Tag Archives: Petroleum

Saudi Arabia’s Religio-Hypocritial Love-Hate Relationship with at-Tarab/Music


All of this, yet ironically KSA allows Music-Festivals, Music-Concerts, etc. Make that Goofy-Shit make Sense.





It’s Patheitically-Ironic, that in a Nation-State whose Religious-Elite are so Hardline against Musical-Entertainment: Saudi Arabia not only has Music-Concerts within KSA, but also is Home to some of the Most-Popular Music-Artists in the History of the Muslim-World as well as the Arab-World, like Muhammad `Abduh for example (not to be confused with the Founder of Salafism in the 1860’s, C.E. of the Same-Name). However, within the Same-Breath: there’s Fatāwā/Religio-Rulings after Fatāwā as per the Islāmic-Prohibitions regarding Musical-Instruments, Musical-Lyrics, Musical-Genres, etc. & ironically the same Musical-Artists within the Realm of the Saudi-Kingdom pontificate/promote the exact Same-Kinds/Types of Music which is condemned via the Saudi Religio-Elite.

Some very important Facts to note by the Way:
a. Music, via its Entirety, inherently isn’t Mahrūm/Islāmically-Prohibited.
b. The Term which is used via at-Tanzīl/Revelation (The Qur’ān & the Sunnah/Prophetic-Tradition) to describe the Prohibited-Elements of Music: al-Ma`āzif itself is too often mistranslated as “Music-Holistically/Musical-Instruments Holistically”.
c. The Correct-Meaning/Translation of al-Ma`āzif is “Instruments of Evil” & more specifically, via at-Tanzīl is “Woodwind/Stringed-Instruments”.(al-Bukhārī, Abū-Dāwud)
d. There’s a Known-Instrument know as ad-Daff: an Arab-Drum…ironically, ad-Daff is Mahlūl/Islāmically-Allowed & by definition it’s literally a Musical-Instrument.

So, obviously, Islāmically: there’s absolutely no Way that all Music/Musical-Elements are Mahrūm.(al-Bukhārī, Muslim, Lisān-ul-Arab: Lexicon of the Arabic-Language, ibn-Manzhūr)
Saudi Arabia, just on the Issue of Music itself, is 💯%-Guilty of spreading Cultural-Colonization. Basically, their Premise is to indoctrinate the Entire Muslim-World to conform to their own valid Individual-`Urfiyyah. And, of course: the Best-Way to pull this off is to disguise Arabism with the Cloak of al-Islām. In spite of the Fact that al-Islām is a Dīn/Religio-Spiritual Lifestyle & not an `Urf/Culture, KSA readily attempts to lay Claim to al-Islām, as though it’s their Personal-Property, which clearly it’s not. And, because of the Fact that Salafism particularly, unique to any/all other Ahzāb (Sectarian/Deviant-Groups) amongst Muslims, the Religio-Puritanical Postures which is pontificated/promoted via Salafism pushes a very Ugly-Precedent/Agenda that if it comes out of/from Saudi, that if Saudi allows it, if Saudi co-signs/supports it, then it’s All-Good.
This includes:
a. Squandering the Wealth of the Muslims (Petroleum which is the Only-Reason as to how/why KSA & the other Gulf-States even matter to the World at all).
b. Collusion with Non-Muslim/Western Powers against Muslim-Countries/Governments, Muslim-Leaders, etc. (in spite of their Hypocritical-Kalām/Rhetoric concerning “Patience&Obedience in regards to Muslim-Leadership/Rulership)
(Nawāqidh-ul-Islām/Nullifications of al-Islām, Muhammad ibn-`Abd-il-Wahhāb)
Gareth Bryant


The Peninsula

The blistering winds, stroking dunes of the Central-Region, known as an-Najd, cause many moods…
…They have always both whistled and swirled around these monstrous sands, for so many moons.

Northward, touching all of what’s Bilad-ish-Sham…
…We can see Cave-Dwellings of Thamud and Iram.

Towards the south, towards al-Yaman…
…The forestry there looks like Heaven.

The former residence of the People of `Ad…
…Punished by Tornadoes, for they were bad.

Eastward, you’ll find thousands of miles of Oil-Fields, which fuel the economies of the whole Planet…
…Its coast is host to such rich aquatic-life; who knew this such beauty lies in such a harsh environment?

And, Westward, there’s the most priceless treasure of all…

…al-Ka`bah, where all Men come to visit, great and small.

It used to be called the valley of Bakkah…
…But, Allah decided to name it al-Makkah.

It was built entirely for His pleasure…
…No one could ever plan it better.

Constructed by Abraham & Ishmael…
…Such a wonder is their arduous tale.

A father & son, who were separated and rejoined…
…At this very spot, they established Islam, rejoiced.

Just as our parents, Adam & Eve…
…After being separated on Earth.

They lost, and then, found one another in al-Jazirah, the Peninsula…
…An example that, even in sin, we can acquire the Mercy of Allah.

Gareth Bryant/2013

al-Jazirah/The Peninsula: