Tag Archives: Mental Illness

The Deflection of Tragedy


Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Apathy/Arrogance is denying Truth & dismissing People.”.


Shawwāl 11th, 1444, A.H./May 1st, 2023, C.E.: the Death of Jordan Neely, at the Hands of Daniel Penny-This is something very familliar to the American-Landscape: Euro-Person kills Non-Euro Person & seemingly is allowed to walk freely. Albeit Penny was arrested…so what?!!! We all know that the Probability is 0 for a Non-Euro doing the exact Same-Thing & being able to just walk away from the Scenario, without having to be: detained, jailed, indicted on the Spot, charged on the Spot, arraigned on the Spot, have a Bail set for them, etc. I mean, literally, they were arrested & then almost immediately released like nothing had occured. This is all too similar to Events from Years-Past…the Killing/Murder of George Floyd for example.

Also, there’s Actual-Evidence that Daniel Penny had choke-held Jordan Neely for an Extensive-Duration…even a Fellow-Passenger via the F-Train which This-Scenario occured: they literally held Neely’s-Hands/Arms, so they couldn’t even have a Fighting-Chance against Penny. This went on for 15mins. Now, in All-Justice/Fairness: Only Allah, then those whom witnessed the Scenario 1st-Hand, etc. know what really happened. There’s always 3-Sides to any Story: Side-A, Side-B, What really happened. Most-Humans don’t have enough Integrity to tell what really happened. Most-People, regardless of whether we’re Right or Wrong-We only want to tell our Side of the Story, as opposed to what really happened. Especially when it comes to taking the Life of a Fellow-Human: this & All-Scenarios like it must/should always be taken seriously.

This is precisely how/why Allah states:

“And never let your hatred, against any People, prevent you from behaving justly.”
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.8)

“And don’t kill anyone whom Allah has sanctified, without Justification.”
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.6, V.151)

(Looking at these two Pieces-Of-Revelation) one must in fact objectively analyze, whether or not the Death of Jordan Neely was a Killing vs. a Murder. It must be determined justly, whether Daniel Penny responded wisely vs. foolishly. It must be examined how/why a “Black-Person” is always seemingly outed as per their Wayward/Criminal-Past via Media-Narratives, yet when it comes to a “White-Person” fated the Same-Way as Neely: the Wayward/Criminal Exposés just aren’t ever done…at least not nearly via the Same-Energy.

The “Mental-Health” & Wayward/Criminal-Past of Jordan Neely has been forcibly-pushed to the Forefront of the Popular-Narrative, as opposed to the Fact that their Life ended via Violence. Also, as per Mental-Health…the Mental-Health Awareness Concern is a Smokescreen. If Mental-Health were a “True-Priority”, via the U.S., then there’d be more intensive Psycho-Emotional Evaluation Requirements via U.S. Law-Enforcement/Military Recruitment…These-Mothafuckas let anyone join. Furthermore: there’d be more Wellness-Centers than Jails/Prisons. It’s a Known-Fact: Most-Criminals suffer from some Type/Kind of Psycho-Emotional Trauma, prior to one’s Criminality. This is Data-Driven via the Psycho-Emotional Concept/Metric known as ACE (A.dverse C.hildhood E.xperiences). So, when People pontificate/promote the Kalām/Rhetoric about “Mental-Health Crisis” (but are only [politically] Agenda-Driven)…I say: Miss me with the Fakeness.


Full-Disclosure/For the Record:

a. I’m not pontificating/claiming that the Death of Jordan Neely was unjustified.

b. I’m not pontificating/claiming that the Death of Jordan Neely was justified.

I would be a Liar/Dishonest, if I were to pontificate/claim that I wouldn’t have done to Jordan Neely what Daniel Penny had done. There’ve been plenty of Persons whom I’ve literally fought publicly via: Trains, Train-Stations, on/in the Streets, etc. over the Things which they’ve stated to me which triggered me. So, if I were on that Train-Car as Jordan Neely stated what Eyewitnesses testified was stated (as per Threats & so-on): I’ve literally 0-Idea how I would’ve reacted.

