Tag Archives: Scholars

Exposing & attacking Linguistic-Islāmophobia: Gareth Bryant’s Hujjah/Refutation against the YouTube-Page “Exploring The Quran And The Bible”


Allah states:

“They desire to extinguish the Light-Of-Allah via their Rhetoric. But, in spite of the Disbelievers hating it, Allah in stead perfects Their own Light.”

(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.9, V.32; Chpt.61, V.8)

The Psychology Of Islāmophobia

Islāmophobia, as is Ma`lūm/Mutawātir (Wellknown/Common-Knowledge), has existed amongst Humans ever since the People-Of-Noah. I’ll be specifically focusing on Islāmophobia relative to the Revelation of The Qur’ān. My Focus is exclusively predicated upin how Islāmophobes attempt to “discredit” The Qur’ān. Albeit the Angle the YouTube-Page “Exploring The Quran And The Bible” has taken an Islāmophobic-Approach which I’ve honestly never come across before.

The Islāmophobic-Angle which was taken is present in the Following Video-Short:

However, there’s a Serious-Problem:

a. Languages have always borrowed Concepts, Words, etc. from Other-Languages, ever since Humans began developing Various-Languages in the 1st-Place.

b. There’s almost no Human-Language which exists which hasn’t borriwed from Other-Languages.

b. Arabic, Aramaic, Hebrew, Syriac, etc. are Sister/Semitic-Languages anyway.

Here’s the Real-Deal, regarding the Words claimed to be of “Non-Arabic Origin”

The Baseline-Argument, via the Aforementioned-Video is that The Qur’ān “borrowed” Non-Arabic Words of Non-Arabic Origins. And, by virtue of the Argunent posed via This-Video: this is their so-called “Proof” that The Qur’ān isn’t Real-Revelation from Allah. As was mentioned very clearly via the Video-Short: their Attempt was to “attack” the Truthfulness of The Qur’ān itself. This is done by claiming that The Qur’ān “isn’t 💯%-Arabic”. Their Claim, as is detailed via That-Video, is based on projecting that The Qur’ān “borrowed” Words from Other-Languages & that’s supposed to be “Proof” that The Qur’ān is “False”.

Fortunately, I know Arabic & can see rite thru da Sucka-Shit presented via This-Video

(Literally) all the Words mentioned via the Video are actually derived from the Arabic-Language directly (I can/will prove as such):

The Word “Iblīs” (a an Alternate-Name for ash-Shaytān/Satan) comes from the Arabic-Verb “Ablasa”, meaning: “To refuse”, “To rebel”, “To disobey”, etc. However, via the Video: it’s falsely-claimed that “Iblīs” is “borrowed” from the Greek-Word “Diablos”. There’s literally 0 Linguistic/Historical-Proof of such a Claim.

The Word “Injīl” (the Title of the Book-Of-Revelation imposed upon Jesus-Christ [Peace be upon them]) comes from the Arabic-Verb “Najala/Najila”, meaning: “To originate”, “To birth”, etc. However, via the Video: it’s falsely-claimed that “Injīl”comes from Greek. Such a Claim nothing less than Bogus. There’s literally 0 Linguistic/Historical-Proof of such a Claim.

The Word “Qur’ān” (the Title of the Book-Of-Revelation imposed upon Muhammad [Peace be upon them]) comes from the Arabic-Verb “Qara’a”, meaning “To read”, “To recite”, “To explore”, “To discover”, etc. However, via the Video: it’s falsely-claimed that “Qur,’ān” comes from Hebrew. There’s literally 0 Linguistic/Historical-Proof of such a Claim.

The Word “Tābūt” comes from the Arabic-Verb “Tāba”, meaning: “To refine” “To reform”, “To repent”, etc.  However, via the Video: it’s falsely-claimed that “Tābūt” comes from Hebrew. There’s literally 0 Linguistic/Historical-Proof of such a Claim.

(Lisān-ul-`Arab: Lexixon of the Arabic-Language, ibn-Manzhūr)

The Video is very deliberate, as per attempting to incite ash-Shubhah/Doubt via the Sudūr (Minds/Hearts) of Muslims. A Classic/Typical-Tactic for Islāmophobes is, always, to theologically attack/bully Muslims who they either know or presume are More Islāmically-Ignorant than Islāmophobes. Also, as per Iconography/Imagery…notice how the Non-Muslim via This-Video has Arabic-Books in the Background. That’s a Classic/Typical Motif which they’ve literally borrowed from Muslims.

The Sabab/Reason for the “Arabic-Books in the Background” Motif

This-Motif is exclusively to project the Mythos/Pseudo-Narrative, that whomever has “Arabic-Books” as their Background must of course be a “Religio-Academic/Schokar”, an “Islāmic-Authority”, etc. But, as All-Muslims of Moral-Intelligence know: this is 💯% Sucka-Shit. And, pitifully, there’s actually going to be Lame-Ass-Muslims whom take Islāmophobic-Clowns like the Person via This-Video seriously. Sadly, all it takes is for Some-Bozo to have the “Arabic-Books in the Background” Motif for Others to think/feel they must “submit” to their Pseudo Religio-Academic Authority.

The “People-Of-Knowledge” Pseudo-Narrative & Pseudo-Monopoly according to Muslims

Since These-Mothafuckas from “Exploring The Quran And The Bible” wanna try to “throw Shade” against al-Qur’ān: let’s then “explore” the Textual-Fallacies/Hypocrisies of Judeo-Christian Sources




There’s Specific-Things which’re Part of Judeo-Christianity which’re Islāmically-Classified as ash-Shirk/Association. For example: pontificating/claiming that Allah has Parents and/or Children…this is ash-Shirk by definition. Parents are imperfect, and Children must be constantly/consistently taught & reminded of Things. Children typically need their Parents for everything, while Parents rely upon their Children to care for them when they age. Parents can be & often are wrong about Lots of Things. Regardless of whether it’s a Figurative-Context or Literal-Context…it’s Islāmically-Intolerable/Unacceptable. There’s even Several-Texts via Judeo-Christian Sources (The Tanakh/Torah, The Bible, etc.) which pontificates/promotes ash-Shirk: Adam being called “Son of God” (Luke), Jacob/Israel being called “My 1st-Born” (Exodus), Angels being called “Children/Sons of God” (Job), David&Solomon being called “Sons of God” (Psalms&Chronicles I), etc. Ironically, even ash-Shaytān is classified as a “Child-Of-God”, because as per Judeo-Christianity ash-Shaytān is Religio-Classified as a “Fallen-Angel” & Angels are Religio-Classified via Judeo-Christianity as the “Children-Of-God”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.18&64; Chpt.9, V.30; Chpt.18 V.1-6; Chpt.112)

The Abrahamic-Fallacy

So, tell everyone you know about the Sucka-Shit pontificated/promoted via Islāmophobia at the Hands of “Exploring The Quran And The Bible”.

