Tag Archives: Judgmental

Refutation&Boycotting Culture amongst Muslims


And never let your hatred, against any People, prevent you from behaving justly.”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.8)

As I was sent this, it was completely unsurprising to me. I looked at it, read it, thought about it, etc. I then said to myself: “ash-Shar`iyyah/Retribution strikes again.”. I’ll get back to what I mean by this later. However, for now, I’m simply going to focus on the Hypocritical-Kalām/Rhetoric of Abī-Usayd: the Author of This-Post. Now, don’t get me wrong…there’s Certain-Things which Yāsir Qādhī has stated, which I vehemently disagree with…for example: when YQ pontificated/claimed that al-Istighāthah (Seeking Things, making ad-Du`ā’/Verbal-Prayer, etc. to Dead-Persons) is only al-Bid`ah/Religio-Innovation & not ash-Shirk/Association. Yet, I’ve never deemed the Things I disagree with enough to label Yāsir Qādhī a “Hizbī/Religio-Deviant”. If anything, Yāsir Qādhī has been even Less-Hizbī/Sectarisn after/since they’ve abandoned as-Salafiyyah/Salafism.

The Evil&Destructive-Nature of “Cancel-Culture”

Ghībah/Gossip-Gangs & Hizbī/Sectarian-Wars

Now, before jumping to Conclusions: I’d decided to objectively analyze the Statement of YQ, which Abū-Usayd cited/quoted. YQ’s Statement itself wasn’t incorrect though. `Umar ibn-ul-Khattāb (May Allah be pleased with them) had a Simplex/Prestine-Understanding of al-Islām, because, they learned al-Islām almost exclusively from Muhammad (Peace be upon them). However, because of the Evolution of Islāmic-Academia: `Umar ibn-ul-Khattāb would definitely find themselves perplexed, as per how unjustly/unnecessarily complicated Muslims of Latter-Generations after as-Salaf/the Ancestors (as-Sahābah/the Companions & Generations-1&2 of at-Tābi`īn/the Followers) made/make Islāmic-Learning. For example: the Concept of “`Aqīdah”…the Term al-`Aqīdah/Theology
is simply a Religio-Euphemism for the 6-Arkān/Pillars of al-Īmān (Belief/Faith). But, Muslims love making Simplex-Things (like `Aqīdah) Complicated-Things. As per Latter-Generations: there literally exists “`Aqīdah-Wars” between Fellow-Muslims, over Things no Muslim is entitled/justified to differ about with any Fellow-Muslim.

The Reality of the Fitrah/Nature of Allah

Yāsir Qādhī isn’t the Only-Casualty of Salafī Smear-Campaigns: it’s happened to Dāwud Adīb, Abī-Muslimah, Abī-Usāmah, Shadīd Muhammad, Tāhir Wyatt, Muhammad Munīr, etc. & the List is quite lengthy. Countless-Scenarios, of Persons (myself included), where Outright-Lies have been incepted/invented, Slanderous-Accusations have been stated from the Minbar/Podium via Khutub/Islāmic-Sermons on Jumu`ah/Fridays, Deliberately-Misinterpreted Statements repeated via Durūs (Classes, Lectures, Conferences, etc.), etc. I can literally go On&On till the Early-Morn. These Ruthless-Tactics have been used purposefully, as Pseudo-Justifications to write Others whom’re deemed “Expendables”, “Undesirables”, etc. off of “The Minhāj” (meaning kicking People out of the Salafism-Whip/Gang).

The Hujjah/Indictment against the Salafī-Mafia

The Dangers&Idiocy of Hizbī/Sectarian-Conflicts

Examining al-Kharajiyyah/Religio-Extremism via Mafia/Gang-Culture amongst Muslims historically & contemporaneously

Notice how the Islāmic-Concept “70-A`dhār/Excuses” is only used if/when one is favored by Certain-Ahzāb/Sects, Certain-Groups, Certain-Crews/Teams, Certain-Individuals, etc For example: if/when Certain Muslim-Governments, Muslim-Countries, etc. do Sucka-Shit…they literally get every `Udhr/Excuse in da Book. But, let anyone ubfavored do some Sucka-Shit…it could very well be the Same-Type/Kind of Sucka-Shit the “Desirables” do: 0-A`dhār for the “Expendables/Undesirables”.

