Tag Archives: Creed

Debunking the Ridiculous “Salafī-`Aqīdah” Myth


Allah states:

“And never let your hatred, against any People, prevent you from behaving justly.”

(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.8)

Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated:

“Always speak Truth, even if it’s bitter (even if it rubs People the Wrong-Way).”



This-Article is a Response to Discussions which Gareth Bryant & Tālib Nathaniel have had, regarding our Respectful Religio-Academic Rivalry. As well, it’s a Response to an Article Tālib Nathaniel disclosed to me (which I deem the Article to be Academically-Untruthful/Dishonest & Academically-Irresponsible).

The difference between the Salafi and Hanbali creed


This-Concept/Term “Salafī-`Aqīdah/Theology” is something which I’ve heard about, been told about, been lied to about, etc. for a Long-Time…literally for Decades. “Salafī-`Aqīdah” is a Blatant Mythos/Pseudo-Narrative: it’s just as Fake as Fake-Jordans. The Siblings of the Pen (Gareth Bryant [Atharī Corleone] & Tālib Nathaniel [Ash`arī Tommasino]) have literally debated the “Salafī-`Aqīdah” Myth for quite sometime, as with many other Theological-Subjects we’ve consistently discussed respectfully, truthfully, honestly, brotherly, friendly, etc. This Particular-Subject though…I absolutely must unpack, because, it’s greatly misleading to presume/assume that the Salafīs operate via their own Theological-Matrix. That’s simply 💯%-Untruth/Dishonesty. Albeit it’s a Solid/Confirmed-Fact, that Salafīs theologically-freestyle…still that doesn’t translate to “Salafī-`Aqīdah”.

How the Siblings of the Pen began even debating this

It began when Tālib Nathaniel intro duced the Fact that the 1st Known-Muslim to theologically suggest to place a Numerical-Cap on a Particular-Sifah/Feature of Allah: the Eyes-Of-Allah. Now, the Theological-Posture/Opinion itself stems from Sifāt/Descriptions of al-Masīh-id-Dajjāl/the Anti-Christ being 1-Eyed (meaning only capable/able to see via 1 out their 2-Eyes) & Muhammad (Peace be upon them) detailing that Allah isn’t “1-Eyed”. Tālib Nathaniel immediately played on this & began to pontificate/claim that this is how “Salafī-`Aqīdah” was incepted/invented.

OK…so who came-up with such a Theological-Posture/Opinion?!!!

The 1st Known-Muslim to have such a Theological-Posture (at least publicly that is) was a Well-Known/Renown Muhaddith/Narration-Expert: `Abdullah ibn `Abd-ir-Rahmān ad-Dārimī. So, Tālib Nathaniel considered ad-Dārimī to be the “Theological-Progenitor/Founder” of “Salafī-`Aqīdah”. But, not exclusively ad-Dārimī: Tālib Nathaniel considers literally anoyone/everyone classified as a Renegade/Prodigal-Atharī (via the Theological-Criticisms of `Abd-ir-Rahmān ibn-`Alī ibn-Muhammad ibn-il-Jawzī) to have “contributed” to the Formation of “Salafī-`Aqīdah”. In fact, Tālib Nathaniel constructed a “Salafī-`Aqīdah” Sanad/Chain: Several-Individuals going all the Way back to ad-Dārimī, whom Salafīs academically/scholastically claim, whom all stand by the Posture/Opinion that Allah is exclusively “2-Eyed”.

The Reasons how/why Salafīs are accused of having “Salafī-`Aqīdah” in the 1st-Place

Salafīs are accused of breaking far away from the Integrity of Atharism (AKA Atharī-`Aqīdah). Specifically, Salafīs are accused of misinterpreting the Sifāt/Features of Allah. For example:

The Face-Of-Allah

Salafīs are accused of claiming that the Face-Of-Allah is akin to al-Makhlūq/Creation.

The Eyes-Of-Allah

Salafīs are accused of claiming that the Eyes-Of-Allah are akin to al-Makhlūq.

The Shins-Of-Allah

Salafīs are accused of claiming that the Shins-Of-Allah are akin to al-Makhlūq.

The Feet-Of-Allah

Salafīs are accused of claiming that the Feet-Of-Allah are akin to al-Makhlūq.

This is the Accusation made via Team-Ash`arī against Team-Salafī. As well, Team-Ash`arī accuses Team-Salafī of not being True-Atharīs theologically. Furthermore, Team-Atharī accuses Team-Salafī also of straying from Atharī-`Aqīdah.

How to avoid being placed in the “Wahhābī” Box

So, what’s “Atharī-`Aqīdah” anyway?!!!



at-Tafwīdh/Neutrality vs. at-Ta’wīl/Interpretation concerning the Sifāt/Qualities-Of-Allah

How/why are Salafīs accused of having a “Salafī-`Aqīdah?!!!

The Main-Culprits whom pontificate/claim that Salafīs have a “Salafī-`Aqīdah” are the Ash`arī-Niggas. Team-Ash`arī also attempts to accuse Salafī-Niggas & Atharī-Niggas to be 2-Sides of the Same-Coin. This in turn, is the Reason how/why Team-Atharī & Team-Salafī have always had a Complex/Complicated-Relationship with each other.


Romance of the 3-`Aqīdahs

al-`Aqā’id (Theologies) in the Era of al-Khilāfah (Islāmic-Governance)

Let’s get into what Salafism actually is vs. what Salafism isn’t

as-Salafiyyah/Salafism has been accused of being an `Aqīdah, a Madhab/Fiqh-School, a Government, etc. And, it’s literally neither of Those-Things. as-Salafiyyah is a Minhāj (Philosophy/Ideology), predicated upon the Yearning/Necessity to adhere to the Islāmic-Practices of a 3-Prong Demographic known as as-Salaf-us-Sālih/Righteous-Ancestors.

This Demographic consists of:

1. as-Sahābah/the Compainons (the Original-Followers of Muhammad [Peace be upon them]) whom were the 1st-Generation of Muslims, relative to the Revelation of The Qur’ān (May Allah be pleased with them altogether).

2. Generations-1&2 of at-Tābi`īn/the Followers (the Followers of as-Sahābah).

So, what’s actually the Issue/Problem?!!!

Now, on the Surface…any Average/Regular-Muslim will think: “Hey…I can Fuck wit dat: Cool.”. But, only if it were that simple. The Issue/Problem is the Judgmental-Nature of Salafism & the Character/Behavior which it indoctrinates its Adherents with.

Which is precisely how/why one of the Most-Lauded-Figures whom Salafīs Dick-Ride ironically stated that:

“The Salafīs are also a Hizb/Sectarian/Deviant-Group, because of the Negative-Character.”…also equally referred to the Salafīs as “Talafīs (Persons of Destruction).”.

(Muhammad ibn-Sālih al-`Uthaymīn)

OK…so how/why the Fuck are Salafīs on This-Type/Kind of Timing?!!!



The Salafīs harbor a very Similar-Type/Kind of Istikbār/Arrogance as al-Yahūd/Jews (make no Mistake: I’m in no Way claiming that Salafīs are Kuffār [Disbelievers/Non-Muslims]…I’m not an Ash`arī-Nigga). Meaning, they’ve literally bought into their own Publicity thinking/feeling that an-Najiyyah/Salvation is exclusively for them via the “Firqah-Nājiyah/Saved-Sect” Syndrome (which Salafīs claim for themselves & about themselselves to boot). And, it’s plain to notice as per how they often treat People. Salafīs (not exclusively but particularly) attempt to establish a Religio-Monopoly over al-Islām. This by default/definition proves that Salafī-Niggas are just as Morally-Bankrupt as any other Hizb which they criticize.

The Hujjah/Indictment against the Salafī-Mafia

How/why do the Salafīs even exists?!!!



You’ll never find this on Salafi Publications: A Necessary Hujjah (Indictment/Refutation) against Saudi Arabia…a kingdom of Sectarian-Deviants, Tyrants, and Powermongers

The Maslahah/Purpose of This-Article


Gareth Bryant is probably the Most Anti-Salafism/Salafī Individual on Planet-Earth, that anyone will ever know/meet via In-Person. Yet, at the Same-Time, I refuse to tolerate, accept, co-sign, etc. any Sifah/Manifestation of al-Buhtān/Slander. It doesn’t matter whom they are, what they claim, etc.: Gareth Bryant isn’t going to accuse them of having Beliefs, Postures, Stances, etc. which don’t even exists. This is the Reason how/why I’ve written This-Article…it’s because I respect Salafīs for being Theologically-Muslim more than I hate them for being Religio-Sectarian.

For anyone…I mean anyone…to accuse the Salafīs of having their own “`Aqīdah” they honestly don’t know what the Fuck they’re talking about. And I know my Sibling of the Pen (Tālib Nathaniel) is going to greatly disagree, with what I’m going to say, but the Facts are the Facts: the Average/Regular-Salafī (regardless of how Academically-Ignorant they are) is most definitely a Default-Atharī. I can truthfully/honestly say as such (as an Atharī-Academic/Theologian myself), that Salafīs are in fact Renegade/Prodigal-Atharīs.

Gareth Bryant

al-`Aqā’id (Theologies) in the Era of al-Khilāfah (Islāmic-Governance)


The Siblings of the Pen: Gareth “Atharī Corleone” & Tālib “Ash`arī Tommasino” Nathaniel once again took our Fraternity to Another-Discussion, about how al-Khilāfah/Islāmic-Governance was influenced/dominated via al-`Aqā’id/Theological-Schools. As per usual, we never allow our Fraternity get in the Way of facilitating Debate between us. So, via This-Article, I’ll investigate the Historical-Ties between al-`Aqā’id & the Khilāfah-Era.

How the Discourse began

This began when Ash`arī Tommasino had postured, via the WhatsApp-Group we’re both in, that there’s never been any Islāmic-Governance, Muslim-Nation/Empire, Muslim-Country, etc. which was ever Bureaucratically-Atharī prior to the Inception of KSA/Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. I literally laughed when my Sibling of the Pen said this & said to myself: “The Beloved is Wildin…lol”. To claim that there was never a Time in which Atharism was influential/dominant via the Historical/Bureaucratic-Rulership within the Muslim-World prior to Post-WWI is Bonkers. So, as usual, what Atharī Corleone did was thoroughly analyze the Claim of Ash`arī Tommasino (via Typical Gareth Bryant Fashion). And, what I’ve concluded is what I’ll elaborate on further via the Rest of This-Article.

Examining Historical-Aqā’id


Belief: Mu`tazilīs highly focus on Rationalism&Rhetoric (based primarily upon Greco-Roman Philosophy). Also, they claim that Allah is similar to Creation. As well, they’re notoriously known for misinterpreting al-Mashī’ah/Freewill. In addition, they also claim that The Qur’an was “created”.

(Progenitor/Founder: Wāsil ibn-`Atā’)


Belief: Ash`arīs view that the Fitrah/Nature-Of-Allah is never to be compared to Creation, hence they conclude the “Necessity” to not view the Sifāt/Characteristics-Of-Allah as being Literal, Real, Actual, etc. Also, they’re also deeply rooted in Rationalism, Rhetoric, etc. (Furthermore) Ash`arīs are particularly notoriously known for imposing Unjust-Takfīr/Blasphemy against Fellow-Muslims whom’re Non-Ash`arīs, in spite of the Progenitor/Founder of Ash`arism making Deathbed-Repentance against Unjust-Takfīr against Muslim Non-Ash`arīs.

(Progenitor/Founder: `Alī ibn-Ismā`īl ibn-Ishāq [AKA Abul-Hasan al-Ash`arī])


Belief: Jabarīs claim that Humans don’t possess al-Mashī’ah, and aren’t responsible for their Actions. As a Result, they also disbelieve in the Day of Standing.

(Progenitor/Founder: Ja`d ibn-Dirhām)


Belief: Qadarīs deny of the Belief in al-Qadr (Decree/Destiny). They claim that they’re “free” from the Qadr-Of-Allah via al-Mashī’ah/Freewill.

(Progenitor/Founder: Abū-Yūnus Sinbuyah Aswārī & Ma`bad ibn-Juhanī [one of the Students/Followers of Jahm ibn-Safwān])


Belief: Murji’īs claim that Actions aren’t an aspect of al-Īmān. Also, they claim that al-Īmān neither increases or decreases.

(Progenitor/Founder: Ghilān ibn Abī-Ghilān al-Qadarī)


Belief: Mushabbihīs claim that Allah is similar to the Creation, referring to Their Characteristics being “shared” amongst Created-Things/Beings.

(Progenitor/Founder: Muqātil ibn-Sulaymān al-Khurasānī)


Belief: Jahmīs deny Particular-Sifāt of Allah, like Eternal-Speech for example. Jahmism historically is notoriously known for claiming that The Qur’an was “created”.

(Progenitor/Founder: Jahm ibn-Safwān [one of the Students/Followers of Ja`d ibn-Dirhām as well as a Contemporary of Ab-il-Hasan al-Ash`arī])

The Ugly-History of the “`Aqīdah/Creed-Wars”

A Summary of the Khilāfah-Era

al-Khilāfah lasted for 13-Centuries consisting of 4-Periods of Islāmic-Governance over the Muslim-World. These 4 Khilāfah-Periods Definied what al-Khilāfah is & isn’t, faced damn near Complete-Collapse, arose from the Ashes of Non-Muslim Ass-Whippins, etc. only to be interally betrayed via al-`Asabiyyah/Xenophobia.


(The “Rightly-Guided Custodians” Era)

Established the Skeletal-Matrix of al-Khilāfah: Rebellions, Bureaucratic-Development, Initial-Expansion of al-Khilāfah, Tribal-Nepotism, Internal-Corruption, etc. were Hallmarks of the Legacy of the Rāshidī-Period.

23-53, A.H./632-661, C.E.


(The so-called “Arab-Empire” Era)

The Greatest Territorial-Expansion of al-Khilāfah: from the Iberian-Peninsula (Modern-Day Spain/Portugal) to the Indian-Subcontinent (Modern-Day Pakistan). The Most-Powerful Khalīfah of This-Period was `Abd-ul-Malik ibn-Marwān (the Muslim-Version of the Roman-Emperor Trajan). Mismanagement of Islāmic-Territories, Bureaucratic-Corruption, etc. chiefly led to the Implosion/Usurpation of this Khilāfsh-Period.

53-132, A.H./661-750, C.E.


(The so-called “Islāmic Golden-Age” Era)

In spite of being classified as the “Islāmic Golden-Age” because of: Religio-Academic Heights, Technological-Advancement, etc. the Weakest Khilāfah-Period (due to the Muslim-World getting mauled via the Judeo-Christian Crusades & the Pagan-Mongol Hordes from the 4th-9th Centuries, A.H./10th-15 Centuries, C.E.). This was the Greatest Territorial-Loss during the Khilāfah-Period.

132-923, A.H./750-1517, C.E.


(The “Ottoman-Empire” Era)

The Height of International-Reognition of the Oceanic-Might&Influence of the `Uthmānī-Navy in the World. al-Khilāfah fought Imperial-Portugal for a Lengthy-Duration over Naval-Supremacy via the Indian-Ocean Region. The Expansion into the Balkans was a constant&consistent Blow/Annoyance to Non-Muslim Europe. (Eventually) due to Succession-Crises, Internal-Corruption, World-War I, Pan-Arabism, the Arab-Revolt, etc.: this caused al-Khilāfah to fully collapse. This, of course, gave rise to the Despicable-State of the Muslim-World being without a Khilāfah ever since.

923-1340, A.H./1517-1922, C.E.

Muslim-Politics & Muslims whom manipulate it for their own Ambitions

The Classic Hizbī/Sectarian-Claim that “Most of the Muslim-World has always been upon Ash`arī-Creed”

I personally have heard this Talking-Point for Decades, without anyone providing any such Evidence thereof. Claims must be established via Proofs. This is precisely how/why Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated:

“The Indictment is upon the Claimant.”


Every single Time I’ve commanded that Ash`arīs provide Historical/Statistical-Data proving that Most of the Muslim-World has been Theologically-Ash`arī…Utter-Silence. And, it’s because they know such a Claim they pontificate/promote is 💯% predicated upon Hizbī/Religio-Sectarian Sucka-Shit.

Vying for the “Sunnī-Monopoly” amongst the Muslims

Realistically, it’s impossible to “prove” that Most of the Muslim-World has ever been Theologically-Atharī. But, ironically, here’s what can undoubtedly be proven:

All of al-Anbiyā’/Prophetic-Individuals (Peace be upon them altogether) were Theological-Atharīs.

All of the Muslims from Umum/Nations prior to the Revelation of The Qur’ān were Theological-Atharīs.

At least 90% of as-Salaf (as-Sahābah/the Companions & Generations-1&2 of at-Tābi`īn/the Followers) were Theological-Atharīs.

There’s 0-Way to attain, collect, survey, etc. Historical-Data as per which Percentages of Muslims (relative to the Revelation of al-Qur’ān & as-Sunnah) were Atharīs vs. Non-Atharīs.

The `Aqā’id I’ve examined either never took root, or never even existed, prior to the `Abbāsī-Period.

This-Discussion also brings into Account of the 8-Surviving Madhāhib/Religio-Legal Schools which dominate Islāmic-Legalism throughout the Muslim-World. For the Record/Fun-Fact: All of the Progenitors/Founders of any of these 8-Surviving Madhāhib were Theological-Atharīs.

Romance of the 3-`Aqīdahs

Let’s examine the Populations of those dwelling under each Khilāfah-Period


Approximately 22Million-People.


Approximately 70Million-People at its Territorial-Height. Overall, GiveorTake, between 20-60 Million People throughout the Duration of the Umayyī-Period.


Approximately 50Million-People, relative to its Territorial-Height.


Approximately 25Million-People.

Let’s do Some-Math

Combining the Rāshidī-Period & Umayyī-Period together:

That’s close to 100Million-People total.

Combining the `Abbāsī-Period & `Uthmānī-Period together:

That’s close to 80Million-People total.

So, what actually makes anyone think/feel that Ash`arism became so “influential/dominant”, within the Muslim-World, when Ash`arism literally doesn’t even compliment the Mindset/Mentality of the Average/Regular-Muslim? Historically, from Ādam/Adam (Peace be upon them) till now: the Average/Regular-Muslim has had Simple/Simplex-Views about al-`Aqīdah/Islāmic-Theology (the 6-Arkān/Pillars of al-Īmān [Islāmic-Belief/Faith]). Less-Is-More, for the Average/Regular-Muslim. This is how/why Atharism compliments the Average/Regular-Muslim totally. The Average/Regular-Muslim has never been a Religio-Academic. Rather, the Average/Regular-Muslim is only interested in getting to al-Jannah/Paradise.

at-Tafwīdh/Neutrality vs. at-Ta’wīl/Interpretation concerning the Sifāt/Qualities-Of-Allah

The Question/Challenge (from Gareth “Atharī Corleone” to Tālib “Ash`arī Tommasino”) is to actually provide Historical/Statistical-Data, which can even remotely dispute my Research regarding This-Issue. This is going to be Fun, as Gareth Bryant observes Tālib Nathaniel collect Thoughts, Research, etc. to address what I’ve authored. I very much look forward to the Response via my Sibling of the Pen.

Gareth Bryant

The Ugly-History of the “`Aqīdah/Creed-Wars”


Let’s start with what “`Aqīdah” actually is


Linguistic: Fortitude, Foundation, Structure  etc.

Islāmic: Religio-Academic Euphemism for the 6-Arkān/Pillars of al-Īmān (Islāmic-Belief/Faith).

What’re the 6-Arkān of al-Īmān?!!!



1. Belief in Allah

2. Belief in al-Malā’ikah (Angels)

3. Belief in al-Kutub (Revelatory-Scriptures/Books)

4. Belief in ar-Rusul (Prophetic-Individuals/Messengers)

5. Belief in Yawm-il-Ākhir (the Last-Day/Judgment-Day)

6. Belief in al-Qadr wal-Qadhā’ (Decree&Providence)


Let’s unpack precisely what at-Tawhīd is


Linguistic: Uniqueness, Unity, Oneness, Exclusivity, etc.

Islāmic: The Distinction of Allah (from Creation) with whatever Quality They possesses.

at-Tawhīd has 3-Categories:

1. Tawhīd-ur-Rubūbiyyah

Linguistic: Oneness-Of-Lordship

Islāmic: The Distinction of Allah (from Creation) via Their Actions.

