Tag Archives: Agendas

The Reparations-Convo


Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Always speak Truth, even if it’s bitter (even if it rubs People the Wrong-Way).”.
(ibn-Hibbān, al-Bayhaqī)

Keep in Mind, this was during a POTUS-Administration of a “Black-President”

One of the Asbāb/Reasons how/why this was so easy to do is because:

Barrack Obama isn’t Afro-American & doesn’t hail from the Afro-American Experience historically…their Father was from Kenya…Obama has 0-Connection to the Afro-American Experience.

Because of this Socio-Cultural/Historical Detachment…the Agenda-Makers hand-picked Obama & put a Smokescreen-Machine behind them, knowing fully well that the Average Afro-American would vote for Obama regardless of their Politics via the Name of al-`Asabiyyah/Xenophobia. It’s a Known-Fact, that the Vast-Majority of Afro-Americans whom voted either in 2008, C.E., 2012, C.E., or both exclusively voted for Barrack Obama because they’re “Black”.

Obama literally stating publicly that they’re not the “President of Black-People, I’m the President of the United States.” told me everything I needed to know about them. Obama deliberately indicated that their Walā’/Loyalty is to the Machine & not to the People. And, that means they’re 💯% for the American-Agenda & have 0-Interests in being for the “Black-Agenda”.

Now, to the Main-Point of the Article

The Fact that Jews, Zionists, Israelis, etc. are still getting Holocaust-Survivor Benefits/Reparations, while ironically there were Jewish/Zionist-Camps whom openly had Alliances with the Nazis is Wild.



The Fact that Jews, Zionists, Israelis, etc. are still getting Holocaust-Survivor Benefits/Reparations, while ironically there were Jews whom openly served the Nazi-Military is Crazy.

Lives of Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers



The Message behind the Money

Now, how can anyone (after learning/knowing this) even attempt to justify not being Pro-Reparations for Afro-Americans. I’ll tell you how/why…it’s because of the Ole-Saying: “Money talks & Bullshit walks.”. One of the Ultimate-Manifestations of Admittance-Of-Guilt is Monetary-Compensation to those one has oppressed. And, anyone of Basic-Intelligence will notice: the Afro-Amerixan is the Only Human-Demographic via Human-History who’s been oppressed to the Extent they experienced via the United States & hasn’t been compensated via any Way.

And, of course, there’ll be Person whom’ll attempt to claim that the U.S. shouldn’t have to pay for the Crimes of its Past. Oh, Yeah…Really?!!! Well, then “explain” how/why does the U.S. still financially support Israel?!!! I dare you to “rationalize”, and/or “justifify”, how/why there still exists a U.S.-Federal Holocaust-Survivor Budget & never has there ever been any U.S.-Federal Slavery-Survivor Budget?!!!

The Obvious-Answer, of course, is that the U.S. is perpetually-apologizing for its Overt/Covert-Role in contributing to the Nazi-Holocaust.

Men asking Men the Wrong-Shit


In the Modern-World of ours: Certain-Subjects which I’ve always known (as per Islāmic-Principle) to be private, confidential, etc. are now Free4All-Discussions. And, as being Muslim-1st I’m 💯% not OK with. There’s simply so/too many Scenarios as this. For the Sake of This-Article, however, I’ll only be detailing 1-Subject which triggers me greatly to put it midly. That-Subject is the “Body-Count” Concept. Relationships have literally been questioned, fractured, damaged, broken, ruined, etc. exclusively because of mentioning the Subject “Body-Count” alone by itself.

But, what compels me to write about the “Body-Count-Count” Concept is, the Fact that there’s so many Men discussing the Topic: that’s what gave rise to my Neccessity to truly explore what it is about “Body-Count” which intrigues so many Men and/or so many Types/Kinds of Men. More particularly…the Issue of Men inquiring about the “Body-Counts” of Other-Men either directly or indirectly. Asking about Another-Man’s “Body-Count”…that really takes Audacity to do so.

What da Fuck is “Body-Count” in da 1st-Place?!!!

The Concept “Body-Count” refers to the Amounts of Women any Man may or may not have had Sex with. There’s Women (ironically) whom attempt to use the Concept “Body-Count” to apply to how many Men any Woman’s had Sex with. But, that’s a Complete-Misnomer: Women don’t “Body” anyone…Women get Bodied.

Classic Red-Flags regarding “Body-Count” Inquiries:

a. Why does any Man even want to know that Type/Kind of Info. about Another-Man?

b. Why does any Man actually care how many Women (if/any) Another-Man is fuckin?!!!

c. How could even knowing Another-Man’s Body-Count be “beneficial”?!!!

