenas, Stadiums, Concerts, etc. all the time, yet none of them have ever gotten the National-Attention which they deserve. It’s simply because the Homosexual-Agenda is the Hottest new fad, coupled with the Perpetrator being identified as a Muslim: Islamophobia being the Hottest new trend. It’s almost as though this Shooting is being fade-out to be the 9/11 of Homophobic-Attacks. However, Life is Life: all Life matters…every Life matters…every Human-Life is sacred and important. So, we must/should never allow Sensationalized Media-Blitzes control our emotions & thoughts, convincing us that certain lives take priority/the backseat over others and/or that Life is only Sacred/Expendable when it’s politically popular/appropriate to be.

Gareth Bryant/2016


Muhammad Ali: One of the Greatest


Cassius Clay...Muhammad Ali

Cassius Marcellus Clay, Cassius X, Muhammad Ali…
…born & raised in the South: Louisville, Kentucky.

No matter what you called him, he defined himself…
…he proved he was the best, he was always top-shelf.

Olympic Gold-Medalist with Boxing-Titles…
…he had so many Opponents, but no Rivals.

He was never afraid to stand-up to Oppression…
…always willing to improve a Person’s situation.

He denied accepting the Military-Draft…
…he refused to be a paver of the Warpath.

And, later on became a Muslim in 1975…
…he gave us strength to keep Islam alive.

The World never forgot the way he won back his Belts…
…everywhere he went, greeted by the screams and yells.

A Father and Husband to some, but a Big-Brother to us all…
…he acknowledge the best in all of us, both great and small.

He’s known as Number-One in our eyes…
…despite Parkinson’s-Disease taking rise.

Never letting any of his ailments defeat him…
…till his dying day, he taught us how to win.

Gareth Bryant/2016