Category Archives: Writings

The Powerful make the Rules


The Above is a Popular-Saying. Unfortunately, I know not its Origin. But, I most definitely recognize the Truth/Honesty of the Statement. It’s something which I’ve witnessed/observed my Entire-Life. It’s a True-Interpretation, amongst Countless-Interpretations of the Human-Experience. As Human-Beings: none of us truly ever want to be criticized. It’s simply an Uncomfortable-Confirmation that we’re Inherently-Imperfect & won’t be Right all of the Time. We absolutely hate being Wrong about anything. Worse yet, we hate even more to be corrected. Allah explains in detail, the Fragility of Humanity.(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.4, V.28)

And, because of this, literally, those of us wielding any Sort of: Prestige, Influence, Power, Dominance, Control, etc. we want to keep it at any/all Costs. One of the Easiest-Ways to do so is to (marginalize, neutralize, eliminate, etc.) rid ourselves of anyone/everyone who’d dare prove us imperfect, fragile, fraudulent, corrupt, etc. This-Tactic is an Ancient-Tool, which has been used by basically every Human-Civilization, to consolidate/maintain one’s Grip on those they aim to keep under them.

Gareth Bryant 1443, A.H./2022, C.E.

Everyone deserves Guidance


Allah states:

“The Qur’ān was revealed via the Month-Of-Ramadhān: within it is Guidance for Humanity.”
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.2, V.185)

The Reason how/why I chose to post this is simply to stress the Point that: regardless of how sinful any Person may be, regardless of the Sinful-Lifestyle anyone leads, etc. every Human is Islāmically-Entitled/Justified to be exposed to al-Hidāyah/al-Hudā (Guidance). As Allah states:

a. And never let your hatred, against any People, prevent you from behaving justly.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.8)

b. Say: “Oh, My Servants who’ve oppressed themselves: don’t flee from the Mercy-Of-Allah. Verily, Allah forgives All-Sins. Verily, They’re The All-Forgiving The Most-Merciful.”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.39, V.53)

Ironically, there’s Muslims whom attempt to favor Certain-Sins over Other-Sins. But, via All-Reality: none of us have any Islāmic-Entitlement to pontificate/claim which Sins are so-called “Better vs. Worse”. Now, it’s absolutely true/honest that Sins are Islāmically-Categorized as Major-Sins & Minor-Sins. But, so what?!!! A Sin is still a Sin, regardless of whether or not it’s classified as Minor or Major…the Point is to avoid al-Fusūq/Sinning holistically, not to pick&choose which Sins we personally disfavor & then condemn those whom commit the Sins we personally dislike. Moreover, we ourselves, more often than not: may very well be committing more Minor-Sins than anyone committing Major-Sins, or we may be committing Major-Sins which we may not even know/care are Major-Sins, or we may be committing Major-Sins only because we think/feel they’re “only Minor-Sins”. It’s like the Ole-Saying goes, “Don’t judge someone, just because they sin differently than you do.”. And, it’s like I always tell People: It’s easy to judge People, when our Sins aren’t Public-Knowledge.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.90; Chpt.16, V.36; Chpt.25, V.43; Chpt.49, V.12; at-Tabarī; as-Suyūtī; Ahmad; al-Kabā’ir/The Major-Sins, adh-Dhahabī)

The most Dynamic-Portion, of This-Video, was when it was stated that this Muslim-Person was discouraged from becoming a Muslim. The Question is how/why. The Answer is very simple…it’s from the Waswās/Deception of ash-Shaytān. ash-Shaytān, from the Time the Soul of Adam: the Progenitor/Patriarch-Of-Humanity (Peace be upon them) was created, has utterly despised Humanity. And they even swore to Allah, that they’d do anything to lead/keep Humanity misguided. So, of course, it’d appease ash-Shaytān if they could convince anyone that they’re such a Sinful-Person that there’s no Way Allah can/will redeem them. And, clearly that’s 💯%-Untruth/Dishonesty. And, they used their Minions amongst Human-Beings to attempt This-Person to not accept al-Islām. This proves undoubtedly what I always tell People: You don’t have to be a Jinn/Fire-Being to be a Shaytān/Satanist. These-Kinds/Types of Tactics are under the Umbrella of what’s known as at-Tajnīn (Jinn-Influence/Possession).
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.7, V.11-18; Chpt.114; at-Tabarī; as-Suyūtī; ibn-Kathīr)

For More-Info. concerning:

a. at-Tajnīn (Jinn-Influence):

b. al-Liwāt (Homosexuality):

c. Sinful-Muslims:

Gareth Bryant 1443, A.H./2022, C.E

The Abrahamic-Fallacy


Jordan Peterson discussing the “Abraham-Accords”:

For More-Info. about the “Abraham-Accords”:

Muslims Celebrate Shavuot – And Have Been Doing so for Hundreds of Years!

