Tag Archives: War On Terror

MuslimPro’s Islāmophobic-Agenda



Ironically, one of the most popular Muslimcentric-Apps has been exposed, for deliberately & systematically leaking User-Info. to: Marketers, Brockers, and most sinisterly, Intelligence/Military-Entities. All of this thus detailed, via an article published via Vice. This Exposé clearly indicates just how low Islāmophobes really go.(https://www.latimes.com/business/technology/story/2020-11-23/muslim-pro-data-location-sales-military-contractors)

There’s absolutely 0-Way that this was incidental/accidental…this was Islāmophobically-Methodical. Also, just as equally ironic: the MuslimPro App-Creator is a Non-Muslim Frenchman. The History-Of-Islāmophobia is Mutawātir/Common-Knowledge.(https://garethbryant.wordpress.com/2020/11/03/francethechinaofeurope)

So, via Hindsight, it actually makes Perfect-Sense as per how/why a Non-Muslim from France would be at the Helm of this Religio-App which has literally deceived & setup every single User of this app, including myself. I, personally, without any Hesitation-Once learning of this, I immediately uninstalled that MuslimPro-App. I command, encourage, implore, beg, etc. any/all MuslimPro-App Users to also do the same. It’s crystal-clear what this actually means. Apps such as this, leaking Personal-Information as it does, by design, is an Act-Of-Espionage, Digital-Clarations of War against al-Islām&Muslims. Things like this: the Intersectional-Relationship between Telecommunication & Governance is directly predicated upon the Provisions within the US-Patriot Act. What Allah has chosen to reveal is yet Another-Plot, attempting to extinguish the Light-Of-Allah: Guidance via al-Islām.

Gareth Bryant

1442, A.H./2020, C.E.

Obama has brought Change, but not the Change We wanted:


You’ve changed the way that Politicians lie, how our mothers & widows cry:

Drone-strikes knock-down our towns, there’s countless shattered bodies around…
…You’ve turned America upside down, with your slick talk, and your cool sound.

You’ve even caused those who believed you to scorn you…
…Who would’ve thought that this would be your colors true.

You condemn tyrants in other lands, but ironically, have become one yourself…
…You ordered the death of Al Awlaki without just reason, his memory shelved.

Stimulus-Package, you can have it back…
…Obamacare: that whole shit is wack!!!

You being the first Non-White President does not make you any less impressive…
…Compared to your many Presidential predecessors, you are just as oppressive.

I am not in awe of your presence, glamour or glitter…
…You don’t deserve a pass because you’re ½ Nigger.

If you really wanna help people, then stop being a puppet for the devilish, wealthy, elite…
…Supporting Monsanto: you’ve signed bills into law, to ensure their victory & our defeat.

You painted yourself with the Sheep’s wool…
…You did a great job playing us for the fool.

You’ve changed the way that Politicians lie, how our sisters & daughters cry:

Who knew that you were just the Wolf, all along…
…Continuing where Bush left off, doing the wrong.

We’re in the lands that you ordered, approved, to bomb daily…
…There’s so many bodies, our families don’t know how to bury.

Our children are alone, orphaned, because of the lies of the former Presidents that you still promote…
…You dare pledge, swearing, to protect the same nation you have deceived, with your arrogant gloat.

It’s very plain to see where your heart is and how it is always driven…
…You’re on a Pharaonic agenda: kill the Men & spare the Women.

However, we will not run, we are not afraid, we won’t beg for mercy, looking down the barrel of a gun…
…Our victory is from Allah, kill as many as you wish, we will be in Paradise, with our Lord, having fun.

While we’re living, we will fight and resist you, til the last Man, we don’t care if you get mad…
…We are the Muslims, unshaken & unafraid to say, live, the true meanings of the word Jihad.

We will fight you, regardless of the odds, with our smarts, and our arms…
…We will not be tricked into raising a white flag, because of your charms.

When the dust finally settles, you will not be among the Winners…
…It’s all because you’ve chosen to be on the side of the Sinners.

Gareth Bryant

A Story of Islamophobia: Bias, Fear, and Injustice


Author’s note:
This is the story of someone whom I know personally, whom was a victim of malicious, immoral, unethical, and illegal, Islamophobia, just because they were Muslim, had an Arabic name, came from, ancestrally, from a part of the Muslim-World, and, because they were neither a U.S.-citizen, nor a citizen of their respective native-land.

