Tag Archives: Pimp

Rape-Culture amongst Militaries



There’s literally Porn-Genres based upon what’s detailed via this Video-Clip: the Pontification of Military-Force via Sexual-Abuse/Exploitation.

Allah states: “And never let your hatred, against any People, prevent you from behaving justly.”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.8)

Rape-Culture has historically always played a Major-Role via Psychological-Warfare. As per Human-History, some of the most Daunting-Acts of Carnage has been Rape via Military-Conflict/Conquest…”To the Victor belongs the Spoils.”, as the Ole-Saying goes. However, via the Advent of the Information-Age: the Internet…Rape-Culture has been propelled into the Minds&Hearts of Untold-Millions through Websites, Social-Media Apps, etc. And, these Same-Persons are those whom end-up being Military-Personnel. There’s not a Grand-List of Human-Civilizations which haven’t openly used Rape as a Military-Tool for Dominance. However, our Modern-World has made Pornography a 27/7-Accessibility. With that being said: the Sex-Switch is very rarely, if ever turned-off.

The Sexual-Stimulation which exists Online is everywhere…it’s literally within any/all Aspects of Human-Existence at This-Point: “#FoodPorn”, “#TravelPorn”, “#WordPorn”, etc. “Porn” is coupled with Countless Hashtags/Trends & with them, their Hashtag/Trend-Followers follow Suite. Pornography is so commonplace, that it’s almost impossible for any Human one actively engages with (either In-Persin or Online) to have never heard of the Concept/Term before. Add to that: Persons whom’re Military-Personnel…add to that: Military-Personnel whom’re professionally indoctrinated to view their Military-Opposition as Non-Humans that they can essentially brutalize at Will…etc. This is what we’re dealing with.


And, of course, no Military on Earth actually does anything substantial to discipline, punish, etc. Military-Personnel whom conduct themselves towards Combatants/Civilians via any Sexually-Predatory Way. Why you ask?!!! It’s because via Military Cultural-Historically: Humanity has always been viewed as a “Weakness”…as the Famous-Quote: “All is Fair in Love&War.”. Warfare grants Combatants Lots of Inhumane/Criminal-Passes, which Normal-Civilians would simply never be able to get away with. Even as per Law-Enforcement Agencies this is 💯%-Reality. For example: via the United States…there’s Several-States which literally allow US Law-Enforcement Personnel to have “Sex” with Arrestees, Detainees, etc. Guess what…that’s literally State-Sponsored Rape, because there’s no such Thing as “Consent” if/when anyone’s Locked-Up.

There’s Several-Resources which’re available that detail the Effects of Pornography on Military-Personnel:




I mean, Sexual-Abuse isn’t simply an Issue of Military attacking Citizenry. Even via Military-Ranks itself Sexual-Abuse occurs on a Daily:

Rape-Culture is tolerate/accepted via Military-Culture, as I’ve aforementioned, is because it serves the Purpose of Military-Provocation. Militaries historically&contemporaneously use Rape-Culture to completely denegrate the Other: victimize/shame the Conquered, inflate the Ego of the Conquerer: to impose their Sexually-Perverse Will.



For More-Info. about Sex-Crimes:


Gareth Bryant 1443, A.H./2022, C.E.

The Islāmic-Posture towards Sex-Crimes & the Damage they cause


Apparently, Certain-Persons have audaciously expressed/verbalized “Resentment” over Porn-Bans:


Sadly, we as Human-Beings now dwell in a Globalized-World of Hyper-Sexualization. Sexuality/Sex is literally everywhere, much like Oxygen-From Trendy-Hashtags (like: “#WordPorn”, “#FoodPorn”, etc.)…to “That’s what she said.” Jokes thus popularized by a Hit-Sitcom called “The Office”…to Reality-TV Shows like “Pawn Stars”: a Pun-Play/Spinoff of the Word “Porn Star”…to Music/Songs like “W.A.P. (W.et A.ss P.ussy)” by Cardi B & Megan The Stallion: I can literally mention Socio-Cultural References All-Day. The Point, however, is that this is clearly a Prophetic-Manifestation of Muhammad (Peace be upon him). He mentioned directly, that there will be Persons from his Ummah/Nation (Muslims & Non-Muslims alike) whom’ll perpetually attempt to justify any/all Manifestations of az-Zinā/THOTery & more specifically he detailed that Homosexuality is what he fears for his Ummah mostly.(al-Bukhārī; Abū-Dāwud; al-Kabā’ir/The Major-Sins, adh-Dhahabī) Unfortunately, there’s so/too many Muslims whom actually think/feel that this Reality is exclusively reserved for Non-Muslim/Muslim-Minority Nation-States.

