Tag Archives: Homosexuals

Men asking Men the Wrong-Shit


In the Modern-World of ours: Certain-Subjects which I’ve always known (as per Islāmic-Principle) to be private, confidential, etc. are now Free4All-Discussions. And, as being Muslim-1st I’m 💯% not OK with. There’s simply so/too many Scenarios as this. For the Sake of This-Article, however, I’ll only be detailing 1-Subject which triggers me greatly to put it midly. That-Subject is the “Body-Count” Concept. Relationships have literally been questioned, fractured, damaged, broken, ruined, etc. exclusively because of mentioning the Subject “Body-Count” alone by itself.

But, what compels me to write about the “Body-Count-Count” Concept is, the Fact that there’s so many Men discussing the Topic: that’s what gave rise to my Neccessity to truly explore what it is about “Body-Count” which intrigues so many Men and/or so many Types/Kinds of Men. More particularly…the Issue of Men inquiring about the “Body-Counts” of Other-Men either directly or indirectly. Asking about Another-Man’s “Body-Count”…that really takes Audacity to do so.

What da Fuck is “Body-Count” in da 1st-Place?!!!

The Concept “Body-Count” refers to the Amounts of Women any Man may or may not have had Sex with. There’s Women (ironically) whom attempt to use the Concept “Body-Count” to apply to how many Men any Woman’s had Sex with. But, that’s a Complete-Misnomer: Women don’t “Body” anyone…Women get Bodied.

Classic Red-Flags regarding “Body-Count” Inquiries:

a. Why does any Man even want to know that Type/Kind of Info. about Another-Man?

b. Why does any Man actually care how many Women (if/any) Another-Man is fuckin?!!!

c. How could even knowing Another-Man’s Body-Count be “beneficial”?!!!

This is sadly, for a Long-Time, been a gradually commonplace Kind of Thing. Men asking Other-Men who they are vs. aren’t fuckin. I’ve never deemed it “Cool” for Men to ask each other their “BodyCounts”. It’s always been something disturbing to me. It exudes Homo-Erotic Persona (via fetishizing Another-Man’s Sex-Life). Being invested in know Another-Man’s Body-Count makes a Man a Weirdo/Sicko.

There’s actually Several-Reasons how/why any Man would want to know Another-Man’s “Body-Count”

1. Male-Egotism:

The Male-Ego is the Most-Fragile-Thing Allah ever allowed to exist…a Spider’s-Web is stronger than the Male-Ego. Men want to always think of themselves as the proverbial “Big-Man On Campus”, pertaining to Sexual-Adventures/Conquests. And, they’re highly insecure about any other Man who’s Sexual-Stats are higher than theirs. The Human-Male constantly/consistently competes with Other-Men, as per Sexual-Dominance over Women. I mean, the 1st-Killing/Murder via Human-History was literally about Qābīl/Cain neutralizing their own Sibling Hābīl/Able (whom was deemed by Qābīl as Socio-Sexual-Competition).
(at-Tabarī, as-Suyūtī, ibn-Kathīr)

Male Peer-Pressure:

Certain-Men enjoy prying into the Sexual-Lives of Other-Men, as a Way to attain Leverage against them. Either to “prove” that they’ve got more Sexual-Notches on their Belts, or to belittle them for not having any Sexual-Notches and/or Less-Notches than themselves. There’s literally Countless-Men out here (Muslim-Men & Non-Muslim Men alike) whom “Compete2Cheat”, as a Way to “prove” they “still got it”, in spite of them being Married  having Significant-Others, being in Committed-Relationships, etc. And, Men whom dare not behave This-Way are either ridiculed for not displaying this Type/Kind of Character/Behavior, or they’re invited to partake in the Sucka-Shit.


There exists Men whom’ll literally go out of their Way to ostracize, alienate, etc. Other-Men if/when they refuse to be Womanizers as they are. They’ll literally berate them (privately or publicly), attempt to make them question their own Manhood, the Extent of their Masculinity, etc. They’ll spread Untruths/Dishonesties about those whom aren’t Womanizers also, exclusively via Bully-Culture. As well, they’ll resort to Spiritual-Blackmail if they know or find-out the “Body-Counts” of Other-Men: Certain-Men will even use Women to get “Body-Count” about Other-Men via Quintessential “Pillow-Talk” between Men&Women sexually-involved with each other. This, of course, is to attempt painting Other-Men as “Villains” (resulting from “Body-Count” Info.). Muslim-Men sadly (via Pseudo-Righteousness/Fake-Piety) are notorious for doing this. And, the Smokescreen used to pseudo-justify this is the Guise of Islāmic-Marriage. I’ll explain what I mean. If/whenever any Muslim-Male is investigated, in order to be worthy of marrying any Muslim-Woman or even Non-Muslim Woman: a Certain-Degree of Background-Check/Vetting is Mafrūdh/Islāmically-Required. Yet, ironically, at the Same-Time: the “Body-Count” Subject has & is used either for or against Certain Muslim-Men, relative to which Side of the “Body-Count” Coin is being emphasized. I’ve literally witnessed this Type/Kind of Bias take place via Real-Life. And, as per my Profession as a Chaplain, I’ve had to directly intevene regarding such Scenarios.

