Tag Archives: Human Behavior

My Abysmal-Moments of Pain&Sadness


1443/1444, A.H. (correlating with 2022, C.E.) was one of the Hardest-Times of my Life. And, I mean this exclusively from a Religio-Spiritual Context. I witnessed 2-Things which I never fathomed living long enough, as a Muslim, to see. I observed Fellow-Muslims expressing/verbalizing al-Matā`/Joy, because Certain-Persons left al-Islām & equally observed Fellow-Muslims expressing/verbalizing al-Ghadhab/Anger, because Certain-People accepted al-Islām. I personally know many People who’ve done either one or the other & even both of the aforementioned. Seeing this Polarized-Extreme unfold during my Lifetime: it caused me to be in a Weird-Space spiritually. Honestly, it actually made me question the Theology of Fellow-Muslims whom I know. What’s actually the Point of being a Muslim, if/when you don’t want al-Hudā/al-Hidāyah (Guidance) for All-People?!!! How can anyone actually be a Muslim, if/when they’re glad that someone abandoned al-Hudā/al-Hidāyah, and/or mad that someone chose al-Hudā/al-Hidāyah?!!!

There’s literally Days that I was driven to Tears, learning/knowing that there’s really Muslims whom’re so vengeful against their Fellow-Man, that they’d actually want them Misguided&Hellbound. Anytime/everytime I’ve ever had these Types/Kinds of Discussions with Fellow-Muslims, and they celebrate those whom committed ar-Riddah/Apostasy or grieve that Certain-Persons became Muslims: it’s been truly disheartening. Scenarios like these made me even question whether or not it’s even worth having Muslim-Friends at all. Seriously…the Disgusting-Levels&Severities of Judgmentalism I’ve personally witnessed via Fellow-Muslims…it’s rather daunting to say the least.

There’s Certain-Muslims I know, who actually know the Reasons (we obviously know there’s 0-Justifications to leave al-Islām for the Record) how/why Certain-Persons committed ar-Riddah. Did these Same-Muslims even attempt to call them back to al-Islām? No Did they at least try to understand the Reasons how/why they left al-Islām? No Did they they even care about the Fact that they’re going to die upon adh-Dhalālah/Misguidance? No

However, at the Same-Time…

…Did they shame&mock those whom became Murtads/Apostates? Yes Did they laugh at their Degenerate Spiritual-State, resulting from committing ar-Riddah? Yes Did they talk Shit about them via an-Namīmah (Backbiting) & al-Buhtān/al-Humazah (Slander/Defamation)? Yes

Certain-Muslims I know, interacted with, etc. even went so far as to ask Allah to keep them Misguided, so that they never return to al-Islām.

Likewise, the same goes for those who were against Persons they despise becoming Muslims. Did they express/verbalize ash-Shukr (Gratitude), to Allah, for More-Humans to be guided via al-Islām? No Did they even encourage These-People remain Muslims? No Did they even ask Allah to allow al-Islām to make them Better-People, than they were Pre-Islām? No

But, this is what they did do…

…They had the Audacity to make Social-Media Posts & Blogs emboldening Muslim-Academics/Scholars to cancel Certain-Persons religiously, as though there’s 0-Way they could ever become Muslims. They audaciously pontificated/claimed that they themselves would personally “leave Islām”, if So-And-So becomes a Muslim: this is literally what Certain-Muslims posted Online almost Word4Word. They audaciously/arrogantly proposed that Muslims develop/copy the Orthodox-Conversion Process, found via Judaism, to “limit” whom they consider “Religio-Undesierables”. Of course, the Irony being that the Vast-Majority of Muslims like this, if judged the Way they judge Others, the Way they judge Fellow-Muslims, etc. they themselves would be Victims/Casualties of Takfīr/Blasphemy-Culture.

There’s Certain-Muslims whom actually asked Allah to keep People Unguided.

I’m going to make a Concerned-Effort, to rid myself of Those-Types/Kinds of Toxic-Persons. Meaning, those who’ve the Audacity/Arrogance to really think/feel they’ve a Human-Guarantee that they’ve acquired an-Najiyyah/Salvation. Only Allah knows whom possesses, has earned, etc. an-Najiyyah & whom hasn’t. As Creatures/Beings: we’ve got a Lot of Mothafuckin-Nerve, condeming Others, as though we know precisely how we’re going to meet Allah once we die and/or that we’ve a Guaranteed-Maqām/Spot via al-Jannah/Paradise. News-Flash: we don’t. But, I’ll tell you what we do have: all of us have a Guaranteed-Maqām via Jahannam/Hell. And, only via the Mercy-Of-Allah will any of us will ever be rescued from being placed in That-Maqām, removed from That-Maqām, etc.

Gareth Bryant 1444, A.H./2023, C.E.



Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated: “If the Son-Of-Adam were granted a Valley-Of-Gold, then they’d immediately yearn for 2-Valleys just like it. And there’s nothing which’ll satiate their Greed, except Dirt in their Mouth. But, Allah justly accepts whomever repents”.
(Tafsīr/Qur’ānic-Commentary of Sūrat-ut-Takāthur/Chapter-Of-Greed…
…Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.102, al-Bukhārī&Muslim)


These-Things aforementioned undoubtedly prove everything which Allah states about Humanity, via at-Tanzīl/Revelation. Imagine being saved from an-Nār/the Fire, admitted to al-Jannah/the Paradise: it’s truly ironic that as Humans that’s still not good enough. Like, even via al-Jannah: the Greatest-Reward is for Allah to reveal Their Face…there’s literally nothing better than the Opportunity to see the Actual/Real-Face of the Creator/Lord of the Universe. However, the Text depicts the Inherent-Ingratitude of Man in a Way which is Eye-Openning. It truly attests to the Depth of understanding Human-Nature/Behavior.

Yet, in spite of That-Fact: the Human-Fitrah/Instinct which Allah chose to create Humanity with…we will always want more. It’s very surreal, at the Moment, that anyone would dare ask Allah for more via inhabiting al-Jannah. But, the Aforementioned-Texts affirm/confirm this. So, I must recognize/accept it as such. It’s really astounding, that anyone could/would dare to complain to Allah that they want more than what Allah has granted via the Ākhirah/Hereafter. But, since at-Tanzīl has affirmed/confirmed that it’ll occur, it is what it is.

Gareth Bryant

When Loneliness becomes Solace


Sologamy: “Marrying” one’s Self.

It’s truly abysmal, that being addicted to Loneliness is tolerated/accepted as something normal when it’s truly abnormal. Humans weren’t created to live Live without Opposite-Gender Mates. And, the Fact that the Concept “Sologamy” exists amongst Humanity is really saddening to me. Ironically, I actually know People personally who’ve directly & indirectly have chosen to subscribe to “Sologamy”…most commonly via Celebacy. I think/feel that because the Modern-World has become so treacherous, as per Interpersonal-Relationships, so many People are literally opting for a Life-Of-Loneliness. And, this is an Unhealthy/Toxic-Trend, all emboldened via Fake-Wokeness.