News-Flash/Reality-Check…I’ve some Gruesome-News for you:

a. KSA/Saudi Arabia is the Only-Place in the World, that I’ve ever traveled to, where I was personally approached by Male&Female-Prostitutes (Broad-Daylight…within Makkah…via Hajj/Pilgrimage-Season) back in 1426, A.H./2005, C.E.: I was 24 (Islāmic-Calendar)/23 (Gregorian-Calendar) when this occured.

b. In Egypt: Transformer-Surgeries (Artificial Medical-Transformation from Male2Female/Female2Male) is literally 💯% Secularly-Legal & Religio-Approved by al-Azhar University: one of the most Famous-Centers of Islāmic-Academia within the Muslim-World.

c. Bangladesh & Senegal are Muslim-Countries which has Prostitution as being Secularly-Legal.

d. Tunisia is the only Muslim-Country which has secularly-legalized Muslim-Women to “marry” Non-Muslim Men.

e. I personally know Muslim Porn-Stars.

f. Porn-Culture, Sexual-Abuse (via Child-Molestation, Rape, Sexual-Predatism, Sexual-Harrassment/Misconduct, etc.) are Things which’re extremely widespread amongst Muslims.

These Aformentioned-Examples are Potentially-Endless. Now, this is dreadfully important, as it’s Purpose is to drag our Heads out of the Sand & see our World: Societies, Environments, Communities, etc. as they truly are. And the Pathetic-Reality is that we’re really Fucked-Up.

Why even discuss this?!!!

I know, for a Fact, as I was even authoring this, that this could probably one of the most Controversial-Things which I’ve ever personally committed to Pen&Paper. However, as a Muslim-1st, Chaplain-2nd, I literally exist both professionally & personally to do/be the following: a. To be an Embassador-Of-Empathy. b. To make the Uncomfortable comfortable. This Article, via the Mercy-Of-Allah, will manifest exactly that: Empathy&Confrontation, as per the Hyper-Sexualized Atmosphere which our Global-Humanity has suffered immensely from.

I honestly do expect to receive: Text-Messages, Phonecalls, Direct-Mesages, etc. pontificating/claiming that I’m being “too direct”, “too explicit”, “taking the Subject too far”, etc. It’s going to be very obvious, to those whom actually know me: I write to unearth Uneasiness. I’m committed to getting under Peoples’-Skin, because I’m doing so via Islāmic-Principle: “Truth is Truth, regardless of whom/where it comes from.”. Furthermore, this is validated, via the Statement of Muhammad (Peace be upon him), “Always speak Truth, even if it’s bitter (even if it rubs People the Wrong-Way).”.(ibn-Hibbān&al-Bayhaqī)

Let’s now take a Break from this, and explore the actual Categories of Sex-Crimes, which al-Islām deems Mahrūm/Islāmically-Prohibited, via at-Tanzīl/Revelation. Any/all Manifestations of az-Zinā/THOTery are, holistically, Islāmically-Punishable via Death-Penalty.

1. The Exceptions to this Islāmic-Precedent are the Following-Sins:

a. Masturbation

b. Female-Female Homo-Sex

c. Any/all Manifestations of az-Zinā committed by Prepubescent-Humans (meaning those whom may commit any Acts-Of-Zinā prior to reaching al-Balāghah/Puberty)

d. Marital-Rape

e. Fornication/Pre-Marital Sex (Sexual-Intercourse while never being Previously-Married)

f. Porn-Addiction

2. The Manifestations of az-Zinā which’re Islāmically-Punishable via Death-Penalty (in Order of Most-Severe to Least-Severe):

a. Bestiality (Human-Animal/Animal-Human Sex)

b. Necrophilia (Raping a Dead-Person, a Vegetative/Comatose-Person, etc.)

c. Child-Molestation (Sexual-Contact with any Prepubescent-Human)

d. Rape (Marital-Rape not included)

e. Sex-Trafficking/Pimping

f. Male-Male Homo-Sex (Male-Male Sexual-Contact or Males allowing Females to impose Homosexual-Acts upon them)

g. Adultery (it doesn’t matter whether one is Currently-Married or Divorced)

(al-Kabā’ir/The Major-Sins, adh-Dhahabī)

3. Clemency regarding Sexual-Crimes

The Hudūd (Islāmic-Punishments/Penalties) as per Sexual-Crimes can only be imposed upon Free-Persons whom’re Pubescent, Sane, etc. The Enslaved, the Insane, Children/Prepubescent-Persons, etc. get Hadd-Passes, by virtue of the Fact that it can easily be probable/plausible that they were forced to commit such Sexual-Crimes, unless proven otherwise. If one is Insane (Mentally-Disturbed/Ill), a Child/Prepubescent-Person, etc. then there’s no Hisāb/Accountability for them via this regard at all anyway. Also, for Obvious-Reasons: those whom’re Victims of Sex-Crimes (Child-Molestation, Rape, Sex-Trafficking/Pimping, etc.) are completely exempt from any Hadd.

