Tag Archives: Envy

The Qābīl vs. Hābīl Effect: Exploring the Anatomy of Hizbī/Sectarian Cock-Blocking


Allah states:

“And never let your hatred, against any People, prevent you from behaving justly.”

(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.8)

Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated:

“Always speak Truth, even if it’s bitter (even if it rubs People the Wrong-Way.”


The Following is predicated upon the Religio-Historical Works of at-Tabarī & ibn-Kathīr: Tārīkh-ur-Rusul wal-Mulūk (The Chronicle of Messengers&Rulers) & al-Bidāyah wan-Nihāyah (The Beginning&Ending)

The Beginning

Ādam/Adam&Hawwā’/Eve: Progenitors/Parents-Of-Humanity (Peace be upon them both) had 2 Initial-Children out of their 120-Children…Qābīl/Cain & Hābīl/Abel. Each of the Children of Ādam&Hawwā’ were the Result of 60 Full-Term Pregnancies consisting of 60-Pairs of Fraternal-Twins (Male&Female-Twins). The Amr/Command-Of-Allah imposed upon Ādam was to marry-off each Preceeding-Twins to their Succeeding-Twins. So, Qābīl was born with their Female-Twin & Hābīl was born with their Female-Twin. Ādam commanded Qābīl to marry the Sister-Of-Hābīl & Ādam commanded Hābīl to marry the Sister-Of-Qābīl.

The Problem

Qābīl sexually desired to marry the Sister they were born with. This initiated a Serious-Issue between Qābīl & Hābīl. So, Allah then commanded Ādam to ordered Qābīl&Hābīl to offer an Udhiyyah/Qurbānī (Sacrifice) to compensate their Fitnah (Drama/Beef). Qābīl purposely gave the Worst-Sacrifice & Hābīl purposely gave the Best-Sacrifice. Obviously, Allah accepted the Best-Sacrifice of Hābīl. Upon that, Qābīl proceded to unjustly-kill/murder Hābīl. Yes…Qābīl killed/murdered a Fellow-Muslim, their own Relative, etc. over Pussy.

Some Brief Islamic-History (the Origins of `Id-il-Adha):

The Mīrāth/Legacy of the Qābīl vs. Hābīl Effect

Muhammad foretold:

“Verily, I’ve not left behind any Fitnah/Drama after me, more harful to Men, than Women.”


It’s a Known-Fact, that Women (whether intentionally or unintentionally) have been used as Pseudo-Justifications historically (to impose Harm upon one’s Fellow-Man). And, the Muslim Cock-Blocker manifests this absolutely. One would think/feel that the Muslims are better than this. But, what must be remembered, Muslims are just as Human as any Non-Muslim. And, because of That-Fact: Muslims are just as Fucked-Up as Non-Muslims.

I’ve personally & professionally have (via the Nasr/Help-Of-Allah):

a. Have intervened regarding Muslim-Men oppressing one another over Pussy.

b. Have personally & professionally intervened regarding Muslim-Men Cock-Blocking one another.

The Muslim Cock-Blocker manifests Several-Sifāt/Characteristics

1. Muslim-Men whom’re Awliyā’ (Islāmic-Guardians) over Muslim-Women whom only want Muslim-Women under their Wilāyah/Charge to marry Certain Muslim-Men.

2. Muslim-Men whom desire & attempt to sabotage Potential-Marriages between Muslim-Women they want & Muslim-Men they’re at Odds with.

3. Muslim-Men whom desire to attempt Spiritually-Blackmailing Other Muslim-Men, resulting from them Harām-Fuckin Muslim and/or Non-Muslim Women and/or Muslim-Men whom’re Envious concerning the Fact that Muslim-Men they’re aversed to have slammed, pursued, etc. Muslim and/or Non-Muslim Women they were either with or desire to be with themselves.

an-Nazhr/al-`Ayn (Evil-Eye) via al-Hasad (Envy)

Full-Disclosure Storytime

All-3 Sifāt of the Muslim Cock-Blocker I’ve had to personally deal with via my Life…I’ll explain.

There’ve been Times via my Life where Certain Muslim-Men, who’ve been Awliyā’ over Muslim-Women who’ve I’ve attempted to marry…they either purposely ignore my Marital-Inquiries or have slandered me. I’ll detail precisely what I mean. As per ignoring me, Certain-Awliyā’ I’d contacted (pertaining to get a Majlis [Sitdown/Meeting]) to discuss how to go forward with said Muslim-Women whom either were interested in me or I were interested in them. I reached-out to These-Awliyā’, but they literally pretended as though I never even existed. As per slandering me, there’ve been Times where Certain Muslim-Women have informed me that their Awliyā’ straight-up lied to them via accusing me of being Hizbī/Religio-Heretical & that I’d lead them to an-Nār/the Fire (No…I’m not joking: this has really occured).

