Tag Archives: Honor

My Plantation-Of-Pain


“And never let your hatred, against any People, prevent you from behaving justly.”
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.8)

My Father went through a lot in their Life. They were born prematurely, not expecting to live beyond 1-Year Old. They had Health-Problems their Entire-Life. And, sadly, they still chose to abuse their Body via Tabacco-Usage & Alcoholism. Their Substance-Abuse Addiction almost exclusively stemmed from their Mother dying when my Father was a Young-Person. My Father never recovered from their Grief of losing their Mother. Substance-Abuse was used by my Father, to mask the Pain they lived with, over their Mother’s Death. When my Father died: they were 51-Years Old & I was 8-Years Old. I remember 2-Weeks prior to their Death: they were receiving At-Home Hospice-Care (they had Lung-Cancer which couldn’t be humanly-cured). My Father had smoked Cigarettes from Age-16 to Age-49 (Age-49 was when they were diagnosed with Lung-Cancer and died 2-Years later). As an 8-Year Old, no one explains these Types/Kinds of Things (in spite of the Fact that they should). All I knew was that my Father, my Male-Parent, my Hero, etc. was gone. I was a Trainwreck, when my Father died. My Grief over my Father’s Death became so severe, that my Mother saw fit that I go into Therapy. I went to Therapy up until my Junior-High School Years (Important-Note: Therapy actually works which is 0-Surprise how/why I’m a Chaplain till This-Day). Then, as I learned more about how/why my Father died: I began to severely despise/hate them.

My Karh/Hatred against my Father was exclusively predicated upon the Fact that they destroyed themselves via Substance-Abuse. Realistically (Allah knows best), they could’ve easily lived another 2-Decades had they never smoked Cigarettes. My Hatred against my Father was so severe, that there were Times I wish that they weren’t my Father at all. When People would tell me that I looked, acted, walked, talked, etc. like my Father: I hated it all. I had wanted 0-Connection with my Father.

And, this is where my Mother comes-in. Literally, one of the Reasons how/why I respect my Mother so highly: they never tolerated me having any Negative-Opinions of my Father. What I’ve aforementioned: I’ve never expressed to my Mother, out of Respect for them & I know that it would’ve greatly disappointed them (especially back when I was a Young-Person). I remember there was a Note which my Father wrote for me…I still have it by the way. My Mother always said to me periodically: “Your Father wrote this, so keep it & don’t lose it.”. In my Mind, at the Time, I was like: “Uff” (an Arabic-Term which basically means “Whateva Nigga”)…it’s a Term which ironically Allah commands Muslims to never say to their Parents. And, periodically, I’d read the Note & really think nothing of it, I really didn’t even care for the Note back then honestly. However, when I became Muslim: my Attitude towards my Father became a 180⁰-Difference, and the Love for them which died with them was resurrected. 1-Day, as a Muslim, I was feeling nostalgic…I looked into an Album of mine & saw the Note my Father wrote for me. And, that’s when the Message of the Note truly hit me hard.

Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated:

“Whomever disrespects their Parents never enters Paradise.”.

(al-Kabā’ir/The Major-Sins, adh-Dhahabī)

When my Father wrote That-Note, they knew they weren’t going to live long enough to watch me grow-up…they knew they were dying. But, in spite of that: they wanted to leave behind a Fatherly-Legacy, for me to remember them by & to take Pride in. And, via the Mercy-Of-Allah, that was a Mission-Accomplished. It reminded me, back then, what I always tell People currently: Just because the Father wasn’t present doesn’t mean they wanted to be absent.

It doesn’t end there though…there’s Several-Things which I had to do thereafter:

1. I had to make at-Tawbah/Repentance to Allah, for all of Those-Years which I spent hating my Father unjustly.

2. I had to forgive myself, for unjustly hating my Father.

3. I had to forgive my Father, for oppressing themselves via Substance-Abuse.

After completing the Aforementioned-Things: I was finally capable/able to escape my Plantation-Of-Pain, caused by my Unjust-Hatred against my Father. Having the Opportunity (granted by Allah of course) to release the Pain I held against my Father, via my Sadr/Mind&Heart-I became a Better-Person, a More-Liberated Person, a More-Confident Person, a More-Courageous Person, etc.

