Category Archives: Sarcasm

My thoughts on Misogyny (The hatred & disrespect of Women):


Author’s note:
I wrote this poem, to shed some much-needed light on how men (Muslim men particularly) have allowed this disgusting concept, that we know as Misogyny, to dictate how we are to treat the most precious & priceless of all of the creation of Allah: the Human female. Allah has placed inside the mind, heart, soul, and body of the Human female so much blessing and abilities to cultivate the growth & development of all of us, generation after generation, century after century, and millennium after millennium. Yet, unfortunately, we’ve allowed ourselves to view the woman as a worthless sexual-prize, only to satisfy the carnal cravings of men. We need to start having real conversations as to why we’ve allowed the Devil to encourage us to treat women in such a demoralized fashion, and we have to correct this vicious cycle of pathological thinking. It’s no wonder why so many women have converted to Feminism, because they’ve been short-changed and pushed around, by the same men Allah has created to respect, honor, protect, secure, cherish & love. And, it is my sincere hope that this poem can help in some way spark some interesting conversations about this topic, as well as get people uncomfortable enough to want to change the Non-Islamic status-quo of how women are allowed to be viewed and treated in our societies.

P.S. Don’t get pissed-off concerning the title of the poem:


Why are our women “Bitches”?
We degrade at them, beat them & crush them.
We belittle them, and destroy their self-esteem.

Why are our mothers “Bitches”?
We don’t respect, honor, appreciate, or love them.
We make them weep, their tears flow like a stream.

Why are the mothers of our children “Bitches”?
We deny responsibility and neglect the Child-Support.
They’re forced to be both parents, it’s the only resort.

Why are our daughters “Bitches”?
Daddy’s little-girl is helpless and completely alone.
No clue how a man is to treat her, he’s long gone.

Why is a “Woman” a female-dog?
It’s really sad how easy it is to call a woman by other than her real name.
This word “Bitch” hurts so many and saying it so comfortably is a shame.

When did our love for women turn into hate?
We seem to let our bad experiences determine how we treat others.
We have to end this cycle and be examples for our young brothers.

If someone calls a woman we care about a “Bitch”, we all wanna fight.
But, if we say the same thing to woman, it’s just supposed to be alright.

We were all birthed by women, so let’s start honoring females.
When we view women as “Bitches”, we disrespect ourselves.

Gareth Bryant/2009

Dissecting the “Toxic-Masculinity & Toxic-Patriarchy” Mythos/Pseudo-Narrative


1. The Human-Race is called “Children-Of-Adam” 8-Times, Word4Word, via at-Tanzīl/Revelation. This by definition indicates that Adam is the Patriarch of the Human-Race.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.27; Chpt.7, V.26-27, 31&35, 172; Chpt.17, V.70; Chpt.36, V.60)

2. Adam (Peace be upon them), the 1st-Human, was a Man.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.2, V.30-37; at-Tabarī, as-Suyūtī, ibn-Kathīr)

3. The Word “Female” literally derives from the Word “Male” & the Word “Woman literally derives from the Word “Man”. And that’s because Hawwā’/Eve (Peace be upon them) was created from an Extracted-Portion of the Anatomy of Adam. In fact, the Word “Hawwā'” literally means “To be completely-created from something already alive/breathing.”.
(Merriam-Webster; Lisān-ul-`Arab: Lexicon of the Arabic-Language, ibn-Manzhūr)

4. Historically, via Normal-Circumstances (external of Rape, Non-Marital Pregnancies, Adoption of Children abandoned without knowledge of their Heritage, etc.): People have always been granted the Names of their Fathers.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.33, V.5; at-Tabarī; as-Suyūtī)

5. (Historically) Most Surnames/Last-Names, regardless of: Language, Culture, Society, etc. have always been Masculine-Names.

6. There’s literally Women (in spite of the Fact that this is Mahrūm/Islāmically-Prohibited) whom take-on the Names of their Husbands via Marriage.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.33, V.5)

Gareth Bryant 1443, A.H./2022, C.E.

The Abrahamic-Fallacy


Jordan Peterson discussing the “Abraham-Accords”:

For More-Info. about the “Abraham-Accords”:

Muslims Celebrate Shavuot – And Have Been Doing so for Hundreds of Years!

The Concepts “Abrahamism”, “Abrahamic”, “Abrahamic-Faiths/Religions”, etc. which predicates further the Mythos/Pseudo-Narrative that Muslims&Jews are “Cousins” are 💯%-Untruth/Dishonesty. These-Concepts exclusively exist via the “Interfaith-Dialogue” Mythos: the so-called Consolidation of Muslims, Jews, Christians. However, anyone whom knows anything truly about any of these 3 Religio-Spiritual Paths, Religions, Faiths, etc. knows that they’re very much different unto themselves. I plan to undoubtedly debunk These-Concepts. Honestly, they’re very simple/easy to do so. There’s Several-Ways which I intend to accomplish this.

The Proofs against “Abrahamism/Abrahamic”:

Abraham (Peace be upon them), commonly falsely credited as being the “1st-Monotheist” via the Interfaith-Mythos. This has historically set the Theological-Tone/Stage to pontificate/promote the Mythos of “Abrahamic-Religions”, in the so-called Chronological-Order with Judaism being “First”, Christianity being “Second”, al-Islām being “Third”. an-Nuzūl/Revelatory-Texts undoubtedly proves otherwise, as Allah states, “And Adam was taught the Names of all.”
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.2, V.31)

This establishes 2-Things:

a. This is a Revelatory-Textual Proof, that Adam: the Progenitor/Patriarch-Of-Humanity (Peace be upon them) was directly taught by Allah & by definition that affirms/confirms their Maqām/Status of being a Nabī/Prophetic-Individual. Likewise, it equally affirms/confirms that they were the 1st Muslim-Human: it’s literally impossible for someone to be directly taught by the Creator/Lord of the Universe & not submit to Them and ironically that’s literally what al-Islām means “Submission to Allah”.
(Lisān-ul-`Arab: Lexicon of the Arabic-Language, ibn-Manzhūr)

b. This completely debunks the Pontification/Claim that al-Islām is a Religio-Historical-Branch of Judeo-Christianity. Likewise, it completely disproves the Mythos/Pseudo-Narrative of al-Islām being a 7th-Century, C.E. Arabian-Inception/Invention.

The Proofs against “Abrahamic-Faiths/Religions” Kalām/Rhetoric:

Basically, Abraham is considered to be the “Founder of Judaism” sort-of-speak & then Christianity branched-off from Judaism, and then al-Islām branched-off from both Judaism & Christianity jointly. This is both a Religio&Secularly-Acceptable View, sadly even amongst Muslims. an-Nuzūl dismisses This-Claim, as Allah states Word4Word that Abraham was a Muslim & that they weren’t amongst the Shirkers.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.2, V.135; Chpt.3, V.67&95; Chpt.6, V.79&161; Chpt.16, V.123)

What’s a “Shirker”?

Good-Question…Answer: a Shirker, which is English for the Word Mushrik, means to commit what’s known as ash-Shirk/Association. ash-Shirk means to attribute, ascribe, etc. any Sifah (Characteristic/Quality) to Allah which isn’t directly predicated upon at-Tanzīl/Revelation.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.18, V.1-6; Chpt.112; Lisān-ul-`Arab)

What does this have to do with the Subject?

Good-Question…Answer: principally anyone/everyone whom isn’t a Muslim is classified as a Mushrik/Shirker by default, including Jews&Christians.

How/why: Jews&Christians are Monotheistic aren’t they?!!!

