Tag Archives: Treachery

The Concept “1-Ummah” has been dead for a Long-Time


Very often Muslims utter the Slogan “1-Ummah (Society, Nation, etc.), predicated upon how Allah describes what the Status of the Follwers of Muhammad (Peace be upon them) are Islāmically-Mandated to function like. However, what must be objectively questioned is whether the Muslims actually behave as those whom’re Members of 1-Ummah. Objectively, the Answer is obviously Hell-No. There’s Countless-Asbāb/Reasons how/why this is the Case. Clearly, attempting to explain all the Asbāb would be too lengthy of an Article & I myself don’t want the Article to be that lengthy. I will though detail some of the Prominent-Asbāb.

Muslim-Politics & Muslims whom manipulate it for their own Ambitions

Sadly, both Muslims & Non-Muslims have such a Grossly-Distorted View of what al-Khilāfah/Islāmic-Governance is…any Muslim-Entity/Group which lays claim to being an “Islāmic-State” Certain-Persons will claim that they are that when they truly aren’t.

Gareth Bryant’s Reasons why ISIS is a Myth:

This is the Statement of a Derelict, amongst Countless-Derelicts via their Generation, whom directly assisted Non-Muslims against Fellow-Muslims & got screwed with no Vasalinr. That’s the Price one pays for entertaining al-Khiyānah/Treachery against Fellow-Muslims.

Muslim-Politics & Muslims whom manipulate it for their own Ambitions

at-Taqiyyah/Anonymity isn’t a “Flex”


“And never let your hatred, against any People, prevent you from behaving justly.”
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.8)

This-Article is based upon Former-Articles I’ve written, regarding Judgmentalism & “Cancel-Culture”:

The Evil&Destructive-Nature of “Cancel-Culture”

Judgmentalism always exposes whom we truly are

This-Person via Online has been constantly/consistently accusing Fellow-Muslims whom I know personally of Sexual-Indiscretions, which’re classified as Kibār/Major-Sins. Now, the Person has been operating via a FB-Page with the Following-Pseudonym: “Ayubi Salafiyyah” (Yeah…I know…it’s Sucka-Shit: just stay with me on This-One). This-Person (honestly I really don’t know whether they’re Male or Female), has sent me Screenshots of “Convos” between themselves & those whom they’ve accused. This-Person has sent me Group-Pics of us hanging-out.

And, ironically/conveniently: they literally erased all that they sent me. They even named Others whom weren’t even in the Pics which were screenshot/sent to me. This-Person operating via at-Taqiyyah/Anonymity by default is a Serious-Issue/Problem by itself. Because, Islāmically, even if soneone is Dead-Ass Wrong/Guilty as per what they’ve been accused of: the Accused always has the Islāmic-Right to know/face their Accuser. And, the Fact that the Accuser has never revealed their True-Identity: that’s an Automatic Red-Flag. Equally, the Fact that they’ve never named the Persons whom they’ve directly accused of inviting them to do Harām/Islāmically-Forbidden Things: that’s an Automatic Red-Flag as well.

I ended-up relaying the Convo between myself & This-Person to those whom they accused. It was an Intense-Ordeal, bringing this to their Attention. Eventually, we ended-up speaking at length, over Several-Days, over the Issue. It seemed very obvious-The Person simply wanted to implant Doubt into our Circle, that we question each other’s `Izzah/Integrity. Honestly, it almost worked & the Fact that it almost worked is truly scary.

I can truthfully/honestly say, that the Deflective-Nature of the Accuser is what angered me the most, more than the Accusations themselves. The Accuser (whomever they are): they really think/feel it’s Islāmically-Acceptable to just accuse Others of Āthūm/Sins, without any Adillah/Facts, via at-Taqiyyah/Anonymity, exclusively to incite Doubt/Ruin concerning the Reputations of Others, etc. This is literally al-Buhtān/al-Humazah (Slander/Defamation), by default/definition & is a Kibār/Major-Sin itself.

People simply don’t care that there’s going to be Severe-Consequences, via al-Ākhirah/the Hereafter, as per slandering/defaming Others. Apathy is worse than Ignorance.

Gareth Bryant

Betrayal always has a Price


The Subject of al-Khiyānah/Treachery is always something I’ve taken very seriously. The Most-Vivid Memories of the Concept of al-Khiyānah is when my Parents would often play the Classic-Record “Backstabbers”, by The O’Jays. Obviously, when I was a Child, I just thought it was a Cool-Song. However, as Life-Experience kept kicking my Whole-Ass, I began to respect/appreciate the Reality behind the Song…just as the Ole-Saying goes: “Art imitates Life.”.