It’s actually taken a lot out of me, to be this open, vulnerable, truthful, honest, transparent, etc. concerning what I truly harbored via my Mind/Heart. These were very much Intimate-Moments of my Life, which I’ve never shared publicly (to the Extent I’ve detailed) like this here. It’s scary, for anyone to be this Self-Exposed. I literally wrestled with myself, whether or not I should’ve even written this. I even cried about it, cried while I was authoring this, etc. Yet, as I always tell People: Courage isn’t the “Absence-Of-Fear”. Rather, it’s the Willingness&Ability to confront Fear.

I know, for an Absolute-Fact, that my Hadīth/Story concerning my Ab/Father: it’s a Universal-Hadīth. Countless-Humans have experienced what I experienced, as per the Perplexities/Complexities of the Relationship-Dynamics between Father&Son, Father&Child, etc. I’m not an Anomoly. What I’ve articulated, it’s something Countless-Persons have went through & still go through. I’m simply hopeful, that Allah will expand the Sudūr/Minds&Hearts of any/all those who’ve read this…that it grants them the Tawfīq/Empowerment to improve themselves & to free/liberate themselves from their own Plantations-Of-Pain.

Gareth Bryant

Oh, Oppressed…don’t be Hopeless!!!


The Oppressed-Peoples of the World have always been ignored… 
…from the Native-Americans and to the Australian-Aborigines…
…The Oppressor has used superiority to seize lands and horde… 
…the original inhabitants ridiculed for fighting their enemies…

…Everyone abandons them & the World has their eyes closed…
…just like what happened in Rwanda, no wants to be exposed…

…The international governmental bodies acting as power-proxies…
…used to favor some nations over others, in the interests of monies.

These atrocities stink of all of the blood-soaked concentration-camps of Nazi-Germany.
Ironically, years later, those who were nearly exterminated, do the same, no Humanity.
How can you possibly make claims to want Peace when you are waging the War?
It’s like pretending to be grateful for what you have when you’re greedy for more.
You want the entire World to see you as the Peacemakers… 
…but, in all reality, you are the merciless Heartbreakers…
…You are always very quick to play that victim-card…
…while you’re making the lives of the Oppressed hard…
…You bomb cities and villages, schools, and innocents…
…but, when you’re fired back upon, you call it insolence.
My People, from far away: don’t loose hope and don’t go astray…
…keep fighting, for the liberation, for you, Allah will make way…
…You must always keep remembering Allah in all you do…
…so that when your enemies come He grants victory to you.
Gareth Bryant/2014

Stay away from Backbitting & Slander!!!


Allah says in His noble book: “Oh, you who believe!!! If a Sinner comes to you with news, verify. Or else, you’ll harm people out of ignorance, then regret what you’ve done.”(Noble Qur’an: Chpt.49, V.6)

Very recently, I was given some negative-news about someone…the news was very vile, to say the least, and angered me a great deal, just because this person whom I was told about, I have an immense deal of respect, honor, trust and love for. I immediately pressed the person who told me of this heinous action, to ascertain whether what was told to me was in fact true or not. The person has yet to provide proof of action.

Even if this person was/is telling the truth, I could tell from their posture in the message sent, that they only intend to ruin this person’s reputation, publicly…this is Backbitting, when you tell something about someone, which is truthful, but, only to make them look bad (typically publicly). Now, if the person is outright lying, or doesn’t know/care whether what they’re telling me is the truth or not, then, this is Slander, when you tell something about someone, which is false & you either know it’s false, can’t prove whether it’s true or false, or just don’t care whether it’s true or false, only to make a person look bad (typically publicly).

Let us not do this…And, honestly, it doesn’t even matter whether the persons victimized by either Backbitting or Slander are Muslims or not…Backbitting/Slander is wrong to do to anyone, at anytime, or any place…point-blank, period!!! Now, as many of you may know, I, myself, have been Slandered, publicly, literally, last-year, by another Muslim, of being Homosexual, which is a Major-Sin, Islamically & religiously a big-deal.

