Monthly Archives: June 2022

Vasectomies are not the Solution to a Post Roe vs. Wade World


Allah states: “And don’t be led to Destruction, via your own Hands.”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.2, V.195)

When I learned that Vasectomy-Rates started spiking astronomically, after the U.S. Supreme-Court overturned Roe vs. Wade: not only was I utterly shocked, but I was greatly disgusted. I mean, what Kind/Type of Messaging is really being sent here?!!! Is the New-Narrative now supposed to be that Men must suffer/oppress themselves because Abortion-Access has been constricted/restricted for Women?!!! How/why do so many Men now think/feel that they must unjustly alter their own Anatomy, by doing Things which’ll cause them to potentially never be able to have Children?!!! In spite of the Fact that Vasectomies reversible: still the Risks of Infertility are still a Reality. The Probability of Most-Men being able to be Fertile via Reverse-Vasectomy is projected to be pretty high. However, this isn’t at all something which should ever be advisable. Meanwhile, a Woman can have Abortions & still have Higher-Probabilities to be able to have Children. If that’s not Misandry, then I don’t know what is.

This Narrative of Men flooding Medical-Centers, to acquire Vasectomies, is quite emasculating honestly. Vasectomy is most definitely a Method of Population-Control. I honestly can’t imagine any Man actually wanting to do this. I’m personally triggered, if/when the Subject of Vasectomy comes-up. And, the Issue of Roe vs. Wade has been the Reason/Cause of Men wanting to get Vasectomies is truly pathetic. Men really need to grow a Pair (#PunIntended) & stop trying to take the Easy-Way out.

If Men don’t want Unwanted-Pregancies:

a. Keep your Dicks in your Pants & stop living your Best-Lies.

b. Get married & have Children with Women you’re actually committed to.

c. Don’t cheat/stop cheating on your Wives.

d. Use Male-Controception Methods which don’t involve Permanent/Semi-Permanent Medical-Procedures.


a. Vasectomies aren’t always reversible for every Man…it’s literally a Case-By-Case Basis.

b. A Man whom undergoes a Vasectony still in fact has the Potential to get a Woman Pregnant anyway. So, what’s actually the Point of getting a Vasectomy, as per those Facts?!!!

Make that Goofy-Shit make Sense.

Gareth bryant 1443, A.H./2022, C.E.

Rape-Culture amongst Militaries


There’s literally Porn-Genres based upon what’s detailed via this Video-Clip: the Pontification of Military-Force via Sexual-Abuse/Exploitation.

Allah states: “And never let your hatred, against any People, prevent you from behaving justly.”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.8)

Rape-Culture has historically always played a Major-Role via Psychological-Warfare. As per Human-History, some of the most Daunting-Acts of Carnage has been Rape via Military-Conflict/Conquest…”To the Victor belongs the Spoils.”, as the Ole-Saying goes. However, via the Advent of the Information-Age: the Internet…Rape-Culture has been propelled into the Minds&Hearts of Untold-Millions through Websites, Social-Media Apps, etc. And, these Same-Persons are those whom end-up being Military-Personnel. There’s not a Grand-List of Human-Civilizations which haven’t openly used Rape as a Military-Tool for Dominance. However, our Modern-World has made Pornography a 27/7-Accessibility. With that being said: the Sex-Switch is very rarely, if ever turned-off.

The Sexual-Stimulation which exists Online is everywhere…it’s literally within any/all Aspects of Human-Existence at This-Point: “#FoodPorn”, “#TravelPorn”, “#WordPorn”, etc. “Porn” is coupled with Countless Hashtags/Trends & with them, their Hashtag/Trend-Followers follow Suite. Pornography is so commonplace, that it’s almost impossible for any Human one actively engages with (either In-Persin or Online) to have never heard of the Concept/Term before. Add to that: Persons whom’re Military-Personnel…add to that: Military-Personnel whom’re professionally indoctrinated to view their Military-Opposition as Non-Humans that they can essentially brutalize at Will…etc. This is what we’re dealing with.

