Tag Archives: Athari

Debunking the Ridiculous “Salafī-`Aqīdah” Myth


Allah states:

“And never let your hatred, against any People, prevent you from behaving justly.”

(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.8)

Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated:

“Always speak Truth, even if it’s bitter (even if it rubs People the Wrong-Way).”



This-Article is a Response to Discussions which Gareth Bryant & Tālib Nathaniel have had, regarding our Respectful Religio-Academic Rivalry. As well, it’s a Response to an Article Tālib Nathaniel disclosed to me (which I deem the Article to be Academically-Untruthful/Dishonest & Academically-Irresponsible).

The difference between the Salafi and Hanbali creed


This-Concept/Term “Salafī-`Aqīdah/Theology” is something which I’ve heard about, been told about, been lied to about, etc. for a Long-Time…literally for Decades. “Salafī-`Aqīdah” is a Blatant Mythos/Pseudo-Narrative: it’s just as Fake as Fake-Jordans. The Siblings of the Pen (Gareth Bryant [Atharī Corleone] & Tālib Nathaniel [Ash`arī Tommasino]) have literally debated the “Salafī-`Aqīdah” Myth for quite sometime, as with many other Theological-Subjects we’ve consistently discussed respectfully, truthfully, honestly, brotherly, friendly, etc. This Particular-Subject though…I absolutely must unpack, because, it’s greatly misleading to presume/assume that the Salafīs operate via their own Theological-Matrix. That’s simply 💯%-Untruth/Dishonesty. Albeit it’s a Solid/Confirmed-Fact, that Salafīs theologically-freestyle…still that doesn’t translate to “Salafī-`Aqīdah”.

How the Siblings of the Pen began even debating this

It began when Tālib Nathaniel intro duced the Fact that the 1st Known-Muslim to theologically suggest to place a Numerical-Cap on a Particular-Sifah/Feature of Allah: the Eyes-Of-Allah. Now, the Theological-Posture/Opinion itself stems from Sifāt/Descriptions of al-Masīh-id-Dajjāl/the Anti-Christ being 1-Eyed (meaning only capable/able to see via 1 out their 2-Eyes) & Muhammad (Peace be upon them) detailing that Allah isn’t “1-Eyed”. Tālib Nathaniel immediately played on this & began to pontificate/claim that this is how “Salafī-`Aqīdah” was incepted/invented.

OK…so who came-up with such a Theological-Posture/Opinion?!!!

The 1st Known-Muslim to have such a Theological-Posture (at least publicly that is) was a Well-Known/Renown Muhaddith/Narration-Expert: `Abdullah ibn `Abd-ir-Rahmān ad-Dārimī. So, Tālib Nathaniel considered ad-Dārimī to be the “Theological-Progenitor/Founder” of “Salafī-`Aqīdah”. But, not exclusively ad-Dārimī: Tālib Nathaniel considers literally anoyone/everyone classified as a Renegade/Prodigal-Atharī (via the Theological-Criticisms of `Abd-ir-Rahmān ibn-`Alī ibn-Muhammad ibn-il-Jawzī) to have “contributed” to the Formation of “Salafī-`Aqīdah”. In fact, Tālib Nathaniel constructed a “Salafī-`Aqīdah” Sanad/Chain: Several-Individuals going all the Way back to ad-Dārimī, whom Salafīs academically/scholastically claim, whom all stand by the Posture/Opinion that Allah is exclusively “2-Eyed”.

The Reasons how/why Salafīs are accused of having “Salafī-`Aqīdah” in the 1st-Place

Salafīs are accused of breaking far away from the Integrity of Atharism (AKA Atharī-`Aqīdah). Specifically, Salafīs are accused of misinterpreting the Sifāt/Features of Allah. For example:

The Face-Of-Allah

Salafīs are accused of claiming that the Face-Of-Allah is akin to al-Makhlūq/Creation.

The Eyes-Of-Allah

Salafīs are accused of claiming that the Eyes-Of-Allah are akin to al-Makhlūq.

The Shins-Of-Allah

Salafīs are accused of claiming that the Shins-Of-Allah are akin to al-Makhlūq.

The Feet-Of-Allah

Salafīs are accused of claiming that the Feet-Of-Allah are akin to al-Makhlūq.

