Tag Archives: Audacity

Mawlid-Frenzy and Takfīr-Culture via Mawlid-Madness


“And never let your hatred, against any People, prevent you from behaving justly.”
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.8)

Annually, there’s the Great-Debates, all across the Muslim-World, concerning Muslims globally celebrating the Birthday-Of-Muhammad.

My Thoughts on the Mawlid (Celebration of the birthday of Muhammad [Peace be upon him])

Christmas is just like al-Mawlid: A Bid`ah!!!

However, This-Year was very different. I’ll explain what I mean. It was the 1st-Time that any Fellow-Muslim ever had the Nerve to “question” my Love for Muhammad (Peace be upon them), simply because I refuse to Dick-Ride the Mawlid-Frenzy. And, this is where the Shit-Show begins.

Far too often…anytime any Muslim opposes Religio-Beliefs/Practices which aren’t predicated upon at-Tanzīl/Revelation: Certain-Muslims love to pseudo-label Fellow-Muslims they deem their Religio-Sectarian Opps as being “Wahhābī”.

How to avoid being placed in the “Wahhābī” Box

For any Muslim to pontificate, claim, imply, question whether or not any Fellow-Muslim whom doesn’t co-sign Mawlid (the Celebration of the Birth of Muhammad) loves Muhammad (Peace be upon them)…
…all of them are Dead-Ass-Wrong & Theologically/Morally-Corrupt. It’s literally impossible to be a Muslim & notove Muhammad. Loving Muhammad is a Theological-Farīdhah/Mandate, just as much as loving any/all other Anbiyā’/Prophetic-Individuals (Peace be upon them) whom existed prior to the Revelation of The Qur’ān.

The Proof that loving Muhammad is Islāmically-Mandatory

Muhammad once stated: “None amongst you believe, unless/until I become more-beloved to them than: their Child, and their Father, and Humanity holistically.”.

So, for any Muslim to accuse any Fellow-Muslim of (either directly or indirectly) not possessing love for Muhammad, simply because they refuse to celebrate the Births of Dead/Presumably-Dead People…
…this is nothing short of al-Buhtān/Slander via Unjust-Takfīr/Blasphemy.

The Proof against Unjust-Takfīr

Muhammad (Peace be upon him) stated the following, regarding at-Takfīr/Blasphemy:

“No Person accuses another of either being a Fāsiq/Sinner or a Kāfir (Disbeliever/Non-Muslim), except that they’re one themselves, if the Other isn’t which they’ve pontificated/claimed.”.

“Whomever attributes/ascribes Kufr (Disbelief) to their Brother is just like their Killer/Murderer.”.
(al-Bukhārī, at-Tirmidhī)

“If a Muslim calls someone a Kāfir (Disbeliever/Non-Muslim): if they are then let it be, otherwise they themselves are a Kāfir.”

Examining al-Kharajiyyah/Religio-Extremism via Mafia/Gang-Culture amongst Muslims historically & contemporaneously

The Audacious/Arrogant-Lengths Certain-People are willing to go, to promote al-Kharajiyyah/Religio-Extremism & in the Same-Breath accuse Others of al-Kharajiyyah…it’s sadly laughable to put it mildy. These’re truly Despicable-Times amongst the Muslims, that we really think/feel that we’re “entitled/justified” to question whether or not any Fellow-Muslim truly loves Muhammad, because they don’t celebrate the Birthday of a Dead-Person. There’s absolutely 0-Way that this could/would ever be Islāmically-Correct. This truly bothers me & equally it greatly angers me.