There’s been Scenarios where Muslim-Women I’ve maritally pursued were told via Muslim-Men that I’ve been in “Sex-Tapes” & have acquired/spread “STD’s”…literally 💯%-Lies. This, of course, was done exclusively to sabotage my Marital-Pursuits via al-Hasad (Hateration/Envy) & al-`Ayn/an-Nazhr (Evil-Eye). Through this, I’ve actually had Several-Opportunities for Marriage completely ruined, exclusively predicated upon al-Buhtān/al-Humazah (Slander/Defamation).

There’ve been Muslim-Men who’ve co-signed Allegations against me, as per me “harrassing” Muslim-Women, all because they wanted to fuck those same Muslim-Women just like I did. It’s just that they never had the Balls to throw da Frank @ em like I did. (Ironically) many of these Muslim-Women are known/notorious to sell Pussy to Muslim-Men and/or fuck Non-Muslims, and whom these Simp-Ass Clowns have pontificated/claimed to their “Defenders” (in the Hopes of getting Sympathy-Yams from said Muslim-Women). But, here’s the Irony: the Broads these Simp-Ass Niggas “defend” don’t even want Those-Dudes. Women never respect Simps, rather they’ll only tolerate/use them as per their own Aspirations/Agendas.

Of the Slandered, but not of the Fallen:

The Way Women really view Men

How the Muslim Cock-Blocker plays-out via al-Hizbiyyah/Religio-Sectarianism

All-Adherents of Ahzāb/Religio-Sects have Several-Things in common. They’ve each/all, as Ahzāb aim to accomplish some or all of what I plan on detailing. Coubtless-Persons just hate when I talk about These-Things…fortunately I honestly don’t give a Fuck though. So, Yeah…let’s get into it:

1. Establish themselves via the Hoods (where Many-Persons are downtrodden & largely unsophisticated via their Analyses of Charlatans).

2. Impress the Ignorant (via the Illusion of possessing al-`Ilmiyyah/Islāmic-Knowledge).

3. Spoonfeed Individuals whatever one wants (keeping them coming-back for more like Drug-Addicts & keeping Real/Beneficial-Knowledge Out-Of-Reach).

4. Bedazzle & seduce the Womenfolk of these Communities into their Beds.

5. Attain & maintain the Support of the Muslim-Criminals, Muslim Street-Teams, Muslim Gang-Members, etc. (using one’s Muslim-Muscle to pressure, intimidate, neutralize, eliminate, etc. Religio-Secterian Competition/Opposition).

The Hujjah/Indictment against the Salafī-Mafia

Gareth Bryant’s Hujjah/Refutation against the “Imāms-Roundtable”

Romance of the 3-`Aqīdahs

Number-4 is of Special-Importance, relative to the Holistic-Theme of the Article itself. All of These-Bozos pretend to be “Pious/Righteous”. But, as soon as Some-Tunabox comes into the Mix, they’ll lie on you, steal from you, hurt and/or kill you, etc. just to get a Whiff of the Coochie.

There’s Countless-Muslims whom pontificate/claim to have “Fraternity” and “Love” for one another. Yet, in All-Truthfulness/Honesty, as soon as a Broad becomes a Factor: “Fraternity” & “Love” get thrown-out rite with Yesterday’s-Trash. The “Fraternity”/”Love” which Most-Men project to have for each other is either Extremely-Weak or 💯%-Fake. Literally, via Human-History proving as such-The Easiest-Way to facilitate Rifts between Male-Bonds is Pussy.

Don’t think that Women are “Innocent” either

There’s literally been Muslim&Non-Muslim Women who’ve admitted to me, that the Only-Reason they took Interest in me was to inact Revenge against their Ex’s whom I’m Cool with. These Same-Women have literally told lies against their Ex’s, in order to pin me against their Ex’s (they’ve also admitted to doing this as well). But, then, those Same-Women have the Audacity/Arrogance to complain that I never took them seriously. And, I’ve personally called them who/what they are: they’re Snakes. They did all of this, simply because they enjoy Niggas Beefin wit each other. I’m sure that there’s Countless-Men this has happened to, but they’re unwilling to speak about it publicly.