Covert Male-Homosexuality:

They secretly have a Clandestine-Want, Unclaimed-Desire, etc. for Other-Men. But, instead of admitting it to themselves: they project their own Sexual-Demons upon Others as a Smokescreen, to deflect what’s within them psycho-emotionally. Their own Insecurities, due to their Homo-Fetishes, causes them to gaslight Other-Men via interjecting Doubts about the Masculinity of Others. Instead of exploring how/why they like Other-Men: their pathologically invested into how much Pussy the Next-Man is or isn’t getting.

Personal-Challenges with the “Body-Count” Concept:

I  myself, have been asked this. I’ve always directly stated clearly, to the Questioners  (anytime I was ever asked this), that my “Body-Count” is none of their Business. It’s really pathetic & disgusting  for any Man to show Interest in Another-Man’s “Body-Count”. I’ve literally had to socially distance myself from Certain-Persons because of this. It’s impossible for me to even trust any many who’s invested inwhere I put my own Dick vs. where I don’t put it. This is a Serious Integrity-Issue for me to say the least. For any Man to even think they’ve the Entitlement/Justification to even bring-up “Body-Count” Stats in any Convo…I’m on High-Alert. All of my Amtennas are all the Way up. There’s so many Things that’ve gone through my Mind&Heart when Some-Bozo had the Audacity to ask me my “Body-Count”. Personally, I wouldn’t even be comfortable telling a Female about my “Body-Count” Stats. So, how/why would or should I ever entertain such a Convo with Another-Man?!!! Make that Goofy-Shit make Sense.

Ways to free one’s Self from “Body-Count” Convos

1. Stop manifesting Bitch-Behavior.

2. Stop hanging-out with Females and/or so many Females.

3. Connect/reconnect with your Bio-Fathers.

4. Build Bonds with Positive Male-Rolemodels.

5. Worry about your own “Body-Count” Stats.

If you’ve never engaged in “Body-Count” Convos: Don’t start.

If you’re regularly entertaining and/or contributing to “Body-Count” Convos: Cease doing so ASAP.

If you’ve once initiated, participated in, “Body-Count” Convos via the Past: Never revist this.

Gareth Bryant



I actually confronted This-Person, regarding their Character/Behavior:

This is the Reason how/why Allah commands Humanity seek Refuge with Them, against the Waswās/Deception of ash-Shaytān/Satan.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.114)

Via the Extended-Version of This-Video: the Person audaciously pontificated/claimed that they “didn’t have enough Time” to determine whether or not the Persons whom they directly interacted with intimately, in Real-Life, were Men as opposed to Women. Nah…they’re 💯%-Untruthful/Dishonest…the Fact that they’re actually pontificating/claiming that they “didn’t have enough Time”, to discern whether or not a Person was truly Male vs. Female: I’m absolutely not buying that Goofy-Shit. There’s 0-Doubt that there’s Male-Transformers whom attempt to deceive Hetero-Men. Yet, at the Same-Time, All-Humans have what’s called al-Fitrah (Natural-Instinct). This-Fitrah is directly/overtly imbedded into the very Soul, Mind/Heart, of All-Humans alike. Now, as per Male-Female Human-Relationships via al-Jinsiyyah (Sexuality): Vibes don’t lie, People lie. There’s Certain/Specific-Feelings which rise within People which only occur if/when one is interacting with Members of the Opposite-Gender. This isn’t my Opinion, this is Fact. So, if one is imitating Members of their Opposite-Gender, they can instinctively detect that. It’s simply that more often than not: People are afraid/ashamed to admit that they ignored Obvious Red-Flags. Now, as per the Person via This-Video…they’re 💯%-Cappin: if U a Homo 4 da Low then jus say dat.

al-Liwāt/Homosexuality itself is inherently no different than/from any other Sin. However, when those whom’re Homosexuals disguise themselves as the Opposite of their Birth-Genders: this makes Things that much worse by default. This “Transgender-Culture”, which began via the People-Of-Lot, as did al-Liwāt, which has become very popular…it’s a Deceptive-Trend which aims to convert Heterosexuals into Homosexuals. Also, it ironically places the Lives of those whom’re Transformers (Males/Females whom imitate the Opposite-Gender) in Serious-Danger. Heterosexual-People end-up having their Lives utterly ruined & their Sexual-Reputations permanently tarnished, resulting from this. (Literally) all of this could be easily-avoided if Transformers simply leave Heterosexuals alone.

No Human-Being has any Entitlement/Justification to hide/conceal their True Biological-Gender from Persons whom they’re sexually-interested in, sexually-involved with, etc. We all, as Humans, owe each other That-Type/Kind of Disclosure. And, if/when any Humans refuse to disclose their True Biological-Gender: they deserve whatever comes to them. These-Transformers are really Out-Of-Pocket. This is what gets Transformers injured and/or killed, being Dangerously-Deceptive…this Goofy-Shit has to stop. If Transformers attempt to deceive anyone, by fronting as though you’re the Gender they’re imitating & they get their Asses handed to them (rightfully so by the way): they’ve literally no one to blame/fault except themselves.

Gareth Bryant

When “Keeping it Chad” Goes Wrong


Courtesy of Instagram: @shaunking


Allah states: “And never let your hatred, against any People, prevent you from behaving justly.”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.8)

The Above-Video is a Snippet from a Video detailing the Identities of White-Supremacists whom attempted to disrupt a Pro-Homo Parade via Idaho. And, in spite of the Fact that I’m Principally Anti-Homosexuality: clearly These-Guys were there to display Acts of Senseless-Violence. What’s truly significant though is the Fact that they targetted Pro-Homo Demographics & US Law-Enforcement were on their Heels with the Quickness. However, this Same-Energy isn’t nearly as equal, if/when these Same-Types/Kinds of Persons target: Muslims & Non-Euro Demographics generally. Conveniently, all it took was threatening a Venue which supports “Pride-Month” Festivities for the People to be on they Ass. This is both very telling & very alarming.

Also, These-Mothafuckas are Idiots. What actually makes them think/feel that they’d really get away with this, during so-called “Pride-Month”, when the World is literally bombarded with Annual-Pontification/Promotion of al-Liwātiyyah/Homo-Culture. It’s like they literally left their Basic-Intelligence at Home while trying to pull this off. They absolutely had to have known, that they were going to get caught for this. But, as I always tell People: Apathy is worse than Ignorance.

To conclude, realistically, there’s nothing which can possibly prevent anyone from committing themselves to al-Fawāhish (Debauchery), except al-Hudā/al-Hidāyah (Guidance). These-Persons whom’re Homosexual, just like anyone else whom chooses to make their Egos/Desires their Gods: they’re Misguided-People. And, they deserve Guidance, just as any Human-Demographic does. So, the Lesson here is that we’ll never be capable of ridding our Communities, Societies, etc. of any Types/Kinds of Negativity unless/until we do a Better-Job of exposing Others to al-Islām.

Gareth Bryant 1443, A.H./2022, C.E.

Monkeypox: the THOTery-Outbreak


Just when we all thought we were done with Exotic & International/Global Outbreaks of Disease…Covid19 has the World truly sick&tired of Health-Precautions. But, now this (apparently) New-Wave of Monkeypox is on the Horizon, potentially having the Planet literally relive what we’ve all jointly experienced holistically via the Coronavirus-Crisis: the Covid-Pandemic. Also, this hasn’t been the 1st-Time any Disease was initially attributed to the Sexually-Debaucherous Exploits of the Proponents of al-Liwāt/Homosexuality. And, in turn, it probably won’t be the Last-Time either. However, the Homo-Agenda has acauired so much Strength, Influence, Power, etc. via the Modern-World: anything stated against it (regardless of whatever Truth/Honesty exists to support whatever mentioned) almost immediately faces Onslaughts of Socio-Political Backlash, which Many-People simply crack under the Pressure thereof. As Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Verily, the Character/Behavior of the People-Of-Lot is what I fear for my Nation mostly.”.
(al-Kabā’ir/The Major-Sins, adh-Dhahabī)

Gareth Bryant 1443, A.H./2022, C.E.

Transformer-Culture via Prison-Life


Yes…this really happened. It’s not a Joke, nor a Meme, etc. This is literally State-Spondored Sexual-Predatism/Abuse. Allowing Persons (Males especially) whom’re Inmates/Prisoners into Facilities which’re Gendercentric, simply because they pontificate/claim to self-identify as a Gender which opposite of their Birth-Gender…what the Hell do you think/feel is going to take place?!!! Not only is allowing this Morally-Deplorable, it simply defies Basic-Intelligence. This in no Way promotes anything less than Pure-Evil. So, now, all any Man has to do is self-identify as a “Woman”, get directed to any Female Jail/Prison & then have Access to ptentially an Unlimited-Supply of Sexual-Prey. And, this is clearly done to appease the Pro-Homo Agenda…as Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Verily, the Character/Behavior of the People-Of-Lot is what I fear for my Nation mostly.”.
(al-Kabā’ir/The Major-Sins, adh-Dhahabī)

Gareth Bryant 1443, A.H./2022, C.E.

The Usage of the Homosexual-Agenda against Muslims



Keep in Mind that Egypt is the same Muslim-Country which allows Transformer-Surgeries: in which Men transform into Fake-Women & Women transform into Fake-Men. And Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated that Men whom imitate Women & Women whom imitate Men are cursed.
(al-Kabā’ir/The Major-Sins, adh-Dhahabī)

As Allah states: “The Arabs are closest to Disbelief&Hypocrisy.”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.9, V.97)



There’s Several-Things incredibly wrong with the aformentioned-Even the premise of the Subject-Matter itself is purposely Religio-Untrue/Dishonest1. al-Islām predates the World’s 1st-Homosexuals: the People of Lot. Moreover, there were 4-Reasons as per how/why the People of Lot were Destroyed:

a. They committed ash-Shirk/Association (Ascription of Sifāt [Characteristics/Qualities] attributed to Allah not predicated upon at-Tanzīl/Revelation]) via Paganism.(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.18, V.1-6; at-Tabarī; as-Suyūtī; ibn-Kathīr) via Idol-Worship.