Allah states: “And don’t approach az-Zinā/THOTery. Verily, it’s a Shameless&Evil-Trajectory.”…”Have you seen those whom take their Desires as their God? Are you then their Enabler?”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.17, V.32; Chpt.25, V.43)

Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Always speak Truth, even if it’s bitter (even if it rubs People the Wrong-Way).”.
(ibn-Hibbān, al-Bayhaqī)

There’s been Several-Times I’ve heard about “Persons-Of-Knowledge”, amongst the Muslims, pontificating/claiming that it’s Mahlūl/Islāmically-Allowable For Humans to wed Jinns. al-Jinn/Fire-Beings, of course, being Invisible-Creatures predating the Creation of al-Insān/Humanity: existing via a Parallel-Universe opposite the Human-Race. The Word/Term “Jinn” itself literally comes from the Arabic-Verb “Janna” meaning “To be invisible”. Jinns via their True Jinn-Form would only be visible to Humans whom’re Anbiyā’/Prophetic-Individuals (Peace be upon them altogether), or to Humans whom’re Majnūn (Jinn-Influenced/Possessed). And, ironically, all the Sifāt/Features of the Jinn are described via at-Tanzīl as being hideous.

For More-Info. regarding at-Tajnīn (Jinn-Influence/Possession):

Tajnīn-Protection 101

at-Tajnīn (Jinn-Influence/Possession) vs. Mental-Illness

Allah (via at-Tanzīl/Revelation) has unequivocally made it Mahrūm/Islāmically-Prohibited for al-Jinn & al-Insān to deliberately/freely interact with one another. This is exclusively due to the Fact that Adam&Hawwā’/Eve (Peace be upon them both) were deceived via ash-Shaytān/Satan, which resulted in Adam&Hawwā’ sinning against Allah, getting evicted from al-Jannah/Paradise, etc.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.2, V.30-36; at-Tabarī; as-Suyūtī; ibn-Kathīr)

Now, for Centuries amongst `Ulamā’ (Religio-Academics/Scholars), the Subject of Jinn-Human Marriages have taken Several-Madhāhib/Opinions. Personally, I’m truly shocked that so many Muslim Religio-Academics/Scholars have even dared to entertain the Subject of Jinn-Human Marriages. But, never the less, the Ikhtilāf/Scholastic-Differing surrounding the Issues does in fact exists. These Various-Madhāhib regarding the Issue of Jinn-Human Marriages, regardless of which Madhāhib exists and/or which Madhāhib one chooses to support…there’s Several-Things to be questioned. Even as per a Religio-Academic/Scholastic Paradigm: anyone whom would dare pontificate/claim that “marrying” a Jinn is Islāmically-Acceptable is not to ever be taken seriously as a “Person-Of-Knowledge”. Moreover, the Fact that so many `Ulamā’ have literally wasted Time, Resources, etc. to drag This-Subject for Centuries: that alone is a Serious-Problem. And, I make it my Personal-Business to never take Islāmic-Knowledge from anyone whom thinks/feels that “marrying” a Jinn is a Thing to do.

What must be questioned is the following:

Why would any Human want to even fuck a Jinn?!!!

So, I’m supposed to accept that there’s Humans who’d rather be with Invisible-Creatures, as opposed to Humans they can actually see under Normal-Circumstances…Nope. There’s 0-Way I would ever co-sign “Jinn-Human Marriage”.

What would actually make any Human think/feel that a “Jinn-Spouse” would actually be “loyal” to them?!!!

The Jinn literally have the Inherit-Fitrah/Nature to be deceptive towards/against Humanity. Humans get betrayed by Fellow-Humans via Human Sexual-Relationships. So, there must/should never be any such “Expectation”, that an Invisible-Being will be “loyal” to any Human who’s Jinn-Fucking.

What would make any Human think/feel that they’re with a Jinn of the Same-Gender?!!!

There’s Jinn-Homos&Transformers just like there’s Human-Homos&Transformers. And, moreover, it’s Morally-Unintelligent for any Human to think/feel that a Jinn would be truthful/honest concerning their True-Gender. There’s Humans whom lie about their True-Gender, so there’s 0-Way to ensure that any Jinn wouldn’t do the same.

