Tag Archives: Colorism

The Tragedy of Apathy


Woman Reveals Her Father Reportedly Committed Suicide Because She Married A Black Man

Allah states: “And don’t be led to Destruction, via your own Hands.”…”And never let your hatred, against any People, prevent you from behaving justly.”
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.2, V.195; Chpt.5, V.8)

Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated that there’re 4-Sifāt/Characteristics of al-Jāhiliyyah/Ignorance which their Nation will never abandon. Literally, 2/4 of Those-Sifāt have to do with al-`Asabiyyah/Xenophobia. Muhammad had specified which Sifāt/Manifestations of al-`Asabiyyah they meant. They were pertaining to those whom brag about their own Ansāb/Genealogies & clown-on the Ansāb of Others.

Like I always tell People: Apathy is worse than Ignorance.

The Aforementioned-Pic, detailing that a Person committed Suicide, for no other Reason than their Child being with a Fellow-Human of Another-Ethnicity. This is not only tragic, but also equally shameful, pathetic, etc. & displays clearly how far someone is willing to go to manifest whatever `Udwān/Gullah (Animosity/Disdain) they harbor against any other Human-Being. This is precisely how far-off the Rails Certain-Persons allow al-`Asabiyyah to take&lead them.

Let me make something very clear, before I continue any further:

a. I’m not happy, nor joyed that This-Person committed Suicide.

b. I don’t think/feel that this is in any Way “funny/amusing”, nor do I ever take the Subject of Suicide lightly.

c. Suicide is a Subject to always be taken seriously.



However, one must definitely admit-Committing Suicide only because they don’t want their Child to be with someone, of Another-Ethnicity, is Sucka-Shit. It truly displays how apathetic, shallow, etc. someone is to do this. I mean, killing one’s Self holistically is bad enough. But, to use al-`Asabiyyah as a Pseudo-Justification…This-Person is a Bozo. Killing themselves literally has shattered & ruined their Family, I’m sure of it. And, their Relatives must deal with the Trauma associated with their Actions as long as they live. They literally robbed their Potential/Future-Grandchildren of the Opportunity to have a Grandparent. They robbed their Children the Opportunity to have More-Time with their Father, they robbed their Spouse of the Relationship which they built together, etc. all over one’s Ethnocentric/Xenophobic-Egotism.

Just imagine you’ve someone close to you, a Friend, Relative, etc. & they’d rather be dead, as opposed to seeing you with someone exclusively because they’re a Different-Ethnicity than you. Also, now, how’s the Other-Person supposed to do with that?!!! As per the Pic itself: This-Person has literally been blamed/faulted, for causing their Relative to commit Suicide.

Furthermore, the Irony is that This-Person’s Father committing Suicide: what did it prove…nothing, what did it accomplish…nothing, was it supposed to “prevent” their Daughter from having the Man they’re with put them Face-Down/Ass-Up…no. They not only had 0-Entitlenent/Justification to take/destroy their own Life, but also whike they dead their Daughter is still getting fucked by the Person they unjustly despise. Make that Goofy-Shit make Sense.

Realistically, the Worst-Part of it all, for them, is that they died upon other than al-Islām. And, because of that: they can’t even have anyone ask Allah to mercify&forgive them of their Zhulm/Oppression against themselves. Let us, as Muslims, take an `Ibrah/Lesson via This-Scenario: a. Die upon al-Islām/Submission, as a Muslim…b. Die in a State of at-Tā`ah/Obedience to Allah.

Gareth Bryant

al-`Asabiyyah/Xenophobia: Ukraine-Edition


The Reality of Anti-Blackness which Muslims pretend doesn’t exist


Persons like them are literally no different from/than Said Rageah:

A Hujjah/Indictment against Said Rageah: a Muslim-Hatemonger

Rudolph Ware

Every Muslim of Afro-Descent or “Afro-Looking”, “Black-Looking”, etc. has at least 1-Story just like this, when they were victimized and/or directly confronted/addressed al-`Asabiyyah/Xenophobia via Anti-Blackness. Regardless of whom is willing to admit this or not: it’s a Harsh-Reality.

There’s actually Several-Resources which validly depict how/why Anti-Blackness amongst Muslims is a Serious-Problem:

a. The Muslim-Caste System which Muslims have established as an Unwritten-Rule for the Past-Millennium

b. The Bilāl-Mythos

c. al-`Asabiyyah (Xenophobia via White-Supremacy/Anti-Black ness) via Muslim Religio-Scholarship

d. Religio-Rejection of “Black-Lives Matter”

e. Anti-Blackness amongst Muslim Afro-Peoples

f. Muslim-Coonery

In My Lifetime as a Muslim


Via my Lifetime as a Muslim, I’ve observed/witnessed the Following-Realities:

a. Muslim Afro-Americans have fully complied with Arabism, via Muslim Cultural-Colonization (Non-Islāmic Name-Changing, Arab-Dress, Arab-Acsents, etc.), as if al-Islām = Arab and/or Arab = al-Islām, in spite of the Fact that al-Islām literally predates the Revelation of The Qur’ān.