b. They were the 1st-Humans to initiate al-Liwāt. Moreover, via at-Tanzīl/Revelation: it’s clearly detailed that the Men amongst the People of Lot chose to have Consenual Homesxual-Intercourse with one another. And, Allah states Directly that the Men from the People of Lot chose/prefered Men instead of Women. So, for those whom claim that Homosexuality only existed amongst the People of Lot via Rape: those Persons are clearly Pathologically-Ignorant, as per Revelatory/Islāmic-Texts. Them & People like them are methodically & deliberately Textually-Untrue/Dishonest.(at-Tabarī, as-Suyūtī, ibn-Kathīr)

c. They were the 1st-Humans to commit Gang-Rape.(at-Tabarī, ibn-Kathīr)d. They were the 1st-Humans to commit Highway-Robbery/Human-Trafficking.(at-Tabarī, as-Suyūtī, ibn-Kathīr)

2. There’s no such Thing as “Gay History of Islam”. There’s a History of Muslims (relative to the Revelation of The Qur’ān) whom were/are in fact Homosexuals.

3. This is literally nothing more than a Pathetic-Attempt to justify al-Fusūq/Sinning, as Muhammad (Peace be upon him) stated, “Verily, the Action/Behavior of the People of Lot is what I fear for my Nation mostly.”.
(al-Kabā’ir/The Major-Sins, adh-Dhahabī)

4. There’s detailed Hudūd/Islāmic-Punishments for al-Liwāt:a. Male-Male Sexual-Intercourse is automatically Punishable via Death-Penalty, unless it’s Proven that the Dominated-Person was/is a Victim of Rape, Child-Molestation, etc.b. Female-Female Sexual-Intercourse is Punishable based upon Marital/Non-Marital Status, unless it’s Proven that the Dominated-Person was/is a Victim of Rape, Child-Molestation, etc.(al-Kabā’ir)This Article is simply at-Tahrīf (Distortion/Deception), attempting to normalize al-Liwāt to Muslims, and sadly: Muslims whom’re Religio-Ignorant, Ego/Desire-Driven, etc. fold under the Pro-Homo Pressure. This is one of the Prophecies of Muhammad (Peace be upon him), when he warned us that his Nation is secure/safe from the Wrath of Allah, unless/until they become al-Mujāhirīn/Shameless. When the Companions present (May Allah be pleased with them) asked him whom al-Mujāhirūn are, he stated that they are those whom sin without: Reservation, Consequence, etc.(al-Bukhārī) Clearly, this is Article is 💯% Agenda-Driven, to pontificate, proliferate Sinning. The Fact that there’s such a Desperate-Agenda to seduce Muslims, to turn them out towards al-Lawāt, thus proves how much Insecurity the Proponents of al-Lawāt are actually operating with/from.

Rudolph Ware & those like them are Fake-Woke Panderers. Everything Rudolph Ware stated is Religio-Irresponsible. Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Verily, the Character/Behavior of the People-Of-Lot is what I fear for my Nation mostly.”…
…”Men whom imitate Women & Women whom imitate Men are cursed.”.
(al-Kabā’ir/The Major-Sins, adh-Dhahabī)

#FunFact:a. 98% of Persons I’ve counseled as per Sexual-Identity Crisis, and/or al-Liwāt/Homosexuality, have been Victims/Casualties of al-Ightisāb/Sexual-Abuse at least once via their Lifetimes.b. 98% of Persons I’ve counseled as per at-Tahlakah (Self-Harm, Suicide, etc.) have been Victims/Casualties of al-Ightisāb at least once during their Lifetimes.c. 97% of Sex-Workers (historically & globally) have been Victims/Casualties of al-Ightisāb at least once via their Lifetimes prior to Sex-Work.Articles, Writings, Postures, etc. (such as these Kinds/Types of Articles) affirm/confirm that this is how/why Muslims must (at All-Times) be Religio-Knowledgeable, pertaining to what al-Islām allows/prohibits & how/why the Enemies of al-Islām work Nite&Day to attempt to lead Muslims astray.

This-Video, amongst others, also attempt to justify the Homo-Narrative via the Muslim-World:

Gareth Bryant 1440, A.H./2019, C.E.

Enough with this ridiculous “Gay-Mosques” business!!!


Author’s note:
This phenomenon of “Gay-Mosques” or “Gay-Friendly Mosques” has been plaguing the Muslim-Community, in the United States, for some time. Now, this phenomenon has spread elsewhere, like in Paris, France, for example. This entire concept of a “Gay-Mosques” or “Gay-Friendly Mosque” is not only utterly ridiculous, but, misleading & deceptive as well…don’t worry, I’ll get into why.

The Usage of the Homosexual-Agenda against Muslims

So, for Muslims, of liked-minds, whom also find this notion just as ridiculous as I do, the best way to respond to something like this would be the following:

If some group of Muslims who happen to be Child-Molesters, or Rapists, who want to open a Mosque, which cater to Child-Molesters, or Rapists, let’s see how many people would be up-in-arms in support of that. I mean, really, intelligently observe, reflect upon how ridiculous that would sound, a “Pedophile/Pedophile-Friendly Mosque”, or a “Rapist/Rapist-Friendly Mosque”.