It’s actually quite strange, for any Human to want to be sexual with a Makhlūq/Creature that can’t be seen via its True-Form. Moreover, for any Human to want to entertain the Thought (much less the Act) of fucking any Non-Human Makhlūq: it’s quite demented&disturbing. Anyone whom would dare think/feel that fucking a Jinn is a “Flex” is a Sick-Person. I’ll always look at any Human Side-Eyed for even suggesting that it’s “OK” to “marry” a Jinn. It’s very simple: if you’d be willing to fuck a Jinn then you’d be willing to fuck an Animal. Realistically, there’s 0-Difference between “Jinn-Human Marriage” & Bestiality. For anyone to pontificate/claim that “Jinn-Human Marriage” is “OK” is either a Desperate-Human, Majnūn themselves, a Mughtasib/Sexual-Predator, a Sāhir/Sorcerer etc. or All-Of-The-Above.

For More-Info. regarding Sex-Crimes:

The Islāmic-Posture towards Sex-Crimes & the Damage they cause

Gareth Bryant 1445, A.H./2023, C.E.

A Vantage-Point into the Reality of al-Fiqr/Poverty


Poverty isn’t always what we’d like to think/feel:

Eyewitness-Accounts of Others Begging-While-Beligerent:

Progress in spite of Poverty:

Introspection while Impoverished:

Humility regarding Homelessness:

Gareth Bryant

THOTery + Audacity = Stupidity


Apparently, Certain-Persons have audaciously expressed/verbalized “Resentment” over Porn-Bans:


And, this is precisely how/why az-Zinā/THOTery isn’t a “Flex”. The Woman via This-Video is: delusional, deflective, irresponsible, slutty, immoral, unintelligent, etc. They’ve literally the Audacity/Arrogance to complain about a Man they chose. Men pursue Women…Women choose Men. This-Broad is a Moron. To just fuck someone the 1st-Day you meet them In-Person…what did they actually expect to occur?!!! Make this Goofy-Shit make Sense. This-Person literally has no one to blame/fault for this, except themselves…that was supposed to happen to them as per their Reckless-Behavior.

Just as Allah states: “Have you seen those whom take their Desires as their God? Are you then their Enabler?”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.25, V.43)


a. It’s neither tolerable nor acceptable, for either Men or Women to be unfaithful via their Sexual-Relationships. b. There’s no such Thing as “Falling-Victim”, as per Cheating…Cheating is a Choice, whether a Man cheats or a Woman Cheats: no Difference. Men pursue Women…Women choose Men. c. Unless you’re married to someone it’s not actually “Cheating”. Realistically, if you’re not married to someone they don’t owe you anything anyway. d. This-Video is Fake-Wokeness, via co-signing Sucka-Shit in order to appease the Human-Male Ego.


Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Always speak Truth, even if it’s bitter (even if it rubs People the Wrong-Way).”.
(ibn-Hibbān, al-Bayhaqī)

The Person who posted this about them & their Twin-Them & their Twin are Derelicts:

1. The Man isn’t getting “played”, those Goofy-Ass Twins are.

2. Bragging about them & their Twin getting smutted-out isn’t a “Flex”. Stupidity isn’t a “Flex”…Apathy is worse than Ignorance.

If Those-Twins want to be THOTs, they need to just say that. The Fact that them & their Twin actually think/feel this Goofy-Shit is “Cute” is literally worse than what they do.


I’ve actually spoken indepth, regarding the Issue of Muslims marrying Non-Muslims:


Hajji Hassan (whom I’m very close to personally & very cool with) has Anonymous-Persons detail Certain-Things about their Lives, via their Online/Social-Media Platforms. It is what it is…there’s Persons whom’re addicted to Others knowing their Business either overtly or covertly. However, there’s just Certain-Things which must/should be kept to themselves (unless of course they’re actually seeking/receiving Professional-Help). Unfortunately, this ain’t one of those Professional-Help Scenarios…this is someone whom thinks/feels that audacious/arrogant to display their Private-Affairs via the Public-Sphere. And, honestly, it doesn’t even matter whether the Person-In-Question (who’s the Subject of the Aforementioned-Post) is anonymous…they’re certainly not anonymous to Allah because Allah is Al-`Alīm/The All-Knowing anyway.

Moreover, as the Post itself reads: This-Woman has the Audacity/Arrogance to be triggered that the Muslim-Man they stepped-over so they could choose a Non-Muslim Man refused to give them a Chance…make that Goofy-Shit make Sense.


