Category Archives: Sports



(Literally) I was this Years old, when I found-out that it’s Mahrūm/Islāmically-Prohibited to be a Lackey, a Groupie, a Dick-Rider, etc. Muhammad (Peace be upon him) stated, Word4Word, “Don’t be an Imma`ah (Lackey, Groupie, Dick-Rider, etc.).”.(at-Tirmidhī) This Hadīth/Narration is listed/cited as Hadīth# 2007 via the Musnad (Hadīth/Narration-Collection) of at-Tirmidhī. The Irony, as per my Personal Life-Experience, is that I abandoned my Allegiance to a Hizb/Religio-Sectarian Group in “2007”, C.E./1428, AH.

Now…keep in Mind: this Clown-Ass Nigga Shamsi Bensafi literally pontificated/claimed publicly, that MBS (Muhammad ibn-Salman) is a “Salafī”. Da Fuck Part o da Minhāj is this?!!! Make that Goofy-Shit make Sense.

My Personal-Experience being an Adherent to a Hizb taught me that any/all Ahzāb/Religio-Sectarian Groups are Inherently-Similar in that:

a. All-Ahzāb lay Unwarranted/Unjustified-Claims to Religio-Monopolies/Superiority, predicated upon Islāmic-Concepts which ironically existed prior to the Revelation of The Qur’ān.

b. All-Ahzāb, in order to sustain their Survival, must rely upon (almost exclusively) al-Imma`tiyyah (Lackey/Dick-Rider Culture).

“My Imām/Leader”…”My Shaykh/Teacher”…”My Tarīqah/Path”…”My Minhāj/Methodology”…”My Madhab/Religio-Legal School”…”My `Aqīdah/Religio-Theological School”…”My Political-Party”…”My Gang”…”My Hood”…”My Clique”…”My Country”…”My City”…”My Tribe”…etc.: any/all of this literally spawns&incubates, facilitates, etc. al-Imma`tiyyah.

Why bring this up…#Anwer: the Entire-World, via the Entirety of Human-History almost, has been immersed in al-Immatiyyah, particularly/especially relative to the Revelation of The Qur’ān. There’s even Ahādīth/Narrations like those found via Abī-Dāwud, which Muhammad had stated, “Whomever imitates any People are of them.”. This Issue of al-Immatiyyah directly is addressed via that Aforementioned-Hadīth/Narration. We, as Muslims, must pay Close-Attention to the Clear&Present-Dangers of al-Imma`tiyyah, or else we will be destroyed by it, just like the Umum/Nations before us were destroyed because of it.

Gareth Bryant

The Reason Why Khabib Is A Muslim-Hero



In the Tradition of Cassius Clay (later known as Muhammad Ali [May Allah mercify him]), Khabib Nurmagomedov has taken the World by storm. He’s not only proven his Fighting-Skills to be Top-Notch, or that his Athletism is Unmatched within the UFC Professional-Arena-He’s offered more to the World than his current Undefeated-Record…he’s offered his very High-Profile, Unapologetic-Adherence to al-Islām. (As a Personality/Celebrity especially) being a Muslim is most definitely smothered with Islāmophobia, Scrutiny, Ridicule, etc. This is particularly true regarding where Khabib hails from: Dagestan, a Semi-Autonomous Region of the Russian Federation (Former USSR/Soviet Union). This Region, within the Greater Caucasus-Region of Asia, has had 2 Major-Legacies: al-Islām & Military-Resistance. As far back as atleast the 17th-Century, C.E., Dagestan has fought against being Militarily-Annexed by Russia. As a Result, the Muslims of Dagestan have historically evolved their Culture around Fighting-Spirit, Fighting-Skill, something which most of the Muslim-World has totally forfeited for Countless-Reasons. In fact, Dagestan is probably one of the only Places within the Muslim-World where just about every Able-Bodied Muslim-Male is 💯%-Ready for al-Qitāl/al-Jihād (Combat/Armed-Struggle)…yes, I said Jihād, the “J-Word”, if you don’t like it, then too bad for you…🤓😁😎

