Tag Archives: Human Behavior

My Personal-Lesson with Opioid-Addiction


Allah states:

“And don’t be led to Destruction, via your own Hands.”

(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.2, V.195)

The Year is 1426, A.H./2005, C.E.: I’m 24/23-Years Old…just came back from making al-Hajj/Pilgrimage. Prior to Hajj I tried to get my Khitān/Circumcision, but I had to wait until I came back to the U.S.

Reasons I didn’t get it circumcised sooner:

a. I wasn’t Muslim-Born.

b. My Parents let some Goofy-Ass Nurse “convince” them to not get me circumcised when I was born, claiming that circumcising a Baby would be “too painful/traumatic”.

c. I Found-Out Years after becoming a Muslim, that al-Khitān is a Mafrūdh/Islāmic-Mandate for All Muslim-Men.

The Pain-Of-Khitān

Undergoing al-Khitān & its Subsequent-Pain thereafter, as a Grown-Ass Person, is about the closest any Man will ever get to experiencing any Woman’s Labor/Birthing-Pain. So, of course, Post-Surgery I get prescribed the Good-Shit: Vicodin.

Lemme tell U Mothafuckas bout Vicodin

Vicodin will put you rite on yo Ass & stop you rite in yo Tracks. Taking Vicodin is like getting Sucka-Punched by Mike Tyson in their Prime: you’re going to hit the Floor…Straight-Up. It’s a “Nite-Nite” Type of Situation. Which is how/why Vicodin is classified as a Narcotic&Opioid and is exclusively a Prescription-Only Medication.

My “Near the Edge” Dance with Vicodin-Dependency/Addiction

I was literally in so much Pain Post-Khitān: my Vicodin-Prescription said 2-Pills every 4-Hours…I was poppin dem Shits 4-Pills every 2-Hours. And…I felt every Drop of that Medical-Misuse. It was like I was High off of Marijuana, Cocaine, Heroin, etc. all at the Same-Time. And, it donned on me: if this is supposed to make me Healed and it gets me High like this, I can’t/don’t even want to experience how High the Harām/Forbidden-Shit gets People. I’ve smoked Weed before (the Only-Intoxicant I’ve ever used). But, that Vicodin-High my Nigga…that’s some “Outra This-World” Different-Shit.

My “Fork in the Road” Ijtihād/Decision

When my Vicodin-Prescription ran-out: on the Prescription it read, “2 More Refills”. I said to myself: Nah…I’d rather go through the Pain…Fuck dem Pills. This is not what I signed-up for. Fortunately, via the Rahmah/Mercy-Of-Allah, I was never a Fan of Medication anyway. So, it was a lot easier for me to say: Fuck It…Imma Thug it out & deal with the Circumcision-Pain. But, everyone isn’t built like that.

What my Experience did to help me

Such an Experience actually helped me to be more empathetic/understanding, as per how/why Certain-Persons become Feinds via Substance-Abuse Addiction. Obviously not in All-Cases, however, it’s more often than not. Certain-People don’t necessarily want to get High, but rather they simply want their Pain to die. It’s just that ash-Shaytān/Satan is capable/able to convince Certain-People, that the Only-Way to kill the Pain is to stay High. And, the Pain isn’t necessarily Post-Surgical. The Pain can be the Results of: Domestic-Abuse, Child-Abuse, Sexual-Abuse, Human/Sex-Trafficking, Depression, Death, etc. and All-Types of Other-Shit which drives People to at-Tahzīn (Sadness/Hopelessness).

Since working in my Filed of an-Nasīhah/Chaplaincy

My Personal-Experience, as per the Subject of Self-Medicating, via al-Khamriyyah/Substance-Abuse: it’s equipped me with the Capabilities/Abilities to truly see Things from the Side of the Khamir/Substance-Abuser. Not simply analyzing/assessing the Trauma they either self-impose, but equally the Asbāb/Reasons how&why the Trauma even exists in the 1st-Place. Addiction via any/all it’s Sifāt/Manifestations: that’s actually a Significant-Portion of my Professional-Work as a Nāsih/Chaplain.

Gareth Bryant

The Qābīl vs. Hābīl Effect: Exploring the Anatomy of Hizbī/Sectarian Cock-Blocking


Allah states:

“And never let your hatred, against any People, prevent you from behaving justly.”

(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.8)

Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated:

“Always speak Truth, even if it’s bitter (even if it rubs People the Wrong-Way.”


The Following is predicated upon the Religio-Historical Works of at-Tabarī & ibn-Kathīr: Tārīkh-ur-Rusul wal-Mulūk (The Chronicle of Messengers&Rulers) & al-Bidāyah wan-Nihāyah (The Beginning&Ending)

The Beginning

Ādam/Adam&Hawwā’/Eve: Progenitors/Parents-Of-Humanity (Peace be upon them both) had 2 Initial-Children out of their 120-Children…Qābīl/Cain & Hābīl/Abel. Each of the Children of Ādam&Hawwā’ were the Result of 60 Full-Term Pregnancies consisting of 60-Pairs of Fraternal-Twins (Male&Female-Twins). The Amr/Command-Of-Allah imposed upon Ādam was to marry-off each Preceeding-Twins to their Succeeding-Twins. So, Qābīl was born with their Female-Twin & Hābīl was born with their Female-Twin. Ādam commanded Qābīl to marry the Sister-Of-Hābīl & Ādam commanded Hābīl to marry the Sister-Of-Qābīl.