This is sadly, for a Long-Time, been a gradually commonplace Kind of Thing. Men asking Other-Men who they are vs. aren’t fuckin. I’ve never deemed it “Cool” for Men to ask each other their “BodyCounts”. It’s always been something disturbing to me. It exudes Homo-Erotic Persona (via fetishizing Another-Man’s Sex-Life). Being invested in know Another-Man’s Body-Count makes a Man a Weirdo/Sicko.

There’s actually Several-Reasons how/why any Man would want to know Another-Man’s “Body-Count”

1. Male-Egotism:

The Male-Ego is the Most-Fragile-Thing Allah ever allowed to exist…a Spider’s-Web is stronger than the Male-Ego. Men want to always think of themselves as the proverbial “Big-Man On Campus”, pertaining to Sexual-Adventures/Conquests. And, they’re highly insecure about any other Man who’s Sexual-Stats are higher than theirs. The Human-Male constantly/consistently competes with Other-Men, as per Sexual-Dominance over Women. I mean, the 1st-Killing/Murder via Human-History was literally about Qābīl/Cain neutralizing their own Sibling Hābīl/Able (whom was deemed by Qābīl as Socio-Sexual-Competition).
(at-Tabarī, as-Suyūtī, ibn-Kathīr)

Male Peer-Pressure:

Certain-Men enjoy prying into the Sexual-Lives of Other-Men, as a Way to attain Leverage against them. Either to “prove” that they’ve got more Sexual-Notches on their Belts, or to belittle them for not having any Sexual-Notches and/or Less-Notches than themselves. There’s literally Countless-Men out here (Muslim-Men & Non-Muslim Men alike) whom “Compete2Cheat”, as a Way to “prove” they “still got it”, in spite of them being Married  having Significant-Others, being in Committed-Relationships, etc. And, Men whom dare not behave This-Way are either ridiculed for not displaying this Type/Kind of Character/Behavior, or they’re invited to partake in the Sucka-Shit.


There exists Men whom’ll literally go out of their Way to ostracize, alienate, etc. Other-Men if/when they refuse to be Womanizers as they are. They’ll literally berate them (privately or publicly), attempt to make them question their own Manhood, the Extent of their Masculinity, etc. They’ll spread Untruths/Dishonesties about those whom aren’t Womanizers also, exclusively via Bully-Culture. As well, they’ll resort to Spiritual-Blackmail if they know or find-out the “Body-Counts” of Other-Men: Certain-Men will even use Women to get “Body-Count” about Other-Men via Quintessential “Pillow-Talk” between Men&Women sexually-involved with each other. This, of course, is to attempt painting Other-Men as “Villains” (resulting from “Body-Count” Info.). Muslim-Men sadly (via Pseudo-Righteousness/Fake-Piety) are notorious for doing this. And, the Smokescreen used to pseudo-justify this is the Guise of Islāmic-Marriage. I’ll explain what I mean. If/whenever any Muslim-Male is investigated, in order to be worthy of marrying any Muslim-Woman or even Non-Muslim Woman: a Certain-Degree of Background-Check/Vetting is Mafrūdh/Islāmically-Required. Yet, ironically, at the Same-Time: the “Body-Count” Subject has & is used either for or against Certain Muslim-Men, relative to which Side of the “Body-Count” Coin is being emphasized. I’ve literally witnessed this Type/Kind of Bias take place via Real-Life. And, as per my Profession as a Chaplain, I’ve had to directly intevene regarding such Scenarios.

Covert Male-Homosexuality:

They secretly have a Clandestine-Want, Unclaimed-Desire, etc. for Other-Men. But, instead of admitting it to themselves: they project their own Sexual-Demons upon Others as a Smokescreen, to deflect what’s within them psycho-emotionally. Their own Insecurities, due to their Homo-Fetishes, causes them to gaslight Other-Men via interjecting Doubts about the Masculinity of Others. Instead of exploring how/why they like Other-Men: their pathologically invested into how much Pussy the Next-Man is or isn’t getting.

Personal-Challenges with the “Body-Count” Concept:

I  myself, have been asked this. I’ve always directly stated clearly, to the Questioners  (anytime I was ever asked this), that my “Body-Count” is none of their Business. It’s really pathetic & disgusting  for any Man to show Interest in Another-Man’s “Body-Count”. I’ve literally had to socially distance myself from Certain-Persons because of this. It’s impossible for me to even trust any many who’s invested inwhere I put my own Dick vs. where I don’t put it. This is a Serious Integrity-Issue for me to say the least. For any Man to even think they’ve the Entitlement/Justification to even bring-up “Body-Count” Stats in any Convo…I’m on High-Alert. All of my Amtennas are all the Way up. There’s so many Things that’ve gone through my Mind&Heart when Some-Bozo had the Audacity to ask me my “Body-Count”. Personally, I wouldn’t even be comfortable telling a Female about my “Body-Count” Stats. So, how/why would or should I ever entertain such a Convo with Another-Man?!!! Make that Goofy-Shit make Sense.

Ways to free one’s Self from “Body-Count” Convos

1. Stop manifesting Bitch-Behavior.

2. Stop hanging-out with Females and/or so many Females.

3. Connect/reconnect with your Bio-Fathers.

4. Build Bonds with Positive Male-Rolemodels.

5. Worry about your own “Body-Count” Stats.

If you’ve never engaged in “Body-Count” Convos: Don’t start.

If you’re regularly entertaining and/or contributing to “Body-Count” Convos: Cease doing so ASAP.

If you’ve once initiated, participated in, “Body-Count” Convos via the Past: Never revist this.

Gareth Bryant

Integrity in the Storm of Deception


Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated:

“Always speak Truth, even if it’s bitter (even if it rubs People the Wrong-Way).”


There exists Countless-People whom if/when they convey something & it’s rejected: it’s not necessarily Truth which is being rejected, but rather the Conveyor of Truth who’s being rejected. I’ve personally witnessed this. I’ve stated, presented, etc. Things & Certain-Persons have rejected what I’ve conveyed. Other-Persons in turn have conveyed the Same-Things I’ve done, yet their Conveyance was accepted. Also, I’ve witnessed Other-Persons convey Things & Certain-Persons rejected what they’ve conveyed. But, when I conveyed the Same-Things it was accepted. Certain-People are addicted to Personality-Worship, in that they’ll only accept/reject Certain-Things from Certain-Persons (regardless of the Truth or Falsehood conveyed).

In 1880, C.E. John Swinton was invited to speak at a Journalism-Meeting via NYC. The Meeting was about Freedom of the Press. This is what is mentioned that John Seinton stated to their Fellow-Journalists:

“There is no such thing, at this stage of the world’s history in America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it. There is not one of you who dare write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinions out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my papers, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone. The business of the journalist is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it, and what folly is this toasting an independent press? We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes.”

This speaks Volumes, in terms of Certain-People lacking Courage. John Swinton made it very clear, that the Entirety of the Journalism-Community has a Price & is equally “For Sale”. Their Sentiments are just as truthful/honest as they were Centuries ago. It’s abundantly obvious to th

The Rage in which John Swinton spoke towards their Collegues during the 19th, Century, C.E. has proven the Concept “Free-Press” a Total-Misnomer. Journalism is projected via Western/Democratic-Nations as being Government-Controlled elsewhere & “Fair&Balanced” via the so-called “Free-World”. As I always tell People: Freedom via Democracy is an Illusion. Throughout the Entire-History of Western-World Journalism, there’s Countless-Examples of how Falsehood has been packaged&presented as “Truth” for Mass-Consumption. Journalists are literally, as John Swinton described, Intellectual-Prostitutes. Journalists are literally beholdened to whomever grants the Platforms&Paychecks.

Especially via the Modern-World: Powerful-Persons are capable/able to twist the Arms of any Member of the Information-Community, to convey whatever they want to be conveyed. There’s been Confirmed-Incidents where Information-Community Members have lost their Jobs, had their Journalism-Careers ruined, their Reputations permanently & perpetually damaged, etc. All of this, literally, because they refused to do what John Swinton complained about Centuries ago.

When People become addicted to Lies, Facts scares&confuses them. Especially those whom rely upon Powerful-People: anyone whom argues against the Narrative of the Powerful are instantly rejected as well as ostracized. It’s truly a Jihād/Struggle, to be a Truth-Seeker & Truth-Teller. Seeking Truth is buried under Countless-Lies sometimes. One must get their Hands dirty, digging tirelessly into the Soil of Falsehood. Being a Truth-Teller could actually be dangerous and/or deadly. If one’s Opposition wants to control Others via Untruth/Dishonesty & there’s Resistance to that: a Truth-Teller’s Life could consostently be endangered.