The Classic “Divide&Conquer” Tactic…damn near Fool-Proof throughout the Annals of Human-History. The Above-Narrative regarding the Siege-Of-Bukhara initiated via the Trans-Continental Conquests of Temudjin (AKA Chenghis Khan): the Strategy used reminds me of the Film “The Patriot”, depicting the American-Revolution. During the Move, literally, one of the Themes is in fact covering al-Khiyānah. The Main-Antagonist William Tavington is suggested to recruit James Wilkins to join the British-Dragoons (a Special-Forces Military-Unit during the American Revolutionary-War). During the somewhat “Interview-Process”, being that James Wilkins was a Colonist willing to turn on their Fellow-Colonists & join the British-Military. William Tavington asks them, “And why should I trust a Man who would betray his Neighbors?!!!”.

When I first saw that, it still hits me really hard till This-Day (Deontay Wilder Voice). It was, by far, amongst the Most-Resonate Film-Scenes I ever watched. The Dialogue was so unfiltered&unapologetic. It truly mafe Sense to me, and it’s a Life-Lesson which I choose to always carry with me.

Another-Film which comes to Mind is “The Good Shepherd”, based upon the Origins of the CIA. Now, ironically, via the “Intelligence-Community” Betrayal is a Regular-Occurance & Part of the Occupation. But, even amongst People in the “Spy-Business”: they despise Traitors too & don’t want themselves to be betrayed…I know it’s Hypocritical-Irony. Towards the End of the Movie, the Main-Character Edward Wilson confronts someone who betrayed them by the Name of Yuri Modin. During the Dialogue between the two of them, Edward Wilson mentions to Yuri Modin that they’re going to be what they’ve always most-fared: “Alone & Friendless”, due to their now Infamous-Reputation of being a Double-Agent for both the CIA & KGB during the Height of the Cold-War Era. This as well resonated with me intimately…being Treacherous will definitely lead to a Lonely/Friendless-Existence: I’ve seen it & I still see it.

For anyone who’s been afflicted via the Ugly-Bite of Treachery: it’s Venom continually flows within our Veins…it never truly goes away. I’m sure that all of us can remember the 1st-Time we experienced Betrayal, or how that 1st-Betrayal felt like. It literally feels like someone ripped your Heart out of your Chest & set it ablaze.

Sadly, there’s been Countless-Individuals who were & still are, also will still suffer from Treachery-Addiction & in turn will cause Others to suffer from their Addiction. Treachery is something which destroys Respect & Trust…it kills Admiration & Love…it ruins Reputation…etc. Treachery, as aforementioned, has led to the Erasure of Whole-Societies/Civilizations. Families have been wiped-out, Cities have been pillaged, Nations of Peoples have been decimated.

Furthermore, never think/feel that you’ll ever get to be comfortable around any Treacherous-Persons. Having someone be a Switch-Sider means that for the Rite-Incentive they’ll turn on you as well. This is precisely how/why I’ve 0-Trust for anyone whom loves Money: for the Rite-Price they’ll do anything/hurt anyone for it. I’ve literally witnessed this via Real-Life & Real-Time.

There’s honestly a lot you learn from Others, once they betray you and/or betrsy Others. I always tell People that there’s only 2-Types/Kinds of People who’ll never betray you:

a. Those whom respect you.

b. Those who’ve got less Dirt on you than you’ve got on them.

Gareth Bryant 1445, A.H./2023, C.E.



Allah says: “And never let your hatred, against any People, prevent you from behaving justly.”.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.8)

Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Always speak Truth, even if it’s bitter (even if it rubs People the Wrong-Way).”.
(ibn-Hibbān, al-Bayhaqī)

Faheem Lea…an Ash`arī-Adherent…they’ve a Dark-Reputation of co-signing Unjust-Takfīr/Blasphemy against Fellow-Muslims, simply because they’re Non-Ash`arīs. They’re a Known-Fanboy/Flunky of Amin Muhammad, an Imām via the United States, who’s notorious for publicly making Unjust-Takfīr against Muslims whom’re Non-Ash`arīs. These two, amongst Others, are Ascribers of a Branch-Group of Ash`arism known as the Ahbāshīs…they’re the Madkhalīs of Ash`arism. The Madkhalīs, of course, posture themselves as the “Special/Elite-Forces” Version of Salafism.


