Tag Archives: Fake Righteousness

Revelatory-Mockery isn’t a “Flex”


Allah states: “And if you question them, they’ll reply: ‘We’re just joking&playing.’. Say: ‘Oh, so you’ve become amused by Allah, as well as Their Signs/Verses, as well as their Messenger huh?!!!’.”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.9, V65)

I was sent a Disturbing-Video, regarding someone who called-in on a Talk-Show. It’s seemingly-obvious, that the Caller had the Exclusive-Niyyah/Motive to attempt humiliating Another-Person. The Video actually speaks for itself.

The Video pertains to the Concept of the “12-Imāms”. This-Concept is exclusively an Inception/Invention of ash-Shī`iyyah/Shī`ism. It’s equally connected to Shī`ī-Interpretation/Misinterpretation of the Arrival of al-Mahdī/the Guided-One.

For More-Info. concerning al-Mahdī:

Fake-Wokeness via Mahdī-Frenzy Culture

Regardless of how one thinks/feels about Shī`ism, Shī`īs, etc. (from a Non-Shī`ī Lens)…to purposely “make-up” an Āyah/Verse from The Qur’ān is literally al-Kufr/Disbelief, via violating the Sanctity of the 6-Arkān/Pillars of al-Īmān (Belief/Faith): AKA al-`Aqīdah/Islāmic-Theology. And, especially to try “proving a Point”: the Only-Thing which was proven is how ignorant, apathetic, arrogant, etc. the Caller was. Even how the T.V.-Host was referred to as a “Donkey”: how is that at all Islāmically-Correct?!!!

The Hypocritical-Irony is that Persons like them will literally pontificate/claim to be “Persons of the Sunnah”. Is this the Khuluq/Adab (Character/Behavior) of a “Person of the Sunnah”?!!! Is this from the Sunnah/Prophetic-Tradition of Muhammad (Peace be upon them)?!!!

Gareth Bryant

The “Adab-Deflection”


Muslims can relate to this very well. Particularly if/when anyone is being challenged, corrected, etc. & they want not to accept it…they’ll attack anyone whom challenges/corrects them by accusing them of “not having Adab”.

Oftentimes, there’s Persons whom deem to deflect any/all Opposition to what they state, posture, etc. And, if/when anyone disagrees with them or what they advocate, they claim anyone whom doesn’t Dick-Ride them as having “No Adab”. This is especially uttered, as a Statement/Slogan, to impose “Pulling-Rank” on Others via Ageism. Ageism, of course, being a Sifah/Manifestation of al-`Asabiyyah/Xenophobia. Certain-People really think/feel that they’re supposed to be listened/adhered to exclusively because they older than Others. Well…as I always tell People: There’s a Difference between an Elder & a Ole-Nigga.

Chronology literally has nothing to do with: Correctness, Principle, Integrity, Morality, Knowledge, Wisdom, etc. Being older/younger than someone isn’t Merit-Based, rather it’s exclusively predicated upon what Allah imposes upon Humans via al-Qadr wal-Qadhā’/Decree&Providence. Allah alone decides who gets to be Older vs. Younger, just as who gets to be Tall vs. Short…born to This-Family vs. That-Family…born to This-Tribe vs. That-Tribe…born speaking This-Language vs. That-Language…etc.

Furthermore, this also affects how People approach Persons-Of-Knowledge via Shaykh-Culture. As per Shaykh-Culture: it imposes a “They know everything & you know nothing.” Cultlike-Mindset/Mentality, realistically, just as negative/toxic as Ageism. Shaykh-Culture & Ageism ironically intersect very often, via Countless-Ways, ironically…they’re both 2-Sides of the Same-Coin more than Most-Muslims are willing to admit.

At This-Point, let’s explore the Defininitions of what Adab actually is & what it isn’t. al-Adab is Linguistically-Synonymous with al-Khuluq. al Khuluq means “Character”…al-Adab means “Behavior”.

