Tag Archives: Conversation

Misogyny via at-Tahrīf/Distortion


Allah states:

“And empower one another via Positivity&Morality. But, don’t embolden one another via Sin&Enmity.”…”Have you seen those whom take their Desires as their God? Are you then their Enabler”.

Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated:

“Always speak Truth, even if it’s bitter (even if it rubs People the Wrong-Way).”

(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.2; Chpt.25, V.43;
ibn-Hibbān; al-Bayhaqī)

Someone whom I know, whom I frequently engage with regarding Religio-Subjects/Topics decided to foward me a Quoted-Statement of one of the Top-3 Students of Ahmad ibn-Taymiyyah. The Statement is attributed to ibn-il-Qayyim al-Jawziyyah. Here’s the Following-Statement:

The Person whom sent me this & myself actually went Back&Forth, at length, regarding This-Statement…”Let’s get into it.” as they say.

I began the Convo with This-Person via the Following-Reply:

This-Statement is very dangerous, if misunderstood/misinterpreted. Principally: Men & Women aren’t viewed differently via ash-Sharī`ah, when it comes to Most-Sins…az-Zinā/THOTery is of course an Example of that. (Also) if a Woman being an Adultress were worse than a Man being an Adulterer, then how/why does the Hadd/Islāmic-Punishment of Adultery equally apply to both Men & Women?!!! Only Muslim-Men whom want Zinā/THOTery-Passes will cling to Āthār/Statements such as these, which ironically are simply Madhāhib/Religio-Opinions & not Nuzūl/Revelatory-Texts.

The Other-Person was very Short-Worded via their Exchanges with me.

Sadly, it was Crystal-Clear, the Person I conversed with was set in their Ways regarding the Mindset towards the Subject-Matter. Keep in Mind: this is the Same-Mothafucka whom audaciously/arrogantly pontificated&claimed that if Married-Men get Blowjobs from Women they’re not married to then it’s not Adultery. Yes…this is the Goofy-Shit I must deal with, confront, etc. on a Daily-Basis.

And, it then became pointless to discuss Things any further. My Entire-Point was & still is that if/whenever Persons take Statements of Religio-Academic/Historical Individuals, there’s got to be Comprehension at play regarding what’s cited/quoted from them. As Latter-Peoples, we don’t have the Islāmic-Justification to just run with the Statements of Former-Peoples just to pontificate/promote Biases which we may harbor via our Minds/Hearts. And, as per the Convo I shared: it’s very obvious to me-The Person I conversed with had a Bias-Based Agenda.

What I mean by Bias-Based Agenda:

I actually know Countless Muslim-Men whom literally make it their Business to cheat on their Wives via Impunity. They really think/feel that they’re Entitled to be Adulterers, yet in the Same-Breath dare to judge any Woman for being an Adultress. THOTery isn’t Gendercentric…any Man or any Woman can be a THOT. So, let’s not ever perceive that the Rules-Of-Morality only apply to Women. No, they equally apply to both Men & Women alike. I’ve constantly/consistently confronted Countless-Scenarios of Muslim-Men I personally know: they’ll attempt to excuse Other Muslim-Men for being Adulterous. Yet, ironically, they’ll jump out the Window to condemn any Muslim-Woman who’s done precisely what the Muslim-Men they try to defend has done. It’s both hypocritical & disgusting…I truly despise it. I operate via a Personal-Principle: You either judge everyone or no one…you either give everyone or no one a Pass.

One of the Key-Things which Islāmophobes use against Muslims, to paint False-Imagery, is pontificating/claiming that al-Islām is Pro-Misogyny. And, the Subject of This-Article is most definitely amongst the Numerous-Tools which Islāmophobes use. But, there’s most definitely a Practical-Way to combat this. There needs to be More Muslim-Men whom possess the Basālah/Courage to address Issues such as this. We, as Muslim-Men, must never give each other “Passes” to be Immoral/Amoral & then audaciously/arrogantly chastise Muslim-Women whom aren’t Morally-Correct. at-Taqwā/Morality is a Farīdhah/Islāmic-Requirement (upon every Muslim) regardless of al-Jins/Gender. at-Taqwā has never been Gendercentric, not even prior to the Revelation of The Qur’ān & it never will be Gendercentric.

We, as Muslim-Men, must/need to stop buying into & promoting the “Boys will be Boys.” Mythos/Pseudo-Narrative. We must/need to cultivate Muslim-Men positively, as per possessing Personal-Responsibility & manifesting Personal-Accountability, referring to them living their Best-Lies. We must/need to enforce the Reality that being a Womanizer isn’t a “Flex”.

Gareth Bryant 1444, A.H./2023, C.E.