2. Tawhīd-ul-Ulūhiyyah

Linguistic: Oneness-Of-Divinity

Islāmic: The Distinction of Allah (from Creation) via our Actions.

3. Tawhīd-ul-Asmā’ was-Sifāt-

Linguistic: Oneness-Of-Names&Characteristics

Islāmic: The Distinction of Allah (from Creation) via Their Names & Characteristics

 Tawhīd-ul-Asmā’ was-Sifāt has 2-Categories:

1. Essential-

Characteristics (which are often derived from Names) that do not require Action.

2. Active-

Characteristics (which are often derived from Names) that require Action.

Various `Aqīdah-Concepts/Terms


Linguistic: Association

Islamic: To worship other than Allah, or to ascribe something false to Allah.


Linguistic: Affirmation/Establishment

Islamic: Whatever Allah affirms for Themselves via at-Tanzīl/Revelation.


Linguistic: Negation

Islāmic: Whatever Allah negates/prohibits for Themselves via at-Tanzīl.


Linguistic: Distortion/Adulteration

Islāmic: The Corruption of at-Tanzīl and/or its Meanings.


Linguistic: How/Howness

Islamic: Questioning what Allah affirms/confirms for Themselves, either via The Qur’ān, or via as-Sunnah/the Prophetic-Tradition.


Linguistic: Likeness, Assimilation, Anthropomorphism, Theophany, etc.

Islamic: Attempting to claim that Allah is “similar” to Creation and/or attempting to “equate” Creation to Allah.


Linguistic: Rejection

Islāmic: To reject whatever Allah affirms/confirms for Themselves, and/or whatever Allah reveals via The Qur’ān & as-Sunnah.


Linguistic: Flawlessness/Perfection

Islāmic: Rejection of any&all Imperfections/Flaws, which’re attempted to be attributed to Allah from Creation.

Now, one would think that this would be the End-Of-Story Conclusion…Right?!!! Wrong Unfortunately, because of al-Ikhtilāf/Scholastic-Differing due to al-`Ibārāt/Theological-Interpretations: the Muslim-World for the past 12-Centuries, C.E. have been at each other’s Throats arguing over who has the “Correct-Creed”…Yeah, I know: it’s Fuckin-Retarded. But, at the Same-Time…as the Ole-Saying goes: “It is what it is.”. Amongst the Main-Source of al-Jadal/al-Khilāf/Argumentation between Muslims over al-`Aqīdah almost exclusively pertaining to the 1st-Rukn/Pillar of al-Īmān: Belief in Allah, known as the Religio-Concept “at-Tawhīd”.

`Aqā’id/Religio-Theological Schools


Belief: Jahmīs deny Particular-Sifāt of Allah, like Eternal-Speech for example. Jahmism historically is notoriously known for claiming that The Qur’an was “created”.

Founder: Jahm ibn-Safwān (one of the Students/Followers of Ja`d ibn-Dirhām as well as a Contemporary of Ab-il-Hasan al-Ash`arī)


Belief: Mushabbihīs claim that Allah is similar to the Creation, referring to Their Characteristics being “shared” amongst Created-Things/Beings.

Founder: Muqātil ibn-Sulaymān al-Khurasānī


Belief: Qadarīs deny of the Belief in al-Qadr (Decree/Destiny). They claim that they’re “free” from the Qadr-Of-Allah via al-Mashī’ah/Freewill.

Founder: Abū-Yūnus Sinbuyah Aswārī & Ma`bad ibn-Juhanī (one of the Students/Followers of Jahm ibn-Safwān)


Belief: Jabarīs claim that Humans don’t possess al-Mashī’ah, and aren’t responsible for their Actions. As a Result, they also disbelieve in the Day of Standing.

Founder: Ja`d ibn-Dirhām


Belief: Murji’īs claim that Actions aren’t an aspect of al-Īmān. Also, they claim that al-Īmān neither increases or decreases.

Founder: Ghilān ibn Abī-Ghilān al-Qadarī


Belief: Ash`arīs view that the Fitrah/Nature-Of-Allah is never to be compared to Creation, hence they conclude the “Necessity” to not view the Sifāt/Characteristics-Of-Allah as being Literal, Real, Actual, etc. Also, they’re also deeply rooted in Rationalism, Rhetoric, etc. (Furthermore) Ash`arīs are particularly notoriously known for imposing Unjust-Takfīr/Blasphemy against Fellow-Muslims whom’re Non-Ash`arīs, in spite of the Progenitor/Founder of Ash`arism making Deathbed-Repentance against Unjust-Takfīr against Muslim Non-Ash`arīs.

Founder: `Alī ibn-Ismā`īl ibn-Ishāq (AKA Abul-Hasan al-Ash`arī)


Belief: Mu`tazilīs highly focus on Rationalism&Rhetoric (based primarily upon Greco-Roman Philosophy). Also, they claim that Allah is similar to Creation. As well, they’re notoriously known for misinterpreting al-Mashī’ah/Freewill. In addition, they also claim that The Qur’an was “created”.

Founder: Wāsil ibn-`Atā’

Historical `Aqīdah Fun-Facts

1. All-Anbiyā’/Prophetic-Individuals (from Ādam/Adam to Muhammad [Peace be upon them altogether]) were Theological-Atharīs.

2. All-Muslims from All-Umum/Nations prior to the Revelation of The Qur’ān were Theological-Atharīs.

3. At least 90% of as-Sahābah/the Companions (May Allah be pleased with them altogether) were Theological-Atharīs.

4. All of the Progenitors/Founders of any of the 8-Surviving Madhāhib/Religio-Legal Schools were Theological-Atharīs.

at-Tafwīdh/Neutrality vs. at-Ta’wīl/Interpretation concerning the Sifāt/Qualities-Of-Allah

Progenitors/Founders of the 8-Surviving Madhāhib:


Progenitor/Founder: Ja`far ibn-Muhammad


Progenitor/Founder: Zayd ibn-`Alī


Progenitor/Founder: an-Nu`mān ibn-Thābit


Progenitor/Founder: Mālik ibn-Anas


Progenitor/Founder: Muhammad ibn-Idrīs ash-Shāfi`ī


Progenitor/Founder: Ahmad ibn-Hanbal


Progenitor/Founder: `Abdullah ibn-Ibādh


Progenitor/Founder: Dāwud ibn-`Alī ibn-Khalaf azh-Zhāhirī

Romance of the 3-`Aqīdahs

Historically, for the past 12-Centuries, A.H./C.E. (relative to the Revelation of The Qur’ān)-There’s sadly been so/too much Theological-Ikhtilāf/Differing amongst & between Muslims, regarding al-`Aqīdah/Islāmic-Theology. So much so, that the Popular-Idiom “`Aqīdah/Creed-Wars” has become a Pathetic-Staple within the Muslim-World for a Long-Time. Worse yet, these “`Aqīdah-Wars” have been something (amongst Other-Things) which Muslims have literally used, manipulated, etc. as Pseydo-Justifications to impose Unjust-Hujjah/Refutation, Unjust-Takfīr/Blasphemy, etc. against Fellow-Muslims. And, that of course has evolved into Unjust-Qattāl/Violence between Fellow-Muslims. Via the Western-World specifically, the United States especially, etc. the “`Aqīdah-Wars” have been used to attempt “Islāmizing” Gang-Culture amongst Muslims & within Muslim-Communities.

The Haqqover/Super-Hizbī: Debunking the Pseudo-Justifications for Takfīr-Culture

I personally honestly don’t give a Fuck, as per which `Aqīdah-School one ascribes/subscribes to, so long as they’re Theologically-Muslim. But, once People start pontificating/promoting Unjust-Takfīr…that’s when I have to take a Stand. I’m 💯%-Opposed to Takfīr-Culture. And anyone whom co-signs it, I’ll always stand against them because of it. It’s because Takfīr-Culture is Mothafuckin-Evil & no Muslim has any Islāmic-Entitlement/Justification to be a Pontificate, Proponent, Promoter, etc. of Takfīr-Culture. Moreover, there’s akways a 50/50-Probability that we can be Dead-Ass Wrong about claiming that any Fellow-Muslim is a Kāfir/ Disbeliever…as Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated:

a. “No Person accuses another of either being a Fāsiq/Sinner or a Kāfir (Disbeliever/Non-Muslim), except that he’s one himself, if the Other isn’t which he claimed.”

b. “Whomever attributes/ascribes Kufr (Disbelief) to his Brother is just like his Killer/Murderer.”
(al-Bukhārī, at-Tirmidhī)

c. “If a Muslim calls someone a Kāfir (Disbeliever/Non-Muslim): if they are then let it be, otherwise they themselves are a Kāfir.”

The Evil&Destructive-Nature of Takfīr-Culture

Now, why would any Muslim even want/desire to take the Risk of imposing at-Takfīr against Another-Muslim with the 50/50-Odds of them being Dead-Ass Wrong?!!! Make that Goofy-Shit make Sense. Even being Bold enough to take such a Risk is precisely the Reason I always say: There’s a Difference between Courage & Stupidity. However, sadly, Countless-Persons, for the past 12-Centuries, A.H./C.E. have foolishly taken That-Risk. I will not be That-Kind/Type of Risk-Taker. I know what I’m willing to meet Allah with & Unjust-Takfīr against Fellow-Muslims ain’t one of Those-Things.

Ignorance + Apathy is both a Poison & Venom

I’ve constantly/consistently been very forthright, as per my Collaborative-Efforts with Fellow-Muslims, to help me contribute to bridge Theological-Gaps between Fellow-Muslims. Reason being is because the Last-Thing which Muslims need (via the 14th-Century, A.H./21st-Century, C.E.) is to continue oppressing each other over Theological-Issues which existed Centuries before any of us alive were even Sperm-Cells & are very improbable to disappear within our Lifetimes. But, what we must do…should do…etc. is ensure that we stop using said Theological-Issues as Pseudo-Justifications to impose Oppression against one another. It’s always uncanny, when I think about the Evolution of “`Aqīdah-Wars”, specifically/especially amongst Muslims via the Western-World Region of the Muslim-World. Like, how/why did we ever allow ourselves to get caught-up in Theological-Beefs which began Centuries prior to any of our People being Muslim-Reverts/Muslim-Born?!!! This-Question remains imprinted upon my Sadr (Mind/Heart) on a Daily-Basis. And it truly hurts, that there’re Muslims anywhere on Earth whom have & whom still will impose Theft, Rape, Murder against Fellow-Muslims resulting from al-`Aqīdah being used as one of Countless Pseudo-Justifications to impose Muslim-On-Muslim Violence.

