Tag Archives: Human Relations

Losing me is a Lifelong-Error


Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “Always speak Truth, even if it’s bitter (even if it rubs People the Wrong-Way).”.
(ibn-Hibbān, al-Bayhaqī)

Being Social-Creatures: it’s 💯%-Natural/Normal for Humans to be connected with Other-Humans. There’s actually Countless-Ways, which Humans galvanize & fraternize with one another: Religion, Warfare, Survival, Sexuality, Sports, Food, Funerals, Weddings, Tragedy, Triumph, Education, Crime, Music, Culture, Comedy, etc. and so on/so forth. However, if/when that Sense-Of-Connection to Others is rejected, denied, marginalized, etc. it causes Serious-Consequences for People spiritually & psycho-emotionally. I’ve once been very overly-sensitive to this. Fortunately, I’ve evolved to care less about losing Others & ironically have felt Pity for those who’ve lost me.

In my Lifetime, there’ve been Countless-Persons whom were in my Life whom’re no longer there. Those whom I grew-up with, came-up with, schooled with, worked with, etc. as well as Relatives, Co-Workers, etc. Peoples of All-Walks of Life: they’ve vanished from my Life. They’ve all got 1-Thing in common: they always needed me more than I needed them…I was always more of an Asset to them than they were to me…I always gave them more than they’ve ever given me…etc. So, me losing those Types/Kinds of People was never a Loss for me.

More often than not: Certain-Persons actually attempt to hurt Others, by severing Ties with them, in lieu of making Things right between those whom they’ve Conflicts with. I personally know of this all too well. There’ve been Various-People via my Lifetime who’ve cut me off, disowned me, turned their Backs on me, etc. while ironically I’ve never wrong them. They did this in the hopes of luring me to grovel before them, as to plead with them, to maintain Human-Relations with them. Clearly, they never knew me the Way they thought/felt they did.

Fuck all of that Goofy-Shit. Never in my Life, will I ever beg anyone to be/remain in my Life…especially if/when they made the Choice to depart from me unjustifiably. Anyone whom thinks/feels that I’m going to chase People around to “be their Friend”, “be in their Presence/Company”, “be bonded with them”, etc.: you can kiss my Ass. There’s 0-Way that I’m going to disgrace myself to appease those whom truly never even valued/appreciated me in the 1st-Place. I know fully well the Khuluq/Adab (Character/Behavior) which I bring to the Table, via any of my Human-Relationships. So, if that’s not good enough for Certain-People: let that be their Problem, because it’ll never be mine.

I always tell People: Certain-Bridges are worth burning. I can honestly only remember grieving over 1 Human-Relationship I’ve ever lost, to the Extent that it made me cry. The Pain-Memory via that Event still reminds me of how much of a Weak-State I was in, at That-Time, as per Intense-Vulnerability. It scarred me immensely. But, it caused me to look at People differently in an Important-Way: it empowered me to recognize al-Khiyānah/Treachery from a particularly Vivid-Lens. Henceforth, I made a Spiritual-Oath to Allah & then a Personal-Oath to myself: I’d never shed Another-Tear over anyone treating me like Shit ever again in my Life. That Specific-Experience taught me a lot, concerning what I used to tolerate/accept from Others & what I utterly refuse to tolerate/accept ever again thereafter.

I’ve honestly grown quite numb from being hurt by Others cutting me off. I pride myself on being Hard-Hearted, but not Cold-Hearted. I’m definitely no Apath, but I’m no Ass-Kisser either.

Gareth Bryant

The Reality of Human-Relationships


Every Human-Relationship is predicated upon the “Give-And-Take” & “What’s in it for me?” Concepts. Everyone wants something from someone else, via somehow & someway. It’s simply Human-Nature to manipulate & be manipulated, to use & be used. As per the Modern-World, however, too many People lose Sight of Reality & allow themselves to become addicted to Naivety. Tok many of us as Humans-We dwell within a Socio-Cultural Mythos/Pseudo-Narrative that pontificates & promotes the Fallacy that “there’s Good in everybody”. As per Potential…this is absolutely true/honest, but as per Practicality…this is completely untrue/dishonest.

And, one of the Proofs of this is how dangerously People define/interpret the Concept of “Soulmate”. There’s literally been Countless-Hunans throughout the Annals of Human-History who’ve allow themselves to get/be stuck in Negative/Toxic-Relationships, because according to them Those-Persons were their “Soulmates”. Likewise, there’s been Countless-Humans who’ve fumbled Positive/Healthy-Relationships & it was because they didn’t consider Those-Persons their “Soulmates”.

For the Record: the Concept Soulmate has nothing to do with Sexuality exclusively & everything to do with Human-Relationships holistically. Realistically, any Human can be one’s Soulmate. Also, 1-Human can actually have Multiple-Soulmates. Muhammad (Peace be upon them) foretold concerning how Allah allowed al-Arwāh/Human-Souls to chop it up prior to the Creation of the Body of Adam (Peace be upon them). Then, they described how if Certain-Souls which interacted with each other found one another via ad-Dunyā/the Mundane then they’ll have Harmonious-Relationships. But, they also warned that if Certain-Souls never interacted with each other & found one another via ad-Dunyā then they’ll have Chaotic-Relationships.
(al-Bukhārī, al-Qurtubī)

Because of these misinterpretations, People far too often allow themselves to aimlessly be manipulated by Others. Basically, there’s always going to be Certain-People whom constantly/consistently attempt to finesse Other-People. There’s Persons whom never want to give to Others, but always want to take from Others. That-Kind/Type of mentality lacks all of the Things which makes any Human-Relationship positive/healthy.

These 6-Things must be had at All-Times, in order for Human-Relationships to prosper. Respect is the Most-Important amongst the 6-Things. Without Respect the Other-5 can’t exist via any Human-Relationship. And, it’s very easy to notice within Others, if/when any of the 6-Things aren’t being manifested. We too often think that we can “settle” for less than All-6. That’s completely incorrect to have such a Mindset. It’s because, if we compromise 1-Thing, eventually we’ll compromise All-6 Things.

All-Relationships are complex & complicated…none of us can help that. However, what can, must, should be done is us doing Better-Jobs concerning whom we develop Relationships with & why.

Gareth Bryant

Chasing the Illusion of Happiness via Self-Destruction


“And the Mundane-Life is only the Enjoyment-of-Illusion.”
(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.3, V.185)

The Author of This-Post became a Male-Transformer: born a Bio-Male/Man & has decided to live their Best-Lie as a Fake-Female. The Woman they’re married to actually attempted to justify their Behavior. They did so by pontificating/claiming that implying that had they not co-signed this their Husband would’ve attempted/committed Suicide.

Here’s how I responded to This-Portion of the Video I watched:

Oh, y’all Niggas thought it was over huh?!!! Check this Goofy-Shit out:

My Response to This-Post:

It’s ridiculously-obvious, that they both self-suffer from Self-Self-Hate Addiction, Manipulation-Addiction, Attention-Addiction, Misogyny, Misandry, at-Tajnīn (Jinn-Influence/Possession), etc. All-In-One.

Gareth Bryant 1444, A.H./2022, C.E.