Would any Muslim, Non-Muslim, or any morally-sound and/or intelligent Human being, whom you know, actually take a notion such as that seriously?!!! Well, then, what in the Hell would make anyone think that a “Homo-Mosque/Homo-Friendly-Mosque”, or a “Gay/Gay-Friendly-Mosque” would be something that is a thing to establish?!!!

The Mosques are the properties of Allah(Noble Qur’an: Chpt.72, V.18). And as such, are required to be established upon certain things, mainly, the following:

1. They have to be places where only Allah is worshipped

2. They have to be places where all of the 5-prayers are made, 24/7.

3. They have to be places where the Muslims are in complete-control over & cannot be converted into something other than Mosques.

Now, Imma just concentrate on the first condition that I’ve just mentioned:
Allah clearly states, “Have you not seen one, whom after Allah has guided, take his own desires as a god, then Allah, knowingly, left him astray, as well as sealing his hearing, heart & sight as a punishment? Do you not reflect?”.(Noble Qur’an: Chpt.45, V.23)

As Muslims, we’ve all been given divine-guidance from Allah. However, unfortunately, instead of cherishing this great favor & blessing, from the Lord of the Universe, we blatantly insult this guidance, by rebelling against the commandments of Allah & His Messenger, Muhammad (Peace be upon him). To put it even more plainly: Homosexuality, like any & every other sin, in Islam, is not acceptable to Allah, at all. But, sadly, the Muslims, in order to continue to be accepted by those whom are Non-Muslims, in Non-Islamic societies, and/or as a result of just falling for the deception of the Devil, have decided to compromise on everything & stand-up for nothing. And, this issue is not very different than any other issue that Muslims have sold-out on.

Now, going back to what I had mentioned, concerning, the Mosques being the properties of Allah, this is something that has to be taken very seriously. How can a Muslim really respect the sanctity of the Mosques of Allah by attributing things which Allah clearly hates with these places of exclusive-worship to Him? You cannot serve Allah, as your god, and your desires, at the same time, you have to pick who/what you’re going to devote yourself to. A Muslim cannot, in Islamic-Conscience, justify their desires or whims, which directly contradict what Allah has prohibited, it just doesn’t work that way. You can’t mix something pure with something impure & expect to yield a pure-result: best-case scenario, they, the pure & impure cancel one another out, while the worse-case scenario, the impure completely dominates the pure…either way, you’re not winning. Furthermore, Allah clearly mentions how He had destroyed & erased the entire existence of the first people in Human-History whom were Homosexuals(Qasa-ul-Anbiya’/Stories of the Prophets, by Abul-Fida’ Isma`il ibn-Kathir ad-Dimashqi); so, what makes you think that this “Homo-Mosque” idea is acceptable at all to Allah, when He had specifically chose to destroy a people for being Homosexual?

Basically, the Muslims have become the religious-versions of whores of a male-prison, ready willing & able to drop-the-soap, in the shower-room, in front of anyone/everyone, on purpose. Now, if you drop the soap in the shower-room of a prison, what do you think/expect to happen? You figure it out!!! It’s very sad, how Muslims feel that they have to compromise everything, that is Islamically mandatory/prohibitory, just to fit into the circles of the in-crowds of their peers or societies. And, ironically (as you’d think that the Muslims would’ve learned this by now), nobody respects a sell-out, even the person/persons, society/societies whom you’re selling-out to.

And, now, ironically, sadly, shamefully, in the the present-day, we as Muslims, think that it’s “progressive”, or “politically-correct”, or “cute” to have a “Gay/Gay-Friendly Mosque”, to show people that we’re inclusive-News-Flash: THAT’S NOT HOW YOU SHOW PEOPLE INCLUSIVITY!!! We show people inclusivity by giving anyone/everyone their rights as creations of Allah & as Human beings, and equal, fair opportunities to learn about Islam, to make their own choices whether to to accept Islam or not. We don’t show inclusivity by accepting the sins of people & passing them off as something that’s “not a big-deal”, or “not important”, or “small-issues”. Anything that either Allah or His Messenger made prohibited needs to be treated as such, and it is not okay, Islamically, to pretend, or to water-down the severity & ugliness of those prohibitions, just to be seen as “modern”, or “progressive”, or “pluralistic”, or in the eyes of our current societies.

Gareth Bryant/2012

Some Brief Islamic-History (the origin of al-Liwāt [Sodomy & Homosexuality]):


Author’s note:
The following post, which is based upon two main sources: Qasasu-ul-Anbiya’ (Stories of the Prophets), by Abil-Fida’ Isma`il ibn-Kathir ad-Dimashqi & al-Kaba’ir (The Major-Sins), by Muhammad ibn-`Uthman adh-Dhahabi, contains very mature & detailed subject matter about the People of Lot & the origins of Homosexuality. So, if anyone is not comfortable with this particular subject matter, I advise you to stop reading right now; otherwise, sit back, relax, and enjoy this article.

The People of Lot:

These people lived during the time of the Prophet Lot (Peace be upon him). They were a people who dwelled in an area that is now known as the Dead Sea, in modern-day Palestine/Israel, also bordering modern-day Syria & Jordan. They were a people whom were merchants & traders. They were a people of 7 satellite cities, the chief cities were known as Sodom (where the term Sodomy itself actually derives from, basically meaning the action of the people of Sodom) & Gomorrah.