The Only-Reason how/why they’ve even chosen to share the Event below is because the Panelists are Anti-Salafism. But, the Irony is that Faheem Lea & those like them are on some Fake-Woke/Machiavellian Trip. They’re trying to embody the “The Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend.” Mindset/Mentality. Where in All-Truthfulness/Honesty: Persons like Faheem Lea despise the Panelists via This-Event, just as much as they do Salafīs generally, and it’s because none of Those-Panelists are Ash`arīs.

Faheem Lea & also those like them…they automatically & dangerously assume/accuse any Fellow-Muslim whom doesn’t operate via their Likes are “Wahhābīs”, and ironically “Wahhābism” is a Complete/Total-Mythos. Also, being Non/Anti-Ash`arī, so-called “Wahhābī”, etc. has Zero to do with Salafism. But, of course, anyone whom opposes Ash`arism is assumed as well of ascribing to Salafism.


Faheem Lea is an Attention-Whore, to say the least. Literally, in spite of the Fact that them & I are each other’s Opps, resulting from them “threatening” me via Online (a Classic Sucka-Move for the Record by the way) and them not doin Shit the Last-Time they saw me In-Person (thus proving how Pussy they truly are): they still shared my Articles only because what I wrote was Anti-Salafism. So, basically, Faheem Lea is both a Hater & a Fan at the Same-Time (it’s the Irony for me). So, them sharing an Event titled “From Salafism Back To The Salaf” shouldn’t surprise anyone…they actually audaciously/arrogantly think/feel that they’re upon the Path of the Salaf. But, if one is imposing Unjust-Takfīr against any Fellow-Muslim: it’s literally impossible for any of their Pontifications/Claims to be either true or honest.



al-Hizbiyyah/Sectarianism projected via Ash`arism is in fact no different/better than the Hizbiyyah of Salafism, or the Hizbiyyah of any other Muslim-Ism. Sadly, the Main-Reason how/why so many Muslims decide to join Ash`arism is because Ash`arīs market themselves as a Solution-Alternative to Salafism. But, the Irony is that (as per Character/Behavior) Ash`arīs & Salafīs are 2-Sides of the Same-Coin. Both Ash`arīs & Salafīs audaciously/arrogantly portray themselves as the Religio-Theological Gatekeepers of the Muslim-World. Ash`arīs & Salafīs are literally the Muslim-Versions of Crips & Bloods…and they act like it as well. Literally, these Sectarian-Schisms actually lead to Muslim-On-Muslim Violence…I’ve seen it & I’ve lived it. During my Sectarian-Years: those were the Closest-Times in my Life to me being a Gang-Member.




Persons like Ash`arīs & Salafīs are most definitely one in the same. They think/feel they’re better, than any/all those unlike them, solely due to what they religiously claim. They really think/feel that they know more than anyone else regarding al-Islām. They really think/feel that they possess an-Najiyyah/Salvation. The Reality is that both Ahzāb/Sectarian-Groups are just as deviant & misguided as any other Hizb/Sectarian-Group they criticize…in Certain-Ways even more deviant/misguided.





So…to conclude: anytime anyone like Faheem Lea is seemingly on your Side…don’t be glad. Having them as a “Supporter”, “Fan”, “Ally”, etc. isn’t a “Flex”. Faheem Lea is a Snake & as I always tell People: Even a Fangless-Snake is still a Snake.

Conflicts-Of-Interests via Counseling


Courtesy of TikTok: @perfectly_unbroken

Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “If/when any amongst you observes/witnesses any Evil: Then they must change it via their own Hands. But, if incapable/unable then they must at least speak against it. But, if incapable/unable then they must at least hate it via their Mind/Heart & that’s the Weakest Faith-Level.”.

This-Video, the Extended-Version that is, is about an Uber-Driver whom put a Man & their Mistress on Front-St. in front of the Man’s Family. Here’s how This-Shit went-down, according to this Uber-Driver:

1. They picked-up Guy at their Home & saw them interacting with their Spouse & Children.

2. Guy reminded Uber-Driver that they reserved 2 Pick-Up Points.

3. The Twist…their Mistress got picked-up via the 2nd Pick-Up Point.

4. Mistress starts running their Mouth, about their Business which actually they honestly should’ve kept to themselves…basically they snitched on themselves.

5. Uber-Driver was clearly triggered.

6. Uber-Driver actually/literally drives them both back to Guy’s Home to embarrass them both. The Uber-Driver, by the way, detailed that they’ve the Professional-Entitlement/Justification to refuse, cancel, etc. (Rides which they personally feel uncomfortable, endangered, etc.).

