Tag Archives: Nazi

The Reparations-Convo


Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Always speak Truth, even if it’s bitter (even if it rubs People the Wrong-Way).”.
(ibn-Hibbān, al-Bayhaqī)

Keep in Mind, this was during a POTUS-Administration of a “Black-President”

One of the Asbāb/Reasons how/why this was so easy to do is because:

Barrack Obama isn’t Afro-American & doesn’t hail from the Afro-American Experience historically…their Father was from Kenya…Obama has 0-Connection to the Afro-American Experience.

Because of this Socio-Cultural/Historical Detachment…the Agenda-Makers hand-picked Obama & put a Smokescreen-Machine behind them, knowing fully well that the Average Afro-American would vote for Obama regardless of their Politics via the Name of al-`Asabiyyah/Xenophobia. It’s a Known-Fact, that the Vast-Majority of Afro-Americans whom voted either in 2008, C.E., 2012, C.E., or both exclusively voted for Barrack Obama because they’re “Black”.

Obama literally stating publicly that they’re not the “President of Black-People, I’m the President of the United States.” told me everything I needed to know about them. Obama deliberately indicated that their Walā’/Loyalty is to the Machine & not to the People. And, that means they’re 💯% for the American-Agenda & have 0-Interests in being for the “Black-Agenda”.

Now, to the Main-Point of the Article

The Fact that Jews, Zionists, Israelis, etc. are still getting Holocaust-Survivor Benefits/Reparations, while ironically there were Jewish/Zionist-Camps whom openly had Alliances with the Nazis is Wild.



The Fact that Jews, Zionists, Israelis, etc. are still getting Holocaust-Survivor Benefits/Reparations, while ironically there were Jews whom openly served the Nazi-Military is Crazy.

Lives of Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers



The Message behind the Money

Now, how can anyone (after learning/knowing this) even attempt to justify not being Pro-Reparations for Afro-Americans. I’ll tell you how/why…it’s because of the Ole-Saying: “Money talks & Bullshit walks.”. One of the Ultimate-Manifestations of Admittance-Of-Guilt is Monetary-Compensation to those one has oppressed. And, anyone of Basic-Intelligence will notice: the Afro-Amerixan is the Only Human-Demographic via Human-History who’s been oppressed to the Extent they experienced via the United States & hasn’t been compensated via any Way.

And, of course, there’ll be Person whom’ll attempt to claim that the U.S. shouldn’t have to pay for the Crimes of its Past. Oh, Yeah…Really?!!! Well, then “explain” how/why does the U.S. still financially support Israel?!!! I dare you to “rationalize”, and/or “justifify”, how/why there still exists a U.S.-Federal Holocaust-Survivor Budget & never has there ever been any U.S.-Federal Slavery-Survivor Budget?!!!

The Obvious-Answer, of course, is that the U.S. is perpetually-apologizing for its Overt/Covert-Role in contributing to the Nazi-Holocaust.

What’s happening in Palestine/Israel is very simple…here’s what I call it: #HolocaustRemix



After seeing the uncensored picture of that lifeless young Palestinian boy, on that Hospital bed, with literally 1/2 of his head missing, I’ve come to the following conclusion: It doesn’t really even matter which side of the coin one favors in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict…if you’ve seen the picture that I saw & your heart doesn’t shed at least one tear, then you are 100% Inhumane. This comfortability which we have that allows us to just tolerate/accept the degradation of fellow Human beings makes me utterly ashamed to be a Human being living in the “Modern-World”…and this can’t be a modern World when there are countries just standing by while one nation is given the complete green-light to exterminate another group of Human beings: today, in front of our very eyes…we are witnessing the resurrection of the Holocaust. Only this time, the #Palestinians have been made to take the place of the Jews & other oppressed Peoples of the era, while the #Zionists have taken the place of the Nazis & Fascists.

Why are People so pathologically afraid to just admit that the Zionists are the new Nazis & Fascists, that Zionism is just the Jewish version of Christianized #Nazism & Fascism, that what’s going on in Palestine/Israel is a direct socio-political mirror-image of what #Hilter did in Europe, what Mussolini did in Africa, and what #Hirohito did in #Asia, during #WorldWarII? Let’s stop pussy-footing around this issue in the Middle-East & call it what it truly is: a Holocaust, an Apartheid, a Genocide.

Being a Muslim is no justification to support Muslims who manifest Terrorism. Likewise, being a Jew is no justification to support Jews who manifest Zionism…Zionism is no different than Nazism or Fascism.

Gareth Bryant/2014