Gareth Bryant

Revive Respectful-Rivalry


The Following-Citation/Quote below-It’s literally is reminiscent of the Religio-Academic Rivalry between myself & one of Gareth Bryant’s Favorite-Colleagues: Tālib Nathaniel. Gareth Bryant & Tālib Nathaniel have immersed ourselves in a Friendly-Feud, which sparked Significant-Attention/Controversy via our Individual/Mutual-Circles. It’s raised Eyebrows as well as kept Certain-Person “Walking-On-Eggshells” Sort-Of-Speak. Our Rivalry has caused much Talk around our Native-Cities as well as Various-States, Various-Countries, etc. And, the Cited/Quoted-Story, albeit Centuries ago: it’s ironically so poignant & relevant to the Rivalry of Gareth Bryant vs. Tālib Nathaniel.

Fraternity in spite of Rivalry

The Citation/Quote plainly details that Others tried to dismantle the Respect/Love which existed between the 2-Subjects of the Citation/Quote. Gareth Bryant & Tālib Nathaniel have literally faced the Same-Types/Kinds of Tactics used to attempt destroying our Bond as: Brothers, Friends, Colleagues, etc. Tālib & Gareth have discussed at length, about how far Certain-Persons would be willing to go (to attempt making us Adversaries of one another). Tālib literally disclosed to me, that one Particular-Person: Fahīm Lea (I’ve already publicly discussed my Deep-Disdain for Fahīm Lea)…they refused to return the Taslīm (the Utterance of “as-Salām/Greeting-Of-Peace”) ever since Tālib had released their Response to an Article I authored. I literally told Tālib not to be “surprised”, that Fahīm Lea hadn’t returned the Taslīm, after they had initiated to Fahīm Lea. Fahīm Lea particularly is Highly-Triggered/Angered, that Tālib Nathaniel has a Positive-Relationship with Gareth Bryant…I’ve explained how/why via Another-Article I’ve previously authored.

They hate You cause they couldn’t break You

The Scenario between Gareth Bryant & Tālib Nathaniel literally reminds me of the 1st-Fitnah/Civil-War amongst the Muslims:`Alī ibn-`Imrān vs. Mu`āwiyah (May Allah be pleased with them both), when the Roman-Emperor living during This-Time attempted to “convince” Mu`āwiyah to align themselves with Rome against `Alī…this was the Dialogue between the Roman-Emperor & Mu`āwiyah:

“The Byzantine Emperor had great hopes of attacking and defeating Mu’aawiyah after the latter had instilled fear in him and humiliated him and vanquished his troops. When the Byzantine Emperor saw that Mu’aawiyah was preoccupied with fighting ‘Ali, he approached some cities (on the border) with a huge army, filled with hope of victory. So Mu’aawiyah wrote to him saying, ‘By Allah, if you do not desist and go back to your land, O cursed one, I shall reconcile with my cousin and we will unite against you, and I shall certainly expel you from all of your land! I shall keep pursuing you, and the earth, vast as it is, will be straitened for you.’ At that, the Byzantine Emperor was scared off and abandoned his plans; he sent word seeking a peace treaty.”

(at-Tabarī, as-Suyūtī, ibn-Kathīr)

al-Husayn & the Massacre of Karbalā’:

The Gareth Bryant vs. Tālib Nathaniel Rivalry is predicated upon the two of them respectfuly, brotherly, academically: debating, disagreeing, etc. regarding Theological-Postures, Theological-Positions, Theological-Arguments, etc. which’ve been contested for Centuries via Islāmic-Academics whom precede the both of us as per Islāmic-Knowledge/Understanding. There’ve been Supporters via Various Religio-Sectarian Camps which’ve either wanted Tālib Nathaniel to be “defeated” via Gareth Bryant, or Gareth Bryant to be “defeated” via Tālib Nathaniel. There’s even been those who’ve publicly & privately attempted to Cheerlead, in order to inspire Rifts between Gareth Bryant & Tālib Nathaniel. However, via the Justice/Mercy-Of-Allah:

a. Neither Gareth Bryant nor Tālib Nathaniel had allowed ourselves to succumb to the Waswās/Deception of ash-Shaytān/Satan via the Biases-Of-Man for and against each other individually.

b. There’ve been Other Religio-Academics who’ve refused to attempt interering in the Religio-Academic Rivalry between Gareth Bryant & Tālib Nathaniel…themselves directly & indirectly expressing/verbalizing Gratitude that both Gareth & Tālib displayed Immense-Respect towards one another, presented Authentic/Objective-Facts regarding their Theological-Arguments, manifested Meritable-Maturity regarding the Subject-Matter, etc.

c. There’ve been Religio-Community Elders who’ve stepped-up to the Plate, to reinfirce the Necessity to maintain Justice as per evaluating the Theological-Arguments which’ve been presented/defended via the Works/Writings of Gareth Bryant & Tālib Nathaniel.

Gareth Bryant’s Article:

at-Tafwīdh/Neutrality vs. at-Ta’wīl/Interpretation concerning the Sifāt/Qualities-Of-Allah

Tālib Nathaniel’s Article:

Al-qadhiyatu min ajalil-Haqeeqa tafwid al-amr li-llah

Even amongst the Staunchest-Critics of both Gareth Bryant & Tālib Nathaniel: they respected the Efforts given by us both. We’ve both received Significant-Praise, as per our Efforts to conduct ourselves as Muslim-1st, regardless of what Gareth & Tālib have vehemently disagreed upon as per the Subject-Matter behind their Religio-Academic Rivalry. In spite of Gareth Bryant & Tālib Nathaniel being on Different-Sides of the `Aqīdah/Theology-Coin (Gareth being Pro-Atharī & Tālib being Ash`arī)…they each both do agree with one another that `Aqidah has been dangerously hijacked via Ahzāb/Religio-Gangs to incite/continue the Ugly-Mīrāth/Legacy of Muslim-On-Muslim Oppression via “`Aqīdah-Wars”. And, these “`Aqīdah-Wars” have been amongst the Usūl/Origins of Muslim-On-Muslim Violence throughout the Muslim-World historically & particularly via the United States amongst Muslim-Americans.

The Niggadelphia-Effect

What Gareth Bryant & Tālib Nathaniel have done, via our Brotherly-Bond: we’ve literally shown Other-Muslims the Power of Fraternity in spite of Rivalry. We’ve jointly proven that we can disagree & argue with/against Fellow-Muslims respectfuly, brothetly, friendly, maturely, academically, etc. without ever having to resort to any Sifah/Manifestation of al-Qattāl/Violence against any Fellow-Muslim. And, any/all of our Critics whom unrespect the Fact that Gareth & Tālib have never chosen to be Religio-Opps: that angers them greatly…proving undoubtedly that Persons like them are Part of the Mushkilah/Problem. Like…how dare any Muslim be triggered/angered, that Fellow-Muslims don’t want to be Enemies of one another?!!! Make that Goofy-Shit make Sense.