This is what was told to me:

“I was traveling to visit one of my relatives; I really don’t like to take for granted the freedom and the respect I have been enjoying since I came to America. But this weekend, I have felt very humiliated and mistreated by authorities in both the nation in which I was in, as well as the US. When I arrived in the country my relative lives, the authorities denied entry in the country: they said that I did not have a passport. I’ve used American travel-documents, which is issued for refugees without citizenship, on more than one occasion, and had no previous issues, traveling to places outside of the U.S., prior to this incident; likewise, I had went to this particular country, last year, using these same travel-documents, without any problems.

They took seized my travel-documents, and also my green-card, after they denied me entry. I told them that if they are not going to allow me in, then at least just allow me to return to the U.S.. But, these guys weren’t trying to listen to me, at all-they really started treating me like I was nothing but piece of garbage, which disturbed me greatly. They thought I had no government that defends my rights, which is true-I do not have citizenship to any country yet. I am holding neither US passport nor any other national-passport. The authorities had told me that, if I had at least had a passport along with my U.S. travel-documents, then I could’ve been allowed to stay.

So, here I am, on a plane going directly back to where I had came from, heading back to America. However, there’s a lot more this-it does not just end, here. When I had boarded my flight back to the U.S.,  my green-card and travel-documents weren’t even returned to me, they were given, instead, to the airline & I was told that I’ll get everything back once I land in the U.S., and this is where frustration & anger started to really kick-in: I had told them that they had no right to keep my documents & property away from me and that I’m leaving this country. They said no, you can’t have it back. I felt so humiliated and realized how weak and unfortunate I am.

When I arrived back into the U.S., the airline gave me back my documents. When I checked in, a U.S. Customs & Border Protection officer took my fingerprints, and then, forwarded me to another officer who then further inspected me. He started to ask me why I went to the country I had just came from, where did I get travel-money from…he started an argument, with me, about my recent trip. He said, ‘You were re-admitted last January and now, again, you are traveling?’…’Who helps you?’. I told him I that I have jobs to support myself. He then asked how much I am paid an hour…he then took away my wallet and checked everything it, asking me about how I got my credit cards. He asked me to open my suitcase and to take everything I had out of it. He then took away my backpack and opened my iPad, a binder, and some letters in it, this was a blatant invasion of my privacy. When I asked why is this even necessary, he told me I am not a US citizen, so I am subjected inspection.

After that, then in the checking area, two guys took me away to a room, after I was fully checked with an x-ray machine. They did a full pat-down on me, touching every part of my body. Then, another guy took my backpacks and coat for further inspection, itt was so stressful. I just wish that I did not have to undergo all of these troubles simply that I have a name which starts ‘Abu’ or that I am an immigrant, or tourist from a country that’s viewed negatively, by the U.S., and her allies. This year, I had about 4 trips on my schedule, but I am going to call off all of them. I just don’t want to undergo what I have went through this weekend.”


So, upon learning of this, I had immediately, told the person who told me their story, to inform CAIR/Council on American Islamic Relations, and I specifically gave them the contact-info. of the CAIR-NY Director, Muneer Awad. Sadly, this person was just too afraid to come forward & share their story. I even assured this person that the details of their story would be honored as anonymous, that they wouldn’t be required to give their name, rather, just their statement. But, alas, they even refused that, because they were so shaken-up & fearful that if they were to say anything that they wouldn’t be able to stay/live here (in the U.S.), any longer, that they’d lose their financial-aid status & may even get kicked-out of school, get deported to their respective land of origin (even though they either never grew-up there, never been there & were only born there), detained, tortured, killed, etc.

All of this is so deeply disturbing, how our government, as well as governments like ours deems it okay to intimidate persons, just because they’re Muslims, immigrants, residents/illegals, as opposed to full-fledged citizens, etc. But, at the end of the day, these are still the lives of Human beings, and as such we all, regardless of subjective national, state, or local, religious or secular, laws, are entitled to basic Human-Rights of the following: life, dignity, property. And, unfortunately, at least two out of these three were severely violated, to the extent that this person was made to feel as though their status as a Human being had absolutely no value.