I know, 1st-hand, the ugliness of Slander, Backbitting as well, but, especially Slander…both Backbitting & Slander are evil-acts in the sight of Allah, and those who purposely do these acts are thus cursed, and will incur the wrath of Allah, in the Mundane, as well as in the Hereafter. So, please…I beg all of you…don’t Backbite/Slander people, and ask Allah, constantly, to protect you from Backbitting/Slander…Amen

Oppression is wretched!!!


It is something that will taint your soul.
You’ll never reach Paradise, our goal.

Tyranny is something that which Allah has banned for Himself.
Yet, we have the audacity to strip the creation of their wealth.

This wealth is priceless: they are our lives, properties & honor.
Violating, taking these things from others is an action of terror.

As Human beings, we are haters-by-nature.
Envy is a poison, causing us to be immature.

Our hearts are corrupt, black & filthy.
Oppression makes all our deeds petty.

We must ask Allah to remove us all from the path of the dreaded & cursed Shaytan.
Or else, in the Hereafter, we’ll remain in the darkness and will not see another dawn.

Gareth Bryant/2012

Integrity is sacred!!!


Author’s note:
The following post is the result of a Muslim, who knows me personally, who has recently deemed it okay to violate the sanctity of our religious-bond, by slandering me, by accusing me of being a Homosexual, something that’s considered a Major-Sin, according to classic Islamic-Texts. Let me first clear the air to all those who may read this: I am not a Homosexual, I’ve never have been. Now, if this is not good enough for some people out there, well, then, that’s your problem. I am a Muslim, and I am a Human being. Those who know me know who I am & how I live. So, for me to even have to jump out of the window, in order to clarify something that someone has viciously said about me, to purposely tarnish my Islamic social-standing, is really cruel. Anyway, I’ll get back to that in a while. Now, I intend to explore more of the Islamic spin on the subject of Slander.

Allah says in the Qur’an, “Oh, you who believe!!! Revere Allah, and speak a straight word (i.e. speak honestly/speak the truth).”.(Noble Qur’an: Chpt.33, V.70) This means that as Muslims, we are divinely obligated, by Allah, the Lord of the Universe, to always speak honestly, never to speak crooked speech, to never lie. Then, Allah also says, “Oh, you who believe!!! If a sinner brings you news, verify. It may be that you allow harm to befall a people out of ignorance, and be regretful of what you’ve done.” (Noble Qur’an: Chpt.49, V.6) Now, unfortunately, most Muslims think that this particular verse only applies to Non-Muslims, but, it applies to all Human beings, regardless to whether one is a Muslim or not, because of the statement of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him), “All of the Children of Adam are sinners; yet, the best of the Sinners are those who seek repentance.”.(Ahmad)

And, since all Human beings are sinful by nature, it becomes necessary to verify all that we say & claim. After all, it is the Prophet (Peace be upon him) himself, who has said, “If people were allowed to make baseless-claims, they would take the lives & wealth of others indiscriminately. However, the clarity is upon the claimant, otherwise they must take an oath.”.(An-Nawawi) This statement makes it very clear, that we are not allowed to just say things without them being truthful. We are obligated to have all that we claim to be honest, as well as verifiable. Muhammad (Peace be upon him) has also said, “The life, property & integrity of a Muslim is sacred.”.(An-Nawawi) This obviously means that no one has the right to take your life, property, or ruin your reputation, unless there is an Islamically justifiable reason to do so, and in almost all cases, you have to dig pretty damn deep, in order to find any Islamic justification to take someone’s life, property, or destroy their reputation; and, even the lives, properties & integrity of Non-Muslims are protected under Islamic-Law.

With Slander, specifically, it’s very honestly a form of oppression, and Allah has stated, based upon what Muhammad (Peace be upon him) has told us, “Oh, My Property!!! Verily, I have made oppression unlawful upon Myself, as well as between you. So, do not oppress one another!!!”.(An-Nawawi) Now, let’s think about this very carefully: Allah is the undisputed, Eternal-Creator of the entire Universe. By definition & default, He really has the right to do with us whatever He wants, without question or accountability. But, out of His eternal sense of justice, He has taken steps to not cross boundaries, which He has imposed upon Himself. Now, that is truly amazing!!! Alas, sadly, we cross the same exact boundaries that the Lord of the Universe has placed upon himself, which is the boundary which separates us from oppression; now, isn’t that hella ironic?!!!