There’s a Specific-Scenario in which there’s 2 Muslim-Men whom I personally know. They were once married to the Same Muslim-Woman at Seperate-Times. Muslim-Dude A whom married the Muslim-Chick the 1st-Time had a Tumultuous/Toxic-Relationship. Muslim-Dude B whom ended-up marrying the Muslim-Chick after they divorced Muslim-Dude A…they equally had a Tumultuous/Toxic-Relationship (that’s almost exclusively due to the Fact that the Muslim-Chick never allowed themselves to heal after their Former-Marriage to Muslim-Dude A). Muslim-Dude B, for the Record, was strongly advised publicly & privately to not marry the Ex-Spouse of Muslim-Dude A. Obviously, Yams trumped Good-Advice. So, while Muslim-Dude B was still married to the Muslim-Chick: they literally initiated a Back&Forth “Fulān-Fulān Said/He Said He Said” Scenario between Muslim-Dude A & Muslim-Dude B. It got so intense, that it was on the Cusp of actually getting violent between Muslim-Dude A & Muslim-Dude B. Fortunately, via the Mercy/Justice-Of-Allah: I was capable/able to facilitate the Peace between Muslim-Dude A & Muslim-Dude B. Now, you’d think that was the Happy-Ending right…wrong. Muslim-Chick literally had the Audacity/Arrogance to be “Angered” that I facilitated the Peace between Muslim-Dude A & Muslim-Dude B. They literally wanted the two of them to harm one another, over them…a Classic-Case of Attention-Addiction.

Y’all know I’m being 💯%-Truthful/Honest, concerning what I’ve articulated. I know you know, because you’re still reading the Article. The Fact that you’ve gotten this far via the Article proves undoubtedly/unequivocally, that you respect/appreciate my Authenticity via This-Article (in spite of you hating that I had the Audacity to even write it).

To conclude, Religio Cock-Blocking amingst the Muslims & between the Muslims is 💯%-Evil. And, it’s a Character/Behavior which is Ugly via the Eyes/Sight-Of-Allah. Religio Cock-Blocking has to stop & it has to be eradicated/eliminated Pronto.

Gareth Bryant

an-Nazhr/al-`Ayn (Evil-Eye) via al-Hasad (Envy)


Allah commands us to seek refuge with Them from Envy & Envious-Individuals.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.113&114)

Muhammad (Peace be upon them) warned against disclosing Good-News about one’s Self all the Time, and being comfortable keeping Certain-Things to one’s Self, stating that: “The Blessed are always envied.”.

What’s “an-Nazhr/al-`Ayn anyway?!!!

It’s an Islāmic-Concept, as well as a Universal-Concept, regarding having Ill-Will towards someone directly or indirectly & as a Fitnah/Test: Allah will at Times allow one’s Malice against Others manifest via Various-Ways. Those Ways could literally be anything which negatively occur to someone, resulting from an-Nazhr/al-`Ayn. There’s Examples which’ll be further detailed as the Article continues.

Real-Effects of an-Nazhr/al-`Ayn via Real-Life

The following are 2 Revelatory-Texts showing just how serious an-Nazhr/al-`Ayn really can be. Sadly, so/too many People (Fellow-Muslims included) honestly ignore the Reality of the Negative-Effects of an-Nazhr/al-`Ayn. Worse yet, there’s actually Muslims who’ll audaciously/arrogantly claim that an-Nazhr/al-`Ayn are “Unreal/Ficticious”.

Avoiding al-Ghadhab/Anger

The Anatomy of Quitting on one’s Self

I’ve personally witnessed Both-Scenarios detailed via the 2 Separate Revelatory-Texts which I’ve cited/quoted. I’ve personally experienced 1/2-Scenarios imposed upon myself. I’ll get into that later on in the Article.

Ways to protect one’s Self from al-Hasad & an-Nazhr/al-`Ayn

My Personal-Narrative regarding the Reality of Evil-Eye

1441, A.H./2020, C.E. I had learned about a Religio-Figure by the Name of Said Rageah…Muslim Somali-Canadian: they went viral for expressing/verbalizing Untruthful/Dishonest-Claims against Muslim&Non-Muslim Afro-Americans. They accused Afro-Americans of being the Socio-Sexual Byproducts of az-Zinā/YHOTery via “1-Nite Stands”. I, along with Countless Muslim Afro-Americans, rose-up in Resistance to this Islāmophobic/Xenophobic-Slander against both Muslim & Non-Muslim Afro-American Peoples. When George Floyd got unjustly-killed/murdered via U.S. Law-Enforcement: Muslims & Non-Muslims dived inyo the Fray of Lectures, Speeches, Protests, etc. Said Rageah being no different. In fact, Said Rageah had responded to a Post I shared: it was referring to a Muslim-Somali who stated that wiping over their Socks while doing Wudū’/Ablution means more to them than George Floyd’s Life.