Deflection from Necessary-Truths


More often than not: Persons whom cite/quote the Aformentioned-Statements is exclusively to “silence” Others. It imposes the Impression that if one expresses their Opposition to anyone/anything, then they’re “not a True/Correct-Believer”, “not a Dutiful-Muslim”, “not upon the Way of the Salaf”, etc. & Yada-Yada-Yada. It’s a Method which is weaponized to keep Necessary-Critique at bay. This isn’t a “New/Modern-Phenomenon”, however, it’s being used in Ways unlike any other Muslim-Generations have ever used it prior to the 20th-Century, C.E.

The Cited/Quoted-Statement of Mu`ādh ibn-Jabal (May Allah be pleased with them)…as is very often misinterpreted: it’s implied to mean that if anyone opposes Established “Religio Higher-Ups”, it means that one is Khārijī/Religio-Rebellious, resulting from them not “complying” to the Whims of those whom self-suffer from Manipulation/Control-Addiction. So, according to Certain-Persons: it’s insenuated that if one speaks their Mind/Heart concerning anything then they’re misguided.

Very & far too often: the Aqwāl/Statements of the Salaf are manipulated, to spiritually blackmail Others. This, of course, is done exclusively to keep Religio-Opposition at bay. If/whenever anyone’s Positions are opposed, challenged, threatened, etc. they’re naturally willing to do basically anything to marginalize their Rivals. In the Case of Truth-Telling, this intensifies the Aforementioned-Sentiment. Those amongst us whom possess the Basālah/Courage to speak Truth2Power: we must always do so in spite of Consequences.

Gareth Bryant 1445, A.H./2023, C.E.

The Controversy & Damage of Talāq/Divorce-Culture amongst the Muslims


Allah states: “Wretched-Women are for Wretched-Men & Wretched-Men are for Wretched-Women. Likewise, Integral-Women are for Integral-Men & Integral-Men are for Integral-Women: they’re Good-Doers in spite of whatever Others state/claim about them. Forgiveness & Noble-Provision await them.”…
…Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Always speak Truth, even if it’s bitter (even if it rubs People the Wrong-Way).”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.24, V.26; ibn-Hibbān; al-Bayhaqī)

This-Article is based on Other-Things I’ve written, regarding Relationship-Disasters:

The “Damsel-In-Distress” Mythos which Muslims adopt via Fake-Wokeness & Feminism

Deflection via Blame/Fault-Culture

I really hate Relationship Cry-Babies

The Evil&Destructive-Nature of “Cancel-Culture”

at-Talāq/Divorce, very sadly, is becoming a Popular-Subject/Topic amongst Muslims. And, it’s almost exclusively because so many Muslims have become Serial-Divorcees. I, as a Chaplain (Counselor/Therapist) literally address Marital-Issues amongst Muslims & Non-Muslims on a Daily. Pertaining to Muslims specifically, I can authoritatively say that there’s 3-Reasons how/why so/too many Muslim-Marriages fail:

1. The Biggest-Blunder All-Humans make, as per any of our Human-Relationships, is that we audaciously/arrogantly “expect” Others to make us “happy”. Happiness is a Personal-Responsibility. No one can make us “happy”. But, anyone can make us miserable

2. Most-Muslims refuse to recognize/accept the Reality, that there’s a Difference between an Islāmic-Marriage & Halāl-Fuckin.

3. Most-Muslims refuse to recognize/accept the Reality, that there’s a Difference between an Islāmic-Spouse & a Halāl Sex-Partner.

Because of the Lack of Recognition/Acceptance of what I’ve aforementioned: Certain-Muslims continue to pursue/choose Negative/Toxic-Relationships. Then, they still audaciously/arrogantly complain about the Negative-Results of their Negative-Choices…just as Albert Einstein said: “Insanity is continuously doing the Same-Thing expecting Different-Results.”.

This Following-Video chronicles is a Story which hit the Muslimsphere pretty shockingly. It’s about a Typical/Classic-Scenario of a Messy-Divorce. The Subject of the Scenario is known as Dunia Shuaib. They rose to Prominance, as a Muslim-Female regarded as a Person-Of-Knowledge within Certain-Circles of the Muslimsphere. The Person via the Video is known as Salman Ateequi: they didn’t even have the Basālah/Courage to disclose their Actual-Name. Ironically, they’ve a Website&YouTube-Page titled “BehindVeils/www.behindveils.com & yet they’ve veiled their own Nominal-Identity. Nevertheless, they accused Dunia Shuaib of committing al-Buhtān/al-Humazah (Slander/Defamation against them, as well as basically issuing a Contract on theit Life. They also mentioned Lawsuit-Litigations between themselves & Dunia Shuaib.

