Tag Archives: Wellness

Men can cry & here’s why


Allah states:

“Allah doesn’t burden any Soul, except it being tolerable.” & “Verily, with Hardship is Ease.”
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.2, V.286; Chpt.94, V.5)

Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated that any/all Things which afflict any Muslim is used, via Allah, to remove Sins: even Psycho-Emotional Trauma.

Negative/Toxic-Encounter via Chaplaincy

I remember visiting one of my Hospital-Patients…they were very overjoyed to be visited. They began expressing/verbalizing ash-Shukr/Gratitude, for being alive still & surviving their Medical-Ordeal. They then began to weep&cry. But, sadly, however: the Spouse of the Patient…they began berating the Grief of the Patient saying: “Don’t cry…stop crying…why’re you crying?!!! You’re a Man…so stop crying!!!”. Albeit, it wasn’t my Place interfere between the Husband&Wife Spousal-Dialogue: I was taken aback & equally highly disturbed.

This-Woman audaciously/arrogantly telling This-Man to not freely express themselves, under the Pseudo-Auspicies that Self-Expression is “Feminine”, “Unmanly”, etc.: that I found very problematic. This is a Commomplace-Reality which Countless-Men all across the Earth have been facing historically. This Mythos/Pseudo-Narrative, that a Man self-expressing one’s True-Emotions/Feelings is “Weakness” is utterly ridiculous, highly insensitive, apathetic, etc. And, what’s worse is that so/too many Men have fully embraced this Sifah/Dimension of Pseudo-Masculinity which pontificates/claims that Men whom manifest Emotions are “Weaklings”, “Incels”, “Beta-Males”, etc.-It’s the Typical Fake-Woke Rhetorical-Bullshit which disables an Important-Compoment of as-Sihah/Wellness: the Capability, Ability, Agency, etc. to freely express one’s Emotions in a Healthy-Way (without Fear of Judgmentalism being imposed upon them).

Misogyny via “Red-Pillism” is not the Solution

Male-Pain which is astronomically ignored

I personally/professionally have spoken with & counseled Countless-Men whom’re made to think/feel they’re “Less of a Man”, for expressing their True-Emotions & Life-Challenges. It’s actually Women particularly, whom’re Experts of Emasculation: Certain-Women will immediately accuse Men of the proverbial “Actin like a Bitch” if/when any Man self-expresses their True-Emotions. It’s truly pathetic, the Levels of Apathy imposed upon Men & the Discouragement against Men being Psycho-Emotionally in tune with themselves.

The Scars of Men

The Mockery of Men being Emotionally-Equipped, to deal with their Life-Challenges, is literally amongst the Many-Reasons how/why Men die via Suicide-Attempts 4-Times more than Women (in spite of Women attempting Suicide 3-Times more than Men). Even the Concept of Men’s Mental-Health isn’t taken seriously (or as seriously as it must/should be taken). Men go through Fitn/Traumatic-Scenarios just like Women. How/why do our Societies still push the Mythos that Men don’t have Psycho-Emotional Huqūq/Rights?!!! This Constant/Consistent-Pushback against Male Mental-Health has yielded Negative/Toxic-Consequences for Centuries without any End.

The Anatomy of Quitting on one’s Self

Things which Men feel Powerless to disclose

The Men whom I’ve engaged/counseled, truly think/feel that they’ve no one to turn to & listen to them, empathize with them, support them, etc. They’re constantly/consistently unjustly expected to be “Work-Horses”. Even for Certain-Men to express what they’ve experienced: immediately they’re bombarded with the “Don’t act like a Bitch.”/”Stop acting like a Bitch.” Rhetoric via Women & ironically even Other-Men. There’s Men I’ve counseled who’ve been Gang-Raped via Jail/Prison, Sexually-Abused via Childhood/Adolescence, Sexually-Assaulted via Workplace, Religiously-Abused via Religio-Figures, Domestically-Abused via their Spouses/Significant-Others, Bullied throughout the Entirety of their Lives, etc. And, they’ve few if any Persons whom actually take their Pain seriously. This Sense of Deflection must cease at any/all Costs.

