Tag Archives: World History

Juneteenth is a Socio-Political Fake-Woke Scam



The 1863, C.E. Anti American Civil-War Draft-Riots in Manhattan.
This-Event was directly-detailed via the Film “Gangs Of New York”.

Anyone who’s celebratory about “Juneteenth” being a U.S.-Holiday, but has 0-Interests via establishing Reparations for Afro-Americans via the United States is a Socio-Political Coon. Literally, every Ethno-Cultural Demographic in the U.S. who’s ever been directly-oppressed en masse via U.S.-History has been reparated…of course except African-Americans. If you’re not about Reparations for Afro-Americans: go suck a Dick.

Gareth Bryant

Muslim-Politics & Muslims whom manipulate it for their own Ambitions



The Issue of Muslim-Politics is very controversial. It’s mainly due to the Fact that Muslim Political-History (relative to the Revelation of The Qur’ān) has been & still is very treacherous, violent, bloody, unforgiving, relentless, merciless, etc. I’ll specifically be focusing on Specific-Examples of Muslim Political-History. These-Examples are very important to hone in on, because of their Long-Lasting Effects which has eclipsed the Effects of Other-Examples of Muslim-Politics.

There’s always Muslim-Persons whom attempt to deflect the Discourse of Muslim-Politics, via the Famous False-Flag Idiom: “There’s no Politics in Islām”. Not only is That-Statement proven to be a Religio-Historical Fallacy, it makes Muslims look Stupid if/whenever we say and/or tolerate Fellow-Muslims to say Dumb-Shit like that.

Muslim-Politics 101:

1. The Power-Shift of al-Khilāfah/Islāmic-Governance from Banī-Hāshim2Banī-Umayyah

The Death of Muhammad (Peace be upon them) sparked Political-Uncertainty amongst Muslim-Leadership. So much so that when the 1st-Khalīfah/Islāmic-Ruler assumed Power, they had to crush 3 Seperate-Rebellions against those whom dared to question/contest their Khilāfah/Islāmic-Rulership…this has been famously known as Hurūb-ur-Riddah/the Apostasy-Wars. This was a 2-Year Ordeal. Afterwards there was a Massive-Expansion of al-Khilāfah/Islāmic-Governance, over a 3-Decade Duration. This-Duration is known as the Rāshidī-Period.

The Khulafā’/Islāmic-Rulers of This-Period had Several-Things in common:

a. They were all Companions of Muhammad (May Allah be pleased with them).

b. They were all Members of Qabīlah-Quraysh/the Quraysh-Tribe amongst the Arabs.

c. They were all related directly to Muhammad either via Common/Tribal-Ancestry, Familial-Relation, Marriage, etc.

2. Banū-Hāshim vs. Banū-Umayyah

a. During the Rāshidī-Era there were 2-Factions which held most of the Bureaucratic/Authoritative-Positions within al-Khilāfah: Banū-Hāshim/Children/Family-Of-`Amr/Hāshim & Banū-Umayyah/Children/Family-Of-Umayyah. These 2 Familial-Clans were Bitter-Rivals before & during the Prophetic-Lifetime of Muhammad. The Rivalry between Banī-Hāshim & Banī-Umayyah originally began via the Birth of Muhammad, when `Abdallah & Shaybah/`Abd-al-Muttalib had died. Their Deaths created a Power-Vacuum within Banī-Hāshim which `Imrān/Abū-Tālib had taken helm of.

b. However, unlike their Brother & Father: they never wielded the Same-Prestige as them. As a Result of this: Banū-Umayyah had been able to acquire the Position of Custodians of al-Ka`bah. The Ka`bah (via Makkah) is the Most-Sacred Space on Earth via Human-History. It’s the 1st-Space/Place on Earth where the Human-Worship of Allah was established, as well as the 1st-Masjid/Mosque via Human-History. The Ka`bah was originally an Alter constructed by Adam: the Patriarch-Of-Humanity (Peace be upon them). After the Destruction of the People-Of-Noah (via the Great-Flood) the Original-Alter via the Valley of Bakah (Part of what’s known as the Hijāz-Region of the Arabian-Peninsula): Abraham&Ishmael (Peace be upon them both) had Father-Son built what we know today as the Ka`bah which was a Muqaddimah/Prelude to al-Masjid-il-Harām/the Sacred-Mosque.