This is not how things are supposed to be: I should never have to walk the streets in fear (of being detained, deported, arrested, beaten-up/having to beat someone up, being killed/having to kill someone, etc.), just because I’m a Muslim, or an undocumented-immigrant, a resident, a Non-English speaker, Non-European/White person. This story really affected my heart, mainly because I know how it feels to be harassed by authorities; but, also because at least with me (someone who was born here/a U.S.-citizen), I know certain important elements of the law, which can protect me from most things, pretty much; but, with people like this person, by virtue of the fact that they are not at least citizens, they’re made to be “easy-pickin’s”, or “fair-game”, of predatorial Islamophobes & Xenophobes, whether they’re as micro as a Dunkin’ Donuts employee/Manager, refusing to serve you, or as macro as the President of the United States of America, who orders/co-signs drone-strikes, or religious/ethnic round-ups against its own citizenry.

Gareth Bryant/2013

2012 in review:


The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2012 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

4,329 films were submitted to the 2012 Cannes Film Festival. This blog had 29,000 views in 2012. If each view were a film, this blog would power 7 Film Festivals

Click here to see the complete report.

The Muslims need Self-Representation!!!


I’m takin’ back my voice!!!

Don’t speak for me.
I’m a man and free.

My religion doesn’t give hatemongers the credence to silence me.
Having a beard is not a license to detain me, for an hour or three.

My Arabic tongue shouldn’t be a reason to be doomed, living a life of the falsely-accused.
This pain, of living with Islamophobia, hurts worse than that of a lung punctured & bruised.

Neither my sister, nor mother, are not victims, just because they chose to cover their body.
They wear Hijab in order to please Allah, their creator, and it makes them proud & happy.

I have with me only one, single weapon.
It has now become a prized-possession.

I have my own voice.
With it, I make noise.

It states proudly, to the world, that Islam does not oppress.
How our women do not have to conform to immoral-dress.

How our men don’t have to hurt someone to gain respect.
It’s part of our faith, and duty, to serve, as well as protect.

It tells everyone, everywhere, that we will not take attacks lying-down.
Islam won’t stop spreading, until it reaches every home & every town.

My voice verbally affirms who I am.
It’s time for you & I to take a stand.

Gareth Bryant/2012

My thoughts on the 4th of July:


Author’s Note:

July 4th-Weekend is where people put up their American flags, on their home doors, front lawns, windows, and/or cars & have day-long BBQ’s in their backyards, or go to beaches, celebrating the commemoration of how American Colonists stood against the British Crown & resisted tyranny. I would just like to present this poem, about the reality of fallacy & self-deception, of being patriotic, to a nation, like the United States-Even though she, herself, has felt the sting of tyrannical suppression, has, ironically, been historically known to oppress other peoples & nations, robbing them of independence, freedom, justice, and equality, while portraying to be the torchbearer of independence, liberation, freedom, justice, and equality-Everything from the establishment of the 3/5th Compromise, constitutionalizing the further dehumanization of the African-American, as not even being even Human, rather, only beasts of burden, to the violation of peace & land treaties, made to Native-American nations & tribes, to the Indian Removal Act, to the Fugitive Slave Act, to the Indian-Wars, which further decimated the power, majesty, culture, and population of the once proud & dignified original peoples of the Americas, in North America, to the 1st Red-Scare of the 1920’s, after World-War I, to the internment of Japanese-Americans, during World-War II, to the 2nd Red-Scare of the 1950’s, during the Cold-War era, to the assassination of JFK, which exposed the shadow-rulers & shadow-government of this nation, to the Vietnam-War, and all other unjust military invasions of nations, before & thereafter, to COINTELPRO, to the fallacy of 9-11, in which an entire religious populace has been made the perpetual subject of political, & social religious-profiling, to the Patriot Act, the prelude to the NDAA, and so many examples-Is this a nation truly worthy of your patriotism? You must all ask yourselves this important question!!!

The Pledge of Illusion:

What good is a pledge, when the loyalty is always one-sided?
This pledge of allegiance of the United States is often biased.

The false cloak of “American-Values” has tragically consumed the trust & good-will of many.
When our hands are on our chests, do we think of those oppressed by this nation’s tyranny?