4. Accusing Others of Sex-Crimes

There’s been Countless-Muslims who’ve accused Others of Sex-Crimes. Publicly, privately, Social-Groups, Chat-Groups, Social-Media Posts, etc. have detailed: Imāms, Masjid-Members, Masjid-Administrators, Masjid-Security Personnel, Muslim-Scholars&Teachers, Muslim-Speakers, etc. being guilty of Sex-Crimes. At least 98% of All Sexual-Abuse Accusations are in fact truthful/honest. Only about 2% of Sexual-Abuse Accusations are fallacious/falsified. At the Same-Time: any/all Sexual-Abuse Accusations must be investigated fully. Just accusing someone/anyone of Sexual-Abuse without Proof is Slander by default/definition.

There’s Several-Things to be said about this:

1. Accusing anyone of Sins (Minor or Major), without any Revelatory-Proof, is Slander by default/definition.

2. It’s easy to judge People, when our Sins aren’t Public-Knowledge.

3. Judgmentalism always exposes whom we really are.

4. If someone actually knows of Sex-Crimes, then how/why aren’t those Sex-Crimes being reported to Law-Enforcement?!!!

5. How/why are these Same-Individuals allowed Religio-Communal Positions, allowed to get married, etc. relative to these Heinous-Crimes, if they’re actually guilty?!!!

6. It’s a Known-Fact…Sex-Crimes really aren’t given the Seriousness it actually deserves amongst Muslims, via Muslim-Communities, etc.

Verification is a Life-Or-Death Necessity

Why all this Effort pertaining to this Subject?!!!

I had revised & republished a Previous-Article that I had wrote, concerning a Muslim Religio-Cleric whom had raped&beaten their own Child to Death (quite literally). Revisiting my own Article, previously published, had sparked a deeper Sense of Valid-Anger towards/against Sexual-Perversion. Revisiting that Article, in lieu of the Emergence of the #MeToo-Era, has compelled me to be that much/even more self-invested in these Issues than I’d ever been prior to that Time in my Life. I personally deem it a Farīdhah/Islāmic-Mandate, upon every Muslim, to be directly/fully engaged in creating Positive-Solutions for the Problems via our World which’re directly caused by az-Zinā. But, sadly, not enough Muslims are courageous, willing, enough to step/stand-up & confront these said Issues. At least 98% of All Sexual-Abuse Accusations are in fact truthful/honest. Only about 2% of Sexual-Abuse Accusations are fallacious/falsified.


Reasons how/why the Resistance against combating Sexual-Perversion exists:

a. We ourselves have /still personally self-indulge in Sexual-Perversion/Sex-Crimes.

b. We ourselves have been/still are being victimized via Sexual-Pervesion/Sex-Crimes.

c. We ourselves have been/still are being shamed for being victimized via Sexual-Perversion/Sex-Crimes.

d. We ourselves are afraid to bring Awareness to Sexual-Perversion/Sex-Crimes, because of: Opposition, Ridicule/Mockery, Threats/Violence, Alienation, etc.

e. We ourselves think/feel that we want to do something, but are ignorant and/or ill-equipped to do so.

f. We ourselves are overwhelmed, that our Efforts (to actually create Solutions to Problems caused/exascerbated by Sexual-Perversion/Sex-Crimes) are neither respected nor supported.

g. We ourselves don’t give a Shit, because it hasn’t/isn’t happening to us, or it has/is happening to us but we don’t care whether someone/anyone either has suffered or is suffering as we have…I tell People all the Time, “Apathy is worse than Ignorance.”.

Where can/does it go from here?!!!


That calls for Ongoing-Conversations amongst ourselves, our Loved-Ones, our Communities/Societies. It equally involves Actual-Work, which is bound to place us in the Crosshairs. And, sadly, most us us are so fearful of facing this. I tell People all the Time, “Courage isn’t the Absence of Fear, it’s the Willingness&Ability to confront Fear.”. That’s precisely what we’re all commanded by Allah to do: face our Fears. If you’ve enough Courage yo join me in this Effort, you know how to reach me and let’s seriously work together to combat this.)

Gareth Bryant