Tag Archives: Occupied Territories

Why Hawaiians dislike White-People




James Ferguson

James Ferguson, one of my dear Muslim-Brothers: very intellectually well-appointed, and factually sound, has decide to grant us commentary of the hypocrisy of what most call American-Democracy, which has always, historically & contemporaneously, been used as a euphemism of American-Conquest. He talks about the waning reign of the Kingdom  of Hawaii, which was, at her time, basically, the last sovereign nation in the Pacific.


Hawaiian Queen

The native population at the time absolutely was not in favour in becoming a state. Hawaii became a state through a process to similar to countless other peoples who were subjugated to colonial-masters, subterfuge, pretext and force. Briefly, the actual King, himself, was overthrown by the Honolulu-Rifles, a Anglo-Protestant militia-group, when the King refused to renew the Reciprocity-Treaty. This treaty  was a ‘free-trade’ agreement and had lead to a large influx of US investment in Hawaii’s sugar-plantations. The treaty also gave the US lands in what is now known Pearl-Harbor. The treaty was extremely unpopular with the locals, and when some of the natives had protested the taking of those lands by the US, they were repressed by US-Marines.

The Militia established a pliable puppet king and also imposed racist polices including disenfranchising all Asians and imposing such onerous property and income restrictions on voting that the minority white population controlled 75% of the eligible votes. There was a failed counter-coup to restore the Monarchy. And when the puppet king died, his successor-daughter, Lilioukalani, upon ascension to the throne, received petitions from about 2/3 of the Native population to restore the old-order and to remove the US-Military presence from the islands.

The Queen was blocked in her attempts to do so by the ‘Committee for Safety’, and eventually she was forced to resign. At which point the Committee, with the support of the Honolulu Rifles, created the ‘Provisional Government of Hawaii’ led by Stanford Dole, a white guy, to negotiate the annexation of Hawaii by the US. So yeah: not exactly a process that had the support of the majority of the native population, but I guess it did have the majority of the voting population.

Additionally, you find antagonism today, because it is perceived that that manifest injustice still has a real effect to this day. For example, the Caribbean is littered with islands where the descendants of slave masters still dominate the islands economically, and thus politically. The most extreme example is probably Bermuda, where the old families still control the best land, dominate all the major companies, marry within themselves (or wealthy white outsiders), and get insider access and can thus protect and entrench their positions. The locals get fed the lie that the past is irrelevant to their current disenfranchised positions and that if they would just world harder they too could send their children to Eton.

James Ferguson/2014

Gareth Bryant’s Top-Five Reasons why there’ll never be a “Palestinian-State”


1. The Palestinian people, the Muslim Palestinians anyway, have not made the issue of Palestine a religious issue-They’ve only made this an ethno-national issue, while forgetting that Palestine is the long-lost sector of the Muslim-World. So, like any & every part of the Muslim-World, it belongs to all of the Muslims, not just some, just like how Makkah, Madinah, and Jerusalem are not at all the properties of the respective countries that hold present jurisdiction over these sacred religious-sites, rather in truth, they are the properties of the Muslim-World. But, very few, if any Muslim-Palestinians, Muslim-Arabs, or Muslims in general, view the issue of Palestine in this way at all. This is based upon a statement from the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him), when he said, “The Muslims share three things: Water, Fire, Land.”.(Abu-Dawud) This refers to any and all places where the Islamic-State has ruled/formerly ruled, places where there is a modern government which is presently run either mainly or totally, by other Muslims, as well as any & all natural resources available in these respective places, by religious default, all of the above, are the global-properties of the Muslims. But, unfortunately, again, most Muslims just don’t get it.

 2. The Western-World really doesn’t want the Muslim-World to reunite, under any circumstances, which would, by default, tamper with the geo-political/financial dominance & interests of the Western-World, in the Muslim-World, particularly the Arab-World-The main reason why the United Nations even allowed the State of Israel to exist in the first place was to serve as a satellite-nation, to monitor & keep the rest of its Muslim/Arab neighbors under military pressure, which has worked significantly over the past six decades. And, the Western-World is not just going to give up its most prized satellite-nation, Israel, for the sake of giving justice to the Palestinian people.

3. The Muslim leaders in the Muslim-World/Arab-World are too greedy for wealth, power, position, influence on the world’s political stage, etc., to concern themselves with the needs of their fellow Muslims, who have been oppressed for the past six decades, which actually stem from the ancestors of the modern leaders of the Muslim-World/Arab-World revolting & helping to topple the Ottoman Empire, the last official, globally-recognized ruling-body of the Muslim-World to date, which no one wants to really talk about. This is how the Western-World was able to get the Muslim-Arabs to revolt against the Turks in the beginning, via the promise of autonomous self-rule.But, in actuality, they’ve become geo-political boy-toys to the Western-World, so because the Western-World has so much dirt on them, it’s like they can’t really stand up against the tyranny of the State of Israel & the Western-World, without first admitting to the fact that they are, in fact, majorly responsible for the formation of the State of Israel, via rebellion against the Ottoman Empire, which had control over Palestine at the time of World War I-Of course, after their defeat, in World War I, one of the conditions of surrender was that the Ottoman Empire forfeit all former territories, outside of modern-day Turkey, to the Allied Powers, which, of course, included Palestine.

4. If a Palestinian state were in fact established, they would have a lot of bones to pick with a lot of nations, like their Muslim/Arab neighbors, who basically left them hanging for damn near a century, while they’ve been systematically displaced, oppressed, marginalized, and made into the most popular group of refugees in Human history.

5. The Global-Elitists really don’t give a shit!!!

Gareth Bryant