My Necessary-Decisions


Allah states:

“Those whom believe pay attention: Upon you are yourselves.”

(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.105)

“There’s no such Thing as an ‘Easy-Decision’, but only Necessary-Decisions.”

Gareth Bryant

What I recognize about Decision-Making…Decisions (any/all Decisions) are hard. Each & every single Decision made has Consequences…potentially Irreversable-Consequences to boot. Decision-Making is equally just as exciting as it is dangerous. There’ve been Countless-Times where I’ve had to Decision-Make, as per what I chose to address, concerning whom I’ve chosen to confront, pertaining to Reactions to what I’ve disclosed, etc.

As it is specifically via the Modern-World: Human-Communication is the most complex/complicated than it’s ever been thus far via Human-History. Everyone expresses/verbalizes their Madhāhib/Opinions about everything, no one wants to be wrong/corrected, we all despise being opposed, none of us truly respect Valid-Ikhtilāf/Difference as much as we pontificate/claim that we do. With this Human-Atmosphere, especially via the Social-Media Age: the Concept Herd-Mentality is at an All-Time High also. There’s Concepts, Views, etc. which Certain Human-Demographics think/feel that everyone else must agree with or else they’re viewed as “The Opps”. So, being someone who’s courageous enough to say: “Fuck dat…Imma say what needs to be said, regardless of whether Others disagree.”…everyone’s not going to be your Fan.

One then must decide whether they’re going to comply with the Public-Tone/Popular-Trends (the “Go-Along to Get-Along Mentality), or to buck the Popular-Narrative & deliberately swim against the Current. Being Unpopular for one’s Views, Stances, etc. is always tumultuous & trying. It’s a True-Fitnah/Test to embrace. Yet, if one wants to be their Authentic-Selves, then they’d better get used to it.

My Entire-Life has literally been This-Way. There’s Countless-Trends (even amongst my own Relatives) which I’ve refused to co-sign or partake in, especially after I became a Muslim. I’ll explain what I mean. Cigarette-Smoking & Alcoholism was something, for a Long-Time, very Popular amongst my Relatives (I personally never had the Desire to indulge in Cigarette-Smoking nor Alcohol-Drinking). And, I remember when I was Younger growing into being Muslim: some of my Relatives would audaciously/arrogantly request that I go buy Cigarettes for them…I would always refuse them. They’d have the Audacity/Arrogance to be angered that I refused them. But, guess what?!!! I still ain’t buy Shit for them…they had to just get it however they got it. Even as per Alcoholism…Same-Thing: Certain-Relatives of mine got “Triggered” because I refused to purchase Alcoholic-Beverages for them.

I’ll give Another-Example. I specifically remember being at an ICNA-Convention Years ago. I was asked by a Fellow-Muslim where to buy Cigarettes. I told them I don’t know where to buy Cigarettes (which realistically wasn’t a Lie because I was in a City/State that I’ve never lived & only visited from Time2Time). But, then, I also told them that even if I did know I still wouldn’t tell them, because Cigarettes are Harām/Islāmically-Prohibited. This Bitch-Ass Nigga really had the Audacity/Arrogance to be “Triggered”, because I wouldn’t co-sign/enable their Harām-Vices. But, as I always tell People: Your Triggers aren’t my Problem.

As per Interactions via Social-Media: it’s a Known-Fact that I’ve authored, written, posted, etc. some of the Most-Controversial Things anyone via my Generation has. I’ve literally lost Countless-Friendships, Countless-Connections, have alienated Countless-Persons, have acquired Countless-Adversaries, etc. All because I refused to be an Imma`ah/Dick-Rider. Because I refused to comply with Herd-Politics, I’ve become as the Ole-Saying goes: “Popular for Unpopular-Reasons”.

There’s always been a Surge of Resiliance within me, to never care that much about the Personal-Opinions of Others about me. And, a Fellow-Muslim did something for me which I’ll always be grateful to Allah for the Person doing this: they introduced me to a Book which had a Profound-Affect upon me in such a Positive-Way. The Name of the Book is called “The Courage To Be Disliked”. This-Book is literally amongst the Most-Important Books every authored via the English-Language. I remember this Fellow-Muslim telling me about the Book. As they’re detailing the Book-Content, in my Mind I’m telling myself: “This-Book is literally my Life!!!”. I was truly awed&amazed, that Allah empowered People to write Books like this & have it connect with who/how I really am, in spite of the Fact that I don’t even personally know the Authors of the Book itself. Learning about that Specific-Book helped to consolidate & validate who I am. It was truly amongst the Best-Moments via my Entire-Life. The Book-Title itself, “The Courage To Be Disliked”, I personally embody as well as use & I’ve always used ironically even before knowing the Existence of the Book.

As per what I’ve mentioned, about my Writings: as anyone whom knows me knows…I’m very calculated, deliberate, motivational, intentional, etc. if/when I write. I purposely/purposefully write to trigger Others, to anger Others, to upset Others, etc. I do so to expose the Persons they truly are, as opposed to the Persons they pretend to be. And it’s because I want to know what Others truly view me as. I despise Fakeness…I’d rather have a Real-Enemy, as opposed to a Fake-Friend. So, if/whenever I write/post, there’s always an Intensity/Nervousness within me…it’s a Spiritual/Psycho-Emotional Warning that says to me introspectively/intrapersonally: “Gareth Bryant…you know that we’re about to start Some-Shit. Now, are you prepared for the Potential-Consequences thereof?!!!”. This literally pops into my Mind/Heart anytime/everytime I know for a Fact I’m going to write/post something controversial.

Analyzing/projecting the possible/probable Ripple-Effects of whatever I choose to write/post…the Consequences have been quite serious/dangerous for me personally. I’ve almost gotten into Seriously-Violent Conflicts with Others, over what I’ve written/posted, been banned from speaking at Certain-Events, been denied Employment at Certain-Places, had Marital-Attempts thwarted/ruined. And, the List can go On&On. I’ve literally sacrificed Real-Things, Real-Relationships, Real-Oportunities, etc. because of what I believe in. Yet, if had the Chance to back into the Annals-Of-Time: I would’ve handled Things the Same-Way.

I’d be a Liar/Dishonest-Person, if I were to claim that I was never afraid of the Consequences (as per what I write/post). I’m saying it publicly…Full-Disclosure: Yes, there’s Great-Fear involved in being one’s Authentic-Self & Decision-Making. But, as I always tell People: Courage isn’t the Absence-Of-Fear, it’s the Willingness&Ability to confront Fear. So, my Final-Words regarding this-I fully recognize/accept, that anything I do I must embrace anything/everything which comes with it. I must stand on anything/everything I personally pontificate/promote.

Gareth Bryant

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