Good-Question…Answer: Both Jews&Christians principally violate what’s known as at-Tawhīd/Oneness, which is the Polar-Opposite of what ash-Shirk is. So, as per the Islāmic-Definition of Monotheism: Jews&Christians don’t apply.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.6, V.151; Lisān-ul-`Arab)

There’s Specific-Things which’re Part of Judeo-Christianity which is classified as ash-Shirk. For example: pontificating/claiming that Allah has Parents and/or Children…this is ash-Shirk by definition. Parents are imperfect, and Children must be constantly/consistently taught & reminded of Things. Children typically need their Parents for everything, while Parents rely upon their Children to care for them when they age. Parents can be & often are wrong about Lots of Things. Regardless of whether it’s a Figurative-Context or Literal-Context…it’s Islāmically-Intolerable/Unacceptable. There’s even Several-Texts via Judeo-Christian Sources (The Tanakh/Torah, The Bible, etc.) which pontificates/promotes ash-Shirk: Adam being called “Son of God” (Luke), Jacob/Israel being called “My 1st-Born” (Exodus), Angels being called “Children/Sons of God” (Job), David&Solomon being called “Sons of God” (Psalms&Chronicles I), etc. Ironically, even ash-Shaytān is classified as a “Child-Of-God”, because as per Judeo-Christianity ash-Shaytān is Religio-Classified as a “Fallen-Angel” & Angels are Religio-Classified via Judeo-Christianity as the “Children-Of-God”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.18&64; Chpt.9, V.30; Chpt.18 V.1-6; Chpt.112)

Well how/why are Jews&Christians mentioned as “People of the Book” & how/why are Judeo-Christian Scriptures mentioned in The Qur’ān?

Good-Question…Answer: Well…to be 💯% there’s a Difference between “Banī-Isrā’īl/Children-Of-Israel” and “Yahūd/Jews”. Banū-Isrā’īl were the Patrilineal-Descendants of Ya`qūb-Isrā’īl/Jacob-Israel (Peace be upon them) whom were Muslims prior to the Revelation of The Qur’ān, via the Tanzīl/Revelation given to any/all the Anbiyā’/Prophetic-Individuals sent to Banī-Isrā’īl (Peace be upon them). The Term “Yahūd”, often translated as “Jew/Jewish-Person” literally means “Guidance-Rejectors”. And, this is a Title which Allah personally imposed upon Demographics of the Children-Of-Israel whom rejected & plotted to assassinate `Īsā/Jesus-Christ (Peace be upon them). Jews&Christians are called “Ahl-al-Kitāb/People of the Book”, exclusively because they lay claim to the Fellowship of Prophetic-Individuals whom were given Books-Of-Revelation namely: The Torah, The Psalms, The Gospel. This doesn’t mean at all that al-Islām regards Muslims, Jews, Christians as Religio-Theological Equals.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.2, V.132&133; at-Tabarī; as-Suyūtī; ibn-Kathīr; Lisān-ul-`Arab)

This-Video is pontificated/claimed by Judeo-Christian Academics, Theologians, etc. whom’re adamant concerning Judeo-Christian Islāmophobia.

Well…where do we go from here?

Good-Question…Answer: Muslims must cease buying into the Mythos of “Abrahamism/Abrahamic”, and be truthful/honest pertaining to what the Islāmic-Posture towards Judeo-Christianity really is. Realistically, Interfaith-Dialogue shouldn’t mean Religio-Hypocrisy/Dishonesty. No Muslim should have to think/feel that they must lie, be dishonest, etc. regarding to what Islāmic-Texts states about Judeo-Christian Theology. Unfortunately, Muslims buy into what Judeo-Christianity “has in common” with al-Islām, under the Illusion of Coexistence/Cohesion. In All-Reality: our Differences matter more than whatever our Commonalities could possibly be, because those are Religio-Theological Differences. This is coupled with the Fact that Allah directly details that Jews&Christians have altered the Books-Of-Revelation which they pontificate/claim to follow.
(Chpt.2, V.75&79, 174; Chpt.3 V.78&187; Chpt.4, V.46; Chpt.5, V.12-15; Chpt.6, V.91; Chpt.7, V.162)