Gareth Bryant & Tālib Nathaniel have always made it Crystal-Clear: we attempt to always operate via being Muslim-1st. We refuse to view each other as “Enemies” of one another. We equally refuse to allow anyone to disrupt our Progress towards Facilitating al-Ijtimā`/Unity between the Muslims via Religio-Academia/Scholarship.We ask Allah, to always protect us & always aid us against any/all whom want us to be Adversaries against each other.

Gareth Bryant

1445, A.H./2024, C.E.

The Dhāt/Essence of al-Ijtihād/Decision-Making


Allah states:

“Those whom believe pay attention: upon you are yourselves.”

(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.105)

Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated:

“Avoid/abandon whatever makes your Heart uneasy.”

(Muslim, at-Tirmidhī, an-Nasā’ī, ad-Dārimī, Ahmad, ibn-Hibbān)

The Religio Urban-Legend surrounding al-Ijtihād

When Most-Muslims hear or think about the Concept/Term “Ijtihād”: immdeiately it’s exclusively implied to refer to domething Religio-Scholastic. I’ve even hear Statements/Arguments, pontificating/claiming that “The Doors-Of-Ijtihād are closed.”. Well get to that later-on via the Article…#TrustMe For now though, let’s get back to the Concept/Term itself.

What’s the Purpos/Point of “Ijtihād” anyway?!!!

It stands as a Method, to attempt answering the Unanswerable, regarding handling Religio-Issues only vaguely detailed via at-Tanzīl/Revelation (during the Lifetime of Muhammad). Or, additionally, dealing with Religio-Issues which never existed or were simply unknown to Arab-Society relative to the Revelation of The Qur’ān. You see: the Role of a Mujtahid/Decision-Maker & the Role of a Muftī/Fatwā-Maker are almost synonymous. I’ll explain what “Fatwā” is. “Fatwā” means “Conclusion/Verdict”, from the Word al-Iftā/Research. Muftī equally means “Researcher”. Every Muftī doesn’t issue Fatāwā/Verdicts by the way…Some/Certain Muftūn/Muftīs exclusive are Researchers. So, as is clearly noticeable: al-Ijtihād is Serious-Business. It necessitates Persons whom’re Experts/Masters of Fields-Of-Study, to ensure that they’ll actually make the Right-Decisions…the Correct-Decisions…the Safe-Decisions…the Wise-Decisions…the Intelligent-Decisions…the Pragmatic/Practical-Decisions…etc. Not everyone is capable, able, qualified, etc. to operate/function via This-Level of Islāmic-Scholarship. Reason being: because This-Level of Islāmic-Scholarship, there’ve been Religio-Decision made which’ve caused Great-Benefits & Great-Harms to the Muslims literally for Centuries continuously into the 21st-Century, C.E. There’ve been Mujtahidūn/Decision-Makers who’ve predicated Things that Muslims have been affected by since Those-Persons have been dead for Hundreds of Years.

What do People mean by “Closed-Doors of al-Ijtihād”?!!!

My Only-Conclusion with that Type/Kind of Untruthful/Dishonest-Posture…it’s a Control-Mechanism via Muslim-Foreignor Influence. It’s indicative of Certain-Persons only deemed “Persons-Of-Knowledge”, while Other-Persons are intended to never be religio-autonomous/independent from anyone. Don’t get me wrong: I’m not saying “Fuck the Scholars.”. However, what I’m authoritatively saying is that we’ll never be Religio-Demographically Autonomous, if we continue to allow ourselves to be Religio-Academically Shackled to “Overseas-Scholarship”. Islāmic-Knowledge has always been capable/able to be transformative for any/all Peoples who’ve been exposed to it. If/when we look all across the Planet, all over the Muslim-World, etc. Various-Demographics of Muslims have acquired Sufficient Religio-Academia/Scholarship…thanked those whom brought it to them…and they kept it pushin. We da Only-Niggas who act like 15-Year Olds with a Full-Set of Permanent-Teeth still trying to get Religio-Academically Breastfed. We’re the Only Muslim-Demographic whom buys into the “Doors-Of-Ijtihād are Closed” Kalām/Rhetoric.

How would “Ijtihād” be used via the Modern-World?!!!

Issues consistently evolve via the Modern-World & constantly require al-Ijtihād. Most-Muslims foolishly think these’re “Cut&Dry” Issues. But, in All-Truthfulness/Honesty…the Nuances & Consequences of each of the following have (potentially) Irreversable-Effects.

Modern-Issues requiring al-Ijtihād


(From Same-Gender “Marriages” to Transformer-Surgeries)…where do Muslims stand on these Socio-Political Lines?

The “Abrahamic-Faith” Fallacy & the Phenomenon of “Interfaith-Dialogue”.


What is it, and how is it to be defined & who can marry who?


Which Jobs/Careers to pursue, Home-Purchasing, Stock-Investments, etc…Yea or Nay?


Whose Side do we fight for in Military-Conflicts, whether against fellow Muslims or other Humans generally?


Divorce, Custody-Battles, Illegitimacy, Baby-Momma Drama & the ever-growing phenomenon which is the “Baby-Abi” syndrome.


The True-Definition of “Islāmic-Dress”, the Modeling-World, Fashion-Trends, the lost Sex-Appeal of the Muslim-Male & the ongoing “Imitation of the Kuffār” Phenomenon/Pseudo-Narrative.


Acting, Sports, Music, Fashion, etc…what’s the Extent of Islāmically-Allowable/Acceptable Muslim-Participation?


The onslaught of Insults & Attacks against al-Islām&Muslims via Media…how can/do we combat this?


The Foundation of Darwinism/Evolutionary-Theory…how do we address its growing popularity within the Muslim-World?


Toothbrushes vs. Miswaks…Soaps/Body-Washes & Anti-Bacterial-Products vs. Water & Dirt.


“Cash vs. Crypto”…which is more practical to be given in our Modern-Age?


From “Female-Imāms”, to Women leading Men in Prayers, to Abortion-Culture…what do we have to say about this?

To Vote or Not to Vote:

The Politics of Participation or lack thereof in via Political-Process.

Bio-Medical Ethics:

From Medical-Marijuana to Assistant-Suicide & any/all in between.

The Inadequacy of the Modern-Day Mujtahid

The Aforementioned are just some of Countless-Issues, which if according to Certain-Muslims “Doors-Of-Ijtihād are closed”, that Muslims do Personal-Ijtihād about all the Time, every Day, etc. own their own anyway. So, ironically, one of tge Asbāb/Reasons how & why Certain-Muslims are in the Ahwāl/Conditions we find ourselves in is precisely because Lack or Non-Existence of al-Ijtihād relative to which Region/Part of the Muslim-World they’re at. For example: via the U.S. you’ll actually find Countless-Muslims hailing from Certain Religio-Academic Backgrounds & they’re granted Religio-Permission to be titled “Muftī”, “Mujtahid”, etc. But, honestly, either 90% of them never deserve such “Titles”. Or, they’re complete-incapable to competently commit al-Ijtihād, because they’re completely-ignorant of the Environment..the People…the Culture…the Politics…etc. relative to where they’re at.

