Tag Archives: Satan

What it means to be “Unholy”




Allah warns us, via at-Tanzīl/Revelation, regarding the Fact that al-Waswās/Deception hails from both al-Jinn/Fire-Beings & an-Nās/Humanity. And, we’re directly/overtly instructed to seek the Protection-Of-Allah against ash-Shaytān/Satan & their Shayātīn/Satanists.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.114)

Sam Smith, the Musician mentioned by CBS, is the Co-Composer of the Song “Unholy”. They performed This-Song via the Annual-Grammys, dubbed “Music’s Biggest-Nite”. Now, regardless of whether someone is Muslim, Non-Muslim, Theist, Atheist, Deist, Gnostic, Agnostic, etc.: why would anyone deliberately title a Song as “Unholy”?!!! So, since Words have Power, because Words have Meaning: let’s actually examine the Word “Unholy”.

Clearly, as per the Asl (Etymology/Word-Origin), Ma`nā (Definition/Meaning), etc. there’s absolutely 0-Positivity associated with the Word “Unholy”. Now, one must ask why has it been implanted via Music. The Obvious-Sabab/Reason is connecting the Song to the Waswās of ash-Shaytān. Ever since the Creation-Of-Humanity via Ādam/Adam (Peace be upon them): ash-Shaytān has vowed to Allah: Creator/Lord of the Universe to lead al-Insān/Humanity astray “By Hook or by Crook”, as the Ole-Saying goes. ash-Shaytān, together with their Shayātīn, have always been relentless against Mankind-From the 1st-Man until Yawm-il-Qiyāmah/the Day-Of-Standing, from Pre-Natal Existence via the Rahm/Womb until al-Mawt/Death, etc. the Waswās of ash-Shaytān is everpresent. And, the Only-Protection which we’ve got against the Waswās of ash-Shaytān is the Hudā/Hidāyah-Of-Allah via al-Islām.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.7, V.11-18)


There’s Varied-Ikhtilāf/Religio-Scholastic Difference regarding at-Tarab. Mainly due to the Fact that there’s (seemingly) Conflicting Revelatory/Textual-Evidences, regarding which Kinds/Types of at-Tarab are Mahlūl/Islāmically-Allowable vs. Mahrūm/Islāmically-Prohibited. Also, there’s Varied-Ikhtilāf regarding Musical-Instruments, for the Same-Reasons as aforementioned. For example, via Certain-Ahādīth/Narrations (al-Bukhārī, Abū-Dāwud, etc.): their Wordings are slightly different. Via the Hadīth/Narration recorded in the Musnad (Hadīth-Collection) of al-Bukhārī: the Term “Ma`āzif” is used the Term “Ma`āzif” basically means “Instruments-Of-Evil”, relative to the Religio-Linguistic Context of the Hadīth itself.(Lisān-ul-`Arab: Lexicon of the Arabic-Language, ibn-Manzhūr) While via the Hadīth recorded in the Musnad of Abī-Dāwud: Woodwind&Stringed-Instruments are mentioned directly/overtly. Also, furthermore, via the Musnad of Muslim: there’s a Hadīth which specifies directly/overtly  that Bells are amongst the Ma`āzif of ash-Shaytān.

There’s an Attributation to Ja`far ibn Muhammad, that the Usūl/Origins of at-Tarab stem from ash-Shaytān & Qābīl/Cain cekebrating the Death-Of-Ādam. Albeit I honestly don’t know where this comes from, nor it’s Revelatory/Textual-Validity. However, I mentioned it exclusively because I found it interesting & it’s a Staple-Fact that the Karh/Hatred which ash-Shaytān has towards/against Humanity is Mutawātir/Common-Knowledge.
(Muhammad al-Hurr al-`Āmilī al-Mashgharī, Mustafa Ashūr)

Regardless of which Religio-Postures one accepts, regarding at-Tarab: it’s abundantly-clear, that the Music-Industry is definitely a Specific-Mi`zaf (Tool) of ash-Shaytān. I mean, the Evidence historically & contemporaneously is simply too obvious at This-Point. In fact, it’s actually morally-unintelligent to even attempt denying it. For the Muslim, it’s very important for us to take issue with Things such as this & to equally take it seriously. at-Tarab, by default, seems so innocent. However, it’s crystal-clear that it has Spiritual/Psycho-Emotional-Effects upon Humans. Now, honestly whether Those-Effects are positive or negative is entirely a Separate-Issue. For example…via the Medical/Healthcare-Industry: Music/Musical-Therapy is a Real-Thing, as per rehabilitating Humans & to an Extent even Non-Human Creatures.

