Tag Archives: Dislike

Let em dislike you


This-Person had the Audacity to call themselves authoring a “Refutation” against me, which made absolutely 0-Sense. The Irony is that they’re a Proven-Coward. I specifically remember having an Online-Argument with them. Them & I had gone Back&Forth. Then, someone whom we both know chimed-in on the Discussion & Abul-Barā’ literally along with Another-Clown named `Abd-al-Jabbār jointly threatened the Other-Person. But, guess what?!!! Neither of those 2-Mothafuckas ever threatened me, and they only threatened the Other-Person because they’re of a Different-Ethnicity & figured that the Other-Person wouldn’t give them any Smoke. But, clearly, since both Abul-Barā’ & `Abd-ul-Jabbār know my Hands work: they wouldn’t dare to “threaten” me. Moreover, anytime/everytime either Abul-Barā’ or `Abd-ul-Jabbār had ever seen me via Real-Life, they’ve never had that Same-Energy.

I say this, because we exist in a World full of Cowardly-Persons. Meaning, that they’ve allowed themselves to become adopt/manifest Appeasement-Addiction. However, the Reality is, as the Ole-Saying goes: “You can’t please everybody.”. Now, in spite of how Cliché That-Statement is…Lots of Truth/Honesty is contained within it also.

Many/Most-People truly thrive upon Recognition & Acceptance, and don’t take kindly to Rejection & Alienation. This is obviously a Psycho-Emotional Staple of Human-Nature. At the Same-Time, like I always tell People: Courage isn’t the Absemce-Of-Fear, it’s the Willingness&Ability to confront Fear. I’ve always not cared that much about the Personal-Opinions of Others: especially if/when Those-Opinions are truthful/honest…slandering me is a Different-Story.

Having Others dred you isn’t a “Bad-Thing”, and actually one ought to express ash-Shukr/Gratitude. This is because if/when someone dislikes another: that’s the Most-Authentic they’ll be with Others.It’s actually one’s so-called “Friends” whom’ll trap those they befriend via Masking, Deception, etc.

My thoughts on dealing with opposition:


This has taken me a very long time to learn, but here it is:

“If a lynch-mob wants to hang you, you don’t give them a noose; if someone wants to shoot you, you don’t give them a loaded gun; if an archer wants to hunt you down, you don’t give him arrows.”
Gareth Bryant

This basically means that you as a person must never give anyone ammunition to take shots at you. Let’s be honest people, everyone is not gonna like everything about us, or everything that we do…just reality. However, it doesn’t mean that you add insult-to-injury, by making it easy for people to dislike you, despise you, or to attack you.

#I’m just sayin’!!!