Patriotism has become fanatical Fascism, the motivating force being power & racism.

The “Founding-Fathers”  built this nation using free-labor of captives during slavery.
The carnage committed against Native-Americans was deemed as justified savagery.

We forgot about the Black-Codes & Jim-Crow; most of us are oblivious, we really don’t know.
What happened to “Black Wall Street” isn’t found in any school-books that they want to show.

Patriotism has become fanatical Fascism; the motivating force is power & racism.

America wants no one with nuclear-weapons, yet they’re the only ones who ever used them.
Hiroshima & Nagasaki, cities full of civilians, were they ever a threat to America’s freedom?

Vietnam was a country used as a testing-ground for Agent-Orange and Napalm.
The U.S. tried to force Democracy upon them, with the policy of the strong-arm.

Patriotism has become fanatical Fascism; the motivating force is power & racism.

So, the next time that you want to pledge allegiance to the flag, think clearly of the past.
Decide for yourself, whether your loyalty to a regime is valid; do a compare & contrast.

Gareth Bryant/2012

My thoughts on American Hypocrisy!!!


Are the Muslims really the enemy?!!!

Ever since 9-11, every politician-elect supports the War on Islam, so they can be politically-correct.
As long as I can remember, the U.S. supported thugs like the Contras, to propel agendas of dissent.

Now, people like bin-Ladin are black-listed, although supported against the Soviets back in the day.
Every single lobbyist, with money to spare, funds the goons in Congress, who take our liberties away.

And yet, we are the enemy…now check that out!!!

They’ve passed the Patriot Act, which allows U.S. authorities to raid & arrest people, without contest.
It’s truly a shame that Islam has been used as the fallout-boy, to create an  illusion, to avoid civil unrest.

They’ve passed the NDAA; it gives the U.S. the green light to prosecute citizens, without due-process.
The leader of Syria is blasted for Human-Rights crimes, while his oil-rich neighbors are free to oppress.

And yet, we are the enemy…now check that out!!!

Alan Greenspan, Hank Paulson, the Banks and Wall Street, sold millions of Americans up the river.
Their fellow citizens didn’t matter at all to them, only concerned with the elite class being the winner.

The financial crisis was stirred up by corporations, wanting to squeeze every drop out of taxpayers.
And, they were rewarded, for their speculations on the global stock market, with billions of dollars.

And yet, we are the enemy…now check that out!!!

The enemy, whom we’re all taught to fear, is right within our borders.
They’re disguising themselves as good-doers, in our own backyards.

The true enemy’s in Washington, where powerful lobbyists pop bottles.
And, they’re on Capitol Hill, where rich White lawmakers pop models.

We have allowed ourselves to develop pathological love-affairs, with wasteful forms of amusement.
Our heart-strings pulled by entertainment; T.V. and the Internet are the arrows, the media is Cupid.

The “War on Terror” is a $1 problem, yet has a $Billion solution that’s attached to it.
Unfortunately,  the American people are delusional & just completely stuck on stupid.

Gareth Bryant/2012

My thoughts on the official end to the War in Iraq:


Considering the brand-new announcement about the final segment of U.S. Military servicemen leaving the now further-ruined state of Iraq, let’s look at just some of the results of this most unnecessary, deceptive & politically-driven military endeavor over the past seven years:

These are but some of several estimated casualties of the War in Iraq (2002-2011):

American tax-payers money spent/wasted: $1 Trillion

Iraqi civilians killed: 600,000

Iraqi Military & Police servicemen killed: 10,125

Iraqi “Insurgents” killed: 55,000

U.S. Military personnel killed: 4,486

U.S./Non-U.S. contractors & civilian-workers killed: 572

U.S./Non-U.S. journalism personnel killed: 150

Non-U.S. Military personnel killed: 316

WMD’s (Weapons of Mass-Destruction) founded: 0

I think that I’ve made my general point quite clear by this point.

#I’m just sharin’!!!

What “Change” has there really been in America?!!!


One has to honestly reflect upon how his presidency has affected this country & the world. We cannot just get caught up in the nostalgia of “He’s the first Black President, woo hoo!!!”. We must critically think about what policies that he’s supported & carried out as the Chief Executive of the United States, during his nearly four-year tenure of what could potentially be his only term as the leader of the “Free-World”.