Now, clearly (for Obvious-Reasons), this is nothing less than a Messy-Situation. And, realistically anything could’ve occured resulting from this: 1. The Husband&Mistressed could’ve attacked the Uber-Driver and/or killed the Uber-Driver, for not minding their Business. 2. The Wife could’ve attacked the Mistress, and/or the Husband&Mistressed could’ve both been attacked via the Wife. 3. The Husband&Mistressed could’ve jumped/killed the Wife, to silence the Wife. It’s realistically a Whole-Lot of Shit that could’ve happened.

There’s an Islāmic-Principle which dictates that if anyone commands via Positivity & prohibits from Negativity: they must, at All-Times ensure that they’re not causing Extra-Harm to Others and/or self-imposing Harm upon themselves…as Allah states: “And don’t be led to Destruction, via your own Hands.”. This has been foretold directly via the Scenario of when the Chikdren-Of-Israel decided to be on their Goofy-Shit & commit themselves to ash-Shirk/Association via worshipping a Golden-Calf, after Allah had saved them from the Decimation of the Armies of the Pharaoh of Kemet/Ancient-Egypt via the Lifetime of Moses & Aaron (Peace be upon them both): keep in Mind that ash-Shirk is the Worst-Sin. While Moses had been on the Mountain receiving at-Tanzīl/Revelation from Allah: within that 40-Day/Nite Stretch, the Children-Of-Israel decided to Party&Bullshit & live their Best-Lies. Aaron knew that had they attempted to stop them the Situation probably would’ve gotten worse. In spite of the Fact that Aaron was just as much a Nabī/Prophetic-Individual as Moses: Aaron never captured the Respect of the Children-Of-Israel which Moses had captured. And, Aaron used This-Fact to defend themselves when Moses wanted to hurtt Aaron for allowing the Children-Of-Israel to go Left.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.2, V.195; at-Tabarī; as-Suyūtī; ibn-Kathīr; al-Kabā’ir/The Major-Sins, adh-Dhahabī)

As per the Uber-Driver themselves…let me say this:

Another-Example of what I mean is regarding the Actress Nia Long getting cheated-on via (the Former Head-Coach of the NBA’s Boston Celtics) Ime Udoka:

I mean, it’s not at all as though they were actually looking for Dirt on These-People…they chose to self-snitch on themselves via the Presence of the Uber-Driver. Yet, at the Same-Time: the Issue/Dilemma is whether or not it was the Place of the Uber-Driver to do what they did. As a Chaplain (Counselor/Therapist): I’ve professionally dealt directly with These-Types/Kinds of Issues, regarding Relationship-Counseling. And, more often than not: I ironically end-up knowing most if not everyone involved via these Infidelity/Cheating-Scenarios. Also, pertaining to Insenuation that Ime Udoka was “setup/snitched-on”: regardless of how/why anyone gets caught doing Negative-Shit, they’re the Blame/Fault, because they committed the Actions. Furthermore, as cruel as this’ll probably sound, as I always tell People: Unless someone’s actually married it’s not really “Cheating”. If they’re unmarried (realistically) they don’t owe anyone anything.

There’s 2-Dimensions which I must always decide which to use, as per addressing These-Scenarios:

a. My Islāmically-Principled Mandates.

b. My Professional-Mandates.

Anytime/everytime I counsel Persons regarding az-Zinā/THOTery (via Adultery): 1. How far Islāmically/Professionally am I actually allowed to take These-Scenarios?!!! 2. Am I (Islāmically and/or Professionally) obligated to disclose Adulterous-Details as per the Best-Lies which Persons live?!!! 3. How can I possibly even be Islāmically/Professionall-Justified to be a Sin-Snitch (the Cynical/Sarcastic-Interpretation of being a Mandated-Reporter) in the 1st-Place?!!! 4. Via These-Scenarios, is it actually even Sin-Snitching?!!! 5. What’s the Difference/Line between being Concerned vs. being Nosey?!!! It’s very dangerous, because, it can easily fall into: at-Tajassus (Nosiness/Espionage), al-Ghībah/Gossip, etc. which’re both Major-Sins. There’s a Story in which Muhammad confronted a Companion of theirs (May Allah be pleased with them), for peaking into a Window of their Home. Muhammad had proceeded to tell them: “Had I caught you prior I would’ve gouged your Eyes out.”.
(al-Bukhārī, Muslim, al-Kabā’ir)

Both via my Professional&Personal-Life…I’ve directly detailed a Scenario just like this via one of my own Chaplaincy-Podcast Episodes:


Gareth Bryant 1444, A.H./2022, C.E.