c. As per the Revelation of The Qur’ān: naturally the Khātim/Seal of an-Nubuwwah (Prophecy/Prophethood) meant that Banū-Umayyah felt Some-Type/Kind of Way, being that (prior to the Conquest-Of-Makkah) Banū-Umayyah profitted rather handsomely from Tribal-Prestige as being the Gatekeepers of Makkah as well as acquiring Mass-Revenue via al-Hajj/Pilgrimage to Makkah by the Arab-Tribes, acquiring Tribal/Regional-Tributes from Fellow Pagan-Arabs for housing their Tribal/Regional-Gods with the Ka`bah, etc. ash-Shirk/Association (via Arab-Paganism) had been making the Quraysh-Tribe Astronomically-Affluent&Powerful via the Arab-World for 6-Centuries prior to the Revelation of The Qur’ān. So, it makes Sense how/why Banū-Umayyah would reignite/intensify Intertribal-Tensions between Banī-Umayyah & Banī-Hāshim.

d. at-Tawhīd/Islāmic-Monotheism was their Opposition in terms of maintaining the Shirk-Bag. Furthermore, as a Result of the Muslim vs. Pagan-Arab Wars via the Lifetime of Muhammad: there were Members of Both-Families (those whom were Muslims & Non-Muslims) had fallen at the Hands of each other via Military-Conflicts between the Muslims & the Pagan-Arabs. Sadly, these Familial-Rivalries never completely died-out & by the End of the Rāshidī-Era their Rivalry became that much more intense.

The Khulafā’ whom were Companions from Banī-Hāshim:

`Alī ibn-`Imrān & al-Hasan ibn-`Alī (Allah be pleased with them both)

The Khulafā’ whom were Companions from Banī-Umayyah:

`Uthmān ibn-`Affān, Mu`āwiyah ibn-Sakhr/Mu`āwiyah I & Marwān ibn-il-Hakam ibn Abil-`Ās/Marwān I (May Allah be pleased with them)…we’ll talk more about Mu`āwiyah later.


3. The Umayyī-Period

The Rāshidī-Period ended with Mu`āwiyah I. Mu`āwiyah had pressed `Alī for the Assassins of `Uthmān ibn-`Affān to be eliminated. `Alī (surrounded by Treachery via al-Madīnah when they became Khalīfah after `Uthmān) found it impossible to correctly seek Justice for `Uthmān, so they refused to act against the Opposition of `Uthmān immediately. This angered Lots of Factions amongst the Muslims, including `Ā’ishah bint-`Abdillah (May Allah be pleased with them) whom eventually aligned themselves with Mu`āwiyah against `Alī. This transformed into a Civil-War titularly dubbed as the “1st-Fitnah/Drama”. The Civil-War between `Alī & Mu`āwiyah/`Ā’ishah ended as a Stalemate of a Conflict. After the Defeat of `Ā’ishah via the Battle of the Camel & the Draw between `Alī & Mu`āwiyah via the Battle-Of-Siffīn: both `Alī & Mu`āwiyah agreed to then jointly administer the Territories of the Khilāfah with `Alī still as the Recognized/Accepted Political-Head of the Islāmic-World. All the Territories North&West of the Arabian-Peninsula were administered by Mu`āwiyah & all the Territories South&East of the Levant were administered by `Alī.

After the Assassination of `Alī & the Abdication of al-Hasan: Mu`āwiyah in turn became the Founder/Progenitor of the Umayyī-Period. Subsequent-Members of Banī-Umayyah ruled the Islāmic-World, for nearly 2-Centuries (at it’s Peak), from Mordern-Day Portugal to Modern-Day Pakistan:

For the Record, the 7th/Last-Companion to have ever been a Khalīfah was Marwān ibn-ul-Hakam ibn Abil-`Ās. Prior to being a Khalifah, they were once most-known/notorious for killing a Fellow-Companion by the Name of Talhah ibn-`Ubaydillah via the Battle of the Camel, during the Civil-War of `Alī ibn-`Imrān vs. `Ā’ishah bint-`Abdillah & Mu`awiyah ibn-Sakhr, known titularly as the “1st-Fitnah/Conflict”. Marwan basically picked-up directly where Mu`āwiyah left-off. They reestablished much-needed Religio-Political Stability after Geo-Political Conflicts (during the Reigns of Yazīd ibn-Mu`āwiyah/Yazīd I) which caused the Death of al-Husayn ibn-`Alī. Also, they reset a Religio-Political Trend initiated via Mu`awiyah, which the Khalīfah was appointed within Family-Ties (essentially mimicking a Mamlakah/Monarchy). And, Marwān predicated the most Influential/Powerful-Stretch within the Entire-History of al-Khilāfah. One of their Sons, six of their Grandsons, three of their Great-Grandsons, became Khulafā’. Marwān & their Descendants ruled the Islāmic-World at the Height the Khilāfah’s Global-Influence&Reach:


4. Khalīfah vs. Mālik

Going back to Mu`āwiyah I: they left behind a Religio-Political Legacy which sadly has been marred in Controversy from the Time they decided to war against `Alī till the Present-Day. And, because Mu`āwiyah had achieved Khilāfah the Manner which they did, it has emboldened a Particular-Hizb/Sect amongst Muslims to attempt legitimizing Muslim-Governments whom don’t rule via ash-Sharī`ah/Islāmic-Law. The Way this is done is by extracting a Mistranslation/Misinterpretation of a Statement from Mu`āwiyah…their Statement is as follows:

“أنا أوَّل الملوك”

“I’m the 1st of the Rulers.”

(at-Tabarī, as-Suyūtī, ibn-Kathīr)

This Mistranslated/Misinterpreted-Statement of Mu`āwiyah is also backed via Mistranslations/Misinterpretations of Several-Ahādīth/Narrations of Muhammad…this being one of them:

5. Let’s examine the Word/Term “Monarch/King”

According to the Arabic-Language: there’s 2 Interchangeable-Words: “Mālik” & “Malik”…they both mean “Ruler”. Yet, at the Same-Time, they could apply to anyone whom possesses al-Wilāyah/Authority anywhere over anyone/anything & presides over a Mulk (Dominion/Domain).
(Lisān-ul-`Arab: Lexicon of the Arabic-Language, ibn-Manzhūr)

Now, for those whom’re attempting to paint Mu`āwiyah as a “Monarch/King”:

a. Mu`āwiyah never pontificated/claimed to be a Mālik as in a “Monarch/King”.

b. Mu`āwiyah never ruled the Islāmic-World as a “Mālik/King”, rather they actually ruled it as a Khalīfah.

c. Even via the Aforementioned-Hadīth/Narration…nowhere does it state “Mamlakah”. Rather, it states “Mulk (Dominion/Domain)”. Mulk & Mamlakah/Kingdom are most definitely Mutually-Exclusive, just like there’s a Difference between a Kingdom & an Empire.

d. All of the Rulers of the Umayyī-Period ruled the Islāmic-World as Khulafā’.

e. Mu`āwiyah stating that they’re the “1st of the Rulers” was exclusively due to the Fact that their Khilāfah was highly-influenced via the Bureaucratic-Structure of the Roman-Empire/Byzantium.  Mu`āwiyah’s Political-Career started-off as being an Envoy of the Khilāfah to Byzantium during the Times of `Abdillah ibn-`Uthmān ibn-`Āmir/Abī-Bakr & `Umar ibn-il-Khattāb/`Umar I (May Allah be pleased with them both). Mu`āwiyah in no Way meant that they were a Monarch/King.

6. Religio-Political Manipulation


Much like how the Political-Legacy of `Alī has been hijacked/monopolized via Shī`ism for Centuries-The Political-Legacy of Mu`āwiyah I has been hijacked/monoplized almost exclusively via Salafism, since the Founding of these Various-States via the Mid-East after the Collapse of al-Khilāfah in 1922, C.E. It’s been perpetually weaponized to attempt legitimizing the Mamlakāt/Kingdoms of Saudi&Co. (KSA, Kuwait, Oman, Bahrain, Qatar, UAE, Jordan, Morocco, etc.), and/or their Muslim-Country Allies, because these’re the Nation-States which governmentally sanction Salafism. There’s been Religio-Political Symbiocity between Salafism & these Muslim-Countries, because they desperately need each other for Survival amongst the Masses. The Religio-Political Intimacy between Salafism & these Muslim-Countries was established exclusively via Muslim-Arab Takhrīj/Rebellion against the Ottoman-Empire, fueled by Arab vs. Non-Arab `Asabiyyah/Xenophobia & directly instigated/supported by Non-Muslim/Western Powers during World-War I.