What I’m definitely saying, authoritatively, is that there were Lots of Persons & Entities that completely Dropped-the-Ball on this. I can speak for myself. I’ve been arrested for Felony-Assault…I was in Law-Enforcement Custody for 36-Hours & I didn’t even kill the Person whom I stabbed. So, how is it that there’s someone whom literally was recorded/filmed bodying another Human-Being On-Camera & conveniently gets to walk Way like ain’t Shit happened?!!! Nah…my Guy: This-Shit is Super-Wack…that’s Sucka-Shit by default/definition. And, if you’re in favor of Daniel Penny being released for what they did, then you & whomever’s like you are Part of the Problem…as Allah states: “Have you seen those whom take their Desires as their God? Are you then their Enabler?”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.25, V.43)

There’s literally going to be Persons whom’re going to give Daniel Penny a “Pass” for this. Some will do it because of their Military-Background: Dick-Riding the “Support-The-Troops/Vets” Kalām/Rhetoric. Quite honestly, there’s going to be some whom’ll support Penny exclusively because they’re a Non-Muslim/Euro. There’s some whom’ll advocate for Penny because they intend to paint them as a “Hero”. There’s going to be Persons whom’ll only take the Side of Penny only because Jordan Neely was Non-Euro and/or had a Wayward-Past/Criminal-Record. All of These-A`dhār/Excuses are Sifāt/Manifestations of al-Jahālah/Sucka-Shit…as the Ole-Saying goes: “If you co-sign Sucka-Shit you’re a Sucka too.”.

Gareth Bryant

Bridge between the Spiritual & Mental



It’s always surreal, anytime I look back at 2019, C.E. It’s because this is the Year where I became recognized for my Research regarding at-Tajnīn (Jinn-Influence/Possession) vs. Mental-Illness. My Research was picked-up a Year prior, by an Entity known as Muslim Mental Health: they work cooperatively with MSU/Michigan State University: Dept. of Psychiatry. Honestly, till This-Day: I’ve 0-Recollection of how I was even capable/able to make contact with Muslim Mental Health. For the Record: I honestly don’t even remember submitting my Research to them at all. This undoubtedly shows you how Allah works though. They alone knew that my Research was going to be excellent & beneficial for Others, in Ways which I personally could’ve never perceived nor forseen. My Research (ever since I embarked upon Chaplaincy in 2014, C.E.) has always been something which caught my Interest. But, at the Same-Time, it was also something which I never thought nor expected to acquire any Sort of Expertise concerning it…that is until Allah simply implanted via my Mind/Heart the Initiative to begin my Research about such a Theologically-Sensitive Subject.

Even when I got Confirmation, that my Research was accepted by MSU’s Dept. of Psychiatry & received the Invite to present/lecture my Research via Cambridge University: I was scared. I was literally fearful of my own Accomplishment. Even the Day of the Lecture/Presentation: my Anxiety&Fear was the highest which I had ever remembered at That-Time. I was going to be in the Presence of Real-Intellectuals & I was truly afraid of fuckin-up…I was worried that I would fumble my own Work via my own Lecture/Presentation (this is literally the 1st-Time that I’ve actually expressed how This-Event truly affected me publicly for the Record). I actually felt like I didn’t even belong in such a Prestigious-Setting. I was literally in the Same-Room as Geniuses, Masters of their Respective-Fields…Master’s-Degree Recipients Ph.D.-Holders, etc. And, there I was a Skinny-Nigga from NYC who barely finished College-Undergrad. I was truly intimidated. I remembered arriving at the Cambridge University Campus (Beautifully-Constructed & Massively-Expansive by the way)…I had gotten there about 2-Hours prior to my Lecture/Presentation-Time & for Good-Reason. I was Completely-Spellbound at the Campus-Scenery & my Intimidation literally got me Completely-Lost…I had to ask so many Personnel where I was supposed to be on Campus for the Conference.

I finally get to the Lecture/Presention-Location…I had this Insatiable-Urge to use the Bathroom. When I get to a Bathroom, I literally didn’t know whether to Piss&Shit on myself, Vomit, Cry, Pass-Out, etc. My Nervousness was literally through the Roof. But, then, Allah (Allah is Amazing) had thus reminded me of one my own Sayings: “Courage isn’t the Absence-Of-Fear, it’s the Willingness&Ability to confront Fear.”. And once I was allowed to remember that, I was able to say to myself: “Nothing/no one’s gonna stop me…I’m doing this & I got this!!!”. Needless to say (via the Help-Of-Allah): I aced my Presentation…I rocked the Entire-Audience of my Lecture/Presentation-Peers. I had never seen so many Academics in 1-Setting before whom were in Complete-Awe of my Work before. It was truly a Humbling-Triumph for me which’ll remain longlasting, as long as Allah allows me to live. (If Allah preserves my Memory) I hope to never forget the Pride I felt, which I acquired after doing so well, via my Lecture/Presentation at Cambridge University. I mean it didn’t truly hit me, how important it was what I’d done, until after I completed my Lecture/Presentation. It represented something important…that my Work is valuable…that Higher-Education and/or lack thereof has 0 to do with Intelligence&Knowledge, etc.