This-Posture, clearly, not only Islāmophobic/Xenophobic…additionally it obviously made this Muslim-Somali a Live-Target for Muslim&Non-Muslim Afro-Americans. As Said Rageah attempted to do Ethnocentric Damage-Control, to avoid Ethno-Criticism, I immediately confronted Said Rageah via my Post-Thread & reminded them of their Islāmophobic/Xenophobic-Statements against Muslim&Non-Muslim Afro-Americans, as well as their Fake-Ass Apology claiming that what they stated was a “Slip-Of-The-Tongue”: “@Said Rageah You’re still not getting a Pass for accusing Afro-Americans of being Products of az-Zinā/THOTery via “1-Nite Stands”…U still aint Shit 4 dat. “Slip-Of-The-Tongue” my Ass: there’s no Way that someone is going to say the Same-Thing in Multiple-Languages & for that to be a “Slip-Of-The-Tongue”. Your Bullshit-Apology is Non-Accepted. People like them via that Video which I posted are the Direct-Products of Persons like you.”

Them being triggered via my Response to them, they replied to me Word4Word: “Life is Short…enjoy it while you can.”. (Literally) within less than 2-Hours of them stating this: I got Blindsighted-Hit via a Motorcycle going the Opposite-Direction of my Home-Block, which is a 1-Way Street. After getting hit I was rushed to the Hospital, for Medical-Care, Evaluation, etc. I immediately, while at the Hospital responded to what Said Rageah had last stated on my Post-Thread. I told them Word4Word: “@Said Rageah You imposed Evil-Eye upon me. May Allah curse you via ad-Dunyā/the Dunyā & al-Ākhirah/the Hereafter.”.

A Hujjah/Indictment against Said Rageah: a Muslim-Hatemonger

So, in conclusion, an-Nazhr/al-`Ayn is 💯-Haqq (Real/Reality). You’ve the Mashī’ah/Freewill to deny its Haqq if you want to. But, for me…I’m Wise/Intelligent enough to fully recognized/accept what it is & for what it is.

Gareth Bryant

The Portraits of my Life&Style


From 1425, A.H./2014, C.E. till the Present, Gareth Bryant has tried their Hand at Modeling. It’s been a very Interesting-Journey. Personally, it’s been awesome exploring a Realm so/too many Muslim-Men think/feel Self-Conscious about. I myself: I’ve literally been personally attacked via Fellow-Muslims, as per the Modeling I’ve done, for no other Reason than Gross-Fallacies about Male-Modeling. There’s actually Deliberate-Reasons how/why I’ve explored Fashion/Modeling.

Why my Love for Fashion matters

As I reminisce over my Origins, from a Muslim-Model to evolving into a Muslim-Chaplain: I’ve had Varied-Stages of my Fashion-Sense…it’s really Cool for me to observe myself “Outside-The-Box” Sort-Of-Speak. The Evolution of my Fashion-Style via Pictures tells a Story…my Story…from my own POV & exclusively upon my own Terms.

These-Pics reflect not only where I’ve been via the Fashion-World, but equally where I’ve been within the U.S. & elsewhere around the World via my Various-Travels from Here2There & everywhere else. It’s been fun as well as invigorating…most importantly self-educational. I’ve learned more about myself within the Past-Decade than I’d learned being alive for 4-Decades this far. This-Article reflects my Spiritual&Psycho-Social Rollercoadter Life…visible via the Emotions seen through my Pictures.

So, what awaits Gareth Bryant further in Life? I don’t know. But, as long as Allah grants me Life, I’ll continue to tell my Story as I see fit…with my Pics.

Gareth Bryant

1445, A.H./2024, C.E.

Men asking Men the Wrong-Shit


In the Modern-World of ours: Certain-Subjects which I’ve always known (as per Islāmic-Principle) to be private, confidential, etc. are now Free4All-Discussions. And, as being Muslim-1st I’m 💯% not OK with. There’s simply so/too many Scenarios as this. For the Sake of This-Article, however, I’ll only be detailing 1-Subject which triggers me greatly to put it midly. That-Subject is the “Body-Count” Concept. Relationships have literally been questioned, fractured, damaged, broken, ruined, etc. exclusively because of mentioning the Subject “Body-Count” alone by itself.

But, what compels me to write about the “Body-Count-Count” Concept is, the Fact that there’s so many Men discussing the Topic: that’s what gave rise to my Neccessity to truly explore what it is about “Body-Count” which intrigues so many Men and/or so many Types/Kinds of Men. More particularly…the Issue of Men inquiring about the “Body-Counts” of Other-Men either directly or indirectly. Asking about Another-Man’s “Body-Count”…that really takes Audacity to do so.

What da Fuck is “Body-Count” in da 1st-Place?!!!