So, to conclude, we all must work towards Proper-Ijtihād. This is especially true for Muslims whom dwell within Parts/Regions of the Muslim-World which aren’t Muslim/Muslim-Majority Countries.

Gareth Bryant

at-Tafwīdh/Neutrality vs. at-Ta’wīl/Interpretation concerning the Sifāt/Qualities-Of-Allah



This-Article is an Unofficial-Sharh/Commentary of a Previous-Article I’ve written about the Fitrah/Nature-Of-Allah.

al-Athariyyah vs. al-Ash`ariyyah

There have been, classically & contemporaneously, (various Persons, Groups, Schools, etc.)-Those whom have taken a Theological-Position that the Features which Allah describes Himself with are only “Allegorical”, and not Literal/Real…these’re predominantly the Theological-Adherents of al-Ash`ariyyah/Ash`arism. This is based solely upon Interpretations of Linguistic-Nuances of the Arabic-Language, as opposed to what Allah has actually mentioned about Himself, what Muhammad (Peace be upon him) has mentioned about Him, what his Companions (May Allah be pleased with them altogether), and what the general Consensus of Muslim-Scholars of as-Salaf (the 3-Generations of Muslims relative to the Revelation of The Qur’ān) have commented on, concerning the Features of Allah. In fact, classically, the Vast-Majority of the Salaf (as-Sahābah/the Companions & Generations-1&2 of at-Tābi`īn/the Followers) have always taken a Religio-Posture known as at-Tafwīdh/Neutrality, regarding the Features of Allah: they are what they are, as mentioned, in both The Qur’ān & Sunnah/Prophetic-Tradition, without attempting to explain them, nor denying the Reality that these Divine-Features actually exists…these’re predominantly those whom openly claim to be Theological-Adherents of al-Athariyyah/Atharism. However, in All-Truthfulness/Honesty: the Concept al-Athariyyah isn’t even an `Aqīdah/(Religio-Theological School)…it’s simply the Theological-Default for Average/Regular-Muslim. Every Nabī/Prophetic-Individual (Peace be upon them altogether) were Theological-Atharīs & at leadt 90% of as-Sahābah/the Companions (May Allah be please with them altogether) were Theological-Atharīs.

The Reality of the Fitrah/Nature of Allah

The Theological-Song that never ends

The Subject at-Tafwīdh vs. at-Ta’wīl…a very hotly contested Religio-Theological Issue amongst Fellow-Muslims: namely amongst those whom sectarianly label themselves as “Atharīs”, “Ash`arīs”, “Māturīdīs”, “Mu`tazilīs”, “Shī`īs”, “Salafīs”, Sūfīs”, “Deobandīs”, “Barelwīs”, etc. Albeit the Average-Muslim views Fellow-Muslims whom participate in these ridiculous `Aqīdah/Creed-Wars as Derelicts. Fellow-Muslims external of the Religio-Sectarian Scene rarely, if ever, even care about “`Aqīdah-Wars” (which consumes the Daily-Lives of Countless-Muslims whom’re Hizbī/Religio-Sectarian).

As per Team-Ash`arī pontificating/claiming that Non-Ash`arīs believe Allah exists in a “Place

To Muslim-Ash`arīs whom pontificate/claim that Muslim Non-Ah`rīs believe Allah
exists via: “Space”, “Place”, “Direction”, etc…
…no Muslim believes that Allah is: “contained”, “confined”, restricted”, “limited” to: “Space”, Place, “Direction”, etc. Allah is literally above any/all Space, Place, Direction, etc. by default.

Literally, some of the
Asmā’/Names-Of-Allah are:

Al-`Alī/The Ultimately-Above

Al-Muta`āl/The Most-Elevated

Al-A`lā/The Most-High

However, Certain-Persons have deemed it necessary to do 1 of 2-Things:

a. Negate the Reality that Allah has described Himself with these Divine-Features, giving such Features a “Figurative-Definition/Allegorical-Interpretation”.

b. Attempt to give the Divine-Features of Allah a “Form/Structure”.

Both are equally theologically problematic as well as theologically dangerous.

This Particular-Debate (over the Extent of the Reality or lack-thereof concerning the Features of Allah), has been a (recurring, theological/scholarly) Debate for the Past-Millennium, A.H./C.E. amongst Muslims. But, that’s not my Concern, to get caught-up with the Ikhtilāf/Differing of Madhāhib (Religio-Scholastic Opinions) regarding Islāmic-Theology. My Point here is very simple: there’s so many things about Allah’s-Nature, which we, as Created-Things, will probably/defnitely never know…that’s OK to not know everything-Only Allah Themselves are Al-`Alīm/The All-Knowing.

The Dangers&Idiocy of Hizbī/Sectarian-Conflicts

But, it honestly doesn’t even matter, for the Following-Reasons:

a. If it were really that important for us, as Created-Things, to know in detail regarding the Sifāt/Features of Allah: they would’ve most definitely extended the Definition of what Their Features are/are not via The Qur’ān and/or the Sunnah.

b. Debating over whether Allah has Literal/Real-Sifāt vs. Metaphorical/Allegorical-Sifāt won’t get anyone any further via their Individual Islāmic-Development/Evolution. I view this as a Waste-Of-Time, for People to go Back&Forth: debating, arguing, attacking one another, etc. verbally and/or even physically over these Theological-Issues.

c. There must/should be 0-Doubt, to any Muslim, that when Allah mentions something in The Qur’ān, or within the Sunnah, that He is not at all attempting to be “deceptive”.

I mean, really…do you really think/feel that Allah (Creator/Lord of the Universe) would just mention that He possesses Features, for Himself, just to throw us off & confuse us, to have us at one another’s Throats (figuratively & literally)?!!! What type of God do you think/feel you’re worshipping?!!! Allah never plays Practical-Jokes upon His Creation, nor does He deceive people, nor does He insult anyone’s Intelligence. However, because we may possess some Deficiencies of our own, due to our Egos/Desires…Lack of Intellectual-Vision…and/or just Plain-Ignorance of the Knowledge of Revelatory-Texts…etc.: we’ve a Tendency/Propensity to overcompensate for the Fact that we don’t comprehend something about Allah, by attempting to define/interpret it ourselves. This undoubtedly in turn leads Persons astray.

What drove me to even write this to revist the Subject-Matter:

A Muslim-Colleague of mine, Tālib Nathaniel (an Ash`arī-Academic in their own Right) whom I personally respect immensely, as per their objective/extensive Islāmic-Academia: Tālib Nathaniel & myself very often respectfully (the Sincere-Respectfully not the Sarcastic-Respectfully) clash, debate, discuss, dialogue, etc. regarding the Theological-Grounds for any Muslim being Pro/Anti-Tafwīdh or Pro/Anti-Ta’wīl. So, I decided to just blatantly open the Full-Throttle Debate regarding Tafwīdh vs. Ta’wīl, figuring that Tālib Nathaniel would take an Interest in this Type/Kind of Endeavor. (As Allah would have it) Tālib Nathaniel proved me Right. They proved to be All-In with this.