Returning to the Original-Narrative concerning the Hospital-Patient

The Patient, clearly observing their Body-Language, was observant that I understood the Assignment. Meaning, that regardless of what their Goofy-Ass Wife was talking about…I was present with them: willing to listen to their Narrative & unwilling to ignore/deflect their Expressed-Pain. They understood that I was there to empathize with & support them. The Patient constantly/consistently thanked me for being present with them, as they expressed/verbalized their Challenges&Problems which mattered to them. And I’m evergrateful to Allah, that I was present for That-Person.

Gareth Bryant

The Anatomy of Quitting on one’s Self



This-Article is almost exclusively based upon the Following-Works:

a. al-Bahr-ur-Rā’iq/The Calm-Ocean (a Trilateral-Compilation of the Works of: Abī-Hāmid al-Ghazālī, ibn-il-Qayyim al-Jawziyyah, ibn-Rajab al-Hanbalī), Ahmad Farīd

b. “Hierarchy-Of-Needs” (a Psycho-Analytical Theory), Abraham Maslow


As a Chaplain (Counselor/Therapist): I’ve personally encountered Various-Persons either expressing/verbalizing that they no longer see the Point of Life and/or express/verbalize their Contemplations/Desires, Motives/Intents, etc. to commit Suicide. My Niyyah/Motive is to thoroughly decipher the Difference between being Unlively & being Suicidal. Now, is there Correlation between Unliveliness & Suicide…Absolutely. However, does this mean that both are exclusively a Causation of one another…Absolutely not.


This results from any Human-Experience which triggers and/or reminds us of Negative-Times, Challenging-Happenings via our Existence within ad-Dunyā/the Mundane. If/when any Person loses what’s known as the “Will to live”-Naturally, Most-People will in fact think/feel that someone just wants to hang it up & end their Lives. It’s not always like this. There’s truly an Abundance of Complexities/Complications via someone’s Life-Experiences which cause Unliveliness. More often than not: a Person may simply not want their Life as is and/or they may want to live the Lives of Others whom they know, know of. It’s very probable that they don’t view who they are individually as valuable, meaningful, purposeful, important, etc. They very often may actually fantasize and/or become addicted to whom they see/view via T.V., Film, Entertainment, Porn, Online, Social-Media, etc. Then, they may wish to live the Lives they’re stimulated by as if intoxicated with wanting to be anyone/everyone externally of themselves. This-Concept “Living my Best-Life” is literally one of the Culprits of Personality-Addiction/Worship: it’s actually a Grave-Facade. Whenever Most-People conceptualize That-Mythos, it’s exclusively pertaining to Mundane-Gains & Material-Pleasures…as Allah states: “And the Mundane-Life is only the Matā`/Enjoyment of al-Ghurūr/Illusion.”. None of Those-Things will ever yield as-Sa`ādah/Happiness…as-Sa`ādah can never be externally acquired, rather, it must always be introspectively/interally fostered&cultivated: as-Sa`ādah is a Personal-Responsibility. Ironically, one of the Major-Reasons how/why so/too man Human-Relationships are negative, toxic, etc. and/or fail is because as Humans we audaciously/arrogantly expect Other-People to make us “happy”. But, it’s humanly impossible to make anyone happy, except ourselves…like I always tell People: No one can make us happy, but anyone can make us miserable. And, when they continuously see Person-After-Person disappointing them, worse yet making them miserable (because they refuse to find as-Sa`ādah intrapersonally) they delve further into a Spiritual/Psycho-Emotional Abyss. This is precisely how/why Allah states: “Those whom believe pay attention: Upon you are yourselves.” & “Verily, Allah doesn’t change what’s within any People unless/until they change what’s within themselves.”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.105; Chpt.13, V.11; Chpt.57, V.20)