The Concept “Body-Count” refers to the Amounts of Women any Man may or may not have had Sex with. There’s Women (ironically) whom attempt to use the Concept “Body-Count” to apply to how many Men any Woman’s had Sex with. But, that’s a Complete-Misnomer: Women don’t “Body” anyone…Women get Bodied.

Classic Red-Flags regarding “Body-Count” Inquiries:

a. Why does any Man even want to know that Type/Kind of Info. about Another-Man?

b. Why does any Man actually care how many Women (if/any) Another-Man is fuckin?!!!

c. How could even knowing Another-Man’s Body-Count be “beneficial”?!!!

This is sadly, for a Long-Time, been a gradually commonplace Kind of Thing. Men asking Other-Men who they are vs. aren’t fuckin. I’ve never deemed it “Cool” for Men to ask each other their “BodyCounts”. It’s always been something disturbing to me. It exudes Homo-Erotic Persona (via fetishizing Another-Man’s Sex-Life). Being invested in know Another-Man’s Body-Count makes a Man a Weirdo/Sicko.

There’s actually Several-Reasons how/why any Man would want to know Another-Man’s “Body-Count”

1. Male-Egotism:

The Male-Ego is the Most-Fragile-Thing Allah ever allowed to exist…a Spider’s-Web is stronger than the Male-Ego. Men want to always think of themselves as the proverbial “Big-Man On Campus”, pertaining to Sexual-Adventures/Conquests. And, they’re highly insecure about any other Man who’s Sexual-Stats are higher than theirs. The Human-Male constantly/consistently competes with Other-Men, as per Sexual-Dominance over Women. I mean, the 1st-Killing/Murder via Human-History was literally about Qābīl/Cain neutralizing their own Sibling Hābīl/Able (whom was deemed by Qābīl as Socio-Sexual-Competition).
(at-Tabarī, as-Suyūtī, ibn-Kathīr)

Male Peer-Pressure:

Certain-Men enjoy prying into the Sexual-Lives of Other-Men, as a Way to attain Leverage against them. Either to “prove” that they’ve got more Sexual-Notches on their Belts, or to belittle them for not having any Sexual-Notches and/or Less-Notches than themselves. There’s literally Countless-Men out here (Muslim-Men & Non-Muslim Men alike) whom “Compete2Cheat”, as a Way to “prove” they “still got it”, in spite of them being Married  having Significant-Others, being in Committed-Relationships, etc. And, Men whom dare not behave This-Way are either ridiculed for not displaying this Type/Kind of Character/Behavior, or they’re invited to partake in the Sucka-Shit.


There exists Men whom’ll literally go out of their Way to ostracize, alienate, etc. Other-Men if/when they refuse to be Womanizers as they are. They’ll literally berate them (privately or publicly), attempt to make them question their own Manhood, the Extent of their Masculinity, etc. They’ll spread Untruths/Dishonesties about those whom aren’t Womanizers also, exclusively via Bully-Culture. As well, they’ll resort to Spiritual-Blackmail if they know or find-out the “Body-Counts” of Other-Men: Certain-Men will even use Women to get “Body-Count” about Other-Men via Quintessential “Pillow-Talk” between Men&Women sexually-involved with each other. This, of course, is to attempt painting Other-Men as “Villains” (resulting from “Body-Count” Info.). Muslim-Men sadly (via Pseudo-Righteousness/Fake-Piety) are notorious for doing this. And, the Smokescreen used to pseudo-justify this is the Guise of Islāmic-Marriage. I’ll explain what I mean. If/whenever any Muslim-Male is investigated, in order to be worthy of marrying any Muslim-Woman or even Non-Muslim Woman: a Certain-Degree of Background-Check/Vetting is Mafrūdh/Islāmically-Required. Yet, ironically, at the Same-Time: the “Body-Count” Subject has & is used either for or against Certain Muslim-Men, relative to which Side of the “Body-Count” Coin is being emphasized. I’ve literally witnessed this Type/Kind of Bias take place via Real-Life. And, as per my Profession as a Chaplain, I’ve had to directly intevene regarding such Scenarios.

Covert Male-Homosexuality:

They secretly have a Clandestine-Want, Unclaimed-Desire, etc. for Other-Men. But, instead of admitting it to themselves: they project their own Sexual-Demons upon Others as a Smokescreen, to deflect what’s within them psycho-emotionally. Their own Insecurities, due to their Homo-Fetishes, causes them to gaslight Other-Men via interjecting Doubts about the Masculinity of Others. Instead of exploring how/why they like Other-Men: their pathologically invested into how much Pussy the Next-Man is or isn’t getting.