The Video itself details Subject-Details of how/why the Tumultuous-Marriage between Salman Ateequi & Dunia Shuaib evolved into what it did. There’s Several-Things I took issue with, regarding the Video itself.

My Commentary of the Video

1. The Relationship-Origins between Salman Ateequi & Dunia Shuaib

The Person via the Video details how they got involved with Dunia Shuaib. Via their own Admission, they stated their “Relationship” was a “Secret”, for 4-Years prior to their Marriage. The Question is how/why. Salman Ateequi pontificated/claimed that this was done to avoid al-Ghībah/Gossip (via an-Namīmah [Backbiting] and/or [Slander]). However, something very specific caught my Attention via the Video. Salman Ateequi mentioned that their “Niyyah/Motive” was to please Allah. If that were truly the Case, then how/why did their 4-Year “Relationship” last longer than their Marriage?!!!

2. The Marriage vs. the Sneaky-Link

The two of them even being together for 4-Years (not 4-Days, not 4-Weeks, not 4-Months, etc.) prior to their Marriage raises every Red-Flag humanly imaginable. It’s seemingly obvious that there’s so much more to this, than Salman Ateequi chose to speak about. I mean, who entertains an In-Person Relationship with someone for 4-Years prior to there Marriage?!!! Now, clearly, I’ve 0 Islāmic-Proof that they were committing az-Zinā/THOTery for 4-Years prior to their Marriage. Yet, at the Same-Time, it’s rather obvious that Salman Ateequi alludes to that being the Case exactly.

3. A Cursed-Relationship

Salman Ateequi is extremely delusional, as per them seemingly not realizing how/why Shit went wrong between themselves & Dunia Shuaib. Well…assuming that they told the Truth regarding the Origins of their Pre-Marital Relationship: what did they actually expect to occur?!!! So, if Persons are Sneaky-Linking…literally “Playing-House” (as “Salman admitted to nearly Word4Word): what Islāmic-Entitlement/Justification should anyone think/feel they’ve got, to dare “expect” Allah to “favor” what they’ve got going-on?!!! Salman Ateequi via This-Video: they literally deflected/gaslit their own Personal-Responsibility/Accountability, as per the 4-Years of az-Zinā which they themselves admitted to. Make that Goofy-Shit make Sense.

4. Biased-Judgment AKA Judgmentalism

I’ve 0-Respect for Salman Ateequi portraying themselves as a “Victim” of Dunia Shuaib. “Salman” is literally no different from/better than anyone whom complains about a Relationship-Gone-Bad. The Video itself screams of the “Toxicity/Narcissism” Kalām/Rhetoric anyone who’s suffering from Sympathy-Addiction uses, in order to give themselves a “Pass” for the Sucka-Shit they’ve done via their Relationships. It’s like I always tell People: You either judge everyone or no one…you either give everyone or no one a Pass.

5. Blaming/Faulting everyone except themselves

Most-People whom throw-around the Term “Narcissism/Narcissist” are addicted to Fake-Wokeness. And, 9/10, they’re just as apathetic as those whom they call “Narcissists”. Most-Persons whom pontificate/claim that Others are “Toxic”, “Narcissistic”, etc. are literally the proverbial “Pot calling the Kettle Black.”. It’s solely beecause Most-Persons ignore the Red-Flags which exists within themselves. So, of course, Most-People want to wave the “Damsel-In-Distress/Woe-Is-Me” Card.

6. They got exactly what/who they deserved

They did it to themselves…they were addicted to Pseudo-Piety/Fake-Righteousness. And, subsequently they got caught-up with someone whom was just as fraudulent/fake as they were. They themselves are a Piece-O-Shit & thereby subsequently attracted a Person who’s a Piece-O-Shit as well. The allowed themselves to get addicted to Illusion. They ignored all the Red-Flags, because, the same Red-Flags which exists within Dunia Shuaib: Salman Ateequi knew of within themselves. They refused to correct the Red-Flags within themselves & that’s precisely how/why Allah tested them with a Person just like them as per Character/Behavior. As per Salman Ateequi: they’re not a “Victim”. Rather, they’re a Casualty of their Stupidity.

Lessons to be learned from Ahādīth/Scenarios like presented via the Video

1. Regarding any Scenario involving Human-Conflicts, there’s always 3-Sides to any Hadīth/Story:

1. Side-A


What really happened

Only Allah, then those directly involved in the Scenario, know what really happened. Most-Humans don’t have enough Integrity, to tell what really happened. Most-People (regardless of whether we’re Right or Wrong) will only tell their Side of the Story, as opposed to what really happened. There’s a Difference between being a Liar & being a Dishonest-Person. There’s a Difference being Right & being Correct.