This is the Accusation made via Team-Ash`arī against Team-Salafī. As well, Team-Ash`arī accuses Team-Salafī of not being True-Atharīs theologically. Furthermore, Team-Atharī accuses Team-Salafī also of straying from Atharī-`Aqīdah.

How to avoid being placed in the “Wahhābī” Box

So, what’s “Atharī-`Aqīdah” anyway?!!!



at-Tafwīdh/Neutrality vs. at-Ta’wīl/Interpretation concerning the Sifāt/Qualities-Of-Allah

How/why are Salafīs accused of having a “Salafī-`Aqīdah?!!!

The Main-Culprits whom pontificate/claim that Salafīs have a “Salafī-`Aqīdah” are the Ash`arī-Niggas. Team-Ash`arī also attempts to accuse Salafī-Niggas & Atharī-Niggas to be 2-Sides of the Same-Coin. This in turn, is the Reason how/why Team-Atharī & Team-Salafī have always had a Complex/Complicated-Relationship with each other.


Romance of the 3-`Aqīdahs

al-`Aqā’id (Theologies) in the Era of al-Khilāfah (Islāmic-Governance)

Let’s get into what Salafism actually is vs. what Salafism isn’t

as-Salafiyyah/Salafism has been accused of being an `Aqīdah, a Madhab/Fiqh-School, a Government, etc. And, it’s literally neither of Those-Things. as-Salafiyyah is a Minhāj (Philosophy/Ideology), predicated upon the Yearning/Necessity to adhere to the Islāmic-Practices of a 3-Prong Demographic known as as-Salaf-us-Sālih/Righteous-Ancestors.

This Demographic consists of:

1. as-Sahābah/the Compainons (the Original-Followers of Muhammad [Peace be upon them]) whom were the 1st-Generation of Muslims, relative to the Revelation of The Qur’ān (May Allah be pleased with them altogether).

2. Generations-1&2 of at-Tābi`īn/the Followers (the Followers of as-Sahābah).

So, what’s actually the Issue/Problem?!!!

Now, on the Surface…any Average/Regular-Muslim will think: “Hey…I can Fuck wit dat: Cool.”. But, only if it were that simple. The Issue/Problem is the Judgmental-Nature of Salafism & the Character/Behavior which it indoctrinates its Adherents with.

Which is precisely how/why one of the Most-Lauded-Figures whom Salafīs Dick-Ride ironically stated that:

“The Salafīs are also a Hizb/Sectarian/Deviant-Group, because of the Negative-Character.”…also equally referred to the Salafīs as “Talafīs (Persons of Destruction).”.

(Muhammad ibn-Sālih al-`Uthaymīn)

OK…so how/why the Fuck are Salafīs on This-Type/Kind of Timing?!!!



The Salafīs harbor a very Similar-Type/Kind of Istikbār/Arrogance as al-Yahūd/Jews (make no Mistake: I’m in no Way claiming that Salafīs are Kuffār [Disbelievers/Non-Muslims]…I’m not an Ash`arī-Nigga). Meaning, they’ve literally bought into their own Publicity thinking/feeling that an-Najiyyah/Salvation is exclusively for them via the “Firqah-Nājiyah/Saved-Sect” Syndrome (which Salafīs claim for themselves & about themselselves to boot). And, it’s plain to notice as per how they often treat People. Salafīs (not exclusively but particularly) attempt to establish a Religio-Monopoly over al-Islām. This by default/definition proves that Salafī-Niggas are just as Morally-Bankrupt as any other Hizb which they criticize.

The Hujjah/Indictment against the Salafī-Mafia

How/why do the Salafīs even exists?!!!



You’ll never find this on Salafi Publications: A Necessary Hujjah (Indictment/Refutation) against Saudi Arabia…a kingdom of Sectarian-Deviants, Tyrants, and Powermongers

The Maslahah/Purpose of This-Article


Gareth Bryant is probably the Most Anti-Salafism/Salafī Individual on Planet-Earth, that anyone will ever know/meet via In-Person. Yet, at the Same-Time, I refuse to tolerate, accept, co-sign, etc. any Sifah/Manifestation of al-Buhtān/Slander. It doesn’t matter whom they are, what they claim, etc.: Gareth Bryant isn’t going to accuse them of having Beliefs, Postures, Stances, etc. which don’t even exists. This is the Reason how/why I’ve written This-Article…it’s because I respect Salafīs for being Theologically-Muslim more than I hate them for being Religio-Sectarian.