My Heart breaks because of the Idiocy of the Muslim Afro-American

Prior to authoring this, I messaged Tālib the Original-Skeleton of This-Article. And, I know what they must’ve been thinking when they saw what I messaged them: “This-Nigga Gareth Bryant done lost they Damn-Mind!!!” LOL Nevertheless, I stand firm upon what I’ve authored & I’m more than sure that Tālib Nathaniel will most definitely author their own Rebuttal/Clapback-Article, as a Result of what I’ve written. I started-out the Article simply as a very lengthy Monologue, if you will, directed towards Tālib Nathaniel (exclusively to get their Feedback about what I originally messaged them).

So, this is how I conveyed my Monologue-Message to Tālib Nathaniel:

I got something for you to discuss with me. It’s the Easiest-Way to debunk Ash`arī-Kalām/Rhetoric against Non-Ash`arīs…the Concept of al-Masjid/the Mosque. The Alternate-Title of/for the Masjid is “Baytullah” (the House-Of-Allah). Here’s where we investigate the Tafsīr/Context of “Bayt”…is Allah stating that They divinely dwell in a: Space, Location, Place, Direction, Address, Village, Township/Town, Metropolis/City, Provence, State, Country, etc.?!!! Number-1: No Muslim would dare pontificate/claim that Allah “lives” within anything, “lives” at any Place, etc. Number-2: No Muslim would dare pontificate/claim that Allah is subject/subjected to having to seek-out Properties, Real-Estate…subject/subjected to Mortgages, Renting, Eviction, Foreclosure, etc.

So, when Allah states (via The Qur’ān): “And All-Masājid/Mosques are for/belong to Allah.” (Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.72, V.18)…where do we go with This Revelatory-Statement?!!! Hold-On to your Kūfīs-According to Ash`arism: the Sifāh/Divine-Description of Allah descending to Samā’-id-Dunyā (the Sky/Heaven of the Mundane), during the Last-3rd of Nitetime…the Classic/Typical Ash`arī-Argument against at-Tafwīdh is that: “Nitetime occurs at Different-Times across the Earth. So, are People trying to claim that Allah is going ‘Up&Down’ anywhere/everywhere there’s different Nitetimes?!!!”. Obviously, this is a Deflective/Gaslighter-Posture, exclusively geared towards trying to make Non-Ash`arīs seem Islāmically-Ignorant, Unintelligent, etc. It’s literally meant as a Tool-Of-Humiliation.

The Evil&Destructive-Nature of Takfīr-Culture

Ironically though, via the Same-Line of Logic: the Revelatory-Statement, “And All-Masājid are for/belong to Allah.”…anyone can easily do the Same-Thing: “So, does this mean that Allah is a ‘Rolling-Stone’: wherever They lay Their Divinity is Their Home?!!!”. No Muslim would dare claim this, because it’s theologically insulting to the Integrity of at-Tawhīd/Islāmic-Monotheism. There’s 0-Doubt that mocking the Concept of at-Tafwīdh literally (by default/definition) is Mockery of anything/everything which Allah revealed to Muhammad via at-Tanzīl.


What/where’s my Evidence People’ll ask & that’s good to ask…the following are my Proofs:

1. Allah has a Nafs/Persona

This is solely based upon the Fact that Allah does say about Himself, in The Qur’an, as well as what Muhammad (Peace be upon him), said about Allah, as having an Actual-Nafs/Persona. Of course, obviously not to be compared, or confused, with the Similitude of the Nafs/Persona of any Creature/Being.
(Noble Qur’an: Chpt.5, V.116; at-Tabarī; as-Suyūtī)

2. Allah has a Face/Eyes

This is solely based upon the fact that Allah does in fact describe Themselves, within The Qur’ān, as well as Muhammad (Peace be upon him) via the Sunnah describing Him as having an Actual/Real-Face/Eyes. This isn’t at all to be compared or confused with the Similitude of the Face/Eyes of any Created-Thing.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.52, V.48; 55, V.26 & 27; at-Tabarī; as-Suyūtī)

3. Allah has a Voice/Speech

This is solely based upon the Fact that Allah is described in The Qur’ān, as well in the Sunnah, as having an Actual/Real-Voice/Speech, not to be compared or confused with the Similitude of the Voice/Speech of any Created-Thing.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.4, V.164; at-Tabarī; as-Suyūtī)

4. Allah has Hands/Fingers

This is solely based upon the Fact that Allah does in fact details about Themselves, in The Qur’ān, as well as in the Sunnah, as having Actual-Hands/Fingers (2 Right-Hands in fact to be exact: a Tolerated/Accepted-Opinion but equally an Unpopular-Opnion via Team-Atharī) not to be compared or confused with the Similitude of the Hands/Fingers of any Created-Thing.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.38, V.75; at-Tabarī; as-Suyūtī; al-Bukhārī; Muslim)

5. Allah has Shins

This is solely based upon the Fact that Allah does in fact describe Himself, in The Qur’an & the Sunnah, as having Actual-Shins, not to be compared or confused with the Similitude of the Shins of any Created-Thing.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.68, V.42; at-Tabarī; as-Suyūtī)

6. Allah has Feet

This is solely based upon the Fact that Allah does in fact describe Himself as having Actual-Feet, not to be compared, or confused with the Similitude of the Feet of any Created-Thing.

The Pushback against the Aforementioned-Points

Of course, there’s going to be Persons whom’ll challenge what I’ve stated. Yet, I’ll pose the Following-Questions:

1. Is the Face of a Mountain the same as the Face of a Building?!!!

2. Is the Eye of a Storm the same as the Eye of a Needle?!!!

3. Are the Hands of a Clock/Watch the same as the Hands of a Human?!!!

Anyone/everyone of Basic-Intelligence will respind: “Of course, they’re not the same.”. So, since that’s the Case: it literally defies Human-Intelligence to assume that any Muslim attempts to ewuate the Sifāt/Features-Of-Allah to the Sifāt of Makhlūq/Akwān (Created-Things/Beings). For any Muslim to dare accuse any Fellow-Muslim of attempting to equate Allah to Creation/Creation to Allah (at-Tashbīh [Anthropomorphism]/at-Tamthīl [Theophany]) is quite honestly a Dummy.

at-Tark/Deflection as per the Validity of at-Tafwīdh:

The Mockery/Rejection of at-Tafwīdh by default/definition is in turn the Mockery/Rejection of at-Tanzīl/Revelation itself. Surely, the Concept of at-Tafwīdh didn’t just incept/invent itself. And, none of the Muslims just freestyled it themselves. at-Tafwīdh was explicitly taught by Allah to Muhammad (Peace be upon them) via The Qur’ān & the Sunnah/Prophetic-Tradition.