As per what I’ve aforementioned, via the Pic  concerning “wanting to die”: in All-Truthfulness/Honesty, it’s a Misnomer. I’ll explain what I actually mean. Even if/when anyone becomes and/or is Suicidal: they don’t actually want to die…they really only want their Suffering, Life-Challenges, etc. to die. However, Suicidal-Persons (for Various-Reasons) allow ash-Shaytān/Satan to convince them that the Only-Way to end their Suffering/Life-Challenges are to end themselves. Speaking of Suicide, as per my Professional-Experience: there exists a Strong-Correlation between Suicide & Sexual-Abuse. At least 98% of Persons I’ve counseled regarding Suicide were sexually-abused (at least once via their Life-Times). Being Suicidal is literally a Person’s Last-Call for Help…it’s actually a Spiritual/Psycho-Emotional S.O.S.-Signal. This is the Reason how/why the Average-Suicidal authors what’s known as the “Suicide-Note”. They do this to catch they Attention of at least 1-Person who actually cares enough to reach-out to them, to stop/prevent them from committing Suicide. For example: the Famous-Series “13 Reasons Why”, which is literally based on a True-Story/Actual-Events by the way: I’ve literally seen almost all the 13-Reasons manifested via Other-People I’ve actually counseled. I mean, via the Nasr/Help-Of-Allah: I’ve literally been able to physically prevent People from threating/attempting Suicide rite in front of me via Real-Time & via Real-Life.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.2, V.195; Chpt.7, V.11-25; Chpt.114; Muslim)

So, what’s to be done…what can be done…how can anyone help People dealing with either Unliveliness, Suicide, or both, etc.?!!!


ar-Ruqyah (Healing/Treatment)

The Following is a List of Discussion-Topics which I use via my Life-Coaching. It’s geared towards facilitating Self-Awareness, in light of honing one’s own Maturation/Advancement of Intrapersonal & Interpersonal Intelligence/Communication. The Responses to these aren’t “One&Dones”. The Responses are meant to evolve with any whom chooses to use this. The Person’s-Responses may be completely different an Hour, Day, Week, Month, Year, Decade, Score, etc. from rite now as we speak. As I always tell People: People are just like the Weather & Weather changes everyday. It’s exclusively discretionary. So, if a Person wants to answer these everday, evert Week, Month, Year, etc. then that’s completely up to them.

1. (Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.51, V.56)

Explain what your Existence means to you personally.

2. (Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.13, V.11)

Detail what Potential/Purpose means to you.

Detail your Personal-Goals in Life.

Detail your Personal-Roadblocks which hinder your Personal-Goals from becoming Reality.

3. (“Oh, Allah: just as you’ve perfected my Physique, perfect my Character also.”
[Fortress Of The Muslim])

Tell how you view yourself in the Present.

Tell how you want to be viewed in the Future.

Relate how much you genuinely like yourself (on a Scale from 0-10).

Relate how much you genuinely dislike yourself (on a Scale from 0-10).

4. (Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.2, V.286 & Chpt.5, V.28)

Compare/Contrast: Strengths vs. Weaknesses…”SWOT-Analysis”:





5. (Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.64, V.14 & Chpt.80, V.33-36)

Describe your Relationships with your Family.

6. (“A Person is upon the Path of their Friend. So, beware concerning whom you befriend.”
[Abū-Dāwud, an-Nawawī])

Describe your Relationships with your Friends.

Discuss how influential you are amongst People.

Discuss how influential People are over you.

From Then to Now: Life-Review concerning what you’ve learned about yourself.


Gareth Bryant



No one ever goes into a High-End Store & says “Nevermind”, when they find-out the Price of Luxury-Items which they desire. But, yet it seems that everyone wants a Discount when it comes to correcting their Spiritual/Psycho-Emotional Constitutions. It’s truly challenging, that Certain-Persons would rather pay Monies on Clothing, Cars, etc. but are cheap when it comes to refining/improving their own Mental-Health.