The Problem

Qābīl sexually desired to marry the Sister they were born with. This initiated a Serious-Issue between Qābīl & Hābīl. So, Allah then commanded Ādam to ordered Qābīl&Hābīl to offer an Udhiyyah/Qurbānī (Sacrifice) to compensate their Fitnah (Drama/Beef). Qābīl purposely gave the Worst-Sacrifice & Hābīl purposely gave the Best-Sacrifice. Obviously, Allah accepted the Best-Sacrifice of Hābīl. Upon that, Qābīl proceded to unjustly-kill/murder Hābīl. Yes…Qābīl killed/murdered a Fellow-Muslim, their own Relative, etc. over Pussy.

Some Brief Islamic-History (the Origins of `Id-il-Adha):

The Mīrāth/Legacy of the Qābīl vs. Hābīl Effect

Muhammad foretold:

“Verily, I’ve not left behind any Fitnah/Drama after me, more harful to Men, than Women.”


It’s a Known-Fact, that Women (whether intentionally or unintentionally) have been used as Pseudo-Justifications historically (to impose Harm upon one’s Fellow-Man). And, the Muslim Cock-Blocker manifests this absolutely. One would think/feel that the Muslims are better than this. But, what must be remembered, Muslims are just as Human as any Non-Muslim. And, because of That-Fact: Muslims are just as Fucked-Up as Non-Muslims.

I’ve personally & professionally have (via the Nasr/Help-Of-Allah):

a. Have intervened regarding Muslim-Men oppressing one another over Pussy.

b. Have personally & professionally intervened regarding Muslim-Men Cock-Blocking one another.

The Muslim Cock-Blocker manifests Several-Sifāt/Characteristics

1. Muslim-Men whom’re Awliyā’ (Islāmic-Guardians) over Muslim-Women whom only want Muslim-Women under their Wilāyah/Charge to marry Certain Muslim-Men.

2. Muslim-Men whom desire & attempt to sabotage Potential-Marriages between Muslim-Women they want & Muslim-Men they’re at Odds with.

3. Muslim-Men whom desire to attempt Spiritually-Blackmailing Other Muslim-Men, resulting from them Harām-Fuckin Muslim and/or Non-Muslim Women and/or Muslim-Men whom’re Envious concerning the Fact that Muslim-Men they’re aversed to have slammed, pursued, etc. Muslim and/or Non-Muslim Women they were either with or desire to be with themselves.

an-Nazhr/al-`Ayn (Evil-Eye) via al-Hasad (Envy)

Full-Disclosure Storytime

All-3 Sifāt of the Muslim Cock-Blocker I’ve had to personally deal with via my Life…I’ll explain.

There’ve been Times via my Life where Certain Muslim-Men, who’ve been Awliyā’ over Muslim-Women who’ve I’ve attempted to marry…they either purposely ignore my Marital-Inquiries or have slandered me. I’ll detail precisely what I mean. As per ignoring me, Certain-Awliyā’ I’d contacted (pertaining to get a Majlis [Sitdown/Meeting]) to discuss how to go forward with said Muslim-Women whom either were interested in me or I were interested in them. I reached-out to These-Awliyā’, but they literally pretended as though I never even existed. As per slandering me, there’ve been Times where Certain Muslim-Women have informed me that their Awliyā’ straight-up lied to them via accusing me of being Hizbī/Religio-Heretical & that I’d lead them to an-Nār/the Fire (No…I’m not joking: this has really occured).

There’s been Scenarios where Muslim-Women I’ve maritally pursued were told via Muslim-Men that I’ve been in “Sex-Tapes” & have acquired/spread “STD’s”…literally 💯%-Lies. This, of course, was done exclusively to sabotage my Marital-Pursuits via al-Hasad (Hateration/Envy) & al-`Ayn/an-Nazhr (Evil-Eye). Through this, I’ve actually had Several-Opportunities for Marriage completely ruined, exclusively predicated upon al-Buhtān/al-Humazah (Slander/Defamation).

There’ve been Muslim-Men who’ve co-signed Allegations against me, as per me “harrassing” Muslim-Women, all because they wanted to fuck those same Muslim-Women just like I did. It’s just that they never had the Balls to throw da Frank @ em like I did. (Ironically) many of these Muslim-Women are known/notorious to sell Pussy to Muslim-Men and/or fuck Non-Muslims, and whom these Simp-Ass Clowns have pontificated/claimed to their “Defenders” (in the Hopes of getting Sympathy-Yams from said Muslim-Women). But, here’s the Irony: the Broads these Simp-Ass Niggas “defend” don’t even want Those-Dudes. Women never respect Simps, rather they’ll only tolerate/use them as per their own Aspirations/Agendas.

Of the Slandered, but not of the Fallen:

The Way Women really view Men

How the Muslim Cock-Blocker plays-out via al-Hizbiyyah/Religio-Sectarianism

All-Adherents of Ahzāb/Religio-Sects have Several-Things in common. They’ve each/all, as Ahzāb aim to accomplish some or all of what I plan on detailing. Coubtless-Persons just hate when I talk about These-Things…fortunately I honestly don’t give a Fuck though. So, Yeah…let’s get into it:

1. Establish themselves via the Hoods (where Many-Persons are downtrodden & largely unsophisticated via their Analyses of Charlatans).