And, of course, no Military on Earth actually does anything substantial to discipline, punish, etc. Military-Personnel whom conduct themselves towards Combatants/Civilians via any Sexually-Predatory Way. Why you ask?!!! It’s because via Military Cultural-Historically: Humanity has always been viewed as a “Weakness”…as the Famous-Quote: “All is Fair in Love&War.”. Warfare grants Combatants Lots of Inhumane/Criminal-Passes, which Normal-Civilians would simply never be able to get away with. Even as per Law-Enforcement Agencies this is 💯%-Reality. For example: via the United States…there’s Several-States which literally allow US Law-Enforcement Personnel to have “Sex” with Arrestees, Detainees, etc. Guess what…that’s literally State-Sponsored Rape, because there’s no such Thing as “Consent” if/when anyone’s Locked-Up.

There’s Several-Resources which’re available that detail the Effects of Pornography on Military-Personnel:

I mean, Sexual-Abuse isn’t simply an Issue of Military attacking Citizenry. Even via Military-Ranks itself Sexual-Abuse occurs on a Daily:

Rape-Culture is tolerate/accepted via Military-Culture, as I’ve aforementioned, is because it serves the Purpose of Military-Provocation. Militaries historically&contemporaneously use Rape-Culture to completely denegrate the Other: victimize/shame the Conquered, inflate the Ego of the Conquerer: to impose their Sexually-Perverse Will.

For More-Info. about Sex-Crimes:

Gareth Bryant 1443, A.H./2022, C.E.

Men aren’t responsible for the Children of Other-Men


The Following-Video is about a Woman, whom has Several Baby-Daddies. One Particular Baby-Daddy whom seems to be very involved in the Life of the 1-Child they’ve got with This-Woman…This-Woman tries to make the Father of one of their Children responsible for the Rest of their Children from Other-Men. That-Shit ain’t rite at all. This Particular-Father of one of the Mother’s-Children, isn’t even in a Sexual-Relationship with This-Woman.

Dear Men:

Don’t ever let any Female make you feel “guilty” for only doing for your own Children & not for the Children the Mothers of your Children have with Other-Men (if you and Those-Women aren’t together).

Dear Women:

Don’t you dare attempt to make the Fathers of your Children (whom you’re not even with) feel “guilty” for only doing for their own Children they have with you, as opposed to the Rest of your Children you have with Other-Men.

If those Other-Men aren’t doing for their Children you had with them: that’s their
Blame/Fault & your Problem. You don’t put that Burden upon the Next-Man whom actually does for their own Children they’ve got with you.

Y’all are Super-Saiyan Disrespectful out here. Fuck is wrong with y’all?!!!

Make that Goofy-Shit make Sense.

Those-Children from those Other-Men are the Responsibilities of those Other-Men. If That-Man & That-Woman were an Item, then that’s different. Afro-American Men are literally the Only-Men (via Human-History) whom’re expected to pick-up the Slack, as per the Dereliction of Other-Men: to do for Children whom’re not even theirs biologically & they’re not even slammin the Mothers of those Children. This is a Degenerate-Mindset/Mentality.

Gareth Bryant 1443, A.H./2022, C.E.

Abuse-Effects in Real-Time


Ever since I became a Chaplain: I’ve personally counseled People (Men & Women alike), who’ve suffered via Abuse. Contrary to Popular-Opinion: a. Abuse doesn’t exclusively affect Females/Women. b. Abuse isn’t always physical. c. People don’t deserve to be abused via any Way. Sadly, especially amongst Muslims: there’s verly little Resources, not enough Resources, etc. given to Muslim-Demographics to educate&empower Others to combat Abuse in a Positive/Constructive-Way. Referring to the Aforementioned, detailing the Post about me seeing someone brutalized: it’s something which scared my Mind/Heart, as has Other-Recollections of Unjust-Violence against Others. And, there’s literally 0 that Certain-People are willing to do about it. Now, pertaining to the Person whom I saw…I didn’t know them, don’t know whether they were able to escape their Abuser, don’t know whether their Abuser got arrested, etc. But, here’s what I know for a Fact: Abuse stays with People, potentially for as long as they live & especially if they don’t receive the Necessary-Resources to help them heal from their Trauma.

Even amongst Muslim-Demographics, the Issues pertaining to Abuse aren’t given the Seriousness which it deserves. For example…I specifically remember giving an Abuse Lecture/Presentation at a Masjid/Mosque. As I began detailing Abuse-Statistics: Several Muslim-Men (including the Imām of the Masjid I presented at whom personally invited me to do the Event & organized the Event itself) literally began laughing & joking about the Abuse-Stats which I detailed. I literally had to stop my Presentation, to black-out on the Crowd, to address those whom made Mockery of the Abuse-Stats.