No, it’s not time to break out the worn out Obama hats, shirts, bumper stickers, etc. labelled “Yes, We Can”, or “Change We Can Believe In”. It is truly time for reflection as to whether the U.S. is truly a better country since this man’s been a President. For this reflection, I’ll be taking the liberty of mentioning several happenings throughout the current tenure of this U.S. President & I’ll let you decide has “Change” that this man had promised for this country truly come.

Lack of Reparations for Afro-Americans:

Hate crimes:
Dec. 3rd, 2010-
A twenty-seven year old Black man, by the name of Frederick Jermaine Carter, was found hanging to a tree, in Greenwood, Miss. The Obama administration has yet to even acknowledge the event taking place, and there was no mention of a Federal investigation of this case (ironically enough, Greenwood is a mere 10 miles away from Money, Miss., where Emmett Till, a 14-year-old Black youth, was tortured and murdered by racist whites, over 50 years after the Emmet Til tragedy)-This case was just swept under the rug, by Leflore County Sheriff Ricky Banks, along with the county coroner, declaring Carter’s death a “Suicide”, as a result of him having a history of “Mental-Illness”.

Now, for you & I, who possess basic-intelligence, here’s some serious questions for us to sincerely ask ourselves: When is the last time that a legitimately mentally-ill person used a tree to assist them in a “Suicide”?!!! (Never); when is the the last time that a Black man used a tree to assist him in a “Suicide”?!!! (Never!!!); also, how is the man going to “hang himself”, when he was found tied/bounded to the actual tree that he “hanged himself” from?!!! (Impossible!!!).

Now, just by virtue of the fact that there’s a Black man in the White House is justification enough to have had this case world-wide news; however, sadly, it was just another important issue that was kept under cover, for fear that people would truly realize that having a Black man as a President doesn’t secure shit for Black people, those who came out in droves to vote for this man, really believing that he was their savior-If a White man, or any group of Non-Black individuals would’ve done the same to one of them, this case would’ve been treated the same exact way, especially if they weren’t of any type of known, significant status in our society.

Pushing the Homo-Agenda:

Obama literally switched their Stance on Marriage once they became a POTUS. During their Administration, the Same-Gender Marriage Agenda became Secular-Law in the United States.

The economy:
It’s not that the Federal bailouts given to the Wall Street titans were bad enough, but to add insult-to-injury, they’ve grown more wealthy & powerful during the Obama years, thus far-According to a report, by Zachary Goldfarb, of the Washington Post:

  • Wall Street firms — independent companies and the securities-trading arms of banks — are doing even better. They earned more in the first 2 1/2 years of the Obama administration than they did during the eight years of the George W. Bush administration, industry data show. […]
  • The largest banks, including Bank of America, Citigroup and Wells Fargo, earned $34 billion in profit in the first half of the year, nearly matching what they earned in the same period in 2007 and more than in the same period of any other year.
  • Securities firms — the trading arms of big banks and hundreds of other independent firms — have fared even better. They’ve generated at least $83 billion in profit during the past 2 1/2 years, compared with $77 billion during the entire Bush administration, according to data from the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association.

Anwar Al-Awlaki, a Muslim, as well as a U.S.-citizen, was violently blown to bits, by a CIA-controlled drone-missile attack in Yemen. What still puzzles me, till this very day, is the simple fact that none of the actual charges of “terrorist-activity” against this man was even established, until after he conveniently out of the country, relocated to Yemen, even though he was continually probed by the Feds for at least 5 years before he even left the U.S. to spend the rest of his life in Yemen-Ironically the charges that he had actually gotten arrested for & then released while in the U.S. had absolutely nothing to do with “terrorist-activity”. This is something really difficult to wrap my head around: Anwar Al-Awlaki was accused of being the chief recruitment figure for Al-Qaeda in America, yet you wait until the man leaves the U.S. to go to Yemen to do something about it?!!! What sense does this all make?!!! (None).

