Tag Archives: Shooter

The Anatomy of the American-Shooter


Along with Stats such as these though…there’s very Important-Stats People purposely leave-out, as per the Typical-Profile of the Average Mass-Shooter, especially School Mass-Shooters. The Average Mass-Shooter (from 1764, C.E. via Colonial-Pennsylvania to the Present-Day) via American/US-History has always been: Non-Muslims, Euro-Males, Ages 20-60. And, this also the Reason how/why it’s so easy for Mass-Shooters to be granted the Ability to “Plead Insanity” while at their Mass-Shooting Trials. Guaranteed: if the Average Mass-Shooter weren’t what’s aforementioned, then the Judicial-Penalties for Mass-Shooting would be a Hell of a lot harsher. Also, the Average Mass-Shooter is usually always apprehended alive…the Typical-Profile of the Average Mass-Shooter is most definitely the Reason for that.

Gareth Bryant

Under Fire Downunder



Islāmophobia’s Expiration:

Fraser Anning, raving & ranting…
…Mocking the Mosques attacking.

Claiming that al-Islām is the Problem…
…when Gunmen were quarrelsome.

He acts as though Immigrants are dangerous…
…didn’t colonizing Australia massacre her Millions?!!!

Yeah…I thought so: simply deflecting…  …so far removed from your own very Dark-History.

Arrogance is blatant Truth-Rejecting…  …your Ancestors used Blood to write their Violent-Story.

People like this think&feel emboldened, that they’re the World’s-Masters…  …upon the Horizon though is a Storm of Retribution, full of Disasters.

Their Hands have corrupted the Earth, yet they proclaim to be its Saviors…  …all they do is exploit & manipulate, profiting from People’s Past-Labors.

Their Time is coming to an End & they know it.

Gareth Bryant

1440, A.H./2019, C.E.