The Battle against these “`Aqīdah-Wars” is so Uphill&Stressful. Yet, at the Same-Time, any Contribution which I’ve towards eradicating it…it’ll always be worth my Time&Energy. As per Muslim-Issues, especially relative to the Region of the Muslim-World I personally hail from: the Elimination of “`Aqīdah-Wars” is a Necessary-Endeavor. Literally, the very Existence of “`Aqīdah-Wars” has been abundantly destructive to Countless Muslim-Communities via the Western-World. Speaking against & writing about the Ugliness of these “`Aqīdah-Wars” has become a Major-Staple of my Religio-Academic Research, moreover of my Religio-Activism.

Gareth Bryant

Romance of the 3-`Aqīdahs


Unlike the Authentic-Definition of the Term “`Aqīdah/Structure” (a Religio-Euphemism for the 6-Arkān/Pillars of al-Īmān [Islāmic-Faith/Beilef]): I’ll be utilizing “`Aqīdah” as a Minhāj (Religio-Identity/Ideology). I’ve chosen to pattern This Article after the Semi-Historical/Fantasy Spin-Off of the “Romance of the 3-Kingdoms”…arguably the Most-Tumultuous Dynastic-Period via Chinese-History. For anyone abreast of Chinese-Imperial/Dynastic History, Ancient-Chinese Literature, Martial-Arts Cinema, Video-Games, etc.: you’re very familiar with “Dynasty Warriors”. “Dynasty Warriors” was/is a very popular Video-Game Series, about the 3-Kingdoms Era of Ancient-China. I’ll be taking many Cues from my General-Knowledge of Historical-Texts, Martial-Arts Cinema, Video-Games, etc. pertaining to the Rest of the Article.

What’re the “3-Kingdoms”?!!!

Kingdom of Cao Wei/Wei

(Progenitor Cao Cao)

Kingdom of Shu Han/Shu

(Progenitor Liu Bei)

Kingdom of Dong Wu/Wu

(Progenitor Sun Jian)

What’re the “3-Aqīdahs”

The 3-`Aqīdahs are:


(The Atharīo-Family)


(The Isnādio-Cartel)


(La Minhāja Nostra)

Exploring Connections between the “3-Kingdoms” & the “3-`Aqīdahs”

Much like how Shu & Wu forged a Joint-Alliance against Wei…Team-Atharī & Team-Salafī have had a Tense/Complicated-Alliance against Team-Ash`arī. This 3-Pronged Conflict has proven to be full of Interpersonal-Violence, Intrigue, Treachery, Betrayal, Cunning, etc. The Power-Struggles for the Fame, the Dames, the Monies (AKA “The Bag”), the Communal-Numbers, the Promoters/Students, the Lackeys/Soldiers, the Fans/Groupies, the Street-Teams/Gang-Affiliates, the Dick-Riders, etc.: All-3 `Aqīdahs have been actively pursuing and/or attempting to maintain this for Decades/Centuries. The 3-Kingdoms (of Wei, Shu, Wu) emerged from the Ashes of the Han-Dynasty collapsing, thus facilitating a Power-Vaccum via Ancient-China. Likewise, the Weakness & Disintegration of Leadership within the Wārithī-Community (Progenitor Wallace Poole AKA “Wārithuddīn Muhammad”) gave the 3-`Aqīdahs an Unchallenged/Uncheckecked-Lane, to pursue & dominate the Landscape of Muslim-America (particularly/especially amongst Muslim Afro/Latino-Americans).

The Hujjah/Indictment against the Salafī-Mafia

Gareth Bryant’s Hujjah/Refutation against the “Imāms-Roundtable”

The Parallels between the Han-Dynasty & the Wārithī-Community

The Han-Dynasty obviously was the Most-Significant Imperial-Period via Chinese-History. I mean, as per Socio-Cultural Mythos: till This-Day the Largest-Ethnicity via China are referred to, classified, etc. as the “Han Zu/Han-People” (the “Descendants”, People, Subjects, etc. of the Han-Dynasty). Likewise, amongst Countless Muslim Afro/Latino-Americans: Wallace Poole was once Imām/Islāmic-Leader of the Largest Muslim-Community via the Western-Hemisphere. There’s literally Muslim Afro/Latino-Americans whom weren’t even alive when Wallace Poole was still the Imām of the Muslim-Community they built, but they still refer to themselves as Members of the Wārithī-Community & still state that their Imām is “Wārithuddīn Muhammad”. Till This-Day, Wallace Poole is the Most-Influential Muslim via Muslim-American History.

Wallace Poole: The Man who changed the face of al-Islām in the Americas

The Parallels between the “Rebellion of the 7-States” & the “Rebellion of Several-Shaykhs”

Spanning from the 1400’s, A.H./1980’s, C.E. and onward-There were Several-Imāms/Leaders amongst Muslim Afro/Latino-Americans whom cut/severed Ties with Wallace Poole. Some-Asbāb/Reasons were Religious, Some-Asbāb were Personal, Some-Asbāb were Religio-Political, Some-Asbāb were Religio-Personal, etc. And, much like the Weakness of the Han-Dynasty, Certain-Muslims used the Weakness of Wallace as Pseudo-Justifications to rebel against their Imārah/Imāmah (Islāmic-Leadership). The Weakness of Wallace Poole was that they weren’t as stern against Rebellion as they could’ve/should’ve been. Make no Mistake: Wallace Poole was no Coward. At the Same-Time, they weren’t a Street-Nigga either. And, specifically during those Days&Times: Certain/Most-Niggas only respected al-Qattāl/Violence. Wallace Poole was way too lenient, as a Imām, as per giving Persons via their Ranks too much Autonomy: naturally that being the Main-Ingredient used to fuel ath-Thawr/al-Khurūj/Revolt against Wallace Poole & caused Several-Persons to depart from the Wārithī-Community thus making their own Communities, joining Smaller Muslim-Communities, joining Muslim-Foreigner Communities, etc. Via al-Basīrah/Vision (via Hindsight): this of course yielded Disasterous-Results for Muslim Afro-Latino Americans Religio-Socially/Politically. All of the Aforementioned-Scenarios directly&indirectly led to the emergence of the 3 `Aqīdah-Kingdoms.

The Demographics/Territories of the 3-`Aqīdahs

1. Establish themselves via the Hoods (where Many-Persons are downtrodden & largely unsophisticated via their Analyses of Charlatans).

2. Impress the Ignorant (via the Illusion of possessing al-`Ilmiyyah/Islāmic-Knowledge).

3. Spoonfeed Individuals whatever one wants (keeping them coming-back for more like Drug-Addicts & keeping Real/Beneficial-Knowledge Out-Of-Reach).

4. Bedazzle & seduce the Womenfolk of these Communities into their Beds.

5. Attain & maintain the Support of the Muslim-Criminals, Muslim Street-Teams, Muslim Gang-Members, etc. (using one’s Muslim-Muscle to pressure, intimidate, neutralize, eliminate, etc. Religio-Secterian Competition/Opposition).

The “People-Of-Knowledge” Pseudo-Narrative & Pseudo-Monopoly according to Muslims


The Parallels between the “Battle of Red-Cliff” & “The Haqqover”

As is wellknown: the “Battle of Red-Cliff” is the Most-Documented/Lauded Military-Engagement via Chinese-History…it was Actium before the “Battle-Of-Actium”, Midway before the “Battle of Midway”, Normandy before the “Invasion of Normandy”, etc. The “Battle of Red-Cliff” humbled the Kingdom of Wei, equally it was forced to respect (as well as be cautious of) the Military-Might of both Kingdoms of Shu & Wu. The Defeat of Wei via the Combined-Forces of Shu & Wu created a Balance-Of-Power during the Height of the 3-Kingdoms Period. “The Haqqover” is an Article authored via Gareth Bryant. The Maslahah/Purpose of it was to counterbalance the Religio-Theological Rifts between the Atharism & Ash`arism. It was based exclusively upon the Respectful-Rivalry between the Siblings of the Pen: Gareth “Abū-Yams” Bryant & Tālib “Ash`arī-Papi” Nathaniel. The Writings of Gareth Bryant literally attacked & triggered the Theological-Egos of the Ash`arīs, the Atharīs, the Salafīs.

Gareth Bryant vs. the 3-`Aqīdahs

1. Team-Ash`arī has constantly/consistently (historically I might add) attempted to monopolize Islāmic-Theology, to the Extent that Ash`arīs are severely notorious for imposing Unjust-Takfīr/Blasphemy against Non-Ash`arīs. But, Gareth Bryant shut dem Niggas down & paralyzed Team-Ash`arī throughout the Entirety of Ramadhān-1445, A.H. In fact, the Only-Defender of Team-Ash`arī was Tālib Nathaniel…they authored the Only-Response to “The Haqqover”. From Ramadhān-1445, A.H. Team-Ash`arī has had to do Mass-Scrambling, as per attempting to strategize how to deal with Gareth Bryant.

2. Team-Atharī was originally envious of Gareth Bryant & posed 0-Respect for their Religio-Academia. So much so, that there’s Members of Team-Atharī whom literally lied to my Sibling of the Pen (Tālib Nathaniel) & claimed that Lavotte Saunders (the Atharī-Camp Champ) “rejected” my Research/Writings. Lavotte Saunders & Gareth Bryant have had Personal-Convos & communicate regularly (these Atharī-Slanderers obviously never knew this)…Lavotte Saunders told me Word4Word how much they respect/appreciate my Research/Writings. Now, thereafter, seeing the “Writings On The Wall” that Gareth Bryant successfully compromised/neutralized Team-Ash`arī: it’s been confirmed that Team-Atharī has now switched Gears & wants Gareth Bryant to embrace Team-Atharī (to have a Seat at their Table & join the Ranks of the Atharī-Family). I guess they want to make me an “Offer I can’t refuse.”. However, I am the Yamsfather & I’m my own Familia/Family, much like how Abraham/Ibrāhīm: Khalīlullah/the Friend-Of-Allah being a 1-Man Ummah/Nation (Peace be upon them).