Now, we can get straight into Slander:

The Islamic definition of Slander is the following: To say something, about someone, that is either known to be false, or that cannot be proven, exclusively to make a person look negative in public. This definition of Slander is directly derived from two chapters of the Qur’an, Surat-ul-Humazah (The Chapter of Slander) & Suratu-Yusuf (The Chapter of Joseph), which details the slander of Prophet Joseph (Peace be upon him), while he was in Egypt, in the household of an Ancient-Egyptian official, whose wife accused him of trying to rape her, and our mother `A’ishah (May Allah be pleased with her), when she was accused of adultery, by the leader of the Hypocrites in the city of Al-Madinah, during the lifetime of Muhammad (Peace be upon him). The Islamic definition of Hypocrites, by the way, are people who only pretend to be Muslims, for various alternative reasons; but, in reality, they do not truly believe that Islam is true guidance.(Noble Qur’an: Chpt.63, V.1-8) During the lifetime of Joseph (Peace be upon him), his life was literally in danger, he was on the verge of being executed, and all because of a lie, and so was our mother, `A’ishah (May Allah be pleased with her). Had Allah not allowed the truth of their affairs to be exposed, then, both of them would have perished unjustly, just because someone thought that it was amusing to slander a Prophet & slander the wife of a Prophet.

This is how dangerous Slander truly is: Not only do you ruin peoples’ lives, here in this Mundane, but also, your slander could very well be the reason why they never get married, never get a good job, acquire problems with family-members, neighbors, etc. You can also play a severe part in endangering the welfare and/or lives of those whom you so choose to slander-It’s a really big deal, whenever a person commits one’s self to say something about someone, which is not true, cannot be proven, and/or, in most cases, both. Also, in the hereafter, those who slander will not only be stripped of a specific amount of their own good actions, which are given to those whom they’ve slandered, they’ll also be compelled to take the negative actions of those whom they’ve slandered from their record. And, they’ll be questioned by Allah, concerning whatever you’ve slandered a person about, just as though they’ve actually done those specific actions themselves…WHAT A WAY TO FAIL!!!

Okay, now…it’s time for me to switch to my Nigga-Shit:

I know exactly why this particular person would even want to slander me. I mean, obviously, it’s not Islamically correct. But, I can actually see, in hindsight, why someone, particularly & especially a Muslim, would ever want to slander me, with the accusation of Homosexuality, no less.

This is how I can perceive the scenario-

This particular sister was throwin’ the pussy at me, and I either didn’t take notice to her, or completely, purposely, refused to entertain her advances, because one, I’m a Muslim, who’s actually tryin’ to do shit right, for a change. Then, two, she’s probably less than a 7, on a scale of 0-10, which means that she’s no way in my type-range, of women I’m sexually-attracted to, anyway. Now, with that being said, it’s obvious that the Devil convinced her, via his seductive whispering, to cause chaos & corruption, by slandering the known good-name of a fellow Muslim. And, to add insult-to-injury, it wasn’t just me, who’s character that she had attacked. This broad has also tarnished the good-name of a Muslims sister, as well.

Here’s how that went down-

I get a call, from a sister, whom I know. She tells me straight up, without hesitation that someone has been talkin’ mad shit about me. She basically revealed to me, that this sister who had slandered me, that she had asked whether I had holla’d at her. When the sister, who told me this story, said that I didn’t try to holla at her, this sister, who slandered me, then said, “Oh, yeah!!! He’s Gay.”. Now, when hearing this story, I realized something important, she wasn’t just attacking my religious/personal-integrity, she was also attacking the religious/personal-integrity of the sister whom she had asked about me. Basically, in the mind & heart of the one who’s the slanderer, it’s goin’ a lil’ somethin’ like this’, “Wow, if Gareth hasn’t holla’d at this girl, then, he must be Gay, because everybody knows that this girl is easy & loose.”. This is exactly what I was able to extrapolate from this story which was shared to me.

