Tag Archives: Intimidation

Exposing & attacking Linguistic-Islāmophobia: Gareth Bryant’s Hujjah/Refutation against the YouTube-Page “Exploring The Quran And The Bible”


Allah states:

“They desire to extinguish the Light-Of-Allah via their Rhetoric. But, in spite of the Disbelievers hating it, Allah in stead perfects Their own Light.”

(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.9, V.32; Chpt.61, V.8)

The Psychology Of Islāmophobia

Islāmophobia, as is Ma`lūm/Mutawātir (Wellknown/Common-Knowledge), has existed amongst Humans ever since the People-Of-Noah. I’ll be specifically focusing on Islāmophobia relative to the Revelation of The Qur’ān. My Focus is exclusively predicated upin how Islāmophobes attempt to “discredit” The Qur’ān. Albeit the Angle the YouTube-Page “Exploring The Quran And The Bible” has taken an Islāmophobic-Approach which I’ve honestly never come across before.

The Islāmophobic-Angle which was taken is present in the Following Video-Short:

However, there’s a Serious-Problem:

a. Languages have always borrowed Concepts, Words, etc. from Other-Languages, ever since Humans began developing Various-Languages in the 1st-Place.

b. There’s almost no Human-Language which exists which hasn’t borriwed from Other-Languages.

b. Arabic, Aramaic, Hebrew, Syriac, etc. are Sister/Semitic-Languages anyway.

Here’s the Real-Deal, regarding the Words claimed to be of “Non-Arabic Origin”

The Baseline-Argument, via the Aforementioned-Video is that The Qur’ān “borrowed” Non-Arabic Words of Non-Arabic Origins. And, by virtue of the Argunent posed via This-Video: this is their so-called “Proof” that The Qur’ān isn’t Real-Revelation from Allah. As was mentioned very clearly via the Video-Short: their Attempt was to “attack” the Truthfulness of The Qur’ān itself. This is done by claiming that The Qur’ān “isn’t 💯%-Arabic”. Their Claim, as is detailed via That-Video, is based on projecting that The Qur’ān “borrowed” Words from Other-Languages & that’s supposed to be “Proof” that The Qur’ān is “False”.

Fortunately, I know Arabic & can see rite thru da Sucka-Shit presented via This-Video

(Literally) all the Words mentioned via the Video are actually derived from the Arabic-Language directly (I can/will prove as such):

The Word “Iblīs” (a an Alternate-Name for ash-Shaytān/Satan) comes from the Arabic-Verb “Ablasa”, meaning: “To refuse”, “To rebel”, “To disobey”, etc. However, via the Video: it’s falsely-claimed that “Iblīs” is “borrowed” from the Greek-Word “Diablos”. There’s literally 0 Linguistic/Historical-Proof of such a Claim.

The Word “Injīl” (the Title of the Book-Of-Revelation imposed upon Jesus-Christ [Peace be upon them]) comes from the Arabic-Verb “Najala/Najila”, meaning: “To originate”, “To birth”, etc. However, via the Video: it’s falsely-claimed that “Injīl”comes from Greek. Such a Claim nothing less than Bogus. There’s literally 0 Linguistic/Historical-Proof of such a Claim.

The Word “Qur’ān” (the Title of the Book-Of-Revelation imposed upon Muhammad [Peace be upon them]) comes from the Arabic-Verb “Qara’a”, meaning “To read”, “To recite”, “To explore”, “To discover”, etc. However, via the Video: it’s falsely-claimed that “Qur,’ān” comes from Hebrew. There’s literally 0 Linguistic/Historical-Proof of such a Claim.

The Word “Tābūt” comes from the Arabic-Verb “Tāba”, meaning: “To refine” “To reform”, “To repent”, etc.  However, via the Video: it’s falsely-claimed that “Tābūt” comes from Hebrew. There’s literally 0 Linguistic/Historical-Proof of such a Claim.

(Lisān-ul-`Arab: Lexixon of the Arabic-Language, ibn-Manzhūr)

The Video is very deliberate, as per attempting to incite ash-Shubhah/Doubt via the Sudūr (Minds/Hearts) of Muslims. A Classic/Typical-Tactic for Islāmophobes is, always, to theologically attack/bully Muslims who they either know or presume are More Islāmically-Ignorant than Islāmophobes. Also, as per Iconography/Imagery…notice how the Non-Muslim via This-Video has Arabic-Books in the Background. That’s a Classic/Typical Motif which they’ve literally borrowed from Muslims.