3. Team-Salafī despises me, for Lots of Reasons. It’s specifically because I’m Pro-Khurūj/Takhrīj (Rebellion against Corrupt Muslim-Leaders/Governments), whereas Dick-Riding Muslim-Leaders/Governments is literally Part of Salafism. I’ve personally been “refuted” for my Anti-Salafism Campaigns&Writings (Multiple-Times via Various Salafī-Characters). However, since my Writings have compromised/neutralized Team-Ash`arī (the Theological-Beef between Ash`arīs & Salafīs being that of Lion vs. Hyena): the Salafīs literally don’t know whether to salute me or “refute” me. Team-Salafī is adopting the Principle-Posture via the Ole-Saying: “The Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend.”.


at-Tafwīdh/Neutrality vs. at-Ta’wīl/Interpretation concerning the Sifāt/Qualities-Of-Allah

The Haqqover/Super-Hizbī: Debunking the Pseudo-Justifications for Takfīr-Culture

The Parallels between the Rise of the Jin-Dynasty & Gareth Bryant

The Emergence of the Jin-Dynasty replaced the Ole-Guard of the Puppet-Rulers of the Han-Dynasty (controlled via the Kingdom of Wei). The Jin-Dynasty was capable/able to capitalize completely due to the Geo-Political Errors of: Kingdom-Wei, Kingdom-Shu, Kingdom-Wu. So, much like how eventually the Jin-Dynasty ended-up absorbing the Kingdoms of Wei, Shu, Wu…Gareth Bryant is the Jin-Dynasty. Gareth Bryant caused Team-Ash`arī, Team-Atharī, Team-Salafī to sit the Fuck down, lean the Fuck back, shut the Fuck up. None of the 3-`Aqīdahs could actually intelligently/academically “refute” anything which I’ve written. But, they have resorted to Underhanded-Means. I’ve already aforementioned what Team-Atharī did. Team-Ash`arī has resorted to Personal-Attacks via Character-Assassination Attempts. Team-Salafī has accused me of not conforming to the Positions of their Religio-Scholars. All-3 `Aqīdah-Kingdoms have attempted to “dismiss” the Religio-Academia/Scholarship of Gareth Bryant. At the Same-Time, All-3 know that I’ve sparked a Religio-Academic Movement which can’t be stopped via either three of these `Aqīdah-Kingdoms. As I always tell People: Every Avalanche starts with 1-Snowflake. I’m the Snowflake which caused a Religio-Academic Avalanche.

Why my Love for Fashion matters

Exposing Fraudulent-Refutations

They hate You cause they couldn’t break You

Ignorance + Apathy is both a Poison & Venom

Ash`arīs Gone Wild

The Nifāq/Hypocrisy of Amīn Muhammad


The Importance of Islāmic-Principle

In spite of the Fact that Allah empowered me to learn a lot, from Credible Islāmic-Teachers: prior to “The Haqqover” & even thereafter…Team-Atharī, Team-Ash`arī, Team-Salafī, etc. have constantly/consistently attempted to dismiss, mock, etc. my Religio-Academia/Scholarship. However, at the Same-Time, they all know that they can’t compete with me & the Fact that I silenced All-3 `Aqīdah-Kingdoms during Ramadhān-1445, A.H. details just how serious my Religio-Academia/Scholarship actually is. And, any/all the Attempts made via the 3 `Aqīdah-Kingdoms to discredit Gareth Bryant: it undoubtedly proves they truly don’t even respect al-`Ilm/Knowledge, most definitely not al-`Ilmiyyah/Islāmic-Knowledge, the Way which they pontificate/claim to respect it.

Allah states:

“And never let your hatred, against any People, prevent you from behaving justly.”

(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.8)

Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated:

“Apathy/Arrogance is denying Truth & mocking People.”…”Convey of/from me, even if only 1-Āyah/Verse.”


Mu`ādh ibn-Jabal (May Allah be pleased with them) stated:

“Always accept Truth, even if it comes from a Kāfir (Disbeliever/Non-Muslim) or a Fāsiq (Sinful-Muslim).”


This is precisely how/why there’s the Islāmic-Principle:

“Truth is Truth, regardless of whom/where it comes from.”

The Reasons & Pseudo-Justifications how/why 3-`Adīdahs attempted to “dismiss” me

1. I’m Non-Hizbī/Sectarian.

2. I’m not an Imma`ah/Dick-Rider.

3. I’m Anti-Hizbiyyah/Sectarianism.

4. I didn’t get my Islāmic-Education/Credentials via Islāmic-Institutions/Entities which they co-sign and/or from Islāmic-Teachers they Dick-Ride.

5. I don’t Dick-Ride the Islāmic-Institutions/Entities and/or the Islāmic-Teachers/Academics the 3-`Aqīdahs rep & claim al-Walā’/Loyalty to.

6. I don’t care about being “refuted” by anyone, because my Refutation-Hands work too.

7. They’ve Envious against me, because Allah has granted me what they don’t have: “The Courage to be Disliked”.

Takeaways&Lessons via the “Romance of the 3-`Aqīdahs

Obviously, the “Romance of the 3-`Aqīdahs” has proven unequivocally that I’ve been dealing with a Bunch of Unprincipled-Mothafuckas. They’ve proven their Ghall/`Udwān (Subjectivity, Bias, Malicice, Animosity, etc.) & by default/definition it proves them all to be Unreliable-Individuals. I mean, just look at Team-Ash`arī: only 1-Ash`arī even had the Balls to Head2Head/Article4Article against Gareth Bryant…that 1-Ash`arī was my Sibling of the Pen Tālib Nathaniel. And, ironically, Tālib Nathaniel is considered the Best amongst Team-Ash`arī. So, if Gareth Bryant is so “Islāmically-Ignorant”, then how/why did Team-Ash`arī basically “beg” their Best to deal with me?!!! Then, look at Team-Salafī…these Salafīs have the Audacity/Arrogance to Bitch&Moan about anything concerning Gareth Bryant: Abū-Yams/The Yamsfather literally unintentiinally saved you Salafī-Niggas from the Ash`arī-Niggas. Let’s keep it Tall: Many Ash`arī-Niggas are Religio-Academically Superior to Lots of Salafī-Niggas. Lastly, there’s Team-Atharī: they’re Treacherous-Individuals…first they ignored the Academic/Scholastic-Legitimacy of Abī-Yams/The Yamsfather. And, then, when they realized how thorough my Research actually is: now they want Gareth Bryant to embrace/align with them. Well, it’s just as the Ole-Saying goes: “Victory has 1-Hundred Fathers & Defeat is an Orphan.”. Everyone wants to be connected/associated with “The Winner”.

Gareth Bryant

Revive Respectful-Rivalry


The Following-Citation/Quote below-It’s literally is reminiscent of the Religio-Academic Rivalry between myself & one of Gareth Bryant’s Favorite-Colleagues: Tālib Nathaniel. Gareth Bryant & Tālib Nathaniel have immersed ourselves in a Friendly-Feud, which sparked Significant-Attention/Controversy via our Individual/Mutual-Circles. It’s raised Eyebrows as well as kept Certain-Person “Walking-On-Eggshells” Sort-Of-Speak. Our Rivalry has caused much Talk around our Native-Cities as well as Various-States, Various-Countries, etc. And, the Cited/Quoted-Story, albeit Centuries ago: it’s ironically so poignant & relevant to the Rivalry of Gareth Bryant vs. Tālib Nathaniel.

Fraternity in spite of Rivalry

The Citation/Quote plainly details that Others tried to dismantle the Respect/Love which existed between the 2-Subjects of the Citation/Quote. Gareth Bryant & Tālib Nathaniel have literally faced the Same-Types/Kinds of Tactics used to attempt destroying our Bond as: Brothers, Friends, Colleagues, etc. Tālib & Gareth have discussed at length, about how far Certain-Persons would be willing to go (to attempt making us Adversaries of one another). Tālib literally disclosed to me, that one Particular-Person: Fahīm Lea (I’ve already publicly discussed my Deep-Disdain for Fahīm Lea)…they refused to return the Taslīm (the Utterance of “as-Salām/Greeting-Of-Peace”) ever since Tālib had released their Response to an Article I authored. I literally told Tālib not to be “surprised”, that Fahīm Lea hadn’t returned the Taslīm, after they had initiated to Fahīm Lea. Fahīm Lea particularly is Highly-Triggered/Angered, that Tālib Nathaniel has a Positive-Relationship with Gareth Bryant…I’ve explained how/why via Another-Article I’ve previously authored.

They hate You cause they couldn’t break You

The Scenario between Gareth Bryant & Tālib Nathaniel literally reminds me of the 1st-Fitnah/Civil-War amongst the Muslims:`Alī ibn-`Imrān vs. Mu`āwiyah (May Allah be pleased with them both), when the Roman-Emperor living during This-Time attempted to “convince” Mu`āwiyah to align themselves with Rome against `Alī…this was the Dialogue between the Roman-Emperor & Mu`āwiyah:

“The Byzantine Emperor had great hopes of attacking and defeating Mu’aawiyah after the latter had instilled fear in him and humiliated him and vanquished his troops. When the Byzantine Emperor saw that Mu’aawiyah was preoccupied with fighting ‘Ali, he approached some cities (on the border) with a huge army, filled with hope of victory. So Mu’aawiyah wrote to him saying, ‘By Allah, if you do not desist and go back to your land, O cursed one, I shall reconcile with my cousin and we will unite against you, and I shall certainly expel you from all of your land! I shall keep pursuing you, and the earth, vast as it is, will be straitened for you.’ At that, the Byzantine Emperor was scared off and abandoned his plans; he sent word seeking a peace treaty.”