In conclusion…we all must beware of whom/what we allow ourselves to be influenced by. Because, it may be “innocent” to us & yet “diabolical” to Allah. We may consider it a Harmless-Leisure, while in All-Reality Allah regards it as a Shameful/Shameless-Vice.

Gareth Bryant

Tajnīn-Protection 101


What the Person mentioned via This-Video will only work for someone who’s a Muslim. “Worshipping” Others-Gods, besides Allah ain’t gone work. There’s no God, except Allah. Only al-Islām possesses the Correct-Tools to protect anyone from at-Tajnīn (Jinn-Influence/Demon-Possession).

at-Tajnīn (Jinn-Influence/Demon-Possession) isn’t as impossible to confront, deal with, etc. as so/too many Muslims generally attempt to make it out to be. Furthermore, so/too many Muslims really think/feel that the Only-Way to protect one’s Self from at-Tajnīn is via some “Religio-Figure” and/or someone whom pontificates/claims to be a Rāqī/Healer. This is a Fallacy. In fact, according to the Sunnah/Prophetic-Tradition: it’s actually better to perform ar-Ruqyah/Healing upon one’s Self firstly. But, if it’s ineffective then one can seek-out a Rāqī. However, pitifully: ar-Ruqyah has become a Business. And, just like any Business, there’s Frauds. I’ve personally counseled Countless-Persons who’ve gotten caught-up via these Ruqyah-Scammers. These-People literally profit&prey upon the Desperation of Others, whom simply want to be healed from Spiritual-Trauma. And, because of these Ruqyah-Scams/Scammers, Potentially Irreversable-Consequences yield from Ruqyah-Scamming.


Fortunately, via the Help-Of-Allah, I’ve a very simple List-Of-Things: very helpful&pragmatic, which literally keeps People safe from being Victims/Casualties of at-Tajnīn. There’re a Following-Tools:


All of the Aforementioned-Tools: a. Stem directly from at-Tanzīl/Revelation (via The Qur’ān & the Sunnah). b. These-Tools work…I’ve used them all, anytime/everytime I’ve counseled anyone regarding at-Tajnīn.


For More-Info. regarding at-Tajnīn, Ruqyah-Consultation/Counseling, etc. please feel free to contact me via Email:


Gareth Bryant




Allah commands Muslims (via at-Tanzīl/Revelation) to seek refuge with Them from the Waswās/Deception of al-Khannās/the Demon. And then They further detail/describe al-Khannās as the following: “Those whom whisper into the Sudūr (Minds/Hearts) of Men. From amongst Jinns/Fire-Beings as well as Humans.”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.114, 4-6)

I had a very Suspicious-Encounter Online, with a Person whom I’ve never known in my Entire-Life. They audaciously tried to run my Pockets, via the Pseudo-Auspices of being a Rāqī/Healer. Yes…a Nigga literally tried to con me into paying them to perform
“Spiritual-Ruqyah/Jinn-Extraction” on me. Obviously, the Fact that anyone whom doesn’t even know me, pontificating/claiming that I’m “Majnūn (Jinn-Influenced/Demon-Possessed)”: I’m clearly going to view this as a Red-Flag, which I rightfully did. However, as well: when the Person immediately proposed a Fee, that confirmed my Suspicions that much further. And, then…hahaha: they actually got desperate & offered me an Exorcism-Discount…laughable to say the very least.

Everything they stated I was able to pull apart, easily, because:

a. The Mercy/Protection of Allah.

b. My Extensive-Knowledge of at-Tajnīn (Jinnology: Jinn-Influence/Demon-Possession), which ironically I’ve submitted to MSU/Michigan State University (Dept. of Psychiatry) & lectured about at Cambridge University, UK (Clare College).


c. My Extensive-Knowledge of ar-Ruqyah/Healing.


d. My Basic-Intelligence

In addition, I was very skeptical as well because the Person claimed that they’re from a Part of the World which is a Regional-Hotbed for Military-Conflict via the “War-On-Terror”: a Religio-Political Euphemism for “War Against Muslims”. Literally, all it’d take is for someone to pay this Type/Kind of Scammer via: PayPal, CashApp, Zelle, etc. & then Boom…you’re on Trial facing a “Providing Material-Support” Terrorism-Case, which 9/10 you’d most definitely lose.

