Tag Archives: Gareth Bryant’s Poems

I’m the Balanced-Scale


Safi Scarves 2

The perfect combination of a Scholar & Hood-Nigga…
…I bury my foes 6-feet under, without pulling a Trigger…

…Academics on Fleek…
…my ears to da Street…

…I could hit U like target-practice wit my 6-Shooter…
…but you’re not even worth my time I got 6-Shooters…

…Always in the Mosque…
…so my Soul is never lost…

…I’m just a simple Poet, and no I don’t do rap…
…got my corporate office, but I stay in da Trap…

…There’s Haters everywhere…
…using the Evil-Eye to stare…

…I hope Guidance keeps me controlled & centered…
…Knuckle-Game on-point, in case I ever gets tested…

…I’m never abandoned, because Allah’s always there…
…He keeps me safe from enemies and erasing my fear…

…I always strive for excellence and improvement…
…never a Follower I’m leading my own movement.

Gareth Bryant/2016

What are the Muslim-Men going to do?



Burma…Bosnia…Gaza…China: all of the Believers devoured at the table-spread of the Oppressors.
Somalia…Egypt…Libya…Mali: Muslim-Rulers stand by as they rape our mothers and our daughters.

Hezbollah…Al-Qaeda…Boko Haram: funded by our corrupt governments, to terrorize and cause harm.
CNN…FoxNews…NewYorkPost: spread Islamophobia, like Mosquitoes spreading disease on a farm.

But, what do we do, aside from starring at reports from the News?
Do we give charity, raise awareness to these ever forgotten issues?

The answer is no: we just sit-back, relax, and wait for the next Jordans to come-out.
And, when we can’t get that new car from our parents, we wanna complain & pout.

But, the next time that you wanna be ungrateful…
…take a look at the Muslim-World, it’s unstable…

We have Women who cannot leave their homes, without being attacked…
…while the Scholars of these lands do nothing but argue about this & that…

…We have Kingdoms, Sheikhdoms, who help the Disbelievers strip their people of all of their freedom…
…And, their Puppet-Clerics tell the masses to “be patient”, that rebellion against tyranny is not Wisdom…

…We have proxy Republics, dumbed-down Democracies, which do nothing but perpetuate hypocrisy…
…The Petroleum, which springs from the ground in the lands of the Muslims, used to fuel the economy of Apathy…

And, what exactly are the Muslim-Men doing?
What are we here for and where are we going?

We’ll be the cause of our own destruction, lest we help those in need…
…we’ll be headed straight for the Fire of Hell, lest we finally take heed…

…We need to care for the welfare of the Other, treat every Woman like our Mother…
…view every Man, from every land, regardless of their complexions, as our Brother…

Only when we see all Human beings as equals, with Souls, will our goals be purified & realized…
…but, the Oppressor’s game of divide-and-conquer entices so many, who wish to live illusioned…

…Some People simply believe it’s really all about them…
…they listen to too many Rap-Songs that slogan “Win”…

But, if your fellow Man is at a loss, how much have you truly won?

Gareth Bryant/2014

Jihād is not a “Bad-Word”:


Imma tell ya a story of what Jihad really is Folks: it’s not this dirty-word, that Islamophobic Birds chirp about in the Media…
…it’s something that starts from the individual, and works its way into the Public, to establish Divine-Justice, the Shari`ah…

…Each of us have plenty trials, flaws, and sins…
…but, we work hard turning our losses into wins…

…When we see deception in the Eyes, enticed by the Passion of the Flesh…
…it’s then, friends, that we rely upon Allah, to make us better than the rest…

…Everyday, I see that Girl, I just wanna make her my World…
…but, if I just sex her, she will be just another tainted Pearl…

…I must challenge my Soul, to place my Ego under water…
…press down, down, down, never let my standards falter…

…She looks at me, with all glee, and wants to kick it wit me…
…she wants to fulfill all my fantasies which aren’t my reality…

…She sees I’m striving, she wouldn’t pursue me directly…
…she says she wants to learn & she wants to attain Piety…

…But, I’m a Street-Dude and I know how this goes…
…she tries to whisper in my ear, “Nobody knows”…

But, that’s not true, the One who made me & you, surely sees what is prior & after what we do…
…You run a good-game, wit ya bad-self, I gotta fall back, you runnin’ wit Shaytan and his crew…