(at-Tabarī, as-Suyūtī, ibn-Kathīr)

al-Husayn & the Massacre of Karbalā’:

The Gareth Bryant vs. Tālib Nathaniel Rivalry is predicated upon the two of them respectfuly, brotherly, academically: debating, disagreeing, etc. regarding Theological-Postures, Theological-Positions, Theological-Arguments, etc. which’ve been contested for Centuries via Islāmic-Academics whom precede the both of us as per Islāmic-Knowledge/Understanding. There’ve been Supporters via Various Religio-Sectarian Camps which’ve either wanted Tālib Nathaniel to be “defeated” via Gareth Bryant, or Gareth Bryant to be “defeated” via Tālib Nathaniel. There’s even been those who’ve publicly & privately attempted to Cheerlead, in order to inspire Rifts between Gareth Bryant & Tālib Nathaniel. However, via the Justice/Mercy-Of-Allah:

a. Neither Gareth Bryant nor Tālib Nathaniel had allowed ourselves to succumb to the Waswās/Deception of ash-Shaytān/Satan via the Biases-Of-Man for and against each other individually.

b. There’ve been Other Religio-Academics who’ve refused to attempt interering in the Religio-Academic Rivalry between Gareth Bryant & Tālib Nathaniel…themselves directly & indirectly expressing/verbalizing Gratitude that both Gareth & Tālib displayed Immense-Respect towards one another, presented Authentic/Objective-Facts regarding their Theological-Arguments, manifested Meritable-Maturity regarding the Subject-Matter, etc.

c. There’ve been Religio-Community Elders who’ve stepped-up to the Plate, to reinfirce the Necessity to maintain Justice as per evaluating the Theological-Arguments which’ve been presented/defended via the Works/Writings of Gareth Bryant & Tālib Nathaniel.

Gareth Bryant’s Article:

at-Tafwīdh/Neutrality vs. at-Ta’wīl/Interpretation concerning the Sifāt/Qualities-Of-Allah

Tālib Nathaniel’s Article:

Al-qadhiyatu min ajalil-Haqeeqa tafwid al-amr li-llah

Even amongst the Staunchest-Critics of both Gareth Bryant & Tālib Nathaniel: they respected the Efforts given by us both. We’ve both received Significant-Praise, as per our Efforts to conduct ourselves as Muslim-1st, regardless of what Gareth & Tālib have vehemently disagreed upon as per the Subject-Matter behind their Religio-Academic Rivalry. In spite of Gareth Bryant & Tālib Nathaniel being on Different-Sides of the `Aqīdah/Theology-Coin (Gareth being Pro-Atharī & Tālib being Ash`arī)…they each both do agree with one another that `Aqidah has been dangerously hijacked via Ahzāb/Religio-Gangs to incite/continue the Ugly-Mīrāth/Legacy of Muslim-On-Muslim Oppression via “`Aqīdah-Wars”. And, these “`Aqīdah-Wars” have been amongst the Usūl/Origins of Muslim-On-Muslim Violence throughout the Muslim-World historically & particularly via the United States amongst Muslim-Americans.

The Niggadelphia-Effect

What Gareth Bryant & Tālib Nathaniel have done, via our Brotherly-Bond: we’ve literally shown Other-Muslims the Power of Fraternity in spite of Rivalry. We’ve jointly proven that we can disagree & argue with/against Fellow-Muslims respectfuly, brothetly, friendly, maturely, academically, etc. without ever having to resort to any Sifah/Manifestation of al-Qattāl/Violence against any Fellow-Muslim. And, any/all of our Critics whom unrespect the Fact that Gareth & Tālib have never chosen to be Religio-Opps: that angers them greatly…proving undoubtedly that Persons like them are Part of the Mushkilah/Problem. Like…how dare any Muslim be triggered/angered, that Fellow-Muslims don’t want to be Enemies of one another?!!! Make that Goofy-Shit make Sense.

Gareth Bryant & Tālib Nathaniel have always made it Crystal-Clear: we attempt to always operate via being Muslim-1st. We refuse to view each other as “Enemies” of one another. We equally refuse to allow anyone to disrupt our Progress towards Facilitating al-Ijtimā`/Unity between the Muslims via Religio-Academia/Scholarship.We ask Allah, to always protect us & always aid us against any/all whom want us to be Adversaries against each other.

Gareth Bryant

1445, A.H./2024, C.E.

at-Tafwīdh/Neutrality vs. at-Ta’wīl/Interpretation concerning the Sifāt/Qualities-Of-Allah



This-Article is an Unofficial-Sharh/Commentary of a Previous-Article I’ve written about the Fitrah/Nature-Of-Allah.

al-Athariyyah vs. al-Ash`ariyyah

There have been, classically & contemporaneously, (various Persons, Groups, Schools, etc.)-Those whom have taken a Theological-Position that the Features which Allah describes Himself with are only “Allegorical”, and not Literal/Real…these’re predominantly the Theological-Adherents of al-Ash`ariyyah/Ash`arism. This is based solely upon Interpretations of Linguistic-Nuances of the Arabic-Language, as opposed to what Allah has actually mentioned about Himself, what Muhammad (Peace be upon him) has mentioned about Him, what his Companions (May Allah be pleased with them altogether), and what the general Consensus of Muslim-Scholars of as-Salaf (the 3-Generations of Muslims relative to the Revelation of The Qur’ān) have commented on, concerning the Features of Allah. In fact, classically, the Vast-Majority of the Salaf (as-Sahābah/the Companions & Generations-1&2 of at-Tābi`īn/the Followers) have always taken a Religio-Posture known as at-Tafwīdh/Neutrality, regarding the Features of Allah: they are what they are, as mentioned, in both The Qur’ān & Sunnah/Prophetic-Tradition, without attempting to explain them, nor denying the Reality that these Divine-Features actually exists…these’re predominantly those whom openly claim to be Theological-Adherents of al-Athariyyah/Atharism. However, in All-Truthfulness/Honesty: the Concept al-Athariyyah isn’t even an `Aqīdah/(Religio-Theological School)…it’s simply the Theological-Default for Average/Regular-Muslim. Every Nabī/Prophetic-Individual (Peace be upon them altogether) were Theological-Atharīs & at leadt 90% of as-Sahābah/the Companions (May Allah be please with them altogether) were Theological-Atharīs.

The Reality of the Fitrah/Nature of Allah

The Theological-Song that never ends

The Subject at-Tafwīdh vs. at-Ta’wīl…a very hotly contested Religio-Theological Issue amongst Fellow-Muslims: namely amongst those whom sectarianly label themselves as “Atharīs”, “Ash`arīs”, “Māturīdīs”, “Mu`tazilīs”, “Shī`īs”, “Salafīs”, Sūfīs”, “Deobandīs”, “Barelwīs”, etc. Albeit the Average-Muslim views Fellow-Muslims whom participate in these ridiculous `Aqīdah/Creed-Wars as Derelicts. Fellow-Muslims external of the Religio-Sectarian Scene rarely, if ever, even care about “`Aqīdah-Wars” (which consumes the Daily-Lives of Countless-Muslims whom’re Hizbī/Religio-Sectarian).

As per Team-Ash`arī pontificating/claiming that Non-Ash`arīs believe Allah exists in a “Place

To Muslim-Ash`arīs whom pontificate/claim that Muslim Non-Ah`rīs believe Allah
exists via: “Space”, “Place”, “Direction”, etc…
…no Muslim believes that Allah is: “contained”, “confined”, restricted”, “limited” to: “Space”, Place, “Direction”, etc. Allah is literally above any/all Space, Place, Direction, etc. by default.

Literally, some of the
Asmā’/Names-Of-Allah are:

Al-`Alī/The Ultimately-Above

Al-Muta`āl/The Most-Elevated

Al-A`lā/The Most-High

However, Certain-Persons have deemed it necessary to do 1 of 2-Things:

a. Negate the Reality that Allah has described Himself with these Divine-Features, giving such Features a “Figurative-Definition/Allegorical-Interpretation”.

b. Attempt to give the Divine-Features of Allah a “Form/Structure”.

Both are equally theologically problematic as well as theologically dangerous.

This Particular-Debate (over the Extent of the Reality or lack-thereof concerning the Features of Allah), has been a (recurring, theological/scholarly) Debate for the Past-Millennium, A.H./C.E. amongst Muslims. But, that’s not my Concern, to get caught-up with the Ikhtilāf/Differing of Madhāhib (Religio-Scholastic Opinions) regarding Islāmic-Theology. My Point here is very simple: there’s so many things about Allah’s-Nature, which we, as Created-Things, will probably/defnitely never know…that’s OK to not know everything-Only Allah Themselves are Al-`Alīm/The All-Knowing.

The Dangers&Idiocy of Hizbī/Sectarian-Conflicts

But, it honestly doesn’t even matter, for the Following-Reasons:

a. If it were really that important for us, as Created-Things, to know in detail regarding the Sifāt/Features of Allah: they would’ve most definitely extended the Definition of what Their Features are/are not via The Qur’ān and/or the Sunnah.

b. Debating over whether Allah has Literal/Real-Sifāt vs. Metaphorical/Allegorical-Sifāt won’t get anyone any further via their Individual Islāmic-Development/Evolution. I view this as a Waste-Of-Time, for People to go Back&Forth: debating, arguing, attacking one another, etc. verbally and/or even physically over these Theological-Issues.

c. There must/should be 0-Doubt, to any Muslim, that when Allah mentions something in The Qur’ān, or within the Sunnah, that He is not at all attempting to be “deceptive”.

I mean, really…do you really think/feel that Allah (Creator/Lord of the Universe) would just mention that He possesses Features, for Himself, just to throw us off & confuse us, to have us at one another’s Throats (figuratively & literally)?!!! What type of God do you think/feel you’re worshipping?!!! Allah never plays Practical-Jokes upon His Creation, nor does He deceive people, nor does He insult anyone’s Intelligence. However, because we may possess some Deficiencies of our own, due to our Egos/Desires…Lack of Intellectual-Vision…and/or just Plain-Ignorance of the Knowledge of Revelatory-Texts…etc.: we’ve a Tendency/Propensity to overcompensate for the Fact that we don’t comprehend something about Allah, by attempting to define/interpret it ourselves. This undoubtedly in turn leads Persons astray.

What drove me to even write this to revist the Subject-Matter:

A Muslim-Colleague of mine, Tālib Nathaniel (an Ash`arī-Academic in their own Right) whom I personally respect immensely, as per their objective/extensive Islāmic-Academia: Tālib Nathaniel & myself very often respectfully (the Sincere-Respectfully not the Sarcastic-Respectfully) clash, debate, discuss, dialogue, etc. regarding the Theological-Grounds for any Muslim being Pro/Anti-Tafwīdh or Pro/Anti-Ta’wīl. So, I decided to just blatantly open the Full-Throttle Debate regarding Tafwīdh vs. Ta’wīl, figuring that Tālib Nathaniel would take an Interest in this Type/Kind of Endeavor. (As Allah would have it) Tālib Nathaniel proved me Right. They proved to be All-In with this.