He was denied his right as a Human being & a U.S.-citizen to have his day in court/any court, via due-process, even though his historical counterpart, Oliver North, the most corrupt U.S. Military official on record, who aided known terrorist-groups, by supplying them with money gins, in exchanges for drugs to be smuggled into the U.S. during the 1980′s, infamously known as the Iran-Contra Affair, did more than Al-Awlaki was even accused of. Yet, North was eventually acquitted of all 16 counts of Federal felonies thrown at him, received an official Presidential-Pardon, and retired with full rank & pension as a Lt. Colonel of the U.S. Marines (check out my article on this same blog, titled, “If Anwar Al-Awlaki were Oliver North, he’d still be alive & chillin’” for more info. about the Iran-Contra Affair). Then, there’s Somalia, the mythical land of African Al-Qaeda & pirates, even though, unlike the Taliban, Saddam, and Qaddafi, Ash-Shabab have not been ousted (check out my article on this same blog, “Somalia [The Anatomy of a Tragedy]” to find out why).

These are just a few of the countless examples of how the mythos of Barack Obama has continually become a political epic-fail, and has been able to keep the American people deaf, dumb & blind. It’s very obvious to me, and should be just as obvious to you all, that Obama being a President, the first Black President, or what ever posthumous title that you’d wish to refer to him by, has not changed any of the business-as-usual policies well-established in this nation.

“Ain’t shit change, except da Number after da Dot…on da Range.”
Christopher Wallace (AKA: Notorious B.I.G.)

Gareth Bryant

If Anwar Al-Awlaki were Oliver North, he’d still be alive & chillin’


A popular Muslim Cleric/Lecturer, who was also an American-Citizen by birth, Anwar Al-Awlaki was murdered, via a C.I.A. operated spy-drone missile, without due process of law, without confirmation of any direct acts of terror or treason against the U.S. Yet, it was made justifiable to make an example of him, to tell the world that the U.S. doesn’t mind punking & murdering its own citizens, in order to perpetuate a lie that started on 9/11. For educational purposes, I’ll take the liberty of comparing the lives & careers of both Anwar Al-Awalki & Oliver North respectively, just for you who are reading this to get a clear picture of how hypocritical the United States of America really is.

Anwar Al-Awlaki:
The short intro.-
Anwar Al-Awlaki was a U.S. citizen of Arab/Yemeni descent, who lived primarily in the United States, was an academic in the fields of Civil-Engineering, and Education-Leadership, earning a B.S. degree in the former, from Colorado State University & an M.A. degree in the latter, from the University of San Diego. In addition, he was very well-versed in Islamic-Sciences, despite not having an extensive formal Islamic religious education, and served as a religious leader/advisor at several mosques in the U.S. before permanently relocating to Yemen, as well as several successful & popular audio lecture serials on various Islamic topics & subject to boot.

Now, on to the gritty stuff

He did in fact have some far-right/extreme religious views, which ended up surfacing later on in his life through many of his teachings. But, this didn’t in any way, mean that he personally or actively participated in any confirmed act of terror, either against civilians of any nation, or military personnel of any nation or coalition. Up until his recent death, the U.S. kept the opinion, though unfounded, that Anwar Al-Awlaki was an active Al-Qaeda operative & recruiter in both the U.S. and in the Arabian-Peninsula. Now, to be honest, he did in fact put himself out there in a lot of respects, and placed himself in unnecessary situations & conditions. But, this doesn’t make him an active terrorist. And, in addition to the shady ways that the U.S. government classified Anwar Al-Awlaki, it would’ve made a lot more sense to either question, indict, or even detain him for his alleged terrorist activities and/or terrorist recruitment. But, while in the U.S., he was never officially charged with any such crime, nor questioned, arrested, indicted, arraigned, prosecuted or convicted for anything even remotely related to terror or terrorism. In fact, the only known jail time that he had ever served was in Yemen.

Oliver North:
The short intro.-
Oliver Laurence North, like Anwar Al-Awlaki, was born & raised in the U.S., is a forty-year military veteran, of the U.S. Marine Corps., attaining the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, with military awards ranging from a Silver & Bronze Star, to a Purple Heart Medal, twice received, during his military tours during the Vietnam War. He was also a commanding officer & strategist, during the hunt for the assailants responsible for the Beirut bombings in Lebanon as well as the U.S.-led invasion of Grenada, in the 1980’s.

