Tag Archives: Civil Rights Movement

The Ironic-Hypocrisy of White-Supremacy


The U.S. Federal-Government issued Secular-Legislation, an Anti-Lynching Act, named after one of the Most-Popular/Infamous Cases of Lynching-Activity via U.S.-History: it directly surrounds the Tragic-Narrative of Emmett Till. Emmett Till was a Chicago-Native (ironically) who’s own Father themselves was executed/murdered via Hanging by U.S.-Military Tribunal, during the World-War II Era, predicated upon Xenophobically-Motivated Rape&Murder-Charges. Likewise, Emmett Till was as well subjected to Allegations of Sexual-Predatism in a Time where even Afro-Americans looking at a Euro-Women and/or for “too long” (commonly dubbed “Reckless-Eyeballing”) meant signing one’s own Death-Warrant.

Louis Till was accused of Sexual-Abuse&Murder, while on Active-Duyy in Europe via Italy during World-War II. The Details, Trial, etc. surrounding the Case which led to the Court-Marshall & Death-Sentence of Louis Till, till This-Day, appears very much like a Classic/Typical-Syndrome known as the “Forbidden-Fruit” Mythos/Pseudo-Narrative. Basically, it means that Euro-Men can pillage&ravage any Woman from anywhere across the Globe. But, in the Same-Breath, it also means that no Non-Euro Man can have Access to Euro-Women…thus making the Euro-Woman the Subject of Idolization, Personality-Worship, etc. And, this literally explains how/why the Euro-Standard of what “Good-Looks/Beauty” is pontificated/promoted to be (another Mythos/Pseudo-Narrative for the Record) still captures the Soul&Psyche of People, Women particularly/especially, all around the World for Centuries.

The Centerpiece of the Emmett Till Tragedy is the 1-Time Engagement/Encounter between Emmett Till & Carolyn Donham, the Spouse of Roy Bryant (one of the Murderers of Emmett Till). The Base-Accusation against Emmett Till was that they whistled at Carolyn Donham while they went shopping at the Family-Owned Store of Roy Bryant (I’m honestly embarrassed & outraged that myself and this Son-Of-A-Bitch have the Same-Surname). In addition, Emmett Till was accused of outlandishly hurling Sexual-Advances at Carolyn Donham. Clearly, this was the Ideal-Excuse for Roy Bryant & their Maternal-Brother John Millam to take the Life of another Human-Being unjustly. As gruesome&inhumane as the Murder of Emmett Till actually was: the Murderers were of course acquitted of All-Charges…the Typical-Depiction of a “Kangaroo-Jury”. In fact, because of the Secular-Legal Statute of “Double-Jeopardy” Roy Bryant&John Millam were able to openly admit that they murdered Emmett Till & never had to worry about being retried for it.

Not even Carolyn Donham themselves, who’s literally admitted to lying about the Accusations against Emmett Till: no one has ever arrested nor prosecuted them. And, there’s a Simple-Reason for this: as per White-Supremacy via White-America…the “White-Woman” is the “White-Man’s Prize”. To convict any Euro-Woman for their participation in the Framing, Defamation, Murder, etc. of any Non-Euro Man would be tarnishing the Pseudo-Innocence/Purity of the “White-Woman”. This is what it truly boils-down to.

Gareth Bryant 1444, A.H./2022, C.E.

Bill Russell: Enough Said


As the Greatest-Winner via Sports-History: Bill Russell did Lots of Firsts. For example, they were the NBA’s 1st Afro-American Superstar…the Jordan before Michael Jordan, the LeBron before Lebron James, the Steph Curry before Steph Curry, the Shaq before Shaquille O’Neal, the Kobe before Kobe Bryant, the Olajuwon before Hakeem Olajuwon, the Kareem before Ferdinand Alcindor/Kareem Abdul-Jabbar…you get the Point. And, their NBA-Career as both Player & Coach spanned 4-Decades, also with Bill Russell being the only Player-Coach via Sports-History & the 1st Afro-American Head-Coach in Sports-History. And, without any Doubt: the NBA, Sports generally, etc. wouldn’t have the Dynamism, Boldness, Charisma, Style, Class, Integrty, Principle which now exists without Bill Russell.

