Tag Archives: Resistence

Always be Combatready


Allah states: “Combat has been imposed upon you, in spite of it being hateful to you. But, perhaps you hate something which is best for you & love something which is worse for you. And, Allah knows while you don’t.”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.2, V.216)

The Aforementioned-Post details which Kinds/Types of Weaponry necessary to combat via ad-Dunyā/The Mundane. Each of what I’ve mentioned is for each of the 3-Dimensions of the Human-Being:

a. Principle-Weaponry is to arm the Spiritual-Dimension.

b. Integrity-Weaponry is to arm the Psycho-Emotional Dimension.

c. Primal-Weaponry is to arm the Primal-Dimension.

Allah states (self-describing Themselves): “It’s They whom created both Death & Life, challenging which of you behaves best.”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.67, V.2)

For the Muslim, our Entire Mundane-Existence is a War. Every Day is a Fitnah/Battle against ourselves, struggling to choose between Right & Wrong…Good & Evil…etc. And, all the Weaponry mentioned are 💯%-Essentual to ensure Daily&Lifelong-Victories, as we journey via Mundane-Life. And this precisely how/why These-Weapons are 💯%-Necessary.

Oh, Oppressed…don’t be Hopeless!!!


The Oppressed-Peoples of the World have always been ignored… 
…from the Native-Americans and to the Australian-Aborigines…
…The Oppressor has used superiority to seize lands and horde… 
…the original inhabitants ridiculed for fighting their enemies…

…Everyone abandons them & the World has their eyes closed…
…just like what happened in Rwanda, no wants to be exposed…

…The international governmental bodies acting as power-proxies…
…used to favor some nations over others, in the interests of monies.

These atrocities stink of all of the blood-soaked concentration-camps of Nazi-Germany.
Ironically, years later, those who were nearly exterminated, do the same, no Humanity.
How can you possibly make claims to want Peace when you are waging the War?
It’s like pretending to be grateful for what you have when you’re greedy for more.
You want the entire World to see you as the Peacemakers… 
…but, in all reality, you are the merciless Heartbreakers…
…You are always very quick to play that victim-card…
…while you’re making the lives of the Oppressed hard…
…You bomb cities and villages, schools, and innocents…
…but, when you’re fired back upon, you call it insolence.
My People, from far away: don’t loose hope and don’t go astray…
…keep fighting, for the liberation, for you, Allah will make way…
…You must always keep remembering Allah in all you do…
…so that when your enemies come He grants victory to you.
Gareth Bryant/2014