And, so much like Cassius Clay, Khabib Nurmagomedov evolved both religiously & personally out of Centuries worth of Theft, Rape, Murder, courtesy of Imperialism, Xenophobia, Islāmophobia, etc. via the Power of the Machine. So, of course, him being the Container of historical Spiritual/Psycho-Emotional Trauma, you can/should expect a Prize-Fighter to react in Ways which any other Muslim (who has never had Fights, never lived under Systemic-Oppression, never constantly/consistently lived under threat of Active-Wafare, etc.) wouldn’t behave (perhaps prior to as well as after a Fight), especially after fighting an Opponent like Conor McGreggor who blatantly attacked Khabib spiritually, psycho-emotionally, went out of his Way to directly/overtly mock al-Islām, his Family, his Home, etc. Ironically, there were/are many Muslims who’ve (instead of being happy, grateful, that such a High-Profile Muslim stuck it to such a High-Profile Islāmophobe) resorted to criticizing the Character of Khabib, as though he possessed absolutely 0 Islāmic-Character before, which is completely Unjust, Unfair, Dishonest, and Muslim-Coonish. Cassius Clay faced the exact same Scrutiny, when he refused to accept Military-Conscription Orders/the Draft to fight in the Vietnam-War. Also, Chris Jackson (Mahmoud Abdul Rauf), when he refused to stand for the Flag & National-Anthem of the United States, because of the Oppressive-Actions of the US-Government (via American Law-Enforcement & the American Judicial-System specifically) against Afro-Americans, which ironically hasn’t really changed that much since he was a Basketball-Player for the NBA: he was tarred&feathered even by Fellow-Muslims, accused of being “Unpatriotic”.

It’s almost as though the Muslim-Male is supposed to be afraid of his own Shadow…to just merely be Emmasculated within the Mundane, at any/all Levels. Well, Khabib has sparked something very special within the Psyche of the Muslim-Male, in Ways which no `Ālim/Scholar, no Imām/Religious-Leader, no Shaykh/Religious-Teacher, etc. has been able to do as of late. His mere presence, as a Visible-Muslim, is empowering to countless Muslim-Men, he represents Strength while the Muslim-World dwells pitifully in an unprecedented Duration of utter Weakness.

All in all, regardless to how one either favors or banes him: Khabib Nurmagomedov has without any Doubt has envigorated Generations of upcoming Muslim-Youth, Muslim-Men especially, to rise to the Occassion & to train to resist.

Gareth Bryant

1440, AH./2018, C.E.

Why Are Muslims Of The Americas Still Not Included As Part Of The “Muslim-World”?!!!




Dhul-Hijjah 25th&26th, 1438, A.H./September 16th&17th, 2017, C.E. I attended a “Cultural-Rapprochement” Conference sponsored by the Muslim World League in New York City, with Muslim-Leaders, Muslim, Scholars, etc. from various Parts of our Planet: this is my Story.

While not ignoring the significance/importance of this Summit-As I listened to the Lectures, Presenations, and so on: there was something, someone especially missing: me…Muslims like me…Muslims who look like me, walk, talk, eat, dance, joke act just like me. Muslims of African-American, Latino-American, European-American descent…we’re not at all represented, as though we don’t even exist as valued Members of the Muslim-World. I want & need to know why, just as we all do. I’ve met, reconnected to Muslims who don’t even speak the same Language as I do…those whom probably never lived in the Western-Hemisphere. I stuck-out like a “Sore-Thumb”, as they say. There was a deep, dark, sense of Isolation, Loneliness, Unwantedness, Dismissal, Indifference, Disrespect, that there’s a “Muslim-World” Conference, Summit, whatever you wish to call it, where a Western-Hemispheric Nation has hosted, yet no Muslims Native/Indigenous to this Part of the World are represented there-It’s utterly disgusting to know that Muslim-Americans weren’t even invited, reached-out to even attend this Event. To keep it Tall wit U: I just crashed it cause I found-out about it on da Humble.

Where’s the Presence of Muslim-America at such a relevant Conference, which claims to focus on “Cultural-Rapprochement”?!!! How can Cultural-Rapprochement even be accomplished when there’s Muslim-Demographics in the Western-Hemisphere not even considered Members of the Muslim-World?!!! Why is the Western-World/the Americas not included/accepted as Parts of the Greater Muslim-World?!!! Why is it that the Muslim-World is only classified as Nations which make-up the Arab-World, Africa, Asia, where the Arabic-Language is common/dominant?!!!