2. Impress the Ignorant (via the Illusion of possessing al-`Ilmiyyah/Islāmic-Knowledge).

3. Spoonfeed Individuals whatever one wants (keeping them coming-back for more like Drug-Addicts & keeping Real/Beneficial-Knowledge Out-Of-Reach).

4. Bedazzle & seduce the Womenfolk of these Communities into their Beds.

5. Attain & maintain the Support of the Muslim-Criminals, Muslim Street-Teams, Muslim Gang-Members, etc. (using one’s Muslim-Muscle to pressure, intimidate, neutralize, eliminate, etc. Religio-Secterian Competition/Opposition).

The Hujjah/Indictment against the Salafī-Mafia

Gareth Bryant’s Hujjah/Refutation against the “Imāms-Roundtable”

Romance of the 3-`Aqīdahs

Number-4 is of Special-Importance, relative to the Holistic-Theme of the Article itself. All of These-Bozos pretend to be “Pious/Righteous”. But, as soon as Some-Tunabox comes into the Mix, they’ll lie on you, steal from you, hurt and/or kill you, etc. just to get a Whiff of the Coochie.

There’s Countless-Muslims whom pontificate/claim to have “Fraternity” and “Love” for one another. Yet, in All-Truthfulness/Honesty, as soon as a Broad becomes a Factor: “Fraternity” & “Love” get thrown-out rite with Yesterday’s-Trash. The “Fraternity”/”Love” which Most-Men project to have for each other is either Extremely-Weak or 💯%-Fake. Literally, via Human-History proving as such-The Easiest-Way to facilitate Rifts between Male-Bonds is Pussy.

Don’t think that Women are “Innocent” either

There’s literally been Muslim&Non-Muslim Women who’ve admitted to me, that the Only-Reason they took Interest in me was to inact Revenge against their Ex’s whom I’m Cool with. These Same-Women have literally told lies against their Ex’s, in order to pin me against their Ex’s (they’ve also admitted to doing this as well). But, then, those Same-Women have the Audacity/Arrogance to complain that I never took them seriously. And, I’ve personally called them who/what they are: they’re Snakes. They did all of this, simply because they enjoy Niggas Beefin wit each other. I’m sure that there’s Countless-Men this has happened to, but they’re unwilling to speak about it publicly.

There’s a Specific-Scenario in which there’s 2 Muslim-Men whom I personally know. They were once married to the Same Muslim-Woman at Seperate-Times. Muslim-Dude A whom married the Muslim-Chick the 1st-Time had a Tumultuous/Toxic-Relationship. Muslim-Dude B whom ended-up marrying the Muslim-Chick after they divorced Muslim-Dude A…they equally had a Tumultuous/Toxic-Relationship (that’s almost exclusively due to the Fact that the Muslim-Chick never allowed themselves to heal after their Former-Marriage to Muslim-Dude A). Muslim-Dude B, for the Record, was strongly advised publicly & privately to not marry the Ex-Spouse of Muslim-Dude A. Obviously, Yams trumped Good-Advice. So, while Muslim-Dude B was still married to the Muslim-Chick: they literally initiated a Back&Forth “Fulān-Fulān Said/He Said He Said” Scenario between Muslim-Dude A & Muslim-Dude B. It got so intense, that it was on the Cusp of actually getting violent between Muslim-Dude A & Muslim-Dude B. Fortunately, via the Mercy/Justice-Of-Allah: I was capable/able to facilitate the Peace between Muslim-Dude A & Muslim-Dude B. Now, you’d think that was the Happy-Ending right…wrong. Muslim-Chick literally had the Audacity/Arrogance to be “Angered” that I facilitated the Peace between Muslim-Dude A & Muslim-Dude B. They literally wanted the two of them to harm one another, over them…a Classic-Case of Attention-Addiction.

Y’all know I’m being 💯%-Truthful/Honest, concerning what I’ve articulated. I know you know, because you’re still reading the Article. The Fact that you’ve gotten this far via the Article proves undoubtedly/unequivocally, that you respect/appreciate my Authenticity via This-Article (in spite of you hating that I had the Audacity to even write it).

To conclude, Religio Cock-Blocking amingst the Muslims & between the Muslims is 💯%-Evil. And, it’s a Character/Behavior which is Ugly via the Eyes/Sight-Of-Allah. Religio Cock-Blocking has to stop & it has to be eradicated/eliminated Pronto.

Gareth Bryant

Avoiding al-Ghadhab/Anger


This-Article is based upon Previous-Writings I’ve done regarding the Subject-Matter detailing Human-Relationships, Conflict, Violence, etc.:

The Difference between Courage & Stupidity

The “Damsel-In-Distress” Mythos which Muslims adopt via Fake-Wokeness & Feminism

Allah commands Human-Beings to seek Protection with Them, from the Waswās/Deception of ash-Shaytān/Satan, as well as not doing Things which’re self-destructive. Adfitionally, They command us to not allow Malice to negatively inspire us to be tyrannical towards Others.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.2, V.195; Chpt.5, V.8; Chpt.114)

One of the Companions (May Allah be pleased with them) asked Muhammad (Peace be upon them) for Advice. Muhammad ended-up advising the Companion saying: “Don’t get angered.”…this was stated thrice.

ash-Shaytān/Satan is an Expert, as per triggering Negativity into the Minds&Hearts of Men. Being the Case-It’s especially imperative, that we’re constantly/consistently En garde to protect ourselves from being led towards Satanic-Negativity. It requires us to always be self-aware, as per our Thoughts, Emotions, Statements, Actions, Reactions, Impulses, etc.