Now, here comes the pain-

Whoever you are, slandering me, or anyone else, I strongly advise you to fear the displeasure of Allah, make repentance, privately & publicly, and never set your feet upon that evil path again. And, you had better do that really soon, because I have my eyes & ears to the ground, looking for you, and you had better pray to Allah that you seek forgiveness & seek repentance, both publicly & privately, before I find out who you are; you’re officially on my shit-list, and for the record, you have to be a real douche-bag, in order to make it to that list. There’s a powerful proverb in Mongolian, which is the following, “Do not scorn a weak cub. He may become the brutal tiger.”. I usually try my very best to be the cool-guy. But, now, I see that I have to revert to bein’ a Nigga bout mines. And, honestly, that’s fine with me, if you wanna play dirty, hell…I invented playin’-dirty. Now, you’ve really fucked-up, because you’ve taken my good-nature for weakness, as though I’m a weak cub. You’ve made a big mistake. I’m Muslim, first. But, then, after that, I’m a Real-Nigga, and a Real-Nigga is gonna do whatever a Real-Nigga’s gotta do, ya dig?!!!

Whoever you are, slandering me, you, and whatever clique you roll with, no matter whether they’re Muslim or not, male, or female, if I catch you, we’re gonna go to war, and whoever is down with you, spreading rumors about me, or any other Muslim, or any other people period, while you claim to be a Muslim, I’m comin’ for ya ass & their asses too. And, I’m not afraid, because one, I’m a Muslim, and I know that when I’m correct, Allah will always protect me. Two, I’m a grown-ass man, who doesn’t have the will, the want, the care or the time, for any bullshit like this. Three, I’m just too old, to have to defend myself, against bullshit-gossip, that only does harm & not good.

Congratulations, whoever you are, because now, you’ve voluntarily enter the Lion’s-Den, and there’s only one way in & no way out. And, guess what?!!! I’m the hungry Lion, who hasn’t been fed in months, with the sharpest claws & teeth on the planet, and it’s lunchtime, and you’re on the menu. You’re like a Zebra, and I’m on the prowl, hungry for blood.

You betta watch ya ass, because I always catch my prey.
Just like Kevin Hart said, “You goin’ to learn, today!!!”

My thoughts on the word “Nigger”:


Author’s note:

People, very often, have asked me why I’m so comfortable with the word “Nigger” being used around me. They just can’t understand, why an African-American would be so “not angry” when this particular word is used. I’ve honestly been thinking about this for a very long time, how to officially throw the word “Nigger” to the waste side, meaning take the power of meaning away from the word itself. Ironically, most people, especially African-Americans, really have no idea that the word Nigger, and the word Negro, for that matter, actually come from actual words in Latin. The word “Nigger” is derived from the Latin word “Niger” (just like the name of the country, in Africa…yes), which literally means the color “Black”.

The word “Negro” is derived from the Latin word “Negro”, which means “To blaken/To make black”. However, the connotative meanings of both these words are exclusively, historically, meant to degrade & dehumanize anyone who is either Non-White, or even Non-European. And, occasionally, this term was even used against other Whites, like how it was used to dehumanize the Irish, during the 19th century, as droves of Irish immigrants came from Ireland, as a result of the historically infamous “Potato-Famine”. The following poem is my way of expressing how this word does not describe me.

A Nigger, I am not:

There’s just no way that I could ever be someone’s Nigger.
Allah is my Creator, it’s He who fashioned my noble figure.

He’s made me a Human being, higher, brighter, and better than the rest.
He has chosen me to be ahead of all creation; my status is the very best.

Never am I lower than an animal; my existence has great value & is substantial.
I’ve been guided to Islam, the noble path of many; I carry a very heavy mantle.

Allah doesn’t favor people because of their ethnicities, colors, nor races.
It’s only through believing in Him & doing good will we attain His graces.

This word Nigger has kept so many people back, from truly elevating to their rightful stations.
They have, unfortunately, bought into the lies that they are nothing & have given justifications.

Self-belittlement must come to an end; we are the ones whom Allah has created, with His own hands.
He has molded the bodies of our parents, Adam and Eve, from all different types of the Earth’s lands.

He has given us something that no one can take from us, no matter what they do.
It’s called the Soul; I’ve been given one, directly from my Creator & so have you.

So, the next time that you have the urge, to use this hateful word, think about what you’re really saying.
You yearn to take someone’s Humanity, with the utterance of just a single word, it is spiritual maiming.

Gareth Bryant/2012