The Concepts “Abrahamism”, “Abrahamic”, “Abrahamic-Faiths/Religions”, etc. which predicates further the Mythos/Pseudo-Narrative that Muslims&Jews are “Cousins” are 💯%-Untruth/Dishonesty. These-Concepts exclusively exist via the “Interfaith-Dialogue” Mythos: the so-called Consolidation of Muslims, Jews, Christians. However, anyone whom knows anything truly about any of these 3 Religio-Spiritual Paths, Religions, Faiths, etc. knows that they’re very much different unto themselves. I plan to undoubtedly debunk These-Concepts. Honestly, they’re very simple/easy to do so. There’s Several-Ways which I intend to accomplish this.

The Proofs against “Abrahamism/Abrahamic”:

Abraham (Peace be upon them), commonly falsely credited as being the “1st-Monotheist” via the Interfaith-Mythos. This has historically set the Theological-Tone/Stage to pontificate/promote the Mythos of “Abrahamic-Religions”, in the so-called Chronological-Order with Judaism being “First”, Christianity being “Second”, al-Islām being “Third”. an-Nuzūl/Revelatory-Texts undoubtedly proves otherwise, as Allah states, “And Adam was taught the Names of all.”
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.2, V.31)

This establishes 2-Things:

a. This is a Revelatory-Textual Proof, that Adam: the Progenitor/Patriarch-Of-Humanity (Peace be upon them) was directly taught by Allah & by definition that affirms/confirms their Maqām/Status of being a Nabī/Prophetic-Individual. Likewise, it equally affirms/confirms that they were the 1st Muslim-Human: it’s literally impossible for someone to be directly taught by the Creator/Lord of the Universe & not submit to Them and ironically that’s literally what al-Islām means “Submission to Allah”.
(Lisān-ul-`Arab: Lexicon of the Arabic-Language, ibn-Manzhūr)

b. This completely debunks the Pontification/Claim that al-Islām is a Religio-Historical-Branch of Judeo-Christianity. Likewise, it completely disproves the Mythos/Pseudo-Narrative of al-Islām being a 7th-Century, C.E. Arabian-Inception/Invention.

The Proofs against “Abrahamic-Faiths/Religions” Kalām/Rhetoric:

Basically, Abraham is considered to be the “Founder of Judaism” sort-of-speak & then Christianity branched-off from Judaism, and then al-Islām branched-off from both Judaism & Christianity jointly. This is both a Religio&Secularly-Acceptable View, sadly even amongst Muslims. an-Nuzūl dismisses This-Claim, as Allah states Word4Word that Abraham was a Muslim & that they weren’t amongst the Shirkers.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.2, V.135; Chpt.3, V.67&95; Chpt.6, V.79&161; Chpt.16, V.123)

What’s a “Shirker”?

Good-Question…Answer: a Shirker, which is English for the Word Mushrik, means to commit what’s known as ash-Shirk/Association. ash-Shirk means to attribute, ascribe, etc. any Sifah (Characteristic/Quality) to Allah which isn’t directly predicated upon at-Tanzīl/Revelation.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.18, V.1-6; Chpt.112; Lisān-ul-`Arab)

What does this have to do with the Subject?

Good-Question…Answer: principally anyone/everyone whom isn’t a Muslim is classified as a Mushrik/Shirker by default, including Jews&Christians.

How/why: Jews&Christians are Monotheistic aren’t they?!!!