Refusing to do so can always & very often does lead to (potentially) Irreversible-Consequences as is detailed via the Following-Video:

ash-Shaytān has a Deliberate-Marām/Mission…to lead Humanity astray & to an-Nār/the Fire aling with themselves to dwell therein forever. This is something so Islāmically-Serious, that Allah personally warns Humanity that ash-Shaytān is the Ultimate-Enemy of Mankind. The Fact Allah has mentioned this more than once via The Qur’ān: it must/should alarm Humans to take it as seriously as it truly is.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.2, V.30-36; Chpt.7, V.10-22)

This Next-Video details how Anger almost cost someone their Life (quite literally):

As per being Muslim-1st: I’m never going to co-sign Violence-Against-Women. Yet, at the Same-Time: Women must/should know that there’s Certain-Men whom honestly don’t care whether they’re a Woman or not…they will put Hands&Feet on Women. Now, was it Islāmically-Correct for This-Woman to get hit with a Brick (which is Attempted-Murder by default/definition)…No. However, did This-Woman have a Track-Record for starting Shit with Others…Yes. This is called ash-Shar`iyyah/Retribution…you get it how you live it. Certain-Persons think/feel that it’s “OK” to antagonize Others, unless/until they get they Asses beat.

As per my own Personal-Life…I’ve been in Situations where my Ego was triggered & I did Things predicated upon Anger. I’ve fought People, injured People, etc. And, Yes…via the Moment it felt good that I did so. But, I can truthfully/honestly state that behaving out of Anger is never Islāmically-Justified. I’ve to constantly deal with the Consequences of Those-Actions thereof, because Those-Actions yielded Irreversable-Consequences.

As a Professional, via my Chaplaincy-Work…Same-Scenario. I’ve counseled Countless-Persons who’ve done Negative-Things, exclusively via al-Ghadhab, in spite of Those-Things being easily avoidable. The Fragility of the Human-Ego is a Dangerous-Thing. There’s always a Better-Way to handle any/all Situations. But, as Humans, we have the Propensity to just allow our Egotism to take the Lead co cerning our Decision-Making…that’s never a Good-Idea though. As one of my Mentors Terry Conry often stated: “Your Ego will always defend you, regardless of whether you’re Right or Wrong.”.

Gareth Bryant

Misogyny via at-Tahrīf/Distortion


Allah states:

“And empower one another via Positivity&Morality. But, don’t embolden one another via Sin&Enmity.”…”Have you seen those whom take their Desires as their God? Are you then their Enabler”.

Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated:

“Always speak Truth, even if it’s bitter (even if it rubs People the Wrong-Way).”

(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.2; Chpt.25, V.43;
ibn-Hibbān; al-Bayhaqī)

Someone whom I know, whom I frequently engage with regarding Religio-Subjects/Topics decided to foward me a Quoted-Statement of one of the Top-3 Students of Ahmad ibn-Taymiyyah. The Statement is attributed to ibn-il-Qayyim al-Jawziyyah. Here’s the Following-Statement:

The Person whom sent me this & myself actually went Back&Forth, at length, regarding This-Statement…”Let’s get into it.” as they say.

I began the Convo with This-Person via the Following-Reply:

This-Statement is very dangerous, if misunderstood/misinterpreted. Principally: Men & Women aren’t viewed differently via ash-Sharī`ah, when it comes to Most-Sins…az-Zinā/THOTery is of course an Example of that. (Also) if a Woman being an Adultress were worse than a Man being an Adulterer, then how/why does the Hadd/Islāmic-Punishment of Adultery equally apply to both Men & Women?!!! Only Muslim-Men whom want Zinā/THOTery-Passes will cling to Āthār/Statements such as these, which ironically are simply Madhāhib/Religio-Opinions & not Nuzūl/Revelatory-Texts.

The Other-Person was very Short-Worded via their Exchanges with me.

Sadly, it was Crystal-Clear, the Person I conversed with was set in their Ways regarding the Mindset towards the Subject-Matter. Keep in Mind: this is the Same-Mothafucka whom audaciously/arrogantly pontificated&claimed that if Married-Men get Blowjobs from Women they’re not married to then it’s not Adultery. Yes…this is the Goofy-Shit I must deal with, confront, etc. on a Daily-Basis.

And, it then became pointless to discuss Things any further. My Entire-Point was & still is that if/whenever Persons take Statements of Religio-Academic/Historical Individuals, there’s got to be Comprehension at play regarding what’s cited/quoted from them. As Latter-Peoples, we don’t have the Islāmic-Justification to just run with the Statements of Former-Peoples just to pontificate/promote Biases which we may harbor via our Minds/Hearts. And, as per the Convo I shared: it’s very obvious to me-The Person I conversed with had a Bias-Based Agenda.