My Heart breaks because of the Idiocy of the Muslim Afro-American

Prior to authoring this, I messaged Tālib the Original-Skeleton of This-Article. And, I know what they must’ve been thinking when they saw what I messaged them: “This-Nigga Gareth Bryant done lost they Damn-Mind!!!” LOL Nevertheless, I stand firm upon what I’ve authored & I’m more than sure that Tālib Nathaniel will most definitely author their own Rebuttal/Clapback-Article, as a Result of what I’ve written. I started-out the Article simply as a very lengthy Monologue, if you will, directed towards Tālib Nathaniel (exclusively to get their Feedback about what I originally messaged them).

So, this is how I conveyed my Monologue-Message to Tālib Nathaniel:

I got something for you to discuss with me. It’s the Easiest-Way to debunk Ash`arī-Kalām/Rhetoric against Non-Ash`arīs…the Concept of al-Masjid/the Mosque. The Alternate-Title of/for the Masjid is “Baytullah” (the House-Of-Allah). Here’s where we investigate the Tafsīr/Context of “Bayt”…is Allah stating that They divinely dwell in a: Space, Location, Place, Direction, Address, Village, Township/Town, Metropolis/City, Provence, State, Country, etc.?!!! Number-1: No Muslim would dare pontificate/claim that Allah “lives” within anything, “lives” at any Place, etc. Number-2: No Muslim would dare pontificate/claim that Allah is subject/subjected to having to seek-out Properties, Real-Estate…subject/subjected to Mortgages, Renting, Eviction, Foreclosure, etc.

So, when Allah states (via The Qur’ān): “And All-Masājid/Mosques are for/belong to Allah.” (Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.72, V.18)…where do we go with This Revelatory-Statement?!!! Hold-On to your Kūfīs-According to Ash`arism: the Sifāh/Divine-Description of Allah descending to Samā’-id-Dunyā (the Sky/Heaven of the Mundane), during the Last-3rd of Nitetime…the Classic/Typical Ash`arī-Argument against at-Tafwīdh is that: “Nitetime occurs at Different-Times across the Earth. So, are People trying to claim that Allah is going ‘Up&Down’ anywhere/everywhere there’s different Nitetimes?!!!”. Obviously, this is a Deflective/Gaslighter-Posture, exclusively geared towards trying to make Non-Ash`arīs seem Islāmically-Ignorant, Unintelligent, etc. It’s literally meant as a Tool-Of-Humiliation.

The Evil&Destructive-Nature of Takfīr-Culture

Ironically though, via the Same-Line of Logic: the Revelatory-Statement, “And All-Masājid are for/belong to Allah.”…anyone can easily do the Same-Thing: “So, does this mean that Allah is a ‘Rolling-Stone’: wherever They lay Their Divinity is Their Home?!!!”. No Muslim would dare claim this, because it’s theologically insulting to the Integrity of at-Tawhīd/Islāmic-Monotheism. There’s 0-Doubt that mocking the Concept of at-Tafwīdh literally (by default/definition) is Mockery of anything/everything which Allah revealed to Muhammad via at-Tanzīl.


What/where’s my Evidence People’ll ask & that’s good to ask…the following are my Proofs:

1. Allah has a Nafs/Persona

This is solely based upon the Fact that Allah does say about Himself, in The Qur’an, as well as what Muhammad (Peace be upon him), said about Allah, as having an Actual-Nafs/Persona. Of course, obviously not to be compared, or confused, with the Similitude of the Nafs/Persona of any Creature/Being.
(Noble Qur’an: Chpt.5, V.116; at-Tabarī; as-Suyūtī)

2. Allah has a Face/Eyes

This is solely based upon the fact that Allah does in fact describe Themselves, within The Qur’ān, as well as Muhammad (Peace be upon him) via the Sunnah describing Him as having an Actual/Real-Face/Eyes. This isn’t at all to be compared or confused with the Similitude of the Face/Eyes of any Created-Thing.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.52, V.48; 55, V.26 & 27; at-Tabarī; as-Suyūtī)

3. Allah has a Voice/Speech

This is solely based upon the Fact that Allah is described in The Qur’ān, as well in the Sunnah, as having an Actual/Real-Voice/Speech, not to be compared or confused with the Similitude of the Voice/Speech of any Created-Thing.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.4, V.164; at-Tabarī; as-Suyūtī)

4. Allah has Hands/Fingers

This is solely based upon the Fact that Allah does in fact details about Themselves, in The Qur’ān, as well as in the Sunnah, as having Actual-Hands/Fingers (2 Right-Hands in fact to be exact: a Tolerated/Accepted-Opinion but equally an Unpopular-Opnion via Team-Atharī) not to be compared or confused with the Similitude of the Hands/Fingers of any Created-Thing.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.38, V.75; at-Tabarī; as-Suyūtī; al-Bukhārī; Muslim)

5. Allah has Shins

This is solely based upon the Fact that Allah does in fact describe Himself, in The Qur’an & the Sunnah, as having Actual-Shins, not to be compared or confused with the Similitude of the Shins of any Created-Thing.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.68, V.42; at-Tabarī; as-Suyūtī)

6. Allah has Feet

This is solely based upon the Fact that Allah does in fact describe Himself as having Actual-Feet, not to be compared, or confused with the Similitude of the Feet of any Created-Thing.

The Pushback against the Aforementioned-Points

Of course, there’s going to be Persons whom’ll challenge what I’ve stated. Yet, I’ll pose the Following-Questions:

1. Is the Face of a Mountain the same as the Face of a Building?!!!

2. Is the Eye of a Storm the same as the Eye of a Needle?!!!

3. Are the Hands of a Clock/Watch the same as the Hands of a Human?!!!

Anyone/everyone of Basic-Intelligence will respind: “Of course, they’re not the same.”. So, since that’s the Case: it literally defies Human-Intelligence to assume that any Muslim attempts to ewuate the Sifāt/Features-Of-Allah to the Sifāt of Makhlūq/Akwān (Created-Things/Beings). For any Muslim to dare accuse any Fellow-Muslim of attempting to equate Allah to Creation/Creation to Allah (at-Tashbīh [Anthropomorphism]/at-Tamthīl [Theophany]) is quite honestly a Dummy.

at-Tark/Deflection as per the Validity of at-Tafwīdh:

The Mockery/Rejection of at-Tafwīdh by default/definition is in turn the Mockery/Rejection of at-Tanzīl/Revelation itself. Surely, the Concept of at-Tafwīdh didn’t just incept/invent itself. And, none of the Muslims just freestyled it themselves. at-Tafwīdh was explicitly taught by Allah to Muhammad (Peace be upon them) via The Qur’ān & the Sunnah/Prophetic-Tradition.

The Haqqover/Super-Hizbī: Debunking the Pseudo-Justifications for Takfīr-Culture

Ironically, Ash`arī-Rhetoric opposing at-Tafwīdh proves that they don’t even believe in The Qur’ān & the Sunnah as they pontificate/claim:

Number-1…Allah affirms/confirms that everything Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated, did, etc. regarding al-Islām was at-Tanzīl/Revelation.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.53, V.1-5)

Number-2…Muhammad stated: “Beware, verily, I was granted The Qur’ān & something just like it as Revelation. And there’ll be Persons from my Nation whom’ll recline on Couches claiming “The Qur’ān alone is enough for me.”. Beware of them.”.

Number-3…Allah affirms/confirms that whomever mocks Muhammad and/or whatever they were sent with as per at-Tanzīl are Cursed-Persons.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.108)

This-Article, for the Record, will definitely be the Last-Article I ever author about anything related to al`Aqīdah/Islāmic-Theology…I’ve written enough about the Subject & especially concerning at-Tafwīdh vs. at-Ta’wīl. Personally, I don’t even have to write about the Subject any longer: I’ve written as extensively as I could & have attempted to have my Articles contain as many Facts, Contexts, Clarity/Clarification, etc. as humanly possible. Now, don’t get me wrong: with Allah’s-Help I’ll still be writing…just no longer about these Goofy-Ass `Aqīdah-Wars.

Gareth Bryant

Mawlid-Frenzy and Takfīr-Culture via Mawlid-Madness


“And never let your hatred, against any People, prevent you from behaving justly.”
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.8)

Annually, there’s the Great-Debates, all across the Muslim-World, concerning Muslims globally celebrating the Birthday-Of-Muhammad.

My Thoughts on the Mawlid (Celebration of the birthday of Muhammad [Peace be upon him])

Christmas is just like al-Mawlid: A Bid`ah!!!

However, This-Year was very different. I’ll explain what I mean. It was the 1st-Time that any Fellow-Muslim ever had the Nerve to “question” my Love for Muhammad (Peace be upon them), simply because I refuse to Dick-Ride the Mawlid-Frenzy. And, this is where the Shit-Show begins.

Far too often…anytime any Muslim opposes Religio-Beliefs/Practices which aren’t predicated upon at-Tanzīl/Revelation: Certain-Muslims love to pseudo-label Fellow-Muslims they deem their Religio-Sectarian Opps as being “Wahhābī”.

How to avoid being placed in the “Wahhābī” Box

For any Muslim to pontificate, claim, imply, question whether or not any Fellow-Muslim whom doesn’t co-sign Mawlid (the Celebration of the Birth of Muhammad) loves Muhammad (Peace be upon them)…
…all of them are Dead-Ass-Wrong & Theologically/Morally-Corrupt. It’s literally impossible to be a Muslim & notove Muhammad. Loving Muhammad is a Theological-Farīdhah/Mandate, just as much as loving any/all other Anbiyā’/Prophetic-Individuals (Peace be upon them) whom existed prior to the Revelation of The Qur’ān.

The Proof that loving Muhammad is Islāmically-Mandatory

Muhammad once stated: “None amongst you believe, unless/until I become more-beloved to them than: their Child, and their Father, and Humanity holistically.”.