Gareth Bryant

The Covid-Vaccinated vs. the Covid-Variants


In My Lifetime as a Muslim


Via my Lifetime as a Muslim, I’ve observed/witnessed the Following-Realities:

a. Muslim Afro-Americans have fully complied with Arabism, via Muslim Cultural-Colonization (Non-Islāmic Name-Changing, Arab-Dress, Arab-Acsents, etc.), as if al-Islām = Arab and/or Arab = al-Islām, in spite of the Fact that al-Islām literally predates the Revelation of The Qur’ān.

b. They’ve systematically tolerated/accepted the Mythos/Pseudo-Narrative of being “Muslim-Only”. No one is “Muslim-Only”: we’re Muslim-1st, not “Muslim-Only”, because being a Muslim will never be one’s Only-Identity but rather one’s Most-Important Identity. Every Muslim has Socio-Cultural
Autonomy/Agency, according to al-Islām & it’s a Farīdhah/Islāmic-Mandate to respect that.

c. Muslim Afro-Americans refuse to give one another the Same-Type/Kind of Respect as they do Muslims of Other-Demographics. Literally, there’s Negative-Things which Muslim Afro-Americans do to each other that they’d rarely ever do to Muslims whom’re Non Afro-American. A Definitive-Manifestation of Unhealed Self-Hate.

d. Muslim Afro-Americans holistically refuse to respect the Religio-Scholarship of Fellow Muslim Afro-Americans, unless they’re shackled to the Walā’/Loyalty of Ahzāb/Religio-Sectarian Groups, which’re controlled, influenced, funded, etc. via Muslim-Foreigner Influence, Cultural-Colonization, Arabism, etc. Again…Unhealed Self-Hate.

e. They refuse to collectively invest, support, fundraise, etc. for one another but are very quick to invest, support, fundraise, etc. for other Muslim-Demographics. Again…Unhealed Self-Hate.

f. They refuse to support Socio-Religio/Political Issues which directly affect Muslim&Non-Muslim Afro-Americans, yet ironically are on the Frontlines supporting Socio-Religio/Political Issues of Other-Demographics whether they’re Muslims or Non-Muslims, under the Pseudo-Auspices of the “1-Ummah” Concept, which honestly hasn’t been a Religio-Reality via the Muslim-World for Centuries. Again…Unhealed Self-Hate.

g. They continue to grant Unwarranted/Unjust-Favortism towards the NOI (Nation Of Islam) which literally hasn’t done anything to empower the Progress/Progression of the Muslim Afro-American. Worse yet: the NOI still directly/overtly pontificates&promotes Things which directly/overtly oppose Islāmic-Theology. Classic Goofy-Shit via Muslim-Coonery.

One of the Greatest-Fallacies which Muslim Non-Arabs have fallen for is the “Muslim-Only” Mythos/Pseudo-Narrative…there’s no such Thing as this. We’re not “Muslim-Only”, rather we’re Muslim-1st. Being a Muslim isn’t the Only-Dimension of our Identity, it’s the Most-Important Dimension of our Identity…it’s not the Only-Thing which makes us who we are, it’s the Most-Important Thing concerning who we are. And, for the Muslim, it’s Life&Death-Important to know the Difference.

I know that there’s People whom’re going to disagree with the Truth/Honesty which I’ve stated. I honestly don’t care.

Gareth Bryant 1443, A.H./2021, C.E.

My Ironic-Agreement with Feminism


“And never let your hatred, against any People, prevent you from behaving justly.”
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.8)

Mu`ādh ibn-Jabal (May Allah be pleased with them) stated, “Accept Truth, even if it comes from a Kāfir (Disbeliever/Non-Muslim).”.

“Truth is Truth, regardless of whom/where it comes from.”