Good-Question…Answer: Both Jews&Christians principally violate what’s known as at-Tawhīd/Oneness, which is the Polar-Opposite of what ash-Shirk is. So, as per the Islāmic-Definition of Monotheism: Jews&Christians don’t apply.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.6, V.151; Lisān-ul-`Arab)

There’s Specific-Things which’re Part of Judeo-Christianity which is classified as ash-Shirk. For example: pontificating/claiming that Allah has Parents and/or Children…this is ash-Shirk by definition. Parents are imperfect, and Children must be constantly/consistently taught & reminded of Things. Children typically need their Parents for everything, while Parents rely upon their Children to care for them when they age. Parents can be & often are wrong about Lots of Things. Regardless of whether it’s a Figurative-Context or Literal-Context…it’s Islāmically-Intolerable/Unacceptable. There’s even Several-Texts via Judeo-Christian Sources (The Tanakh/Torah, The Bible, etc.) which pontificates/promotes ash-Shirk: Adam being called “Son of God” (Luke), Jacob/Israel being called “My 1st-Born” (Exodus), Angels being called “Children/Sons of God” (Job), David&Solomon being called “Sons of God” (Psalms&Chronicles I), etc. Ironically, even ash-Shaytān is classified as a “Child-Of-God”, because as per Judeo-Christianity ash-Shaytān is Religio-Classified as a “Fallen-Angel” & Angels are Religio-Classified via Judeo-Christianity as the “Children-Of-God”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.18&64; Chpt.9, V.30; Chpt.18 V.1-6; Chpt.112)

Well how/why are Jews&Christians mentioned as “People of the Book” & how/why are Judeo-Christian Scriptures mentioned in The Qur’ān?

Good-Question…Answer: Well…to be 💯% there’s a Difference between “Banī-Isrā’īl/Children-Of-Israel” and “Yahūd/Jews”. Banū-Isrā’īl were the Patrilineal-Descendants of Ya`qūb-Isrā’īl/Jacob-Israel (Peace be upon them) whom were Muslims prior to the Revelation of The Qur’ān, via the Tanzīl/Revelation given to any/all the Anbiyā’/Prophetic-Individuals sent to Banī-Isrā’īl (Peace be upon them). The Term “Yahūd”, often translated as “Jew/Jewish-Person” literally means “Guidance-Rejectors”. And, this is a Title which Allah personally imposed upon Demographics of the Children-Of-Israel whom rejected & plotted to assassinate `Īsā/Jesus-Christ (Peace be upon them). Jews&Christians are called “Ahl-al-Kitāb/People of the Book”, exclusively because they lay claim to the Fellowship of Prophetic-Individuals whom were given Books-Of-Revelation namely: The Torah, The Psalms, The Gospel. This doesn’t mean at all that al-Islām regards Muslims, Jews, Christians as Religio-Theological Equals.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.2, V.132&133; at-Tabarī; as-Suyūtī; ibn-Kathīr; Lisān-ul-`Arab)

This-Video is pontificated/claimed by Judeo-Christian Academics, Theologians, etc. whom’re adamant concerning Judeo-Christian Islāmophobia.

Well…where do we go from here?

Good-Question…Answer: Muslims must cease buying into the Mythos of “Abrahamism/Abrahamic”, and be truthful/honest pertaining to what the Islāmic-Posture towards Judeo-Christianity really is. Realistically, Interfaith-Dialogue shouldn’t mean Religio-Hypocrisy/Dishonesty. No Muslim should have to think/feel that they must lie, be dishonest, etc. regarding to what Islāmic-Texts states about Judeo-Christian Theology. Unfortunately, Muslims buy into what Judeo-Christianity “has in common” with al-Islām, under the Illusion of Coexistence/Cohesion. In All-Reality: our Differences matter more than whatever our Commonalities could possibly be, because those are Religio-Theological Differences. This is coupled with the Fact that Allah directly details that Jews&Christians have altered the Books-Of-Revelation which they pontificate/claim to follow.
(Chpt.2, V.75&79, 174; Chpt.3 V.78&187; Chpt.4, V.46; Chpt.5, V.12-15; Chpt.6, V.91; Chpt.7, V.162)

Gareth Bryant

The Mentality of the True-Muslim towards a Fellow-Muslim


Allah says: “And never let your hatred, against any People, prevent you from behaving justly.”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.8)

Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Apathy/Arrogance is denying Truth & mocking People.”.

Mu`ādh ibn-Jabal (May Allah be pleased with them) stated: “Always accept Truth, even if/when it comes from a Non-Muslim or a Muslim-Sinner.”.

This is literally where the Islāmic-Principle, “Truth is Truth, regardless of whom/where it comes from.”.

In spite of the Fact that the Person featured in This-Video, Mysonne Linen, is a Non-Muslim: principally there’s a lot which Muslims must/can learn from this Video-Clip. What was articulated via This-Video is precisely what al-Islām pontificates/promotes as per Religio-Spiritual Fraternity towards Fellow-Muslims. And, ironically, Muslims are supposed to implement what’s detailed within This-Video more than any other Human-Being. However, sadly, at Times we implement this the least if at all.