Bridge between the Spiritual & Mental



It’s always surreal, anytime I look back at 2019, C.E. It’s because this is the Year where I became recognized for my Research regarding at-Tajnīn (Jinn-Influence/Possession) vs. Mental-Illness. My Research was picked-up a Year prior, by an Entity known as Muslim Mental Health: they work cooperatively with MSU/Michigan State University: Dept. of Psychiatry. Honestly, till This-Day: I’ve 0-Recollection of how I was even capable/able to make contact with Muslim Mental Health. For the Record: I honestly don’t even remember submitting my Research to them at all. This undoubtedly shows you how Allah works though. They alone knew that my Research was going to be excellent & beneficial for Others, in Ways which I personally could’ve never perceived nor forseen. My Research (ever since I embarked upon Chaplaincy in 2014, C.E.) has always been something which caught my Interest. But, at the Same-Time, it was also something which I never thought nor expected to acquire any Sort of Expertise concerning it…that is until Allah simply implanted via my Mind/Heart the Initiative to begin my Research about such a Theologically-Sensitive Subject.

Even when I got Confirmation, that my Research was accepted by MSU’s Dept. of Psychiatry & received the Invite to present/lecture my Research via Cambridge University: I was scared. I was literally fearful of my own Accomplishment. Even the Day of the Lecture/Presentation: my Anxiety&Fear was the highest which I had ever remembered at That-Time. I was going to be in the Presence of Real-Intellectuals & I was truly afraid of fuckin-up…I was worried that I would fumble my own Work via my own Lecture/Presentation (this is literally the 1st-Time that I’ve actually expressed how This-Event truly affected me publicly for the Record). I actually felt like I didn’t even belong in such a Prestigious-Setting. I was literally in the Same-Room as Geniuses, Masters of their Respective-Fields…Master’s-Degree Recipients Ph.D.-Holders, etc. And, there I was a Skinny-Nigga from NYC who barely finished College-Undergrad. I was truly intimidated. I remembered arriving at the Cambridge University Campus (Beautifully-Constructed & Massively-Expansive by the way)…I had gotten there about 2-Hours prior to my Lecture/Presentation-Time & for Good-Reason. I was Completely-Spellbound at the Campus-Scenery & my Intimidation literally got me Completely-Lost…I had to ask so many Personnel where I was supposed to be on Campus for the Conference.

I finally get to the Lecture/Presention-Location…I had this Insatiable-Urge to use the Bathroom. When I get to a Bathroom, I literally didn’t know whether to Piss&Shit on myself, Vomit, Cry, Pass-Out, etc. My Nervousness was literally through the Roof. But, then, Allah (Allah is Amazing) had thus reminded me of one my own Sayings: “Courage isn’t the Absence-Of-Fear, it’s the Willingness&Ability to confront Fear.”. And once I was allowed to remember that, I was able to say to myself: “Nothing/no one’s gonna stop me…I’m doing this & I got this!!!”. Needless to say (via the Help-Of-Allah): I aced my Presentation…I rocked the Entire-Audience of my Lecture/Presentation-Peers. I had never seen so many Academics in 1-Setting before whom were in Complete-Awe of my Work before. It was truly a Humbling-Triumph for me which’ll remain longlasting, as long as Allah allows me to live. (If Allah preserves my Memory) I hope to never forget the Pride I felt, which I acquired after doing so well, via my Lecture/Presentation at Cambridge University. I mean it didn’t truly hit me, how important it was what I’d done, until after I completed my Lecture/Presentation. It represented something important…that my Work is valuable…that Higher-Education and/or lack thereof has 0 to do with Intelligence&Knowledge, etc.

Gareth Bryant 1443, A.H./2022, C.E.