It’s necessary for all Muslims to give intelligent, credible answers to these Questions which I’ve asked in this Article, including the very Question which is the actual Title of the Article itself.

Gareth Bryant/2017

Muhammad Ali: One of the Greatest


Cassius Clay...Muhammad Ali

Cassius Marcellus Clay, Cassius X, Muhammad Ali…
…born & raised in the South: Louisville, Kentucky.

No matter what you called him, he defined himself…
…he proved he was the best, he was always top-shelf.

Olympic Gold-Medalist with Boxing-Titles…
…he had so many Opponents, but no Rivals.

He was never afraid to stand-up to Oppression…
…always willing to improve a Person’s situation.

He denied accepting the Military-Draft…
…he refused to be a paver of the Warpath.

And, later on became a Muslim in 1975…
…he gave us strength to keep Islam alive.

The World never forgot the way he won back his Belts…
…everywhere he went, greeted by the screams and yells.

A Father and Husband to some, but a Big-Brother to us all…
…he acknowledge the best in all of us, both great and small.

He’s known as Number-One in our eyes…
…despite Parkinson’s-Disease taking rise.

Never letting any of his ailments defeat him…
…till his dying day, he taught us how to win.

Gareth Bryant/2016






Mayweather Vs. Pacquiao: the Fight of the Century of the 21st-Century


Floyd Mayweather, leader of The Money Team brings all of his ambition, skills, flamboyance to the table, against Manny Pacquiao Pac-Man: the World’s most famous Boxing underdog. These two Fighters have gone the distance, in their own careers, in their own rights. It’s so difficult to simply determine who’s the best. However, Saturday, May 2nd, 2015 is the fight to cast away any & all suspicions, doubts, mocking, joking. There will be only one Champion & only one loser. These two Giants of the Boxing-World will have to display all that brought them to the Boxing prominence which they’ve acquired.

Floyd Mayweather…Prior to the Fight:
(47-0 Career-Record)
47 Wins…0 Loses…0 Draws

Manny Pacquiao…Prior to the Fight:
(57-5-2 Career-Record)
57 Wins…5 Loses…2 Draws

The advantages

Calculative, defensive, cautious, careful.

Relentless, daring, offensive, spontaneous.

The Setbacks

Too reserved, doesn’t throw enough risky punches.

Throws too many risky punches, too aggressive.

Who won/Who lost & the Reasons why

He won, because he stuck to his game-plan, which went in his favor: Defense. Even when Pacquiao had landed a significantly crucial hit, it didn’t incapacitate Mayweather. He was able to stay true to his fighting objective, which was to win the Bout, and he did. He was able to use Intelligence & Defense, to counter Pacquiao’s Offense & Risky-Punches. Round after round, Mayweather out-boxed & out-scored Pacquiao.

He lost because he stuck to his game-plan of Offense, without Defense. He clearly had opportunities to out-box Mayweather, however, without enacting any Defense, he was too little too late, to catch-up. He was out punched, Mayweather had landed much more punches, he was out-scored on the Score-Cards, this was just not Pacquiao’s fight. Although, he’s a great fighter, he didn’t prove his point in terms of being able to defeat Mayweather.

Now, what does this mean for Boxing?

Mayweather, when interviewed about possibly fighting Pacquiao for a Rematch, had simply stated that he’s planning on focusing on his fight in September of 2015. This is probably going to be Mayweather’s final fight. As he makes yet another mark on the Boxing World, by coming even closer to Rocky Marciano’s 49-0 Record, Mayweather, now at 48-0, may want to tie and/or even break Marciano’s record. That’s not a definitive conclusion or determination. However, what is certain is that all of the critics of Mayweather not being able to go the Distance and/or defeat Pacquiao have clearly been proven wrong. As far as Pacquiao, what’s to become of the rest of his career? Will he learn from this defeat, and still make his marks in Boxing, or will he decide to bow-out and retire, who knows? Nobody knows. That’s his decision to make. But, for now, it seems that with the potential retirement of Mayweather on the horizon, and Pacquiao being a lone contender, will there be any more Boxing bouts which will acquire the same caliber of fanfare, publicity, monies, celebrity, or will Boxing begin to be a yesteryear Sport? Will this be the last great fight which will be commented on, criticized, contested, questioned, or will there be other great bouts which we can all look forward to in our respective lifetimes? We’ll just have to wait and see.