Ironically, there’s Lots of Religio-Political Similarities between Non-Shī`īs vs. Shī`īs & the Roman-Catholic Church vs. Othrodox-Church:


#KSA & #Israel are 2-Wings of the Same-Bird, as per Religio-Politics. And, their Geo-Political Come-Ups result from the exact same Historical-Realities. Both #SaudiArabia & the #StateOfIsrael evolved from the Direct-Collapse of al-Khilāfah/Islāmic-Governance, during World-War-Muslim-Arabs aided Non-Muslim Governments, Western-Powers, etc. to fight against the Ottoman-Empire, thereby eliminating Islāmic-Authority over the Arabian-Peninsula & Palestine.

UCBerkley’s MSA (Muslim Student Association) had basically issued a Religio-Political Hujjah/Refutation against Mark Hanson (AKA Hamzah Yūsuf), for being silent about the Carnage which began in Gaza on Oct. 7th, 2023 as well as for Criticism against Muslims who’ve joined Anti-Zionism Protests. The Reason how/why Mark Hanson hasn’t said anything against the Actions of the Israeli-Government is because they’d be Religio-Politically Hypocritical to do so. Mark Hanson is known to be a Proponent/Supporter of UAE/United Arab Emirates (a Muslim-Country with Normalized/Diplomatic-Relations with Israel by the way). UAE has (amongst Other-Nations like the U.S.) directly aided KSA/Saudi Arabia turning Yemen into the New-Palestine.


This Political-Game known to Muslims as “Obey the Muslim-Ruler” ironically stems from an actual Islāmic-Concept. But, That-Concept has been grossly misinterpreted. The Concept is known as “al-Walā’ wal-Barā’/Loyalty&Disloyalty”. Originally, This-Term is exclusively referring to being loyal to the Obedience-Of-Allah & disloyal to the Disobedience-Of- Allah. Since World-War I till the Present-Day, there’s Certain-Muslims whom interpret it as being a Religio-Political Dick-Rider. Moreover, it’s obvious that even the Misinterpretation of al-Walā wal-Barā’ is only used when it’s convenient for Saudi&Co. But, if/whenever their Geo-Political Big-Homies (Non-Muslim/Western Powers) compel/call-upon them to assist invading, occupyIng, destroying any Fellow-Muslim Country…they’re all for it & History has blatantly proven as such.


7. The Fear-Factor Buzzwords

There’s a Particular-Term which Muslims whom’re Salafīs love to just throw-around, to attack&marginalize any/all those whom aren’t Team-Saudi nor in Support of any of these Muslim-Countries who’s Governmental-Structures are 💯% predicated upon Non-Islāmic/Secular-Principles. This-Term is known as “Khurūj” which is akin to the Word “Takhrīj”. They do this exclusively to shut-down/marginalize any and every Opposition/Resistance to their Pontification/Promotion of the Countries which they love to dick-ride. Meanwhile, as long as People aren’t advocating al-Khurūj against Saudi&Co. then it’s OK to support anyone/every who’s opposed to the Pro-Saudi Kalām/Rhetoric. The Incredible-Irony though is that:

a. None of these Present-Day Muslim-Countries via the Arab-World/Middle-East are Islāmically-Legitimate anyway. Literally, all of the Founders/Progenitors of these Nation-States aligned themselves with Non-Muslim Countries (the Allied-Powers against the Central-Powers), against al-Khilāfah via the Ottoman-Empire, during World-War I. .

b. Had the Central-Powers defeated the Allied-Powers during World-War I: all of the Founders/Progenitors of these Muslim/Arab-World Kingdoms, Emirates, etc. would’ve gotten executed as per al-Khurūj & their Executions would’ve been 💯% Islāmically-Justified.


Gareth Bryant 1444, A.H./2022, C.E.