The Scenario I’ve detailed wasn’t the 1st-Time that Things like this occur, nor will it ever be the Last-Time. However, we as Individuals & Collectives must work harder to eradicate these Types/Kinds of Scenarios from our Societies. We must care about the Other, willing to look at Life through the Lenses of Other-People’s Experiences. We must be willing to be Non-Judgmental, to not blame/fault the Abused for being abused. We even must approach the Abusers amongst us via ar-Rahmah/Mercy & as-Sabr/Patience, even when they deserve Punishment via their Wrongs. We all are mandated to be of Help to both the Oppressed & the Oppressor, as this is what Muhammad (Peace be upon them) required.

Gareth Bryant

The Dangers&Idiocy of Hizbī/Sectarian-Conflicts


Allah commands the Muslims to strive towards al-Ijtimā`/Unity & prohibits us from entertaining al-Iftirāq/Division. Also, They remind us of the Favor of al-Ijtimā` being one of the Things which’ll keep us safe from an-Nār/the Fire.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.3, V.103; Chpt.6, V.153)

Muhammad (Peace be upon them) warned us sternly, regarding the Dangers of al-Iftirāq. They told us via them drawing a Straight-Line in the Sand, calling it the Straight-Way (al-Islām). Then, they drew Branch-Lines from that Straight-Line & detailed that a Shaytān/Satanist is upon each of those Branch-Lines, calling People to adh-Dhalālah/Misguidance.
(Ahmad, Shākir)

Allah states: “And don’t be led to Destruction, via your own Hands.”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.2, V.195)

Now, ironically, as per a Human-Behavioral Context: as a Chaplain I’ve personally witnessed Certain-Muslims literally drive themselves towards at-Tajnīn (Jinn-Influence/Possession) & towards Mental-Illness resulting from them self-indulging into these Religio-Sectarian Conflicts. With them being so preoccupied with who’s upon this-or-that: not only has it driven them further astray, but for Many-Persons they’ve literally lost their Fuckin-Minds over This-Shit. I literally know People whom’re Psycho-Emotional Shells of their Former-Selves, only because they’ve allowed themselves to self-destruct. Their Self-Destruction was directly predicated upon being preoccupied with these Non-Beneficial Religio-Sectarian Dick-Measuring Contests, vying for Pseudo-Superiority. What they pontificate/claim, whom/what they call to, etc. has driven many over the Edge & destroyed their Psycho-Emotional Wellness.

In conclusion, I’ll mention a Quote from Abil-Hasan al-Ash`arī, regarding their Deathbed-Testimony:

In spite of the Religio-Theological Stances of Abil-Hasan al-Ash`arī, against their Religio-Theological Adversaries: even they allowed themselves to see that the Unity of the Muslims trumps whatever Religio-Interpretations People pontificate/promote. Ironically, those whom dick-ride This-Person & claim to adhere to their Theological-Principles refuse to abide by their Deathbed-Testimony. And, sadly, even Certain-Muslims whom’re Non-Ash`arīs commit themselves to the same Takfīr/Blasphemy-Culture which Abul-Hasan al-Ash`arī wanted to eradicate.

For More-Info. regarding the Toxicity&Stupidity of al-Hizbiyyah/Sectarianism:

Gareth Bryant

Always be Combatready


Allah states: “Combat has been imposed upon you, in spite of it being hateful to you. But, perhaps you hate something which is best for you & love something which is worse for you. And, Allah knows while you don’t.”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.2, V.216)

The Aforementioned-Post details which Kinds/Types of Weaponry necessary to combat via ad-Dunyā/The Mundane. Each of what I’ve mentioned is for each of the 3-Dimensions of the Human-Being:

a. Principle-Weaponry is to arm the Spiritual-Dimension.

b. Integrity-Weaponry is to arm the Psycho-Emotional Dimension.

c. Primal-Weaponry is to arm the Primal-Dimension.

Allah states (self-describing Themselves): “It’s They whom created both Death & Life, challenging which of you behaves best.”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.67, V.2)

For the Muslim, our Entire Mundane-Existence is a War. Every Day is a Fitnah/Battle against ourselves, struggling to choose between Right & Wrong…Good & Evil…etc. And, all the Weaponry mentioned are 💯%-Essentual to ensure Daily&Lifelong-Victories, as we journey via Mundane-Life. And this precisely how/why These-Weapons are 💯%-Necessary.