There’s a Difference between being an Adīb (Person-Of-Adab) & being an Imma`ah (Groupie, Lackey, Dick-Rider, etc.). Most-Muslims sadly end-up falling into the Imna`ah-Category. This occurs because of the Fear of: Alienation, Ostracism, Peer-Pressure, etc.

“Long-Story Short”…no one is Islāmically-Entitled/Justified to pontificate/claim to be the “Adab-Police”, if we equally lack the Same-Adab we audaciously/arrogantly expect from Others.

Gareth Bryant

Judgmentalism amongst Muslims via Piety-Politics


I came across This Statement/Post & it struck me as something which I must in fact speak to. The Post was asking about the Making of a Pious/Righteous-Person. Actually, al-Birr (Piety/Righteousness) is something which we, as Muslims, must/should strive for. But, never at the Expense of thinking/feeling that it’s onlu ourselves whom’re “Pious/Righteous”.

In spite of it being a Good-Question…I want to focus more on the Implications of the Statement itself. The Implications are in fact rather dangerous & could easily fally under al-Kharajiyyah/Religio-Extremism. I’ll explain what I mean by this.

Judgmentalism always exposes whom we truly are

al-Kharajiyyah coincides directly with al-Bashriyyah/Human-Nature. It’s because, inherently, Humans By-And-Large never really want to recognize al-Birr within anyone except: ourselves, our Ahzāb (Groups/Sects), our Tarīqāt (Crews/Cliques), etc.

Examining al-Kharajiyyah/Religio-Extremism via Mafia/Gang-Culture amongst Muslims historically & contemporaneously

at-Tanzīl/Revelation corrects & debunks the Pseudo-Piety/Fake-Righteousness Mythos. And, it’s actually via Gentle-Ways…it serves as an Advice more than a Criticism. People are inherently more attracted to Advice, as opposed to Criticism. Knowing Their Creation better than Creation knows themselves-Allah (via Their Eternal-Mercy/Justice) always reveals Things via Ways which can be clearly comprehensible.

Pursuing al-Birr is a lot different than thinking/claiming we’ve got it, while Other-Muslims don’t.

Gareth Bryant

The Anatomy of Attention-Addiction


I specifically remember seeing a Posts via Social-Media, which I found astronomically vain as well as hypocritical. The Online-Posts features Video-Statements of Countless-Individuals, Muslims especially, pontificating/claiming they’re not on Social-Media to be seen or for “Likes”. That, more than anything else, I focused on exclusively above&beyond whatever else mentioned. I often honed-in on that, because I know for a Fact that what they uttered was All-Caps on a Keyboard.

There’s Several-Reasons how/why I conclude that the Persons-In-Question are Total-Liars:

1. It’s a Sifah/Dimension of Human-Nature, to yearn for Validation, Recognition, etc. as per what we personally do.

2. Social-Media is 💯% predicated upon Validation, Recognition, etc. & that’s how/why Millions of Persons globally use Social-Media Platforms.

3. It literally defies Basic-Intelligence, to even be on Social-Media Platforms if Validation/Recognition isn’t being desired.

There’s a Catch-22 to the Pontification/Claim of Persons such as them. It’s very obvious when one objectively thinks about it-They attempt to posture themselves as a “Religious/Righteous-Person”: free from succuming to Attention-Addiction. But, ironically, their own Social-Media Presence/Platforms exposes their Pseudo-Piety for what it truly is. Basically, they want to be seen as “Islāmically-Superior” to Others (as though they’re so “above” Attention-Addiction).

Not only did they expose their Religio-Arrogance, they made themselves look Mad-Wack. No one of any Principle is going to respect anyone whom attempts to be unaffected via the Realities of Social-Media, while literally they themselves use it as well. It’s just idiotic, to say the least. But, this the Reality which is totally apparent via our Lifetimes. Certain-Persons whom adopt the “Holier-Than-Thou” Mythos/Pseudo-Narrative, attempting to portray themselves being “Beyond-Reproach”, ironically tend to be amongst the Most-Debaucherous of Individuals…as I always say: It’s easy to judge People, when our Sins aren’t Public-Knowledge.