Fake-Wokeness literally gets dumber by the Second…for example: this Fake-Woke Term “TERF”, which means “Trans-Exclusionary Radical-Feminism/Feminist”. It basically means that a Feminist, whom pontificates/claims that they’re all “Pro-Women” & all, refuses to recognize/accept Male-Transformers as “Women”. And, while I’m very clearly Anti-Feminism: I do agree wholeheartedly with the “TERF-Stance”, and that’s simply because of the Simple-Fact that if you’re born as XX then you’re Genetically-Feminine/Female (AKA a Biological-Woman)…nothing can change that & if you’re born XY then you’re Genetically-Masculine/Male (AKA a Biological-Man)…nothing can change that.

So, if/when Male-Transformers (Men whom imitate Women) attempt to dick-ride (absolutely 0-Pun intended) the Feminism-Bandwagon, to somehow/someway benefit from attaining Access to “Girl-Power”: ironically this is literally the Misogyny which Feminism pontificates/claims to dismantle via Modern-Societies. However, many/most Feminists are literally affraid of the Rivaled-Power which exists via al-Liwāt/Homosexuality being Agenda-Driven & lobbied for. Because of this, on the Surface, it appears that al-Liwāt & Feminism fight the Same-Fight. But, that’s clearly so far from the Truth & it’s ridiculously-obvious. This is precisely how/why this Concept/Term “TERF” exists, to basically keep Feminists in their Place & to not hate on Male-Homosexuals, Male-Transformers, etc. using Male-Privilege to ironically push themselves in fron of the Line of “Inclusion”, “Equality”, etc.

It’s a Non-Debatable Fact that Male-Homosexuals whom’re also Male-Transformers are the most Misogynistic-Persons via Human-History. They despise Women so much, that they literally go out of their Way to imitate Women, as if to show that they can be “Better-Women” than Actual-Women. I mean, their Actual-Agenda is to literally replace Real-Femininity/Womanhood with Pseudo-Femininity/Womanhood. This Issue thus undoubtedly proves, that this is still & always will be a Man’s-World…even via Feminism Patriarchy exists as a Trump-Card.

If you’re such a “Feminist”, then how/why does Male-Transformers (Men imitating Women) not bother you?!!! Afterall: Male-Transformers literally mock Femininity/Womanhood, which is Misogyny by definition. But, “Feminists” aren’t read for this Type/Kind of Smoke though. It really must suck knowing that “Feminism” is supposed to secure “Women’s Rights”, but yet literally Men (via Male-Transformers) get to replace Real-Femininity/Womanhood with Pseudo-Femininity/Womanhood. But, if/when any Woman addresses this Type/Kind of Hypocritical-Irony they’re labeled/stigmatized as a “TERF”. Damn…I’m just grateful, to Allah, that I was never dick-ridin Feminism to begin with.

Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Verily, the Character/Behavior of the People-Of-Lot is what I fear for my Nation mostly.”.
(al-Kabā’ir/The Major-Sins, adh-Dhahabī)

This is the real “War-On-Women”: this is the Result of Feminism & Unintelligent-Women accepting&including Male-Transformers into their Ranks.

Gareth Bryant

The Muslim-Foreigner Agenda which the Muslim-Indigenous continues to dick-ride


Muhammad (Peace be upon him) stated:

“Don’t be an Imma`ah/Dick-Rider.”


America the Ugly


As per the Aforementioned, this is Reality. The United States is a Shithole-Country, disguised as a Utopia of Freedom&Justice via Democracy and Law&Order-Honestly, if I weren’t a US-Citizen via Birth, I’d never want to live within the United States. al-`Asabiyyah/Xenophobia, Islāmophobia, etc. which’re the Bedrock-Origins of the United States displays its utter Ugliness…again & again. This is the Khulq/Adab (Character/Behavior) of the US. There’s literally 0-Point as per how/why People continuously deny this. Freedom via Democracy is an Illusion.

Gareth Bryant

1442, A.H./2021, C.E.

