Tag Archives: Arab Conflict

The Reason why Presidential Iftar-Celebrations during Ramadhan are a No-Go:


tariq ramadan pic

The following is a statement from Tariq Ramadan, an internationally-renown Socio-Political Scholar/Commentator, particularly of the Muslim/Arab-World, concerning the experience of attending a typical White House Iftar-Celebration, hosted by a United States President.

It was supposed to be an evening where the American President showed respect to a religious community, to the millions of American Muslims who have been fasting during the sacred month of Ramadan.

It was supposed to be a political expression of respect. It ended up being a political instrumentalisation of (voluntarily) trapped Muslim leaders listening to President Obama justify the massacre of hundreds of Palestinians, declaring Israel has the right to defend itself. One wonders what is the relationship between the Iftar celebration and Israel ? What is the US administration’s implicit-explicit intention in putting the Muslim leaders in such an embarrassing situation? To test their loyalty or rather their capacity to compromise or betray? They obviously remained silent.

The Israeli ambassador, Mr. Ron Dermer, also invited (why?), was actually the first to speak. One must remember what he said about Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims : Palestinians have “a cultural tendency towards belligerency” that is “deeply embedded in the culture of the Arab world and its foremost religion”. This is the man who was invited to celebrate Iftar with the Muslims meanwhile his Government is destroying Gaza. From the White House he tweeted, triumphantly : “@WhiteHouse for Iftar dinner. Appreciate strong statement there by President Obama about Israel’s right to defend itself.”

Obviously Muslim leaders didn’t tweet. It was enough of an honor for them to be invited to the White House and to have met the President. An honor, truly, dear Muslim leaders? Ordinary Muslims (and proponents of justice and dignity from other religions) in the US and around the world, as well as Palestinians, might think differently.

What’s happening in Palestine/Israel is very simple…here’s what I call it: #HolocaustRemix



After seeing the uncensored picture of that lifeless young Palestinian boy, on that Hospital bed, with literally 1/2 of his head missing, I’ve come to the following conclusion: It doesn’t really even matter which side of the coin one favors in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict…if you’ve seen the picture that I saw & your heart doesn’t shed at least one tear, then you are 100% Inhumane. This comfortability which we have that allows us to just tolerate/accept the degradation of fellow Human beings makes me utterly ashamed to be a Human being living in the “Modern-World”…and this can’t be a modern World when there are countries just standing by while one nation is given the complete green-light to exterminate another group of Human beings: today, in front of our very eyes…we are witnessing the resurrection of the Holocaust. Only this time, the #Palestinians have been made to take the place of the Jews & other oppressed Peoples of the era, while the #Zionists have taken the place of the Nazis & Fascists.

Why are People so pathologically afraid to just admit that the Zionists are the new Nazis & Fascists, that Zionism is just the Jewish version of Christianized #Nazism & Fascism, that what’s going on in Palestine/Israel is a direct socio-political mirror-image of what #Hilter did in Europe, what Mussolini did in Africa, and what #Hirohito did in #Asia, during #WorldWarII? Let’s stop pussy-footing around this issue in the Middle-East & call it what it truly is: a Holocaust, an Apartheid, a Genocide.

Being a Muslim is no justification to support Muslims who manifest Terrorism. Likewise, being a Jew is no justification to support Jews who manifest Zionism…Zionism is no different than Nazism or Fascism.

Gareth Bryant/2014

Gareth Bryant’s Top-Five Reasons why there’ll never be a “Palestinian-State”


1. The Palestinian people, the Muslim Palestinians anyway, have not made the issue of Palestine a religious issue-They’ve only made this an ethno-national issue, while forgetting that Palestine is the long-lost sector of the Muslim-World. So, like any & every part of the Muslim-World, it belongs to all of the Muslims, not just some, just like how Makkah, Madinah, and Jerusalem are not at all the properties of the respective countries that hold present jurisdiction over these sacred religious-sites, rather in truth, they are the properties of the Muslim-World. But, very few, if any Muslim-Palestinians, Muslim-Arabs, or Muslims in general, view the issue of Palestine in this way at all. This is based upon a statement from the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him), when he said, “The Muslims share three things: Water, Fire, Land.”.(Abu-Dawud) This refers to any and all places where the Islamic-State has ruled/formerly ruled, places where there is a modern government which is presently run either mainly or totally, by other Muslims, as well as any & all natural resources available in these respective places, by religious default, all of the above, are the global-properties of the Muslims. But, unfortunately, again, most Muslims just don’t get it.

 2. The Western-World really doesn’t want the Muslim-World to reunite, under any circumstances, which would, by default, tamper with the geo-political/financial dominance & interests of the Western-World, in the Muslim-World, particularly the Arab-World-The main reason why the United Nations even allowed the State of Israel to exist in the first place was to serve as a satellite-nation, to monitor & keep the rest of its Muslim/Arab neighbors under military pressure, which has worked significantly over the past six decades. And, the Western-World is not just going to give up its most prized satellite-nation, Israel, for the sake of giving justice to the Palestinian people.

3. The Muslim leaders in the Muslim-World/Arab-World are too greedy for wealth, power, position, influence on the world’s political stage, etc., to concern themselves with the needs of their fellow Muslims, who have been oppressed for the past six decades, which actually stem from the ancestors of the modern leaders of the Muslim-World/Arab-World revolting & helping to topple the Ottoman Empire, the last official, globally-recognized ruling-body of the Muslim-World to date, which no one wants to really talk about. This is how the Western-World was able to get the Muslim-Arabs to revolt against the Turks in the beginning, via the promise of autonomous self-rule.But, in actuality, they’ve become geo-political boy-toys to the Western-World, so because the Western-World has so much dirt on them, it’s like they can’t really stand up against the tyranny of the State of Israel & the Western-World, without first admitting to the fact that they are, in fact, majorly responsible for the formation of the State of Israel, via rebellion against the Ottoman Empire, which had control over Palestine at the time of World War I-Of course, after their defeat, in World War I, one of the conditions of surrender was that the Ottoman Empire forfeit all former territories, outside of modern-day Turkey, to the Allied Powers, which, of course, included Palestine.

4. If a Palestinian state were in fact established, they would have a lot of bones to pick with a lot of nations, like their Muslim/Arab neighbors, who basically left them hanging for damn near a century, while they’ve been systematically displaced, oppressed, marginalized, and made into the most popular group of refugees in Human history.

5. The Global-Elitists really don’t give a shit!!!

Gareth Bryant