Whenever there’s those making the Claims I’ve detailed…if they really meant what they said:

1. They’d never want anyone to know whom they are generally.

2. They wouldn’t even indulge in using Social-Media.

3. They’d never personally have their own Social-Media Platforms.

It’s exclusively a Ploy of Self-Serving Pseudo-Superiority. Those who say they don’t produce Online-Content for Attention…the Fact that they put anything Online period: that by default is Proof-Positive that they’re untrustworthy. It’s literally no different/better, when someone says: “I’m humble.”. Literally, saying “I’m humble.” undoubtedly proves how arrogant a Person truly is. For anyone to think/feel they have to vocalize their “Humility”: that by default isn’t Humility anyway. Humility isn’t a Slogan, it’s Character&Behavior.

Gareth Bryant

The Controversy & Damage of Talāq/Divorce-Culture amongst the Muslims


Allah states: “Wretched-Women are for Wretched-Men & Wretched-Men are for Wretched-Women. Likewise, Integral-Women are for Integral-Men & Integral-Men are for Integral-Women: they’re Good-Doers in spite of whatever Others state/claim about them. Forgiveness & Noble-Provision await them.”…
…Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Always speak Truth, even if it’s bitter (even if it rubs People the Wrong-Way).”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.24, V.26; ibn-Hibbān; al-Bayhaqī)

This-Article is based on Other-Things I’ve written, regarding Relationship-Disasters:

The “Damsel-In-Distress” Mythos which Muslims adopt via Fake-Wokeness & Feminism

Deflection via Blame/Fault-Culture

I really hate Relationship Cry-Babies

The Evil&Destructive-Nature of “Cancel-Culture”

at-Talāq/Divorce, very sadly, is becoming a Popular-Subject/Topic amongst Muslims. And, it’s almost exclusively because so many Muslims have become Serial-Divorcees. I, as a Chaplain (Counselor/Therapist) literally address Marital-Issues amongst Muslims & Non-Muslims on a Daily. Pertaining to Muslims specifically, I can authoritatively say that there’s 3-Reasons how/why so/too many Muslim-Marriages fail:

1. The Biggest-Blunder All-Humans make, as per any of our Human-Relationships, is that we audaciously/arrogantly “expect” Others to make us “happy”. Happiness is a Personal-Responsibility. No one can make us “happy”. But, anyone can make us miserable

2. Most-Muslims refuse to recognize/accept the Reality, that there’s a Difference between an Islāmic-Marriage & Halāl-Fuckin.

3. Most-Muslims refuse to recognize/accept the Reality, that there’s a Difference between an Islāmic-Spouse & a Halāl Sex-Partner.

Because of the Lack of Recognition/Acceptance of what I’ve aforementioned: Certain-Muslims continue to pursue/choose Negative/Toxic-Relationships. Then, they still audaciously/arrogantly complain about the Negative-Results of their Negative-Choices…just as Albert Einstein said: “Insanity is continuously doing the Same-Thing expecting Different-Results.”.

This Following-Video chronicles is a Story which hit the Muslimsphere pretty shockingly. It’s about a Typical/Classic-Scenario of a Messy-Divorce. The Subject of the Scenario is known as Dunia Shuaib. They rose to Prominance, as a Muslim-Female regarded as a Person-Of-Knowledge within Certain-Circles of the Muslimsphere. The Person via the Video is known as Salman Ateequi: they didn’t even have the Basālah/Courage to disclose their Actual-Name. Ironically, they’ve a Website&YouTube-Page titled “BehindVeils/www.behindveils.com & yet they’ve veiled their own Nominal-Identity. Nevertheless, they accused Dunia Shuaib of committing al-Buhtān/al-Humazah (Slander/Defamation against them, as well as basically issuing a Contract on theit Life. They also mentioned Lawsuit-Litigations between themselves & Dunia Shuaib.

The Video itself details Subject-Details of how/why the Tumultuous-Marriage between Salman Ateequi & Dunia Shuaib evolved into what it did. There’s Several-Things I took issue with, regarding the Video itself.