Cowardice & Treachery


The Aforementioned-Post is pretty Self-Explanatory. But, I’ll take the Liberty of elaborating further. I get triggered, very easily, as per al-Buhtān/al-Humazah (Slander for a Host of Asbāb/Reasons: a. It’s a Kibār/Major-Sin. b. I’ve witnessed the Irreversible-Damage Slander causes Others. I’ve personally had Irreversible-Damage caused to me resulting from Others slandering me.

A Breakdown of precisely what al-Buhtān/al-Humazah is

Initiating and/or spreading any Sharr/Negativity against Others, which is either untrue or unproven. This is directly predicated upon at-Tanzīl/Revelation, pertaining to az-Zūr/Perjury (False-Testimony) against some because of Sinful-Accusation. Sadly, People (Muslims particularly) literally have 0-Problem committing ourselves to al-Ghībah/Gossip. al-Ghībah by the way is a Combo of: an-Namīmah/Backbiting & al-Buhtān/al-Humazah. an-Namīmah & al-Buhtān/al-Humazah are both Major-Sins. And, via the Hereafter: both Backbiting & Slander carry the Same-Punishment. Backbiters&Slanderers will be made by Allah to forfeit Portions of their Positive-Actions to anyone they’ve backbitten/slandered…if they’ve no Positive-Actions to forfeit, then they’ll be made to take-on Portions of the Negative-Actions of those whom they backbit/slandered.
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.24, V.2-5; Chpt.49, V.12; al-Bukhārī; Muslim; an-Nawawī; al-Kabā’ir/The Major-Sins, adh-Dhahabī)

an-Namīmah vs. al-Buhtān/al-Humazah


Pontificating/claiming Things about someone which is Truth/Honesty, yet also Inherently/Typically-Negative, for the Sole-Purpose of damaging/ruining someone’s Reputation.


Pontificating/claiming Things about someone which is Inherently/Typically-Negative, and either Unfounded or Untruthful/Dishonest, for the Sole-Purpose of damaging/ruining someone’s Reputation. There’s 3-Ways which People manifest this:

a. Someone issues a Pontification/Claim that’s Truthful/Honest, but is Unproven.

b. Someone issues a Pontification/Claim in which they neither can prove it, nor know its Truth/Honesty vs. its Untruth/Dishonesty.

c. Someone issues a Pontification/Claim in which they don’t even care whether it’s: Truthful/Honest vs. Untruthful/Dishonest, Proven vs. Unproven, etc.

The Greater-Context of the Confrontation

For the Record: I never confronted the Person in any Disrespectful-Way, nor did I express any Aggression against them. I did, however, verbalize&express Anger against the Person regarding what they said against me which was 💯%-False. The Person who’s the Subject of This-Post…That-Mothafucka had the Audacity to actually pretend to not say what they said while I literally overheard them talking Untrue-Shit about me, and they spoke so loudly that I was able to hear them while I was praying. I was actually angrier that they lied about slandering me as opposed to actually slandering me. Not only that, but after finally) admitting to their Goofy-Shit: they then tried to justify the Slander. And, them trying to justify the Slander was worse than them lying about slandering me.

Reputation/History of Apathy/Arrogance

Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Apathy/Arrogance is rejecting Truth & mocking People.”.

This-Person whom slandered me: I’ve personally witnessed them talk Unjust/Untrue-Shit about Others & have had Several-Convos, with That-Person, regarding them treating Others This-Way. They literally, apathetically/arrogantly deflect their own Wrongdoing & actually think/feel that they’re entitled/justified to be not only a Judgmental-Person, but equally a Slanderous-Person. Via al-Basīrah/Vision (Hindsight): I’ve realized that This-Person has been This-Way as long as I’ve known them. But, it never really hit me how judgmental they actually are until This-Scenario between them & I took place.

I, personally, have 0-Respect for Slanderers…I really despise them. And there’s 2-Types of Persons whom I never forgive: a. Those whom slander me & b. Those whom threaten me. This-Person whom slandered me is how/why I tell People: I’d rather have a Real-Enemy than a Fake-Friend. This-Person pretends to befriend Others, but in All-Reality is merely a Judgmental-Scumbag. Without any Doubt: anyone whom slanders you is your Enemy…treat them as an Enemy.

Gareth Bryant