The “People-Of-Knowledge” Pseudo-Narrative & Pseudo-Monopoly according to Muslims


I personally know Muslims, who’ve basically the Same-Kinds/Types of Islāmic-Knowledge as I’ve amassed. Yet, immediately they’ve been granted Titles like, “Ustādh”, “Imām”, “Shaykh”, etc. Now, let me make myself very clear: I despise Titles, because they make People Arrogant. However, staying On-Point: one of the Reasons how/why this is the Case is because they’re not from me & I’m not from them. Meaning, they’re Arab…I’m not, they’re Desi…I’m not, they’re European/Euro-American (“White”)…I’m not, they’re African…I’m not, they’re Asian…I’m not, etc. Also, I don’t even consider myself to be a “Person-Of-Knowledge”. It’s simply that I know Game if/when I see it. Even as per Muslims whom’re of me & I of them-Persons who’ve literally dedicated their Entire-Lives to Islāmic-Academia/Scholarship…those whose Islāmic-Knowledge so greatly surpasses my own by far: even Those-Persons aren’t recognized as “Scholars”, “Shaykhs”, etc.

But, instead, they’re religio-academically disrespected via the Imposition of the Title “Student-Of-Knowledge” placed upon them. And, what I know for a Fact: that Title “Student-Of-Knowledge” is a Muslim Religio-Scholastic Euphemism for “Lil-Nigga”. I’ve observed/witnessed These-Realities my Entire-Duration as a Muslim. It took me a Long-Time, however, to self-develop the Courage to recognize/accept & call the Religio-Bullshit out if/whenever I see it. And anytime/everytime I’ve actually called this out, I get Sided-Eyed as though I’m the One who’s Buggin.

It’s basically a Control-Mechanism, because via Things such as al-Hizbiyyah/Religio-Sectarianism, al-`Asabiyyah/Xenophobia, the Pseudo-Narrative of Bilāl ibn-Rabāh (May Allah be pleased with him): the Muslim-Slave Narrative, Sexual-Access to Women, etc. Muslims Native/Indigenous to the Western-World/Hemisphere (especially Muslim Afro-Americans from Canada to Chile) predicates/dictates that we can’t be Muslim Religio-Scholars unless/until these Clown-Asses from Muslim/Muslim-Majority Countries “declare” us to be so. News-Flash: that’s never going to happen. These Persons will never recognize/accept the Vast-Majority of Persons-Of-Knowledge amongst Muslim Afro-Americans, because for us to be Academically-Autonomous/Independent thus means that we’ll no longer be their Religio-Slaves. Ironically, the Worst-Part is that Muslim Afro-Americans absolutely love to be and/or remain Religio-Shackled to the Same-People who’ll never truly respect any of their Religio-Academia/Scholarship. This is the Case, simply due to the Fact that, statistically, demographically: instead of using al-Islām as the Ultimate-Tool to correct the Human-Condition, we’ve merely used al-Islām to switch Slave-Masters. We literally enjoy being NWA (Niggas With `Aqīdah/Theology).

Romance of the 3-`Aqīdahs

How much longer are Muslims of our Generations going to continue to tolerate/accept Muslim-Foreigner Influences, which does little2no Good and/or mostly2complete Harm?!!! Just to give you Context…NASA (the Scientific-Research/Discovery Wing of the U.S.-DOD) invented the James Webb Telescope, which was $50Billion & detected (via the Will-Of-Allah) Multiple-Galaxies that’re estimated as being the Same-Age as (if not older than) the Previous-Age that the Seen-Universe had been estimated as…about 14Billion-Years old. Ironically though, here on Earth: there’s Muslims whom still pontificate/claim that the Earth is “Flat”. Literally, till This-Day, it’s an “accepted” Religio-Geological “Fatwā/Ruling” dictated by someone whom:

a. Was Blind since they were a Teenager.

b. Never received any Official/Formal Secular-Education.

c. Never lived externally of the Arabian-Peninsula.