Also, take note of the Fact that the Woman via the Post literally highlighted that the Non-Muslim Man had “More-Monies” than the Muslim-Man. That directly indicates that they were Sinning for the Bag. This is precisely how/why I’ve 0-Trust for People whom love Money: for the Rite-Price, they’ll do anything/hurt anyone for it.



So, here’s my Take via this Entire-Scenario:

In conclusion:

Gareth Bryant

al-Kufr/Disbelief via Feminism



In 1438, A.H./2017, C.E. I authored a Facebook-Post titled “Feminism is Kufr/Bladphemy”. It’s been, to date, one of the Most-Controversial Things I’ve ever written publicly. Ironically, as Time has elapsed (as Allah would have it): basically everything which I argued via This-Post came to fruition. I’ll detail the Examples of what I mean later.

The Post itself:

Feminism is Kufr/Blasphemy

Obviously, by virtue of the Title of this Treatise, I will most definitely lose some Online/Real-Life Friends, Allies, Associates, etc. (as if I really give a God-Damn). However, this must be said, because, as I’ve been analyzing & synthesizing what had transpired over one of my Posts, concerning very valid and serious Issues within Islām, as well as among the Muslims & how we appear within our respective Socities: I’ve realized that Feminism particularly not only ignites Enmity between Men&Women generally under the Pseudo-Agenda of “Gender-Equality”, but it also is another Tool of ash-Shaytān/Satan which he constantly uses to keep an already divided Ummah/Nation of ours divided further, in which (not exclusive to Feminism, but other Things which the Modern-Muslim has attached themselves to) at the expense of challenging and/or even denying the legitimacy of various Things which are not only Islāmically-Valid, but are Things which have been directly allowed/legislated by Allah: Creator/Lord of the Universe, personally within the Qur’ān.

Now, for my Examples as Proofs that Feminism is Kufr, I’ll only be using Evidences directly from the Qur’ān, because no Muslim can ever state/claim that any of the Verses of the Qur’ān are anything less than Sahīh/Mutawātir (Flawlessly-Authentic/Indisputable).

My Proofs are the Following:

1. Men are allowed to inherit more from their Parents than Women are.(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.4, V.11)

2. Muslim-Men are allowed to marry Multiple-Wives vs. Muslim-Women are only allowed to marry 1-Husband.(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.4, V.3)

3. Muslim-Men are allowed to marry Non-Muslim Women ([only Jews&Christians] Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.5). Muslim-Women are prohibited from marrying any Non-Muslim under any Circumstances.(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.2, V.221; Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.24, V.2&3)

4. Muslim-Men are allowed to have Sexual-Intercourse with their Female-Slaves vs. Muslim-Women being prohibited from having Sexual-Intercourse with anyone whom she’s not married to.(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.4, V.3; Chpt.23, V.6)

These are just some from among many Proofs. These Islāmic-Allowances, each/all of them are 💯% Diametrically-Opposed to Feminist-Values. So, what do Muslims who ride the Feminist Band-Wagon do to consolidate being Muslim and also wanting to support and/or be Feminists? As I’ve already mentioned: these Islāmic-Allowances all come from al-Qur’ān directly. So, I can’t be blamed for grabbing other Sources which People will Knee-Jerk disaggree with. Because, afterall: any/all Muslims relative to the Revelation of the Qur’ān: from Scholars & Laymen alike, Literate & Illiterate alike, `Arab & Non-`Arab alike, regardless of Muslim-Sectarian Persuasion, totally agree that the Qur’ān is Revelation which is the Speech of Allah.

So, since this is the Case, that these Islāmic-Allowances oppose Feminist-Values, you face a significant Dilemma. Disagreeing, rejecting, the validity of these Islāmic-Allowances represents a direct disagreement with Allah, basically based upon the Principles of Feminism: all of these Islāmic-Allowances are Misogynistic by Nature. Now, you have an even bigger problem: by supporting a Gender-Centric Ideology (which Feminism is and whose Mantra is covertly Gender-`Asabiyyah/Bias), which very clearly opposes many Things which are not only Islāmically-Allowable but which is directly mentioned within the Qur’ān, the question you have to ask yourself are 2. 1: Do you believe that Allah is a Misogynist? 2. Do you accept that which Allah allows via Revelation, inspite of the fact that Feminism is the hot new Trend which you want to be a part of, but many Things which Allah allows opposes what Feminism stands for.