Sharī`ah’s Anatomy: Where al-Islām meets Bio-Medical Ethics



Sharī`ah’s Anatomy is a Podcast with Chaplain Gareth Bryant & Dr. James Ferguson, concerning Bio-Medical Ethics from an Islāmic-Lens. The Purpose of this Podcast to empower Muslims & Humanity at large, via Education, concerning how to make Informed-Decisions about their own Healthcare. Also, to learn how to navigate how the Healthcare/Medical-Field works, so that, as Healthcare-Recipients, you can speak/act with Authority, as per how you want, expect, deserve to be treated by Healthcare/Medical-Professionals & the Healthcare/Medical-Industry.

Our Podcasts will be livestreamed via Facebook-Live, every Thursday @ 5pm (EST).

Facebook: Shariah’s Anatomy

Instagram: @shariahsanatomy

The Islamic sense of Health & Wellness:


Shata pic

Author’s note:

This is a very important article, written by Isteshhad Shata, concerning the importance of Islamic wellness, on both the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical levels. It is my hope that you all benefit from the significant advice given.

Allah tells us, clearly, within His noble book:

“You are the best nation produced [as an example] for mankind. You enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and believe in Allah.”(Quran 3:110)

As I ride the car to school, do the groceries, return books to the library, etc, I witness a reality which my eyes obstinately refuse to believe. I witness the supreme determination of our society’s elderly…The old man runs and runs, only stopping after reaching his desired goal. I think to myself, “MashaAllah!! This man truly understands the potent benefits of exercising. To him, age shall never be an impediment, and doing what’s right continues to be his ardent motivation.”. I close my eyes to contemplate the status of our Ummah; now, regarding this manner, I can only express my cumbersome grief, viewing our Muslims with pot bellies, excess body fat, and lack of energy is quite disturbing. I think about the foods our Ummah eats, and a gloomy frown assumes the place of my initial, pleasant, smile I had, after seeing the old man running.

Thinking back to that Ayah, I ask myself, “Can we (as Muslims) truly be the ‘best-nation’, that Allah speaks of?”. Unfortunately, the answer, stubbornly, manifests itself as a big fat “NO”. If we lack the basic health and physical fitness required to achieve maximum success (even mentally and emotionally), then, when will we ever consider ourselves to be of those who are “the best”? True believers need healthy souls, minds, and bodies, in order to worship their Lord in the correct way. To maintain a pure-heart, a sound-mind, and a healthy-body, special attention must be paid to wellness. The heart and the mind are nourished by the remembrance of Allah, and the body is nourished by partaking of the Halal & healthy food Allah has provided on Earth, for us. We must start revamping our diets NOW…and also make space for some form of physical-activities to show gratitude to Allah, for this ideal Human-Body that He alone has given each of us, the body which each of us are responsible to Him for protecting & cultivating, and will be held accountable for. Allah mentions, “And they will say to their flesh: ‘Why have you testified against us?’ They (their own flesh) will say: ‘We were made to speak by Allah, Who has made everything speak; He created you the first time, and to Him you are returned.” (Quran 41:21)

The teachings of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) urged us to cherish good health and realize its rightful place as one of Allah’s countless bounties:

“And your Lord proclaimed, ‘If you give thanks, I will give you more; but if you are thankless, lo! My punishment is dire.'” (Quran 14:7)

Surely, by neglecting our health we show no gratitude to Allah, Most-High.
Choosing wholesome food and avoiding the insalubrious is essential to good health. Allah says:

“Eat of the good things which We have provided for you.” (Quran 2:173) “Eat of what is lawful and wholesome on the earth.” (Quran 2:168)

The Quran, itself, contains many verses of advice regarding healthy eating that relate to the interconnectedness of physical and spiritual health. Encouragement to eat only good and pure food is often combined with warnings to remember Allah and avoid Satan. Healthy eating not only satisfies hunger but also effects how well we worship.