What I mean by Bias-Based Agenda:

I actually know Countless Muslim-Men whom literally make it their Business to cheat on their Wives via Impunity. They really think/feel that they’re Entitled to be Adulterers, yet in the Same-Breath dare to judge any Woman for being an Adultress. THOTery isn’t Gendercentric…any Man or any Woman can be a THOT. So, let’s not ever perceive that the Rules-Of-Morality only apply to Women. No, they equally apply to both Men & Women alike. I’ve constantly/consistently confronted Countless-Scenarios of Muslim-Men I personally know: they’ll attempt to excuse Other Muslim-Men for being Adulterous. Yet, ironically, they’ll jump out the Window to condemn any Muslim-Woman who’s done precisely what the Muslim-Men they try to defend has done. It’s both hypocritical & disgusting…I truly despise it. I operate via a Personal-Principle: You either judge everyone or no one…you either give everyone or no one a Pass.

One of the Key-Things which Islāmophobes use against Muslims, to paint False-Imagery, is pontificating/claiming that al-Islām is Pro-Misogyny. And, the Subject of This-Article is most definitely amongst the Numerous-Tools which Islāmophobes use. But, there’s most definitely a Practical-Way to combat this. There needs to be More Muslim-Men whom possess the Basālah/Courage to address Issues such as this. We, as Muslim-Men, must never give each other “Passes” to be Immoral/Amoral & then audaciously/arrogantly chastise Muslim-Women whom aren’t Morally-Correct. at-Taqwā/Morality is a Farīdhah/Islāmic-Requirement (upon every Muslim) regardless of al-Jins/Gender. at-Taqwā has never been Gendercentric, not even prior to the Revelation of The Qur’ān & it never will be Gendercentric.

We, as Muslim-Men, must/need to stop buying into & promoting the “Boys will be Boys.” Mythos/Pseudo-Narrative. We must/need to cultivate Muslim-Men positively, as per possessing Personal-Responsibility & manifesting Personal-Accountability, referring to them living their Best-Lies. We must/need to enforce the Reality that being a Womanizer isn’t a “Flex”.

Gareth Bryant 1444, A.H./2023, C.E.

A Convo that shook my Soul


Allah states: “Those whom believe pay attention: Revere Allah & speak a Straight-Word.”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.33, V.70)

Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Always speak Truth, even if it’s bitter (even if it rubs People the Wrong-Way).”.
(ibn-Hibbān, al-Bayhaqī)

I remember, Years ago, that a Woman I know once told me I’m going to have Women-Problems for the Rest of my Life. I was truly shocked, that anyone would dare say this about and/or to me. I asked them how/why they would say something like this. Their response was: “It’s because you treat every Woman like they’re special.”. Their Statement hit me harder than I’ve ever been struck via my Entire-Life. That-Statement of theirs left me stuck, lost, conflicted, confused, compromised, disillusioned, scared/afraid, etc.

I’m not usually at a Loss for Words…I was verbally-disarmed That-Day. I truly didn’t know how to respond to their Response. I felt as though I was defeated. And, it seemed like I was psycho-emotionally melting away as per their Statements. I’ve constantly/consistently been trying to introspect, concerning how/why I treat every Woman I’ve ever been with as though their “Special”.

I’ve formulated, over the Course of Several-Years the Probable-Reasons:

1. I always attempt to engage People via the Mindset/Mentality of being Muslim-1st. Meaning, that I always aim to treat People with Respect & Worst-Case Scenario to never disrespect them.

2. I’m a Big-Believer in being a Gentleman, when it comes to dealing with Women. Meaning, I’m not an Abuser or Tyrant as per any Relationships which I’ve ever had with any Woman.

3. I try my best to be a Considerate-Person. Meaning, I make a Deliberate-Effort to learn/know the Needs, Triggers, etc. of Another-Person & aim to facilitate Character/Behavior that’s suitable for them to be comfortable with.

4. I believe in being a Thoughtful-Person. Meaning, I analyze the Likes/Dislikes, Turn-Ons/Turn-Offs, etc. of a Person & attempt to ensure that I provide them with Joy & project them from Misery.

5. I’m always willing to accept People as they truly are. Meaning, I never attempt to mold anyone into the Person I want/expect them to be. Rather, I attempt to empower them to be the Best-Versions of themselves.

Over the Years, pondering constantly/consistently-I’ve concluded that it’s truly unfortunate that we’re in a World where as-Sihah/Authenticity isn’t as celebrated as it should be. And, this is becoming more commonplace by the Day.

as-Sihah is comprised of 3-Pillars

1. al-Asl/Principle:

Doing the Right-Thing, even if one doesn’t have to.

2. al-`Izzah/Integrity:

Doing the Right-Thing, even if one doesn’t want to.

3. at-Taqwā/Morality:

Doing the Right-Thing, even if it’s against one’s Self.

All of us are beholdened to Authenticity, particularly/especially as per any/all of our Human-Relationships. And, we know this because Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Character will weigh heaviest upon the Scales (via the Day-Of-Standing).”.

So…referring to the Shock to my Soul, because of what was said to me: I’ve definitely had more than enough Time to decipher what I heard/listened to. It was actually quite necessary, for me to witness what was uttered. This is because it’s very important for me to know what Others think/feel about me. Also, it’s equally essential that I observe how I show-up in the World & how Others receive me, receive my Presence, receive my Character/Behavior, etc.