I strongly suggest that you objectively receive what I’ve written, and accept it as Food For Thought:







Examples of al-Kufr via Feminism:

Keep in Mind…the Person via This-Video (addressing themselves as “Adunola”) literally admitted to knowing 0 about the Arabic-Language. Yet, ironically, to pontificate/promote Fake-Wokeness via Feminism: they attempted to “define/interpret” Words from Arabic which they’ve 0-Knowledge of, as well as attempted to connected Words like “al-Lāt” (one of the Names of the Pagan-Arab Pantheon Gods) to the Word “Allah”. The Word “Allah” (the Primary-Name of the Creator/Lord of the Universe) & the Word “al-Lāt” are comoletely-unrelated linguistically…the Arabic-Language itself undoubtedly proves this. Literally, everything via This-Video is % predicated upon al-Bātil/Falsehood via Fake-Wokeness, via Feminism.
(Lisān-ul-`Arab: Lexicon of the Arabic-Language, ibn-Manzhūr)

In response to Rashida Tlaib’s Statement, regarding when she stated that she believes that Allah is a “Woman”, referring to Allah as “My Allah is She” (this is literally what was stated Word4Word mind you), when in fact Allah has no Gender: neither Female nor Male. Clearly, their Knowledge of al-`Aqīdah/Islāmic-Theology is severely Off-Key. This is why Feminism is al-Kufr/Disbelief, because it leads to Things like this. Ironically, mostly all Pantheons/Pagan-God Hierarchies were Matrilineal/Maternal & catered to Femininity. Even the Top-Gods of the Pagan-Arabs, prior to the Revelation of The Qur’ān, were Female: al-Manāt, al-Lāt, al-`Uzzā.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.53, V.19&20; at-Tabarī; al-Qurtubī; as-Suyūtī)




And speaking of Pagan-Arab Gods…there’s this Goofy-Shit:

‘We Had the Guts to Say Yes to This’: Artists Explain Why They Ignored Widespread Censure to Participate in Desert X’s Saudi Edition

“The deeper that one goes down the rabbit hole, the darker the evil becomes. It so happens that the feminist artist commissioned to erect the idol at al-Ula (the same location as the people of Thamud), has constructed similar gyno-centric idols elsewhere, some including a ritual where participants dance and circumambulate around the idol.” https://www.litaalbuquerque.com/

Just as Allah states: “The Arabs are clisest to Disbelief&Hypocrisy.”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.9, V.97)

Amina Wadud pontificating to be a “Female-Imām”, and worse yet committing al-Buhtān/al-Humazah (Slander/Defamation) against Anbiyā’/Prophetic-Individuals.



Bruce Jenner being labled “Woman Of The Year” via Time Magazine…an Insult to every Human-Female via Human-History. Yet, ironically, as well as, pitifully, there’s been Countless-Women who’ve actually celebrated This-Idiocy.



Cancel-Culture used via Feminists to marginalize any Persons whom refuse to co-sign/dick-ride Feminism. This has been occuring for Years. However, since the Covid-Era it’s intensified a tremendously.



Pathological-Strife between Men & Women, over which Gender is “superior” vs. “inferior”, has initiated Gender-War not seen since the “Sexual-Revolution” Era.


The Mythos/Pseudo-Narrative of Muslims pontificating/claiming that Muslim-Women can “marry” Non-Muslim Men…basically an Excuse for Muslim-Women to THOT till they drop.


The Idiotic-Concept known as Ethical/Feminist-Porn…this truly through me for a Whole-Loop. I never thought that I’d ever live long enough to ever witness “Ethics”, “Feminism”, etc. linguistically attached to Pornography.