For anyone…I mean anyone…to accuse the Salafīs of having their own “`Aqīdah” they honestly don’t know what the Fuck they’re talking about. And I know my Sibling of the Pen (Tālib Nathaniel) is going to greatly disagree, with what I’m going to say, but the Facts are the Facts: the Average/Regular-Salafī (regardless of how Academically-Ignorant they are) is most definitely a Default-Atharī. I can truthfully/honestly say as such (as an Atharī-Academic/Theologian myself), that Salafīs are in fact Renegade/Prodigal-Atharīs.

Gareth Bryant

Romance of the 3-`Aqīdahs


Unlike the Authentic-Definition of the Term “`Aqīdah/Structure” (a Religio-Euphemism for the 6-Arkān/Pillars of al-Īmān [Islāmic-Faith/Beilef]): I’ll be utilizing “`Aqīdah” as a Minhāj (Religio-Identity/Ideology). I’ve chosen to pattern This Article after the Semi-Historical/Fantasy Spin-Off of the “Romance of the 3-Kingdoms”…arguably the Most-Tumultuous Dynastic-Period via Chinese-History. For anyone abreast of Chinese-Imperial/Dynastic History, Ancient-Chinese Literature, Martial-Arts Cinema, Video-Games, etc.: you’re very familiar with “Dynasty Warriors”. “Dynasty Warriors” was/is a very popular Video-Game Series, about the 3-Kingdoms Era of Ancient-China. I’ll be taking many Cues from my General-Knowledge of Historical-Texts, Martial-Arts Cinema, Video-Games, etc. pertaining to the Rest of the Article.

What’re the “3-Kingdoms”?!!!

Kingdom of Cao Wei/Wei

(Progenitor Cao Cao)

Kingdom of Shu Han/Shu

(Progenitor Liu Bei)

Kingdom of Dong Wu/Wu

(Progenitor Sun Jian)

What’re the “3-Aqīdahs”

The 3-`Aqīdahs are:


(The Atharīo-Family)


(The Isnādio-Cartel)


(La Minhāja Nostra)

Exploring Connections between the “3-Kingdoms” & the “3-`Aqīdahs”

Much like how Shu & Wu forged a Joint-Alliance against Wei…Team-Atharī & Team-Salafī have had a Tense/Complicated-Alliance against Team-Ash`arī. This 3-Pronged Conflict has proven to be full of Interpersonal-Violence, Intrigue, Treachery, Betrayal, Cunning, etc. The Power-Struggles for the Fame, the Dames, the Monies (AKA “The Bag”), the Communal-Numbers, the Promoters/Students, the Lackeys/Soldiers, the Fans/Groupies, the Street-Teams/Gang-Affiliates, the Dick-Riders, etc.: All-3 `Aqīdahs have been actively pursuing and/or attempting to maintain this for Decades/Centuries. The 3-Kingdoms (of Wei, Shu, Wu) emerged from the Ashes of the Han-Dynasty collapsing, thus facilitating a Power-Vaccum via Ancient-China. Likewise, the Weakness & Disintegration of Leadership within the Wārithī-Community (Progenitor Wallace Poole AKA “Wārithuddīn Muhammad”) gave the 3-`Aqīdahs an Unchallenged/Uncheckecked-Lane, to pursue & dominate the Landscape of Muslim-America (particularly/especially amongst Muslim Afro/Latino-Americans).

The Hujjah/Indictment against the Salafī-Mafia

Gareth Bryant’s Hujjah/Refutation against the “Imāms-Roundtable”

The Parallels between the Han-Dynasty & the Wārithī-Community

The Han-Dynasty obviously was the Most-Significant Imperial-Period via Chinese-History. I mean, as per Socio-Cultural Mythos: till This-Day the Largest-Ethnicity via China are referred to, classified, etc. as the “Han Zu/Han-People” (the “Descendants”, People, Subjects, etc. of the Han-Dynasty). Likewise, amongst Countless Muslim Afro/Latino-Americans: Wallace Poole was once Imām/Islāmic-Leader of the Largest Muslim-Community via the Western-Hemisphere. There’s literally Muslim Afro/Latino-Americans whom weren’t even alive when Wallace Poole was still the Imām of the Muslim-Community they built, but they still refer to themselves as Members of the Wārithī-Community & still state that their Imām is “Wārithuddīn Muhammad”. Till This-Day, Wallace Poole is the Most-Influential Muslim via Muslim-American History.