Just to give you a Modest-Sample of the Athletic-Accomplishments of Bill Russell:


Michael Jordan, largely considered the “NBA-GOAT”, made a Crucial-Error in trying to 1-Up Bill Russell & they got humbled really quickly:

In addition to being the GOAT of the NBA, Bill Russell was also one of the Unsung-GOAT’s of the Civil-Rights Era via the United States virtually the Entirety of their Professional-Career in the NBA. They were a Frontliner, with the Likes of: Jim Brown, Cassius Clay/Muhammad Ali, etc. These Great-Men whom dominated their respective Sports-Domains also put their Lives, their Safety, the Safety of their Families, Careers on the Line on a Daily to improve the Human-Condition of Afro-Americans via the Pursuit of Equality, Equity, Justice.





In Bill Russell’s own Words, when often asked by People whether they play Basketball, Russell often responded: “No…that what I do, that’s not who I am. I’m not a Basketball-Player…I’m a Man who plays Basketball.”. All&All…there will never be another Bill Russell…#Period

Gareth Bryant 1444, A.H./2022, C.E.

My thoughts on MLK, Jr. and the “MLK-Legacy”:


What can I say to ever give justice to this man? Nothing. Himself, along with countless individuals, of all creeds, ethnicities, nationalities, genders & political-orientations, led the world towards a global fight to end tyranny & injustice. Many of his efforts have been duly highlighted in the annals of American & World-History, which is why we as a society have given him the recognition of remembering him on a day, called “Martin Luther King, Jr. Day”.https://youtu.be/VwYwjtlUvkUMichael Lewis King, Jr. (AKA Martin Luther King, Jr.) clearly sacrificed life & limb, and many, if not most Americans & citizens of the World, have benefited immensely from the brutality that he himself, along with so many countless other international & national heroes of the United States, to attempt to make the lives of other people better. However, there are certain things which he fought for, in my eyes, that were a lot more noble, than his other celebrated outcries for ethnic equality. They were his outcries for governmental transparency in this nation, as well as others, it was his fight for worker’s rights, towards the last two to three years of his life, it was challenging the status-quo of the military war-machine of the U.S., it was questioning the validity of the United States supporting leaders in foreign countries, whom were guilty of the same atrocities which Nazi-Germany, Fascist-Italy & Imperial-Japan have been historically black-listed for, all in the name of spreading Democracy, and defeating Communism, at all costs.https://youtu.be/AJhgXKGldUkhttps://youtu.be/gC6qxf3b3FIhttps://www.washingtonpost.com/history/2023/05/10/mlk-malcolm-x-playboy-alex-haley/In truth, for me, it wasn’t until this point in his life, shortly before his assassination, that I was able to truly appreciate the struggle that he was placed at the helm of. For most African-American youth, like myself, when I was young, was always given this depiction of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. as being very passive, soft, and for all intensive purposes, on some “Sellout-Shit”. Honestly, in comparison to someone like Malcolm Little (AKA Malcolm X[May Allah mercify him]), you see their goals for the betterment of African-Americans, as well as other people, generally polarized, meaning very different.https://youtu.be/dOWDtDUKz-ULet’s be honest here: when you hear Malcolm Little saying “Ballet or the Bullet” & then hear Martin Luther King, Jr. saying “I have a dream”: dwelling in the Western-World, established via WhiteSupremacy, looking back on yesteryear, etc. it’s easy to see how/why most of us in my generation would be quick to identify with Malcolm Little as opposed to Martin Luther King, Jr. Most of us have been indoctrinated into thinking that violence is the only way to solve our problems, and there’s this man (a Black man at that): encouraging other Black people who’ve been raped, maimed, hung, hosed down, shot up, beat the hell up, bitten by dogs, trampled by horses, fire-bombed, etc. (you name it they’ve been through it) to play “Turn the Other-Cheek” Politics.
Now, living in the hood, in NYC, during the 80’s & 90’s, as I have, growing up, listening to & learning from Malcolm Little & Martin Luther King, Jr. & come to the personal conclusion that what MLK was kickin’ is for the birds & Malcolm knew what he was talkin’ about. But, via hindsight, I’ve learned to respect not only his work-ethic, in terms of how hard he worked for his goals, but also, his evolution, in terms of his personal awareness & how to address the wrongs which were right in front of his face, during his own lifetime, but either couldn’t see or chose to ignore before.https://youtu.be/6sT9Hjh0cHMIn short, although, as a Muslim, I don’t approve of the celebration of dead people (via celebrating their birthdays and/or holidays established on the days of their birth, or on any other day/days, in honor of them). I do, however, encourage people to respect this man, for all of the above reasons which I’ve said earlier in this article, and if you truly claim to respect and/or love this man, then you would truly attempt to live as he did, in the constant & consistent service of others, whom would reap the benefits of his hard work, decades after his tragic & violent demise.Gareth Bryant