My Commentary of the Video

1. The Relationship-Origins between Salman Ateequi & Dunia Shuaib

The Person via the Video details how they got involved with Dunia Shuaib. Via their own Admission, they stated their “Relationship” was a “Secret”, for 4-Years prior to their Marriage. The Question is how/why. Salman Ateequi pontificated/claimed that this was done to avoid al-Ghībah/Gossip (via an-Namīmah [Backbiting] and/or [Slander]). However, something very specific caught my Attention via the Video. Salman Ateequi mentioned that their “Niyyah/Motive” was to please Allah. If that were truly the Case, then how/why did their 4-Year “Relationship” last longer than their Marriage?!!!

2. The Marriage vs. the Sneaky-Link

The two of them even being together for 4-Years (not 4-Days, not 4-Weeks, not 4-Months, etc.) prior to their Marriage raises every Red-Flag humanly imaginable. It’s seemingly obvious that there’s so much more to this, than Salman Ateequi chose to speak about. I mean, who entertains an In-Person Relationship with someone for 4-Years prior to there Marriage?!!! Now, clearly, I’ve 0 Islāmic-Proof that they were committing az-Zinā/THOTery for 4-Years prior to their Marriage. Yet, at the Same-Time, it’s rather obvious that Salman Ateequi alludes to that being the Case exactly.

3. A Cursed-Relationship

Salman Ateequi is extremely delusional, as per them seemingly not realizing how/why Shit went wrong between themselves & Dunia Shuaib. Well…assuming that they told the Truth regarding the Origins of their Pre-Marital Relationship: what did they actually expect to occur?!!! So, if Persons are Sneaky-Linking…literally “Playing-House” (as “Salman admitted to nearly Word4Word): what Islāmic-Entitlement/Justification should anyone think/feel they’ve got, to dare “expect” Allah to “favor” what they’ve got going-on?!!! Salman Ateequi via This-Video: they literally deflected/gaslit their own Personal-Responsibility/Accountability, as per the 4-Years of az-Zinā which they themselves admitted to. Make that Goofy-Shit make Sense.

4. Biased-Judgment AKA Judgmentalism

I’ve 0-Respect for Salman Ateequi portraying themselves as a “Victim” of Dunia Shuaib. “Salman” is literally no different from/better than anyone whom complains about a Relationship-Gone-Bad. The Video itself screams of the “Toxicity/Narcissism” Kalām/Rhetoric anyone who’s suffering from Sympathy-Addiction uses, in order to give themselves a “Pass” for the Sucka-Shit they’ve done via their Relationships. It’s like I always tell People: You either judge everyone or no one…you either give everyone or no one a Pass.

5. Blaming/Faulting everyone except themselves

Most-People whom throw-around the Term “Narcissism/Narcissist” are addicted to Fake-Wokeness. And, 9/10, they’re just as apathetic as those whom they call “Narcissists”. Most-Persons whom pontificate/claim that Others are “Toxic”, “Narcissistic”, etc. are literally the proverbial “Pot calling the Kettle Black.”. It’s solely beecause Most-Persons ignore the Red-Flags which exists within themselves. So, of course, Most-People want to wave the “Damsel-In-Distress/Woe-Is-Me” Card.

6. They got exactly what/who they deserved

They did it to themselves…they were addicted to Pseudo-Piety/Fake-Righteousness. And, subsequently they got caught-up with someone whom was just as fraudulent/fake as they were. They themselves are a Piece-O-Shit & thereby subsequently attracted a Person who’s a Piece-O-Shit as well. The allowed themselves to get addicted to Illusion. They ignored all the Red-Flags, because, the same Red-Flags which exists within Dunia Shuaib: Salman Ateequi knew of within themselves. They refused to correct the Red-Flags within themselves & that’s precisely how/why Allah tested them with a Person just like them as per Character/Behavior. As per Salman Ateequi: they’re not a “Victim”. Rather, they’re a Casualty of their Stupidity.