Gareth Bryant



Immaturity is a Spiritual/Psycho-Emotional Pathology. People refuse to admit it, but it’s precisely what it is. Most-Persons really refuse to evolve/elevate themselves. (As a Good-Student of Human-Nature/Behavior) I’m able to look at Various-Persons, via Various Walks-Of-Life, etc. and assess that the Way they show-up in the World currently is exactly how they showed-up when they were Teenagers. This results in observing how People eat, sleep, dress, walk, talk, handle their Personal-Hygiene, their Literature-Intake, the Kinds/Types of Entertainment they enjoy/indulge in, etc. Literally, all of this directly/overtly paints Vivid-Pictures of the Human-Lives we engage with daily.

This places People in a very Uncomfortable-Space. The Natural-Conclusion, of course, is to deny what I’ve detailed & run away. But, it definitely takes Courage to face this Head-On. As I always tell People: Courage isn’t the Absence-Of-Fear, it’s the Willingness&Ability to confront Fear. Confronting one’s own Demons is in fact arduous as well as scary, but equally as necessary to do so. We must/should all manifest Courage to push through our Apprehensions/Fears, regarding our Pathologies, in order to arrive at Healing.

The following is what Maturity looks like, additionally my Commentary of the Following-Picture:

1. Rhetoric is something which everyone wants to be “Expert” at. As Humans: we all want to be viewed as the Largest-Voice in the Room. Being the “Loudest-Voice” isn’t a “Flex”. Just as Allah states: “Most-Humans are argumentative about everything.”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.18, V.54)

2. Self-Care is Life (quite literally)…as Allah states: “Those whom believe pay attention: Upon you are yourselves.”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.8)

3. Forgiveness is a lot more powerful than Most-Persons ever give it Credit for. Forgiveness often feels like a Weekness, as opposed to the Strength it truly is. And, All-Humans are deserving of Forgiveness…the Stories of the Mass-Murderer & the Prostitute are Classic-Examples of this.

4. Permeability is very important. It allows People to acquire understanding, to connect with Others…as Allah states that Humans were created & made into Various Walks-Of-Life to recognize, respect, each other.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.49, V.13)

5. Differring is natural, normal, etc. However, when those whom differ begin to think/feel that we’re “superior” because of our “Opinions”: that’s a Serious-Problem. There’s a Difference between being Right & being Correct. Just as Muhammad (Peace be upon them) said that amongst the Reasons how/why the Children-Of-Israel went astray: because of Pathological-Differing.

6. It’s humanly impossible to make anyone love us. Love is literally impossible without Respect-It’s impossible to love anyone/anything that’s unrespected. Also, most of us confuse Love with Infatuation. And, we allow “Love” to blind us to a Person’s-Negativity/Toxicity…as Muhammad (Peace be upon them) forewarned: “Beware of extremely loving someone, because you may have to hate them.”.

7. Heartache is never something easy to deal with. It’s painful, confusing, arduous, etc. However, much like All-Injuries: they can heal…the Pain doesn’t last forever. Muhammad (Peace be upon them) mentioned that Heartache is used by Allah, as one of the Ways to rid Humans of their Sins.

8. Judgmentalism is predicated upon Apathy/Arrogance. The Mentality to judge Others as though one is “Perfect” is atrocious to say the least. Just as Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: Apathy/Arrogance is denying Truth & mocking People.”.

9. “Silence is Golden.”, as the Ole-Saying goes. There’s Lots of Power via Silence (See 1. Rhetoric). Unfortunately, Most-Persons think/feel that Silence denotes “Weakness”. Anything but true. Silence reminds us to utilize the “Think before you speak.” Concept…as Muhammad (Peace be upon them) said: “Whomever believes in Allah & the Last-Day, then they must speak Goodness or be/remain silent.”.

10. Happiness is a Personal-Responsibility. No one can make us “happy”, but anyone can make us miserable. The Greatest-Blunder any Human does, via Human-Relationships: we audaciously/arrogantly expect Others to grant us Happiness…as Allah says: “Those whom believe pay attention: Upon you are yourselves.”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.105)

Gareth Bryant

How Men & Women view Sexuality


Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Always speak Truth, even if it’s bitter (even if it rubs People the Wrong-Way).”.
(ibn-Hibbān, al-Bayhaqī)

This-Video is an Episode which I did with an Entity known as Viral Debates. Viral Debates focuses on Controversial-Issues, which ironically I deeply enjoy exploring anyway. As of course, damn near everything I’m about is controversial: the Subject of al-Jins/Sexuality suits me quite well.

My Contribution via This-Convo is exclusively predicated upon Several-Materials which I’ve authered prior to the Interview itself:







This-Interview was very open&honest, yet as well respectful&mature. The Convo-Flow was rather consistently smooth, which I’m grateful for. There were Lots of Things which we all surprisingly/unexpectedly agreed upon. I honestly expected the Convo to be more confrontatiobal, but Allah is the Best-Of-Planners.

Gareth Bryant

The Difference between Courage & Stupidity


“And don’t be led to Destruction, via your own Hands.”…”And never let your hatred, against any People, prevent you from behaving justly.”
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.2, V.195; Chpt.5, V.8)


Muhammad (Peace be upon them) gave us the Definition of Apathy/Arrogance: “Denying Truth & disrespecting People.”.

Reading This-Story brought me to a very Sad-Space. The Person killed set the Tone, started something they couldn’t finish. Their Actions via their own Arrogance&Stupidity cost them their own Life, the Life of their Unborn-Child, etc. And, now their Relatives, Loved-Ones, etc. must grieve the Loss of 2-Lives for the Rest of their Lives. How/why…because they thought it was a Good-Idea to disrespect someone via spitting at/on them…simply trying to prove an Arrogant/Unintelligent-Point. It was literally all for nothing. There’re literally 0-Winners via This-Scenario. Humility truly goes a Long-Way. Everyone isn’t going to tolerate/accept one’s Disrespect.