Personal-Challenges with the “Body-Count” Concept:

I  myself, have been asked this. I’ve always directly stated clearly, to the Questioners  (anytime I was ever asked this), that my “Body-Count” is none of their Business. It’s really pathetic & disgusting  for any Man to show Interest in Another-Man’s “Body-Count”. I’ve literally had to socially distance myself from Certain-Persons because of this. It’s impossible for me to even trust any many who’s invested inwhere I put my own Dick vs. where I don’t put it. This is a Serious Integrity-Issue for me to say the least. For any Man to even think they’ve the Entitlement/Justification to even bring-up “Body-Count” Stats in any Convo…I’m on High-Alert. All of my Amtennas are all the Way up. There’s so many Things that’ve gone through my Mind&Heart when Some-Bozo had the Audacity to ask me my “Body-Count”. Personally, I wouldn’t even be comfortable telling a Female about my “Body-Count” Stats. So, how/why would or should I ever entertain such a Convo with Another-Man?!!! Make that Goofy-Shit make Sense.

Ways to free one’s Self from “Body-Count” Convos

1. Stop manifesting Bitch-Behavior.

2. Stop hanging-out with Females and/or so many Females.

3. Connect/reconnect with your Bio-Fathers.

4. Build Bonds with Positive Male-Rolemodels.

5. Worry about your own “Body-Count” Stats.

If you’ve never engaged in “Body-Count” Convos: Don’t start.

If you’re regularly entertaining and/or contributing to “Body-Count” Convos: Cease doing so ASAP.

If you’ve once initiated, participated in, “Body-Count” Convos via the Past: Never revist this.

Gareth Bryant

The Pathetic-Ugliness of Sexual-Snitching


Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Verily, amongst the Most-Evil of the People, to Allah, on the Day-Of-Standing is a Man who was intimate with their Wife and spread their Sexual-Secrets thereafter (i.e. Slut-Shames them).”.

In spite of the Fact that they’re not married to each other: the Rules still apply. What they did was Sucka-Shit.

For those whom’re lost: This-Post is literally about a Muslim-Male, complaining about their Wife (one of their Multiple-Wives) self-pleasuring themselves via Masturbation, Sex-Toys, etc. (via their Absence from their Spouse).

“And never let your hatred, against any People, prevent you from behaving justly.”
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.8)

“Men&Women are Shields for/of one another…”
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.2, V.187)

As per This-Subject, this is very crucial. Detailing Marital-Issues/Problems (particularly/especially via al-Jinsiyyat-ul-Bashriyyah/Human-Sexuality) is very much a Taboo-Topic & full of Countless-Complexities/Complications. However, if/when it comes to airing-out ones own Dirty-Laundry via the Public-Sphere, to perhaps either acquire: Empathy, Sympathy, Attention, etc. is Hella-Problematic & Religio-Spiritually Dangerous.

Doing this, by default, without the Correct-Niyyah/Motive, and/or without Religio-Professional Advisement (Counseling, Therapy, etc.), can easily fall under Several Kabā’ir (Infamnias/Major-Sins):

a. Unjustly disclosing the Affairs of the Bed.

b. Backbitting: detailing Negative-Things about one’s Spouse which is true/honest, yet is exclusively done to make them look Bad.

c. Slander: accusing one’s Spouse of doing Negativity which is either untrue/dishonest or unproven, exclusively to make them look Bad.

(al-Kabā’ir/The Major-Sins, adh-Dhahabī)

“Men are Responsible for Women…”
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.4, V.34)

This-Citation of at-Tanzīl details that (via al-Islām) Men are Mafrūdh/Islāmically-Required to provide Several-Things for Men, specific to This-Āyah/Verse: this is referring to the Wives-Of-Men. The Things which’re required to be provided are the following:

1. Establishing Religio-Spiritual Irshād/Direction.

2. Establishing Holistic-Wilāyah/Protection.

3. Establishing Psycho-Emotional Rifq (Compassion/Comfort).

4. Establishing as-Suhbah/Companionship.

5. Establishing Food, Clothing, Shelter.

6. Establishing Pipe-Game.*

(*Clearly This-Post is centered around Number-6…just as a Dhikr/Reminder)

The Word/Term for “Marriage”: “an-Nikāh”…
…it etymologically (literally) means “Sexual-Intercourse/Fuckin”. So, by default: obviously (for Obvious-Reasons) Sex is the Asl/Rudement-Foundation for any Marital-Relationship, which makes Sense, because it’s a Known-Fact (via Human-Behavior) that al-Jinsiyyah/Sexuality is the Most-Intimate Sifah/Manifestation of Human-Communication. Keep in Mind, also, that Sex is largely Non-Verbal Communication & at least 80% of Human-Communication is Non-Verbal. This is so Islāmically-Factual, that anyone whom is Married & their not being Sexually-Appeased: a. If they’re a Man, they can divorce their Wife because of this. b. If they’re a Woman, they can be granted a Khul`/Divorce-Request.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.4, V.19; al-Bukhari; Muslim; an-Nasā’ī; Mālik; Ahmad; Lisān-ul-`Arab: Lexicon of the Arabic-Language, ibn-Manzhūr)

