Tag Archives: Desperation



Allah states: “And don’t approach az-Zinā/THOTery. Verily, it’s a Shameless&Evil-Trajectory.”…”Have you seen those whom take their Desires as their God? Are you then their Enabler?”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.17, V.32; Chpt.25, V.43)

Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Always speak Truth, even if it’s bitter (even if it rubs People the Wrong-Way).”.
(ibn-Hibbān, al-Bayhaqī)

There’s been Several-Times I’ve heard about “Persons-Of-Knowledge”, amongst the Muslims, pontificating/claiming that it’s Mahlūl/Islāmically-Allowable For Humans to wed Jinns. al-Jinn/Fire-Beings, of course, being Invisible-Creatures predating the Creation of al-Insān/Humanity: existing via a Parallel-Universe opposite the Human-Race. The Word/Term “Jinn” itself literally comes from the Arabic-Verb “Janna” meaning “To be invisible”. Jinns via their True Jinn-Form would only be visible to Humans whom’re Anbiyā’/Prophetic-Individuals (Peace be upon them altogether), or to Humans whom’re Majnūn (Jinn-Influenced/Possessed). And, ironically, all the Sifāt/Features of the Jinn are described via at-Tanzīl as being hideous.

For More-Info. regarding at-Tajnīn (Jinn-Influence/Possession):

Tajnīn-Protection 101

at-Tajnīn (Jinn-Influence/Possession) vs. Mental-Illness

Allah (via at-Tanzīl/Revelation) has unequivocally made it Mahrūm/Islāmically-Prohibited for al-Jinn & al-Insān to deliberately/freely interact with one another. This is exclusively due to the Fact that Adam&Hawwā’/Eve (Peace be upon them both) were deceived via ash-Shaytān/Satan, which resulted in Adam&Hawwā’ sinning against Allah, getting evicted from al-Jannah/Paradise, etc.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.2, V.30-36; at-Tabarī; as-Suyūtī; ibn-Kathīr)

Now, for Centuries amongst `Ulamā’ (Religio-Academics/Scholars), the Subject of Jinn-Human Marriages have taken Several-Madhāhib/Opinions. Personally, I’m truly shocked that so many Muslim Religio-Academics/Scholars have even dared to entertain the Subject of Jinn-Human Marriages. But, never the less, the Ikhtilāf/Scholastic-Differing surrounding the Issues does in fact exists. These Various-Madhāhib regarding the Issue of Jinn-Human Marriages, regardless of which Madhāhib exists and/or which Madhāhib one chooses to support…there’s Several-Things to be questioned. Even as per a Religio-Academic/Scholastic Paradigm: anyone whom would dare pontificate/claim that “marrying” a Jinn is Islāmically-Acceptable is not to ever be taken seriously as a “Person-Of-Knowledge”. Moreover, the Fact that so many `Ulamā’ have literally wasted Time, Resources, etc. to drag This-Subject for Centuries: that alone is a Serious-Problem. And, I make it my Personal-Business to never take Islāmic-Knowledge from anyone whom thinks/feels that “marrying” a Jinn is a Thing to do.

What must be questioned is the following:

Why would any Human want to even fuck a Jinn?!!!

So, I’m supposed to accept that there’s Humans who’d rather be with Invisible-Creatures, as opposed to Humans they can actually see under Normal-Circumstances…Nope. There’s 0-Way I would ever co-sign “Jinn-Human Marriage”.

What would actually make any Human think/feel that a “Jinn-Spouse” would actually be “loyal” to them?!!!

The Jinn literally have the Inherit-Fitrah/Nature to be deceptive towards/against Humanity. Humans get betrayed by Fellow-Humans via Human Sexual-Relationships. So, there must/should never be any such “Expectation”, that an Invisible-Being will be “loyal” to any Human who’s Jinn-Fucking.

What would make any Human think/feel that they’re with a Jinn of the Same-Gender?!!!

There’s Jinn-Homos&Transformers just like there’s Human-Homos&Transformers. And, moreover, it’s Morally-Unintelligent for any Human to think/feel that a Jinn would be truthful/honest concerning their True-Gender. There’s Humans whom lie about their True-Gender, so there’s 0-Way to ensure that any Jinn wouldn’t do the same.