Lessons to be learned from Ahādīth/Scenarios like presented via the Video

1. Regarding any Scenario involving Human-Conflicts, there’s always 3-Sides to any Hadīth/Story:

1. Side-A


What really happened

Only Allah, then those directly involved in the Scenario, know what really happened. Most-Humans don’t have enough Integrity, to tell what really happened. Most-People (regardless of whether we’re Right or Wrong) will only tell their Side of the Story, as opposed to what really happened. There’s a Difference between being a Liar & being a Dishonest-Person. There’s a Difference being Right & being Correct.

2. We all must divorce ourselves (absolutely No-Pun-Intended) from allowing ourselves to succum to Pseudo-Piety/Fake-Righteousness Addiction:

People are very good at Deceit, but horrible at Authenticity. We have to stop pretending that we exists without Flaws, Faults, Sins, etc. As per Marital-Relationships (as is the Subject of This-Article anyway): Muslims do a lot of Sucka-Shit via pretending to be “Religious” for example. Personally, anyone (especially any Muslim) whom even dares to refer to themselves as “Religious”: Red-Flag. I truly despise the Usage of the Term, because, it negatively emboldens Arrogance…much like if/when People refer to themselves as “Humble”. The Next-Time anyone even says about thevermselves: “I’m humble.”…seriously observe them. People literally sound arrogant saying: I’m humble.”.

3. There’s a Severe/Desperate-Need for Counseling/Therapy

Marriage, Divorce, Marriage, Divorce, Marriage, Divorce. The Madkhali Cycle!

There’s so/too many of us whom’re Delusional-Mothafuckas out here, who really think/feel our Shit don’t stink. We really adopt this Twisted-Mindset/Mentality, that everyone’s got Problems, everyone’s the Villain, etc. except ourselves. The Need for Counseling/Therapy is a Farīdhah for Muslim-Communities. But, it’s got viewed with the Seriousness it actually deserves. And, because of this: there’s going to be Persons whom continuously suffer as per Lack of Wellness-Resources. (Ironically) if Wellness-Resources were taken more seriously via Muslim-Communities, then it’d equip Muslims to improve ourselves. If Counseling/Therapy were promoted more amongst Muslims: there’d be More Healed-People whom wouldn’t subject Others to be on the Receiving-Ends of our Fitn/Traumatic-Experiences, resulting from Unresolved-Issues/Problems within ourselves.

Gareth Bryant

Daniel Jou’s Pseudo Moral-Authority & Hypocrisy


Allah states:

“And never let your hatred, against any People, prevent you from behaving justly.”…
…”Those whom believe pay attention: Why do you say what you don’t do?!!! Most-Hated/Hateful to Allah is saying what you don’t do!!!”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.8; Chpt.61, V.2&3)

I was sent the Following-Video, pertaining to what seemed to look like a Rap-Battle Cipher, as opposed to Muslim Religio-Academics maturely conversing. Daniel Jou was literally using the Influence of their Fanboy/Dick-Rider Base as Crowd-Fodder against William Webb.

I’ll begin with the Full-Context of the Video

Daniel Jou, as per usual being a Judgmental-Prick: apparently decided to “exposes” William Web, because of them supporting & speaking well of a Fellow-Muslim (whom caused quite the Controversy) by the Name of Noor Tagouri. Noor Tagouri agreed to & did an Interview for Playboy Magazine…for Obvious-Reasons: any Muslim would/should be concerned that any Muslim would ever agree to be on any Platform which pontificates/promotes az-Zinā/THOTery. OK…so Noor Tagouri does the Playboy-Interview & the Muslim-World is in an Uproar about it. Now, for Some-Time, William Webb was often criticized heavily for endorsing Noor Tagouri. In fact, Countless-Muslims whom did & still do support the Playboy-Interview attempted to legitimize it because Malcolm Little (AKA Malcolm X) as well did a Playboy-Interview while no Muslim attempts to blackball the Legacy of Malcolm Little resulting from that Playboy-Interview. This was actually a Direct-Point which William Webb mentioned, via the Lengthier-Version of the Debate between themselves & Daniel Jou. For the Record…a Necessary-Clarification: the Playboy-Interview which Malcolm Little did was in 1963, C.E. It was a Year prior to the Reversion of Malcolm Little. Malcolm Little wasn’t a Muslim until 1964, C.E. (1-Year prior to their Death in 1965, C.E.).

