Category Archives: Darwinism

Sharī`ah’s Anatomy: Where al-Islām meets Bio-Medical Ethics



Sharī`ah’s Anatomy is a Podcast with Chaplain Gareth Bryant & Dr. James Ferguson, concerning Bio-Medical Ethics from an Islāmic-Lens. The Purpose of this Podcast to empower Muslims & Humanity at large, via Education, concerning how to make Informed-Decisions about their own Healthcare. Also, to learn how to navigate how the Healthcare/Medical-Field works, so that, as Healthcare-Recipients, you can speak/act with Authority, as per how you want, expect, deserve to be treated by Healthcare/Medical-Professionals & the Healthcare/Medical-Industry.

Our Podcasts will be livestreamed via Facebook-Live, every Thursday @ 5pm (EST).

Facebook: Shariah’s Anatomy

Instagram: @shariahsanatomy

Being Black In Britain: The Casualties Of The Windrush-Policy & Brexit



My Travels via the United Kingdom, the 1st-Time I’ve traveled externally of the United States since 2006, C.E. & my 1st-Traveling within Europe, has given me a Significant Contrasting-Lens to view how Things like: Islāmophobia, Xenophobia, etc. really play-out throughout the UK. Being Visibly-Muslim & African-Descent in the UK is still, I’m sure, is viewed as an Exotically-Foreign Commodity…being African-Descent not so much. However, Opposition to both al-Islām & Blackness may very well be of Equal-Par. Even as I explored the UK for myself I’ve been met with a Tense-Sense of: Xenophobia, Otherism, etc. I saw it within People’s Faces, I felt it from their Vibes…this was just about anywhere/everywhere that I went-It was extremely subtle, covert, indirect, clandestine, etc. but, I knew it when it came my Way, as it approached me.

I get what they meant. Yet, at the Same-Time: to pretend that al-`Asabiyyah/Xenophobia isn’t a Real-Thing via the U.K. is absolutely ridiculous. Just because, according to Andrew Tate, “The U.K. is probably the Least-Racist Country…” doesn’t at all mean that al-`Asabiyyah isn’t a Reality in the U.K.

British-People holistically (as per what I’ve observed) possess very Sly-Ways of throwing Shade, in the most Sophisticated-Ways, which kind of explains why there’s so much Sarcasm within British-Humor/Comedy.
The UK particularly, not only fully expresses Disdain towards the Other, but even amongst their own Ethno-Continental/European Counterparts, there’s this seemingly British-Style Posture of Superiority, Exclusivity, Anti-Inclusion/Acceptance, etc. One of the Things which proved this to me is the Fact that, to my Surprise, there were Lots of Interethnic/Interracial Couples: Afro-Euro Couples most commonly, within London particularly/especially. However, I constantly observed Euro-Brits stare, glance, scowl, at these Non-Euro Brit Couples and/or Non-Euro Couples period, as if they were plagued with Jungle-Fever. I mean, I literally saw this every Day I was in the UK.

One of the most prominent Displays of Exclusivity I observed was when I went to Stonehenge. Stonehenge was/is actually much more significant than I ever really took it for, in Terms of its Purpose: I learned that the Druids who built Stonehenge used that Stone-Complex to commemorate the Celebration of People transitioning from Life to Death: kind of like a Afterlife-Gateway/Portal if you will. So, as one of the Tour-Guides was telling me Extensive-Details regarding Stonehenge, I had asked whether there were older Stone-Complexes than Stonhenge…her response, “Yes, there’s Stone-Structures all over the World.”. But, then instead of actually mentioning Stone-Structures across the Planet, they only mentioned the Stone-Structures within the UK. By itself, the Statement is apparently quite innocent. But, as per Context, it’s extremely telling as to how they view themselves as the Center of the Universe & this is also just as evident pertaining to how they’ve historically conquered & governed Others.
Even as per the Brexit-Fiasco unfolded, pertaining to the UK being politically turmoiled, whether to remain with or depart from the European Union: the Discourse concerning Anti-Blackness is very much apparent, in spite of the Macrocosmic-Narrative surrounding Immigration in the UK, which was the Genesis of the Friction between the UK & EU initially. Anti-Blackness, in lieu of Brexit, comes into play directly, resulting from Mass-Deportation of African-Peoples whom were allowed to immigrate to the UK via Post WWII, when most of the West-Indies, the Caribbean, as welk as Places within Africa, etc. were British-Colonies & even today are still (politically/economically) shackled to the UK via the British-Commonwealth. Many/most of these African-Peoples being forcibly deported are People who’ve made their Families, Careers, Lives within the UK: so much so that they basically have no Life external of the UK. As a Result, these Deportees are literally forced to start-over in Nations which they’ve probably haven’t been to in Decades.(
Now, let’s explore how/why the UK possesses this Entitled-Posture to treat those whom were once welcomed to contribute to British-Society, yet are now being viewed as “the Other”. Well…let’s take a Look at the Landscape&Scope of Dominance from the Lens of the Victor/Colonizer: the UK, much like it’s other European-Colonial Counterparts, obviously, had and/or has 0-Problem with conquering, exploiting Non-European Peoples around the World, yet ironically are so bothered if/when the Descendants of these Conquered-Peoples make their Way to their Mainlands/Motherlands…ahhhhh, now all of a sudden these People are “2-Close 4 Comfort”?!!!
Whenever you’re the Dominator of any Human-Demographic, particularly/especially if/when you’ve oppressed them, then of course, it makes Sense as to how/why you’d deliberately, purposely/purposefully, methodically, set Social-Political Mechanisms in place to either keep them “in their Place” or to use/drain them of their Potential actualized within your Society & then expel them once donewith them. This is seemingly, most defintely, the Case as per the Climate&Tension surrounding Brexit which is merely yet another Excuse for the UK to put the Lean upon anyone/everyone deemed an “Outsider”, which is simply a Political-Euphemism for Non-Christian/Non-European.
African-Peoples, regadless to where they hail from under the Shadow of the British-Empire (and/or what’s left of it), are simply deemed threatening: not in Terms of Military-Opposition, but more/most importantly, in Terms of them being Historically-Perpetual Reminders of the Fact that the UK as a Global-Power, as well as an Economic-Force, had profitted mightily from Colonization, the Trans-Atlantic Slave-Trade, etc. The Descendants of those whom were oppressed are in many Respects being just as victimized via the Same-Oppressors. So, of course, the greatest Global-Immigration Crisis in Human-History to date-Since the Children of Europe’s Former Colonial-Regions are suffering as per the Proliferation of: Economic-Destitution, Political-Chaos, Religio-Cultural Impossition on Part of European-Powers are now wanting to seek Assylum within Europe’s Borders, then obviously Europe must now “save itself” from being overrun by the Peoples whom have historically/generationally had their Backs broken via the Service of their Colonial-Masters.
And, also, since many of these African-Peoples whom reside within the UK as (Downtrodden, Uneducated, Unskilled) Persons yearing to escape the Poverty & Dead-Ends of their Homelands which were exploited by the UK & whose Hardtimes are mainly the Direct-Result of Colonial-Oppresdion: when they’re too Uneducated to acquire Careers which offer Higher-Standards of Living, when thay’re not Affluent enough to afford Solid-Education leading to Promising Economic-Opportunities, when they can’t afford Private-Properties & must settle for dwelling within the British-Slums which’re Breading-Grounds of/for Criminality, then of course you’re goung to have significant Percentages of these Demographics whom’re: Roadmen/Trapstars, Journeymen/Hustlers, Knifemen/Shooters, Gangsters, etc. & of course Places where these Demographics are mostly concentrated like: London, Glascow, Birmingham, Liverpool, Manchester, York, etc. are going to be Criminalized Hornets-Nests.