Wallace Poole: The Man who changed the face of al-Islām in the Americas

The Parallels between the “Rebellion of the 7-States” & the “Rebellion of Several-Shaykhs”

Spanning from the 1400’s, A.H./1980’s, C.E. and onward-There were Several-Imāms/Leaders amongst Muslim Afro/Latino-Americans whom cut/severed Ties with Wallace Poole. Some-Asbāb/Reasons were Religious, Some-Asbāb were Personal, Some-Asbāb were Religio-Political, Some-Asbāb were Religio-Personal, etc. And, much like the Weakness of the Han-Dynasty, Certain-Muslims used the Weakness of Wallace as Pseudo-Justifications to rebel against their Imārah/Imāmah (Islāmic-Leadership). The Weakness of Wallace Poole was that they weren’t as stern against Rebellion as they could’ve/should’ve been. Make no Mistake: Wallace Poole was no Coward. At the Same-Time, they weren’t a Street-Nigga either. And, specifically during those Days&Times: Certain/Most-Niggas only respected al-Qattāl/Violence. Wallace Poole was way too lenient, as a Imām, as per giving Persons via their Ranks too much Autonomy: naturally that being the Main-Ingredient used to fuel ath-Thawr/al-Khurūj/Revolt against Wallace Poole & caused Several-Persons to depart from the Wārithī-Community thus making their own Communities, joining Smaller Muslim-Communities, joining Muslim-Foreigner Communities, etc. Via al-Basīrah/Vision (via Hindsight): this of course yielded Disasterous-Results for Muslim Afro-Latino Americans Religio-Socially/Politically. All of the Aforementioned-Scenarios directly&indirectly led to the emergence of the 3 `Aqīdah-Kingdoms.

The Demographics/Territories of the 3-`Aqīdahs

1. Establish themselves via the Hoods (where Many-Persons are downtrodden & largely unsophisticated via their Analyses of Charlatans).

2. Impress the Ignorant (via the Illusion of possessing al-`Ilmiyyah/Islāmic-Knowledge).

3. Spoonfeed Individuals whatever one wants (keeping them coming-back for more like Drug-Addicts & keeping Real/Beneficial-Knowledge Out-Of-Reach).

4. Bedazzle & seduce the Womenfolk of these Communities into their Beds.

5. Attain & maintain the Support of the Muslim-Criminals, Muslim Street-Teams, Muslim Gang-Members, etc. (using one’s Muslim-Muscle to pressure, intimidate, neutralize, eliminate, etc. Religio-Secterian Competition/Opposition).

The “People-Of-Knowledge” Pseudo-Narrative & Pseudo-Monopoly according to Muslims


The Parallels between the “Battle of Red-Cliff” & “The Haqqover”

As is wellknown: the “Battle of Red-Cliff” is the Most-Documented/Lauded Military-Engagement via Chinese-History…it was Actium before the “Battle-Of-Actium”, Midway before the “Battle of Midway”, Normandy before the “Invasion of Normandy”, etc. The “Battle of Red-Cliff” humbled the Kingdom of Wei, equally it was forced to respect (as well as be cautious of) the Military-Might of both Kingdoms of Shu & Wu. The Defeat of Wei via the Combined-Forces of Shu & Wu created a Balance-Of-Power during the Height of the 3-Kingdoms Period. “The Haqqover” is an Article authored via Gareth Bryant. The Maslahah/Purpose of it was to counterbalance the Religio-Theological Rifts between the Atharism & Ash`arism. It was based exclusively upon the Respectful-Rivalry between the Siblings of the Pen: Gareth “Abū-Yams” Bryant & Tālib “Ash`arī-Papi” Nathaniel. The Writings of Gareth Bryant literally attacked & triggered the Theological-Egos of the Ash`arīs, the Atharīs, the Salafīs.