It’s actually quite strange, for any Human to want to be sexual with a Makhlūq/Creature that can’t be seen via its True-Form. Moreover, for any Human to want to entertain the Thought (much less the Act) of fucking any Non-Human Makhlūq: it’s quite demented&disturbing. Anyone whom would dare think/feel that fucking a Jinn is a “Flex” is a Sick-Person. I’ll always look at any Human Side-Eyed for even suggesting that it’s “OK” to “marry” a Jinn. It’s very simple: if you’d be willing to fuck a Jinn then you’d be willing to fuck an Animal. Realistically, there’s 0-Difference between “Jinn-Human Marriage” & Bestiality. For anyone to pontificate/claim that “Jinn-Human Marriage” is “OK” is either a Desperate-Human, Majnūn themselves, a Mughtasib/Sexual-Predator, a Sāhir/Sorcerer etc. or All-Of-The-Above.

For More-Info. regarding Sex-Crimes:

The Islāmic-Posture towards Sex-Crimes & the Damage they cause

Gareth Bryant 1445, A.H./2023, C.E.

The Tragedy of Apathy


Woman Reveals Her Father Reportedly Committed Suicide Because She Married A Black Man

Allah states: “And don’t be led to Destruction, via your own Hands.”…”And never let your hatred, against any People, prevent you from behaving justly.”
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.2, V.195; Chpt.5, V.8)

Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated that there’re 4-Sifāt/Characteristics of al-Jāhiliyyah/Ignorance which their Nation will never abandon. Literally, 2/4 of Those-Sifāt have to do with al-`Asabiyyah/Xenophobia. Muhammad had specified which Sifāt/Manifestations of al-`Asabiyyah they meant. They were pertaining to those whom brag about their own Ansāb/Genealogies & clown-on the Ansāb of Others.

Like I always tell People: Apathy is worse than Ignorance.

The Aforementioned-Pic, detailing that a Person committed Suicide, for no other Reason than their Child being with a Fellow-Human of Another-Ethnicity. This is not only tragic, but also equally shameful, pathetic, etc. & displays clearly how far someone is willing to go to manifest whatever `Udwān/Gullah (Animosity/Disdain) they harbor against any other Human-Being. This is precisely how far-off the Rails Certain-Persons allow al-`Asabiyyah to take&lead them.

Let me make something very clear, before I continue any further:

a. I’m not happy, nor joyed that This-Person committed Suicide.

b. I don’t think/feel that this is in any Way “funny/amusing”, nor do I ever take the Subject of Suicide lightly.

c. Suicide is a Subject to always be taken seriously.



However, one must definitely admit-Committing Suicide only because they don’t want their Child to be with someone, of Another-Ethnicity, is Sucka-Shit. It truly displays how apathetic, shallow, etc. someone is to do this. I mean, killing one’s Self holistically is bad enough. But, to use al-`Asabiyyah as a Pseudo-Justification…This-Person is a Bozo. Killing themselves literally has shattered & ruined their Family, I’m sure of it. And, their Relatives must deal with the Trauma associated with their Actions as long as they live. They literally robbed their Potential/Future-Grandchildren of the Opportunity to have a Grandparent. They robbed their Children the Opportunity to have More-Time with their Father, they robbed their Spouse of the Relationship which they built together, etc. all over one’s Ethnocentric/Xenophobic-Egotism.

Just imagine you’ve someone close to you, a Friend, Relative, etc. & they’d rather be dead, as opposed to seeing you with someone exclusively because they’re a Different-Ethnicity than you. Also, now, how’s the Other-Person supposed to do with that?!!! As per the Pic itself: This-Person has literally been blamed/faulted, for causing their Relative to commit Suicide.

Furthermore, the Irony is that This-Person’s Father committing Suicide: what did it prove…nothing, what did it accomplish…nothing, was it supposed to “prevent” their Daughter from having the Man they’re with put them Face-Down/Ass-Up…no. They not only had 0-Entitlenent/Justification to take/destroy their own Life, but also whike they dead their Daughter is still getting fucked by the Person they unjustly despise. Make that Goofy-Shit make Sense.

Realistically, the Worst-Part of it all, for them, is that they died upon other than al-Islām. And, because of that: they can’t even have anyone ask Allah to mercify&forgive them of their Zhulm/Oppression against themselves. Let us, as Muslims, take an `Ibrah/Lesson via This-Scenario: a. Die upon al-Islām/Submission, as a Muslim…b. Die in a State of at-Tā`ah/Obedience to Allah.

Gareth Bryant