So, for any Muslim to accuse any Fellow-Muslim of (either directly or indirectly) not possessing love for Muhammad, simply because they refuse to celebrate the Births of Dead/Presumably-Dead People…
…this is nothing short of al-Buhtān/Slander via Unjust-Takfīr/Blasphemy.

The Proof against Unjust-Takfīr

Muhammad (Peace be upon him) stated the following, regarding at-Takfīr/Blasphemy:

“No Person accuses another of either being a Fāsiq/Sinner or a Kāfir (Disbeliever/Non-Muslim), except that they’re one themselves, if the Other isn’t which they’ve pontificated/claimed.”.

“Whomever attributes/ascribes Kufr (Disbelief) to their Brother is just like their Killer/Murderer.”.
(al-Bukhārī, at-Tirmidhī)

“If a Muslim calls someone a Kāfir (Disbeliever/Non-Muslim): if they are then let it be, otherwise they themselves are a Kāfir.”

Examining al-Kharajiyyah/Religio-Extremism via Mafia/Gang-Culture amongst Muslims historically & contemporaneously

The Audacious/Arrogant-Lengths Certain-People are willing to go, to promote al-Kharajiyyah/Religio-Extremism & in the Same-Breath accuse Others of al-Kharajiyyah…it’s sadly laughable to put it mildy. These’re truly Despicable-Times amongst the Muslims, that we really think/feel that we’re “entitled/justified” to question whether or not any Fellow-Muslim truly loves Muhammad, because they don’t celebrate the Birthday of a Dead-Person. There’s absolutely 0-Way that this could/would ever be Islāmically-Correct. This truly bothers me & equally it greatly angers me.

The Statements of Allah vs. the Statements of “The Scholars”: the Anatomy of Personality-Worship amongst Muslims towards “Persons-Of-Knowledge”


Allah states: “Those whom believe pay attention: Obey Allah & the Messenger, as well as the Possessors-Of-Authority amongst you. However, if you differ regarding anything: refer it to Allah & the Messenger, providing you actually believe in Allah & the Last-Day. That’s best & a Most-Excellent Conclusion.”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.4, V.59)

The Section of the Aforementioned-Verse via The Qur’ān: when it’s stated “…Possessors-Of-Authority amongst you…”, Many/Most-Muslims will default interpret/conclude this to exclusively mean Muslim Religio-Academics/Scholars. So, we’re going to explore how/why so many Muslims take such a Religio-View.

I’m going to begin this by highlighting a 2 Seperate-Convos I had with 2 Seperate-Persons: both Well-Versed via Islāmic-Knowledge. One of them had mentioned the Following-Book to me…it’s known as a Famous-Work detailing a Specific-Madhab. A Madhab is a Religio-Legal School, focusing on Religio-Legal Analysis of ash-Sharī`ah/Islāmic-Law.

For More-Info. regarding Madhāhib/Religio-Legal Schools:


So…one of the Persons whom I conversed with, regarding this Particular Book: they expressed Grave-Concern regarding a Wellknown-Citation/Quote attributed to the Reputation of the Author of the Work & the Work itself, as well as the Students of the Work itself. The Statement is as follows: “We’re the Khalīliyyūn/the Followers of al-Khalīl. If they’ve strayed, then so have we.”.

Now, on the Other-End, as per the Other-Person I conversed with: they indicated that it’s untrue/dishonest to interpret the Cited/Quoted-Statement the Way it typically can be. They mentioned that the Cited/Quoted-Statement isn’t from the Work itself, but rather it became a Popular-Statement regarding the Religio-Academic Reputation of Khalīl al-Jundī. They described the Statement as merely a Sign of Religio-Scholastic Respect for Khalīl al-Jundī.

This-Statement itself, from what I gather is that those whom follow Khalīl al-Jundī are very stern towards taking the Scholarship of Khalīl al-Jundī very seriously. This can be a Positive or a Negative equally. It’s because it can imply that Khalīl al-Jundī is “never wrong” & if they’re “wrong”, then it means that their Students are “wrong”, and their Students would never claim that Khalīl al-Jundī “wrong” about anything.

I can most definitely see where Both-Persons are coming from. The Silver-Lining Issue, of course, is a very popularized Religio-Concept amongst Muslims known as at-Taqlīd/Blind-Following. The Usūl/Origins of the Concept itself-Historically it stems from Ignorant-Persons necessarily being connected to Knowledgeable-Persons, in order to get the Best-Understanding of al-Islām. But, too often, this has greatly evolved into Certain-Muslims aimlessly following anyone exclusively because they allign with the same: Hizb/Religio-Sect, `Aqīdah/Religio-Theological School, Minhāj/Religio-Ideology, etc.

For More-Info. regarding at-Taqlīd:

To Taqlīd or not to Taqlīd

Understanding Religio-Sectarianism amongst Muslims

The Dangers&Idiocy of Hizbī/Sectarian-Conflicts

Examining al-Kharajiyyah/Religio-Extremism via Mafia/Gang-Culture amongst Muslims historically & contemporaneously

Fake-Wokeness & the Idiocy of the Muslim Flat-Earther

The Irony though is that All-Muslims are Islāmically-Required to be Religio-Knowledgeable regarding al-Islām. What this means, inherently, is that it’s an Ithm/Sin for any Muslim to be Purposely-Ignorant. Even if a Muslim doesn’t have Access to Education, Wealth/Funds to pay for Education, lacks Books for whatever Reason, or is Completely-Illiterate, etc. they must still expend any/all Efforts to attain whichever Knowledge they possibly can. Hell…even as per Secular-Matters  there’s Certain-Things which every Muslim must/should know. This is precisely how/why Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Pursuing Knowledge is a Farīdhah/Islāmic-Mandate, upon every Muslim.”.

This now brings us to the Title of the Article itself. Attempting to be as objective as I can: Both-Persons brought Valid-Arguments, as per possessing Scholastic-Respect & as per not being a Dick-Rider. Scholastic-Respect is essential, while however being a Dick-Rider is dangerous. Muhammad even stated: “Don’t be an Imma`ah.”…the Word “Imma`ah” in fact means “Dick-Rider”.
(at-Tirmidhī; Lisān-ul-`Arab [Lexicon of the Arabic-Language], ibn-Manzhūr)

For More-Info. regarding al-Imma`tiyyah/Dick-Rider Culture amongst Muslims:




The Overall-Takeaway from This-Article must/should be:

1. al-Jahl/Ignorance isn’t a “Flex”. al-`Ilm/Knowledge is a Must for any/all Endeavors.

2. al-Islām at All-Times is predicated upon al-`Ilm via at-Tanzīl/Revelation.

3. Islāmic-Knowledge takes precedence over any/all other Kinds/Types of Univeral/Secular-Knowledge.

4. al-`Ilm must be understood/interpreted based upon Sound-Evidence/Sources & Proper-Cultivation/Education.

5. No 1-Individual, 1-Entity, 1-Group, etc. has any such “Monopoly” over Islāmic-Knowledge.

6. Only Allah is Al-`Alīm/The All-Knowing. So, none of us should ever treat anyone as though they know everything.

I know, as for me: this is precisely how/why I’m Madhab-Fluid. Meaning, I’m willing to recognize/accept anything from any Madhab which is rooted in at-Tanzīl & I readily ignore/reject anything from any Madhab which I personally don’t find predicated upon at-Tanzīl. Muhammad stated: “Abandon whatever makes your Heart question/speculate.”.

Mālik ibn-Anas (ironically the Progenitor/Founder of the Mālikī-Madhab in which al-Khalīl’s Work is directly about the Mālikī-Madhab):

“The Kalām/Speech of anyone can be freely accepted or rejected, except the Kalām of the Occupier of This-Grave (pointing towards the Grave of Muhammad ibn-`Abdillah: the Messenger-Of-Allah via al-Madīnah).”.

Gareth Bryant 1445, A.H./2023, C.E.

The Dangers&Idiocy of Hizbī/Sectarian-Conflicts


Allah commands the Muslims to strive towards al-Ijtimā`/Unity & prohibits us from entertaining al-Iftirāq/Division. Also, They remind us of the Favor of al-Ijtimā` being one of the Things which’ll keep us safe from an-Nār/the Fire.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.3, V.103; Chpt.6, V.153)

Muhammad (Peace be upon them) warned us sternly, regarding the Dangers of al-Iftirāq. They told us via them drawing a Straight-Line in the Sand, calling it the Straight-Way (al-Islām). Then, they drew Branch-Lines from that Straight-Line & detailed that a Shaytān/Satanist is upon each of those Branch-Lines, calling People to adh-Dhalālah/Misguidance.
(Ahmad, Shākir)

Allah states: “And don’t be led to Destruction, via your own Hands.”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.2, V.195)

Now, ironically, as per a Human-Behavioral Context: as a Chaplain I’ve personally witnessed Certain-Muslims literally drive themselves towards at-Tajnīn (Jinn-Influence/Possession) & towards Mental-Illness resulting from them self-indulging into these Religio-Sectarian Conflicts. With them being so preoccupied with who’s upon this-or-that: not only has it driven them further astray, but for Many-Persons they’ve literally lost their Fuckin-Minds over This-Shit. I literally know People whom’re Psycho-Emotional Shells of their Former-Selves, only because they’ve allowed themselves to self-destruct. Their Self-Destruction was directly predicated upon being preoccupied with these Non-Beneficial Religio-Sectarian Dick-Measuring Contests, vying for Pseudo-Superiority. What they pontificate/claim, whom/what they call to, etc. has driven many over the Edge & destroyed their Psycho-Emotional Wellness.

In conclusion, I’ll mention a Quote from Abil-Hasan al-Ash`arī, regarding their Deathbed-Testimony:

In spite of the Religio-Theological Stances of Abil-Hasan al-Ash`arī, against their Religio-Theological Adversaries: even they allowed themselves to see that the Unity of the Muslims trumps whatever Religio-Interpretations People pontificate/promote. Ironically, those whom dick-ride This-Person & claim to adhere to their Theological-Principles refuse to abide by their Deathbed-Testimony. And, sadly, even Certain-Muslims whom’re Non-Ash`arīs commit themselves to the same Takfīr/Blasphemy-Culture which Abul-Hasan al-Ash`arī wanted to eradicate.

For More-Info. regarding the Toxicity&Stupidity of al-Hizbiyyah/Sectarianism:






Gareth Bryant