The Haqqover/Super-Hizbī: Debunking the Pseudo-Justifications for Takfīr-Culture

Ironically, Ash`arī-Rhetoric opposing at-Tafwīdh proves that they don’t even believe in The Qur’ān & the Sunnah as they pontificate/claim:

Number-1…Allah affirms/confirms that everything Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated, did, etc. regarding al-Islām was at-Tanzīl/Revelation.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.53, V.1-5)

Number-2…Muhammad stated: “Beware, verily, I was granted The Qur’ān & something just like it as Revelation. And there’ll be Persons from my Nation whom’ll recline on Couches claiming “The Qur’ān alone is enough for me.”. Beware of them.”.

Number-3…Allah affirms/confirms that whomever mocks Muhammad and/or whatever they were sent with as per at-Tanzīl are Cursed-Persons.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.108)

This-Article, for the Record, will definitely be the Last-Article I ever author about anything related to al`Aqīdah/Islāmic-Theology…I’ve written enough about the Subject & especially concerning at-Tafwīdh vs. at-Ta’wīl. Personally, I don’t even have to write about the Subject any longer: I’ve written as extensively as I could & have attempted to have my Articles contain as many Facts, Contexts, Clarity/Clarification, etc. as humanly possible. Now, don’t get me wrong: with Allah’s-Help I’ll still be writing…just no longer about these Goofy-Ass `Aqīdah-Wars.

Gareth Bryant

The Mythos of the “Knowledge-Seeker”


“And never let your hatred, against any People, prevent you from behaving justly.”…”Have you seen those whom take their Desires as their God? Are you then their Enabler?”
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.8; Chpt.25, V.43)

Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Apathy/Arrogance is denying/rejecting Truth & mocking/disrespecting People.”.

Mu`ādh ibn-Jabal (May Allah be pleased with them) stated: “Always accept Truth, even if it comes from a Kāfir (Disbeliever/Non-Muslim, or a Fāsiq (Sinner/Sinful-Muslim).”.

All-3 of the Aforementioned Religio-Texts predicated the Islāmic-Principle: “Truth is Truth, regardless of whom/where it comes from.”.

There’s Countless-Muslims whom I frequently converse with: discussing various Religio-Topics/Subjects. As per these Specific-Discussions: Allah has granted me al-Basīrah/Vision (via Foresight, Insight, Hindsight), that sadly so/too many Muslims aren’t “Truth-Seekers” & they’re most definitely not “Knowledge-Seekers”. I say this, authoritatively, because the Madhāhib/Religio-Postures/Opinions I’ve heard Certain-Muslims openly & publicly advocate for…it truly makes me 💯%-Convinced that at least 1/2 of them suffer from at-Tajnīn (Jinn-Infulence/Demon-Possession).

I’ll give Examples of what I mean:

Sadly, there’s Persons whom really think that asking Mass-Amounts of Questions, and/or having Knoledgeable-Persons answering Unnecessary/Ridiculous-Questions, etc. makes a Person a “Good-Student”. No…it really doesn’t in fact. Ironically, more often than not, it actually confirms how much of a Bad-Student one actually is. Moreover, there’s a Popular-Concept known as “Fatwā-Shopping” amongst Muslims. This-Concept exists, literally, as a Direct-Result of Certain-Muslims going from Shaykh2Shaykh: hoping to find Answers to their Inquiries which compliment their Egos/Desires as opposed to being a Truth-Seeker.

The “My Shaykh said…” Sucka-Shit

There’re Persons whom deliberately only accept Truth, Info., Knowledge, etc. if it’s disseminated via their Favorite-Personalities. They Fanboy, Stan, Dick-Ride, etc. Religio-Celebrities whom they think/feel will grant them the Pseudo-Justifications to pursue their Egotistical-Whims via Impunity.


The “There’s a Difference-Of-Opinion on that.” Kalām/Rhetoric

These Types/Kinds of Individuals always look for A`dhār/Excuses, to either adopt Sinful-Ways or to cling to Sinful-Ways. And they purposely: manipulate, misinterpret, etc. Various Religio-Opinions/Rulings only to attempt matching them with what their Egos/Desires are addicted to.


The “You’re not a Scholar.” Deflection/Gaslighting

Certain-Persons will exclusively reject any/all Information, from those whom they disfavor. If they’ve something against anyone personally, they’ll go out of yheir Way to dismiss whatever Truth/Honesty any of their Adversaries bring forth. If the Messaging doesn’t hail from someone they don’t Dick-Ride, then they either devalue/discredit it or deny/reject it altogether.

The “People-Of-Knowledge” Pseudo-Narrative & Pseudo-Monopoly according to Muslims

The “This Shaykh/Scholar got This&That Wrong.” Cop-Out

Starving for Attention via Preying upon the Ignorant

People are always quick to so-called “Point-Out” the Errors of Knowledgeable-Persons, as Pseudo-Justifications to not accept/adhere to whatever they convey to Others. They reject them, as though they themselves are “Flawless”, “Perfect”, “Sinless”, etc. & the Truth is that only Allah doesn’t error. The Errors of anyone is never any Islāmic-License to reject any such Truth they may convey to Others.

The “Fulān-Fulān/So-And-So has been warned against.” Manipulation

Exposing Fraudulent-Refutations

There’s Persons whom always attempt to shut anyone down, whom isn’t in their Religio-Sectarian Camps. They do this, of course, to marginalize those whom they opppse. And, it’s also equally done to keep Influence/Control over their Religio-Sectarian Fellowship. Their Egos/Desires require them to keep their Sectarian-Adherents on a Tight-Leash.

The Irony is that the Vast-Majority of Muslims whom pontificate/claim to be “Knowledge-Seekers” only seek-out Fatāwā/Religio-Rulings which won’t challenge the Fitnah/Goofy-Shit they’re on & wish to stay upon.

What Exactly is a Student of Knowledge – Talib ul ilm

I myself, at 1-Point as a Muslim: I once thought I was a “Knowledge-Seeker”. But, I truly wasn’t…I was just Dick-Riding the “Student-Of-Knowledge” Wave, like everyone else caught-up in being addicted to the Hizbī/Religio-Sectarian Trends. Fortunately, via the Mercy-Of-Allah, it didn’t take long for me to realize this. However, it did take awhile for me to reverse this within myself & set myself upon an Authentic-Course of True Knowledge-Seeking.

Most-Persons whom were caught-up & are still caught-up via the Hizbī-Trends…they’ll never admit what I’ve just admitted. And, because of that, they’ll never religio-academically evolve/improve:

They’ll be the Individuals who’ve been “studying” the 3-Part Madīnah-Book Arabic-Language Series, while not really learning anything.

They’ll be the Groupies, trying to attain Access to any/all those they deem as “Shuyūkh/Learned-Persons”, via being their Lackeys.

They’ll be the Persons whom pontificate/claim to be “connected” to the “`Ulamā’/Religio-Scholars”, yet the Same-`Ulamā’ they claim to be connected to literally have 0-Idea who they are.

They’ll be those whom so-called “Dress the Part”, as per looking like a Knowledgeable-Person…it’s literally Costumes which they don to attempt appearing “Pious”, “Righteous”, “Smart”, “Significant”, “Relevant”, “Important”, etc.