They initiated three things (aside from the fact that they were already a rag-tag gang of idol-worshippers:

1. They are the first people to indulge in any acts of Sodomy/Anal-Sex and/or same-gender sexual-intercourse.

2. They are the first known people to initiate the practice of gang-raping.

3. They are the first people to initiate highway-robbery & human-trafficking.

Oftentimes, what they would do is raid caravans, which came through or near their satellite-towns. They would rob them, gang-rape the men from among them, and keep them captive, in their towns. Now, when Allah had sent Lot to his people, to call them back to Allah, to stop worshipping idols & return back to worshipping Allah exclusively, via Tawhid (Islamic-Monotheism), Allah, knowing that Lot was able to succeed in his prophetic-mission on his own, decided to send Lot some assistance, via two Angels. These Angels came to the towns of the people of Lot in the forms of young, well-kept men. They had first encountered the daughters of Lot. They knew that these two (Angels) were complete strangers to the satellite towns of Sodom & Gomorrah. So, they had warned them to not initiate contact with these people, because of their wicked ways.

But, unbeknownst to them (the daughters of Lot), these two (Angels) were in fact sent to help protect Lot & his family, from the great punishment which was on the way, to destroy their people. The daughters, being wise, decided to take them directly to their fathers home, to make sure that they were not approached by the men of their people. However, the wife of Lot, who was not only a disbeliever in the revelation that was given to Lot, by Allah, she was also very empathetic to the desires of their people. And, when she had caught-wind of these two “young-men”, in the home of her husband, she had immediately informed as many people as she possibly could, that these “young-men” were at the home of her husband.

So, of course, these sexually-deviant clowns attempt to storm the house of Lot. Lot pleads with them just one last time, in the hopes that they are not victimized by the wrath of Allah-He tries any & every way that he can to try to call these people to Islam & warn them of the chastisement that’s right-around-the-corner. But, alas, they don’t listen, they are punished, by stones from the skies, which are ablaze. They rain down upon the towns of the people of Lot with such accuracy & rage striking down and hitting every single person in these towns.

Lot & his family, along with the few among his people, who had taken heed to his prophetic call, were escorted & protected by the two Angels, whom Allah had sent, and given asylum from the punishment of their people in their towns. However, the wife of Lot was not spared-She was so attached to the evil ways of these people, she decided to  once again disobey the command of (her prophetic-husband) Lot, to seek the asylum of Allah & go with the Angels, whom were sent to protect them-She didn’t listen; she stay behind & was destroy right along with them. Now, unfortunately, even though the People of Lot are dead, their legacy didn’t die with them.

What I will do now is explain in detail as to how this act of Sodomy has become so popular today:

The popularity of Homosexuality (via media/entertainment, celebrities, politicians/political-lobbies, etc.) has made it “Okay to be ‘Gay’”. The Homosexual-Community has managed to push their agenda, to gain religious, social tolerance & acceptance, and have amassed great socio-economic & socio-political influence within both Hollywood & Washington. They also managed to manipulate the public into believing that Homosexuality is a “Human-Rights” & “Civil-Rights” issue, more importantly, they’ve been able to convince people that Homosexuality in and of itself is not a choice, rather, it’s an innate sexuality, which one is entitled to, even though, ironically, there has never been any such scientific-evidence (and there still isn’t any scientific-evidence), to prove that Homosexuality is biologically innate, natural, normal, or even genetic.

2. Greco-Roman culture-
No known civilization whose existence has been preserved in the annals of recorded Human-history, has celebrated Homosexuality/Sodomy like the architects of Western-Civilization, themselves: the Greeks & the Romans-From the ancient stories of the Greek/Roman Gods, to the stories of the Greek/Roman Heroes, to the origin of the Olympian-Games, to the origin of the Roman bath-houses, Homosexuality has been an intricate aspect of Greco-Roman daily-life-The pantheons, the literature & poetry, the art, even the origin of the Greek/Roman astrological calendar, all of these are avenues which have projected Homosexuality & has contributed to the fact that the Western-World has accepted the validation of Homosexaulity with open-arms.

3. Pornography-
The Ponogarphy industry is currently a nearly $100-Billion business-The Sex industry has promoted this act more than any one single personality, or group of people, ever. This is a world-wide phenomenon, powered by powerful world-wide sex companies, who profit immensely from the propagation of this act. It is a known fact, within the porn industry, that people (both men & women for that matter) who allow themselves to be anally penetrated are paid significantly more, per sex-scene, as opposed to those who do not allow themselves to be anally penetrated; also, those who perform anal-sex upon others are generally paid more, as opposed to those who do not perform anal-sex upon others. Since Anal-Sex has always been considered a religious and/or social taboo, and even offence, the image of this act being blatantly displayed, so carelessly & freely in a movie is bound to attract the attention of anyone, who is voided of the guidance of Islam, as well as just universal, common, respect & decency. These porn industry producers & marketers are very sly, crafty, and (for lack of a better term) intelligent-They know what attracts Human beings sexually, and they use any & all ways to manipulate their desires for profit, thus, the propagation of this act has made people in the porn industry billions of dollars, literally.
Now, what does all of this mean & what can we do about it?