But, if you’re fearful that you won’t be just: then just wed 1-Wife…”
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.4, V.3)

Let’s keep it 💯: Muslim-Men having Multiple-Wives has become a Fad, Trend, etc. fueled by Machismo/Male-Egotism, Fake-Wokeness via the Mythos/Pseudo-Narrative of “Red-Pillism”, “High-Value”, etc. So, upon that: Muslim-Men sim to literally 1-Up each other, via the Polygyny-Racket…as a Sifah/Manifestation of Religio Dick-Measuring. It’s basically a Way for Many-Muslims to fulfill a Fantasy of being a “Player”, under the False-Pretense of Polygyny. They’re literally trying to do via al-Islām what many of them were really incapable of doing if they were Non-Muslims, which is acquiring Multiple-Pussies. I don’t care whom agrees/disagrees, likes/dislikes, etc. what I’ve stated…how I’ve ststed it…etc. All of those reading This-Article know damn well that I’m being 💯%-Truthful/Honest here…
…”Truth is Truth, regardless of whom/where it comes from.”.(Islāmic-Principle) As Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated:

“Apathy/Arrogance is denying Truth & mocking People.”

And, as Mu`ādh ibn-Jabal (May Allah be pleased with them) once stated:

“Always accept Truth, even if it comes from a Kāfir (Disbeliever/Non-Muslim) or a Fāsiq/Sinful-Muslim.”

(an-Nawawī, Abū-Dāwud)

“Either remain with them or depart from them via Respect/Dignity.”
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.2, V.229&231; Chpt.17, V.23)

Now, as per the Aforementioned-Post: the Issue of Abandonment is very much Islāmically-Valid. Sadly, though: Many-Persons refuse to recognize/accept the Reality that they’re violating the Huqūq/Rights of their Spouses…Men & Women are equally blameworthy/faultworthy of this for the Record. Both Husband & Wife are equally: responsible, accountable, liable, etc. as per making their Marital-Relationship work or to part Ways via at-Talāq/Divorce…like the Ole-Saying: “It takes 2-Hands to clap.”.




“Have you seen those whom take their Desires as their God?!!! Are you then their Enabler?!!!
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.25, V.43)

There’s Several Red-Flags which I personally have detected, via the Aforementioned-Post, regarding the Person complaining about their Spouse getting themselves off without them. It seems, as per the Correspondance, that all the Blame/Fault, Responsibility, Accountability, etc. is exclusively being imposed via a 1-Sided Fashion & that’s azh-Zhulm/Oppression by default. Don’t get me wrong: I’m not at all co-signing what they’ve accused their Spouse of doing. Yet, at the Same-Time, as I always tell People: You either judge everyone or no one…
…you either give everyone or no one a Pass. This-Man absolutely must self-evaluate their own Situation & recognize/accept the Reality that they’ve been exposed for probably one, some, most, or all of the following:

1. Lacking Religio-Spiritual Irshād.

2. Lacking Holistic-Wilāyah.

3. Lacking Psycho-Emotional Rifq.

4. Lacking as-Suhbah.

5. Lacking Food, Clothing, Shelter.

6. Lacking Pipe-Game.

“Pick your Poison.” as the Ole-Saying goes & check/correct one’s Self. Any/All-Men being challenged/tested via this Same-Dilemma must/should introspect whether or not this applies to them personally. For Obvious-Reasons, these aren’t at all Comfortable-Convos for any Man to have with themselves via Intrapersonal-Communication, nor with Others via Interpersonal-Communication. But, this must be unearthed&remedied, for one’s own Individual-Sihah/Wellness. As hurtful & shameful as it may seem/feel: All-Men must have the Basālah/Courage to face this, if it so applies to them. Courage isn’t the Absence-Of-Fear, it’s the Willingness&Ability to confront Fear. Moreover, Lots of Tawādhi`/Humility is required to even aknowledge that this applies to one’s Self & to take Realistic/Pragmatic-Steps towards dealing with their own Respective Marital-Issues, and to accept Help/Support from Others if need be.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.13, V.11; an-Nawawī)


As a Chaplain (Counselor/Therapist), there’s Several-Pieces of Advice for any/all Muslim-Males experiencing such Scenarios as these:

1. Try one’s best to refer one’s Affairs directly to Allah firstly & ask Allah to guide one’s Decision-Making.

2. Don’t be hasty to tell, post, etc. one’s Marital-Issues/Problems via the Public-Sphere (regardless of whether it’s disclosed via the Public-Sphere or via Anonymity). And, that’s because there very well may be People, via an-Nazhr/al-`Ayn (Evil-Eye), whom’re joyful that Certain-Persons have Marital-Issues/Problems.