Needless to say: I lost Several-Friendships, made a Host of Frienemies, got banned from Speaking-Engagements/Events, etc. Obviously, I didn’t give a Damn, because I’ve got what’s called the “Courage to be Disliked”. However, strangely enough…as Years went by: this Manosphere-Concept/Movement, Red-Pillism, Alpha-Maleism, the Kevin Samuel/Andrew Tate Types, etc.-I’ve literally been saying the Similar-Things as them, literally prior to me even knowing that any of These-Personalities & any of These-Concepts/Movements ever existed. It’s just very interestingly ironic, how People whom I’ve never even met before via Real-Life (regardless of whether they’re Muslims or Non-Muslims): we’ve been able to come to almost Identical-Conclusions as per the Destructive-Nature of Feminism. And, much like Certain-Individuals: I myself have been subject to Certain-Persons accusing me of being “Anti-Women”, a “Misogynist”, “Sexist”, etc.: utterly ridiculous at best…I’ve equally been accused to “upholding the Patriarchy” (as if there’s something actually wrong with Patriarchy anyway). Yeah…that’s been my Life. I absolutely have had People literally cut me off, simply because I don’t/won’t co-sign/dick-ride Feminists Flag-Bearers. I honestly take it all in Stride though. I exist to make the Uncomfortable comfortable…as Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Always speak Truth, even if it’s bitter (even if it rubs People the Wrong-Way).”.
(ibn-Hibbān, al-Bayhaqī)

Gareth Bryant 1444, A.H./2023, C.E.

The Anatomy of Quitting on one’s Self



This-Article is almost exclusively based upon the Following-Works:

a. al-Bahr-ur-Rā’iq/The Calm-Ocean (a Trilateral-Compilation of the Works of: Abī-Hāmid al-Ghazālī, ibn-il-Qayyim al-Jawziyyah, ibn-Rajab al-Hanbalī), Ahmad Farīd

b. “Hierarchy-Of-Needs” (a Psycho-Analytical Theory), Abraham Maslow


As a Chaplain (Counselor/Therapist): I’ve personally encountered Various-Persons either expressing/verbalizing that they no longer see the Point of Life and/or express/verbalize their Contemplations/Desires, Motives/Intents, etc. to commit Suicide. My Niyyah/Motive is to thoroughly decipher the Difference between being Unlively & being Suicidal. Now, is there Correlation between Unliveliness & Suicide…Absolutely. However, does this mean that both are exclusively a Causation of one another…Absolutely not.


This results from any Human-Experience which triggers and/or reminds us of Negative-Times, Challenging-Happenings via our Existence within ad-Dunyā/the Mundane. If/when any Person loses what’s known as the “Will to live”-Naturally, Most-People will in fact think/feel that someone just wants to hang it up & end their Lives. It’s not always like this. There’s truly an Abundance of Complexities/Complications via someone’s Life-Experiences which cause Unliveliness. More often than not: a Person may simply not want their Life as is and/or they may want to live the Lives of Others whom they know, know of. It’s very probable that they don’t view who they are individually as valuable, meaningful, purposeful, important, etc. They very often may actually fantasize and/or become addicted to whom they see/view via T.V., Film, Entertainment, Porn, Online, Social-Media, etc. Then, they may wish to live the Lives they’re stimulated by as if intoxicated with wanting to be anyone/everyone externally of themselves. This-Concept “Living my Best-Life” is literally one of the Culprits of Personality-Addiction/Worship: it’s actually a Grave-Facade. Whenever Most-People conceptualize That-Mythos, it’s exclusively pertaining to Mundane-Gains & Material-Pleasures…as Allah states: “And the Mundane-Life is only the Matā`/Enjoyment of al-Ghurūr/Illusion.”. None of Those-Things will ever yield as-Sa`ādah/Happiness…as-Sa`ādah can never be externally acquired, rather, it must always be introspectively/interally fostered&cultivated: as-Sa`ādah is a Personal-Responsibility. Ironically, one of the Major-Reasons how/why so/too man Human-Relationships are negative, toxic, etc. and/or fail is because as Humans we audaciously/arrogantly expect Other-People to make us “happy”. But, it’s humanly impossible to make anyone happy, except ourselves…like I always tell People: No one can make us happy, but anyone can make us miserable. And, when they continuously see Person-After-Person disappointing them, worse yet making them miserable (because they refuse to find as-Sa`ādah intrapersonally) they delve further into a Spiritual/Psycho-Emotional Abyss. This is precisely how/why Allah states: “Those whom believe pay attention: Upon you are yourselves.” & “Verily, Allah doesn’t change what’s within any People unless/until they change what’s within themselves.”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.105; Chpt.13, V.11; Chpt.57, V.20)