Here’s the Full-Video:

As per the Full-Video:

Islāmically, even if someone is a Fāsiq/Public-Sinner, the Most-Correct-Opinion is always to give Confidential-Nasīhah/Correction firstly. And if that doesn’t work, then it’s to be taken further. Now…don’t get me wrong: I publicly took Issue with Noor Tagoori doing the Playboy-Interview as well, which William Webb & I discussed also. However, for Daniel Jou to directly-imply that Noor Tagouri “posed” for Playboy: not only was that Untruth/Dishonesty, but likewise it was al-Buhtān/al-Humazah (Slander/Defamation). But, here’s the Irony: Daniel Jou has 0 Islāmic-Entitlement/Justification to judge anyone as per at-Taqwā/Morality. Daniel Jou has literally publicly-defended a Confirmed/Convicted Mughtasib/Sexual-Abuser…we’ll get into that later though.

I’ll now get into the Nifāq/Hypocrisy of Daniel Jou, as per whom they judge & whom they don’t. I directly confronted the Person whom sent me This-Video. Sadly, they, like Countless-Others: they’re a “Daniel Haqiqatjou Dick-Rider”. So, them & myself went Back&Forth as per the Sent-Video.

The Person I had This-Convo with: they literally bailed, because all they knew how to do was Dick-Ride Daniel Jou. They obviously didn’t know this, but I know William Webb personally. So, as soon as I wrapped-up the Convo I had with them, I immediately contacted William Webb. Them & I actually had a Fruitful-Convo about this apparent “Daniel Haqiqatjou vs. Suhaib Webb” Muslim-Sphere Rap-Beef Fitnah/Drama. They themselves expressed that they’re grateful for the Discourse between themselves & Daniel Jou. I can clearly see how/why they’re grateful as per the Experience. It most definitely served as an Opportunity, to clarify what’s really the Entire-Deal. And, to no Surprise: Daniel Jou without Fail made themselves look exactly like how they truly are…an Apathetic-Asshole.

Via the Video Daniel Jou literally speaks with 2-Tongues. On the One-Hand, they mentioned that they’re not a Person-Of-Knowledge. But, immediately on the Other-Hand audaciously/arrogantly attempts to “correct” a Person-Of-Knowledge & ironically being Dead-Ass Wrong: their Niyyah/Motive corrupt, their Approach ill-mannered, their Posture haughty, etc. And, the Fact that they actually tried to use the Crowd against William Webb, as though they were at a Live-Version of Verzuz: I definitely conclude this to be one amongst Daniel Jou’s Most-Immature Antics I’ve ever seen recorded about/from them. Persons like Daniel Jou refuse to operate via Usūl/Islāmic-Principles. As I always tell People: Judgmentalism always exposes whom we truly are.

Daniel Jou literally has 0 Moral-Authority over anyone, if they’ve 0-Reservations about defending Persons guilty of al-Ightisāb.


Daniel Jou is a Bitch: they’ve 0-Entitlement/Justification to complain about any Criticism from anyone against them. They actually think/feel they’re Islāmically-Entitled/Justified to talk Shit about whomever they want, judge whomever they want, etc. But, yet (via the Same-Breath), they expect Others to a “Pass”, “70-Excuses”, etc. Nah…Nigga: Daniel Jou is experiencing ash-Shar`iyyah (Retribution/Payback), directly resulting from what they’ve done to Others & coming back to haunt them. They’re simply getting it how they live it. Daniel Jou, as per how the Salafīs/Madkhalīs treat them, has to charge this to the Dunyā/Mundane.

Gareth Bryant