One of the most Heartbreaking-Realities which I’ve endured, witnessed, observed, etc. is that there’s Muslims all across the Muslim-World who’ve unshamefully spilled the Blood of Fellow-Muslims: from the 1st-Killing via Human-History at the Hands of Qābīl/Cain when they murdered their Brother Hābīl/Abel, to the Assassination of `Uthmān ibn-`Affān (May Allah be pleased with them) which was the Catalyst for the Civil-War between `Alī ibn-`Imrān & Mu`āwiyah ibn-Sakhr (May Allah be pleased with them both), to the Massacre of Karbalā’ in which Several-Relatives of Muhammad (Peace be upon them) including their Maternal-Grandson al-Husayn ibn-`Alī (May Allah be pleased with them) were slaughtered, to the Invasion of the Muslim-Armies of Northern-Africa into the Muslim-Empires of Muslim-Iberia & Western-Africa, to the Muslim-Arabs assisting Non-Muslim/Western Powers to destroy al-Khilāfah/Islāmic-Governance via the Ottoman-Empire, to Muslim-Countries assisting Non-Muslim Countries invade/occupy & terrorize Fellow Muslim-Countries, etc., from Philadelphia, PA to NYC, NY…there’s Countless-Examples of how Muslims blatantly kill Other-Muslims.

Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “There’s only 3-Justifications to harm a Fellow-Muslim: a. A Sexual-Offence which requires the Death-Penalty…b. Murder…c. Betrayal of the Muslims which is an Act-Of-Apostasy.”.

There’s definitely Reasons how/why Today’s-Muslim has 0-Problem with taking the Life of any Fellow-Muslim. I’ll focus on two of These-Reasons:

1. al-`Asabiyyah/Xenophobia

2. al-Hizbiyyah/Religio-Sectarianism

These 2-Things alone have contributed to more Muslim-Muslim Bloodshed than anything else humanly imaginable. However, sadly: there’s Muslims whom refuse to learn the `Ibrah/Lesson of Oppression’s-Past. And, because of this, we as Muslims continue to perpetuate the Negative/Toxic-Cycle of Muslim-Muslim Qattāl/Violence. We as Muslims must sincerely/intelligently self-examine what exactly drives us to even want/desire to end the Lives of Fellow-Muslims…what Appeal/Enjoyment do we get out of this…etc. We must forcefully ask ourselves: How/why does any Muslim even enjoy spilling the Blood/taking the Life of any Fellow-Muslim?!!!

Gareth Bryant

al-`Asabiyyah: the Sunnah/Tradition of ash-Shaytān/Satan


Morad Awad interviewed Gareth Bryant, concerning how detrimental al-`Asabiyyah/Xenophobia plays-out amongst All-Muslims via the Muslim-World. This is based upon Muhammad (Peace be upon them) warning us, that there’s 4-Manifestations of al-Jāhiliyyah/Ignorance which their Nation will never abandon. 2/4-Things deal directly with al-`Asabiyyah.

This-Interview ended-up being a Culmnation, of Subjects/Topics that I’ve written about for quite awhile. It’s exclusively predicated upon my Personal Life-Experience, coupled with Obervations/Assessments of Human-Nature/Behavior. The Conclusions which I come to are harrowng, to put it mildly.

What I’ve realized is that Apathy (Indifference/Carelessness) is truly the Order of the Day. And, it as well stands as a Dark-Hallmark as per Human-Legacy. Throughout Human-History: al-`Asabiyyah has been, at many Times, been the Sole-Reason how/why Countless-Peoples became Victims/Casualties of Theft, Rape, Murder. al-`Asabiyyah has undoubtedly proven to be amongst the Most-Destructive Things which Humanity has ever chosen to entertain. However, sadly&pitifully, there’s Certain-Persons via our World whom actually enjoy al-`Asabiyyah & how it yields at-Tahlakah/Destruction. And, there’s 0-Doubt that Persons like them are Shayātīn/Satanists…as I always tell People: You don’t have to be a Jinn/Fire-Being to be a Shaytān/Satanist.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.114)

Gareth Bryant

To Da`wah or not to Da`wah


Morad Awad interviewed Gareth Bryant exploring ad-Da`wah (Islāmic-Invitation/Promotion), as well as the Concept/Mythos of the “Dā`ī/Islāmic-Promoter” & the “Da`wah-Scene”.

