Why my Love for Fashion matters


The main reason why I’ve taken such an interest in Fashion generally: it’s simply because it’s one of the Main-Reasons how/why I was treated negatively, by so many Other-Muslims.

Just to give you some background: this interest began while I was still a Sectarian-Adherent of as-Salafiyyah/Salafism. In other words, I was a Saudi-Cheerleader (there’s other posts I’ve written to explain what that means). Anyway, according to Salafism: the Salafis deem anyone/everyone whom doesn’t share their particular sectarian/culturally influenced standards as “Off-The-Mark”.


This is one of Countless-Types/Kinds of Sucka-Shit Certain-Muslims attempted to force-feed me when I was a Younger-Muslim. This-Shit is Super-Wack. There’s literally 0 Historical-Evidence that Neck-Ties resemble/commemorate as-Salīb (the Judeo-Christian Crucifix). This is Sucka-Shit & just like the Ole-Saying goes: “If you co-sign Sucka-Shit you’re a Sucka too.”.


Which brings me to the Fashion-End of things: the “Salafi-Uniform” as it’s known…the Arab-Dress (specifically relative to Gulf-State Fashion-Trends). Thobes, Kufis, etc. And whomever doesn’t don those things are regarded as Outsiders…truly a Cultish-Mindset/Mentality.

And there were several instances when a so-called “Person-Of-Knowledge”, by the name of George DeBerry (AKA Mustapha George), encouraged people to initiate & perpetuate “Boycott-Campaigns” against me, as a result of not conforming with Arab-Dress, as the standard for “Islamic-Dress”, because I was wearing Jeans, Tees, Dress-Pants, Shirt&Ties, Track-Jackets, etc. This literally caused me to have Real-Beef & almost getting into Violent-Confrontations with Fellow-Muslims. George DeBerry even publicly committed al-Buhtan/Slander against me via accusing me of being a “Deviant”, “Innovator”, “Heretic”, etc.: a Sin they’ve never made at-Tawbah/Repentance for & something which I’ll never forgive them for either. Keep in Mind, this is also the Same-Mothafucka whom pontificated/claimed that Humans can “marry” Jinns.


So, instead of conforming, under-pressure, I fought back & enhanced my interest & love for fashion, despite the cruel antagonism of my peers, in this particular Hizb/Muslim-Sect. And, these experiences encouraged me to look even deeper into the Islamic allowances of fashion elements.

And, when I found all of the information that was necessary to fortify the validity of my fashion position, I was able to combat those whom deemed me a religious outcast, just because I wanted to be an individual. This, of course, alienated me further from the Salafis & Salafism itself (which I purposely did because I’m an Asshole like that).

I’m actually very grateful to Allah, for me being tested with these types of people. This-Trial of mine actually strengthened me in ways that I could’ve never perceived or imagined. It empowered me with the integrity to be different…not just different, but reminding me that being different is okay. These scenarios equally gave me the Basalah/Courage to completely disavow my Wala’/Allegiance to Salafism. For the Record: renouncing/denouncing Salafism was amongst the Best-Decisions I’ve ever made since being a Muslim. Honestly, just like how Malcolm Little (May Allah mercify&forgive them) had to experience the Theological-Hypocrisy of the NOI prior to them accepting al-Islām: I as well had to experience the Sectarian-Hypocrisy of Salafism prior to rightfully becoming Non-Sectarian. Just like how Hajj/Pilgrimage transformed Malcolm Little & empowered them to combat the NOI: I as well was empowered even further to combat Salafism via my Hajj-Experience.

Full-Disclosure: Being Salafi (from 2000-2007) was the closest I ever got to being a Gang-Member, because Salafism (not exclusively but rather particularly) actually breeds Gang-Mentality. I say this definitively, because, my Salafism-Experience taught me 2-Things:

a. It taught me to never join any other Hizb (Religio-Sect) ever again, as long as I live.

b. It taught me that Salafism & the Salafis are just as Morally-Bankrupt as anyone/everyone else whom they criticize.

c. It taught me that al-Hizbiyyah/Religio-Sectarianism is Sucka-Shit.

Allah didn’t create us to be the exact same people, or to eat the same foods, wear the same clothes, or to enjoy watching the same sports, etc. Rather, he simply created us to use our minds, to come to the conclusion that He created all which exists & that He is the only One whom is worshipworthy.

Now, with all of this being said…Fashion is awesome, and it is my hope to make an even greater presence of Muslims, particularly Muslim-Men, within the Fashion World. It’s literally one of the main reason I’ve ever done modeling in the 1st-Place: there still remains a very derogatory stereotype, among Muslims, that Muslim-Men cannot exists via the Fashion-World, unless they’re Homosexual. Yeah…I know: it’s a very lame stereotype. Unfortunately, one that is very dominant within the Muslim-World though.

My take on Fashion, and any other secular arts, is this: We, as Muslims of the Western-Hemisphere, for a long time, have been told to conform to the artistic standards of others, without any say of our very own. Now, is our chance, to reclaim rightful ownership over how we express ourselves, as Muslims, via art, fashion, etc. And, as long as we stay true to our Islamic principles, with whatever we do: we owe it to Allah, the Creator of the Universe, to define ourselves for ourselves.

Gareth Bryant

13 responses »

    • Thank you, for your honest-feedback. I’m actually in the process of doing some photo-shoots, with some clothing-lines, here in New York City. Is your clothing-line based within NYC? And, if it is, may I model some clothing for you? Please, let me know:

      Gareth Bryant




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