And, of course, as per the Pseudo-Narrative that the Vast-Majority of British-Crimes are committed by African-Peoples will be readily accepted via the Anglo-Saxon, Welsh, Scottish, Celtic Masses of the UK, allowing themselves to deflect from the Reality that Criminality is never exclusively a Black-Man’s Vice, but rather a Human-Vice.
Instead of actually addressing the Socio-Economic Disenfranchisenent of the UK and/or its Socio-Political Marginalization, Parliament via the Xenophobic Right-Wing Factions of Governence&Government would much rather just point Fingers & shift Blame in a Dishonest-Way. We can/should all agree that there’s 0-Justification to pontificate/proluferate Criminality.

At the exact Same-Time though, manipulatiing alarming Crime-Rates also isn’t any Justification to criminalize Human-Demographics & deliberately work towards forcibly expeling/exiling them from the Hone&Life which they’ve made for themselves…what’s being established via this Brexit-Phenomenon is simply an Excuse for the UK, as well as any/all other European-Nations like it to suck People dry of their Personal/Human-Resources for the Good of their Nations, only to repay them with Deportation/Exile, to the exact Same-Places which they once were where these European-Nations have decimated & exploited damn near to Death.

Gareth Bryant

Under Fire Downunder



Islāmophobia’s Expiration:

Fraser Anning, raving & ranting…
…Mocking the Mosques attacking.

Claiming that al-Islām is the Problem…
…when Gunmen were quarrelsome.

He acts as though Immigrants are dangerous…
…didn’t colonizing Australia massacre her Millions?!!!

Yeah…I thought so: simply deflecting…  …so far removed from your own very Dark-History.

Arrogance is blatant Truth-Rejecting…  …your Ancestors used Blood to write their Violent-Story.

People like this think&feel emboldened, that they’re the World’s-Masters…  …upon the Horizon though is a Storm of Retribution, full of Disasters.

Their Hands have corrupted the Earth, yet they proclaim to be its Saviors…  …all they do is exploit & manipulate, profiting from People’s Past-Labors.

Their Time is coming to an End & they know it.

Gareth Bryant

1440, A.H./2019, C.E.

Evolution is White-Supremacy & White-Supremacy is Kufr/Disbelief:

Evolution is White-Supremacy & White-Supremacy is Kufr/Disbelief:


Human-Intelligence isn’t “genetic”.

There’s 9-Types of Human-Intelligence.

Every Human manifests at least 3-Types of Human-Intelligence.

Ironically, these “Studies” are from the Same-Persons whom pontificate/claim that Afro-Peoples “evolved” from Primates & all other Peoples “evolved” from Afro-Peoples.

Fake-Wokeness isn’t a “Flex”.

Fake-Wokeness = Stupidity.

For anyone/everyone who’s ever studied Biology: Science of Life/Living, you know fully well that Evolution, specifically Darwinian-Evolution/Darwinism is the Leading-Agenda pontificated within the Scientific-Community. And, it’s absolutely no Accident that the Scientific-Community is dominated by Atheists/Anti-Theists, White-Supremacists, etc., thanks to Charles Darwin authoring “The Origin Of Species”: his Work concerning Evolution. Evolution directly supports/co-signs this Pathological-Ideology, that in spite of the Claim that Human-Life didn’t begin in Europe, even according to Evolutionists, somehow Europeans “evolved” to become Superior to any/all Non-European Peoples, because the only Reason why the Claim that Human-Life began in Africa is even pontificated within Evolution/Darwinism is because, according to Evolution/Darwinism: African-Peoples evolved from Primates, and then all other Peoples evolved from African-Peoples. And, this is fueled by the Disbelief in Allah: a Divine-Creator who created all Human-Beings on equal Spiritual & Intellectual footing.

Gareth Bryant/2017