If “70A`dhār/-Excuses” were a Person

The Anti-YQ Rhetoric was a Reality for Years. Yet, ironically, this Same-Energy has never been used against Muslim-Governments which oppress People, which assist Non-Muslim Governments to oppress People, which allows Shirk/Kufr-Based Holidays/Celebrations via their Countries, which allows Transformer-Surgeries via their Countries, which allows Harām-Tarab/Music Concerts via their Countries, etc. It’s the Hypocrisy for me.

You’ll never find this on Salafi Publications: A Necessary Hujjah (Indictment/Refutation) against Saudi Arabia…a kingdom of Sectarian-Deviants, Tyrants, and Powermongers

Saudiween & Shirkmas

Saudi Arabia’s Religio-Hypocritial Love-Hate Relationship with at-Tarab/Music

It’s because Yāsir Qādhī was once a Salafī, and since they abandoned as-Salafiyyah: the Salsfīs despise YQ immensely. Ever since YQ has been forthright & deliberate, as per speaking against as-Salafiyyah: they’ve had a Target on their Back. The Salafīs are truly against anyone whom admits & exposes the Reality, that as-Salafiyyah is just as negative/toxic as any/all other Ahzāb/Religio-Sectarian Groups which the Salafīs themselves criticize. The Salafīs probably hate YQ more than they hate me.

Why my Love for Fashion matters

Exposing Fraudulent-Refutations

Now, back to what I mentioned regarding: “ash-Shar`iyyah strikes again.”…I say this because amongst Salafīs particularly (not at all exclusively): if/whenever on of their own abandons “The Minhāj” they’re regarded as a “Traitor”. And, because of this…any Opportunity the Salafīs get they’ll put those whom dropped the Salafī-Flag on Front-St. Time&Time again…the Same-Scenario plays out. It’s literally no different from/than when the Yahūd/Jews of al-Madīnah learned that al-Husayn ibn-Salām AKA `Abdullah ibn-Salām (May Allah be pleased with them) became a Muslim. Once the Yahūd found-out al-Husayn ibn-Salām was a Muslim: they literally wasted 0-Time to slander al-Husayn ibn-Salām. Ironically, the Salafīs particularly have Lots of Sifāt/Characteristics similar with the Yahūd: they’re arrogant & think/feel an-Najiyyah/Salvation is only for them.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.46, V.10; as-Suyūtī; al-Bukhārī)

50-Shades Of The Minhāj

Things like this, ironically, are the Direct-Result of Former-Salafīs quite honestly getting it how they lived it. Many a Salafī (myself included) would talk That-Shit against Non-Salafīs, participate in Refutations/Boycotting against Fellow-Muslims whom’re Non-Salafīs, gossip (backbite/slander) against Fellow-Muslims, etc. But, guess what?!!! Allah is Al-Muqsit/The Ultimately-Just. And, more often than not…Allah grants/imposes upon us a Taste of our own Medicine.

Judgmentalism always exposes whom we truly are

This is a Microcosmic-Example, of how/why it’s so important to not treat Others/stop treating Others like Shit. Because, eventually, Allah may very well allow us to be bitten rite in the Ass via the Same-Fangs we bit Others with. And, also, to be poisoned via the Same-Venom that we spewed towards Others. We must/should all take a Page from the Kitāb/Book of at-Tawādhi`/Humikity. It’s al-Istikbār (Apathy/Arrogance) which’ll drive towards Damnation. It’s just as Allah states: “And don’t be led to at-Tahlukah/Destruction, via your own Hands.”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.2, V.195)

Gareth Bryant



Allah states: “Have you seen those whom take their Desires as their God? Are you then their Enabler?”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.25, V.43)

This-Article is based upon a Particular-Sin, pontificated/promoted via al-Khalafiyyah/Modernity. This-Article actually serves as a Template, to deal with/address any/all Sins. It’s primarily based upon a Former-Article, detailing the Dangerous-Consequenses of at-Tadjīl/Deception.


So, as they say: #LetsGetIntoIt

Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Verily, the Character/Behavior of the People-Of-Lot is what I fear for my Nation mostly.”.
(al-Kabā’ir/The Major-Sins, adh-Dhahabī)

Our Tale takes us to a Group-Chat, which I’m a Member of. And, amongst the Discussions which our Members had was the Issue of al-Liwātiyyah/Homo-Culture via Transformer-Culture. This particularly was in reference to those whom deceive, attempt to deceive Members of the Same-Gender via imitating the Opposite-Gender. For More-Info. regarding Transformer-Culture:


One Particular-Member of our Group posted a Screenshot of someone via Social-Media whom bragged about Sin-Entrapping Others: luring them to engage with Members of the Same-Gender whom pretend to be Members of the Opposite-Gender. In Other-Words: they pontificated being on a Mission, to “expose” Certain-Men (Muslim-Men specifically/especially) for being with Male-Transformers. I, of course, sought to address the Person screenshot directly…I did so. The Reason how/why is because-As per Islāmic-Principle, even if someone is a Public-Fāsiq/Sinner, the Most-Correct Option is to always grant an-Nasīhah/Correction to someone privately firstly. But, if they refuse an-Nasīhah: then they’re to be warned against as per their Evil.