Gareth Bryant 1443, A.H./2022, C.E.

“Righteous Sinner” Film-Review: How sinful is a “Sinner” & how righteous is a “Righteous-Person”?!!!



The Producer & Star of this Film, “Righteous Sinner”: Boonaa Mohammed had graciously allowed me to write an Article about his Film. The Movie is in every Sense direct, alluring, gritty, controversial, impactful, powerful, edgy, etc.(www.righteoussinnermovie.com)

The Film mainly focuses on the Inherent-Fragility of Humanity, and how when we have Position, Authority, Influence, Power, etc. Most-Humans don’t realize/care about the Reality that Muslim-Leaders, “Students-Of-Knowledge”, “Scholars”, “Imāms”, “Shaykhs”, etc. are more often than not just as Flawed/Sinful as anyone/everyone else. It indepthly explores & challenges the Tragedy of Muslims whom self-implode/self-destruct, resulting from Egotism/Narcissism via Muslim Celebrity-Culture.(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.25, V.43)

One of the Great-Points which the Film additionally highlights is the Various-Levels of Addiction…Addiction to: Ego/Desires, Substances, Fame, Wealth, Power, Sexuality, etc.

It was easy to see that the Silver-Lining of the Movie stems from the Story of Barsīsah.(Wahb ibn-Munabbih, at-Tabarī, ibn-ul-Jawzī) And in spite of the Speculative-Nature surrounding the Mustalah/Authenticity of the Story, it however still contains Truth/Honesty.

The Mental-Health Elements via the Film are very Spot-On. Especially as Muslims: our Ignorance/Apathy towards Mental-Health Awareness drives us even further into the Depths of Darkness, as per Mental-Illness. Unfortunately via the Muslims: we automatically associate Mental-Illness with at-Tajnīn (Jinn-Influence/Possession), when in fact at-Tajnīn & Mental-Illness are Mutually-Exclusive.

A very Edgy-Component of the Film was that the Director literally combined the Story of Barsīsah with the Spike Lee Film “Jungle Fever”. The Ethnocentric Sexual-Tension/Intensity between the 2 Main-Characters are very apparent. The Film also gives Great-Scope into al-`Asabiyyah/Xenophobia, particularly in Terms of one of the most common Elephants-In-Room amongst Muslims: Interethnic-Relationships/Marriage. These Dynamics within the film cause the Intensity between the two Main-Characters that much more intimate, complex, as well as complicated.

The Tug-Of-War, between the Main-Character & the Voices which they constantly hear throughout this Film, represent the Struggle to maintain their Spiritual-Integrity, also their Sanity. As the Movie evolves, so does the Intensity of Tragedy-Shocking for some, yet unsurprising for others how Things unfold. This, to me, is very near & dear to me. As I’m in the Healthcare/Mental-Health Field, being a Chaplain (Counselor/Therapist). The Struggles very accurately/honestly portrayed via this Film are what I engage daily, via my Profession. I’ve even presented Research to MSU (Michigan State University: Dept. of Psychiatry) & lectured at Cambridge University (Clare College), regarding all the Subject-Matter display in this Movie pertaining to Mental-Health/Illness, as well as at-Tajnīn.(https://garethbryant.wordpress.com/2019/07/08/attajninvsmentalillness)

This is a Film which I’d recommend anyone/everyone to watch, with an Open-Mind/Heart…looking past one’s Shyness or Bias, regarding the Subject-Matter detailed within it.

Gareth Bryant

1442, A.H./2020, C.E.

at-Tajnīn (Jinn-Influence/Possession) vs. Mental-Illness



The following is based upon Personal-Research: my Role as a Chaplain/Counselor lead me to author this Research, as per my Professional-Expertise via Chaplaincy. I’ve submitted my Research, for review, to the Dept. of Psychiatry, Michigan State University. Michigan State University not only approved my Research, but also invited me to attend the annual Global Muslim Mental Health Conference, hosted by Clare College/Cambridge University, United Kingdom, where I in turn was also invited to orate/defend my Research.
























For more Info. regarding ar-Ruqyah/Healing:


Gareth Bryant

1439, A.H./2018, C.E.