Gareth Bryant vs. the 3-`Aqīdahs

1. Team-Ash`arī has constantly/consistently (historically I might add) attempted to monopolize Islāmic-Theology, to the Extent that Ash`arīs are severely notorious for imposing Unjust-Takfīr/Blasphemy against Non-Ash`arīs. But, Gareth Bryant shut dem Niggas down & paralyzed Team-Ash`arī throughout the Entirety of Ramadhān-1445, A.H. In fact, the Only-Defender of Team-Ash`arī was Tālib Nathaniel…they authored the Only-Response to “The Haqqover”. From Ramadhān-1445, A.H. Team-Ash`arī has had to do Mass-Scrambling, as per attempting to strategize how to deal with Gareth Bryant.

2. Team-Atharī was originally envious of Gareth Bryant & posed 0-Respect for their Religio-Academia. So much so, that there’s Members of Team-Atharī whom literally lied to my Sibling of the Pen (Tālib Nathaniel) & claimed that Lavotte Saunders (the Atharī-Camp Champ) “rejected” my Research/Writings. Lavotte Saunders & Gareth Bryant have had Personal-Convos & communicate regularly (these Atharī-Slanderers obviously never knew this)…Lavotte Saunders told me Word4Word how much they respect/appreciate my Research/Writings. Now, thereafter, seeing the “Writings On The Wall” that Gareth Bryant successfully compromised/neutralized Team-Ash`arī: it’s been confirmed that Team-Atharī has now switched Gears & wants Gareth Bryant to embrace Team-Atharī (to have a Seat at their Table & join the Ranks of the Atharī-Family). I guess they want to make me an “Offer I can’t refuse.”. However, I am the Yamsfather & I’m my own Familia/Family, much like how Abraham/Ibrāhīm: Khalīlullah/the Friend-Of-Allah being a 1-Man Ummah/Nation (Peace be upon them).

3. Team-Salafī despises me, for Lots of Reasons. It’s specifically because I’m Pro-Khurūj/Takhrīj (Rebellion against Corrupt Muslim-Leaders/Governments), whereas Dick-Riding Muslim-Leaders/Governments is literally Part of Salafism. I’ve personally been “refuted” for my Anti-Salafism Campaigns&Writings (Multiple-Times via Various Salafī-Characters). However, since my Writings have compromised/neutralized Team-Ash`arī (the Theological-Beef between Ash`arīs & Salafīs being that of Lion vs. Hyena): the Salafīs literally don’t know whether to salute me or “refute” me. Team-Salafī is adopting the Principle-Posture via the Ole-Saying: “The Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend.”.


at-Tafwīdh/Neutrality vs. at-Ta’wīl/Interpretation concerning the Sifāt/Qualities-Of-Allah

The Haqqover/Super-Hizbī: Debunking the Pseudo-Justifications for Takfīr-Culture

The Parallels between the Rise of the Jin-Dynasty & Gareth Bryant

The Emergence of the Jin-Dynasty replaced the Ole-Guard of the Puppet-Rulers of the Han-Dynasty (controlled via the Kingdom of Wei). The Jin-Dynasty was capable/able to capitalize completely due to the Geo-Political Errors of: Kingdom-Wei, Kingdom-Shu, Kingdom-Wu. So, much like how eventually the Jin-Dynasty ended-up absorbing the Kingdoms of Wei, Shu, Wu…Gareth Bryant is the Jin-Dynasty. Gareth Bryant caused Team-Ash`arī, Team-Atharī, Team-Salafī to sit the Fuck down, lean the Fuck back, shut the Fuck up. None of the 3-`Aqīdahs could actually intelligently/academically “refute” anything which I’ve written. But, they have resorted to Underhanded-Means. I’ve already aforementioned what Team-Atharī did. Team-Ash`arī has resorted to Personal-Attacks via Character-Assassination Attempts. Team-Salafī has accused me of not conforming to the Positions of their Religio-Scholars. All-3 `Aqīdah-Kingdoms have attempted to “dismiss” the Religio-Academia/Scholarship of Gareth Bryant. At the Same-Time, All-3 know that I’ve sparked a Religio-Academic Movement which can’t be stopped via either three of these `Aqīdah-Kingdoms. As I always tell People: Every Avalanche starts with 1-Snowflake. I’m the Snowflake which caused a Religio-Academic Avalanche.