Debunking the “What About Rape?” Abortion-Narrative


It’s utterly disrespectful, for People to hijack the Trauma associated with being a Victim/Survivor of al-Ightisāb/Sexual-Abuse. But, pitifully: anytime/everytime the Subject of Abortion comes-up we get the “What about Rape?” Rhetoric thrown in the Mix. It’s really sickening…the Vast-Majority of Rape-Victims/Survivors actually keep/raise their Children conceived via al-Ightisāb. And, there’s 0-Doubt: that’s a Huge-Test for any Human to endure, rearing the Biological-Child of the Person whom raped them. However, as much as People refuse to recognize/accept it: this occurs Worldwide all the Time. Most-People understand that a Child is completely blameless/faultless, as per the Circumstances/Conditions under which they’re conceived. Ironically, as it stands via the United States alone: the Average Sex-Offender (Rapist, Child-Molester, etc.) via the US never gets the Death-Penalty nor more than 10-Years worth of Prison-Time.

It’d actually be more productive, if those Same-Proponents of the “What about Rape?” Rhetoric would be proactive when it comes to supporting the Death-Penalty for Sex-Crimes like Child-Molestation, Rape, etc.

The Islāmic-Posture towards Sex-Crimes & the Damage they cause

But, of course, that’d actually require having ar-Rifq/Empathy for Rape-Victims/Survivors. And, those Pro-Abortion Proponents really don’t empathize with Rape-Victims/Survivors. They simply attempt to use the Narrative of the Rape-Victim/Survivor to pontificate/promote their Agendas. Pro-Choicers are Exploiters…period & this “What about Rape?” Rhetoric which they use to promote Abortion-Culture undoubtedly proves it.

The Reality of Roe vs. Wade


Replacement-Theory in Real-Life:

Feeling Replaced is a Dangerous-Emotion

The Reason how/why Roe vs. Wade was overturned is purely an attempt by Elitists to prevent Ethno-Demographics via the United States from shifting. 60% of Women who get Abortions via the US are Non-Muslim Euro-Women. Now, as the United States has increased its Non-Euro Populations, clearly those aren’t Good-Odds to keep the US a Eurocentric Nation-State. In Europe, the Similar-Issue exists via the Reverse: Non-Muslim Euros are having Less-Children as opposed to their Muslim & Non-Euro Counterparts. This is how/why the EU/European Union was so adamant about severely limiting the Amounts of Persons (especially via Muslim-Countries) from migrating to European-Countries.

Britain’s Break From The EU:

Being Black In Britain: The Casualties Of The Windrush-Policy & Brexit

Cowardice & Treachery


The Aforementioned-Post is pretty Self-Explanatory. But, I’ll take the Liberty of elaborating further. I get triggered, very easily, as per al-Buhtān/al-Humazah (Slander for a Host of Asbāb/Reasons: a. It’s a Kibār/Major-Sin. b. I’ve witnessed the Irreversible-Damage Slander causes Others. I’ve personally had Irreversible-Damage caused to me resulting from Others slandering me.

A Breakdown of precisely what al-Buhtān/al-Humazah is

Initiating and/or spreading any Sharr/Negativity against Others, which is either untrue or unproven. This is directly predicated upon at-Tanzīl/Revelation, pertaining to az-Zūr/Perjury (False-Testimony) against some because of Sinful-Accusation. Sadly, People (Muslims particularly) literally have 0-Problem committing ourselves to al-Ghībah/Gossip. al-Ghībah by the way is a Combo of: an-Namīmah/Backbiting & al-Buhtān/al-Humazah. an-Namīmah & al-Buhtān/al-Humazah are both Major-Sins. And, via the Hereafter: both Backbiting & Slander carry the Same-Punishment. Backbiters&Slanderers will be made by Allah to forfeit Portions of their Positive-Actions to anyone they’ve backbitten/slandered…if they’ve no Positive-Actions to forfeit, then they’ll be made to take-on Portions of the Negative-Actions of those whom they backbit/slandered.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.24, V.2-5; Chpt.49, V.12; al-Bukhārī; Muslim; an-Nawawī; al-Kabā’ir/The Major-Sins, adh-Dhahabī)

an-Namīmah vs. al-Buhtān/al-Humazah


Pontificating/claiming Things about someone which is Truth/Honesty, yet also Inherently/Typically-Negative, for the Sole-Purpose of damaging/ruining someone’s Reputation.