2. We all must divorce ourselves (absolutely No-Pun-Intended) from allowing ourselves to succum to Pseudo-Piety/Fake-Righteousness Addiction:

People are very good at Deceit, but horrible at Authenticity. We have to stop pretending that we exists without Flaws, Faults, Sins, etc. As per Marital-Relationships (as is the Subject of This-Article anyway): Muslims do a lot of Sucka-Shit via pretending to be “Religious” for example. Personally, anyone (especially any Muslim) whom even dares to refer to themselves as “Religious”: Red-Flag. I truly despise the Usage of the Term, because, it negatively emboldens Arrogance…much like if/when People refer to themselves as “Humble”. The Next-Time anyone even says about thevermselves: “I’m humble.”…seriously observe them. People literally sound arrogant saying: I’m humble.”.

3. There’s a Severe/Desperate-Need for Counseling/Therapy

Marriage, Divorce, Marriage, Divorce, Marriage, Divorce. The Madkhali Cycle!

There’s so/too many of us whom’re Delusional-Mothafuckas out here, who really think/feel our Shit don’t stink. We really adopt this Twisted-Mindset/Mentality, that everyone’s got Problems, everyone’s the Villain, etc. except ourselves. The Need for Counseling/Therapy is a Farīdhah for Muslim-Communities. But, it’s got viewed with the Seriousness it actually deserves. And, because of this: there’s going to be Persons whom continuously suffer as per Lack of Wellness-Resources. (Ironically) if Wellness-Resources were taken more seriously via Muslim-Communities, then it’d equip Muslims to improve ourselves. If Counseling/Therapy were promoted more amongst Muslims: there’d be More Healed-People whom wouldn’t subject Others to be on the Receiving-Ends of our Fitn/Traumatic-Experiences, resulting from Unresolved-Issues/Problems within ourselves.

Gareth Bryant

The Statements of Allah vs. the Statements of “The Scholars”: the Anatomy of Personality-Worship amongst Muslims towards “Persons-Of-Knowledge”


Allah states: “Those whom believe pay attention: Obey Allah & the Messenger, as well as the Possessors-Of-Authority amongst you. However, if you differ regarding anything: refer it to Allah & the Messenger, providing you actually believe in Allah & the Last-Day. That’s best & a Most-Excellent Conclusion.”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.4, V.59)

The Section of the Aforementioned-Verse via The Qur’ān: when it’s stated “…Possessors-Of-Authority amongst you…”, Many/Most-Muslims will default interpret/conclude this to exclusively mean Muslim Religio-Academics/Scholars. So, we’re going to explore how/why so many Muslims take such a Religio-View.

I’m going to begin this by highlighting a 2 Seperate-Convos I had with 2 Seperate-Persons: both Well-Versed via Islāmic-Knowledge. One of them had mentioned the Following-Book to me…it’s known as a Famous-Work detailing a Specific-Madhab. A Madhab is a Religio-Legal School, focusing on Religio-Legal Analysis of ash-Sharī`ah/Islāmic-Law.

For More-Info. regarding Madhāhib/Religio-Legal Schools:


So…one of the Persons whom I conversed with, regarding this Particular Book: they expressed Grave-Concern regarding a Wellknown-Citation/Quote attributed to the Reputation of the Author of the Work & the Work itself, as well as the Students of the Work itself. The Statement is as follows: “We’re the Khalīliyyūn/the Followers of al-Khalīl. If they’ve strayed, then so have we.”.

Now, on the Other-End, as per the Other-Person I conversed with: they indicated that it’s untrue/dishonest to interpret the Cited/Quoted-Statement the Way it typically can be. They mentioned that the Cited/Quoted-Statement isn’t from the Work itself, but rather it became a Popular-Statement regarding the Religio-Academic Reputation of Khalīl al-Jundī. They described the Statement as merely a Sign of Religio-Scholastic Respect for Khalīl al-Jundī.

This-Statement itself, from what I gather is that those whom follow Khalīl al-Jundī are very stern towards taking the Scholarship of Khalīl al-Jundī very seriously. This can be a Positive or a Negative equally. It’s because it can imply that Khalīl al-Jundī is “never wrong” & if they’re “wrong”, then it means that their Students are “wrong”, and their Students would never claim that Khalīl al-Jundī “wrong” about anything.