Ruqyah-Scams are literally the Number-1 Reason how/why People (Muslims especially) don’t take at-Tajnīn
(Jinn-Influence/Demon-Possession) seriously. This, by definition, is a Hujjah/Proof that only the
Shayātīn/Satanists amongst the
Jinn/Fire-Beings are chained/restricted via the Month-of-Ramadhān. As I always tell People: you don’t have to be a Jinn/Fire-Being to be a Shaytān/Satanist.

(Literally) everything in This-Video is as-Sihr/Sorcery & anyone whom calls anyone to Things such as this are Suhhār/Sorcerers. Muhammad (Peace be upon them) mentioned: “Whomever trusts the Word of a Sorcerer and/or an Astrologer has denied whatever revealed to Muhammad.”…`Alī ibn-`Imrān (May Allah be pleased with them) stated: “The Astrologer is a Sorcerer & the Sorcerer is a Disbeliever.”.
(al-Kabā’ir/The Major-Sins, adh-Dhahabī)

If you’re pretending to be a Spiritual-Rāqī, scamming Others for Profit via Pseudo-Ruqyah:

a. You’re an Evil-Person…You’re literally doing the `Amal/Work of ash-Shaytān/Satan.

b. Your Pseudo-Ruqyah Antics can actually cause People to become Majnūn. If/when someone is undergoing Spiritual-Ruqyah & the Person doing it is either a Whole-Fraud or doesn’t know what they’re doing-This compromises People spiritually: it has the Potential/Probability to open the Gates of the al-Ghayb/the Unseen (via the Sutr/Barriers between Jinn & Man), and it gives Jinns Greater-Opportunities to influence/possess Humans.

Gareth Bryant 1443, A.H./2022, C.E.

Everyone deserves Guidance


Allah states:

“The Qur’ān was revealed via the Month-Of-Ramadhān: within it is Guidance for Humanity.”
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.2, V.185)

The Reason how/why I chose to post this is simply to stress the Point that: regardless of how sinful any Person may be, regardless of the Sinful-Lifestyle anyone leads, etc. every Human is Islāmically-Entitled/Justified to be exposed to al-Hidāyah/al-Hudā (Guidance). As Allah states:

a. And never let your hatred, against any People, prevent you from behaving justly.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.8)

b. Say: “Oh, My Servants who’ve oppressed themselves: don’t flee from the Mercy-Of-Allah. Verily, Allah forgives All-Sins. Verily, They’re The All-Forgiving The Most-Merciful.”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.39, V.53)

Ironically, there’s Muslims whom attempt to favor Certain-Sins over Other-Sins. But, via All-Reality: none of us have any Islāmic-Entitlement to pontificate/claim which Sins are so-called “Better vs. Worse”. Now, it’s absolutely true/honest that Sins are Islāmically-Categorized as Major-Sins & Minor-Sins. But, so what?!!! A Sin is still a Sin, regardless of whether or not it’s classified as Minor or Major…the Point is to avoid al-Fusūq/Sinning holistically, not to pick&choose which Sins we personally disfavor & then condemn those whom commit the Sins we personally dislike. Moreover, we ourselves, more often than not: may very well be committing more Minor-Sins than anyone committing Major-Sins, or we may be committing Major-Sins which we may not even know/care are Major-Sins, or we may be committing Major-Sins only because we think/feel they’re “only Minor-Sins”. It’s like the Ole-Saying goes, “Don’t judge someone, just because they sin differently than you do.”. And, it’s like I always tell People: It’s easy to judge People, when our Sins aren’t Public-Knowledge.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.90; Chpt.16, V.36; Chpt.25, V.43; Chpt.49, V.12; at-Tabarī; as-Suyūtī; Ahmad; al-Kabā’ir/The Major-Sins, adh-Dhahabī)