3. Actually have These-Types/Kinds of Convos with one’s Spouses…”Communication is Key.” as the Ole-Saying goes.

4. Seek Religio-Professional Relationship-Counseling/Therapy if necessary.

5. Don’t maliciously out one’s Spouse via al-`Udwān/Animosity against one’s Marital-Partner, as this can easily be classified as al-Ghībah/Gossip (via al-Buhtān/al-Humazah).

6. Be grateful, to Allah, that Masturbation/Sex-Toying is all that they’ve done/are doing…realistically they could’ve been committing Adultery. And, as I always tell People: Women only cheat on Men they don’t respect…
…any Woman who’s with any Man they respect: they’ll leave them as opposed to cheating on them. By the way: this literally only applies to marriage. Realistically, if you’re unmarried then it really isn’t “Cheating”, because, unless you’re married to someone they don’t owe you anything.
(at-Tabarānī, al-Bayhaqī, ibn-Hajar al-`Asqalānī)


In Conclusion…I hope that Persons like those whom detailed their Relationship-Strife find Some-Type/Kind of Ruqyah/Healing. It’s very evident, that they’re a Miserable-Person & may Allah replace their Hardship with Ease, as well as any/all Others challenged the Same-Way.

Gareth Bryant 1444, A.H./2022, C.E.

Everything is not for Display


Muhammad (Peace be upon them) warned us against being so hasty to reveal Good-News publicly, telling us…”…the Blessed are always envied.”.

This is precisely how/why we’re not supposed to disclose everything concerning our lives, because everyone isn’t happy for us. As is clearly seen, via the Aforementioned-Video: the Disney-Employee could’ve easily just let Those-People enjoy their Moment. But, of course, as per al-Hasad (Hateration/Envy): they fumbled their Moment…seemingly purposely. It most definitely seems as though the Employee was manifesting/exercising an Egotistical Power-Trip, to push whatever “Authority” the think/feel they had, to compensate for the Reality that they probably hold 0-Weight anywhere via the Real-World. It’s truly an Ego-Addiction which This-Person suffers from. Just as Muhammad (Peace be upon them) taught us: “Apathy/Arrogance is denying Truth & disrespecting People.”.(an-Nawawī) There’s absolutely 0-Doubt that what they did to Those-People was utterly disrespectful.

Gareth Bryant

Let em dislike you


This-Person had the Audacity to call themselves authoring a “Refutation” against me, which made absolutely 0-Sense. The Irony is that they’re a Proven-Coward. I specifically remember having an Online-Argument with them. Them & I had gone Back&Forth. Then, someone whom we both know chimed-in on the Discussion & Abul-Barā’ literally along with Another-Clown named `Abd-al-Jabbār jointly threatened the Other-Person. But, guess what?!!! Neither of those 2-Mothafuckas ever threatened me, and they only threatened the Other-Person because they’re of a Different-Ethnicity & figured that the Other-Person wouldn’t give them any Smoke. But, clearly, since both Abul-Barā’ & `Abd-ul-Jabbār know my Hands work: they wouldn’t dare to “threaten” me. Moreover, anytime/everytime either Abul-Barā’ or `Abd-ul-Jabbār had ever seen me via Real-Life, they’ve never had that Same-Energy.

I say this, because we exist in a World full of Cowardly-Persons. Meaning, that they’ve allowed themselves to become adopt/manifest Appeasement-Addiction. However, the Reality is, as the Ole-Saying goes: “You can’t please everybody.”. Now, in spite of how Cliché That-Statement is…Lots of Truth/Honesty is contained within it also.

Many/Most-People truly thrive upon Recognition & Acceptance, and don’t take kindly to Rejection & Alienation. This is obviously a Psycho-Emotional Staple of Human-Nature. At the Same-Time, like I always tell People: Courage isn’t the Absemce-Of-Fear, it’s the Willingness&Ability to confront Fear. I’ve always not cared that much about the Personal-Opinions of Others: especially if/when Those-Opinions are truthful/honest…slandering me is a Different-Story.

Having Others dred you isn’t a “Bad-Thing”, and actually one ought to express ash-Shukr/Gratitude. This is because if/when someone dislikes another: that’s the Most-Authentic they’ll be with Others.It’s actually one’s so-called “Friends” whom’ll trap those they befriend via Masking, Deception, etc.