Tag Archives: Mudslinging

Cowardice & Treachery


The Aforementioned-Post is pretty Self-Explanatory. But, I’ll take the Liberty of elaborating further. I get triggered, very easily, as per al-Buhtān/al-Humazah (Slander for a Host of Asbāb/Reasons: a. It’s a Kibār/Major-Sin. b. I’ve witnessed the Irreversible-Damage Slander causes Others. I’ve personally had Irreversible-Damage caused to me resulting from Others slandering me.

A Breakdown of precisely what al-Buhtān/al-Humazah is

Initiating and/or spreading any Sharr/Negativity against Others, which is either untrue or unproven. This is directly predicated upon at-Tanzīl/Revelation, pertaining to az-Zūr/Perjury (False-Testimony) against some because of Sinful-Accusation. Sadly, People (Muslims particularly) literally have 0-Problem committing ourselves to al-Ghībah/Gossip. al-Ghībah by the way is a Combo of: an-Namīmah/Backbiting & al-Buhtān/al-Humazah. an-Namīmah & al-Buhtān/al-Humazah are both Major-Sins. And, via the Hereafter: both Backbiting & Slander carry the Same-Punishment. Backbiters&Slanderers will be made by Allah to forfeit Portions of their Positive-Actions to anyone they’ve backbitten/slandered…if they’ve no Positive-Actions to forfeit, then they’ll be made to take-on Portions of the Negative-Actions of those whom they backbit/slandered.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.24, V.2-5; Chpt.49, V.12; al-Bukhārī; Muslim; an-Nawawī; al-Kabā’ir/The Major-Sins, adh-Dhahabī)

an-Namīmah vs. al-Buhtān/al-Humazah


Pontificating/claiming Things about someone which is Truth/Honesty, yet also Inherently/Typically-Negative, for the Sole-Purpose of damaging/ruining someone’s Reputation.


Pontificating/claiming Things about someone which is Inherently/Typically-Negative, and either Unfounded or Untruthful/Dishonest, for the Sole-Purpose of damaging/ruining someone’s Reputation. There’s 3-Ways which People manifest this:

a. Someone issues a Pontification/Claim that’s Truthful/Honest, but is Unproven.

b. Someone issues a Pontification/Claim in which they neither can prove it, nor know its Truth/Honesty vs. its Untruth/Dishonesty.

c. Someone issues a Pontification/Claim in which they don’t even care whether it’s: Truthful/Honest vs. Untruthful/Dishonest, Proven vs. Unproven, etc.

The Greater-Context of the Confrontation

For the Record: I never confronted the Person in any Disrespectful-Way, nor did I express any Aggression against them. I did, however, verbalize&express Anger against the Person regarding what they said against me which was 💯%-False. The Person who’s the Subject of This-Post…That-Mothafucka had the Audacity to actually pretend to not say what they said while I literally overheard them talking Untrue-Shit about me, and they spoke so loudly that I was able to hear them while I was praying. I was actually angrier that they lied about slandering me as opposed to actually slandering me. Not only that, but after finally) admitting to their Goofy-Shit: they then tried to justify the Slander. And, them trying to justify the Slander was worse than them lying about slandering me.

Reputation/History of Apathy/Arrogance

Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Apathy/Arrogance is rejecting Truth & mocking People.”.

This-Person whom slandered me: I’ve personally witnessed them talk Unjust/Untrue-Shit about Others & have had Several-Convos, with That-Person, regarding them treating Others This-Way. They literally, apathetically/arrogantly deflect their own Wrongdoing & actually think/feel that they’re entitled/justified to be not only a Judgmental-Person, but equally a Slanderous-Person. Via al-Basīrah/Vision (Hindsight): I’ve realized that This-Person has been This-Way as long as I’ve known them. But, it never really hit me how judgmental they actually are until This-Scenario between them & I took place.

I, personally, have 0-Respect for Slanderers…I really despise them. And there’s 2-Types of Persons whom I never forgive: a. Those whom slander me & b. Those whom threaten me. This-Person whom slandered me is how/why I tell People: I’d rather have a Real-Enemy than a Fake-Friend. This-Person pretends to befriend Others, but in All-Reality is merely a Judgmental-Scumbag. Without any Doubt: anyone whom slanders you is your Enemy…treat them as an Enemy.

Gareth Bryant

Stay away from Backbitting & Slander!!!


Allah says in His noble book: “Oh, you who believe!!! If a Sinner comes to you with news, verify. Or else, you’ll harm people out of ignorance, then regret what you’ve done.”(Noble Qur’an: Chpt.49, V.6)

Very recently, I was given some negative-news about someone…the news was very vile, to say the least, and angered me a great deal, just because this person whom I was told about, I have an immense deal of respect, honor, trust and love for. I immediately pressed the person who told me of this heinous action, to ascertain whether what was told to me was in fact true or not. The person has yet to provide proof of action.

Even if this person was/is telling the truth, I could tell from their posture in the message sent, that they only intend to ruin this person’s reputation, publicly…this is Backbitting, when you tell something about someone, which is truthful, but, only to make them look bad (typically publicly). Now, if the person is outright lying, or doesn’t know/care whether what they’re telling me is the truth or not, then, this is Slander, when you tell something about someone, which is false & you either know it’s false, can’t prove whether it’s true or false, or just don’t care whether it’s true or false, only to make a person look bad (typically publicly).

Let us not do this…And, honestly, it doesn’t even matter whether the persons victimized by either Backbitting or Slander are Muslims or not…Backbitting/Slander is wrong to do to anyone, at anytime, or any place…point-blank, period!!! Now, as many of you may know, I, myself, have been Slandered, publicly, literally, last-year, by another Muslim, of being Homosexual, which is a Major-Sin, Islamically & religiously a big-deal.

I know, 1st-hand, the ugliness of Slander, Backbitting as well, but, especially Slander…both Backbitting & Slander are evil-acts in the sight of Allah, and those who purposely do these acts are thus cursed, and will incur the wrath of Allah, in the Mundane, as well as in the Hereafter. So, please…I beg all of you…don’t Backbite/Slander people, and ask Allah, constantly, to protect you from Backbitting/Slander…Amen

My thoughts on Slander:



Stains on the good name of a person will oftentimes never vanish.

Like a dark, ugly coat of paint that does nothing except tarnish.

Accusations against individual honor & integrity is just deplorable.

Nothing about ruining someone’s reputation is cool, it’s horrible.

Depressing it is, when someone thinks that character-bashing has any merit.

Enumerable, irreversible damage, which we may not ever be able to correct.

Retribution on the Day of Standing will be brutal for the mudslinger.

Gareth Bryant/2011