The Sabab/Reason for the “Arabic-Books in the Background” Motif

This-Motif is exclusively to project the Mythos/Pseudo-Narrative, that whomever has “Arabic-Books” as their Background must of course be a “Religio-Academic/Schokar”, an “Islāmic-Authority”, etc. But, as All-Muslims of Moral-Intelligence know: this is 💯% Sucka-Shit. And, pitifully, there’s actually going to be Lame-Ass-Muslims whom take Islāmophobic-Clowns like the Person via This-Video seriously. Sadly, all it takes is for Some-Bozo to have the “Arabic-Books in the Background” Motif for Others to think/feel they must “submit” to their Pseudo Religio-Academic Authority.

The “People-Of-Knowledge” Pseudo-Narrative & Pseudo-Monopoly according to Muslims

Since These-Mothafuckas from “Exploring The Quran And The Bible” wanna try to “throw Shade” against al-Qur’ān: let’s then “explore” the Textual-Fallacies/Hypocrisies of Judeo-Christian Sources




There’s Specific-Things which’re Part of Judeo-Christianity which’re Islāmically-Classified as ash-Shirk/Association. For example: pontificating/claiming that Allah has Parents and/or Children…this is ash-Shirk by definition. Parents are imperfect, and Children must be constantly/consistently taught & reminded of Things. Children typically need their Parents for everything, while Parents rely upon their Children to care for them when they age. Parents can be & often are wrong about Lots of Things. Regardless of whether it’s a Figurative-Context or Literal-Context…it’s Islāmically-Intolerable/Unacceptable. There’s even Several-Texts via Judeo-Christian Sources (The Tanakh/Torah, The Bible, etc.) which pontificates/promotes ash-Shirk: Adam being called “Son of God” (Luke), Jacob/Israel being called “My 1st-Born” (Exodus), Angels being called “Children/Sons of God” (Job), David&Solomon being called “Sons of God” (Psalms&Chronicles I), etc. Ironically, even ash-Shaytān is classified as a “Child-Of-God”, because as per Judeo-Christianity ash-Shaytān is Religio-Classified as a “Fallen-Angel” & Angels are Religio-Classified via Judeo-Christianity as the “Children-Of-God”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.18&64; Chpt.9, V.30; Chpt.18 V.1-6; Chpt.112)

The Abrahamic-Fallacy

So, tell everyone you know about the Sucka-Shit pontificated/promoted via Islāmophobia at the Hands of “Exploring The Quran And The Bible”.

Gareth Bryant

The Anatomy of Spiritual-Blackmail


There’s too many People whom’re addicted to Spiritual-Blackmail. I’ll explain what I mean:

There’s Certain-Persons (Muslims & Non-Muslims alike), who’ll literally brag about knowing the Private&Public-Sins of Others, as a Way to acquire/maintain “Leverage” over those whom they dem as “Inferior”, “Impious”, etc. Meanwhile, ironically, Muhammad (Peace be upon them) directly debunked Spiritual-Blackmail during their Lifetime. There was a Famous-Companion by the Name of an-Nu`aym ibn-`Amr AKA Himār. Now, to give Context-“Himār” via Arabic means: “Donkey”, “Jackass”, “Asshole”, etc. They were nicknamed “Himār”, because they were a Known-Prankster & was always capable/able of making Muhammad laugh…an-Nu`aym was basically the Dave Chappelle of the Companions. However, also, an-Nu`aym was equally notorious for being a Khāmir/Substance-Abuser. And, Certain-Companions would mock an-Nu`aym (as per their Open-Sin). When Muhammad learned that this was being done, they immediately commanded the Companions to not mock an-Nu`aym concluding: “Verily, they love Allah & Their Messenger.”.
(al-Bukhārī; Lisān-ul-`Arab: Lexicon of the Arabic-Language, ibn-Manzhūr)

This also reminds me of Another-Statement of Muhammad: “The Strong-Believer is superior & more-beloved to Allah, as opposed to the Weak-Believer. But, there’s still Positivity within them both.”.