So…as per This-Scenario I did exactly that. I addressed the Issue privately with the Person whom bragged about what they did firstly. Them & I had a very Direct/Blunt-Exchange, as is detailed bellow:

I’d be a Liar/Dishonest, if I were to say that their Responses weren’t painful to witness. It was actually quite difficult, to observe & endure any Fellow-Muslim brag about sin-entrapping anyone (let alone any Fellow-Muslim). There’s Lots to unpack, regarding This-Person. For any Muslim to impose this Type/Kind of Zhulm/Oppression upon any Fellow-Human is Evil (to put it mildly). The Fact that they actually attempted to pseudo-justify what they do (Yes…they currently still are on this Type/Kind of Timing) is literally worse than what they’re doing. It directly embodies what Muhammad stated: “Apathy/Arrogance is denying Truth & direspecting People.”…the Exact-Opposite of how Muhammad described/defined the Muslim (Ascriber to al-Islām) & the Mu’min (Believer in al-Islām): “The Muslim are those whom protect Fellow-Muslims from the Evil of their Tongue/Speech & Hand/Actions. And the Believer are those whom secure the Lives&Properties of Humanity.”.

It’s clear, to me, that the Person and/or Persons like them are Dhāllūn (Misguided-Individuals) via at-Tajnīn (Jinn-Influence/Demon-Possession). You don’t have to be a Jinn/Fire-Being to be a Shaytān/Satanist: Agent-Of-Satan. Allah details this directly/overtly, via The Qur’ān…as Allah commands to seek refuge against the Waswās/Deception of al-Khannās. The Word/Term “Khannās” itself is defined quite clearly: “Those amongst Jinns&Humans, whom whisper into the Sudūr/Minds&Hearts of Men.”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.114, at-Tabarī, as-Suyūtī)

For More-Info. regarding at-Tajnīn:




As well equally: This-Person really thinks/feels that they’re “superior” to those whom they deem “inferior” to them. Their Posture is literally from the Minhāj/Ideology of ash-Shaytān/Satan. ash-Shaytān literally carried the Same-Posture against Ādam/Adam: the Progenitor/Patriarch-Of-Humanity (Peace be upon them).

The Irony via Ādam vs. ash-Shaytān:

a. There’s 0-Proof that ash-Shaytān was ever “better” than Ādam.

b. The Character/Behavior of ash-Shaytān, by default, actually proves that they were never “better” than Ādam.

c. If ash-Shaytān were ever “better” than Ādam, then they’d never work to lead Ādam & their Children (the Human-Race) towards adh-Dhalālah/Misguidance.

So…pertaining to the Scenario of Aisha Mohammed attempting to get Others (especially Fellow-Muslims) Caught-Up via al-Fusūq/Sinning: it’s very obvious whom they truly are…they’re a Judgmental-Person & they’re literally just as Mudhlil/Misguided as those whom they pontificate/claim to be “superior” to…in Most-Ways they’re actually worse than those whom they’re judgmental against.

For More-Info. regarding Judgmentalism:








Gareth Bryant

How to avoid being placed in the “Wahhābī” Box


Allah states: “And never let your hatred, against any People, prevent you from behaving justly.”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.8)

If/whenever anyone address any Fellow-Muslim as “Wahhābi”, it’s exclusively done to shame them, ridicule them, dismiss them, mock them, etc. only because they oppose Other-Muslims or because Other-Muslims oppose them as per Religio-Issues via al-Islām. “Wahhabism” is a
Mythos/Pseudo-Narrative, exclusively used by Certain-Muslims attempting to marginalize Certain-Muslims whom they deem Religio-Inferior to them. As Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Apathy/Arrogance is denying Truth & disrespecting People.”.