…When you undress, your picturesque frame keeps me in a state of disdain & I say “DAMN”…
…Now, how am I supposed to resist such a fine Woman, that I was created to love, as a Man…

…By putting my face on the floor, crying, yelling, till I collapse a Lung…
…Oh, my Lord, do not let me get caught-up, do not let me get sprung…

…You chose to make me Muslim for a reason, to withstand any season…
…to face any type of enemy, whether they be a Gang or a mighty Legion…

…But, the greatest fight, that we don’t view with insight, is with the enemy within…
…an-Nafs, the Ego, is a crafty fellow, who seems calm and mellow, but is poison…

…We boast that we can fight armies of thousands, when we cannot even turn away from that gaze…
…We claim that we “ready to die”, but is your scorecard of Life enough to protect you in the Grave…

…Please take heed: the desire for Wealth and Power, the want to have who you want, under the sheets in that midnight session…
…could very well be that which drowns your Soul, and drags it to the fiery Oceans of Hell, and no Lifeguard will take that mission…

…After which there will not be life-rafts, nor lifeboats, to bring you out, except by Allah’s Divine-Klout…
…but, who wants to go through that, wouldn’t it be better to just enter the Paradise, without account…

…We don’t think, because, we don’t know, we don’t know, because we don’t care…
…Now, unless you show concern & care, those who are like this will be in despair…

…We should want the best for the People, and also, better for ourselves…
…this involves subduing the Self, and removing all our internal carnal ills…

…So, this is Jihad, the struggle against our negative…
…Defeat is not an option, while Victory is imperative…

Gareth Bryant




Imagine a Chessboard, without pieces…
…or, a Dissertation, without a Thesis.

What if the Homeo had no stasis…
…the World’s weather no phases?

Try to picture the Arctic-Circle, with no Ice-Caps…
…and, all of the Animals extinct, not coming back.

Let’s think of a Planet without compliance…
…filled with hypocrisy, apathy and violence.

Be warned, these are realities yet to come…
…because, we forfeited Humanity being one.

1-God, 1-Destiny, 1-Purpose, 1-Plan…
…securing the welfare of our fellow man.

Just picture a cold Heart, with no Chambers…
…or, living our entire lives with just strangers.

Try to see in ya mind, Hustlers, without a grind…
…or, the 1-Eyed King deceiving & ruling the blind.

Let’s pretend that Poverty is at an end…
…that People selflessly give and spend.

Wouldn’t it be beautiful that a Woman didn’t have to sell her body, in order to seek a Man’s love…
…or, that a Man honor a Woman in marriage, instead of wrapping her round his hand, like a glove?

What if all People looked beyond the skin-color of another…
…and, that we only saw others as our sisters & our brothers?

How great would it be, if we were all were free…
…all People safe from the ugly claws of tyranny?

If only every Man were granted his due from his labor, his daily-bread…
…and, that he not resort to robbing, or shooting someone, in the head.

What if Muhammad had never ventured into the Cave of Hira’…
…to receive Revelation which made living life so much clearer?

What if the Children of Israel never attempted to kill Jesus…
…what if he stayed long enough for his miracles to reach us?

What if David didn’t have the courage to defeat Goliath…
…or, the Army of Saul hadn’t have received the triumph?

What if Moses never went atop Mount-Sinai & saw the Burning-Bush…
…or, if the one who took him from water never bothered to take a look?

Imagine Abraham never leaving Ishmael in the Arabian-Desert…
…would they’ve built the Ka`bah or learn joy after suffering hurt?

Think if Noah was never saved from the Great-Flood, by building the Ark…
…would Humanity have survived, or, would we have still been in the dark?

Think about how it would be, had Adam & Eve had never eaten from that Tree…
…would we know whether we’d spend our entire existence in Paradise with glee?

It would be wonderful, to witness the change that so many fought & died for…
…I guess that’s just wishful-thinking, unless we’re willing to fight & die for more.

Gareth Bryant/2014

The Death that We will never recover from:


Ring of Muhammad pic

The demise of the greatest of the great, I despise…
…Muhammad has left us, such a loss to our lives.

It was he whom Allah had used to bring light into a World full of complete-darkness…
…The Qur’an being his blueprint, as guidance for Humanity; he loved every one of us.