There’s been more than enough “Persons-Of-Knowledge”, who’ve sat with Fulāns-Fulāns/These-Niggas&Those-Niggas. There’s an Unlimited-Plethora of Islāmic-University Graduates, from Multiple-Institutions via “Overseas”…
…honestly it’s to the Point that why do People still go “Overseas” to “study”. I’ll tell you how/why: it’s because al-Ijtimā`/Unity scares&confuses so/too many People. And, this is exclusively because so/too many People don’t want to be responsible nor accountable. So, upon that: it’s easy&convenient to stay separated, so People can operate as if they’re practicing Bastard-Fuedalism…their own Religio-Regions/Fiefdoms.

The Ambition/Vision: to free us from Muslim-Foreigner Influence.

The Focus/Plan: to connect with Liked-Minds whom’re tired of being Religio-Academically bitched via Muslim-Foreigner Influence & that we work together in order to pattern an Authentic Religio-Destiny of us based upon al-Islām & no longer based upon Muslim-Foreigner Sucka-Shit.

The Drive/Work: It’s going to be an Uphill-Dogfight from Start2Finish. And, realistically, we may not live long enough to see it manifested. But, we must still aim for it.

Don’t get me wrong: I’m not saying “Fuck the Scholars.”. However, what I’m authoritatively saying is that we’ll never be Religio-Demographically Autonomous, if we continue to allow ourselves to be Religio-Academically Shackled to “Overseas-Scholarship”. Islāmic-Knowledge has always been capable/able to be transformative for any/all Peoples who’ve been exposed to it. If/when we look all across the Planet, all over the Muslim-World, etc. Various-Demographics of Muslims have acquired Sufficient Religio-Academia/Scholarship…thanked those whom brought it to them…and they kept it pushin. We da Only-Niggas who act like 15-Year Olds with a Full-Set of Permanent-Teeth still trying to get Religio-Academically Breastfed.

For example…literally, as per any/all the Islāmic-Institutions of Higher-Learning any of These-Dudes went to (both the Graduates & Drop-Outs alike):

1. Where’s the Qur’ān-Schools?!!!

2. Where’s the Tafsīr/Commentary-Schools?!!!

3. Where’s the Hadīth/Narration-Schools?!!!

4. Where’s the Fiqh/Legal-Analysis Schools?!!!

5. Where’s the Madhab/Religio-Legal Schools?!!!

6. Where’s the Sharī`ah/Islāmic-Law Schools?!!!

7. Where’s the Iftā/Religio-Research Schools?!!!

Gareth Bryant

MuslimPro’s Islāmophobic-Agenda



Ironically, one of the most popular Muslimcentric-Apps has been exposed, for deliberately & systematically leaking User-Info. to: Marketers, Brockers, and most sinisterly, Intelligence/Military-Entities. All of this thus detailed, via an article published via Vice. This Exposé clearly indicates just how low Islāmophobes really go.(

There’s absolutely 0-Way that this was incidental/accidental…this was Islāmophobically-Methodical. Also, just as equally ironic: the MuslimPro App-Creator is a Non-Muslim Frenchman. The History-Of-Islāmophobia is Mutawātir/Common-Knowledge.(

So, via Hindsight, it actually makes Perfect-Sense as per how/why a Non-Muslim from France would be at the Helm of this Religio-App which has literally deceived & setup every single User of this app, including myself. I, personally, without any Hesitation-Once learning of this, I immediately uninstalled that MuslimPro-App. I command, encourage, implore, beg, etc. any/all MuslimPro-App Users to also do the same. It’s crystal-clear what this actually means. Apps such as this, leaking Personal-Information as it does, by design, is an Act-Of-Espionage, Digital-Clarations of War against al-Islām&Muslims. Things like this: the Intersectional-Relationship between Telecommunication & Governance is directly predicated upon the Provisions within the US-Patriot Act. What Allah has chosen to reveal is yet Another-Plot, attempting to extinguish the Light-Of-Allah: Guidance via al-Islām.

Gareth Bryant

1442, A.H./2020, C.E.