Why my Love for Fashion matters

Exposing Fraudulent-Refutations

They hate You cause they couldn’t break You

Ignorance + Apathy is both a Poison & Venom

Ash`arīs Gone Wild

The Nifāq/Hypocrisy of Amīn Muhammad


The Importance of Islāmic-Principle

In spite of the Fact that Allah empowered me to learn a lot, from Credible Islāmic-Teachers: prior to “The Haqqover” & even thereafter…Team-Atharī, Team-Ash`arī, Team-Salafī, etc. have constantly/consistently attempted to dismiss, mock, etc. my Religio-Academia/Scholarship. However, at the Same-Time, they all know that they can’t compete with me & the Fact that I silenced All-3 `Aqīdah-Kingdoms during Ramadhān-1445, A.H. details just how serious my Religio-Academia/Scholarship actually is. And, any/all the Attempts made via the 3 `Aqīdah-Kingdoms to discredit Gareth Bryant: it undoubtedly proves they truly don’t even respect al-`Ilm/Knowledge, most definitely not al-`Ilmiyyah/Islāmic-Knowledge, the Way which they pontificate/claim to respect it.

Allah states:

“And never let your hatred, against any People, prevent you from behaving justly.”

(Noble-Qur’ān: Chpt.5, V.8)

Muhammad (Peace be upon them) stated:

“Apathy/Arrogance is denying Truth & mocking People.”…”Convey of/from me, even if only 1-Āyah/Verse.”


Mu`ādh ibn-Jabal (May Allah be pleased with them) stated:

“Always accept Truth, even if it comes from a Kāfir (Disbeliever/Non-Muslim) or a Fāsiq (Sinful-Muslim).”


This is precisely how/why there’s the Islāmic-Principle:

“Truth is Truth, regardless of whom/where it comes from.”

The Reasons & Pseudo-Justifications how/why 3-`Adīdahs attempted to “dismiss” me

1. I’m Non-Hizbī/Sectarian.

2. I’m not an Imma`ah/Dick-Rider.

3. I’m Anti-Hizbiyyah/Sectarianism.

4. I didn’t get my Islāmic-Education/Credentials via Islāmic-Institutions/Entities which they co-sign and/or from Islāmic-Teachers they Dick-Ride.

5. I don’t Dick-Ride the Islāmic-Institutions/Entities and/or the Islāmic-Teachers/Academics the 3-`Aqīdahs rep & claim al-Walā’/Loyalty to.

6. I don’t care about being “refuted” by anyone, because my Refutation-Hands work too.

7. They’ve Envious against me, because Allah has granted me what they don’t have: “The Courage to be Disliked”.

Takeaways&Lessons via the “Romance of the 3-`Aqīdahs

Obviously, the “Romance of the 3-`Aqīdahs” has proven unequivocally that I’ve been dealing with a Bunch of Unprincipled-Mothafuckas. They’ve proven their Ghall/`Udwān (Subjectivity, Bias, Malicice, Animosity, etc.) & by default/definition it proves them all to be Unreliable-Individuals. I mean, just look at Team-Ash`arī: only 1-Ash`arī even had the Balls to Head2Head/Article4Article against Gareth Bryant…that 1-Ash`arī was my Sibling of the Pen Tālib Nathaniel. And, ironically, Tālib Nathaniel is considered the Best amongst Team-Ash`arī. So, if Gareth Bryant is so “Islāmically-Ignorant”, then how/why did Team-Ash`arī basically “beg” their Best to deal with me?!!! Then, look at Team-Salafī…these Salafīs have the Audacity/Arrogance to Bitch&Moan about anything concerning Gareth Bryant: Abū-Yams/The Yamsfather literally unintentiinally saved you Salafī-Niggas from the Ash`arī-Niggas. Let’s keep it Tall: Many Ash`arī-Niggas are Religio-Academically Superior to Lots of Salafī-Niggas. Lastly, there’s Team-Atharī: they’re Treacherous-Individuals…first they ignored the Academic/Scholastic-Legitimacy of Abī-Yams/The Yamsfather. And, then, when they realized how thorough my Research actually is: now they want Gareth Bryant to embrace/align with them. Well, it’s just as the Ole-Saying goes: “Victory has 1-Hundred Fathers & Defeat is an Orphan.”. Everyone wants to be connected/associated with “The Winner”.

Gareth Bryant