What this means is that we have a serious problem on our hands, as Muslims, regarding this particular issue alone. Muhammad (Peace be upon him) had once said, “Verily, what I fear for my nation the most is the action of the People of Lot.”.(al-Kaba’ir) Sadly, this fear of Muhammad (Peace be upon him) has come to fruition, in ways that couldn’t have even been imaginable to hear, read, or personally witness.

In terms of what we can do about it, there’s only three things which can be done:

1. Realistically, the only pragmatic thing that we can do, as Muslims, is to look at ourselves in the mirror, recognize & sincerely evaluate any and/or all deviant sexual-desires which affect us, ask Allah for help & work really hard to stay away from these acts, and all things, persons, places which lead to these acts.

2. Be a good Muslim, a good role model for others, that you may be able to be used by Allah, to guide others to Islam, and also towards solid morality generally. Allah has entrusted us with the abilities to lead people away from darkness & into light. But, we have to make sure that we’re even worthy of such a responsibility first, by being examples that people deem worthy of taking seriously & following.

3. Understand the time in which we are living in: Don’t pretend that Homosexuality is not a dominant force within our society, or that Sodomy is just something that Non-Muslims, or Homosexuals do, take your heads out of the sand. Both Homosexuality & Sodomy, respectively, have been widepsread in the Muslim-World. However, you don’t hear a lot of persons, whom are Muslim personalities, popular in the Muslim-World or deemed as “Muslim-Scholars”, addressing these types of issues, as they are obligated to do so.

For more information about some contemporary things which I’ve mentioned, please, feel free to read the following sources & visit the following sites:

1. History of Homosexuality/Sodomy-
Encyclopedia Britannica

2. Greco-Roman acceptance of Sodomy/Homosexuality-
Encyclopedia Britannica

3. The Porn-Industry-
http://www.anitpornography.org, http://www.familysafemedia.com

Gareth Bryant/2012

My thoughts on “Gay-Muslims”:


Daayiee Abdullah pic

North American scholars defend normative Islamic position on LGBTQ

Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Verily, the Character/Behavior of the People-Of-Lot is what I fear for my Nation mostly.”.
(al-Kabā’ir/The Major-Sins, adh-Dhahabī)

Author’s note:

This is written as a Result of a Website that had been displayed on my Facebook-Timeline, called “gaymuslims.org”. So, since it was posted on my Wall, I had decided to just take a look at what they were talking about. Usually, Most-Muslims, particularly Muslim-Men, consider this Topic of Discussion in and of itself “Dangerous-Ground”. But, for those who know me, I live kinda dangerously anyway.

Anyway, what I had found on the Site was actually better than I had thought initially. I will share my Opinions on this Site, as well as the General-Motive that I perceive that the Site intends. Now, it’s very obvious that Homosexuality is a Big-Deal Islamically. And, this issue is also a very Touchy/Sensitive-Subject as well; but, in our Modern-Age, we, as an Ummah/Muslim-Community (locally, nationally, globally, etc.) must address this Issue full-throttle. There has to be some Way that we can communicate with the Homosexual-Demographic, in order to reach out to them, to call them to al-Islām. I mean, seriously, they deserve to be informed of the guidance of al-Islām, just as much as any other Demographic. However, our Balāghah/Approach would have to be very tactful & wise, but, also uncompromising.

I’ll explain what I mean:

Referring to being tactful & wise, this basically means that we, as Muslims, are to call people, whom may be Homosexual, in a way that does not make us seem like we’re constantly condemning them, for their Lifestyle-Choice/Sexual-Preference. Realistically, Homosexuality was just as much of an Issue during the Lifetimes of the Prophets Lot & Muhammad (Peace be upon them both), as it is now. We all know of the People of Lot, whom were the 1st-Persons (via Human-History) to be Homosexuals & via Pre-Islāmic Arabia, Homosexuality was so common among the Arabs, that Muhammad specifically said, “Don’t allow Men who imitate Women nor Women who imitate Men into your Houses.”.(al-Bukhārī, al-Kabā’ir/The Major-Sins, adh-Dhahabī) But, this has never been the Initial-Issues that Allah had commanded Lot, nor Muhammad, for that matter, to address their People with firstly. In fact, the 1st-Thing that Allah had ever commanded the Anbiyā’/Prophetic-Individuals (Peace be upon them altogether): calling People to is at-Tawhīd/Islāmic-Monotheism (the Recognition & Acceptance that Allah exists eternally [no Beginning/Ending] & that only He is worshipworthy). In The Qur’ān itself, it clearly mentions that the 1st-Thing that Lot was commanded to tell his People was to stop worshipping Idols, and to start worshipping Allah.(Noble Qur’ān: Chpt.26, V.161-163)