He made prayers to Allah, his Lord day & night for those whom would never meet him…
…Are we grateful, do we even think of him in return; do we even cry in memorandum?

Do we even truly miss a Man, whom carried only for those whom he was sent to…
…To convey a message, the same as any Prophet, nothing he said was less than true.

When he was stoned by little children, at the behest of their ignorant parents…
…He never wanted them to be destroyed, along with all the ungrateful masses.

He was hopeful that they would learn from the many errors of their elders…
…Those whom he beg Allah to be spared became our premier role-models.

Those who once made it their life’s mission to kill him, joined him…
…They were there when he needed allies & when he needed to win.

They were with him when he laughed and also when he cried…
…They defended him, when everyone spoke against him a lie.

He was their friend, adviser, the one whom was able to calm their fears and assure them of the good…
…He was there for everyone to benefit from; he was firm upon spreading Islam, strong as Oak’s wood.

Alas, the providence of Allah decreed that he had to go, it was the worst time ever…
…We will never have another, to teach us the best ways to acquire Allah’s pleasure.

Gareth Bryant/2013

The Most Interesting Parody of the Most Interesting Man in the World:


Gareth Bryant, with the help of Mohammed Butt, as the camera-man, parodies the exploits & cockiness of “The Most Interesting Man in the World”. I hope that you enjoy watching this video as much as I’ve enjoyed making this.

My Book-Tours:


My Poetic Anatomy pic



Beginning from April 30th, I will be touring, promoting my 1st-publication, “My Poetic Anatomy”. This is a great accomplishment for me, and I would like for you to share in this accomplishment with me, by supporting my work. Hee’s my official facebook fanpage, for this 1st-publication:


Please, contact me, via email, whether you’d be interested in having me promote my work, wherever you may be:


Thank you in advance,

Gareth Bryant

My Poetic Anatomy: My 1st Published-Work:


My Poetic Anatomy pic


My 1st, of many hopeful publications, with Ampli-Pages, is scheduled to drop in April of this year. Please, like this page, to stay tuned to updates as to how to get info. about my publications. This, my 1st, official, publication, will be titled, “My Poetic Anatomy”.


Here’s my facebook page, for those of you on facebook:


Gareth Bryant/2013

Camelot: Unplugged



Excalibur was never my strength; Lancelot was always treacherous.

I never trusted Guinevere, the Round Table Knights ever malicious.

The street-life my kingdom, the projects my castles.

The hustlers, shooters and stick-up kids, my vassals.

My upbringing like the water of a moat: stale, stagnant.

No drawbridges to escape from my illusionary palace.

The dregs of the Hood are exactly like Serfs, desperately fighting and killing, over a greedy Baron’s turf.

Owning nothing; yet, they squabble over scraps from a tyrant’s table, disregarding their own self-worth.

Where I come from, we don’t save “Damsels-in-Distress”.

Instead, we’re always on the run, avoiding threats of arrest.

In the ghetto kingdoms of vice, there are no such people as “Heroes-in-Shining-Armor”.

We have no time for that…We’re constantly engarde for the Shooter, the Urban-Archer.

It is, in all-reality, just a “dog-eat-dog” world.

There’s only 2-objectives: the gold & the girl.

We are not at all like the Kennedy’s of Hyannis Port.

Unlike them, our Camelot is not at all play and sport.

We just get it how we live, and live how we get it.

We all wanna be like the Jones’, not a spendthrift.

When we will learn that the fire-breathing Dragon in the tower is in fact our very own demons?

How many “unhappily-ever-afters”, will we have, before we realize we must write our stories?

Gareth Bryant/2013


I’m Waiting to Uncover You!!!


Now, do not think of me ill-intentioned.
It is not at all what you have perceived.

I’ve just wanted to knock-down all barriers between us.
Me getting closer to you, to have you with me is a must.

I want to uncover your distrust, to make you blissful in my presence.
It’s so important that I grasp you in my arms, to enjoy your essence.

I want you to feel free, for me to see you vulnerable.
My hope is that your heart again become permeable.

What I want you to have is solace, comfort, protected from malice.
I want you to feel that you’re in Wonder Land & that you’re Alice.

Let not shields or walls be between us, only our affection towards us reaching the same destination.
We should trust one another, be friends before lovers & help each other, to avoid utter destruction.

What I have to offer cannot be done, unless you’re willing place your guard down.

Gareth Bryant/2013