Understanding Religio-Sectarianism amongst Muslims


1. `Aqā’id/Religio-Theological Schools

Atharism, Ash`arism, Māturīdism, Mu`tazilism, Qadarism, Jabarism, Murji’ism, etc. Originally, these `Aqā’id were exclusively used to interpret al-`Aqīdah/Islāmic-Theology (which is a Religio-Scholastic Euphemism of/for the 6-Arkān/Pillars of al-Īmān/Faith). However, over Time & via Human-Ego/Desire: These-`Aqā’id are nothing more than Instruments of Religio-Academic/Scholastic Dick-Measuring Contests & Fake-Wokeness via Muslim-Coonery, attempting to determine/decide who’s really Muslim vs. who’s really Non-Muslim. And, this has historically/contemporaneously has led to the spilling of Muslim-Blood/the Loss of Muslim-Life, the Confiscation of Muslim-Possessions, the Humiliation of Fellow-Muslims, etc. via Takfīr/Blasphemy-Culture which has always been Mahrūm/Islāmically-Prohibited. For a Long-Time: Muslims have internally suffered from our own Muslim vs. Muslim Versions of Religio-Inquisitions.

Muhhammad (Peace be upon him) stated the following, regarding at-Takfīr/Blasphemy:

“No Person accuses another of either being a Fāsiq/Sinner or a Kāfir (Disbeliever/Non-Muslim), except that they’re one themselves, if the Other isn’t which they’ve pontificated/claimed.”.

“Whomever attributes/ascribes Kufr (Disbelief) to their Brother is just like their Killer/Murderer.”.
(al-Bukhārī, at-Tirmidhī)

“If a Muslim calls someone a Kāfir (Disbeliever/Non-Muslim): if they are then let it be, otherwise they themselves are a Kāfir.”

2. Madhāhib (Religio-Legal Schools)

Ja`farism, Zaydism, Hanafism, Mālikism, Shāfī`ism, Hanbalism, Ibādhism, Zhāhirism, etc. Originally, These-Madhāhib were exclusively used to simply interpret ash-Sharī`ah/Islāmic-Law. However, over Time via: Human-Ego/Desire, the Pathological-Influence/Dominance of the `Aqā’id, Cultural-Colonization, Arabism, al-Bid`ah/Religio-Innovation, etc. These-Madhāhib have become tainted/corrupted via Various-Ways which’re potentially irreversible.

3. Manāhij (Religio-Political Groups/Ideologies)

Shī`ism, Sūfism, Salafism, Ikhwānism, Tablīghism, Deobandism, Brelwism, Pan-Arabism/Ba`thism, al-Qā`idah, ISIS/ISIL, Boko-Haram, ash-Shabāb, Tālibān, PLO, Hamās, Hizbullah, etc. All of These-Groups have, based on Agenda, Convenience, etc. have used `Aqā’id & Madhāhib to pontificate/promote their Goals which’ve always had (negative, toxic, destructive, etc.) Consequences which’ve been very costly for the Muslim-World: anywhere/everywhere Muslims globally exist.

For more Info. about Religio-Sectarian/Political Groups:

The Average-Muslim doesn’t even know the Basic-Origins of any of these Ahzāb/Religio-Sectarian Groups & doesn’t care either. The Average-Muslim just wants to be a Muslim. I can humanly guarantee you that, historically (relative to the Revelation of The Qur’ān): barely 10% of the Muslim-World has ever pontificated/claimed to be Hizbīs (Religio-Sectarian Ascribers/Adherents). And, this speaks truly to the Words of Muhammad (Peace be upon them) when they told/warned us that amongst the Yahūd/Jews there’ll be 71-Ahzāb, amongst the Nasārā/Christians there’ll be 72-Ahzāb, amongst the Muslims there’ll be 73-Ahzāb & they’ll all be Hell-Bound except al-Jamā`āh/the Collective-Body of the Muslims: the Average-Muslims whom stay out of the Way & avoid this Fitnah/Goofy-Shit known as al-Hizbiyyah.
(at-Tirmidhī, Abū-Dāwud, ibn-Mājah, ibn-Hibbān)

We were equally warned via Muhammad, concerning al-Istikbār/Arrogance, thinking/feeling that we alone are the Source of our Najiyyah/Salvation. an-Najiyyah solely belongs to Allah & the Arrogant have 0-Portion of Salvation from Allah. These Ahzāb commonly actually think/feel, as the Sentiment of the Aforementioned-Video, that they alone can achieve al-Jannah/Paradise & anyone whom isn’t amongst them will attain an-Nār/the Fire. This is literally the Mindset/Mentality of al-Kharajiyyah/Religio-Extremism & Muhammad spoke against al-Khawārij, as per their Arrogance, labeling them as “…Kilāb-un-Nār/Dogs of the Fire.”.