Moreoften than not: Most-Muslims only cite/quote the 1st-1/2 of This-Hadīth/Narration. But, the 2nd-Half of the Hadīth is actually more-important than the 1st-1/2.

This-Hadīth itself teaches 2-Things:

1. at-Tawādhi`/Humility

Only Allah knows whom amongst us has True-Īmān/Belief. Only Allah know whom amongst us has Strong-Īmān. Only Allah knows whom amongst us has any Īmān at all.

2. ar-Rajā’/Hope

If we don’t have Īmān at all, then we’re confident that Allah will grant us Īmān. If we’ve Weak-Īmān, then we’re confident that Allah will empower us to strengthen our Īmān.

People resort to Spiritual-Blackmail purely out of al-Istikbār/Arrogance. They wish to hold themselves in High-Regard, while equally debasing Others they deem “Less-Than”. But, here’s the Irony: al-Istikbār is literally the Proof that they’re not “superior” to anyone. Because, if they were superior they’d want Others to elevate, evolve, improve, etc. The Sign of a Better-Person is one whom is always in the Service of Others, granting them Tools-Of-Impowerment, so that they level-up. If someone isn’t doing as such: that’s literally the Proof that they’re not better than anyone else they look-down upon.

This stems primarily from Judgmentalism. When we think/feel that we’re “Spiritually-Superior” to anyone, we’ll go to any/all Lengths&Extents to make them seem “Worthless”. However, as Allah states via The Qur’ān describing themsrlves as “the Best-Of-Planners”-I’ve personally witnessed Judgmental-Persons get debased publicly. I remember there was a Group-Of-Friends: we’re all out together. One amongst us began relsting about how someone was posting Ratchet/Debaucherous-Things about themselves via the Public-Sphere, Online, Social-Media, etc. We amongst ourselves then in turn started discussing the Wrong-Ways vs. the Right-Ways of addressing Scenarios as this. And, then, the Person whom initiated the Convo made a Serious Slip-Up & exposed a Specific-Sin of theirs. To me, personally, it was Allah showing me how/why it’s so important to not be a Judgmental-Person. But, unlike That-Person, I personally took the Initiative to attempting granting them 70-Excuses, so as to not be judgmental against them (as they ironically were judgmental against Others). Via the Mercy-Of-Allah: I was capable/able to remain Non-Judgmental towards the Person.

Conversely, I myself have had my own Sinful-Situations, where there were Others whom were judgmental against me…which is how/why the Ole-Saying: “Don’t expect you from Other-People.” contains so much Truth/Honesty to it. Worse yet: I’ve literally witnessed Others be judgmental against me, but in turn be merciful&patient towards Others whom I know for a Fact that I’m not worse than (not to say that I’m “superior” to them by the way). This I’ve seen In-Person rite in fron of me. I’ve literally witnessed Others be judgmental against me, but in the Same-Breath admit to doing Sinful-Actions which’re worse than what they’d been judgmental against me about. Make that Goofy-Shit make Shit.

Humanly, we all have this Innate-Desire to appear “better” than Others. But, al-Birr/Betterment is something which can only & is only determined by Allah. If we become/remain with how “Pious/Righteous” we actually aren’t, then we’d basically have 0-Time/Energy to expend upon trying to assess who’s “Pious/Righteous” vs. “Impious/Wicked”. It’s just like that Famous Movie-Scene from “Platoon”, by Oliver Stone which the Character towards the Film’s-Ending said: “We did not defeat the Enemy, we defeated ourselves…because the Enemy was in us.”.

The Hujjah/Indictment against the Salafī-Mafia


Salafīs will “refute” everything & everyone, except Shit like this here…it’s the Hypocritical-Irony for me:

50-Shades Of The Minhāj


The Scenario:

Sectarian Patriot-Games amongst Muslims of the Western-World

Fouta Masjid/Fouta Islamic Center via Philadelphia was the Victim/Casualty of a Hostile-Takeover, by Salafīs from Germantown-Masjid. They literally pressed/threatened a Qur’ān-Teacher at This-Masjid (whom they knew wouldn’t fight them back): accusing them of “disrespecting” & “slandering” the Scholars they take Knowledge from.