Spittng at/on anyone has always been Universally-Recognized/Accepted as being an Act-Of-Dehumanization. No one dwelling on Planet-Earth is unaware of this. Literally…we all know that. So, one must absolutely question the Morality/Logic of spitting at/on any Fellow-Human. Then, honestly, what does anyone actually expect one to react if/when they’re spat at/on?!!!

Muhammad (Peace be upon them) was asked, by one of their Companions (May Allah be pleased with them) to advise them…Muhammad repeatedly commanded them “Don’t get angry/don’t be angered.”.


As per being Muslim-1st: I’m never going to co-sign Violence-Against-Women. Yet, at the Same-Time: Women must/should know that there’s Certain-Men whom honestly don’t care whether they’re a Woman or not…they will put Hands&Feet on Women. Now, was it Islāmically-Correct for This-Woman to get hit with a Brick (which is Attempted-Murder by default/definition)…No. However, did This-Woman have a Track-Record for starting Shit with Others…Yes. This is called ash-Shar`iyyah/Retribution…you get it how you live it. Certain-Persons think/feel that it’s “OK” to antagonize Others, unless/until they get they Asses beat.

It’s a Human-Behavioral/Behavioral-Scientific Fact, that al-Ghadhab/Anger causes People to be Intellectually-Compromised. Whenever we’re Angry we stop thinking…Rationale completely goes out of the Window. Sadly, there’s Countless-Scenarios of Humans killing one another via al-Ghadhab: from Qābīl/Cain killing Hābīl/Abel until the Present-Day. In fact Muhammad foretold that al-Qatl/Killing will remain a Staple amongst their Ummah/Nation.

This must/should stand firm, as an `Ibrah/Lesson for all of us. It’s directly/overtly indicative of how/why at-Tawādhi`/Humility is such an Important-Characteristic/Quality to possess. More often than not, we as Humans act/react exclusively via Superiority-Complex…Pseudo-Superiority. And, the Irony is that Allah always has a Just-Way to test any of us, if/when we choose/decide to behave This-Way…for example:

We all think/feel that we’re “Tough”, unless/until Allah tests us with those whom’re tougher than we are.

We all think/feel that we’re “Smart/Intelligent”, “Knowledgeable”, etc. unless/until Allah tests us with those whom’re smarter/more-knowledgeable than we are.

We all think/feel that we can “fight”, unless/until Allah tests us with those whom’re “Better-Fighters” than we are.

We all think/feel that we’re “Strong”, “Powerful”, etc. unless/until Allah tests us with those whom’re stronger/more-powerful than we are.

My conclusion is this: at-Tawādhi` is Life, because it literally saves Lives.

Gareth Bryant

I’m Drained&Disdained


My Mind&Heart like a Battery…
…stimulated by all the Flatery.

Yet, when the Person I love & they love me…
…made to be distant because of Catastrophe.

It hurts, like a Stab into the Muscular-Flesh…
…numb initially but takes Air out my Chest.

I’m expected to erase all of my Love-Loss…
…as if it was just expendable as Used-Floss.

I cannot: how can this be…
…Love just taken from me?!!!

I yearn to recharge my Affections…
…without Fear via any Reservations.

Healing from Loss is painful…
…Reality of Separation dreadful.

I desire to have That-Person who can revitalize…
…that Special-Soul reminding me to survive.

Even when I don’t deserve the Love I cling to…
…my Feelings for that One are exclusively true.

I keep my Word, I equally fulfill my Promise…
…I care deeply and with an Immense-Prowess.

The Recharge which I require is precisely what I provide Others…
…the Energy which I disseminate are like Protective-Covers.

The Pain which comes with Loss never fades…
…it simply makes one stronger through the Days.

Gareth Bryant

The Anatomy of Quitting on one’s Self



This-Article is almost exclusively based upon the Following-Works:

a. al-Bahr-ur-Rā’iq/The Calm-Ocean (a Trilateral-Compilation of the Works of: Abī-Hāmid al-Ghazālī, ibn-il-Qayyim al-Jawziyyah, ibn-Rajab al-Hanbalī), Ahmad Farīd

b. “Hierarchy-Of-Needs” (a Psycho-Analytical Theory), Abraham Maslow


As a Chaplain (Counselor/Therapist): I’ve personally encountered Various-Persons either expressing/verbalizing that they no longer see the Point of Life and/or express/verbalize their Contemplations/Desires, Motives/Intents, etc. to commit Suicide. My Niyyah/Motive is to thoroughly decipher the Difference between being Unlively & being Suicidal. Now, is there Correlation between Unliveliness & Suicide…Absolutely. However, does this mean that both are exclusively a Causation of one another…Absolutely not.