Now, on to the gritty stuff

His main claim to fame, or infamy to be more accurate was the fact that he was officially indicted by a Congressional committee, of 16 separate Federal felonies, regarding his direct involvement in the infamous Iran-Contra Affair. The Iran-Contra Affair was one of the greatest examples of intelligence, military, diplomatic & political corruption in the history of the United States.

This is basically what happened in regards to the Iran Contra Affair:
North, being a high-ranking military man, having connections to every major U.S. military branch, intelligence agency, and also in the U.S. Congress & the White House, was able to use his influence via his important military position, to commit open treason against the people of the United States & our government. Basically, at that time, Iran was just recently considered a rogue state, as a result of the Islamic-Revolution that took place during the late seventies, coupled with the fact that nearly a hundred U.S. citizens were held for ransom against their will while in Iran, during the waning months of the Carter Presidential administration, also in that same decade.

So, Ollie got the bright idea to not only openly deal with a known, newly declared rogue state, that took U.S. citizens as hostages, but, he also chose to deal with a group of known terrorists, commonly known as the Contras. The Contras were then in bloody opposition against the legitimate government of Nicaragua of that time, the Sandinistas. However, because the Sandinistas were Pro-Communists, Oliver North decided that the best way to deal with rogue states in the Mid-East & terrorists groups in Central America was to make business deals with them, of course, all in the good name of spread freedom, justice, equality, and Democracy throughout the world, via deception, usurpation, and backroom cut-throat dirty arms & drug deals.

So, here’s where it really gets good:
Oliver North began smuggling arms to several terrorists groups, with ties to Iran, in Lebanon (keep in mind that the U.S. has always held an official policy since like forever which states the following, “We don’t negotiate with Terrorists” & I’ve heard that in movies & real-life for as long as I could possibly remember), in exchange for U.S. nationals, captured in the Mid-East. But, it didn’t stop there, check this out: On the other side of the world, deep down in Central America, there was another thing going on, the U.S. deliberately turned a blind-eye & allowed the Contras, who eventually ousted the legitimate government of the Sandinistas, to traffic drugs (Cocaine to be more accurate & specific), with the exclusive permission & transportation support of the U.S. military, under direct supervision of Ollie North, which he later admitted while being questioned at his own Congressional hearings in D.C. after he was busted and exposed publicly) into the United States itself, which by default helped fuel our already drug-dependent economy during the 1980’s, which resulted in the largest mass use of Cocaine & Crack-Cocaine drug-dealing in the history of our nation, which has contributed to countless acts of street/gang violence, drug-addiction, and basically represented one of the perfect examples of domestic-terrorism ever. The U.S. purposely gave corrupt CIA/U.S. military personnel the green-light to very graciously supply drug dealing thugs across our nation, via the narcotic connections established with the Contras in Central America, with lethal/life-destroying narcotics, for personal profit, contributing to domestic chemical-warfare against their fellow citizens of the U.S. (just in case you didn’t know or realize, drugs/narcotics are in fact chemically-based & are therefore chemicals by definition, also, the effects that are caused by consuming these drugs/narcotics casually has many dangerous/life-threatening/fatal results).

How does all of this fit together, concerning Al-Awlaki & North?
Great question, now here’s the answer: Al-Awlaki just happened to be a Muslim, with a few radical ideas, and he was automatically considered fair-game to kill although there were never any established proofs against him, nor was he allowed his day in court, the right of any U.S. citizen. Hell, even John Walker-Lindh was at least extradited to U.S. custody. Meanwhile, someone like North, who was one of the top players of this corruption food-chain, known as the Iran-Contra Affair, was not only given a bullshit sentence, but was eventually vacated of all charges against him, received an officially Presidential pardon, retired from the U.S. Armed forces without court-martial & with full honors, rank & pension, had his own talk show (I remember this when I was a lil’ kid) on Radio America from 1995-2003, etc. And a TV show named “War Stories With Oliver North” on FoxNews, from 2003-2016. And, to date, this guy is a regular commentator/reporter for FoxNews.

Now, what does all of these really mean?
Well I could tell you, but I’d really let you use your own intellect, integrity, and objectivity to decide for yourselves what this means. I’m willing to leave this post the way that it is. What I would appreciate greatly though is for anyone and/or everyone who so chooses to read this be very object, simply look at the facts that I’ve presented, and decide for yourselves what all of this means.

Gareth Bryant