The “People-Of-Knowledge” Pseudo-Narrative & Pseudo-Monopoly according to Muslims

They literally traumatized the Qur’ān-Students present via bullying their Qur’ān-Instructor. They literally disrupted These-Students from learning The Qur’ān via their Intimidation-Tactics. All of this was made public via a Facebook-Post which has since been taken-down. Without any Doubt: Those-Persons are al-Khawārij (Religio-Extremists).

Examining al-Kharajiyyah/Religio-Extremism via Mafia/Gang-Culture amongst Muslims historically & contemporaneously

The Mentality of the True-Muslim towards a Fellow-Muslim

And, to add Insult2Injury: these Clown-Ass Niggas whom want to be the Muslim-Versions of “Goodfellas” so damn badly: they’ve the audacity to muscle their Way into the Masjid-Administration, to implant their Fellow-Bozos to “teach” their Sectarian/Perverse-Interpretations of al-Islām. Then, they’ve the Audacity to forcibly host a “Lecture/Conference-Series” at this Same-Masjid, based on the 40-Hadīth Majmū`/Collection of an-Nawawī.

This Lecture-Series, at That-Masjid, needs to be boycotted & everyone Part of this Hostile-Takeover via Germantown-Masjid & their Affliates, Allies, Overlords, etc. of need to be refuted as well. For example the Following-Persons: Hassan Somali, Abdul Hasan Malik, Kashif Khan, Rasheed Barbee, Anwar Wright, Jamil Finch, Ahmad Fathi, Moosaa Richardson, Umar Quinn, Mustafa George, Rabī` ibn-Hādī al-Madkhalī, etc.

The Synopsis:

The Irony is that the Maslahah/Purpose of
the 40-Hadīth Majmū` is centered around correcting al-Khuluq/al-Adab (Character/Behavior). Yet, These-Bozos displayed Disgusting-Khuluq/Adab. For example, one of the Ahādīth/Narrations from the 40-Hadīth Majmū` of an-Nawawī, Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “The Muslim are those whom keep Fellow-Muslims safe, from the Evil of their Tongue/Speech & the Evil of their Hand/Actions.”. What was displayed against Fellow-Muslims via Fouta-Masjid was literally the Total-Opposite of what Muhammad defined a Muslim to be. This clearly wasn’t an “Isolated-Incident” by any Means. Salafī-Takovers of Masājid/Mosques, Islāmic-Centers, etc. is nothing new…they’ve literally been doing so for Decades. Not only via Philly by the way…Salafī-Takeover Mindset/Mentality has occured within Muslim&Non-Muslim Countries all across the Planet. The Manifestation of Salafī-Takeover is derived from the Salafī-Network itself: Locations & Individuals whom want to play “Tough-Guys”…they literally attempt to behave like how Mafiosi are portrayed via Entertainment.

When I watched the now Erased-Video: it literally took me back to my own Salafī-Days, when I actually participated personally in the Same-Things which I’ve aforementioned. I was once Salafī from 2000-2007 & I swear by Allah thrice (Wallahi, Tallahi, Billahi) when I was Salafī that was the closest I ever got to being a Gang-Member.

Why my Love for Fashion matters

These’re Person whom’re literally implanted amongst Certain Muslim-Communities, to profit off of the Iftirāq/Division of the Muslims there. . Ironically, the Most-Important Thing I ever learned via as-Salafiyyah/Salafism-The Salafīs are literally no different from/better than any other Hizb/Religio-Sect they criticize.

The Anatomy of Muslim Afro-American Iftirāq/Division

You’ll never find this on Salafi Publications: A Necessary Hujjah (Indictment/Refutation) against Saudi Arabia…a kingdom of Sectarian-Deviants, Tyrants, and Powermongers


Understanding Religio-Sectarianism amongst Muslims

The Dangers&Idiocy of Hizbī/Sectarian-Conflicts

This-Nonsense must stop immediately. People must rise against al-Hizbiyyah, via any/all of its

Gareth Bryant

The Theological-Hypocrisy of Muslims whom favor Certain Non-Muslims via al-`Asabiyyah/Xenophobia


1. These-Mothafuckas whom pontificate/claim that Elijah Poole took their “Shahādah/Faith-Testimony” (prior to their Death) are Straight-Up Liars…#ThatsCap

2. Elijah Poole, from 1934-1975, personally led the NOI/Nation Of Islam which directly/overtly taught propagated the Theological-Mythos that Walī Farād is “Allah incarnate”.
(The Final Call “What Muslims Believe: Point#12)

3. Even if Elijah Poole actually stated “There’s no God, except Allah.”: so what?!!! (Realistically) there’s 0-Way to prove that they didn’t mean Walī Farād, assuming they even uttered That-Statement.