They’ll be the People whom’ll sloganize the Popular-Mythos “My Teachers have Isnād/Chains.”-Ironically, their “Teachers” only “teach” them how to be Dick-Riders.

Gareth Bryant

The Statements of Allah vs. the Statements of “The Scholars”: the Anatomy of Personality-Worship amongst Muslims towards “Persons-Of-Knowledge”


Allah states: “Those whom believe pay attention: Obey Allah & the Messenger, as well as the Possessors-Of-Authority amongst you. However, if you differ regarding anything: refer it to Allah & the Messenger, providing you actually believe in Allah & the Last-Day. That’s best & a Most-Excellent Conclusion.”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.4, V.59)

The Section of the Aforementioned-Verse via The Qur’ān: when it’s stated “…Possessors-Of-Authority amongst you…”, Many/Most-Muslims will default interpret/conclude this to exclusively mean Muslim Religio-Academics/Scholars. So, we’re going to explore how/why so many Muslims take such a Religio-View.

I’m going to begin this by highlighting a 2 Seperate-Convos I had with 2 Seperate-Persons: both Well-Versed via Islāmic-Knowledge. One of them had mentioned the Following-Book to me…it’s known as a Famous-Work detailing a Specific-Madhab. A Madhab is a Religio-Legal School, focusing on Religio-Legal Analysis of ash-Sharī`ah/Islāmic-Law.

For More-Info. regarding Madhāhib/Religio-Legal Schools:


So…one of the Persons whom I conversed with, regarding this Particular Book: they expressed Grave-Concern regarding a Wellknown-Citation/Quote attributed to the Reputation of the Author of the Work & the Work itself, as well as the Students of the Work itself. The Statement is as follows: “We’re the Khalīliyyūn/the Followers of al-Khalīl. If they’ve strayed, then so have we.”.

Now, on the Other-End, as per the Other-Person I conversed with: they indicated that it’s untrue/dishonest to interpret the Cited/Quoted-Statement the Way it typically can be. They mentioned that the Cited/Quoted-Statement isn’t from the Work itself, but rather it became a Popular-Statement regarding the Religio-Academic Reputation of Khalīl al-Jundī. They described the Statement as merely a Sign of Religio-Scholastic Respect for Khalīl al-Jundī.

This-Statement itself, from what I gather is that those whom follow Khalīl al-Jundī are very stern towards taking the Scholarship of Khalīl al-Jundī very seriously. This can be a Positive or a Negative equally. It’s because it can imply that Khalīl al-Jundī is “never wrong” & if they’re “wrong”, then it means that their Students are “wrong”, and their Students would never claim that Khalīl al-Jundī “wrong” about anything.

I can most definitely see where Both-Persons are coming from. The Silver-Lining Issue, of course, is a very popularized Religio-Concept amongst Muslims known as at-Taqlīd/Blind-Following. The Usūl/Origins of the Concept itself-Historically it stems from Ignorant-Persons necessarily being connected to Knowledgeable-Persons, in order to get the Best-Understanding of al-Islām. But, too often, this has greatly evolved into Certain-Muslims aimlessly following anyone exclusively because they allign with the same: Hizb/Religio-Sect, `Aqīdah/Religio-Theological School, Minhāj/Religio-Ideology, etc.

For More-Info. regarding at-Taqlīd:

To Taqlīd or not to Taqlīd

Understanding Religio-Sectarianism amongst Muslims

The Dangers&Idiocy of Hizbī/Sectarian-Conflicts

Examining al-Kharajiyyah/Religio-Extremism via Mafia/Gang-Culture amongst Muslims historically & contemporaneously

Fake-Wokeness & the Idiocy of the Muslim Flat-Earther

The Irony though is that All-Muslims are Islāmically-Required to be Religio-Knowledgeable regarding al-Islām. What this means, inherently, is that it’s an Ithm/Sin for any Muslim to be Purposely-Ignorant. Even if a Muslim doesn’t have Access to Education, Wealth/Funds to pay for Education, lacks Books for whatever Reason, or is Completely-Illiterate, etc. they must still expend any/all Efforts to attain whichever Knowledge they possibly can. Hell…even as per Secular-Matters  there’s Certain-Things which every Muslim must/should know. This is precisely how/why Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Pursuing Knowledge is a Farīdhah/Islāmic-Mandate, upon every Muslim.”.

This now brings us to the Title of the Article itself. Attempting to be as objective as I can: Both-Persons brought Valid-Arguments, as per possessing Scholastic-Respect & as per not being a Dick-Rider. Scholastic-Respect is essential, while however being a Dick-Rider is dangerous. Muhammad even stated: “Don’t be an Imma`ah.”…the Word “Imma`ah” in fact means “Dick-Rider”.
(at-Tirmidhī; Lisān-ul-`Arab [Lexicon of the Arabic-Language], ibn-Manzhūr)

For More-Info. regarding al-Imma`tiyyah/Dick-Rider Culture amongst Muslims:




The Overall-Takeaway from This-Article must/should be:

1. al-Jahl/Ignorance isn’t a “Flex”. al-`Ilm/Knowledge is a Must for any/all Endeavors.

2. al-Islām at All-Times is predicated upon al-`Ilm via at-Tanzīl/Revelation.

3. Islāmic-Knowledge takes precedence over any/all other Kinds/Types of Univeral/Secular-Knowledge.

4. al-`Ilm must be understood/interpreted based upon Sound-Evidence/Sources & Proper-Cultivation/Education.

5. No 1-Individual, 1-Entity, 1-Group, etc. has any such “Monopoly” over Islāmic-Knowledge.

6. Only Allah is Al-`Alīm/The All-Knowing. So, none of us should ever treat anyone as though they know everything.

I know, as for me: this is precisely how/why I’m Madhab-Fluid. Meaning, I’m willing to recognize/accept anything from any Madhab which is rooted in at-Tanzīl & I readily ignore/reject anything from any Madhab which I personally don’t find predicated upon at-Tanzīl. Muhammad stated: “Abandon whatever makes your Heart question/speculate.”.

Mālik ibn-Anas (ironically the Progenitor/Founder of the Mālikī-Madhab in which al-Khalīl’s Work is directly about the Mālikī-Madhab):

“The Kalām/Speech of anyone can be freely accepted or rejected, except the Kalām of the Occupier of This-Grave (pointing towards the Grave of Muhammad ibn-`Abdillah: the Messenger-Of-Allah via al-Madīnah).”.

Gareth Bryant 1445, A.H./2023, C.E.