Referring to being uncompromising: this basically means that even though we definitely want People to become Muslims, regardless of their respective Lifestyle-Choices/Sexual-Preferences, it needs to be made very clear that Homosexuality is an Unacceptable Lifestyle-Choice/Sexual-Preference. There are in fact 2 Main-Things which the Muslim-Community has to make sure doesn’t happen: a. We cannot allow ourselves to be Pigeon-Holed via the Public-Eye, when it comes to this Type/Kind of Social-Political Issue, as being People whom are unwelcoming to All-Members of Society, to accept al-Islam. In Other-Words, we have to be sure that we, as a Muslim-Community, ensure People that the Guidance of Allah, which is al-Islam, is for everyone, and to not imitate the Jews, Hindus, etc. whom don’t call People to Judaism, Hibduism, etc. because they believe that it is just for them. Just as Allah says in The Qur’ān, describing The Qur’ān itself: “…within it is al-Hudā/Guidance for Humanity.”.(Noble Qur’ān: Chpt.2, V.185) b. We cannot imitate the Christians, who’ve compromise so many Things, just so People can be/become Christians. Historically, as well as contemporarily, Christians have watered-down their own Religion, just to increase in Numbers, completely disregarding their own Religious-Standards, in order to be a Popular-Religion. We must be truthful/honest with People, and inform them of what is Right&Wrong, according to ash-Sharī`ah/Islāmic-Law, not according to what our Egos & Desires tell us what is Right&Wrong.

It needs to be established that, according to Islāmic-Law, Homosexuality is indeed a Sin. At no Time though are we, as a Muslim-Community, to allow people to assume that we, as Muslims, legitimize Homosexuality, as something “Normal/Natural” or a Valid Lifestyle-Choice/Sexual-Preference. We must not allow ourselves, under the ambiguous & entrapping Matrix of Political-Correctness, Openness, Modernity, etc. to fog our own Religious-Standards & allow people to think/believe that Homosexuality is a Positive-Thing, when in All-Reality it’s a Negative-Thing. According to Revelatory/Islāmic-Texts (even prior to the Revelation of The Qur’ān) it’s 100% Completely-Unacceptable, just like any other Rajm/Sexual-Deviation/Sin. Homosexuality is just as much a Vice as: Bestiality, Child-Molestation, Rape, Pornography/Prostitution, Adultery/Non-Marital Sex, Fornication/Pre-Marital Sex, etc. All of the Aforementioned-Things are Mahrūm/Islāmically-Prohibited: deemed prohibited & shameful.(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.17, V.32; Qasas-ul-Anbiya’/Stories of the Prophets, ibn-Kathir; al-Kaba’ir)

However, one of the many Negative-Things which we, as Muslims, tend to do is place Favoritism of Certain-Sins over Other-Sins, just like how Christians view Homosexuality as an Abomination, yet, ironically, see no Problem with worshipping Jesus-Christ (Peace be upon him), a Being/Created-Thing, along with Allah: the Creator/Lord of the Universe, which, realistically, is far worse than any Sexual-Vice. Islāmically, a Sin is a Sin & we, as Human-Beings, don’t have the Entitlement/Justification to pontificate/claim, “Well…at least this Sin is not worse than that Sin.”. Our Maslahah/Purpose, as Muslims, is to avoid al-Fusūq/Sinning, in its totality, not to just avoid Major-Sins, Sins which we personally don’t like/want to do, etc.

Now, referring to the “gaymuslims.org” Website, I do respect their Motives & Efforts, to reach out to the Homosexual-Community. However, there needs to be a Definitive-Stance against the Lifestyle-Choice itself, which I didn’t really see present on this Site. The same goes for Another-Platform, which does the same: http://www.pksblog.pktaylor.com/2013/03/doma-prop-8-and-muslims.html?m=1

I know the Reason as to why this had not been highlighted on this Particular-Site, to not ostracize anyone & to make them comfortable enough to open their Minds/Hearts to al-Islām. But, I view this as a Potential-Opening, which could on a Positive-Note, to bring Members of the Homosexual-Community to al-Islam. But, just as well it could become a Great-Challenge, by having them think/believe that they don’t have to alter their Lifestyle-Choices/Sexual-Preferences.

And, this is very problematic, because again, it has to be made crystal-clear that this Sexual-Preference is not Natural/Normal, but rather a Result of Lack of Exposure to Divine-Guidance, Taught/Learned-Behavior and/or various Psycho-Emotional Issues/Trauma which are imposed upon People, etc. I mean, there’s a Reason why the Term Lifestyle-Choice has the word “Choice” in it, and why the Term Sexual-Preference/Orientation has the word “Preference/Orientation” in it: when it comes to having Consensual-Sex with someone, it’s exclusively one’s own Volition, which guides Decision-Making to copulate with Members of either the Same-Gender or the Opposite-Gender.

This is really all that I have to say about this Website, as well as this Issue. I know that I’ll be getting a whole lot of Positive/Negative-Feedback and Positive/Negative-Comments about this Article, which honestly, I gladly accept. Obviously, I’m no Scholar, neither in a Religious-Arena nor Secular-Realm. But, I know just enough about both Revelatory/Islāmic-Texts, as well as Secular-Issues, to speak about this Issue via Authority. For anyone who would like to comment, please, comment away. This Article has also been published by AltMuslim:


For More-Info. regarding Muslim-Homosexuals:


Gareth Bryant/2012