“O mankind, eat from whatever is on earth [that is lawful and good] and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. Indeed, he is to you a clear enemy.” (Quran 2:168)

If one becomes obsessed with food or indulges in too much unwholesome or junk food he is bound to become physically weak and distracted from his primary purpose of serving Allah. Similarly, if one concentrates exclusively on spiritual endeavors and neglects his health and nutrition, weakness, injury, or illness would also result in failure to carry out obligatory worship. The guidance found in the Quran and the traditions of Prophet Muhammad advise humankind to maintain a balance between these two extremes.

A healthy-diet is balanced with a mixture of all the foods Allah has provided for His creation. The variety satisfies all the body’s needs for carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, proteins, fats and amino-acids. Numerous verses of Quran mention the foods Allah has provided for us to nourish and maintain our bodies. It is not an exhaustive list of dietary requirements but rather a general idea of the types of food that maintain a healthy body and prevent illnesses.

“He created cattle that give you warmth, benefits and food to eat.” (Quran l6:5)

“It is He who subdued the seas, from which you eat fresh fish.” (Quran 16:l4)

“It is He who sends down water from the sky with which He brings up corn, olives, dates and grapes and other fruit.” (Quran 16:11)

“In cattle too you have a worthy lesson. We give you to drink of that which is in their bellies, between the undigested food and blood: pure milk, a pleasant beverage for those who drink it.” (Quran l6:66)

“There emerges from their bellies a drink, varying in colors, in which there is healing for people. Indeed in that is a sign for a people who give thought. .” (Quran 16:69)
“…and from it (the earth) we produced grain for their sustenance.” (Quran 36:33)

While sweets and junk food are not forbidden they must be eaten sparingly as part of a balanced diet, designed to maintain optimum health. Many of the most common chronic illnesses today derive from unhealthy eating habits. Coronary Heart-Disease, Hypertension, Diabetes, Obesity and Depression have all been linked to inadequate-diets. The traditions of Prophet Muhammad praise moderation as a way of maintaining good health and the Qur’an stresses the need to strike a balance between any extremes. Taking a closer look at exercising, it is appropriate to mention a hadith by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH): “A strong believer was better than a weak believer.” He was talking in terms of faith and character but also indicating that physical strength i.e. optimum health and fitness were desirable, provided that God gave us the means of attaining such strength.

A narration recorded by Imam al-Bukhari states: “The Prophet passed by some people from the tribe of Aslam while they were competing in archery (in the market). He said to them, ‘Commit yourselves to Archery, Children of Ishmael! Your father was a skilled Archer. Shoot and I am with so and so.’ One of the two teams therein stopped shooting. The Prophet asked, ‘Why did you stop shooting?’ They answered, ‘How could we shoot while you are with them (the other team)? He then said, ‘Shoot and I am with you all.”. In another narration, Prophet Muhammad’s beloved wife Aisha mentioned their love of games and sports. She said, “I raced with the Prophet and I beat him. Later when I put on some weight, we raced again and he won. Then he said, ‘this cancels that(referring to the previous race).’” Moreover, a highly-respected Islamic-Scholar, ibn-ul-Qayyim al-Jawziyyah, stated that movement helped the body get rid of waste food more efficiently and strengthened the body’s immune system. He also stated that each bodily organ has its own sport (or movement) that suited it and that horse riding, archery, wrestling and racing, were sports that benefitted the whole body.

If we even only observe/reflect upon our daily performance of the obligatory 5-Prayers, we would find that prayer itself is a form of exercise; its prescribed movements involve all the muscles and joints of the body, and our concentration in prayer relieves mental stress. This is Complete and Divine Perfection of our religion…Allahu-Akbar!!

I end, by accentuating the sanguinity and sincere hope that are bustling inside me. I can already feel the warmth of the light at the end of the tunnel, a truly ineffable feeling. I ask Allah to benefit whoever reads this, and to help you and me to implement this decisive way of life to the best of our abilities…Amen

Isteshhad Shata/2013