I can most definitely see where Both-Persons are coming from. The Silver-Lining Issue, of course, is a very popularized Religio-Concept amongst Muslims known as at-Taqlīd/Blind-Following. The Usūl/Origins of the Concept itself-Historically it stems from Ignorant-Persons necessarily being connected to Knowledgeable-Persons, in order to get the Best-Understanding of al-Islām. But, too often, this has greatly evolved into Certain-Muslims aimlessly following anyone exclusively because they allign with the same: Hizb/Religio-Sect, `Aqīdah/Religio-Theological School, Minhāj/Religio-Ideology, etc.

For More-Info. regarding at-Taqlīd:

To Taqlīd or not to Taqlīd

Understanding Religio-Sectarianism amongst Muslims

The Dangers&Idiocy of Hizbī/Sectarian-Conflicts

Examining al-Kharajiyyah/Religio-Extremism via Mafia/Gang-Culture amongst Muslims historically & contemporaneously

Fake-Wokeness & the Idiocy of the Muslim Flat-Earther

The Irony though is that All-Muslims are Islāmically-Required to be Religio-Knowledgeable regarding al-Islām. What this means, inherently, is that it’s an Ithm/Sin for any Muslim to be Purposely-Ignorant. Even if a Muslim doesn’t have Access to Education, Wealth/Funds to pay for Education, lacks Books for whatever Reason, or is Completely-Illiterate, etc. they must still expend any/all Efforts to attain whichever Knowledge they possibly can. Hell…even as per Secular-Matters  there’s Certain-Things which every Muslim must/should know. This is precisely how/why Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Pursuing Knowledge is a Farīdhah/Islāmic-Mandate, upon every Muslim.”.

This now brings us to the Title of the Article itself. Attempting to be as objective as I can: Both-Persons brought Valid-Arguments, as per possessing Scholastic-Respect & as per not being a Dick-Rider. Scholastic-Respect is essential, while however being a Dick-Rider is dangerous. Muhammad even stated: “Don’t be an Imma`ah.”…the Word “Imma`ah” in fact means “Dick-Rider”.
(at-Tirmidhī; Lisān-ul-`Arab [Lexicon of the Arabic-Language], ibn-Manzhūr)

For More-Info. regarding al-Imma`tiyyah/Dick-Rider Culture amongst Muslims:




The Overall-Takeaway from This-Article must/should be:

1. al-Jahl/Ignorance isn’t a “Flex”. al-`Ilm/Knowledge is a Must for any/all Endeavors.

2. al-Islām at All-Times is predicated upon al-`Ilm via at-Tanzīl/Revelation.

3. Islāmic-Knowledge takes precedence over any/all other Kinds/Types of Univeral/Secular-Knowledge.

4. al-`Ilm must be understood/interpreted based upon Sound-Evidence/Sources & Proper-Cultivation/Education.

5. No 1-Individual, 1-Entity, 1-Group, etc. has any such “Monopoly” over Islāmic-Knowledge.

6. Only Allah is Al-`Alīm/The All-Knowing. So, none of us should ever treat anyone as though they know everything.

I know, as for me: this is precisely how/why I’m Madhab-Fluid. Meaning, I’m willing to recognize/accept anything from any Madhab which is rooted in at-Tanzīl & I readily ignore/reject anything from any Madhab which I personally don’t find predicated upon at-Tanzīl. Muhammad stated: “Abandon whatever makes your Heart question/speculate.”.

Mālik ibn-Anas (ironically the Progenitor/Founder of the Mālikī-Madhab in which al-Khalīl’s Work is directly about the Mālikī-Madhab):

“The Kalām/Speech of anyone can be freely accepted or rejected, except the Kalām of the Occupier of This-Grave (pointing towards the Grave of Muhammad ibn-`Abdillah: the Messenger-Of-Allah via al-Madīnah).”.

Gareth Bryant 1445, A.H./2023, C.E.



Allah states: “Have you seen those whom take their Desires as their God? Are you then their Enabler?”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.25, V.43)

This-Article is based upon a Particular-Sin, pontificated/promoted via al-Khalafiyyah/Modernity. This-Article actually serves as a Template, to deal with/address any/all Sins. It’s primarily based upon a Former-Article, detailing the Dangerous-Consequenses of at-Tadjīl/Deception.