The “People-Of-Knowledge” Pseudo-Narrative & Pseudo-Monopoly according to Muslims



I personally know Muslims, who’ve basically the Same-Kinds/Types of Islāmic-Knowledge as I’ve amassed. Yet, immediately they’ve been granted Titles like, “Ustādh”, “Imām”, “Shaykh”, etc. Now, let me make myself very clear: I despise Titles, because they make People Arrogant. However, staying On-Point: one of the Reasons how/why this is the Case is because they’re not from me & I’m not from them. Meaning, they’re Arab…I’m not, they’re Desi…I’m not, they’re European/Euro-American (“White”)…I’m not, they’re African…I’m not, they’re Asian…I’m not, etc. Also, I don’t even consider myself to be a “Person-Of-Knowledge”. It’s simply that I know Game if/when I see it. Even as per Muslims whom’re of me & I of them-Persons who’ve literally dedicated their Entire-Lives to Islāmic-Academia/Scholarship…those whose Islāmic-Knowledge so greatly surpasses my own by far: even Those-Persons aren’t recognized as “Scholars”, “Shaykhs”, etc.

But, instead, they’re religio-academically disrespected via the Imposition of the Title “Student-Of-Knowledge” placed upon them. And, what I know for a Fact: that Title “Student-Of-Knowledge” is a Muslim Religio-Scholastic Euphemism for “Lil-Nigga”. I’ve observed/witnessed These-Realities my Entire-Duration as a Muslim. It took me a Long-Time, however, to self-develop the Courage to recognize/accept & call the Religio-Bullshit out if/whenever I see it. And anytime/everytime I’ve actually called this out, I get Sided-Eyed as though I’m the One who’s Buggin.

It’s basically a Control-Mechanism, because via Things such as al-Hizbiyyah/Religio-Sectarianism, al-`Asabiyyah/Xenophobia, the Pseudo-Narrative of Bilāl ibn-Rabāh (May Allah be pleased with him): the Muslim-Slave Narrative, Sexual-Access to Women, etc. Muslims Native/Indigenous to the Western-World/Hemisphere (especially Muslim Afro-Americans from Canada to Chile) predicates/dictates that we can’t be Muslim Religio-Scholars unless/until these Clown-Asses from Muslim/Muslim-Majority Countries “declare” us to be so. News-Flash: that’s never going to happen. These Persons will never recognize/accept the Vast-Majority of Persons-Of-Knowledge amongst Muslim Afro-Americans, because for us to be Academically-Autonomous/Independent thus means that we’ll no longer be their Religio-Slaves. Ironically, the Worst-Part is that Muslim Afro-Americans absolutely love to be and/or remain Religio-Shackled to the Same-People who’ll never truly respect any of their Religio-Academia/Scholarship. This is the Case, simply due to the Fact that, statistically, demographically: instead of using al-Islām as the Ultimate-Tool to correct the Human-Condition, we’ve merely used al-Islām to switch Slave-Masters. We literally enjoy being NWA (Niggas With `Aqīdah/Theology).

Romance of the 3-`Aqīdahs

Exposing & attacking Linguistic-Islāmophobia: Gareth Bryant’s Hujjah/Refutation against the YouTube-Page “Exploring The Quran And The Bible”

How much longer are Muslims of our Generations going to continue to tolerate/accept Muslim-Foreigner Influences, which does little2no Good and/or mostly2complete Harm?!!! Just to give you Context…NASA (the Scientific-Research/Discovery Wing of the U.S.-DOD) invented the James Webb Telescope, which was $50Billion & detected (via the Will-Of-Allah) Multiple-Galaxies that’re estimated as being the Same-Age as (if not older than) the Previous-Age that the Seen-Universe had been estimated as…about 14Billion-Years old. Ironically though, here on Earth: there’s Muslims whom still pontificate/claim that the Earth is “Flat”. Literally, till This-Day, it’s an “accepted” Religio-Geological “Fatwā/Ruling” dictated by someone whom:

a. Was Blind since they were a Teenager.

b. Never received any Official/Formal Secular-Education.

c. Never lived externally of the Arabian-Peninsula.

There’s been more than enough “Persons-Of-Knowledge”, who’ve sat with Fulāns-Fulāns/These-Niggas&Those-Niggas. There’s an Unlimited-Plethora of Islāmic-University Graduates, from Multiple-Institutions via “Overseas”…
…honestly it’s to the Point that why do People still go “Overseas” to “study”. I’ll tell you how/why: it’s because al-Ijtimā`/Unity scares&confuses so/too many People. And, this is exclusively because so/too many People don’t want to be responsible nor accountable. So, upon that: it’s easy&convenient to stay separated, so People can operate as if they’re practicing Bastard-Fuedalism…their own Religio-Regions/Fiefdoms.

The Ambition/Vision: to free us from Muslim-Foreigner Influence.

The Focus/Plan: to connect with Liked-Minds whom’re tired of being Religio-Academically bitched via Muslim-Foreigner Influence & that we work together in order to pattern an Authentic Religio-Destiny of us based upon al-Islām & no longer based upon Muslim-Foreigner Sucka-Shit.

The Drive/Work: It’s going to be an Uphill-Dogfight from Start2Finish. And, realistically, we may not live long enough to see it manifested. But, we must still aim for it.

Don’t get me wrong: I’m not saying “Fuck the Scholars.”. However, what I’m authoritatively saying is that we’ll never be Religio-Demographically Autonomous, if we continue to allow ourselves to be Religio-Academically Shackled to “Overseas-Scholarship”. Islāmic-Knowledge has always been capable/able to be transformative for any/all Peoples who’ve been exposed to it. If/when we look all across the Planet, all over the Muslim-World, etc. Various-Demographics of Muslims have acquired Sufficient Religio-Academia/Scholarship…thanked those whom brought it to them…and they kept it pushin. We da Only-Niggas who act like 15-Year Olds with a Full-Set of Permanent-Teeth still trying to get Religio-Academically Breastfed.

For example…literally, as per any/all the Islāmic-Institutions of Higher-Learning any of These-Dudes went to (both the Graduates & Drop-Outs alike):

1. Where’s the Qur’ān-Schools?!!!

2. Where’s the Tafsīr/Commentary-Schools?!!!

3. Where’s the Hadīth/Narration-Schools?!!!

4. Where’s the Fiqh/Legal-Analysis Schools?!!!

5. Where’s the Madhab/Religio-Legal Schools?!!!

6. Where’s the Sharī`ah/Islāmic-Law Schools?!!!

7. Where’s the Iftā/Religio-Research Schools?!!!

Gareth Bryant

Sharī`ah’s Anatomy: Where al-Islām meets Bio-Medical Ethics



Sharī`ah’s Anatomy is a Podcast with Chaplain Gareth Bryant & Dr. James Ferguson, concerning Bio-Medical Ethics from an Islāmic-Lens. The Purpose of this Podcast to empower Muslims & Humanity at large, via Education, concerning how to make Informed-Decisions about their own Healthcare. Also, to learn how to navigate how the Healthcare/Medical-Field works, so that, as Healthcare-Recipients, you can speak/act with Authority, as per how you want, expect, deserve to be treated by Healthcare/Medical-Professionals & the Healthcare/Medical-Industry.

Our Podcasts will be livestreamed via Facebook-Live, every Thursday @ 5pm (EST).

Facebook: Shariah’s Anatomy

Instagram: @shariahsanatomy