b. They’ve systematically tolerated/accepted the Mythos/Pseudo-Narrative of being “Muslim-Only”. No one is “Muslim-Only”: we’re Muslim-1st, not “Muslim-Only”, because being a Muslim will never be one’s Only-Identity but rather one’s Most-Important Identity. Every Muslim has Socio-Cultural
Autonomy/Agency, according to al-Islām & it’s a Farīdhah/Islāmic-Mandate to respect that.

c. Muslim Afro-Americans refuse to give one another the Same-Type/Kind of Respect as they do Muslims of Other-Demographics. Literally, there’s Negative-Things which Muslim Afro-Americans do to each other that they’d rarely ever do to Muslims whom’re Non Afro-American. A Definitive-Manifestation of Unhealed Self-Hate.

d. Muslim Afro-Americans holistically refuse to respect the Religio-Scholarship of Fellow Muslim Afro-Americans, unless they’re shackled to the Walā’/Loyalty of Ahzāb/Religio-Sectarian Groups, which’re controlled, influenced, funded, etc. via Muslim-Foreigner Influence, Cultural-Colonization, Arabism, etc. Again…Unhealed Self-Hate.

e. They refuse to collectively invest, support, fundraise, etc. for one another but are very quick to invest, support, fundraise, etc. for other Muslim-Demographics. Again…Unhealed Self-Hate.

f. They refuse to support Socio-Religio/Political Issues which directly affect Muslim&Non-Muslim Afro-Americans, yet ironically are on the Frontlines supporting Socio-Religio/Political Issues of Other-Demographics whether they’re Muslims or Non-Muslims, under the Pseudo-Auspices of the “1-Ummah” Concept, which honestly hasn’t been a Religio-Reality via the Muslim-World for Centuries. Again…Unhealed Self-Hate.

g. They continue to grant Unwarranted/Unjust-Favortism towards the NOI (Nation Of Islam) which literally hasn’t done anything to empower the Progress/Progression of the Muslim Afro-American. Worse yet: the NOI still directly/overtly pontificates&promotes Things which directly/overtly oppose Islāmic-Theology. Classic Goofy-Shit via Muslim-Coonery.

One of the Greatest-Fallacies which Muslim Non-Arabs have fallen for is the “Muslim-Only” Mythos/Pseudo-Narrative…there’s no such Thing as this. We’re not “Muslim-Only”, rather we’re Muslim-1st. Being a Muslim isn’t the Only-Dimension of our Identity, it’s the Most-Important Dimension of our Identity…it’s not the Only-Thing which makes us who we are, it’s the Most-Important Thing concerning who we are. And, for the Muslim, it’s Life&Death-Important to know the Difference.

I know that there’s People whom’re going to disagree with the Truth/Honesty which I’ve stated. I honestly don’t care.

Gareth Bryant 1443, A.H./2021, C.E.

The Bilāl Movie: Why it still reinforces the Slave-Narrative of Black-People.


The Bilāl Movie is actually a Sucka-Emcee Production: Bilāl ibn-Rabāh (May Allah be pleased with him) actually was Arab via his Father Rabāh, from Banī-Jumah, one of the Families of Quraysh, making Bilāl Tribally-Related to Muhammad (Peace be upon him).(The Sealed-Nectar) The mere fact that Rabāh is neither casted, mentioned, nor even referenced directly/by Name within the Film truly says a lot, as per the Agenda of the Producers of this Film: to do exactly what the Pagan Arabs did to Bilāl, which was to deny him his Arabness & replace it with Blackness. I’ll speak more on this-The Reason why Blackness was imposed upon Bilāl is because as a Slave (prior to his Liberation) he had 0-Rights, not even the Right to lay claim to his own Paternal Arab-Genealogy. This, of course, was due to the fact that the Arabs possessed immense disdain for Abyssinia/Ancient-Ethiopia & its People, resulting from the generational Military-Conflicts between them, based upon religio-political & socio-economic dominance in the region, which of course was imposed upon Bilāl, by virtue of him having an Abyssinian-Mother.
The Political-Discord between the Arabs & Abyssinians occured as a result of the Abyssinians of Yemen, then a Colony of Abyssinia, wanting to divert Commerce from al-Makkah to Yemen via making a Church named al-Qullays: a Mock-Ka`bah, to draw Pilgrims to make al-Hajj/Pilgrimage in Yemen as opposed to al-Makkah. Once the Quraysh learned of this, a Man went to Yemen and desecrated this Church, infuriating the People of Yemen, thereby inciting War…this became known as the War of the Elephant. After the War/Year of the Elephant, which an Abyssinian-Army with an Elephant-Cavalry failed to invade/conquer al-Makkah and were defeated (resulting from Allah casting upon them Flocks of Birds dropping Sijjīl/Firery-Stones [Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.105; at-Tabarī; as-Suyūtī]), in retaliation, the Arabs of al-Makkah: the Quraysh & their many Allies in turn invaded Yemen. When this happened, countless Abyssinians were captured by the Arabs, including the Mother of Bilāl, Hammāmah, of Abyssinian-Royalty, and Human-Trafficked to Makkah-These People became Slaves.(ibn-Ishāq, at-Tabarī, as-Suyūtī)