So, as they say: #LetsGetIntoIt

Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Verily, the Character/Behavior of the People-Of-Lot is what I fear for my Nation mostly.”.
(al-Kabā’ir/The Major-Sins, adh-Dhahabī)

Our Tale takes us to a Group-Chat, which I’m a Member of. And, amongst the Discussions which our Members had was the Issue of al-Liwātiyyah/Homo-Culture via Transformer-Culture. This particularly was in reference to those whom deceive, attempt to deceive Members of the Same-Gender via imitating the Opposite-Gender. For More-Info. regarding Transformer-Culture:


One Particular-Member of our Group posted a Screenshot of someone via Social-Media whom bragged about Sin-Entrapping Others: luring them to engage with Members of the Same-Gender whom pretend to be Members of the Opposite-Gender. In Other-Words: they pontificated being on a Mission, to “expose” Certain-Men (Muslim-Men specifically/especially) for being with Male-Transformers. I, of course, sought to address the Person screenshot directly…I did so. The Reason how/why is because-As per Islāmic-Principle, even if someone is a Public-Fāsiq/Sinner, the Most-Correct Option is to always grant an-Nasīhah/Correction to someone privately firstly. But, if they refuse an-Nasīhah: then they’re to be warned against as per their Evil.

So…as per This-Scenario I did exactly that. I addressed the Issue privately with the Person whom bragged about what they did firstly. Them & I had a very Direct/Blunt-Exchange, as is detailed bellow:

I’d be a Liar/Dishonest, if I were to say that their Responses weren’t painful to witness. It was actually quite difficult, to observe & endure any Fellow-Muslim brag about sin-entrapping anyone (let alone any Fellow-Muslim). There’s Lots to unpack, regarding This-Person. For any Muslim to impose this Type/Kind of Zhulm/Oppression upon any Fellow-Human is Evil (to put it mildly). The Fact that they actually attempted to pseudo-justify what they do (Yes…they currently still are on this Type/Kind of Timing) is literally worse than what they’re doing. It directly embodies what Muhammad stated: “Apathy/Arrogance is denying Truth & direspecting People.”…the Exact-Opposite of how Muhammad described/defined the Muslim (Ascriber to al-Islām) & the Mu’min (Believer in al-Islām): “The Muslim are those whom protect Fellow-Muslims from the Evil of their Tongue/Speech & Hand/Actions. And the Believer are those whom secure the Lives&Properties of Humanity.”.

It’s clear, to me, that the Person and/or Persons like them are Dhāllūn (Misguided-Individuals) via at-Tajnīn (Jinn-Influence/Demon-Possession). You don’t have to be a Jinn/Fire-Being to be a Shaytān/Satanist: Agent-Of-Satan. Allah details this directly/overtly, via The Qur’ān…as Allah commands to seek refuge against the Waswās/Deception of al-Khannās. The Word/Term “Khannās” itself is defined quite clearly: “Those amongst Jinns&Humans, whom whisper into the Sudūr/Minds&Hearts of Men.”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.114, at-Tabarī, as-Suyūtī)

For More-Info. regarding at-Tajnīn:




As well equally: This-Person really thinks/feels that they’re “superior” to those whom they deem “inferior” to them. Their Posture is literally from the Minhāj/Ideology of ash-Shaytān/Satan. ash-Shaytān literally carried the Same-Posture against Ādam/Adam: the Progenitor/Patriarch-Of-Humanity (Peace be upon them).

The Irony via Ādam vs. ash-Shaytān:

a. There’s 0-Proof that ash-Shaytān was ever “better” than Ādam.

b. The Character/Behavior of ash-Shaytān, by default, actually proves that they were never “better” than Ādam.

c. If ash-Shaytān were ever “better” than Ādam, then they’d never work to lead Ādam & their Children (the Human-Race) towards adh-Dhalālah/Misguidance.

So…pertaining to the Scenario of Aisha Mohammed attempting to get Others (especially Fellow-Muslims) Caught-Up via al-Fusūq/Sinning: it’s very obvious whom they truly are…they’re a Judgmental-Person & they’re literally just as Mudhlil/Misguided as those whom they pontificate/claim to be “superior” to…in Most-Ways they’re actually worse than those whom they’re judgmental against.

For More-Info. regarding Judgmentalism:








Gareth Bryant

Fake-Wokeness covering-up Sexual-Abuse



The Fact that People are defending a Sexual-Predator/Abuser, for no Other-Reason than the “Gender-Preference/Identity” of the Sexual-Predator/Abuser tells you a lot. It shows how much the Homosexual-Agenda actually hates Women, more than anyone else who’s deemed, accused, etc. of manifesting Misogyny. We all know: had the Person accused of raping Scott Smith’s Child wasn’t a Male-Transformer (a Biological-Male imitating a Biological-Female), then this-Scenario definitely would’ve played-out differently.

Gareth Bryant 1444, A.H./2022, C.E.