A Classic/Typical-Example of what I mean:

al-Fiqh/Religio-Legal Analysis




Now, there’s 3 Main-Reasons how/why anyone would dare accuse any Fellow-Muslim of ascribing to “Wahhābism”:

a. Religio-Theological Accusations

This-Post is a Sifah/Manifestation of ash-Shirk/Association & al-Kufr/Disbelief. This-Post which pontificates/claims the Possibility/Potential for Allah to “evolve” directly opposes at-Tanzīl/Revelation. Opposing ash-Shirk/Association and/or al-Kufr/Disbelief has nothing to do with “Salafiyyah/Salafism” & has everything to do with al-Islām.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.18, V.1-6; Chpt.112)



at-Tafwīdh/Neutrality vs. at-Ta’wīl/Interpretation concerning the Sifāt/Qualities-Of-Allah

As per the Religio-Theological Reasons…Ash`arism (an `Aqīdah/Religio-Theological School) is notorious historically for labeling any/all Muslims not of their Religio-Theological Ilk of being Kuffār (Disbelievers/Non-Muslims). They’ve a Particular Theological-Disdain against Salafism by the way. They display their Disdain via accusing any Muslim whom doesn’t comply with Ash`arī Theological-Interpretations of Islāmic-Theology as being Heretical at best & Blasphemous at worst. For example: it’s a Religio-Historical Fact, that generally Ash`arism pontificates/promotes that the Sifāt/Characteristics of Allah are Metaphorical & Non-Literal. But, whomever believes the Opposite of this: they’re accused of what’s known as at-Tashbīh & at-Tamthīl. Both of these 2-Concepts are actually Linguistically-Interchangeable. Also, in comparison to English, they parallel the Terms: Theophany & Anthropomorphism. Theophany meaning that one pontificates/claims that Created-Things/Beings possess Divine-Sifāt & Anthropomorphism meaning that Allah possesses the Sifāt of Created-Things/Beings. However, no Muslim pontificates/claims that the Sifāt/Features of Allah mimic the Sifāt of
Makhlūq/Creation or that the Sifāt of Makhlūq mimic the Sifāt of Allah. That-Type/Kind of Madhab/Religio-Posture, of accusing Fellow-Muslims of at-Tashbīh/at-Tamthīl, without any Revelatory/Textual-Evidence, is exclusively Anti-Salafī Propaganda (Courtesy of Ash`arism) to accuse anyone whom disagrees with Ash`arism of being “Wahhābīs”. Moreover, actually it’s al-Buhtān/al-Humazah (Slander) & it’s used as a Pseudo-Justification for Certain-Muslims to pontificate/promote at-Takfīr/Blasphemy against Fellow-Muslims only because they’re Non-Ash`arīs. Ironically, the Progenitor/Founder of Ash`arism prior to their Death (Abul-Hasan al-Ash`arī) stated that they’ll no longer make Unjust-Takfīr against Fellow-Muslims whom’re Non-Ash`arīs.