And, this is actually why Bilāl ibn-Rabāh was claimed to be referred to in a disrespectful way, by Abī-Dharr al-Ghifārī (May Allah be pleased with him)…by the way: the Narration never textually states that he called Bilāl “Son of a Black-Woman”. And, those Narrations themselves ironically never even refer to Bilāl by Name. That was a Commentative Add-On, exclusively based upon Scholastic-Conjecture on part of al-Bukhārī, which this Add-On exists within his Hadīth-Collection of Sahīh-il-Bukhārī. And, this Commentary was clarified/corrected via ibn-Hajr al`Asqalānī.(Fath-ul-Bārī, ibn-Hajr) Ironically, even Abā-Dharr al-Ghifārī is described as being a “Black-Man”, relative to his Dark-Skin.(ibn-Ishāq, at-Tabarī, as-Suyūtī, Muslim, ibn-Sa`d, adh-Dhahabī, http://www.alajamwalarab.com/bilal-and-abu-dhar)
This Film also (subliminally) simply is a Muslim-Version of 12-Years A Slave: it reinforces Subserviance, Destitution, Acceptance of Slave-Culture, etc. Why is it that Bilāl is the only “Black-Companion” highlighted/depicted in Film, Narrative, etc. as “the Slave/Ex-Slave”?!!! Why is it that none of Bilāl’s Military/Statesmanhood Accomplishments are ever highlighted/detailed in Film/Narrative?!!! For example: did you know that Bilāl participated in all the known Major-Battles during the Lifetime of Muhammad (Peace be upon him); did you know that Bilāl was the 1st Minister of Bayt-il-Māl/Secretary of the Islāmic-Treasury: the Chief-Administrator responsible for the collection of az-Zakāh/Taxation & distribution of as-Sadaqah/Philanthropy?!!!(Battles Of The Prophet, Lives Of The Companions, at-Tabarī, as-Suyūtī)

The only Reason why Bilāl is still inaccurately portrayed as being “Black” is because he was once a Slave. Had he always been Free, no one would’ve ever attributed “Blackness” to Bilāl. Let’s actually take a look at what the Skin-Complexion of Bilāl actually was. According to Ahādīth/Narrations, recorded in various Collections: Bilāl really wasn’t any “Darker/Blacker” than any other Muslim/Non Muslim Arabs of his Lifetime, as per Skin-Complexion. In fact, it was common-place for Arabs to boast & laude their Dark-Complexions & ridicule the Complexions of Non-Arabs described as al-Humrah (Reddish-White), as well as al-Asfar (Yellowish-White).(Lisān-ul`Arab: Lexicon of the Arabic-Language, ibn-Manzhūr)

There also various Other-Colors which the Arabs would use to describe one another as per DarkSkin, like al-Akhdhar/Green…do you have any Idea how Dark someone’s Skin-Complexion has to be in order to be called “Green”?!!! I’ve literally seen People so Dark that they have a Green-Tint to their Skin-Complexions. However, ironically, almost every single portrayal of him in Literature, Film, etc. depicts him as “Shaka Zulu Black” and/or the Darkest-Person around. Like, in the Film “The Message” for example…the Producers of this Film (in both the Hollywood & Arab Versions) purposely casted the Darkest/Blackest Human-Being they could find to portray Bilāl on Screen…the Question is why?!!! Simple, to continue the Pseudo-Narrative of equating Blackness to Slavery & Servitude. Even in the Hollywood version of “The Message”, Bilāl is emphatically called “Black-Bilāl”…Word4Word…that alone should tell you something.

The Pseudo-Narrative of Bilāl is directly paralleled with the Pseudo-Narrative of Sally Hemings: the only Reasons why either of them are ethno-historically falsely-portrayed as being “Black” is because they were both Born-Slaves & both their Mothers were Black (Hammāmah, Betty Hemings: even Betty Hemings herself had a European-Father but cause she was a Slave she was considered “Black”). The Father, Paternal-Grandfather, Paternal Great-Grandfather of Sally Hemings were all White-Men/Slave-Owners. Her Slave-Owner, Thomas Jefferson (who essentially used her as a Sex-Slave) was actually her Brother-In-Law (Jefferson’s Wife, Martha Wayles & Sally Hemings had the same Father: John Wayles).(at-Tabarī; Hayāt-us-Sahābah; Virginia House of Burgesses: British Coastal Colonial Law of Slavery, 1660)
Muslim Matters actually published a Review of the Movie.(https://muslimmatters.org/2018/02/03/5-things-to-know-about-the-movie-before-watching-it-review-of-bilal-a-new-breed-of-hero/)

Their Film-Commentary of Bilāl not only reinforces my Point, as per the continuation of a Pseudo-Narrrative, predicated upon al-`Asabiyyah/Xenophobia, but also the Major-Themes of Islām aren’t even highlighted. Once again, the important Narrative of Bilāl has been shamefully compromised, at the expense of wanting to capitalize on “Blackness” being at the forefront of World/US Politics via Libya, Police-Brutality, Racial-Profiling, Human-Trafficking, etc.
Gareth Bryant/2018