Pontificating/claiming Things about someone which is Inherently/Typically-Negative, and either Unfounded or Untruthful/Dishonest, for the Sole-Purpose of damaging/ruining someone’s Reputation. There’s 3-Ways which People manifest this:

a. Someone issues a Pontification/Claim that’s Truthful/Honest, but is Unproven.

b. Someone issues a Pontification/Claim in which they neither can prove it, nor know its Truth/Honesty vs. its Untruth/Dishonesty.

c. Someone issues a Pontification/Claim in which they don’t even care whether it’s: Truthful/Honest vs. Untruthful/Dishonest, Proven vs. Unproven, etc.

The Greater-Context of the Confrontation

For the Record: I never confronted the Person in any Disrespectful-Way, nor did I express any Aggression against them. I did, however, verbalize&express Anger against the Person regarding what they said against me which was 💯%-False. The Person who’s the Subject of This-Post…That-Mothafucka had the Audacity to actually pretend to not say what they said while I literally overheard them talking Untrue-Shit about me, and they spoke so loudly that I was able to hear them while I was praying. I was actually angrier that they lied about slandering me as opposed to actually slandering me. Not only that, but after finally) admitting to their Goofy-Shit: they then tried to justify the Slander. And, them trying to justify the Slander was worse than them lying about slandering me.

Reputation/History of Apathy/Arrogance

Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Apathy/Arrogance is rejecting Truth & mocking People.”.

This-Person whom slandered me: I’ve personally witnessed them talk Unjust/Untrue-Shit about Others & have had Several-Convos, with That-Person, regarding them treating Others This-Way. They literally, apathetically/arrogantly deflect their own Wrongdoing & actually think/feel that they’re entitled/justified to be not only a Judgmental-Person, but equally a Slanderous-Person. Via al-Basīrah/Vision (Hindsight): I’ve realized that This-Person has been This-Way as long as I’ve known them. But, it never really hit me how judgmental they actually are until This-Scenario between them & I took place.

I, personally, have 0-Respect for Slanderers…I really despise them. And there’s 2-Types of Persons whom I never forgive: a. Those whom slander me & b. Those whom threaten me. This-Person whom slandered me is how/why I tell People: I’d rather have a Real-Enemy than a Fake-Friend. This-Person pretends to befriend Others, but in All-Reality is merely a Judgmental-Scumbag. Without any Doubt: anyone whom slanders you is your Enemy…treat them as an Enemy.

Gareth Bryant

Going Berzerk in Barzakh


مسائل القبر:

من ربك؟

ما دينك؟

من نبيك؟

Questions of the Grave:

a. Who’s your Creator/Lord?

b. What’s your Religio-Spiritual Path?

c. Who’s your Prophetic-Individual?

(al-Bukhārī, Muslim, at-Tirmidhī, Abū-Dāwud, an-Nasā’ī, ibn-Mājah, Ahmad, ibn-Hajar, al-Barā’)

Islāmically we’re taught concerning the Realm of Existence Post-Death, known as al-Barzakh/Limbo…it serves as a Barrier between ad-Dunyā/the Mundane & al-Ākhirah/the Hereafter. Whenever anyone dies: we’re placed in an Existential-Space completely disconnected from Mundane-Life. And, its Maslahah/Purpose is to be a Preparation for what awaits everyone via the Afterlife. Just as Allah states: “And when Death approaches anyone of them they say: ‘Oh, my Lord!!! Send me back, that I may do Good-Acts which I’ve overlooked.’. But, their Request is pointless. There’s only al-Barzakh/Limbo which they’ll remain therein, until the Day they’re resurrected.”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.23, V.99&100)

Now, in spite of the Fact that I chopped&screwed a Snippet from a Video-Clip for Hijinks: the Existence of the Grave is a Grave-Thing (#PunIntended). I know that there’s Persons whom’ll take Issue with the Video itself…but that’s whatever. It’s literally just meant to provide a Visual, as per the Consequences of the Inability to answer the Grave-Questions inaccurately. The Grave-Life is literally what predicates how Allah may/will deal with us via Judgment-Day. And, the Reward & the Punishment of the Grave are Equal-Realities, which we must all be spiritually prepared for.
(at-Tirmidhī, ibn-Mājah, al-Usūl-uth-Thalāthah)

Gareth Bryant