The Haqqover/Super-Hizbī: Debunking the Pseudo-Justifications for Takfīr-Culture

b. Religio-Political Accusations

As per Religio-Political Reasons…this is ironically more complex/complicated. It’s a Know Fact that “Wahhābism” is exclusively used as a Religio-Euphemism for Salafism. And whenever the origins of the Salafism are spoken about, the Name Muhammad ibn `Abd-il-Wahhāb always (unjustly/unfairly) pops-up. Now, why do I say “unjustly/unfairly”? Because, Historical-Records clearly show (both Religious & Secular) that This-Man wasn’t the “Founder” of Salafism. Muhammad ibn `Abd-il-Wahhāb is however a key-Figure as per how/why the 18th-Century, C.E. Progenitors of the Saudi-Family (which rules Modern-Day Saudi Arabia) rose to Religio-Political Power. After being driven to Various-Parts of the Arabian-Peninsula, essentially on the Run: Muhammad ibn `Abd-il-Wahhāb found an Ally, Friend, Patron, Protector, etc. in Mahammad ibn Sa`ūd. They were from the an-Najd: the Central-Region of the Arabian-Peninsula. Muhammad ibn-Sa`ūd was to Muhammad ibn `Abd-il-Wahhāb what the Medici-Family were to Niccolo Machiavelli. And, much like Machiavelli: Muhammad ibn `Abd-il-Wahhāb does in fact have a Religio-Political Legacy stained with Blood…this is Non-Debatable. So, because they attained Religio-Political Backing: the Sa`ūd-Clan became kind of like the Tokogawa-Family & the Family of the Descendants of Muhammad ibn `Abdil-Wahhāb became like the Yagyu-Clan of the Arabian-Peninsula. If you’ve any familiarity with the History of the Papal-States, the History of the Euro-Renaissance, the History of Feudal/Shogonate-Japan: it’s easy to see the Comparisons which I’ve used. The Actual-Founders/Influencers of it during the 1860’s, C.E.: Muhammad `Abduh, Jamāluddīn al-Afghānī, Rashīd Ridhā…3-Men, originally from Egypt, had Enormous-Influences on the Original-Intent of Salafism: it was a Political-Movement, with a Religious-Agenda. Salafism was originally only meant to dispel the Growing/Uncontrollable-Tyranny of the failing Ottoman-Empire: the Last-Vestige of al-Khilāfah/Islāmic-Governance. And, ironically, this took place 7-Decades after the Death of Muhammad ibn `Abd-il-Wahhāb. The Religio-Agenda of Salafism was geared towards reforming the General-Understanding of Islāmic-Teachings based upon the Example of as-Salaf/the Ancestors (the 1st 3-Generations of Muslims, following the Revelation of the Qur’ān: as-Sahābah/the Companions [Muhammad] & at-Tābi`ūn/the Followers [of as-Sahābah]).(Muslim) Both Muhammad `Abduh & Rashīd Ridhā lived & were religio-socially/religio-politically active during a very Hotbed-Period in the History of the Ottoman-Empire. this was a Time that the Ottomans were showing the very first Blatant-Signs of Internal-Bureaucratic-Decay & the Middle-East was once again a Prize for European-Powers, ushering-in a Neo-Crusade Era. Also, as a Result of the Degeneration of the Ottoman-Empire: Muslim-Arabs (mainly) started to faction-off & pick sides in what would be the Precedents of long/drawn-out Military-Conflicts, proving disastrous for the Muslim-World, more specifically the Arab-World, in the Centuries/Decades to come. In fact, “Wahhābism” was a Dead-Term from the 1860’s-1970’s, C.E. Via the 1970’s, C.E. the Term “Wahhābism” resurfaced as a Concept/Term, because the Oil-Rich Arab/Gulf-States began to use their Petro-Wealth to align with Non-Muslim/Western Powers during the Cold-War Era. And, they began to also finance Religio-Political Proxy-Wars via the Muslim-World, to support Western-Powers against Communism…that’s how/why Wahhābism began to be a Religio-Euphemism of/for Salafism.


c. al-Kharajiyyah/Religio-Extremism Accusations

As per this…Salafīs are always unjustly/unfairly accused of ascribing to al-Kharajiyyah/Religio-Extremism. This is 💯%-Untrue/Dishonest. More often than not: Certain-People will accuse Other-People whom don’t dick-ride the same Religio-Views which they dick-ride as being both a “Wahhābī” & a “Khārijī” at the Same-Time. Now, Kharajism & “Wahhābism” are used interchangeably, in spite of the Fact that “Wahhābism” isn’t a Real-Thing. Ironically though, Kharajism is very much a Real-Thing. It’s even existed prior to the Revelation of The Qur’ān, as per the People-Of-Noah using al-Kharajiyyah to drive them away from al-Islām via ash-Shirk/Association (via Paganism). Or, referring to the Children-Of-Israel whom disobeyed Moses&Aaron (Peace be upon them both)…how their Rabbis&Priest distorted the Tanzīl/Revelation sent to them & killed/murdered, plotted to kill/murder the Anbiyā’/Prophetic-Individuals whom were sent to them. Even via the Lifetime of Muhammad (Peace be upon them): they directly warned against al-Kharajiyyah & referred to al-Khawārij/Religio-Extremists as “Kilāb-un-Nār/Dogs of the Fire”. Moreover, any Muslim can be a Khārijī/Religio-Extremist…al-Kharajiyyah literally has 0 to do with al-Hizbiyyah (Religio-Sectarianism) & everything to do with al-Khuluq/al-Adab (Character/Behavior). Any Muslim can realistically become a Khārijī, whether they’re Religio-Sectarian or Non Religio-Sectarian.
(ibn-Mājah, an-Nawawī, at-Tabarī, as-Suyūtī, ibn-Kathīr)



Gareth Bryant’s Hujjah/Refutation against the “Imāms-Roundtable”

There’s Certain-Things which we should never allow anyone to do to us: al-Buhtān/al-Humazah (Slander) is most definitely one of Those-Things…it’s a Kibār (Infamnia/Major-Sin). And, anyone who’s willing to label you as a “Wahhābī”, then know for sure that they’ve slandered you totally.

Gareth Bryant