This results from any Human-Experience which triggers and/or reminds us of Negative-Times, Challenging-Happenings via our Existence within ad-Dunyā/the Mundane. If/when any Person loses what’s known as the “Will to live”-Naturally, Most-People will in fact think/feel that someone just wants to hang it up & end their Lives. It’s not always like this. There’s truly an Abundance of Complexities/Complications via someone’s Life-Experiences which cause Unliveliness. More often than not: a Person may simply not want their Life as is and/or they may want to live the Lives of Others whom they know, know of. It’s very probable that they don’t view who they are individually as valuable, meaningful, purposeful, important, etc. They very often may actually fantasize and/or become addicted to whom they see/view via T.V., Film, Entertainment, Porn, Online, Social-Media, etc. Then, they may wish to live the Lives they’re stimulated by as if intoxicated with wanting to be anyone/everyone externally of themselves. This-Concept “Living my Best-Life” is literally one of the Culprits of Personality-Addiction/Worship: it’s actually a Grave-Facade. Whenever Most-People conceptualize That-Mythos, it’s exclusively pertaining to Mundane-Gains & Material-Pleasures…as Allah states: “And the Mundane-Life is only the Matā`/Enjoyment of al-Ghurūr/Illusion.”. None of Those-Things will ever yield as-Sa`ādah/Happiness…as-Sa`ādah can never be externally acquired, rather, it must always be introspectively/interally fostered&cultivated: as-Sa`ādah is a Personal-Responsibility. Ironically, one of the Major-Reasons how/why so/too man Human-Relationships are negative, toxic, etc. and/or fail is because as Humans we audaciously/arrogantly expect Other-People to make us “happy”. But, it’s humanly impossible to make anyone happy, except ourselves…like I always tell People: No one can make us happy, but anyone can make us miserable. And, when they continuously see Person-After-Person disappointing them, worse yet making them miserable (because they refuse to find as-Sa`ādah intrapersonally) they delve further into a Spiritual/Psycho-Emotional Abyss. This is precisely how/why Allah states: “Those whom believe pay attention: Upon you are yourselves.” & “Verily, Allah doesn’t change what’s within any People unless/until they change what’s within themselves.”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.105; Chpt.13, V.11; Chpt.57, V.20)


As per what I’ve aforementioned, via the Pic  concerning “wanting to die”: in All-Truthfulness/Honesty, it’s a Misnomer. I’ll explain what I actually mean. Even if/when anyone becomes and/or is Suicidal: they don’t actually want to die…they really only want their Suffering, Life-Challenges, etc. to die. However, Suicidal-Persons (for Various-Reasons) allow ash-Shaytān/Satan to convince them that the Only-Way to end their Suffering/Life-Challenges are to end themselves. Speaking of Suicide, as per my Professional-Experience: there exists a Strong-Correlation between Suicide & Sexual-Abuse. At least 98% of Persons I’ve counseled regarding Suicide were sexually-abused (at least once via their Life-Times). Being Suicidal is literally a Person’s Last-Call for Help…it’s actually a Spiritual/Psycho-Emotional S.O.S.-Signal. This is the Reason how/why the Average-Suicidal authors what’s known as the “Suicide-Note”. They do this to catch they Attention of at least 1-Person who actually cares enough to reach-out to them, to stop/prevent them from committing Suicide. For example: the Famous-Series “13 Reasons Why”, which is literally based on a True-Story/Actual-Events by the way: I’ve literally seen almost all the 13-Reasons manifested via Other-People I’ve actually counseled. I mean, via the Nasr/Help-Of-Allah: I’ve literally been able to physically prevent People from threating/attempting Suicide rite in front of me via Real-Time & via Real-Life.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.2, V.195; Chpt.7, V.11-25; Chpt.114; Muslim)

So, what’s to be done…what can be done…how can anyone help People dealing with either Unliveliness, Suicide, or both, etc.?!!!


ar-Ruqyah (Healing/Treatment)

The Following is a List of Discussion-Topics which I use via my Life-Coaching. It’s geared towards facilitating Self-Awareness, in light of honing one’s own Maturation/Advancement of Intrapersonal & Interpersonal Intelligence/Communication. The Responses to these aren’t “One&Dones”. The Responses are meant to evolve with any whom chooses to use this. The Person’s-Responses may be completely different an Hour, Day, Week, Month, Year, Decade, Score, etc. from rite now as we speak. As I always tell People: People are just like the Weather & Weather changes everyday. It’s exclusively discretionary. So, if a Person wants to answer these everday, evert Week, Month, Year, etc. then that’s completely up to them.

1. (Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.51, V.56)

Explain what your Existence means to you personally.

2. (Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.13, V.11)

Detail what Potential/Purpose means to you.

Detail your Personal-Goals in Life.

Detail your Personal-Roadblocks which hinder your Personal-Goals from becoming Reality.

3. (“Oh, Allah: just as you’ve perfected my Physique, perfect my Character also.”
[Fortress Of The Muslim])

Tell how you view yourself in the Present.

Tell how you want to be viewed in the Future.

Relate how much you genuinely like yourself (on a Scale from 0-10).

Relate how much you genuinely dislike yourself (on a Scale from 0-10).

4. (Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.2, V.286 & Chpt.5, V.28)

Compare/Contrast: Strengths vs. Weaknesses…”SWOT-Analysis”:





5. (Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.64, V.14 & Chpt.80, V.33-36)

Describe your Relationships with your Family.

6. (“A Person is upon the Path of their Friend. So, beware concerning whom you befriend.”
[Abū-Dāwud, an-Nawawī])

Describe your Relationships with your Friends.

Discuss how influential you are amongst People.

Discuss how influential People are over you.

From Then to Now: Life-Review concerning what you’ve learned about yourself.


Gareth Bryant