So, in Conclusion: just be an Average-Muslim, simply be Part of the Jamā`ah/the Collective.

Gareth Bryant

My Ironic-Agreement with Feminism


“And never let your hatred, against any People, prevent you from behaving justly.”
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.8)

Mu`ādh ibn-Jabal (May Allah be pleased with them) stated, “Accept Truth, even if it comes from a Kāfir (Disbeliever/Non-Muslim).”.

“Truth is Truth, regardless of whom/where it comes from.”

Fake-Wokeness literally gets dumber by the Second…for example: this Fake-Woke Term “TERF”, which means “Trans-Exclusionary Radical-Feminism/Feminist”. It basically means that a Feminist, whom pontificates/claims that they’re all “Pro-Women” & all, refuses to recognize/accept Male-Transformers as “Women”. And, while I’m very clearly Anti-Feminism: I do agree wholeheartedly with the “TERF-Stance”, and that’s simply because of the Simple-Fact that if you’re born as XX then you’re Genetically-Feminine/Female (AKA a Biological-Woman)…nothing can change that & if you’re born XY then you’re Genetically-Masculine/Male (AKA a Biological-Man)…nothing can change that.

So, if/when Male-Transformers (Men whom imitate Women) attempt to dick-ride (absolutely 0-Pun intended) the Feminism-Bandwagon, to somehow/someway benefit from attaining Access to “Girl-Power”: ironically this is literally the Misogyny which Feminism pontificates/claims to dismantle via Modern-Societies. However, many/most Feminists are literally affraid of the Rivaled-Power which exists via al-Liwāt/Homosexuality being Agenda-Driven & lobbied for. Because of this, on the Surface, it appears that al-Liwāt & Feminism fight the Same-Fight. But, that’s clearly so far from the Truth & it’s ridiculously-obvious. This is precisely how/why this Concept/Term “TERF” exists, to basically keep Feminists in their Place & to not hate on Male-Homosexuals, Male-Transformers, etc. using Male-Privilege to ironically push themselves in fron of the Line of “Inclusion”, “Equality”, etc.

It’s a Non-Debatable Fact that Male-Homosexuals whom’re also Male-Transformers are the most Misogynistic-Persons via Human-History. They despise Women so much, that they literally go out of their Way to imitate Women, as if to show that they can be “Better-Women” than Actual-Women. I mean, their Actual-Agenda is to literally replace Real-Femininity/Womanhood with Pseudo-Femininity/Womanhood. This Issue thus undoubtedly proves, that this is still & always will be a Man’s-World…even via Feminism Patriarchy exists as a Trump-Card.

If you’re such a “Feminist”, then how/why does Male-Transformers (Men imitating Women) not bother you?!!! Afterall: Male-Transformers literally mock Femininity/Womanhood, which is Misogyny by definition. But, “Feminists” aren’t read for this Type/Kind of Smoke though. It really must suck knowing that “Feminism” is supposed to secure “Women’s Rights”, but yet literally Men (via Male-Transformers) get to replace Real-Femininity/Womanhood with Pseudo-Femininity/Womanhood. But, if/when any Woman addresses this Type/Kind of Hypocritical-Irony they’re labeled/stigmatized as a “TERF”. Damn…I’m just grateful, to Allah, that I was never dick-ridin Feminism to begin with.

Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Verily, the Character/Behavior of the People-Of-Lot is what I fear for my Nation mostly.”.
(al-Kabā’ir/The Major-Sins, adh-Dhahabī)

This is the real “War-On-Women”: this is the Result of Feminism & Unintelligent-Women accepting&including Male-Transformers into their Ranks.

Gareth Bryant

Gareth Bryant’s Podcast: Gareth Bryant’s Perceptions




The Muslim-Foreigner Agenda which the Muslim-Indigenous continues to dick-ride


Muhammad (Peace be upon him) stated:

“Don’t be an Imma`ah/Dick-Rider.”