As per what I’ve aforementioned, via the Pic  concerning “wanting to die”: in All-Truthfulness/Honesty, it’s a Misnomer. I’ll explain what I actually mean. Even if/when anyone becomes and/or is Suicidal: they don’t actually want to die…they really only want their Suffering, Life-Challenges, etc. to die. However, Suicidal-Persons (for Various-Reasons) allow ash-Shaytān/Satan to convince them that the Only-Way to end their Suffering/Life-Challenges are to end themselves. Speaking of Suicide, as per my Professional-Experience: there exists a Strong-Correlation between Suicide & Sexual-Abuse. At least 98% of Persons I’ve counseled regarding Suicide were sexually-abused (at least once via their Life-Times). Being Suicidal is literally a Person’s Last-Call for Help…it’s actually a Spiritual/Psycho-Emotional S.O.S.-Signal. This is the Reason how/why the Average-Suicidal authors what’s known as the “Suicide-Note”. They do this to catch they Attention of at least 1-Person who actually cares enough to reach-out to them, to stop/prevent them from committing Suicide. For example: the Famous-Series “13 Reasons Why”, which is literally based on a True-Story/Actual-Events by the way: I’ve literally seen almost all the 13-Reasons manifested via Other-People I’ve actually counseled. I mean, via the Nasr/Help-Of-Allah: I’ve literally been able to physically prevent People from threating/attempting Suicide rite in front of me via Real-Time & via Real-Life.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.2, V.195; Chpt.7, V.11-25; Chpt.114; Muslim)

So, what’s to be done…what can be done…how can anyone help People dealing with either Unliveliness, Suicide, or both, etc.?!!!


ar-Ruqyah (Healing/Treatment)

The Following is a List of Discussion-Topics which I use via my Life-Coaching. It’s geared towards facilitating Self-Awareness, in light of honing one’s own Maturation/Advancement of Intrapersonal & Interpersonal Intelligence/Communication. The Responses to these aren’t “One&Dones”. The Responses are meant to evolve with any whom chooses to use this. The Person’s-Responses may be completely different an Hour, Day, Week, Month, Year, Decade, Score, etc. from rite now as we speak. As I always tell People: People are just like the Weather & Weather changes everyday. It’s exclusively discretionary. So, if a Person wants to answer these everday, evert Week, Month, Year, etc. then that’s completely up to them.

1. (Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.51, V.56)

Explain what your Existence means to you personally.

2. (Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.13, V.11)

Detail what Potential/Purpose means to you.

Detail your Personal-Goals in Life.

Detail your Personal-Roadblocks which hinder your Personal-Goals from becoming Reality.

3. (“Oh, Allah: just as you’ve perfected my Physique, perfect my Character also.”
[Fortress Of The Muslim])

Tell how you view yourself in the Present.

Tell how you want to be viewed in the Future.

Relate how much you genuinely like yourself (on a Scale from 0-10).

Relate how much you genuinely dislike yourself (on a Scale from 0-10).

4. (Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.2, V.286 & Chpt.5, V.28)

Compare/Contrast: Strengths vs. Weaknesses…”SWOT-Analysis”:





5. (Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.64, V.14 & Chpt.80, V.33-36)

Describe your Relationships with your Family.

6. (“A Person is upon the Path of their Friend. So, beware concerning whom you befriend.”
[Abū-Dāwud, an-Nawawī])

Describe your Relationships with your Friends.

Discuss how influential you are amongst People.

Discuss how influential People are over you.

From Then to Now: Life-Review concerning what you’ve learned about yourself.


Gareth Bryant