The most Dynamic-Portion, of This-Video, was when it was stated that this Muslim-Person was discouraged from becoming a Muslim. The Question is how/why. The Answer is very simple…it’s from the Waswās/Deception of ash-Shaytān. ash-Shaytān, from the Time the Soul of Adam: the Progenitor/Patriarch-Of-Humanity (Peace be upon them) was created, has utterly despised Humanity. And they even swore to Allah, that they’d do anything to lead/keep Humanity misguided. So, of course, it’d appease ash-Shaytān if they could convince anyone that they’re such a Sinful-Person that there’s no Way Allah can/will redeem them. And, clearly that’s 💯%-Untruth/Dishonesty. And, they used their Minions amongst Human-Beings to attempt This-Person to not accept al-Islām. This proves undoubtedly what I always tell People: You don’t have to be a Jinn/Fire-Being to be a Shaytān/Satanist. These-Kinds/Types of Tactics are under the Umbrella of what’s known as at-Tajnīn (Jinn-Influence/Possession).
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.7, V.11-18; Chpt.114; at-Tabarī; as-Suyūtī; ibn-Kathīr)

For More-Info. concerning:

a. at-Tajnīn (Jinn-Influence):


b. al-Liwāt (Homosexuality):


c. Sinful-Muslims:


Gareth Bryant 1443, A.H./2022, C.E

“Righteous Sinner” Film-Review: How sinful is a “Sinner” & how righteous is a “Righteous-Person”?!!!



The Producer & Star of this Film, “Righteous Sinner”: Boonaa Mohammed had graciously allowed me to write an Article about his Film. The Movie is in every Sense direct, alluring, gritty, controversial, impactful, powerful, edgy, etc.(www.righteoussinnermovie.com)

The Film mainly focuses on the Inherent-Fragility of Humanity, and how when we have Position, Authority, Influence, Power, etc. Most-Humans don’t realize/care about the Reality that Muslim-Leaders, “Students-Of-Knowledge”, “Scholars”, “Imāms”, “Shaykhs”, etc. are more often than not just as Flawed/Sinful as anyone/everyone else. It indepthly explores & challenges the Tragedy of Muslims whom self-implode/self-destruct, resulting from Egotism/Narcissism via Muslim Celebrity-Culture.(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.25, V.43)

One of the Great-Points which the Film additionally highlights is the Various-Levels of Addiction…Addiction to: Ego/Desires, Substances, Fame, Wealth, Power, Sexuality, etc.

It was easy to see that the Silver-Lining of the Movie stems from the Story of Barsīsah.(Wahb ibn-Munabbih, at-Tabarī, ibn-ul-Jawzī) And in spite of the Speculative-Nature surrounding the Mustalah/Authenticity of the Story, it however still contains Truth/Honesty.

The Mental-Health Elements via the Film are very Spot-On. Especially as Muslims: our Ignorance/Apathy towards Mental-Health Awareness drives us even further into the Depths of Darkness, as per Mental-Illness. Unfortunately via the Muslims: we automatically associate Mental-Illness with at-Tajnīn (Jinn-Influence/Possession), when in fact at-Tajnīn & Mental-Illness are Mutually-Exclusive.

A very Edgy-Component of the Film was that the Director literally combined the Story of Barsīsah with the Spike Lee Film “Jungle Fever”. The Ethnocentric Sexual-Tension/Intensity between the 2 Main-Characters are very apparent. The Film also gives Great-Scope into al-`Asabiyyah/Xenophobia, particularly in Terms of one of the most common Elephants-In-Room amongst Muslims: Interethnic-Relationships/Marriage. These Dynamics within the film cause the Intensity between the two Main-Characters that much more intimate, complex, as well as complicated.

The Tug-Of-War, between the Main-Character & the Voices which they constantly hear throughout this Film, represent the Struggle to maintain their Spiritual-Integrity, also their Sanity. As the Movie evolves, so does the Intensity of Tragedy-Shocking for some, yet unsurprising for others how Things unfold. This, to me, is very near & dear to me. As I’m in the Healthcare/Mental-Health Field, being a Chaplain (Counselor/Therapist). The Struggles very accurately/honestly portrayed via this Film are what I engage daily, via my Profession. I’ve even presented Research to MSU (Michigan State University: Dept. of Psychiatry) & lectured at Cambridge University (Clare College), regarding all the Subject-Matter display in this Movie pertaining to Mental-Health/Illness, as well as at-Tajnīn.(https://garethbryant.wordpress.com/2019/07/08/attajninvsmentalillness)

This is a Film which I’d recommend anyone/everyone to watch, with an Open-Mind/Heart…looking past one’s Shyness or Bias, regarding the Subject-Matter detailed within it.

Gareth Bryant

1442, A.H./2020, C.E.