4. (Ironically) even the Pagan-Arabs pontificated/claimed that they “believed” in Allah as well. But, guess what?!!! They still committed ash-Shirk/Association. Jews&Christians pontificate/claim to “believe” in Allah & yet they still commit ash-Shirk.

Make that Goofy-Shit make Sense.


Debunking the Infamous Ash`arī-Kalām/Rhetoric Talking-Point: The “Allah doesn’t exist in a Place.” Argument

I mean…the NOI has always taught the Pseudo-Narrative that Allah is a “1/2-Euro Created-Thing/Being”, called Walī Farād (Founder/False-God of the NOI). How/why are People actually surprised, that the NOI partnered with White-Supremacists Factions?!!! So, basically, as long as Euros are funding your Fake-Wokeness the “White-Devil” ain’t that bad huh?!!! This by itself, by default, is an Undeniable-Proof that the NOI have never been Muslims & have always pontificated/promoted Pseudo-Islāmic Teachings which diametrically oppose Islāmic-Theology.

The following is based upon 2 Final-Call Articles concerning the Religio-Theology of the NOI. Ironically, both of These-Articles are 1-Decade apart, but yet really nothing is different via either of These-Articles…they’re both 2-Sides of the Same-Coin:



By the way: the NOI overtly/directly accuses Muslims of committing ash-Shirk/Association via at-Tamthīl/Theophany & at-Tashbīh/Anthropormorphism. This is literally the Same-Shirk which the NOI themselves actually commit, when they pontificate/clsim that Allah (Creator/Lord of the Universe) is a Kawn/Being via Walī Farād: Founder&False-God of the NOI…
…it’s the Hypocritical-Irony for me.

Especially amongst Muslim Afro-Americans: the Only-Reason how/why there’s Certain Muslims whom give the NOI a Pass is because they’re “Black-People”. It’s a Non-Debatable Fact, that NOI-Theology directly mimics Judeo-Christian Theology. Yet, ironically, Certain Muslim Afro-Americans are significantly less hostile towards the NOI as opposed to Other Non-Muslims. How’s it even possible to give 1-Group of Non-Muslims Theological-Passes when they commit the Same-Types/Kinds of Theological-Atrocitues as any other Non-Muslim & are just as Islāmophobic as any other Non-Muslims?!!! Because, without any Doubt: anyone whom pontificates/promotes ash-Shirk against Allah is an Islāmophobe by default/definition.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.18, V.1-6)

As I always tell People: You either judge everyone or no one…you either give everyone or no one a Pass. As a Muslim: for any of us to co-sign the NOI, knowing damn well that they call People to Pseudo-Islām, via ash-Shirk: by default we’re not even Islāmically-Justified to be vocal against any other Non-Muslims whom pontificate/promote ash-Shirk. How dare we judge any other Non-Muslims whom calls People to ash-Shirk, yet when the NOI does it we conveniently turn a “Blind-Eye”?!!! Make that Goofy-Shit make Sense.


This isn’t a “Flex”…in fact, ironically, it’s actually al-Jahālah/Stupidity. There’ve been Non-Muslims, during the Lifetime of Muhammad (Peace be upon them), whom accepted al-Islām via Makkah. There’ve been Non-Muslims who’ve pretended to be Muslims & who used Arabic-Names to pretend being Muslims. The NOI (Nation Of Islam) have never been Muslims & they get Direct-Clearance, via the KSA/Saudi-Government to go to Makkah. The NOI still, till This-Day, still pontificate/claim that Allah is a Makhlūq/Kawn (Creature/Being)…that’s ash-Shirk/Association by default.

To any/all of the Muslims whom continuously choose to dick-ride the NOI (Nation Of Islam), in spite of their Religio-Theological Disrespect against al-Islām which is Mutawātir/Common-Knowledge…you’re Pathetic-Individuals. Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “And be an Imma`ah/Dick-Rider.”.

Gareth Bryant